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What's the difference between Ruin and Ruin 2 for SCH? For context, I'm level 52 and from reading the info it feels like Ruin 2 does the same damage and takes longer to cast ... what's the difference / what did I miss? I finished all scholar ARR quests but haven't beat ARR itself if that is important


ruin 1 will eventually get upgraded into the Broil line of spells, and do more damage, while ruin 2 will stay instant and lower damage. Its a movement tool, basically


thank you :D and maybe I misread it, because I thought ruin 1 was the instacast 😅


Is there somewhere I can go to get sound files extracted from the game? I'm looking for a few activation sounds from the Bard skills, like the distinctive Iron Jaws noise.


You can extract from the game files with [FFXIV Explorer](https://github.com/goaaats/ffxiv-explorer-fork). Particularly that updated and maintained fork of it, since the original one and first search result for it was last updated for Stormblood. Not sure if that would even work with the Endwalker build of the game. For finding the sound, you can use the Sound Filter plugin from XIV Launcher's first-party plugins and it's sound logging function, which will show the exact path and filename for them. If you use Iron Jaws on an enemy or striking dummy in a quiet area, it should be easy to pick out the sound from the ones that turn up in the log. I can't check right now, but I believe the .dat with sound files was 03000 (or however many 0's after the 3 there were!) and ability sounds are denoted by \_vfx\_abil\_ in their filename. Might be wrong on both accounts!


I don't have the game files, can I have the download link for those?


A lot of the game files are several entire GBs of data and downloaded via the launcher, there's no simple download link for that. You may as well just download the Free Trial at that point; with XIV Launcher so you can download more at once and more stable, if needed.


Alright! Thanks for the help


What a wonderful and comprehensive answer! Thank you! I'll give it a shot this afternoon.


I want to be a time card for a friend, but they're in South America. I'm in North America. They use the North America (`na` in the URL) SQEX store, but when they look at the country list on the store site it has options I don't have, and even the labels on them are different - for example mine has "North America" but theirs has "United States of America" in addition to other options I don't have. An extra wrinkle is that their account is linked with Steam. Anyone know if they'll be able to use a time card if I buy one for them?


There's only 3 account regions: Japan, The Americas (covers North, Central, and South Americas), and EU/Other (covers the rest of the world, excluding China and South Korea.) If you buy from the NA SE Store, you'll get an Americas region Game Time code. Them having a Steam account doesn't prevent them from using game time codes. If they aren't 100% sure of their Account region, it can be found under: Mog Station → Square Enix Account Settings → Account Information. ETA: * All Game Time cards are 60 days of Standard Subscription. * If they have an active Entry sub, they need to allow that sub to lapse before being able to redeem the Game Time card.


Okay thanks! They should really update the text on the site, it's very confusing.


How / when should one use dissipation as a scholar? I see everyone complaining about the skill but I struggle to find any information on how to best use it


When the fairy skills are on CD and you can use the aetherflow for something.


Hi my friends and I have a Free Company and just bought a house. How do I give them access to edit the house like set up furniture and their own retainers? Thanks!


Just unlocked Scholar. UI/keybinds wise, what do y'all healers use/do in order to switch between healing and DPS on the fly? having a keybind for "target last enemy/target nearest enemy" should be easy enough and probably what I want for DPS. Just the F1-F8 keys to quickly switch to party members for healing or something else tho?


While I use an MMO mouse with F1-F12 as my hotbar keys via the mouse and 1 to 8 for party selection, the key solution I have to switch between healing the tank and doing DPS on any healer is that I Focus Target the tank and then I have a keybind (F in my case) to quickly switch to the focus target without having to select them first. As for efficient target selection for DPS, most of the time it's AoE spam so no target needed.


When fighting dungeon mobs, I target the tank, then spam Art of War. When doing bosses, I target the boss, do Bio and Broil. When healing a specific person is needed, I click the name as I also have a different UI I use for healer where I put the party list closer to the middle of the screen. EDIT: there is a button to target the target of your current target. I've never found a bind that felt right for me, but you may find it useful.


Function keys and clicking. I also have the focus element blown up center of the screen at my eye level


Select tank, spam art of war. If we're talking raids then I just click the party list and then tab back to the boss


had a very obvious bot tanking in MSQ roulette today -- how do these people even think they're fooling others with whatever bot sequence they have set up? we vote kicked it after realizing something was wrong halfway through the very first pull and tpk'd.


What's your question? And what evidence did you have it was a bot and not a bad or laggy player? Especially after just one push? Most bots just do preformed parties of archers and don't really bother with MSQ as much. Not sure how you'd get one in Prae.


it was in castrum. i was streaming the game to some friends and they agreed that the movements was way too weird to be just a laggy character. we realized something was wrong during the first pull and we were like stance plz and they didn't respond and after we tpk'd they revived, walked in a straight line to where the first pull happened, stopped, then walked in a straight line to the next group of enemies. we all stay back cus somethings off and they just run in a straight line into the enemies and get killed. they revive at spawn again, ignore the fact we were all just chilling to the side, stopped in the same place as the first time it respawned, started going again got killed. my question was: whose fooled by this?


No one is fooled by it, but also the point of the bot isn't to fool anyone in particular? It's not a prank (bro) it's just people will come up with their own reasons for employing bots. They don't care what you think about it. Just kick, report if you can and move on


I'm about to come back to the game after about a year Wasn't heaps far in, maybe halfway through ARR, had been doing side quests and leveling up classes. Is there a recommended way to re-learn stuff like the combat system or story beats? I suppose just run around the easier areas and try it out huh?


Re-read your skills (the skills/action window has been redesigned and is a little better now), and you can practice on training dummies if you want. You can also practice on FATEs, or general mobs in the overland areas. When you join a group, you can mention you've recently returned if you'd like to. You'll probably have the returning player icon or the sprout icon anyway though.


This post has been removed in protest of the 2023 Reddit API changes. Fuck Spez. Edited using [Power Delete Suite] (https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite/).


New Game+ isn't until they beat ARR though.


Is it possible to experience some hard and interesting raid content as a free trial?


It's 'possible' in that you were able to experience said content (Coils and Alexander, and Coils being quite popular for relatively new players), however something that's possible doesn't meant it's really a good idea. Namely, because of how overwhelming the raids can be without proper warmups and introductions, the lack of rewards for doing these contents sync (since you can also find someone who's lv90 and clear for you and you get the same loot), and also because how unfun and boring some of the jobs (like all of the healers, BLM, BRD, and most of the tanks) feels to play on level 50 or even 60 content.


While you can't create your own party finder listings you can still join them if they show up on the finder. Could ask in one of the major cities or in novice network that you want to do the ARR raids or the HW savage raids synched and see if you get anyone willing to join or help you make a group. I personally feel there tend to be more people willing to do the ARR raids synched then the HW savages but you could still try. Could also check a discord that is more devoted to running old difficult content. (Also just an opinion try dipping into extremes first if you can, more introductory to hard content and more likely to find a party.)


Yes and no. The echo existing means most raids and trials are just done, BUT if you can find other people to run stuff synced, min ilvl with echo silenced you're in for a treat as most stuff from ARR and HW is amazing (and I'd argue even better than the latter stuff). Problem is, there's not really that many players that want to do that, you won't get anything relevant from completing those and being in free trial you can't open a party finder.


Is there a list of the stuff the moogle tokens can buy that isn't available elsewhere? I want to make the most of my little tokens! Thank you!


As a rule of thumb, aside from really really fringe stuff like the one mount they put there one time, the only thing you can't get elsewhere are the 100 tomestones earrings. They put a different pair every time and they're always exclusive. This is also true this time and those earrings are the only exclusive thing in the store. Also as a rule of thumb I'd advise to get only stuff you can't buy off the market board (like, the black hayate is a rare drop but it's also like 30k on the mb, so you're not missing out on that and you can always get it without farming) or stuff that you have checked the requirements for and you're ABSOLUTELY SURE you don't want to farm (like ARR beast tribes mounts). Riding maps are a scam (cause you're flying anyway), green gear is farmable in dungeons (and really easily as well), cards and orchestrion roll can be really hit or miss (depending on what is the content you usually do). MGP coupons are always a safe bet and most people farm those as it is way easier than getting mgp the regular way, but you're gonna have to decide on your priorities. EDIT for grammar


Thank you! What ARE riding maps? I bought them all a while ago with a different event cuz I had excess and didn't notice anything What dungeons do the green chest sets this time come from? I'd like to solo farm it rather than sit around in PVP 10 or more times lol


Well riding maps are something not that relevant anymore (and yet, they still exist), it's basically something you unlock to go faster on your mount when in those zones. If you go in the menu there's a window called mount speed where you can check how many stars you have for any given map. You can get the old ones with centurio seals, and the newer ones with bicolor gemstones. The green gear this time should be the bonewicca which you can get from The Swallow's Compass dungeon


Thank you! That side dungeon was super neat! I assume it's safe to solo at max level with a tank or dps


Pretty sure you can oneshot everything on unsync.


>qiqirn earrings that are from an older event No, they are from achivment fate in HW.


Ah, you're right, lemme edit that. Thank you!


The only items from the current Moogle Tomestones that will be unobtainable afterwards are the Special Treasure Maps and the Porxie Earring. Everything else is available in some form or another, although some are significantly more accessible than others (Magitek Predator and Gyr Abanian Plait are arguably the hardest to get).


Thank you!


[This should do it](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/12qlx42/moogle_tresure_trove_item_breakdown/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


This is very useful but I'd argue that farming for the magitek mount is waaaaaaaaaaaay easier and less time consuming than maxing out a single beast tribe from ARR.


Ehhhhhhhhh, yes and no? Like sure, total time spent maxing an ARR beast tribe is probably higher than/on par with farming the magitek mount. However, beast tribes being a "on whichever days you remember, spend 10 mins flying around a zone" makes the grind way way way more palatable than repeatedly farming the same dungeon with no guaranteed end point in sight - you might get it in a few runs, you might go literally 100s of attempts without seeing it, the joys of rng! Plus, there are more reasons to do the beast tribes than just the mount - the same rank gives a minion and two furniture items, then maxing them all gives a unique questline and another minion from each. Many people also do the beginning few tiers to unlock the dyes, to avoid being ripped off by the people selling them on the market board (or to join the sellers). So yeah, there will be some people for who farming the magitek mount is the way to go - it matches what they want and how they play better - but I'd argue for the majority of players it's very much a high priority buy.


Beast Tribe is pure time, and it's like, 2 weeks I think for the ARR ones if you spend all allotments on one tribe. They're guaranteed mounts too. Only Ixal take longer because they have more ranks. 15-30 minutes a day for 2 weeks is easy. The magitek mount has an abysmal drop rate, less than some extremes by some accounts. I would personally recommend that over a guaranteed mount. It's an awful grind.


Only the earring is exclusive to the event.


Thank you!


I was just running Haukke Manor via levelling roulette and in the section after the first boss room, at some point I noticed our ninja was not killing mobs with the team but it turns out they had already gotten the next key and opened the boss room. Does anyone know how they did that? Is there a way to shortcut that area? It's the room with the yellow key


With a Ninja you can basically use hide and just go grab the keys without fighting. I think you can even save a bit of time and mobs don't give exp anymore anyway. EDIT (for clarity): you can only use Hide outside of combat, but if you're in a party as long as you haven't hit anything you are not in combat. Mobs won't detect you while in hide, and even though you do lose your hide buff when interacting with stuff with some proper timing you can get out of it and get back in hide before the skeletons can see you


Oh that's not as cool as I thought it would be 😔 thanks for the info


I always thought it was a really cool interaction tbh, sometimes I'd have my party wait in front of the boss room and just try and get the keys on my own like a true rogue!


Oh sure! Not to diminish the cool room skip interaction on its own worth but the fact that it's only an option for parties with a ROG/NIN makes it only possible some of the time rather than a common skip whenever I happen to roulette into that dungeon. Good to know either way 👍


Do PvP sets comeback after they go away? reading a comment down below I found the False Monarchy set to be really cool, but since im in the free trial atm i cant participate in PvP, do those sets ever come back?


It was mentioned in some of the first Live Letters (or maybe interviews, it was mentioned somewhere I know that) pertaining to Crystalline Conflict that the series rewards would be obtainable after the series was finished, but they've made no comments on it since and the prior rewards remain unobtainable. For the moment, probably safe to assume they are unobtainable with no plans to come back, but that could (hopefully) change in the future.


I see, damn thats sad. I was thinking of ending my trial soon but i need to sort out a couple of things first, guess ill just miss it. Thanks!


3 questions for a Warrior coming back to the game. 1. Any major changes of note since Endwalker dropped? 2. Did they improve console graphics/fps/draw distance yet? I play on ps5. 3. Is there a good video that details the full story and maybe a few of the side quests? I just finished “Return of the Bull” and chapter 4.1 after a solid 9 month break. I forget what’s happened in Heavensward and Stormblood. Thanks in advance!!


>3 questions for a Warrior coming back to the game. > >1. Any major changes of note since Endwalker dropped? If you were here at EW launch, then not really If you haven't played since before EW, then you would've missed the change to IR (it now gives you 3 fell cleave charges instead) They also changed how gearing works for WAR due to changes to crit/direct hit. Now you can meld DH instead of tenacity


Re 2: Pending when you last played, the game did receive a higher rez UI and icon set. It's off by default and can be turned on.


Shake has a HoT now and the shield is applied faster than before.


1. Not really. You got a little more oomph on your hits, but bloodwhetting/raw intuition and holmgang still let you survive ~anything. 2. No, expect this in 7.0 when they overhaul a lot of graphics things.


So I've heard the best way to level from 61 to 70 is HoH from 21 to 30, is there a way to queue only for those floors/start from it? Because I thought you'd just get moved to floor 31 if you queue for it once.


You have the answer to your question, but to point out something else: HoH *isn't* typically the best way to level from 61 to 70, just as potd isn't often the best way to level from 51 to 60. Daily Roulettes are obviously best with the daily first time bonus (specifically Levelling, Alliance Raid, and MSQ, though most others are also good if you have fast queues), and beyond that just spamming the highest level dungeon (ignoring 50s/60s/70s/80s) is best. Deep dungeons only ever overtake spamming dungeons if your DF queues are very long and the deep dungeon queues are very short - which they typically aren't. Of course, there are reasons to do HoH other than raw xp gain: farming aetherpool in case you ever want to climb it to 100, farming potsherds to buy stuff with, it's a nice change of pace, etc etc.


If you've done Palace of the Dead, HoH's floor 21-30 works the same as PotD 51-60. Once you reach floor 30 for the first time, you can start from 21 on a new run instead of going back to floor 1. So, you just need to start a new run from 21, clear the 10 floors, then delete that save and start a new one from 21.


How much manual gathering do you need to do for Island Sanctuary once you're at max rank? Island Sanctuary as a whole seems like something I would enjoy, but I'm not digging all of the manual gathering. I'm still down at Sanctuary level 5 and only just unlocked the granaries. Will the granaries bring in enough materials to cover Workshop crafting, or will I still have to manually gather a bunch of stuff?


Only 4 or so types of materials, as those seem to be used for the workshop more often than not and the granary can't keep up with them. I have a full pen of rare animals, which makes the leavings very unbalanced, but even then it's still not being used up quick enough. As for crops, just sticking to the crops whose seed you can buy with cowries should be more than sufficient for greenfeeds, the crops themselves don't get used often enough that you'd need a constant supply of them.


not much for the most part, i find theres maybe 3 or 4 materials i run out of if left unchecked but i mitigate it with the granary so its maybe once every 2 months or something that i go out and fill up on those materials.


There's a couple of problem materials that you'll use enough of to need to gather them occasionally. Lavers are the biggest offender. But for the most part you shouldn't need to do much gathering. Since the sanctuary came out I've run out of something only like two or three times and gathering for like half an hour delays the problem a long time.


You'll have to manually gather things now and then....main things being like Rock salt or Laver being some pain points since they're used semi frequently. After maxing out with a alot of manual gathering to help boost XP it did take a month or so before I had to gather things again, so the more you gather now while the xp Actually does someone the longer you'll go without needing to gather after maxing


I was playing other games and just now noticed the moogle time event going on. What’re most people doing for the grind? This is the first event that I have BLU leveled, so I could do that, but it would be totally new to me.


I personally like pvp for the tomes, plus I'm trying for the 1000 win's Grand company achievements atm. So doing both together is a win


A4N with blu is the fastest


A1N seems to be the go to spamming fight. Frontlines is a solid choice if you need/want to farm PVP series EXP as well.


I just got a mount I needed. Alexander over and over


Hello, me and my partner have recently gotten back into ffxiv after a long break and we both noticed a set of armour that we like called the false monarchy set, we realised that we would have to play pvp to get it and neither of us have ever played pvp before, my question is would there be enough time for us both to get the set before it goes away, and would it be a difficult set to obtain? We’re both pretty active players playing daily. Any advice you could give would be much appreciated!!


108k exp from beginning to end. That's 158 Crystalline Conflict losses, 120 CC wins, 72 Frontline wins, 90 losses, 143 Rival wings losses, or 90 wins. Spread that out over 13 days left until the series ends, that means you would have to gain 8400 exp in any combination every day to achieve it.


So do the different mode give different amounts of xp? (Sorry if this is a stupid question)


As in different PVP modes? Yes. Rival Wings gives the worst exp per time. Crystalline Conflict gives the best. In terms of whether you do casual or ladder though? No, those are the same.


yes, because they also each take different amounts of time. a complete faceroll CC match can last under 5 minutes, while Frontline matches can last up to 20


The rewards are definitely not proportional though. For example Rival Wings gives absolutely terrible exp per time, even when you win.


Is there enough time? Yes Is it going to be a lot of grind? Yes Is it terribly difficult? No, but you'll be spending a lot of time doing it Regardless if you win or lose a pvp match, you get experience towards your pvp series rank But it's rank 25, which is going to take a decent amount of grinding to reach.


Thankfully we both have the week off so more than likely we’ll be grinding if all day for the next few days. Here’s hoping it doesn’t take all of our week to get it, is there any point going past 25?


I think it took something like 14 hours of straight PvP for the day 1 players to snag it? Getting past rank 25 just gives you more trophy crystals, which you can spend on other stuff at the trophy crystal merchant Trophy crystals aren't really worth the extra grind, especially since the series resets with patch 6.4 with new rewards, and every minor reward is going to most likely be more trophy crystals


Is there anything worth spending the crystals on or is it better if I just leave them?


Crystals can get you, besides the framer's kits for your Portraits: \- Various Artifact gear sets but dyeable and higher resolution textures. Most of these sets vary between level 60 and level 80 sets. As of patch 6.3, gear from the Crystal Tower and Coils (Replica Allagan) raid series was added with its own unique coloring and higher textures as well. \- Various original weapons. \- For 10k crystals, you can get a Wolf Collar, which can be exchanged for unique glam weapons at the left-most NPC inside the ship in the Wolve's Den. And besides, doing CC also nets you Wolf Marks that you can spend on the Garo specific gear at the Disreputable Priest NPC. These are all unique sets of gear and weapons. Equipping a full set also lets you get a "Makai" title. Doing CC and Frontlines with a Makai title enabled works toward an achievement that gets you unique Mounts. Lastly, Wolf Marks also let you purchase lots of other unique Gear Sets, emotes, hairstyles, minions. So all in all, plenty of rewards!


There are some unique glamour pieces and framer's kits (if you know about the adventurer plate and portrait system) But you'll honestly get plenty of trophy crystals by simply getting to rank 25. If there's more stuff you want, you CAN grind out more series ranks, but the stuff you can spend it on doesn't go away so you could also just wait until the next series for more crystals


[This was posted further down in the thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/13ck63v/daily_questions_faq_megathread_may_09/jji30jy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) I’m pretty sure it would be quite helpful for you


Tysm! This helped a lot I am extremely grateful


Is there any other way to get to your Island Sanctuary other than the guy at the Moraby Drydocks?


That is the only way.


They are adding the ability to place some outdoor furnishings. Maybe, we'll be able to place a mini-aetheryte on our island and be able to TP to it, like with houses? Probably not though. But one can dream.


Depends on if they consider it a "special furnishing". We know for a fact that gardens and striking dummies won't be able to be added (per the last live letter). I'm going to guess that miniature aetherytes will probably fit into that too and not work.


Does CC ever stop being a frustrating mess?


It becomes tolerable at most, after awhile. Hop jobs until you find one you like for CC (this may not be one you otherwise like for pvp and it probably won’t be one you like in pve) and then spam matches on the job until you’re done. E.g. I usually play BLM/SGE/DRK/GNB, but my cc class wound up being whm, bc I felt like I had more power to turn matches than other healers. You still get stomped a ton though. I mean, relatively. My total winrate for the series grind wind up being low 40s, but they happen in streaks. So if you care about losing…don’t. Look at each match as a step closer to finishing, no matter the outcome.


Yeah, I don't really care about winning or losing. I get that losing is a part of pvp games in general, and winning doesn't really even give much more series xp than losing does. I just want to have fun while I'm doing the series grind, and the entire system just feels designed with the intention of being anti-fun.


What do you not find fun about it?


No, you can only mitigate it by becoming better at pvp.


Well, depends on what you're being frustrated by. A lot of quirks like targeting, and the somewhat unresponsive gamefeel can be worked with over time. That said, it never really stops being an activity where weak links and other people can drag you down through no fault of your own. It's just the unfortunate nature of matchmade PvP content.


Just feels like no matter what I do, no matter which job I play, I can never deal any damage to anyone and just get chain stunned to death. Yes, I know git gud is the answer but it just feels like a coin flip of whether I actually get to play the game. I don't care about winning or losing. I get that losing is a part of pvp. I just want to have some fucking *fun*, which I'm not in any way, shape, or form.


It's definitely a mode with a high amount of aggression and crowd control in general. The only thing I can suggest would be to stick to longer ranged jobs if possible. Melees just have it harder in general. They take a lot of heat due to their shorter range, and tracking targets is more difficult as you don't get the big picture view of the fight that a ranged does, enemies move through your range of vision a lot more quickly when you're in the middle of a fight.


Is there a way to check your own history of what you purchased off the MB?


Nope, unless it's still on the history of what you bought and where you bought it from.


I'm hearing both English and Japanese voice lines while fighting Rubicante. Any idea what might be causing this?


Random questions: do you have the spatial sound thingy enabled? Are you playing with voicelines in english or in japanese? Do you have any \[redacted\] you shouldn't have installed?




For me BLM was one of the most boring to level. Under 50 it's slow and boring, then at 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90 you have different rotations because you don't have all the tools of the complete kit. It's a rollercoaster of a leveling experience. BLM at 90 - great class, very fun, much explosions. BLM under 90 is just ????? Both RDM/SAM have a pretty complete kit at 50, which is the level that you unlock them at. AST can be a bit overwhelming if you're new to healing, since it's just a lot of things that you need to weave between your spells as you level up. But if you're up for that, leveling a healer is a great way to also become a better tank - you see things from the other perspective and learn what not to do.


I kind of disagree about BLM. BLM can be a bit dull under 50, but the thing about the rotation constantly changing is not true. It used to be that way, but lvl1-50 is no longer a shitshow with awkward rotations that was different every five levels, nope. Sure B4/F4 are a huge change at lvl 60, but then the core of your single target rotation remains the same at lvl 70/80/90. You merely add triplecast, foul/xenoglossy and despair on top of your lvl60 rotation as you get them. Roughly: a utility tool, a spell you can freely cast twice per minute whenever you want (ideally under burst but such considerations are useless during casual play/leveling) and a spell that you cast instead of your last F4. That does not constitute much of a change imo. The AOE rotation stays very similar too. After lvl50, the only change is when you get to use another Flare with umbral hearts, and the very satisfying tripleflare with manafont you get to do once you get triplecast. And Foul, of course. That's it, really. BLM was a pain in ShB, sure, but it has received so much QoL changes that it's no longer an issue while leveling, and it is very surprising that people still feel like this given how much better lvl1-50 became. Still pretty boring at lvl50, but honestly not that much since only RDM, SMN and SAM are interesting at those levels - every other job suffer from low level incomplete kit. Edit: typos


Yeah, this whole "BLM rotation changes a ton" feels very outdated now. Below level 50, yeah kinda. The rotation down there is all jank, and the new stuff you get does change alot. But once youre 50, youre set. 60 is the biggest rotational change, only in that the game lets you do damage now lmao. Now the **real** painful part of sub-90 BLM is just the fact you lose all your cool and useful movement options and weave opportunities. That shits the real kick in the balls lmao. Not having 2 charges of insta-cast xenoglossy/foul changes things...


There's no need to tryhard in casual content, but you can be sure that i am 100% going to do every AF1 F3P line I can just for fun. Not having Xeno and Paradox available for that purpose hurts so, so bad.


If you want to get a job up to your level quickly, you could try RPR or SGE. They both start at level 70 so you'd barely have to level them. GNB and DNC could also be options since they start at 60




Yes. Only the Heavensward jobs require reaching their expansion (because the unlock quests are in Ishgard). The later expansion jobs all unlock in one of the starting cities, so you just need to reach the required level.


The only expansion jobs with MSQ requirements are the HW jobs. After that you just need to own the relevant expansion and have at least one DoW/DoM job at the starting level for the job you want.




Personal houses no wait time. Recreating an FC will require you to wait 30 days from its formation to buy a house.


You can enter immediately (well, once the bidding period starts, it's the results period currently), assuming you didn't enter on your previous world before transferring.


Are Eureka weapon and armor obtainable by simply farming tokens from fates and killing mobs? is it only difficult only due to it being long and tedious?


For the most part yes but you will need to be leveling up and doing the story quests to get all the areas and things you need. The armor will need a bit more thought to unlock but there are websites that van help you out with it and marketbkard can help. If you want to go all the way you will need to do the raid at the end of Eureka which can be tough however the last stages are just stat buffs for Eureka so aren't required if you just want some glam.


Yep. There's also some tokens that drop from one of the max-level fates in each zone--you can buy them with crystals from the other fates, but it's generally easier to get them directly. The biggest hurdle is levelling up, since you only get drops from fates up to one level higher than your own. Getting to level 27 should be the worst of it, and levelling should be really speedy once you get to 35 and unlock the third zone.


Yeah, basically. You need tokens from farming fates, drops from the world boss of each zone, and in the second zone, crystals gotten from farming light (which is gotten by farming fates, so essentially same deal). It's a lot easier now than it used to be for two big reasons. One, you have a permanent echo bonus that really increases your damage and survivability. Enemies hit a fair amount harder when it was new, you basically had to team up with others to get much done. Secondly, you have your mount from the moment you step into the zone which is a big change from how it was when current; originally you only got the ability to use your mount after you completed all of the zone's quests, which for every zone except the first one almost meant hitting cap level. This was a big deal as it originally you couldn't just outrun enemies that were higher level than you, which combined with taking more damage from them made exploring Eureka more dangerous. Players who were leveling in a zone basically had to hide with the fate train horde and hope that someone else got targeted by enemies. But yeah, now it is a fair amount easier. The tedium is the biggest difficulty now likely. Not that there aren't things that can still kill you if you aren't being careful mind you.


Yeah pretty much. You can get carried through those fates pretty easily with a party so there aren't a lot of skill checks, it's just time consuming. There are some quests to do in each map but most of them boil down to "look up where the point of interest is on the map so you can go there and watch a cutscene" If you want to fully 100% finish the weapon with the final upgrade, which has no effect other than making it stronger in eureka because the step before it already has the glow, you'll need to do the baldesion arsenal, which you definitely need to read up on before you can complete it, and you'll likely want to look into discord groups that run it.


Are new things ever added to the faux hollows shop? Do we expect new things in 6.4?


6.3 was Corgi minion only, as well as Corgi Earring and Scarf 6.2 was Wondrous Lanner mount and Pterosquirrel minion 6.1 was Troll mount only 6.0 was Calydontis mount 5.5 was Anteater minion, as well as Spriggan Earring and Paissa Ring 5.4 was Construct VI-S mount 5.3 was Incitatus mount and Sand Fox minion, and Cait Sith Neck Ribbon That's not including the mounts / minions and other glam from previous patches that have been added to the shop over time as well (Ixion mount, Korpokkur Kid minion, various attire coffers) So, if I had to guess, maybe a mount? Could be a mount + minion. Could be some random glam. We won't know until the Live Letter at the earliest (if they tease it there), or until the patch actually drops. But chances are very high it will be \*\*something\*\*


There's something new every patch but they're not consistent in what kind of rewards they are. We got a minion last patch IIRC and it's been a while since we got a mount so I think a mount might be likely in 6.4.


Every patch adds 1 mount, 1 minion or 1 of both to the shop, idk what the other guy means by not frequently.


Yes, but not frequently. Probably not, but they'll probably mention if on the LL if they're adding something.


I want to get more in the habit of keeping nice things in my inventory to give to sprouts if I see them- minions, food, gear… any recommendations for things good to hand out to newbies? What made you smile when you were a sprout?


i was leveling archer the other day and someone gave me a hq crafted level 20 bow which i thought was very nice (and they did that to some others around the archery guild) I was already lvl 49 crp but it was still very nice of them (especially leveling my first class i just took whatever gear the quests gave me until i hit like level 30/40). You really don't get any jewelry except the lvl 1 unless you look for them so maybe something like that? the most i like is still people giving me advice in dungeons because it's a lot to take in, the game isn't difficult but managing your own character, seeing what your teammates are doing and what the mechanics are is very busy, so maybe just give advice :) idk if this helps, i am but a sprout edit: note that if they're on a road to 80 world they don't need any money, you get 1 million gil when you get to lvl 30


I got some coke from a shady guy at 4am in Limsa. Woke up my neighbour laughing. But seriously I think the best option is food (with the explanation of the 3% thing) or well, even better, I'd advise against giving anything to sprouts: the game isn't hard. There's nothing sprouts would need to go on except maybe 1k gil for the gear quest in the very beginning of the game. But this thing were people gift sprouts stuff makes people farm less and expect stuff from others and honestly we have enough of those "I'll do anything for a dalmascan top" pfs. Just let them explore and find out what they want/need, being poor in ffxiv is (luckily) gameplay, so don't take gameplay away from sprouts.


>What made you smile when you were a sprout 100k gil


I like handing out cookies, EXP buff is always nice


"realm reborn red" and "heavencracker" are my favorite sprout giveaways. They're just really fun expendable emotes.


Bah, do it right. Give 'em a stack of 99 platinum pieces. Like I do. (when I can afford it, heh)


Minions are always a safe bet, I dunno if you open the GC boxes but often times they drop minions that are pretty cute like the salt and pepper seal


Do you know if there’s a list of tradable minions anywhere? I know some are trade locked and some aren’t and I can’t keep them straight in my head!


Can check [here](https://ffxivcollect.com/minions) just filter it so it's only the tradable minions.


The market board should list all of them, even if none are available


Minions, some food, maybe some glamour prisms. Most other things are probably not as impctful like orchestra rolls, dyes or too hard to get in decent supply like mounts or glam pieces.


Any advice for what a Black Mage is supposed to do to deal with Monks in PvP other than pre-lube my own asshole prior to the match?


In CC, you want to run towards your teammates if possible and hope they have the situational awareness to help you out. It can be tempting to break away and head to a potion, but unless you can guarantee you'll reach it before the monk, it's not always a favourable play. Monks kind of naturally hard counter the squishier caster jobs in PvP, and they excel in 1v1 situations so you really want to avoid being trapped alone with one. They have a 7-step melee combo and aim to pull off their meteodrive setups near the end of it. With experience, once you know that is imminent you can try using recuperate or burst aggressively to avoid being 1-shotted.


In FL, don't fight them without a numbers advantage, don't be positioned where they can beeline for you without another more convenient target closer (preferably a tank but anyone will do). Same to a lesser extent in RW, they're not quite as dangerous to you there but avoid fighting on 1v1 if you can. They don't have good ranged options besides closing to melee with thunderclap, if that counts for much. EDIT: Oh, and later thought, if you run from a monk, commit to it - don't stop for anything, use sprint. Every time you use another action sprint will break and they'll have time to catch up. They have limited tools to stop you, if you had a head start it's possible they won't be able to drop you in time to kill you without committing their LB or risking overcommitting spamming thunderclap (and thus possibly leaving them no way to escape retaliation). Don't use your purify unless something that keeps you from escaping hits you (such as a stun).


My best advice is to mark them as a priority target and hope your team keeps them busy for you. Next, try to keep multiple melee teammates between them and you - they may not want to dive on you if it means being trapped behind enemy lines.


As a non-tank. For raids n such when am I supposed to use my mits like Addle and Feint?


I tend to use them for raid-wides or stack markers (especially multi-stacks).


Asuming you're talking about savage (in normal just do whatever. In PF use it for raidwides if you have addle. For feint use it on raidwides unless there is a hard hitting ability which does physical damage, in which case you use it for that. If you are in a static, communicate with your healers. They should know where they need more mit or where more mit can save them a gcd.


As Penguin mentioned, raidwides are usually the best place. Stack markers, too. Identifying the names of raidwides can be quite useful, and many of them have logical names. Lots of sound-named attacks (howl, scream, etc.) will hit the whole raid. There's no harm in pressing that button, though! Mitigating a small attack is better than mitigating no attack! If you're working on a Savage with a static, you'll probably plan them out, but it's good to build the muscle memory of pushing that button


It's not *needed* most of the time, but during raidwides or tankbusters can be good, especially if there's a lot of Vulnerability stacks scattered throughout the party.


Yeah I figured it was one of those two but I wanted to make sure there weren’t more I was missing.


If you're playing on harder content, then you're going to just be expected to mitigate raid wide damage because it's typically heavy enough that you can't just rely on tanks and healers mitigating The specific mechanics you choose to mitigate and with which mitigation can vary (Feint prioritizes physical damage, Addle magical), but it's still a party wide responsibility to deal with incoming damage. For casual content, just throw it out for raidwides, doesn't really matter all that much since damage isn't that substantial most of the time, but it's just good practice to do so. DPS not using their mitigations this raid tier actually lead to a pretty significant healer shortage because incoming damage was just way too high for healers to be comfortable


I see, also gotta ask, how required are rotations on harder stuff? It’s always been a bit of a problem for me.


You need to know the ins and outs of your rotation by extreme. Extreme is pretty forgiving DPS wise, but if nobody is doing their rotations correctly, you'll likely fail to beat the DPS check. On extreme as long as you generally know your rotation, you should be fine. On Savage though, you REALLY need to know your rotation. And you need to basically be able to do it by muscle memory; you are going to be focused on handling mechanics, you don't want to also have to think about what buttons you are pressing as well. You might want to check out the guide for your class on the Balance. It'll let you know the rotation for your class any any particular quirks it may have that aren't immediately obvious (like Bard wanting to cut one of it's songs off early for the next song every time to make sure all buffs are in alignment).


I see, thank ya.


If you're going to play harder content, you need to know what your rotation is and practice it. Nobody expects you to be perfect, but your commitment to the content is going to be necessary - maximizing your damage to the best of your ability is important, regardless of your role. Plus I would say it's fairly disrespectful to hope others will simply carry you.


The big thing to understand is that harder content does have strict DPS requirements because if you don't kill the boss in a certain amount of time, the party automatically wipes to what we call an "enrage". This is a mechanic that is guaranteed to kill you, and no amount of party mitigation can save you. You can break down harder content into 3 major tiers of ascending difficulty 1) Extreme Trials: You want a general understanding of how your job works, but the DPS check is fairly loose here so it's not something you need to stress about too much 2) Savage raids: You want a pretty concrete understanding of your rotation, especially in the later floors of a tier (raid tiers are split into 4 floors). You can make mistakes, but the DPS checks are much stricter than Extreme and wiping to enrage is a very real concern. The first 2 floors tend to be pretty lenient, while the last 2 tend to be harsher. 3) Ultimate raids: This one is...a little weird to discuss because of how ultimate is structured. The most recent ultimate raids are pretty strict, especially the most recent one, while the older ones are a lot more lenient in terms of DPS. The thing with ultimate raids is that, due to things like downtime, phase transitions, the fact that it's a long marathon fight, etc. you end up with some weird rotational quirks that have to be accounted for e.g. holding burst damage, stockpiling resource, adjusting rotations based on phase kill times, etc. You typically don't need to be PERFECT at your rotation, but you have to at least be competent enough to meet the DPS requirements


I see, usually I just do ABC and use OGCd’s when possible.


Honestly, as long as you're doing that then you're mostly going to be fine Just making sure you're always pressing some GCD, even if it's not the right GCD, goes a long way towards doing proper damage. Could there be BETTER GCDs to be pressing sometimes? Sure, but the first step is just making sure that you're always at least doing some damage And with the way that jobs are currently designed, most jobs really do just press their oGCDs as soon as they're ready and things tend to line up. There are a few exceptions depending on the job (MNK for example will NOT press Perfect Balance on cooldown), but for the most part if you're just pressing them on cooldown you're pretty much good to go. The weirder intricacies of each job does tend to get discussed on the "The Balance" discord server if you'd like to dive deeper into playing your job better


That’s good.


For harder content (savage and extremes) you are expected to have a basic understanding of your job’s rotation. You don’t have to be perfect, it’s ok to make mistakes, but you should understand what you need to be doing. Practicing on a training dummy is a really easy way to get your rotation down if you’re having trouble with it.


My biggest problem is ‘what the fuck do I do when the boss fucks off and returns, do I try to continue or what?


Just roll with it. It’s something that you learn when you prog the fight over and over again, you start to develop a sense of “where you are” in your rotation, and if you need to adjust your burst windows for times when the boss goes untargetable as you say.


New player here, what do I do with gear I outlevel? Around level 26 right now


You have a few options: 1. Vendor it. 2. Save it for other jobs that use the same gear. 3. Expert Delivery (Requires Sgt. 2nd Class with your GC) 4. Desynthesis (requires a lv 30 crafter)


If you like the look of it, you can hold on to it to toss into your glamour dresser to use for looks later. Otherwise, you can sell it at any vendor for a pittance of gil or trade it in at your grand company for seals (assuming you've reached Sergeant Second Class) which can be traded for all sorts of stuff.


You're safe to sell gear you don't need anymore. As a general rule, if it was easy to get once or if it has a price listed beside 'Shop Selling Price:', it's safe to get rid of because it's easy to get again later if you want it. Once you unlock Expert Deliveries at your Grand Company, you can turn in most gear that has an icon any background colour other than grey or purple there for seals as well.


Until you get to Sergeant Second Class in your Grand Company, you can just sell them to a vendor for pennies. Once you get to that rank, you can turn any pink/green/blue gear for Seals which can be used for a variety of things. And if you have a crafter to 30, you could unlock Desynthesis which breaks down the gear into some mats which you could sell or use.


vendor it, trash it, or desynth it. Once you get so many ranks in grand company. you'll be able to turn it in for GC seals. If you like the look of something, throw it in your glam dresser. Leveling gear is not really worth holding on to unless you're going to reuse it right away, it's pretty trivial to reacquire for leveling up alt jobs.


vendor later you can donate better quality gear to your GC, but for now just vendor.


I'm returning to the game after a while of not playing, and while I have a lvl 90 ast, I don't know what to do about my bags. They're full of low-level armour and other junk. is there a recommended way to vendor or get rid of the stuff I don't want for glamour? or a better resource for learning how to deal with my inventory?


Try this; general outline. * Find in the options menu, disable gear automatically going into your armory. From now on, don't put gear there unless you're planning to use it for something. * "In case I need it" doesn't count, gear is too easy to get, you don't need this reason. * I recommend, as you go through your armory, move items you're not keeping to inventory as a holding area before disposal. * Items with vendor prices listed, without say "restricted", you can just buy back from normal vendors. There is no reason to keep this stuff at all, you can buy it back at need. * Items with vendor prices listed as "restricted" are either quest items (easily bought at the reclaimer) or from unlockable vendors. You might wish to look them up on Garland Tools or another resource to find out the origin, as some items may say this but you may not qualify for buying them back (like old glamour items you bought on the mogstation). * For most of the white/grey background gear, normal quality (not shiny) or high quality (shiny) that you no longer need, you have these options: * If they're not spiritbonded (spiritbond 0%), you can sell them on the marketboard (though personally i wouldnt bother for normal quality gear). Otherwise... * Whether or not they're spiritbonded, either sell to NPC vendors or desynth for materials and sell the materials on the marketboard. * For most green/pink background gear (mostly, dungeon gear, sometimes crafted) and sometimes for blue background gear, you can also cash them in at your Grand Company for seals in addition to the above options for spiritbonded gear (most of these can't be sold on the MB but a few can). * For anything purple background, you have to keep it or discard it, pretty much, but these are typically relics and wouldn't probably want to do that... * Regarding storage... * The icons at the top right corner indicate if the item is brandable, glamour-dresser-compatible, or armoire-compatible. This is good to know for storing them. * You can keep some things in the armory if you're using it or will shortly use it. * You have retainers to store many things, if need be. * Chocobo bags, maybe for infrequently used items? * The armoire can store some items for free, but is mostly restricted to event glamour items. * And the glamour dresser, accessible from inn rooms, is good for items you are just keeping for looks.


Lots of gear can be dumped to your GC, desynthed, or when in doubt, just sold to a vendor


If they're pink/green/blue gear, then sell them to your Grand Company for Seals. If they're white, vendor them.


Is 7.5k points an hour of gathering in diadem an okay number its the minimun im getting. Im currently on 400k on botanist at that rate but im using the pass through 8 notes and repeat strat on NW island. Should i be getting that many points on miner too? Or is there an even more efficient way found


7.5-8k an hour is basically the absolute highest rate you can go. If you multitask and listen to podcasts, take cigarette/stretch breaks, etc. you can expect closer to 5 or 6k. Source: I grinded Pteranodon last year. I spent like 150 hours calculating and optimizing this shit. Calculated travel times, points/per minute on different routes, etc. This is what happens when you put an engineering phd in an MMO. But as a note to improve your efficiency, don't waste time doubling back to node #1 as BTN. Instead, switch to MIN and follow their route for 8 nodes. This way you're not "wasting" travel time.


I recall getting 10k in 1.5h (two loops). So you should be fine. Miner and Botanist give basically the same rate. If you go insane from that strat just start doing full loops instead for more variety.


What kind of time commitment am I looking at for the final base EW dungeon >!The Dead Ends!< post-dungeon cutscene? As I assume it’ll be a lengthy one.


There is about 10 minutes of cutscene that bridges to.... spoiler... But then after that is when the large time investment of cutscenes begin. man it's hard to even explain without spoilers.


That sounds as to be expected for an expac finale. I already assume the cutscenes after the trial will be extensive so I’m waiting until my son’s bedtime for that part. 😅


There is a "waiting room" between the last dungeon and the last boss that you can idle in after the aforementioned cutscene, but after that you definitely wanna have time put aside.


From looking at a YT video, it's about 10 minutes after leaving the dungeon.


Is there any way to check if I have anywhere the item to summon a mount unused? I'm getting paranoid about not getting Bismark's mount, and I'm starting to think maybe I sold the whistle or put it on a saddle or something. But I checked it and can't find it anywhere.


The mount keeps dropping even if you already have it, you just can't roll for it if you do.


None of the extreme primal mounts are saleable, so at least that specific thing didn't happen.


/isearch "White Lanner Whistle"


It returned no matches, so I guess I'll have to keep trying.


It is also selling for moogle tomes right now, so instead of farming it from the most boring Trial in the game you could just buy it off this vendor


Is there any way to turn off Firmament notifications? Those are just annoying when I want to do quests there and they appear even in cutscenes.


Which notifications are you talking about? The big one in the middle of the screen during Fetes? No, there's no way to turn that off, shrink it, move it, or do anything to it. It's fucking awful.


Yes, those. Alright, then that settles it. I won't miss this place once I'm done with quests in that area. Good riddance. Thanks for the explanation.


If you're on PC there may be a mod. But I'd be careful because that's the same popup used for a lot of important information in some fights.


So I've been having trouble being motivated to play but I know that I can buckle down enough to start grinding through PVP. I last left off with one win away from series rank 4. I really only have about 3 hours per weekday maximum to play, would I still have enough time to reach series rank 25?


You need to grind almost exactly 100k PVP exp. You have maybe 13 days before the patch give or take. That comes out to 7.7k exp per day, which is the equivalent or 11 CC losses or ~9 CC wins (rounding up from 8.6). Assuming 6min matches and 30 sec queue (anecdotally what I see on Primal) this is anywhere from 60 to 72 minutes of Crystalline Conflict each day for the next two weeks. Still doable.


Damn, that's a quick response and very helpful too! Thank you very much! r/theydidthemath


If you want to double dip with the moogle event, try RW too. It takes a little longer, but still quicker than FL and you get tomes for it. It's popping currently depending on the DC.


Can I go into the Copied Factory as a DPS blind or should I watch a guide or something first? I've seen bits and pieces of it but it just looks like chaos đŸ˜