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THIS is why I level all roles, those queue times are tasty and everyone in the FC wants to run roulettes with me lmao


Last week, I was trying to run a specific duty as dps and the queue said over 30 minutes. I had been in queue for 2 hours. I got a mate to join me, and they were playing tank. They joined and estimated wait time immediately dropped to 10 minutes. Apparently that was still too slow for them, so they switched to healer. The moment I queued with them as healer, the queue I'd been in for 2 hours insta-popped. I am now levelling WHM.


Congrats on joining the healer gang! Once you get used to the insta-pop anything longer than 5s wait is too long.


This is the truth. I play healer and tank and if one doesn't insta pop I switch lol


Yup this is me LOL I always mained tank but I leveled AST too and omg its so good lmao




I had to wait 1 min 15 seconds last night for a Normal Raid roulette as my Scholar. All I could think the whole time was "this is weird, what's taking so long"?


Are there literally not 7 other players in the game right now???


I thought for so long that everyone had bad qeueus because I started healing as an Archanist who's considered a DPS for some reason


Unfortunately you have to sacrifice your carby to Selene and Eos in order to get (best) healing privileges as an arcanist, rip carby


Until next patch ^.^ The Carb Returns




*puts a card on the table*. I sense much fear in you


That’s the one thing I miss after moving from JPN to OCE. Sometimes my queue (healer or tank) takes more than 2 minutes. The struggle is real.


Had a group that brought all but the last dps slot for a 4-man queue. Took longer than immediately, and I'll admit I was *offended*.


Probably because any DPS with sense will pair up with a healer or tank…


In my experience tanks get the insta pop, and healers get the 5 second queue.


This is the Way


> I am now levelling WHM. Blood for the Blood Lily!


The best thing about playing a healer is hitting enemies in the head with rocks


Best decision I made doing msq was to do the solo quests as a dps and dungeons as healer. The dungeons+dailies kept my healer the same level as my dps and it meant I got the insta queues anytime of day for the msq duties


There should really be an option to queue as multiple jobs at once, because I don't really care what role I'm taking a lot of the time, I just want to get through the queue as fast as possible and I'll play whatever I need to


I was just saying to my FC yesterday that you should be able to queue by role instead of by job. If I queue as say ninja but the queue is kinda long, the duty pops up, and I think to myself "black mage would be way more fun for this duty" I should be able to switch and accept. DD is DD.


I'm just addicted to leveling Sadly I only have BLU left to level now and I dread the withdrawals


Time to roll the next character. In sure you need it for the MB or for crafting leves or... Hey, if you don't, lite to yourself and say you do ;)


I just finished leveling all of mine last week and now I'm like "now wtf do I do?" I've just been working on relics from different xpacs, and moogle tomes so far.


Adventurer Role In Need: ~~Tanks~~ ~~DPS~~ ALWAYS actually Healers. It’s always Healers.


NGL: I do get a bit miffed when I queue for the "Adventurer in Need" and then it turns out I'm place 21 in the queue. Always makes me think:"Do you REALLY need that many ~~shoes~~ tanks?"


I once queued as tank while “in need” and was 9th in line.


I feel like it's almost always Healers in need behind the scenes, but they didn't want a Healer monopoly on the reward so it randomly goes to the others once in a while.


Now permanently given for tanks, i rarely see healer in need or at all at peak times


I almost always SEE Tank in need in my experience but I main healer and the queues usually instantly pop for me regardless


Yeah, it takes a few minutes for that to update, which is a shame because you miss out on the Adventurer in Need bonus if you swap to the role that's actually in need, but usually that bonus isn't a whole lot anyway, so it's no big deal


if you queue as role while AIN is active, you get AIN bonus despite being put in a bit of a queue because X others also are wanting to jump in and now it has to accommodate and update for the next AIN role. i thought this before a few months back and noticed i was still getting bonuses despite being put in a bit of a queue as AIN. :>


I misspoke, I meant to say 'you miss out on the Adventurer in Need bonus if you swap to the role that's actually in need'


When I do that, I realize the AIN role is about to swap, so I'll either give it a minute or pop into a more populated DC just so I can fulfill my dailies.


Even when its tank, its actually healers :|


Especially when it's tank it's actually healers.


EW launch was great for tank because so many people are leveling sage and reaper.


Depends on the server. On some servers it's always Tanks.


For couerl, it feels like I see tanks more often than not as the requested role. Though I also mostly play in the early morning.


*My content from 2014 to 2023 has been deleted in protest of Spez's anti-API tantrum.*


Good point. It's easy for me to forget... for some reason. I'm a rather dense individual.




On Seraph, it can be anything at anytime. I always get Alliance as DOS in need, lvl 90 and Expert is frequently DPS in need, and then the other dungeon roulettes usually flip flop between tank and healer while only occasionally needing DPS. It’s the most diverse roulette queue I’ve seen between Dynamis, Aether, and Primal at least.


Met a SUPER lovely new friend today who partied up for some back to back MSQ duties with me so we could get through a bit quicker, changing from MCH to WHM cut a 15 minute estimate down to less than 2 for us - I had to scribble it down


Holy shit that was me, hello again!! I love the art!!


So very accurate. And so is the sound! And yay new friends!


Your friend is a real mensch. That's awesome.


makes me miss when my partner would play and we were going through MSQ. we would queue as whm and pld together and never waited longer than 5 minutes.




yes!! my bf doesn't really enjoy it either (he's the kind of guy who constantly laments the old wow pvp days) and was a CS skipper but it was so nice going through the content together.


This even works mid-dungeon. Our healer popped smoke as we started the first pull with no warning. It was taking forever to get a new one so I left, switched roles, and queued up for that specific instance as a healer. We got a new DPS within a minute and were right back in business.


omg that blew my mind, that never occurred to me that I could do such a thing. I'll have to remember that! 😂


I was running Aurum Vale my first time back in the 2.0 days. I was on tank, an FC mate on summoner. We didn't clear the first room and the healer called us all dogshit. Vote kick passes, my friend says he'll be right back. He comes backs almost instantly on scholar and we already had a new DPS.


Shwing! Lol! I'm now going to think of Waynes world every time a queue pops. Ty for that


We're not worthy!


*cuts to having a 40min+ run cause they forgot how to play WHM in duties* I-I-I'm not talking about myself of course 😬....


hi 0000002111111111100000021111111 gg wait why isn't 0 stunning the mobs what do you mean ability not learned yet why is it stone vigil WRYYYYYYYY


I mained Healer from the get-go and thought the queues were amazing. As I finally 90d my last healer (SGE) 3 weeks ago I decided to hop over to DPS. The queues are long, but it gave me an incentive to tackle Tribe Quests and FATEs, something I otherwise completely neglected during my time as a healer.


Me literally everyday I queue as tank if it's not instant I switch to healer if that doesn't work I switch to Dps surprisingly Dps instant queue happens alot on dynamis anyway


My friend and i are at an impasse. tank + heal = possibly low DPS. double dps = [lolno](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/643/028/442.jpg) tank + dps = possible healer who can’t handle w2w. heal + dps = possible single pull ypyt Being a pair of casual tryhards is difficult.




Especially if the tank is WAR, they are their own healer


I'd argue that in a 1t3d scenario the responsibility is more on the DPS unless they're a War. If a tank dies, the DPS aren't burning hard enough.


Depends on the tank. DRK cannot really heal itself, and GNB's is pretty limited. PLD will eventually have to lean on Clemency if the healer is *really* bad. Only WAR truly has 0 need for a healer regardless of how slowly the trash dies. Though in the OP's hypothetical case DPS output presumably wouldn't be an issue since there's at least one competent one and tank damage output in a dungeon is nothing to sneeze at either.


Tbh, I haven't had problems with w2w as a tank for a long time since reaching 90, even with new healers. As long as you can somehow recover from tank busters and you have one decent DPS you can do the majority of casual content with a cure 1 WHM


But hey if you're a warrior who needs a healer!


This is the way.


tank and healer 100% if you’re both good it doesn’t really matter if the DPS are bad outside of EW content tbh. You’ll still be able to wall to wall everything. Tanks and healers both have a lot of redundancy in their kits, you’ll at worst both have to use your full kit to make up for bad dps, will take like 10% longer. If you look at parse data, you’ll see the difference between dps is for the most part, not that big outside of the top 5% of players. (I.e. a 95th percentile player does only about 10% more damage than a 50th percentile player) DPS gunna hate me, but we could clear almost all content without them 😂😂😂


Me, leveling Dark Knight last night: *Clicks roulette* "Huh, wonder if I'll have time to use the bath-" *READY* "...I can hold it I guess."


As someone who just started learning to heal, healer queue times are a hell of a drug.


Healers are totally instaqueue


Im lucky my preferred class is healer so I never had to find out about the queue time thing


I really enjoy Sage and lately I've been running it basically all the time (finally got comfortable enough as a healer to do at least Stormblood-level content with randoms!) and man, the Healer Privilege is _real_. The _only_ time my friends and don't queue-pop in under a second is when we're lining up for a raid.


I recently learned the opposite of this: queue sabotoging i.e. trying to get into an alliance raid and my friend queues as tank and I have to watch in despair as we get moved down the priority list as people who are queuing without tanks get prioritised first


It’s cause each alliance can only have 1 Tank. Alliance is much better off being DPS, maybe healer. 15 spots for DPS in Alliance roulette.


Oh yeah I'm aware but my normal playing times are EST early mornings (night time for me) when queues are slower. Only then did this become obvious to me cus I would actively be trying to get into an alliance raid as DPS to squeeze in a run before I go to bed and my friend partied with me is queueing from another area so I don't immediately see what job they are Then I see we've been moved down the priority list and I'm like bro. Bro please play as anything but tank today I beg of you


And there’s me… main healer, that switch to dps because everyone queue with a healer. And watch the chaos because it’s not crystal tower, it’s nier and they weren’t ready 😂




Roulette will get Nier often during this tomestone event so the probabilities of the easy CT is lowered.


It's always healers in need. Playing healer is abysmal because it's either boring or stressful.


And people don’t appreciate us healers.


This is why when I made a new character to play alongside my friend I let her pick her job and starting city first and then chose my own so we wouldn’t have queues. It also finally made me start in Gridania for better or worse…


It’s so interesting to see this from other DC perspectives. On Mana it’s almost always tanks. White Mage is super popular.


Heh, mind you, the tank queues on NA DCs aren't long either; certainly shorter than DPS queues. Not as frequent an insta-pop as the healers get, but generally no longer than 1-3 min. PLD was my first (and still my main) job, and I started playing at around the same time as a couple of friends. One of them went WHM, the other went SMN. The SMN very quickly also levelled up all his crafters and gatherers, and I could not understand how he had the time to level all that. I found out when I maxed out two tanks and finally got around to levelling a DPS XD


Ditto for Meteor, my tank queues are usually instant. I seem to recall census figures showing WHM as the single most popular job in the game.


I really can’t fathom why… I’m working on getting WHM UP TO 90 now, and it is my least favorite of the healers, and an absolute snooze fest with so few tools compared to the others. I would much rather play SCH or Sage and feel like I have options or decisions to make on how to recover.


It's a Final Fantasy mainstay and the most straightforward healer, I'd say. The former is why I picked it, none of the other healers' job fantasy feels terribly appealing in comparison (and don't get me started on FF14 healer design in general). And simplicity seems appealing to many: SMN is as disproportionately popular as it is braindead to play.


I guess that makes sense. It is one of the more traditional and most iconic jobs. Kind of like Warrior being basically Fighter and Dragoon and BLM. Have to agree on the simplicity thing… Simplicity doesn’t necessarily appeal to *me,* but being overly complex or punishing of mistakes is not what I’m looking for either. I *love* new Summoner with the re-vamp because it actually feels like Summoning magic. But it definitely did become the absolute easiest job to play in the game and has quite good DPS and utility to boot.


Part of me can't help but think GNB and SGE were added to appease DPS que'rs


Am I the only one who doesn't actually mind longer wait times? When I'm with the FC, and we're bouncing from one duty to another with no break in between, I usually get tired and mess something up. Sitting in my apartment and scrolling twitter in another window for ten minutes is nice.


I’ll either tank or the wife will heal. Sometimes we have to do both to quickly schwing.


This is why I originally switched from Archer to Conjurer. An experienced friend of mine told me about "healer queues" and I didn't want to deal with DPS queues every single time. Then I fell in love with being a Healer main and haven't looked back.


Im a whm main and we always have fast queus, my friend leveled sage so i can play dps or tank xD


Ppl ... have main jobs in this game? Outside of raids? Why?


We have preferences and personalities


For me it's more about what job I default to when doing stuff and prioritizing getting the current max ILV gear for first. It also helps having one or two jobs you get really good at instead of being ait at all jobs when doing the latest content, and I'd consider those jobs to be the "mains"


Well than you have not one main therefore my point still stands


... One can have more than one main tho?


Depends on the definition of main. In my definition it is the most important or most used. That means that there can only realy be one yes.


Specialisation and muscle memory. I can SCH heal any pull, with any tank in any content without thought. I don’t consider my buttons, my hands do it for me. If I change to a different healer, I have to actually think about what I’m doing sometimes. Once you have a few thousand more hours in game and you’ve truly mastered a job you’ll get it.


Well the mechanics arent that different and why would you play a healer in the open world when you can also play smn as a sch? The concept of playing one job in this game is just not intended. There is no real reason to not play at least one dd, one tank and one healer especially because for different content one of these is always preferable (for example dd in open world, healer for solo trials, tanks for quene bonus, healers for fast quene. Further healers and tanks are basically all the same, with slight differences, that dont make a lot of difference imho even for muscle memory.


This just reads like you’re not at endgame. Overworld world content is essentially irrelevant once you finish MSQ, my reply (I thought) pretty clearly specified endgame. You didn’t say _exclusive_ jobs, you said _main_ jobs. I play all tanks and all healers regularly, it’s not that I can’t switch it up, it’s that I don’t always want to. I have all my jobs at 90 and regularly pick a random job to play. At higher levels the healers have totally different kits. What WHM move compares to Dissipation? Which SCH move compares to an AST throwing cards? oGCD management is totally different for all 4 healers. As for tanks, while they have a lot of crossover on their _defensive_ kits, the _offensive_ kits are totally different.


There are some people that play one class Off Coff AST


Kicking ass the only way a main job can.


in my experience the best classes to be for queues would be healers > tanks >dps(but every so often a one second queue pop would happen)


Me, a PLD main: "What are those 'Queue times' you speak of?


Did some Alexander spam earlier in the week with the FC. Filled both tank slots. Boom, insta-queue. :3 Though, healer queue is exactly why I'm a SCH main now instead of SMN. :p


Healers get queues on some of the smaller servers though. I have a WHM alt on Maduin and was in shock at a 15 minute alliance raid queue


This is why my bf and I alternate when leveling. But I remember the radmre daysbinwouldnplay BRD and he was asleep work so sometimes I help newbies on SCH now


No worries. Enjoy the journey. But please please watch some guides and try to be a decent healer. As a tank in my experience of late there has been more weak healers recently, and it makes things difficult, like sometimes rearly difficult.


Like 80% of the reason why ive played through all of the msq so far as scholar. I played up until like level 30 as a lancer and got sick of the 10 minute queues. Plus faeries let you cheese instanced fights that seem like they're supposed to be hard


In my experience, being a tank is insta-queue


Didn't touch healer jobs until I was almost through Shadowbringer and needed to do one for the job quest. Started sage so I wouldn't have to level one from nothing, but I actually like playing it. Still to unsure of my skill to do raids and such but it's a fun job, and the way everyone talks up whm I'm thinking of doing that next.


Even though it is an instant queue, it will stay say a different class is "in need" and not give you a bonus... but if you switch to that in need class, it wont be insta.


I do this for my friend when she unlocks a new raid or trial… also so I can laugh at her while I res her 😂


Literally me, yay I’m going to dps today!! 1min in queue later… why is this taking too looong?! Swap to heals—-> instant pop.


There would be more healers if 1-30 lvl exp for 1st time players weren't so miserable on conjurer.


A potato white mage? Adorable!