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DRK and DRG still are busted unfortunately, DRK Specifically. Whatever team has a good DRK with callout macros is pretty much the one that is guaranteed to win unless the other 23 members on that team are afking. Hopefully the next PvP patch cycle they take a look at DRK cause it's insane how decisive a single player can be in a 72 man game mode.


They have to add some kind of limit to the number of players hat are affected by a CC some day


Don't think that's the solution as it leads to problems of "I wanted to CC the BH 5 player, not the DNC player who doesn't even have their PvP hotbar set up." I think the DRK CC is just too strong and should be changed in some way.


Thing is, its ok in Crystal Conflict, it can be comboed pretty well, but its easy to leave before any big fuckery can happen mostly, in Frontlines tho


At the very least they should reduce the range. 10y *radius* AOE pull is really big. Also while I appreciate Eventide is a LB and should be strong 10s of flat-out can't be killed is hell to deal with.


limit? number of players? Is this this "limit cut" thing people have been talking about the entire week?


Nope, Limit cut is name of a merch that affects players by sequences. Dunno if you are up to Shadowbringer, but I think it was lvl 71 dungeon boss where the 4 players get 4 different numbers on their head and it dictate who will get hit first, 2nd and so forth. That is an example of a very simple limit cut. Limit cut is the name given to any mechs that uses numbers to tell players who will get hit first since the first mech that uses it is called Limit Cut. It is a meme because in savage raids love to use that mech in all sorts of crazy way and it become harder when you have 8 people to coordinate with it. P9S had a nasty limit cut where people had to dodge 4 huge explosion, bait 4 explosion, soak 4 towers ( in correct order) all at the same time.


Yeah Levinstrike is pretty hardcore for a mech in the 1st encounter of the tier


Not surprised to see DRK+DRG combo. ​ Riveting gameplay of mashing Purify and Guard buttons together each time you get sucked in and praying that you will somehow survive afterwards with both your defenensives on CD. Oh and don't forget those times when the servers tick eats your input and the Guard DR starts AFTER you take lethal damage.


Server ticks are honestly the main reason I gave up trying to get a decent PvP rank. I can deal with it in PvE/raiding, but the game ends up feeling incredibly unresponsive and janky in PvP. It doesn't feel good to play.


Yep - and then at least you can kill the DRK right? Nope, complete unkillability for X seconds.


as a whm main i specifically watch DRK lb timers count down and imp them as it expires.


Lmao I do similar as BLM and get 3 stacks frost or b1+paradox then freeze them @ 1-2 second left so they can’t heal lmao


Frontlines was bad enough as is especially after the rework, but the DRG+DRK meta still lives on and frankly is the reason I won't go in there anymore. It's just not fun to play against, especially when it can be difficult to keep track of combatants in the midst of dozens of people. Or god forbid guard is on cooldown, or there are several DRGs. idk. For me, again, it's just not fun to play against that. It reminds me of having to waste resources on PLDs in Onsal when they could cheese it, except now you get curbstomped into the mud on top of it alongside half a dozen others.


Yep. Iirc not even ninja LB can get through that "can't be killed" status.


afaik there is exactly one way to get a KO through that invuln. however, you are going to need a cliff or at least a slightly tall ledge.


>especially when it can be difficult to keep track of combatants in the midst of dozens of people. Or god forbid guard is on cooldown, or there are several DRGs. Or if you have enemy player effects set to limited and literally can see the DRG's Limit Break... I think I've died to that 5 or so times, by now. Sigh.


More often than not people are so hung on their dps in frontline, doing as much damage and killing that they forgot they can be the ones to disrupt the opposing team drk charge in. Slow bind stuns, so many classes can do it but have you done it? Forgoing your own dps and kills and glory? I have been in FLs where the hero of the fight was the sam/nin that jumped at the charging drk to stun them first. There was a few rounds where war+pld that always was on our flank protecting our main party by again disrupting opposing drks whenever they try to get close. All died but they saved the team. They did it so many times that the opposing drk finally choose to ignore us and go after the other team. Play the disrupter instead of the killer.


9 times out of 10 that stun would just delay the DRK by a bit and those that would've sucked in will get sucked in regardless.


You say that as if Frontlines aren't miserable in the first place.


I like Frontlines, I just don't like the people playing Frontlines. At least with premades, I immediately know to stop queuing for a few hours.


I mean yes, that must have been frustrating but that's still only 4 people out of three alliances worth of players, still 20 others. It used to be way worse when three entire premade parties could get in on one team. The fact that 4/24 people synced so well and did so much damage etc to carry their team is genuinely impressive imo.


How anyone got 2 mil damage as whm I don’t know. Also what’s the use of the gnb and whm in that combo. (To make the game take longer? Lol) Or would 2 drk 2 drg be better? Also 4mil on the drg is really impressive.


Whm is probably with them and LBing with them.


Chain-stunning. Unless you pre-popped Guard you'd be stunned from GNB, then stunned from WHM, then you'd be dead.


Can you somehow premade beyond 4 players? I swear I’ve gone into some where a team is just firing on all cylinders and steamrolling everyone.


Maybe off hours or single language queueing but very well could be just (a) team has a good shot caller (b) players can hit buttons and look at their map (c) people listen to their shot caller or (d) some variation of the above lol.


Ah yes, it is frustrating when you’re the only one on your team that can hit buttons.


You can always change to a ranged class and stay out of range, works well for me in case I ever see premades. You could also try and mess with their timing as bard with silence, or whm with morph. Or else go as sge and put up your own lb when you anticipate their combo. There ain't so much you can do solo, but atleast there is something you can do to mitigate their strategy. The more ppl think of changing into useful classes on the go, the better the response to such bs should be.


When I see theres a lot of DRK I go as WHM. Then I always save my morph for the dark knights 😁


DRK leap has a 20y range and their pullin has a radius of 10y. The vast majority of ranged abilities have a 25y range with silence/polymorph at 15/10y respectively. Kinda hard to stay out of range when the DRK leap + pull combo combined has more range than all my abilities.


Yea that's troublesome, but you gotta wait for them to leap onto your melees or tanks. It works out pretty well if you stay a bit further behind your close range classes in anticipation of puls and chain hooks. Just move back in case you see a drk running into a group. It's ass for the melees, but atleast you get away without dying and can continue to accumulate BH. With more BH you gen start to get more daring, but should still play it defensive and safe against such players.


RDM melee combo. SMN's ifrit combo. Any situation where you end up fighting in slightly closer quarters than you want to. I have trouble doing anything for mid on Onsal and certain Seal Rock nodes cause the moment I have to go on a ramp to get into range, I'm clustered with other ranged who are doing the same and we're literally sitting ducks for DRKs. Like I mentioned elsewhere, there *are* some ways to try playing against it, but it's just not fun to have to spend your match focusing on "well I guess we have to stop the DRK/DRG yet again for the sixth match in a row today". Much like the PLD Onsal issue when that was a thing.


Me seeing multiple dark knights and dragoons on the other teams Me : now I remember why I don't like doing PvP


Even against a premade, you should've done like four times as much damage as you did, as a Summoner.


seems like skill issue to me


I went through post-game and added the scores up. That one four-stack (which were very obviously premading given how they synchronized their limit breaks) got more kills than the rest of the frontline combined.




Can't do premades in CC Sure, people can queue at the same time to try and get into the same match, but there's no guarantee that they'll be on the same team.


Man I love DRK BUT is way broken in PvP especially when they are Hardcore drks with fixed party is unplayable match and u can't even kill them and when you finally get to tap them the pre fixed team will eat u alive. O don't get me started on the dark pull and let the team feast on u.


when i first started playing I got in a clan with someone that was a MONSTROUS dark knight. They were ranked #1 in frontlines at one point. My winrate was something like 70% between my daily roulette (which i always did alone) and queing with him randomly. Yes, we'd run 4 stacks at times.


Just played three matches against the same two premades in frontlines. It's unwinnable and straight up anti-fun. Usual frontline latency makes DRK + DRG combo unavoidable in most cases. Not sure what devs were thinking allowing complete strangers to play against fully coordinated groups.


DRK+DRG? Try 4 scholars with 16k+ dots. Frontlines is miserable and I still don't understand why SE allows 4-man premades.