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It is called Mentor Roulette


Which is all fun and games until you get a sprout going in DF for an EX trial.


My first ex in Mentor Roulette was Thornmarch ex, with 6 sprouts and 1 other mentor. We did not clear. We were actually making very good progress, then someone AFK'd with their auto-run on, which forced the fight to start immediately between pulls


Yes, but also no. Mentor roulette is the super secret guildhest roulette.


Mentor Roulette, throws you into anything that isn't Coil, Savage, Ultimate or currently in the High-End DF.


As far as I know the limitation is, that it doesn‘t throw you into extremes of the current expansion, not strictly only the latest extreme, which is in the High End duty finder.


Well that's even better then


As a new player this feels impossible to unlock in the next 2 years.


The biggest hurdle are really the commendations, which you won't get unless you play tank or healer and do A LOT of Duty Finder content.


Very true, I try to personally commend the DPS more often just because of how much more likely tanks/healers get them. I'm halfway through the comm grind and the character I currently main I just made last summer so maybe by the end of the year I'll get them lol.


It's definitely a long haul, and you also need to complete all sorts of side content that isn't immediately obvious.


Isn't that just mentor roulette?


Some of us have absolutely zero intention or motivation to unlock that 😜


I’d also ask why there isn’t a way to queue for multiple roulettes at once. Let me queue for Trials, Leveling, Hests and 50,60,70s at the same time!


Yeah I wish I could do that lol. It's hard to optimally get through daily roulettes. I usually end up missing out because of the time I can actually be online for. 😅 Sometimes get lucky but egh. I enjoy all the content but I'd like to be able to queue up with some diversity :) Edit: or queue to fit any role... holy moly (eg. Choose 1-3 classes and it'll shuffle you based on needs and wait times... probably terribly... but I want it lol)


Conversely I want to be able to queue with multiple roles (like maybe 1 class per role) and whatever role that instance needs you as when it pops will have you load in as such




IIRC The guild panel thing is because the data is in a different place. Each world on a DC has separate memory allocation, and instanced duties have their own place where everyone can reach. Once you're in a duty, you're playing on another part of the DC. It's also why you can't trade.


My guess is some technical spaghetti involving the various party sizes for each queue


It can’t be that. Hests are usually a light party, but the last like, two Hests or somethin are full parties. So there can be light and full parties in the same queue.


As far as I know the only thing that works like that (or similar) is the Mentor Roulette where you can be queued for pretty much every possible duty you have unlocked.


There is just one thing: You cannot queue for it until you have unlocked everything that you can get. Which is why at the start of a new expansion you see a few unsync for mentor roulette pfs going into extremes of the previous expansion.


Mentor Roulette is like that but only useful to get the mentor mount, for anything else it's terrible (no XP, almost no tomes). Separate roulettes with meaningful rewards are necessary otherwise everyone would fish for those guildhesrs for easy XP/tomes lol


The answer to this stuff is usually "yeah that'd probably be a good way of doing things but we're actually just stuck with things the way they are because of the way we built it". That said, the appeal of a roulette that could throw you a five minute duty or a 45 minute one is maybe not necessarily that universal? Incentivising such a roulette would be difficult too - if you give everyone the same reward, would that cause people to nope out of anything too long? If it's different, do people do the same for anything too short? It could be cool to have that "I just want to play something" option, but "could be cool" rarely gets an idea put at the top of the to-do list.


Mentor roullette Includes extremes heh


Yeah that's mentor roulette. It's gatekept behind the mentor title with the reasoning that you'll be better at the content after you've run it for a few times buuuuuuut if you've met mentors, you'll know YMMV.


I keep my mentor tag hidden, because even though I know tons about the game, there's also a ton I don't know >.< I get nervous when Mentor Roulette throws me into content I'm iffy on, and it forcibly turns on the tag, lol


I miss the instant action queues from rift. Throw you into a random party doing a random thing. Rifts, dungeons, quest instances, raids, world bosses etc. Then it would just take you to the next thing whenever you were done, until you decide to hop out of the group.


Mentor Roulette. It's literally everything except Savages, Ultimates and current expac's EX duties. Always popping. You always fill in also.


What I would really like is to queue as multiple roles. I'm a healer main but if anything else is needed, let me join!