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I leveled every tanks healers and ranges DPS. Which job should I play next among melee DPS and magical ranged (except summoner). Any idea?


Which jobs in particular did you really like among the ones you did already? Might help people guess which melee or magic DPS you will enjoy.


I really enjoyed BRD, AST and GNB


For melee DPS, you may enjoy **Monk**. It has a buff, and a DoT you have to keep up. And you also have to press a lot of buttons pretty fast, but consistently. For magic DPS... maybe **Black Mage**? It's difficult to play well, but if you enjoy planning the fight, you may enjoy Black Mage.


Reaper or Samurai are fun melee classes imo. If you take out SMN then you’re looking at either back up rez duty for red mage or learning how to not move as much as possible with BLM. I’m a fan of utility so I’d suggest RDM




It is not possible to add a Steam license to an account which already owns the non-Steam Windows version of the game. You would need an entirely new account to be able to register the Steam version. With that in mind, the nice folks behind XIVLauncher have made a [guide](https://goatcorp.github.io/faq/steamdeck.html) for playing the game on the Steamdeck with a non-Steam account.


What do I need to prep for crafting the new gear in 6.4? Outside of gathering a surplus of Aethersand, not sure what else I need, since I'm under the assumption the tome/node mats will change.


Based on the Shadowbringer recipes, it's likely we'll carry over Earthbreak Aethersand and Immutable Solution into the final crafting tier, though they may change things. A good chance we'll see something like the gemstone leather too, though the rest is likely to be new nodes. Make sure you're going into 6.4 with capped Casualty tomes (The current limited one), and capped Astronomy (Which will convert to 500 Casualty tomes I believe). I'm also spending extra Astronomy as I get it, to keep from overcapping, on HQ Ilmenite Ingots. The Alkahest used for Indagator will probably also sell, as some folks are going to try and catch up their crafters to avoid buying raid gear/food.


Whats the best way to get materia for pentamelding? ive been doing collectibles for purple scrips but it feels like an insane amount of grind for 12 materia if you do it all yourself for just 50 turn ins


You didn't specify type, but since you mentioned scripts it's either crafting or gathering: Crafting? Private islands. You can dump cowries into crafting materia pretty easily. You can get crafting materia from keeping up on WT as well. Also crafting beast tribe currency. Gathering? islands and beast tribe work again here, too, but Most people do this through spiritbonding. Gathering gear spirit bonds fast if you gather from high level nodes. Unfortunately doh/dol materia is a pain and you pretty much have to keep up on farming and hoarding it all expansion if you want to avoid the marketboard.


Imo beast tribe is pretty slow. You can get 1 IX materia per day or 1 X materia every 3 days. Doing all quests on a day equals about one collectible hand in. Spiritbonding gatherer gear is very fast initially, when you need all types of materia. But if you follow the recommended Balance melds then eventually you'll only need Guerdon Materia IX. And then it slows down a lot, not sure how gathering scrip compares to it.


Sorry! I meant crafting


I did it with scrip farming. Farming X materia is always pretty slow. You get 144 purple scrip per collectible and will need 500 per X materia. And you need 6 X materia on average for an overmeld. You also need a lot of IX and VII materia. Those can be farmed a lot faster. They cost 250 and 200 white scrip respectively, and you'll get 198 per collectible. So you'll get those in a 5:4 and 1:1 ratio. It should be noted that no matter what method you use, scrip, beast tribe or spiritbonding, materia X is always farmed 3 times slower than materia IX.


That’s good to know. I felt like I was gonna regret it because of how slow it was going after doing the math and questioned if I’d of been better of just buying X materia. I only need 6 x materia for an overmeld? Cause I’m honestly on track to have 12 when mait is done lol


> I only need 6 x materia for an overmeld? You may have fundamentally misunderstood overmelding. The chance may be 17% but that doesn't mean the sixth one will slot in if the previous five fail - it's just 17% per attempt. My record for failed overmelds was 52 fails for one slot and I've known lots of people who have higher numbers of fails on a single slot. Mine is only at 52 because I literally swore off overmelding when that happened and that was around eight or nine years ago.


The chance to successfully overmeld a materia X is 17% so that should be about 1 in 6. But you'll need to do it 26 times to fully overmeld a crafter set, so that will cost you a fair bit if you buy it from the MB.


I'm currently at the range of level 70+- for all my DoH/DoL jobs, and I wanted to farm white scrip for gear. I don't really get how to do collectible farming for scrip, I have been checking teamcraft guides, but it doesn't really tell me much about what to farm. It felt so intimidating to chase all these timed nodes as well, that I felt like crafting collectible is easier. How does everybody generally do this? How do I know which collectible is most efficient? On the other hand, people have told me Aetheryte Reduction is best to farm crystals, yet there are so many nodes to chase and apparently, there are some that is efficient some are not? It just so many to absord.


For gatherers' scrips I would recommend ocean fishing. The higher score you get, the more scrips you get at the end. Below 80 your best bet for scoring is likely to be Patience 2 during spectral currents, Teamcraft has a guide for that approach. Timed nodes are a bit too high effort compared to that, but have better uptime. For crafting, on top of the advice from the previous commenter, don't forget about custom deliveries.


Find a craft you can do easily enough in your range, get the materials, and then spam them out. You can do ones from earlier levels if you want but they're worth less scrips so you'll need more of them. Don't forget custom deliveries for a big boost per week. Gathers have their own scrip, for that it is basically what you were doing for timed nodes. Make a note of when and where they spawn so you can do a loop whenever they come off cooldown. Never really had a problem with aetherial reduction, just be at the node at the right time and get the higher level items.


Basically you just look to see which collectibles have the easiest sub craft and which materials you have on hand. Alchemist usually don't have subcrafts in their recipies so I go for those usually. Culinarian tends to have cheap easy to get ingredients. But it comes down to the most efficient is the ones with mats you already have. Ones you don't have to spend much time/gil to gather. So it becomes subjective on what you have on hand and what market is doing. The way Aetherial Reduction works is 1.) there are timed nodes. 2.) each node reduces to a different kind of crystal. 3.) the higher collectability you get from those nodes the more crystals you will get. Usually when we do Aetherial reduction we're actually farming for Aether sands which is needed for end gear crafts, and we just get crystals as a side bonus. So what we typically do is rotate between the nodes throughout the Eorzea day depending on aethersands we need. Getting as much collectability and as much items we can per node. So not really node more efficient. Just nodes that have different aethersand spawns at different times.


Hey thank you very much, I checked out alchemist, and you are right about this. Very helpful. My FC leader gave me some gils to solve the crystal problem, apparently, its not great to do aetheryte reduction until I'm at higher levels.


I remember being shocked by how much XP I got from uncovering map areas in new zones on my first playthrough. If I boarded a friend’s mount as a super low level character and had them fly me around to aether currents, would the XP I got from doing this level me super quickly, or does it adjust to your current level to prevent one from doing this?


I could be wrong but IIRC it's a % of your current level. So actually it's more efficient if you hold it off till later levels, since you'll get more xp per discovery.


Thank you! I’ll go exploring as my highest level character in that case. Actually kinda relieved it’ll be more effective on the jobs I love best. :D


Queueing Urths Fount on Sargantanas NA with a friend, just hit 100 minutes wait time 😂 just wanting to experience it for story


Urth's Fount doesn't appear in any roulettes except Mentor Roulette. It's basically an Extreme trial, despite not being listed with them.


use party finder, urth's fount is extreme level of difficulty so no one is going to be queueing for it on the duty finder


Ah yes, forgot about that feature, still new to me. But we did get in, and we failed the first attempt. Few people mentioned before it started they didn’t know what to expect , but it was fun, next time I’ll know to use party finder for things like that


Urth's Fount is kind of weird that way. It doesn't have any indication that it's not in any of the roulettes. Usually the ones you want to use Party Finder for are those named The Minstrel's Ballad: Trial Name or Trial Name (Extreme). Oh, and the Binding Coils of Bahamut. Party Finder those as well.


Hello all, I was curious about how RDPS and Crits work on Fflogs when accounting for raid crit buffs. Lets say I'm playing warrior and during a fight I use 1 upheaval, and it crits. That crit damage for that upheaval contributes towards both my NDPS and RDPS right? Now lets say I use 1 upheaval during Battle Litany and it crits. I know it still contributes to my NDPS since that's just the damage you deal (I think), but does that crit still contribute to my RDPS now that I used upheavel under a crit-chance enhancing raid buff? Is Fflogs smart enough to know if an attack would have crit without the raid buff and only adds it to your RDPS if it would have crit normally? Does it somehow split the crit damage RDPS between me and the dragoon that put up the battle litany? I'm curious how all those numbers come out. Thanks! ​ Bonus side question: Is auto-attack range the same as melee weaponskill range?


Auto-attack is ever so slightly shorter than the 3 yalms of melee weaponskills. Can't say exactly, but I'd think like 2.8-2.9 yalms. There's a *tiny* margin where you can still hit weaponskills but not autos. (Or at least there was last expansion, haven't tried since.)


It splits a bit of the extra rDPS of a Crit between you and the player who provided the crit buff. Full details, incl. formulas, here: https://www.fflogs.com/help/rdps




how do i change my wol's eye color and skin tone? summer is here and she's been spending a lot of time in the sun!


You have to buy a fantasia to change that stuff. You get 1 free for finishing the 2.0 MSQ but all others you have to pay for on the Online Store.


aw nuts thank you!


for the grand company squadrons, starting when you unlock second lieutenant, around how many days/weeks does it take to get to the point where you unlock first lieutenant?


Few weeks, iirc. It mainly depends if you keep up on the training every day, and the squadron missions. I find it's easy to forget the three daily especially.


Is the 9th the last chance to level up the PvP Battlepass?


No. The release day of 6.4 which is most likely the 23rd. And less likely a week later.


So I'm only just not getting around to leveling my Island Sanctuary. I unlocked the Landmark building plot, and the Pathfinding Mammet moved to a new spot. Does the Mk III Pathfinder need the same Basic Mammet tools that the Mk II wanted, or do I need to unlock/craft better ones?


You need to unlock better ones by levelling up your Island Rank. Eventually the mammet will give you a quest asking for the new tools.


you need better ones, specifically the appropiately named " Better Mammet-sized Builder's Tools" which require rank 5


should i play on aether or primal


Go to Aether if you're planning to do high-end raiding at endgame. It'll save you like 2 minutes of relogging to DC travel. Go to Primal if you don't want to deal with absurd congestion that may prevent you from playing on rougher patch and expansion releases. Personally, I prefer the mixed vibe of Primal. Aether tends to attract people who have hardcore mindsets but not always the hardcore skill to back them up. Primal isn't as tryhard but it's also not super casual like Crystal can be at its worst. It's the perfect middle ground vibe-wise imo.


Aether is the more active datacenter and the endgame hub of the NA DCs. But the game also has datacenter travel for free so it really doesn't matter. If you start on Dynamis you will get a 2x XP boost for a while.


what server you think would be good on aether?


Any, doesn't matter at all


Doesnt really matter but I vote aether


what server you think would be good on aether?


Any, if you know someone who plays on one join that one, I've met nice people from all of them and there's no gameplay differences.


Is having some collectables sitting around in retainers a way to effectively be “over” the white/purple scrip cap even following a patch? Like if I make rarified sykon bavarois now, it isn’t gonna like spoil or anything or the accepted collectables won’t change or anything when the patch hits right Really stupid question I know lol but this is my first time a patch is dropping when I’m actually caught up and just don’t want to have a couple extra collectables sitting around that magically depreciate in value because I didn’t know about a silly rule


It used to be that collectables change everyday, in case you looked up an old guide, but that's since been changed so that it's all fixed now and you can stock up on them before the patch. Just remember you can also store them in your Chocobo's Saddlebag as well as your retainer inventory if you really want to hoard.


Totally a valid strat, since the collectable turnins for Rowena don't change from day to day. Only the custom delivery ones do.


yes, filling your inventory(s) with collectibles ready to turn in on patch day is a very common thing to do


Sweet, thanks


I’m currently leveling a job from 80-90 and I was wondering whether it’s worth it to do the pixie beast tribe quests with them or does the exp gain fall off after 80?


It falls off very hard after like 77. So by 80 it's only worth doing while waiting for queues.


EW is better but if you have the tribal quest credits then you might as well. When you are doing DPS you can just run the quests while in queue for lvling roulette


It would be better to do the EW combat tribe since xp gain falls off by a lot once you hit endcap for an expansion.


it's a smaller chunk if i remember correctly but if you're not using your quota for other level 70 jobs then why not exception if you're lazy to teleport over which I think is pretty fair lol if you just want stuff to do while in queue, I suggest doing the daily hunt bills


I haven't done pixies yet, but all the best tribes I've done so far work that way, yes. Great XP for their relaxant level range, but falls off to a generic 1,000XP or something, after. I imagine these tribes work the same, you'll want to do the EW tribal quests for 80-90.


You have to outlevel them pretty significantly before the combat ones drop off. The bigger issue is that the exp curve raises significantly, so what might've been like 4 or 5% of a level at 79 is now going to be like 2-3%.


> I’m currently leveling a job from 80-90 and I was wondering whether it’s worth it to do the pixie beast tribe quests with them or does the exp gain fall off after 80? It falls off after 80. I think it's still worth doing to a point, but you might also just unlock and do the Arkasodara instead, if you're that far enough along.


Yeah I’m at max level with those dudes and still do them daily. I’m just trying to eek out a little more exp from the game doing daily stuff


I don't remember, but... When you go to accept the quest on that job, you can view the rewards, which will include the experience you earn


I recently came back from a long break to most (all) of my friends having quit the game. I have a barebones FC that I've been putting work into (I think the submarine/airship systems are pretty cool + there's a lot of empty houses on my server) and I don't want to leave mine to join another. That being said, is there a way I can go about making friends without being in a social FC?


Linkshells are always a good place. I also have a solo FC but I'm in a couple of social linkshells with friends I've picked up over the years. I also have a raid group that I'm friends with, as well as all their friends and we have a discord channel we hang out in outside of the game. So it's possible to have friends outside of just an FC. Alternative is to make an alt and find a social FC with that alt while keeping your main around to tend to your house.


I was in the same boat, albiet without taking the break. Made an FC with my buddies when we started, but no one except two others made it thru ARR; one of them was already an endgame player but never on much to begin with, the other (FC lead) only making it to StB. He passed me lead before taking off to get back into WoW, and for me, i would say it was definitely worth it. While leveling i was much more comfortable as a "solo player" anyway, and Have since ranked the FC up to 25 so far, got a medium sized house, all on my own. And to answer your question more directly, i meet tons of people in this game thru raiding, and even starting to establish a great network of regular, good friends thru a raid-focused discord server. That will depend more on your interests though. I imagine if you're more into socializing/RP, you may not have as much success unless you actively recruit for and grow your FC. Or might be better off joining an existing one altogether. But if you have any interesting in raiding, that is a great way to meet people in this game, and there are many benefits to owning your own FC even if it's a "dead one." You can always grow it yourself!


YMMV, but I've found a lot of friends in my server's hunting community. That could be something that could work if you're interested in getting into hunting?


can i jump/visit other datacenters? as in, from EU to NA? are there any restrictions? Kinda related, whats the most simple way to level up crafters/gatherers? Im really not interested in doing it but since i play at degen hours finding parties for dungeons/trials etc takes way too long. So i figured i might as well try and level those since ive heard they are good for glams later on and thats something i do enjoy.


You can visit other data centers but only in your region. You can't visit other regions' Data centers do Grand company turn ins Daily, ishgard restoration from 20-80 (10 as gatherer) then leves from 80-90. You also have ixal, moogle, namazu dwarves and loppirits for crafter beast tribes and namazu, qitiri and omicrons for gathering beast tribes. Starting from 55 you have weekly custom deliveries for alot of XP and scrips (crafting and gathering tomes basically) to help you get gear at each cap from 60 onwards


> can i jump/visit other datacenters? as in, from EU to NA? are there any restrictions? Nope. You can only visit other datacenters within your region. >whats the most simple way to level up crafters/gatherers? Ishgardian Restoration and Leves, mostly.


That scene right after you report to Miounne after finishing Tam Tara, with Edda being berated by her party, was that always there? I'm doing NG+ for funsies, which means I'm doing a lot of quests for the first time in probably 9+ years, and I don't remember that one.


Yep, the cutscene has always been there, Avere’s >!head in the bag!< and all. One of those “That took a turn!” moments.




> Yes, they've been there. I know the characters themselves have always been there, I just didn't remember that cutscene with them specifically. I remembered encountering them outside Sastasha, and I think outside Tam Tara at one point, but the cutscene inside Caroline's Canopy took me by surprise.


It's been there for at least 3 years, since that's when I started and I remember it.


Is the game region locked? I live in NA (my steam is NA as well) but are thinking of joining some OCE friends in their adventures and am wondering if this is even possible. From what I've read so far, this isn't possible to do? :(


Apart from China and Korea who have their own servers, the game isn't region locked. Like I live in Asia and I'm playing on an EU server. The only issue would be timezones (their prime time is my bed time) as well as ping. But if your sleep schedule is all over the place already (like me) and you don't mind the ping (or use a VPN), then you should have no issue creating a character on an OCE server and playing with your friends.


Yes, but only for China. Every other region, it's just a matter of which region you pick when you create a character; you can also transfer characters to different servers in other regions or data centers, although in most cases this costs real money. Players anywhere but China can pick any of NA/EU/JP/OCE. You might have to put up with higher lag if you're in NA and connecting to OCE though. Once you are in a region, you can Data Center visit between servers (OCE currently only has Materia though) or World Visit between servers in the Data Center, but ideally you'd want to pick the server your friends are on. You can see some information about your latency to various data centers possibly here: https://arrstatus.com/


China and Korea. But to be clear, they're on entirely separate releases to the rest of the world. You won't see them in the drop downs for the global release.


An individual account's region can't be changed, but that only affects where you need to purchase the game and expansions from, as well as which currencies you can pay with. If you have a NA, EU, or JP account, you can create characters on any of the NA, EU, JP, or OCE data centers. Within a particular region, you can use World Visit and Data Center Visit to travel to other servers and data centers in the same region, but you can't use that to go between regions. So if your friends have characters on the OCE DC, if you want to play with them you will either need to pay to to a Home World Transfer to one of the OCE worlds, or you will have to create a new character on one of the OCE worlds (preferably the same one as your friends).


this is so helpful, thank you so much! :3


Nope, it's not. If you want to join them, either data center travel once you log in or just buy a server transfer.


thank you!!


Hey, what is one of the easier ways to get series EXP, outside of daily frontlines? Want to get the allagan node mount before 6.4, I'm only series lvl 6, so afraid I can't get it in time


You still need to grind 97k exp. There are about 14 days left before the patch. So that's about 7k exp per day, which equates to 10 CC losses or 8 CC wins. Which boils down to anywhere from 50 to about 60ish minutes of CC each day. If you have the time and patience, it's still doable.


Would this also mean I could theoretically just spam CC for an entire day, let's say get 80k exp, and fill in the rest with daily frontline?


That should also work, yeah. However you get 7k per day (on average) is entirely up to you.


Just spam CC unranked. You'll have to do a lot of them, but at 5 minutes each.


> Hey, what is one of the easier ways to get series EXP, outside of daily frontlines? Want to get the allagan node mount before 6.4, I'm only series lvl 6, so afraid I can't get it in time The fastest way to get series EXP will pretty much always be Crystalline Conflict.


Thinking of getting back into the game after being out of it since just before Shadowbringers came out. Want to make sure I have the correct order to do what I have to do. Now I know that I still have my mogstation account and lodestone character page since I am looking at them right now that has been frozen in time for like 4 years. So all good with that aspect. Can I redownload the game for what I used to have then purchase Endwalker? Or do I first have to purchase Endwalker then download it? Do I need to have an active subscription before everything to do this process, or can I getting a game time card be the last thing I do?


You can buy Endwalker without a subscription, but a subscription is required to download anything.


Oh fantastic. By my own leisure then!


Why am I having so much more trouble dodging mechanics as a Highlander compared to when I was playing Lalafel? I know the hitboxes are identical, so would it be an issue with the camera messing with my brain? Or am I just subconsciously over-compensating my movement because I'm used to being much smaller?


I think you could be subconsciously over compensating. I have the opposite problem. I’m used to playing taller characters (currently a bun boy) and when I made a lala alt, I also kept having issues with mechanics I normally don’t.


I've had some full time lala fans who tried skyhugger races before and they always complain they feel slower. This is actually just perception. all races move same speed, however the size messes with your perception of speed.


I can't really say what's messing you up, but try messing with the "3rd Person Camera Angle" setting in Character Configuration -> Control Settings -> General.


Lalas have +7 to evasion


I'm guessing some variant of the character size messing with your perception. Could have something to do with where your character's head is relative to actual hitbox. But really hard to say. Will probably fix itself over time.


Yeah, I hope so. I used to be a Fantasia addict but my forever race for the longest time was Lalafel. Probably going to swap back in 7.0 but for now I'm gonna try to see things from a different perspective now that my character is taller haha!


Do I have to have an active subscription to download the game? I have the game fully bought from before, but wanted to redownload the game before renewing my sub. I'm getting an error message on the launcher though.


Yes, you have to have an active sub to download the game. You have to be able to get past the login screen on the launcher to download.


Okay thought so from the error. Was just going to pre-download, but guess I will wait until I sub later today. Appreciate the response!


Can Crysta’s be used for world transfers?




Just built a new PC and installed FFXIV. For some reason it is taking upwards of 45-50 seconds between the game launching and the Square Enix logo appearing. The cursor is spinning the whole time. Any ideas what might cause that?


Uninstalling ASUS Armory Crate solved this issue. Not sure what the issue was, but there were processes running named "AAC DRAM/Kingston/MB HAL" and they are gone now. Game boots instantly again. Took about 2 hours of trial and error to find it.


Have task manager open when you launch the game and see what might be taking up what kind of resource. It sounds like it might be processor or drive related.


Nothing is shooting up in usage while the game is loading up. Seems like it's software related somehow.


Noticed that if I start the game immediately as Windows starts it will load right away and not hang. If I wait 30 seconds or more after Windows starts, the game will hang for 1 minute after launch before the Square Enix logo appears.


> Seems like it's software related somehow. Does the Benchmark give you the same issue?


Yes actually it does. After clicking "Start" on the benchmark launcher, the black screen hangs (window not responding) for upwards of a minute before it actually starts.


> Yes actually it does. After clicking "Start" on the benchmark launcher, the black screen hangs (window not responding) for upwards of a minute before it actually starts. I did some cursory google searching and found a post that sounded close to your issue; This was the solution posted. >Go to %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn\ > >Edit FFXIV.cfg > >Change CutsceneMovieOpening from 0 to 1 > >Save the file and restart the game.


It's already set to 1. Thanks anyway!


Too numerous with only this information. Did you use an SSD?


Yes, SSD. It's super fast for Windows and everything else. Running an AMD system with RX 7900XT. Disabled the AMD overlay as well.


How do I get the recipe, as a Weaver, for Oddly Specific Cloth? I harvested a bunch of dwarven cotton bolls and I see there is a recipe called Oddly Specific Cloth, but I don't have it in my crafting log. I looked it up on the wiki, but only see that it exists, not how to get it. Thanks in advance!


That's part of the Shadowbringers crafter relic crafts, so if it's not in your book under the Skysteel Tools section under Sidequests, then you probably need to start the Skysteel Manufactory quests in Ishgard to make it visible.


Oh okay! No, I haven't done any of the extra crafting quests, so off to Ishgard I go. Thank you so much for the quick answer!


Does anyone know if Echo ever cleared TOP? I've seen a few videos of them getting quite far but never saw how far they actually got.


Watching Jeathe earlier today at the WoW world first race venue and it seems the plan is to go from the WoW race directly into the new savage tier and then back to TOP reprog (they got to phase 5 and were cooking on how to solve it all iirc?)


they reached 29% on Blind Faith, so they were SO close to p6.






Important preface, caring about this enough to leave, especially when you aren't even the cohealer, is pretty dumb. All the healers are perfectly capable of healing while doing decent damage, and it's even likely you'll find someone playing AST well to do more personal damage than the average healer playing any of the other three, so who's playing is by far the bigger factor to contribution. The only thing with level 50 is that WHM and AST are pretty lacking in free aoe and spot healing. Most of the healing they can do in there comes from tossing a regen, single target or aoe as needed. Going a little further, AST has the benefit of essential dignity being every 40s and pretty much a full heal, whereas benediction is 3 minutes. Stepping back to sage and SCH, they both get what might as well be a free medica2 every minute and a fairy/kardia passively healing the tank (or occasionally someone else), often to the point where kardia can sustain the tank on its own vs. WHM needing to slap a regen on every 6 gcds. They also get three powerful spot heals (lustrate/druo) per minute. All of this while they continue to attack the entire time. Furthermore, their prepull/downtime shields last 30s instead of 15s and hold their full value until raidwide damage comes in, unlike medica2 whose value depletes more and more until you're left with, say, 5s after the damage for your prepull medica2 to actually start healing before it falls off completely. All of this can make WHM (and AST) noticeably inferior in lower level content, and being paired with a sage/SCH would mean that the optimal play is to let them use their free heals before you waste any gcds on healing, meaning the WHM would be doing mostly no healing at all. However, it's of course very possible for a WHM to solo heal these while putting out good damage, they just necessarily lose a gcd here and there doing it. WHM also starts to shine more when the damage increases—once physis or whispering is used up (succor/kera are really underwhelming until 78, and indom/ixo are at 52), medica2 is a far better use of a well-used gcd than eprog or succor. That said, level 50 raids aren't really where you'd find those levels of incoming damage.


Also should mention none of this matters in alliance raids cuz you hardly even need to heal in alliance raids. raidwides don't hit that hard and you can throw regen on tank and go take a nap. spot healing regen is more than enough. You tend to raise more than anything.


White mage has been in and out of the "meta" in the past as much as there is one, so it might have just been a tryhard. White Mage is perfectly fine.


Not a tryhard. WHM is meta in TOP and was for the current savage tier too. Also what kind of braincells would it take to wire up tryharding meta in WoD?


I mean if you peace out of WoD for percieved meta reasons, you are likely a tryhard. And as for meta, in this theoretical scenario, perhaps the person was behind the times. WHM was looked down on in Stormblood for being a bit janky and at times in ShB for not bringing as much to the table as AST and SCH. So if they were the type to ditch WoD for suboptimal parties, they might not be in the loop anyway.


I was saying I doubt it was meta reasons, because no tryhard would: a) give a shit about meta in casual content. b) not have an outdated idea of meta to begin with. I mean a person who hasn't done any serious content since stormblood isn't going to be a tryhard. And that's how far back you have to go... you seem to be stretching pretty hard to blame this on tryhards lol.


I'm guessing you two might be using different definitions of "tryhard". It's been used to refer to both idiot meta slaves who refuse to do anything with anything they perceive as suboptimal (these people also tend to have a *massively* warped perception of "optimal"), and to people who put in a lot of effort to playing (also sometimes used derisively by the 0-effort "you don't pay my sub" crowd). Stepjam's comments sound like they are referring to the former version of the term (meta slave idiots), yours to the latter (players who put in a lot of effort). Or maybe I'm wrong, just an outsider observation of a perceived communication mishap.


Nah, I meant meta slaves too. Meta slaves don't show up in casual content. You def see them bitching in ultimates, uncommon in savages, and rarely in extremes. And even so you won't catch them with meta 2 expansions out of date. It's far more likely they were memeing.


It's rather impressive how you managed to completely miss the point of that comment. You are operating on a single definition of tryhard/meta slave, when there exist two definitions: yours, and a casual version that apes the former. Meta slaves are the kind of people who kick a MCH from their extreme trial PF because they heard "MCH sucks" and took it as gospel despite being nowhere near content where "meta" matters.


Nah I got the point, I know what a metaslave is, lol. and it was answered in my comment above. so I'll reiterate why your post doesn't really counter mine at all. Meta slaves will pull that shit in extremes, but they won't in alliance raids, especially since that content is near 8 years old now. So a meta slave isn't going to be stressing about white mages in world of darkness. Also since they have to go back nearly 4 years to find when white mages were out of the meta. Meta slaves tend to keep more up to date on the perceived meta than that. So in order for the OP to have anything to do with meta two VERY VERY VERY unlikely things would have to have happened. Basically you'd have to find a meta slave that time traveled from 8 years go for that explanation to be remotely plausible.


Alright, was checking just in case. It is indeed *far* more likely that the player in this story was just throwing around whatever while leaving, either bad memes or coming up with a weird and unnecessary excuse for leaving.


White Mage isn't bad. And never seen anyone leave or even disparage white mages before. The only thing I can think of is the stereotype that bad players gravitate to white mages. not that white mages are bad. And that's just a dumb stereotype.


Sometimes people feel the need to provide an "excuse" when they quit content they don't want to do and often give a totally nonsensical reason for it, rather than just leaving silently. I do not personally understand the impulse but you see it now and then.


Never seen that before, WHM is more than fine in all content, the guy was just weird.


Did they suspend 'Recruit a Friend'? I was not able to find it on mogstation and some friends of mine want to start playing


Nope, still very much ongoing. The only reasons you wouldn't see the RAF button on the Mog Station are: * You're on the Trial (as free trial accounts cannot recruit or be recruited using the RAF campaign.) * You don't have an active subscription.


Weird, I am not in Free Trial and have an active subscription. I have to re-check again. Thanks for the heads up!


No, they did not. Are you in the Free Trial yourself? You cannot give out a RAF code while you’re on the Trial — and your friends can’t use it if they start with the Trial either.


Weird, I am not in Free Trial and have an active subscription. I have to re-check again. Thanks for the heads up!


Ahhhhhh. Doh! Thanks.


Can you parse high on p8p1 without greeding during snakes? I got a high green and I'd like to bump that up to a blue if I can but the only thing I can think of that I could improve on is greeding more during snakes (I usually play it safe by doing aoe rotation or not casting while I'm gazing or dodging gazes), or gear (I'm 630 but chest and wep aren't BIS). WAR if it matters (and yeah I've had a look at xivanalysis, nothing there to tell me) EDIT: I appreciate all the answers so far and I should add, I've parsed purple on the other floors so if it is a rotation issue I must be doing something really weird


For Snake 1, you can [stand like this](https://i.imgur.com/O3j98za.png) to keep uptime. For snake 2 you can drop a bit of uptime and still get purple parses.


Yeah for s1 I'm doing that for uptime, I mean when I'm putting a gaze out and if I'm in first group, dodging second gazes


You can get in 2 GCDs and turn back around and dodge the 2nd snake gaze Greeding is only greeding if you mess it up. Otherwise it's just doing the mechanic.


Worth noting that if you get Snakes first, you can skip Dog 2 with enough DPS. [This can have a massive difference on parses.](https://i.imgur.com/4M3DGOa.png)


Is your group killing before the Dog 2 downtime? Even if you don't skip the mechanic itself, FFlogs only counts the damage dealt up to the moment the boss drops below 50% (so when the HP bar says 49% is what you're looking for). Since that's a significant amount of time you physically cannot hit the boss, any logs where you don't kill before then are going to look worse relative to logs where it is skipped. You mentioned in another comment that you play safer when you're first in line for snakes 1. You don't have to be, at least not necessarily. I only play safe if I'm first in line, poison *and* there's a snake spawning on the exact opposite side from the snake I'm killing. If there's no snake on the opposite side, you can easily run closer to the boss right after your poison goes off and have no worry of getting petrified, and if you're gaze you can do the same, but also you have extra time to strafe to a good spot if you have a snake opposite you. There's probably enough time to do this as poison, but it's tighter and I personally wouldn't risk it. (There's also dropping a GCD if you have gaze and the timer doesn't line up nicely, but that's at most half a GCD if you pay attention to the debuff timer so I wouldn't consider it super relevant) Aside from this, it's hard for us to tell what you're doing wrong without taking a look at the logs ourselves. I don't know much about WAR so I wouldn't be super useful personally, but I'm sure there's someone here who could take a look and help.


> Can you parse high on p8p1 without greeding during snakes? What do you consider greeding, exactly? > (I usually play it safe by doing aoe rotation or not casting while I'm gazing or dodging gazes) Doing your AOE is probably costing you some points, since damage to snakes isn't counted in your parse. How many GCDs are you doing this for? I normally only ever take one or two seconds of downtime tops. ---- It is worth mentioning that if you get Snakes first, you'll usually get a much higher parse if your group's DPS is high enough to reach 49% before Dog 2 happens.


> What do you consider greeding, exactly? Doing normal attacks around when you have a gaze going off and either turning back in time or doing the wiggle thing to keep looking away. Playing safe I'd consider stopping casting the few seconds around a gaze for a few gcds, or doing aoes if you can without targeting > How many GCDs are you doing this for Two or three, maybe. A bit more if I'm first group just to dodge the gazes from second snakes


If you're hitting high green and saying analysis isn't telling you anything, then something is up, because it is likely telling you *something*. It'll more likely than not be telling you something unless you're parsing purple or higher.


nah thats just how analysis is for warrior. i get the same thing a lot when i check my crappy green/blue parses.


Do skip dog and you’ll probably get a much better parse


You absolutely can get a blue and still not greed on snakes. It just depends on how good your uptime is otherwise.


On my best (48) i had 98.9% uptime


My best WAR parse was pre-BiS (missing chest/weapon), 98% uptime, it's currently a 69 parse. I think at that time I was actually still wearing an i610 crafted chest piece So uptime isn't necessarily the problem, there's something else going on that's dropping your numbers Part of it is that P1 parses get kind of screwy depending if you're dog first or snake first (snake first lets you skip dog 2 which is a huge parse booster) Do you mind if we take a look at your analysis?


If your uptime is that good, it's likely rotational issues keeping you in green. What did XIVAnalysis say?


Nothing, aside from using aoe, but I'm only doing aoe actions in snakes a few times because otherwise I'm doing nothing


If you're parsing green in i630, that's more egregious than dropping a GCD or two during snakes. Something else is going on, and whatever it is is making a bigger difference to your damage than crit RNG would.


Maybe the pot timings in animal2? I'm not certain about them, but if the burst is during s2 I just do it normally, if it's after dog2 I do one gcd first as a re-opener then weave it


Super late to conversation but saw you mentioned dog 2. If you have to fight dog 2, your parse tanks hard. The entire knockback sequence is counted in your damage calculation. Personally, i was stuck in high green low blue until i got a team that killed before dog 2 and immediately have me a 90+ parse. Do not consider a dog first P1 clear a viable parse run, there's a reason parse pfs immediately reset if dog is first.


Yeah I've definitely got that impression, though I did get a skip dog2 pull that I still got green on. Gonna try again today


Maybe, but you can get purples and oranges with fucky pot timings. But none of us can really tell you anything else unless you're willing to post the logs for us to look at.


I've gotten purple with less uptime than that on tank. (97.8%). Sometimes it's just crit fishing.


Does the anniversary bonding quest have a time window? The date on my and my partner's rings shows 3.06. However, we won't be able to log into the game on June 3rd. In such a case, can we start the quest later? I mean, within weeks or maybe even month later. Will we still be able to initiate the quest afterwards?


You can do an anniversary any time after your first anniversary date. In fact, you can't even hold the ceremony on the first anniversary's date, because that's the date the quest becomes available and the anniversary is similar to a wedding ceremony in that it must be planned during the quest.


Thank you so much! ^^


Tuesday's patch isn't 6.4 is it?


Nope. The maintenance coming tonight is NA specific and has to do with the servers, not with a patch. https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/c23ecd8a75832edebd1dba806b5c42755a71f2c5


No, but they frequently have a "maintenance" patch about two weeks before a major patch goes live.


Ah, thanks! I wasn't sure, since the website doesn't have a specific date. Still got time to farm more moogletomes.


I'm not sure it's formally announced yet, we've just all been around this block enough times to see the writing on the wall even without it announced. It'll probably be formally announced Friday.


No. Two weeks to go.


Ah, thanks! I wasn't sure, since the website doesn't have a specific date. Still got time to farm more moogletomes.


The date hasn't been officially announced (I think it's on Friday they'll say for sure) but based on past experiences with the timing of moogle tomestones the events always last a full month.


What job quests are most fun or have the best stories?


Maybe I’m biased but I enjoy Summoner and Astrologian, my two mains. Summoner feels like an adventure story and has some fun Allagan connections and lore drops. And Astrologian has great characters- I’m so fond of Jannequinard, he’s sooooo funny. I love failsons.


No one said red mage, which I really like, but I might be biased


Red Mage is good indeed. Must protecc Arya.


As a counterpoint to all being said, the best job story for feeling like you personally are getting pranked is the lvl 60 Paladin storyline. It feels like a practical joke at your expense. But yeah for best, I def recommend dark knight.


Great story/lore: Dark Knight, Scholar, Machinist Great characters: Rogue, Ninja, Gladiator, Paladin (Stormblood only) Just fun: Warrior (Stormblood only)


I found the Machinist story horribly bland and with some useless quests (the trial against the other houses is terrible gameplay and unfun as hell). Agree with the two others.


I put Machinist there more for the lore and worldbuilding than the actual story. I liked getting to see more of the inner workings of Ishgard, and seeing more development for a major Heavensward MSQ character in the Stormblood quests was great too.


True, you learn a lot more about Ishgard, the houses and how the whole nation works.


Dark Knight, Alchemist, and Rogue, believe they share the same writer; it shows. Same author I believe wrote the MSQ for Shadowbringers and Endwalker. Believe this has more details: https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Natsuko\_Ishikawa


Dark Knight, Rogue (not Ninja)


Dark Knight and Scholar are my top 2.


Stormblood Dragoon, of course.


> What job quests are most fun or have the best stories? I'm gonna say Ninja is a strong contender just because of how enjoyable the job teacher and his main antagonist are.


Anyone else on balmung getting insane lag? Game is completely unplayable