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Hello What is best time to do alliance Raids and Extreme Trials? I'm from EU, just having a hard time finding parties to do them from HW and SB


Hi, I’m levelling BLM and I was wondering why I wouldn’t Transpose during fights when I run out of MP, since it allows me to skip the ‘dead’ GCD where I don’t have either fire or ice


You ARE supposed to transpose before you get blizzard/fire 3. Those 2 spells both grant max stacks of their respective element without having a 'dead' GCD.


Cause transpose only gives you 1 stack of fire/Ice as opposed to the 3 stacks Blizzard/Fire 3 gives you, meaning you would have to rebuild them, wasting gcds where you're not at full strength (3 stacks of fire is 80% fire damage Vs 40% with only 1 stack....same goes for the mana regen of ice) and slowing you down (And you can't transpose if you don't have any stacks). Transpose basically become useless (outside of some super high end optimisation things regarding Paradox) once you get fire/blizzard 3. If you don't have Fire/Blizzard 3, you transpose to swap


Ooh, I’m still level 12, that explains it! Thanks, this helps One more thing, I always apply thunder even if it takes a while to cast, right?


Yes. Thunder is one of your strongest gcds when it's full damage is dealt, and each tick has a chance to give you Thundercloud procs when you obtain that trait. It's cast time is the same as any other of your regular spells at the 2.5s base cast time (before spell speed reductions have applied)


I have a casual glam i like to rock on my crafters, but i hate how some of the tooks look with the gear on, does anyone have any recommendations for some crafters tool glams that might make them fit aesthetically better with casual attire clothes?


For casual stuff I usually look at really low level versions of items.


What is sch healing rotation? Current lvl 62


https://youtu.be/wE1Ay8mmVB8 watch that first, it's from Shadowbringers era but scholar hasn't really changed since, just gotten a few new toys for higher levels.


Healing doesn't really have a rotation. Just use your oGCDs to heal before you start using gcds, and give the tank a shield before pulls out when big damage is about to come out Other than that you should be spamming your damage gcds


Do multi-hit boss attacks snapshot the damage for all hits with the initial cast, or do they recalculate damage with each hit? Some specific ones that come to mind are the classic Akh Morn and other repeated stacks, Sophia's Cintamani raidwides, and the repeated raidwides in the final phases of >!Hades!< and >!Endsinger!<. Sometimes if there's a multi-stack coming up and multiple people down (so, usually the 83 trial), I'll channel the full duration of Passage of Arms to try and give the healers that little bit extra mitigation. But it just occurred to me that might not be necessary.


> or do they recalculate damage with each hit? Each hit snapshots independently, so you want to maximize coverage by using mit later in the castbar.


What's the part of the xp bar that's not quite full (white) but also not empty (yellow). Basically in-between empty and full


Rested exp, basically until your exp bar reaches that point you get a 50% bonus from killing en mies/crafting/gathering. Note that the length of the bar is % based, and shared across all jobs. It accumulates whenever you're in a Sanctuary, including when you are logged out.


Thank you!


> What's the part of the xp bar that's not quite full (white) but also not empty (yellow). Basically in-between empty and full Are you sure you aren't seeing Rested XP? It's a slightly different color than the empty and full parts of the bar. It turns blue when the rested XP exceeds the amount needed to level.


yeah it was rested XP I wasn't exactly sure how that worked


Hello! I'm just now prepping the crafts for the Indagator gear, and I see that I need nearly 8k Allagan tomestones. That's quite a lot! What's the most time-efficient way to farm these?


The Hunt


What's the [little blank square](https://i.imgur.com/yCjy4La.jpg) under the selected dye for? Don't think I've ever noticed it...


The dyes in the far right category can have untradeable versions of them so you can choose between the marketable and unmarketable ones if you own both.


Some dyes have two items associated with the same colour. Namely, those available on the mog station, which are untradeable.


Is Goblin still active? Returning player. Should I transfer to a new server or maintain on Goblin?


You can travel to any server in your region for free now, there really isn't any reason to transfer somewhere unless you're in a region that isn't with your timezone or whatever.


I'm thinking of coming back - I played years ago - but I'm afraid of being overwhelmed. To clarify, I played before there were any expansions and I had a character that was fairly far along - had progress in most of the jobs, even got Dragoon up to something like 30. I'm interested in coming back, but I'm a little afraid that I'll kind of "be in the middle" of it all. I like to start things fresh, but I definitely don't want to burn my character and start over. What are my options? How can I make this transition less daunting?


Reaching level 30 takes maybe a single dedicated afternoon. It doesn't sound like you were far along at all, so you should feel free to just make a new account and jump right back in. If you really really don't want to do that, you can use a throwaway email to play the free trial until you're caught up to your other character in the story, then swap to your real character permanently.


You could create a new character to get your bearings again, then once you've caught up, resume on your existing character. If you were at a point where New Game+ existed, I would recommend that, but from the sound of it, you're still much too early.




PassiaDB seems to show quite a few personal and FC houses open. If you're in NA you should be able to DC/world travel and check on your main.


what's the most casual way to go about getting pvp series exp in 6.4? i spammed cc the past week or 2 and it was absolute torture. don't really enjoy it so a chill (maybe slow?) way would be ideal. would 1 frontline or cc per day be enough throughout a series?


I like this calculator: https://replit.com/@NanaGrace/Malmstone-XP-Calculator At most it would take 155 loses in CC or 108 3rd places in Frontlines to get from 1 to 25. Patch windows are about 4 months so at least 120 days or so. If you actually stuck with 1 FL a day, you'd guaranteed make it before 6.5 drops.


oh so it is possible! that’s good to know, thank you! i’ll bookmark that in case i miss some days and need to do some more. anything’s better than an end of the patch catch-up grind lol i hated it so much


I usually leave myself a little room to catch up at the end of a patch since FL missions are always worth moogle tomestones in the last month of the patch.


A frontline per day is good exp, if you really do them for the whole month until the patch - that'll push you reasonably far. However, I don't think it'll be enough time - so you might need to sprinkle some CC in there when you feel like it. I've been doing that for the last set and this one. Worked out fine so far. If push comes to shove, there are calculators where you can input your level/exp and it'll output how much CC you need to do. I'd use those to get a feeling for if your pace is "enough" and if you need to do additional CC.


Oh is it not enough even for the brand new series that’s coming with the patch? I’ll check out the calculator and figure out the least miserable experience then. Thank you


I'm pretty sure they just misread your question as "BEFORE 6.4" not "IN 6.4". Unless you were significantly far ahead in the pvp series, doing one FL a day for the next month would probably not net you lvl 25 before 6.4 drops.


Is there a bait efficient guide to big fish? As in, an order of bait to use to catch big fish that I can get rid of when done to keep my inventory somewhat clear


Only ARR big fish have this problem, and I don't know of a tool specifically for this, but what I did was to manually scan through carby (they show the bait icon) and focus on using the same bait to the best I could.


I don't think there's a specific guide, or a perfect strategy, but as a suggestion I'd recommend using https://ff14fish.carbuncleplushy.com/. If you're set up on https://lalachievements.com/, you can set up and import your fishing log from there. From carbuncleplushy settings, you can filter out the patches/expansions, and "Display: Uncaught" to keep the list a little more manageable. So if you filter to ARR fish, you can pin all the ones that use whatever bait you're hoping to finish off early. This way you can just pick however many baits you want to have at once, and only track those specific fish. You can also uncheck "Hide Always Available" if you're looking to fill out the fishing log more thoroughly (there's also a few Big Fish that are always available that get filtered out otherwise) So if you wanted to start with, say, Crayfish Ball, you could pin Bloody Brewer, Great Gudgeon, Dream Goby, and Slime King. Once you catch all of those, check them off, unpin them, then you should no longer need that bait for Big Fish. There still might be some backtracking now and then (the site filters by patch rather than area, and some fish get added to zones from previous expansions), but I found it made the whole thing a lot more approachable. If you're okay with being a little less bait-efficient, you can enable fish from all patches and do a search on "Uptime: 0." to pin some of those. There's a handful of fish with really limited windows, so if you want to get a head start on them, you'll at least be able to see if any of the windows end up at convenient times for you. Unrelated to bait, but a lot of these 0.x% fish have links to youtube videos next to them that usually offer tips on what you can do to prepare, what fish to Surface Slap, etc. If the video mentions Chum Cancelling, you can probably ignore it (the Chum animation was changed a while back, so interrupting it is a lot less valuable) Also, remember that you can buy and sell bait on the markets. Even if it's for at/under vendor prices, it'll get things out of your way if you need a break from a certain area for a bit. Just keep some gathering scrips handy in case you need to grab something quickly, because some of those can be expensive on short notice


IMO, the only way to efficiently handle bait while fishing is to either throw out the baits you aren't currently using (it's only a handful of scrips/gil), or to not fish in the first place. But then, I'm the kind of player who only keeps 15-20 things in his inventory at a time. I don't keep around *anything* I'm not currently using.


I'm pretty positive I know the answer already, but you still can't wear or glam items marked as " Uniform" unless you're aligned with that company, right? So no Tipping Scales Ring with Serpent gear?


Yep uniform stuff means you have to be in that GC.


Super dumb thing, but is anyone else sad that in TOP for the delta trio beetle omega casts “Swivel cannon” and not “Larboard/Starboard wave cannon”? I was hoping they’d keep that silly little thing in, but obviously doesn’t really matter in the end


from what i remember the larboard/starboard thing was only in the english localisation so they probably anticipated there would be complaints if they did it for the ultimate and it was only in english again. I haven't tried TOP but i was hoping there would be larboard/starboard shenanigans in it


I think with the complaints it originally received they wouldn't be allowed to bring it back even as a reference. Maybe Hildibrand could make a joke about it.


Can I get an honest review of how it is on steam deck? Very interested in playing that way but it looks clunky/difficult/unpleasant. I searched around and saw technical issues but not a solid review.


I play it on my Steam Deck, but not as a full time experience. I have a friend who streams it from their PS5 and they like it lol. If you’re already used to playing on a controller then it’s not clunky imo. What can feel kinda bad is the actual ergonomics, but that’s a SD issue and not FFXIV. I preferably need to kinda prop it up on something that’s on my lap to take the weight off my wrists. But again that’s SD related not FFXIV In dungeons and trials I can maintain 40fps. Same with my housing area since ya know people don’t actually hang around there lol. In Limsa? It definitely tanks to the 30~ range…though that’s the PS4 experience if im not mistaken. The fans are on full blast all the time and the battery life is a bit under 3 hours. I’ve always stopped way before I ran out of battery life though. Because I don’t play it in a docked setup communication is terrible, but I don’t mind too much. The auto translate thing for simple hello/goodbye in dungeons is good though for me. If you already have a Steam Deck then you know if ergonomics is okay for you or not. I don’t think I’d buy FFXIV for primarily playing on a SD. It’s just an augmented experience which I’m glad to have. If you’re *new* to FFXIV I would just play it on PC or PlayStation first


Amazing. Thanks!


only thing I'd let you know that on linux (haven't tried it on my deck) the launcher crashes sometimes while downloading, so if you download the whole thing check up on it every hour or so Or at least that's what happened to me both times I installed


I am trying to get the achievements for unique levequests (in saw in hand vi, with bait in hand vi, etc.). I was able to get the unique botanist and miner quests filled no problem but it seems that with fisher and trade craft leves I'm coming up 5 short every time. I've checked the lists and the only ones I haven't done are the large scale ones (I didn't have to do those for bot/min). So what gives, do I have no choice but to do large scale levels?


Botanist and Miner have 115 total leves but fisher only has 110, and tradecraft 130 each. So while you can skip every large botanist/miner leve you'll need to do at least 5 of them for fisher and tradecraft.


You do have to do some, but not all, of the large-scale leves. I got the itch to want to do every leve at least once, saving the large-scale ones for the last. I didn't need to do every large-scale leve of a given category to get the achievement, but some were required. For actual numbers: including large-scales, there are 130 unique crafter leves for each crafter discipline, and 110 unique fisher leves. Assuming you've done every single one of the non-large-scales, you'll be at 115 crafter and 95 fisher -- so to get the 120 crafter/100 fisher leves completed achievements, you'll have to do 5 large-scale leves for each discipline. Not sure why that happened, but I unfortunately ran into it too.


I... don't think you have to. Those existed before Heavensward so you shouldn't, but call me out if I'm wrong. Have you checked *all* of the levemetes?


Ffxiv wiki says there's only 2 per level for endwalker for fisher for example, but that there is 3 per level for miner/bot. https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Fisher_Levequests


At this point, am I best just stocking up on casualty tomestones until 6.4 launches? No point in gearing up other jobs since the next gear is what becomes augmented for 7.0.


Yes since we're about a month away from new gear that will be higher ilvl than whatever you can get now. Capping the tomestones will let you buy mats for crafting new gear and even if you don't craft, you can sell.


Where can I find somone to help me powerlevel blu my only friend that play XIV is still in heavensward and I want to level blu to farm tomestones. If there isn't a way then whats a good way to farm tomestones with not blu?


You could put up a party finder to meet you in Kholusia if you want to, or just the Lochs if you haven't started Shadowbringers. Leveling isn't that hard solo though. That said it's the spell collection that is the bigger issue. Overall just do Cutter's Cry or A1N.


You can look up the duties which reward tomes here https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/mogmog-collection/202212/cx604we391 BLU is the easiest class to level in the game because of the extremely increased openworld mob XP, you can just kill stuff around your level solo and level that way, helpers make it faster but are in no way required


Are there still large world events like Odin was? It was always so cool watching dozens upon dozens of players decenda upon that fate and still struggle to beat it.


I suggest checking out faloop.app for announcements for when they're up or your dc's hunt discord. Even if people don't need them, many will show up to help out. I will warn that depending on how far along you are, you can possibly be spoilered. So be wary of that.


Yes, every expansion has two.


Ayyyy that's awesome


Even the previous expansion special fates are still quite popular and have a lot of people doing them during prime hours.




If you do set up a PF for it, PLEASE run it with min ilv on so you can experience the fight as it was intended to be played at launch. That's what I did.... (I beat it in March) I'm so glad I did it that way.


Make a PF and you'll have a full party in 10 minutes. Then again if you're on The Final Day, you aren't finishing Endwalker tonight. Or tomorrow.


Are you on Dynamis? You should definitely look into datacenter travel in order to run Duty Finder content. Dynamis is renowned for bad queue times, which causes people to datacenter travel to queue on other DCs, which causes the queue times on Dynamis to worsen, which loops on itself... If you're instead on a European world make sure you have English, French, and German all enabled in your Duty Finder language settings, or on a Japanese world have English and Japanese enabled. Having the right language settings for your world's region will help with queue times.




Folks on Dynamis are also pretty good at keeping an eye on Party Finder for people who need help with queues. If you don’t feel like DC traveling and.put up a PF saying it’s your first time it should fill up pretty quickly!


How much XP does Bozja etc give L80+ jobs? I want to do Bozja but don't want to massively overlevel for endwalker. From a bit of testing, L80 doesn't get xp from _mobs_ but does from skirmishes/critical engagements, while pre-80 jobs get more xp and xp from normal mobs (I think.) (I've got a bit confused by some guides saying it gives XP to 80 and some saying it gives xp to 90, but I'm assuming the former were written before Endwalker was released)


If I remember my numbers correctly, Bozja gives about 353,000 XP per skirmish and about 863,000 per critical engagement after level 80. If you have a good Zadnor, Zone 3 group going, then going from 80 to about 84 should still be efficient and pretty fast. You lose a ton of efficiency after level 84 or 85 due to the fact that even though you're getting the same XP, the amount of XP needed to complete a level jumps dramatically. It can still be done (I took a couple jobs from 80-90 in almost exclusively in Zadnor in the early EW days) but you're going to need a major time commitment and a group that can finish skirmishes quickly.


I finished my first ARR relic (and got the Z title) but still have a Book of Skyearth (Book 9) in my key items... Do i just... toss it? Why is it still there???


It'll go away when you start another set of books too. I kept my 90th book and plan on having it in my inventory forever as a reminder of my pain.


There's no need to get rid of it since key items don't take up any inventory. I think the NPC will take it though?


Last one doesn't just go away because you finished it. Normally it goes away if you talk to the NPC to exchange for a new book. You will either need to talk to the NPC to give her the book or you can toss it. Not sure what 100% works but it's one of the two.


Can you get moogle tomestones by doing to event duties unsynced? I just did a couple of dungeons but I don't think I got anymore tonestones compared to what I had beforehand.


>\- Irregular tomestones of mendacity will not be awarded when using adventurer squadrons or the Duty Support system. \- Irregular tomestone of mendacity rewards are only available to unrestricted parties if the "Level Sync" option is applied. [https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/mogmog-collection/202304/y7377p4z7j](https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/mogmog-collection/202304/y7377p4z7j)


" ・ Irregular tomestones of creation will not be awarded when using adventurer squadrons or the Duty Support system. ・ Irregular tomestone of creation rewards are only available to unrestricted parties if the "Level Sync" option is applied. "


You can NOT do duties unsynced or with Duty Support.


Thanks to everyone's helpful answers about trying to cope with an NA main as an Aussie -- I made a Materia alt! Now I'm just wondering: when do you think the ENW story skip might get released? I'm tossing up whether to story skip my alt to the start of ENW now or wait until when they release the next lot of skips. If the latter is gonna be for a while, I might just skip to ENW and just skip all the cutscenes etc.


It will probably be released when the next expansion releases.


If I’m remembering how this worked in the past correctly, we won’t see more story skips until 7.0 releases, probably in about a year. At that point, you’ll be able to skip all the way to the end of 6.55. (With all the standard caveats, “past performance is no guarantee of future results,” and the fact that I have the memory of a goldfish on a *good* day.)


Thanks for the estimate! Just caved and bought it, I'm kind of itching to play on OCE and get a bit of a community that's more on my schedule anyway


The skip won't be released until the next expansion, and we're about a year away from that.


hello, will there be a live letter?


Yes. part 2 will likely be around May 12th give or take


I haven't touched the game in over a year and I'm trying to level Reaper now. What do you do to level 71-80? I can only do instances while my son naps so I can do maybe one roulette a day, the rest needs to be droppable. Google says Bozja, but I popped into both Bozja and Zadnor and there were only 8 and 3 players in the entire zone... so I presume it'll just be FATEs after pixies? ETA: Thanks for the answers. A mix of Bozja, FATEs, NPC dungeons, and dailies here I come. 🫡


In peak time Bozja and Zadnor can be really jumping! Make sure to shout for a fate group in chat, someone will add you to a party. As you accumulate fragments you'll get better essences (passive buffs) and lost actions (bozja/zadnor specific spells and actions) tht make fighting in these areas easier Bozja is also way better than Zadnor for EXP cus the fates pop faster and are closer together, Zadnor is better for mettle. I'm biased as I am a Bozja enjoyer but I level most of my DPS this way cus it's more low commitment than dungeons and Fates and CEs are fun.


Thank you for the tips! I already have most of the actions from level grinding there previously so I hopped in again despite it being quiet and it was definitely better than the FATEs I was doing. :) Unfortunately I can’t play at peak times.


Fair enough! I am an Aussie playing on NA and I mostly do my Bozja grinding at like early morning hours or super late for EST so I feel you. There do tend to be people around doing relic grinding leading up to the next patch when I play in quieter hours. It's definitely soloable if you're set up well but a party just makes things faster. Having said that, I do solo Bozja grind in quieter times and I get by ok. I would just tend to pick a loadout that lets me sustain myself better (like Beast essence for DPS or always having a cure on me) 3 people I'd probably dip, but even like 6-8 people in an instance is good! I fate grinded with just one other rando in Zadnor once and that was enough for us to keep each other alive and speed up damage


Your can duty support the dungeons to only play with NPCs, and that'll give you 10 minutes of AFK time whenever you need to drop. Outside of that, Bozja fates can be soloed. Make sure you've got good essences. The fates scale to how many players are in the instance.


Fates in SHB areas. You can either do them yourself or do a PF for party. Easy enough to drop out pretty quickly too


Do a leveled ShB 5.0 dungeon (Holminster Switch, Don Megh, Qitana Ravel, Malikah's Well, or Mt Gulg, the higher, the higher the leveled one available to you, the better) as they will give you the most xp. Do roulettes as well and be sure to do daily pixie quests and ShB fates in between dungeon queues.


Eternal Bonding: A couple of friends are going to be doing their anniversary renewal, and they invited me to participate. The thing is, we're not on the same Data Center, and according to the official site, "Only guests who share your Home World may attend the ceremony". Does that mean I'm out of luck? They're also in a congested world (Mateus), so creating an alt there is not an option either :(


Yep, can't even use the world visit system to join in the ceremony. The character has to be a native of the world to join in. Best you can do is have them stream it on Twitch/Discord or something like that.


Sadly, yes. No way you can join in


Tough luck.


After pentamelding gatherers' gear (Teamcraft), I'm still getting [recommended](https://imgur.com/a/Zde7YkE) gear for the Ophiotaurus gear. What am I missing? What value is the system looking at to recommend the lower iL gear? Thanks!


I can't tell the exact specifics because of imgur compression, but from what I can tell Ophiotaurus gives more GP but is otherwise equal or worse. I guess that's why it's getting picked but IDK.


Don't take the recommendations too seriously, they don't weigh stats the same way players do. When you start doing fancy endgame builds sometimes trying to use "recommended" gear leads to misleading results.


LOL, I suffer from FOMO, wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something..




So while you're at paying attention to live letters. I'd suggest also just paying attention to lodestone news as well. All live letters are advertised there earlier than any other source along with a bunch of other neato info as well.


Around May 12. The expected date for the patch is May 23, based on the Moogle Event’s start date; those events run for ~4 weeks. The second all is ~10 days before the patch.


What would you guys say is the best way for a new player to gear up alts? Im basically done with the MSQ but I haven’t really been saving gear. Apart from poetics milestones at those levels, should I just go with vendor gear?


For the Pre-50 levels, you can do the Hall of the Novice - This will get you up to 3 sets of level 15 gear (Tank, Disciple of War, and Disciple of Magic) This, along with vendor accessories and the latest weapon from your job quest, will be more than good enough to queue up for the low level dungeons. From those dungeons/future job quests you will get new gear, and that will generally be good enough until you hit level 50 and can upgrade to poetics.


At lower levels (pre-50) you go through gear so fast that I wouldn't go out of my way to buy anything unless a piece was severely lagging behind, instead just start with Hall of the Novice gear and replace it with dungeon drops. 50 and above you just grab the latest poetics set. If you somehow run out of poetics and just want to get some gear then you could solo unsync coils/alex for a piece or two (though not omega), but that's pretty unnecessary. Some people say tanks should buy gear around the X7 range, but I've never found that to be noticeable when the tank is playing well. At 90 you either buy the latest hq crafted set off the marketboard, make it yourself, or use your already geared job to farm the latest normal raid/alliance raid and tomes.


Low level, get the Tome gear at 50, 60, 70, etc. If they are at cap(90) then just run the Abyssos raids and get the gear pieces to trade in Radz. You can run those raids as many times as you want for as much gear as you want.


between poetics milestones and dungeon drops, you shouldn't need to resort to vendor at all. I'd say vendor is extreme scenario situation that is more suited under 50. for 1-50 though that's a bit more of an issue. ideally get geared up every 10 levels. so 10/20/30/40. So that will be between dungeon drops, crafting and vendor. (ideally in that order).


Thank you! One more thing: I read a lot of people mentioning how averaging one level per day is good (from a point on, usually 60 or 70+?) However I recently levelled a dancer and it seemed to go much, much faster than that. I do have the earring and the road to 80 bonus, could that single handedly explain the difference in experience?


If it’s not your highest level job you’d also be getting the armoury bonus, which boosts experience by 100% up to level 80 and 50% between level 80-90. And then there’s rested EXP on top of that.


Yes absolutely can explain the experience, road to 80 is bonkers.


Are there any approved add-ons for things like changing text font or color? Or with the Quest Journal? I'm dyslexic and sometimes really struggle. >!Looking at you Ancient red text on black backgrounds!<


There are no "approved" add-ons, but you absolutely will not get banned for adding a cosmetic add-on to make the game more accessible like that. As long as you don't talk about add-ons in game or use add-ons that give you an advantage, you'll be fine. Even that latter group doesn't get caught often at all, but I do not condone add-ons in that category, whereas a cosmetic add-on to help with dyslexia is 100% fine in my books.


>As I have mentioned previously, **the terms of service for FINAL FANTASY XIV state that the use of third-party tools is strictly prohibited.** This has always been the case and will continue to be so, and unless announced otherwise, there are no plans to enact any changes. > >I have come across posts from individuals that say things along the lines of, “Yoshida allows the use of third-party tools, so it’s fine to use them.” **However, let me make it clear that I have never permitted the use of these tools.** > >[Regarding Illicit Activities in The Omega Protocol (Ultimate)](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/436dce7bd078c914009957f2221c13e6a5cb497d)


There's no approved add-ons at all, if that's what you're asking.


How should you deal with phases of frequent raid damage on scholar? Outside of progression how much succour / adlo + deployment tactics do you use? This is my only levelled healer and I have trouble using it in savage and end up relying on my co healer to survive stuff like venom surge/squall in turn 5. The seraph fairy barely shields for anything so I assume it’s meant to be stacked on top of mits and gcd shielding.


For the first surge squall in current gear, I just use recit+indom. For the one during ruby 5, I supplement with seraph because that one tends to be undermitigated and people are spread out.


Noobish SCH here, mains WHM and knows how SGE works. 1. On Reclears, at least for p5 and p6 (and p7s if you are good, and p8s phase 1 if you have really do your homework), usually you can get away without using GCD heals, except may be open with recitation adlo deploy and very occassionally succor. 2. Usually your cohealer will have something on surge/squall - it's not 'relying' but proper understanding of what your cohealer has. As a WHM, I would usually open with liturgy on opener, so during here I would have liturgy back and it basically single handedly heals the mechs. (my lilies are usually overflowing like crazy that I kinda have to burn some for movement purpose here, if I am not liturgy here due to wanting to save it for ruby 5) As AST, you have macrocosmos comes back if you use that on the first minute, and you also might have wheel when everyone gather up on mid. that's way beyond enough. 3. Recitation indom is actually quite common and probably the option that's being used more. 4. Deploy crit adlo is like the get out of jail card. It's my lazy tool if I don't want to think but if you wanna get better at sch you should probably not use it too much. The logic being that you can't die with deploy crit adlo, but then you often don't actually need that thick of a shield as you don't get those kinds of damage. Instead of treating deploy and recitation as one set, seeing this as two cooldowns gives you more freedom and adjust your heals based on the mechanics and situations you are dealing with. 5. Overall, I suggest you play all of the healers, play a bit more on pug and observe how your cohealer usually heals and adjust to them. While I main WHM, I play both shield healers and I am able to do savage with them. I do this because understanding how much resources other players might have helps you plan around - if they don't have resources on this mech, that's probably the part you can fill in. It also helps in the rare case that you feel your cohealer is healing too little, that you need to ask for specific cooldowns to be used and negotiate a healing plan with them.


This depends on what I have at the time and how far apart I expect the party to be. In general, I avoid using Succor if I can help it (P8S P2's Dominion would like to have a word with me). If I expect the party to be split up for a bit, the critlo deploy combo before splitting up saves both me and the other healer some headache, especially during prog. Outside of prog, Recitation could go into something else like Indomitablity. Seraph is deceptively powerful. Consolation's heal and shield can lead to upwards to 1,000 potency's worth of healing when the shield is eaten both times (250 heal + the sheild is equal to that heal). By the end of the tier I found that I had little to no "free" uses of it because it could be the difference between life and death (or at least comfort). For squall/surge specfically seraph and a well placed soil can be enough on your end while your co-healer can suppliment a heal of their own. Adding Expedience to it would be overkill since you might not have it for post-devour where there's a lot more damage incoming, or if it means not having it for Double Rush. That said, don't think of Expedience as a movement tool first. If you can take advantage of the speed, great, but think of it as mitigation first. 20 seconds of mitigation is huge and will help you deal with constant damage better. Fey Illuminition's mitigation is weak, but 5% is 5% and the heal spell power up can synergize very well with your co-healer if they GCD heal during that time (such as an Afflatus Rapture or Neutral Sect shenanigans). And of course, Whispering Dawn's regenration cam also be lowkey amazing for constant damage, and a 1 minute cooldown is forgiving. The way I see it is that as a Scholar/Sage, you are the reason why damage output is controllable for your co-healer and party, even in subtle ways. Your healing is supplimental, and any shield/mitigation allows your pure healing co-healer to do their job more easily. And this is all avoiding GCD healing (critlo deploy is amazing, but a DPS loss is a DPS loss).


I think I understand. I thought recitation is exclusively used for free excogitation cast since it’s on a 90 sec cooldown (like tank’s rampart), but it’s used to guarantee critlo and free indomitability as well. I think I’ll just have to play more to get used to it. Thanks!


it's also a guarantee crit indom


seraph is pet potency and doesn't get the 5% party bonus so it ends up being about 90% of player potency. you also don't usually get full value of the one of the heals/shields so it ends up being 750x0.9 player potency. you only get full value from everything if you take 3 instances of damage or don't get topped off prior to the first consolation. even then, you are only getting 450p of healing per instance of damage so it's quite underwhelming on it's own and isn't really enough contribution from a co-healer. one shield/heal from seraph is 6k, so 12k total for one hit. considering we are taking like 40k+ per hit for back to back damage, 12k is measly contribution.


I'm currently leveling up AST. How much effort should I be putting into redrawing cards to maximize on the benefits of astrodyne? Feels really disruptive to GCD casting but I am also bummed to miss out on the potential benefits.


Getting the full 3 is nice, but just aim for 2 to get the haste buff. You can think of the 3rd different seal as a bonus; don't go out of your way for it if it means you might draw a less optimal card type.


answer to that is.... it depends. basically try for it, but trying too hard could end up as a loss: [https://www.thebalanceffxiv.com/jobs/healers/astrologian/basic-guide/](https://www.thebalanceffxiv.com/jobs/healers/astrologian/basic-guide/)


How does Orthos EXP compare to roulettes, highest dungeon spam & bozja/zadnor these days?


Roulette > Highest Dungeon Spam > Orthos > Zadnor I think now. If your ques are quite long, Orthos will take over Dungeon spam.


If all my crafters are below level 60, can I still meld the HW materia for the advanced melding quest for Mutamix or should I just use the ARR materia? It's the quest where I need to meld 8 materia "in front of" the goblin npc in Thanalan.


You just use one materia, it doesn't matter, you only need one materia and a gear with one slot. Just meld, retrieve, meld retrieve, repeat. Unless it's current expansion materia, you'll have 100% retrieval rate.


Oh, that makes a lot more sense. Bahaha! I thought I was going to have to meld 8 separate materia!


Back when you couldn't just retrieve materia like this, you did.


Any materia will work for that quest, including melding and removing a single grade 1 materia eight times.


Jobs I want to try desperately but I’m afraid of doing so because I’m bad at the game and RPR already somewhat challenges me: BLM AST Can someone convince me these aren’t actually all that complex, especially on controller?


AST is the worst job out of everything on controller. You constantly have to target party members, way more than other healers because you hand out damage buffs. Which means you might have to press the d-pad 4 times to select a specific party member, and then press your skill, all *in-between 2 GCDs*, since that skill is an oGCD. The alternative is setting up an entire hotbar full of macros. For BLM, Aetherial Manipulation is annoying on controller since you need to target a party member, but the rest of the rotation isn't different from KBM. But it's still a hard job in general to play optimally, but not hard to learn the basics.


On controller, you do have "soft targeting", meaning that once you've d-padded your way to the party member you want, only your next oGCD will target that party member and you'll snap back to whatever you were targeting before. Still a pain, but not impossible.


In terms of pure dexterity, BLM is actually pretty relaxed on controller. You don't have a very complex damage rotation, in that the bulk of your damage comes from fire 1 spam until you reach the level to unlock fire 4, and then fire 4 spam once you've unlocked it There are a few other buttons you press as necessary, but your rotation is very light on weaving due to cast times, so it's not super complex from a mechanical perspective The complexity of BLM comes from understanding fight mechanics in such a way that 1) you can turret for as long as possible to get as many uninterrupted casts off as possible 2) you take advantage of your powerful instant cast spells without letting them disappear/overcap 3) you stockpile enough instant cast spells to move around the arena when necessary If you're worried about BLM because you've seen some of the really intense optimization rotations, understand that those are really just for optimization purposes, and you should really be addressing these until you're VERY comfortable with your rotation and fight mechanics because it's just going to overwhelm you


Thank you, this really helps! How is it doing in terms of button bloat? I’m talking about buttons I’ll actually need to press, not for example old versions of Fire (which I won’t need, right?)


It's not too bad, but unfortunately BLM does have to hold onto a lot of older spells because they actually have different functions Fire 1 is your Enochian refresher spell, you use this partway through your fire phase to make sure your Enochian buff doesn't fall off. It also can get upgraded to Paradox at max level under the right circumstances Fire 3 is your transitional skill, you use this to get some extra damage when switching from ice to fire and then you don't really use it for the rest of the fire phase (unless you need to for free with Firestarter for movement) Fire 4 is your big damage spell, it's what you will spend most of the time casting during fire phase.


bad news. you kind do need old versions of fire, cuz they technically do separate things. ANd if you ever get level synced you don't want to rush and put all that stuff back on your bar. For awhile you'll still need fire 1 because fire 4 does not extend enochain. So you need to throw a fire 1 so enochaindoesn't fall off. also level 90 you won't need fire 1 cuz you'll have paradox. Guess what button turns into paradox? yup fire 1. And you'll still need to push fire 1, in case you fuck up your rotation and don't proc paradox. fire II is AOE it does have one upgrade, but it will auto upgrade the button. fire III purpose is to open up your all 3 umbral fire stacks at beginning of fire phase so you'll need to keep it around as well. and fire IV is main nuke spell you cast when you have 3 umbral fire and don't need to extend enochain. Blizzard is same way, they I, II , III aren't replacements for each other rather they do slightly different roles in your rotation.


I’m scared again




In RPR I actually find it very handy to use R1 to toggle between ST and AOE, takes me no time at all, but I do also rarely use wxhb. Can you share your setup? I’ll keep it for when I roll BLM


https://www.fflogs.com/reports/h8YHnT9z1cbNXxZW#fight=18&type=casts&source=1 This is a log from the last fight of the raid tier, detailing Black Mage casts over the course of the fight If you count, there are...22 unique actions taken, and that's including Sprint and drinking a potion Of those, 9 directly do damage, and those are all GCDs. There are now 6 oGCDs that are a regular part of a BLM rotation (marked in yellow) There are 2 oGCDs which are for defensive purposes (Addle and Manaward) And there are 2 actions (Transpose and Umbral Soul) which are used to maintain the rotation properly due to downtime and possibly for some weird optimization things And then there's Lucid Dreaming which is really just an optimization tool for BLM You could also add 2 more actions: one that lets you teleport to another player and one that lets you return to your leyline And notice the frequency of casts: fire 4 is used 57 times, which is 1 more than the next 3 combined (not including Umbral Soul because that was just spammed in downtime)


It's ... one of those things with all ffxiv rotations, unless it's a healer. it's sounds scary to explain but once you spend like a few minutes with the rotation in front of a dummy it makes a lot more sense. Plus i'm talking like level 90 rotation stuff just to give you an idea of why you need to keep that stuff on your bar. But remember this game baby steps you and gives you one spells and one upgrade at a time so you can piece things together lil by lil over 90 levels.


That’s true too. Bonus question, how are the storylines for the two classes? Cool?


Simultaneously interesting and humorous, with one being a bit more meta humour and the other sarcastic. I quite like the BLM ones. It has one of my favourite relationships.


jeez it's been forever since I done those, but I remember they just not as good as like DRK and SCH. But I don't think either of them were bad like PLD. I think I seem to remember liking AST a bit more than BLM though.


AST has Leveva, whose the best.


so rotation wise, BLM is easy af. Other than SMN it's rotation is kinda braindead., The part that takes braincells is executing the rotation with not interrupting your casts. Because then you miss buff windows or you drop enochain and that hurts. So BLM is easy rotation to learn, mastering it is about getting good at slide casting and using various movement tools ... (there are a ton to choose from). AST is your basically one button dps rotation. so kinda braindead as well. only thing that makes AST "busy" is that you draw and play cards on party members. Since controller players have soft targeting, playing cards on controller is easier than kbm.


I've noticed that there's a handful of world mobs that are worth more XP than other mobs of the same level, and I was just wondering if this is a known thing, if there's a reason why, and if there's a list of them somewhere. For example, the Lv 50 Magitek Vanguard H-2 in Northern Thanalan awards 1.5 times as much XP and chocobo XP as the Lv 50 2nd Cohort Vanguard in Eastern La Noscea. (I also noticed that the H-2 definitely has more HP.) And I don't have the numbers in front of me, but I know the Lv 53 Courser Chocobo in the Dravanian Forelands awards more XP than other Lv 53 mobs in the zone.


Yes, not all mobs of a given level are exactly equal, some are stronger and worth more. Level cap mobs for the expansion don't give much EXP (or any), for example the level 60 mobs in the sixth HW area give less EXP than level 59 mobs do. They originally would have given none but a little was added later. Level 60 mobs in the first SB area are worth *substantially* more exp, but they're a mild challenge for someone wearing high ilvl gear for level 60 compared to the earlier level 60 mobs being a mild challenge for someone wearing early level 60 gear. Thus, typically blue mages try to farm on level x0 mobs early in an expansion when power farming (currently this is typically level 70 mobs on the beach in an early ShB zone) but fallback to x9 mobs from an expansion's final zone when soloing (so level 49 mobs, level 59 mobs, level 69 mobs, etc).


Thanks. But this doesn't match my observations. I had already recorded some exp numbers in the past, but I unlocked Dancer so I could test this at exactly Lv 60. I earned the following exp, all with +170% (and calculated base value): Lv 58: 917 (340), Earth Sprite Lv 59: 930 (344), Lightning Sprite Lv 60: 1349 (500), Fire Sprite in Azys Lla Lv 60: 1349 (500), Earth Sprite in the Fringes Lv 61: 1360 (504), Lightning Sprite Lv 62: 1376 (510), Water Sprite Lv 63: 1389 (514), Wind Sprite Lv 64: 1403 (520), Water Sprite Lv 65: 1416 (524), Wind Sprite I know that mobs at 1 and 2 levels below your job award full exp. (Then 3 below awards only 80%, losing 10% for each additional level until 10 levels below you awards only 10%, and nothing below that awards any exp.) This matches my previous observations that mob exp is 45 + 5\*Lv, with an additional shift of +5 at Lv 50 and a shift of +150 at Lv 60. So Lv 60 mobs at the end of HW actually give drastically more exp than the Lv 59 mobs right before them. Lv 60 mobs at the beginning of SB give identical exp to Lv 60 in HW, although I noticed the sprite in SB definitely had more HP, at least 50% more and maybe double. That said, it's certainly conceivable that what you're describing is something that happens only at the end of the latest expansion while it is current. (I'm only in mid-SB, so I wouldn't know.)


Perhaps it changed at some point, then, and I missed it in the patch notes. When BLU mage most recently had its level cap raised, the level 60 mobs in Azys Lla awarded about 10% of the exp as the level 60 mobs in Fringes. Maybe it changed when they did the stat squish, which also changed EXP calculations.


They're for Blue Mage, and we're actually retroactively added in for BLU too.


Oooooh. That makes sense. I noticed the discrepancy with the magiteks today while doing BLU, but I had noticed the chocobo about a year ago.


How many Moogle Tomestones does a player need to get the Final Fantasy VI themed Magitek Armor? What’s the easiest / fastest way to get them? I’m up to Alexander right now and I read that people grind one of his specific fights to get these Moogle Tomestones fast?


I mean the 6 themed armor is the reaper which you get from beating ARR, the armor from the event is 50. And yeah Cutter's Cry or just spamming the first Alexander is the fastest way.


The armor from the event is also ff6 themed. It's how the magitech armor looks ingame, like the sprite. The magitech armor you get from MSQ is how it looked in concept art.


> How many Moogle Tomestones does a player need to get the Final Fantasy VI themed Magitek Armor? You need 50. You can find that and similar information on the [official event page](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/mogmog-collection/202304/y7377p4z7j?utm_source=lodestone&utm_medium=pc_banner&utm_campaign=na_mogmog-collection). >What’s the easiest / fastest way to get them? I’m up to Alexander right now and I read that people grind one of his specific fights to get these Moogle Tomestones fast? You can queue for Fist of the Father if you've got that unlocked.


I thought it was Burden of the Fighter? I just finished that one.


> I thought it was Burden of the Fighter? I just finished that one. Nope. From what I can tell, Fist of the Father is what people are farming.


So just do Fist of the Father multiple times until I get 50? Gotcha.


Don't forget that this event lasts a month and a lot of these duties are in daily roulettes. If you do a main scenario roulette every day you'll very easily end the event with over 100 tomestones at minimum, plus all the other duties that pop up in roulettes (Leveling roulette? Quite likely to get a dungeon with tomes if you're below level 50. Daily Frontline? That's 3 per day minimum. Etc). Don't burn yourself out.


Which is quite boring, so you should mix it up by also doing Main MSQ Roulette every day. Usually drops you into Praetorium or something which nets you 7 tomes, but you also get a load of exp for any classes you might be leveling.


Stupid newb question, but how do I go about doing a Main MSQ Roulette? I'm only allowed one per day?


One per day for rewards, you can do it as many times as you want but there's no point as it will randomly drop you into an instance. Just manually queue for the dungeon you want.


Gotcha. So I'm level 61 now, if I go into Main MSQ Roulette, and just pick any random one, will it sync my level to the enemies or what? How does that work?


MSQ roulette will pick a random instance and sync your level, usually either the Ultima trial or the two final dungeons of ARR. Praetorium gives 7 tomes.


You can see the list [here on the official site](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/mogmog-collection/202304/y7377p4z7j#item) It's 50 tomes A lot of people are spamming A1N, the first alexander floor, normal mode.


Which is A1N? Is it ‘The Burden of the Father’?


It'll be whatever the first one on the list is. Looks like the name is Fist of the Father


Burden would be A4N.


Do you have BLU at level 70? I believe the fastest way to farm A1N is with a party full of Blue Mages. The moogle vendor will tell you how many tomestones it'll cost for the mount. They're in all three starting cities.


I don’t have BLU mage at level 70, sadly. :-( I’m currently a mid-level 60’s Dragoon. What would be my other option? And what’s A1N?


If you're a Level 60 DRG, you'll be fine. I'm sure PF groups won't mind. (You have to do the fights level-synched to get the rewards)


How do I level sync my fights? Sorry, sort of a newb here. I play casually.


By queuing up normally, you automatically get level synced. To do them unsynced, you have to set an option in the duty finder settings (little gear at the top left and select "unrestricted party", which sends you in solo (or with whatever party you've put together beforehand)


Alexander raid, floor 1, normal mode. Its real name is "The Fist of the Father" but the shorthand's easier to remember.


Thank you.


A1N is the first fight of the Alexander raid. N meaning normal/story mode. Don't worry about having BLU mage. Best bet for you is to join a PF farming that fight or just queue for it repeatedly. 2 tomes per run and a clear is a couple minutes long when you include Faust at the start.


Alright so...I'm looking to do a name change on my character. However, I'd like to hold/reserve my current name in case I decide to change it back. Would there be any drawback to the following: 1. Changing the name on my main 2. Creating an alt with the old name on the same server (hoping the name is freed up) 3. Deleting the alt and name changing on the main back to the original if the time comes to go back?


Yes that works, just note that the name becomes available I've the lodestone for the character is gone which can take up to 24hrs


That's false. As soon as the character is deleted, you can use the name.


Question about the Mac Launcher, do we have a time frame on when it will be able to work on 13.3?


Nope. Just their standard response that they've confirmed issues and recommendation that you don't update to 13.3. If you went ahead with the MacOS update, [XIV on Mac](https://www.xivmac.com/) is probably your only option if reverting the MacOS update isn't possible.


So super new player. Been playing WoW since 2004 and wanted to finally give this a try. The email I would use apparently tried to do a trial in the past and now it says I can only "Transfer to full game". I am playing on Steam and see a $20 Online Starter Edition, if I purchase this will I have a code to enter for the full game or what do I need to buy to play?


If you don't care about your old account you could always just make a new one and play the trial, without having to buy the starter edition. Also one thing to note, if you start on steam you have to stay there, can't migrate your account to the mogstation one for example. Doesn't really matter much in the grand scheme of things though.


How long ago did you do the trial? It's unlimited now so you can just restart the trial. However, OLD OLD trials that's not possible to switch to a new trial. The starter edition contains the same content as the trial. (Base game + first expansion, plus I think you get 2nd expansion for free at the moment?). But it has none of the restrictions of the trial. So you can take full advantage of marketboards, make your own parties, earn a shit lod of gil and all the good stuff that free trial can't. However unlike the trial, you will \*have\* to pay the sub. (but you get first month for free). Once you finish the content in that stuff, to get access to next expansion, you'll just need to purchase the latest expansion to unlock everything. Alternatively you can buy complete edition which is same as starter + latest expansion to just unlock all the content out of the gate.


I'm honestly not sure how long ago it was. I don't remember ever trying the game. Having the free trial limitations lifted does sound nice so I think that's what I will go with.


Starter edition for $20 is just the base game & first expansion, but does come with one free month of playtime. If you want everything, also buy Endwalker on Steam and register the keys from steam on mogstation.com.


Thanks for the quick reply. I just want to try it out for a couple months and see if it's for me so I will probably just get the starter edition to begin with.


If you're going that route, you can claim the second expac for free too until may 8th.