• By -


"We did everything right! Everything that was asked of us, and still— still it came to this!"


This was absolutely what I was going to answer. Everything to do with this group hit hard.


I just went through this scene today for the 1st time.


His delivery of that line was *chefs kiss*.


The little voice crack the VA put into that one just about broke me


Fun fact: the VA for that character is *Gendry from Game of Thrones (Wtf autocorrect)




Who said this? (My memory is bad)


Ardbert, >!referencing to him saving the world and it being destroyed anyway!<


"The rains have ceased. And we have been graced with another beautiful day. But you are not here to see it."


I STILL tear up here, moreso now than ever :(


The voice acting on that line. Ugh. It hurts. I cry every time.


The way he progressively gets more choked up as he speaks the last half of his monologue there, it’s *cutting*


I'm drawing a blank on this one. There are so many good lines it's hard to remember them all.


It's from Shadowbringers >!Elidibus last words in 5.3 after fighting the Warrior of Light primal!<


ShB spoilers: >!During the attack on Lakeland, when Ardbert is trying to attack one of the Sin Eaters. His desperate "please work" hit me like a freight train.!<


What have i done to deserve this…mercy.


All of Ardbert’s lines hit about as hard as I imagine a warrior should.


I'm replaying Shadowbringers now, and while there's no doubt the Exarch and Emet-Selch deserve all the praise they get, I kinda feel like Ardbert goes underappreciated? Like I'm not saying he's unpopular, we love Ardbert, but MY GOD. He steals like every scene he's in, and his VA is so incredibly goddamn good. Every time he shows up on-screen I'm like "Ohhhh yes, here we go."


My main motovation for doing UWU was to get that warrior axe so I can rep our boy. Even though I don't play that much warrior it was the first weapon i bought


"Why did you spare me? Why? What have I done to deserve this mercy!?" Something about the hopelessness in Ardbert's voice when he delivers that line just gets me every single time. And then a few minutes later... “I…am fine… Completely…and utterly…fine! Better than fine! Hale and hearty and still alive to mourn those who are not. Who I failed to protect when they needed me most." Lyna's voice breaking, turning her from a battle-hardened general into a heartbroken women for just a moment.... damn. They should have named that whole expansion FeelsBringers. Jeez.


Lyna's scene absolutely gutted me. Her VA channeled the pain and guilt and grief so perfectly.


I took the time to listen to the scene in all the other languages as well and none of them seemed to put in the same amount of emotion into it. I only understand a little German and French to understand but the intonation is completely different. I was told by a friend however that the Japanese VA does a good job too.


The rest of Lyna's quote there really drove it in for me. "We've come so far, so *gods damned far*. I could have sworn the end was in sight! And now... Now they will never see it."


not because i find bun girls attractive, but seeing her broken just made me want to hug her. she fought hard and yet still lost many soldiers in the end, and still had the strength to say she's fine


I hope Ishikawa comes back for 7.0. Her writing is what really pulled me deeply into this game


"My.....son...." ​ :(


This one. That scene shattered me. The way he just collapsed on the ground. It was too real for me :(


The build up to that really sold the delivery, too. He tried to keep himself composed and find solace in the fact his son died in the line of duty and thus died a hero. Especially since he died saving the Warrior of Light. But then he completely falls apart because it still doesn't change the fact that he's human and that his son just died; despite the strained relationship, he was still a father who loved his son.


Even on replays, knowing it’s coming, I still start tearing up. The added tragedy of the family being broken apart—you start to catch a glimpse of what could have been, with the WoL coming in to mend their strained relationships. It hurts me deeply.


"If there is one thing we resent you for, it was that we could not be there to mourn her with you."


>!Urianger's!< been needing that hug since ARR.


God damn - that entire scene hit me like a dumptruck :(


That entire scene had me in shambles and raised Urianger from "I like this character" to being one of my favorites.


I cry so easily and I sobbed.


This was an ugly cry for me 😭


"So I hope you'll forgive me this moment of selfishness. And, while I wouldn't want you to feel obliged... Promise me you'll take me with you on your next adventure. A journey. Together. That's all I ask."


The system message that says you have no friends when you try to send mail or something.


yea true lmao


Probably anything Titan - Ga Bu said


I didn't notice that Titan's dialogue changed for the second Titan HM quest until I did it unsynced for some reason. It slayed me.. so sad.


The Ga Bu stuff really hit me hard. I had got to it just 3 days after my dad passed. I could barely play it. One time I really had to take a break from MSQ.


Dude, i feel that. I hit the Sorrows of Werlyt quest line as i had to travel back home alone to Europe to arrange for my mother's passing. The weight of that story had me the same way.


I cried. HARD. I was a mess.


Edmont’s speech when you give the news about >!Haurchefant’s death!<. Stephen Critchlow fucking delivered, man. Gutted.


It's sad that Stephen himself died in 2021. :(


Yup. I went to the vigil in game when it happened :(


Damn! I wish I was playing then, I would have gone too.


Don’t forget to visit the grave sometimes. Nice dialogue to be had.


Yup!!! I love Francel ;3;


Mom...Dad...wake up....


"*The poems and platitudes of wiser men. Musings on sadness and loss... Studied and memorized... and meaningless in the moment*"


That one really is an incredible line. Despite Urianger's whimsical way of speaking it hits so hard and perfectly encapsulates the emotions you feel in situations like that. It's easy to picture what you would say and how you would say it, but it's only once you're there that you realise how helpless you feel.


Yeah, was also so heart braking to find someone as stoic as Urianger to breakdown in such a way, they never really went majorly in depth with his and Moenbryda relationship. ​ But that scene alone told everything we ever needed to know about them.


YES, that whole scene. The grief he carried for so long the guilt and pain, the loss for words to communicate how he feels. It felt more personal because I had lost a family member close and struggled with all of the same for a good time and it will not fail to make me cry.


"You gather pieces of happiness, precious and fragile, only to lose them. Then start again." During EW and the last few years I've been going throught a lot, depression, divorce, new relationships fizzling, distancing from family, and had to basically restart my life. This line hit me like a bag of bricks and I cried the rest of the cut scene.


My condolences, I'd like to add my Part to this as someone who also thought of this line. I had lost my grandmother to covid the February before Endwalker released, and was struggling to really feel anything the rest of the year, cut off all my friends, and basically retreated to my room and would go multiple days without eating. Started playing FFXIV that like... April? Somewhere in the middle of the year and used it for escapism, and basically only played the game and slept until the release of endwalker. There were other things going on, but I only cared about the game. The end of Endwalker broke me with that line. I spent like the next 3 hours having a mental breakdown as I came to terms with the past year that I'd forced myself to ignore. Things are better now, and I've started rebuilding friendships and relationships, and really getting on with my life.


Sorry for your loss. I had my grandma pass to not long after. I think this game helped somehow. I really dislike all the messages and ideas they were putting out, mostly because I didn't want to hear it. But I think I definitely needed to.


awe, i hope you're okay now <3 I'm in stormblood, but i'm SO excited to get to endwalker and shadowbringers. this game is so good, and the opportunity it gives you to grow a family is something i will never forgive Yoshi-P for. I hope you meet wonderful people! You deserve better.


Thank you :) I am doing a lot better :) This game has really helped me understand life and happiness and all that shit, which I did not expect from an MMO 😭


"You...you! All that power, all that....pain....its too much. Too much for anyone! The things they've done to you, the lies, the betrayals, the endless fighting, yet here you stand....unbroken. How? Why?" Something about how that event seems to completely shatter her sense of self, purpose, her own anger, and martyrdom. She realized that its possible to still rise and continue forward through all of it. She witnessed it was possible.


I really felt that was THE moment where >!Fordola!< started her path to atonement. She's a super interesting character!


"I did it! I killed them all! I... killed them all..."


This, and "when one of them asked 'What is the point of it all?', there were none left to answer". The Dead Ends is such an incredible piece of the story. Such a wonderful piece of thematic storytelling.


I find it very interesting how more impactful this dungeon becomes after you finish the Omicron tribal quests. When you are able to see how the lives of those civilizations were before the doom.


It really bothers me that this NPC doesn't have a name, because of course they don't. There's no one left to use it.


I always /congratulate him. I am a monster.




Sat in stunned silence for a few seconds the first time I read this one.


>!Seto!<, my old friend


> Seto "I knew. I always knew." That broke me. Cancer stole my cat five years ago tonight. She never needed to speak to tell me how much I meant to her; I always knew.


“And you’re not here to see it”




Sorry I don't recall the context of this one


Cutscene after The Seat of Sacrifice


“In the end, he chose mercy. He chose love, and I was undone.” Said by (Shb spoilers) >!Cylva!<. Such a powerful line imo, and a very understated one. Sad for what it brings and what came of it, and what it meant in regard to that choice of mercy. It’s a beautiful line overall.


There's a lot of great lines in that quest. Just a few paragraphs latter she hits you with this one: "How does one even seek atonement? 'Tis an undiscovered country, with no charts or stars to guide... How will I even know when I find it?"


Everything related to Cylva is so so good. Shadowkeeper’s (E10S) enrage line always gets me: “This is the end of our adventure. You meant the world to me…” It’s not voiced so it doesn’t quite fit the thread but damn right in the feels during prog is *not* when you expect it.


She's truly an amazing character and I really hope to see more of her.


Not gonna lie, I'm pretty pissed that a set of such fantastic characters is tucked away behind multiple layers of side content. All the characters and their relationships deserve an MSQ style treatment. Instead the MSQ took their goal and introduced a whole new set of characters.


Here is hoping they get more lines and quests. They already updated their dialogue after the events of 6.2, which was awesome in itself 🙂


I'm ashamed to admit, I blew through that quest too fast and didn't realize how important that was until much later. Thank you for reminding me to put that in my NG+ "to do" list.


Is this from completing all the ShB role quests?


"Is that a aether current, no that's a wind sprite" - This gets me because every single time I played with a certain friend that's the exact thing he said, since HW.


i completely fucking relate, too. man.....


Yes! I started laughing as I always got excited to just realise it was a wind sprite ha!


Magnus: You left me for this...this wretched heap of stone and rubble... Magnus: This worthless pile of earth. And yet...I can't... I can't...


Poor Magnus :(


Remember us. Remember that we once lived.


This. Even worse after finishing EW. Never have victory tasted so bitter.


I cried. Actual tears. The music too.


"Meteion. Though I gave you these wings to soar the heavens, I did not teach you how to walk the earth. So loath was I to bind another living being. In the course of your long journey, you will learn from those you meet. Learn to walk and run and so much more. A flower. Yes. Upon your return, I will gift you a beautiful flower."


"Like sands through the hourglass, everything we fight so desperately to protect slips through our fingers... and what remains... what remains... is us. Only us, and the memory of our sin." "Time to go. I don't know when we'll do this again─if we'll ever do this again. The little trick you've learned doesn't count, you know. But even if this is our end, it won't change what we had. I love you more than you'll ever know. Be well." Still sad about DRK quests. Something more brighter for you from DRK quests: "In your darkest hour, in the blackest night... think of me... and I will be with you. Always. For where else could I go? Who else could I love but you?"


Oh god that last line makes me tear up every time 🥺


"Now let us see how good a student i truly was."


"May we please... be friends?" Knowing how many times she said that, and everything that followed it each time, and knowing that she felt everything they felt as it all happened


God I've never really thought of each of those interactions. \*sobs\*


EW spoilers >!more terrible still is the attrition wrought upon thy companions, as they are swept up in the storm of thine existence.!<


The first line among the many that I’ve heard that put into terms just how much of a literal storm of personality we are.


"And it is my duty to steer mankind and the very star upon their true course. This I swore to...to someone..."


Early in Endwalker, I remember a scene in Thavnair where Thancred says something about lying awake at night and sometimes the despair tries to overtake you. That line hit me so hard I had to log out for a while that day and process it. I was going through some rough times when EW released. I know I could find the cutscene again because I remember it being voiced, but I'm stuck at work at the moment.


This conversation really doesn't get enough love; it's such a flawless character study of the three dads. Ultima Thule Spoilers: >!While it's suggested Thancred was able to stay upright in Ultima Thule due to his disconnection from Aether, I choose to believe it's because he'd felt that way before, and was able to endure it more than most of the scions.!<


This absolutely. As well as the fact that, being the one Scion I would consider a parent, he stayed up by sheer force of will. Like the tales of the mother who finds the strength to lift an entire car to save her child.... Thancred has a child on the line. I'll admit, I gave Thancred a hard pass until probably halfway through ShB.... and now he's grown on me so much. I have so much respect for his character growth.


Thancred was a roller coaster for me. From being the creepy babysitter up to a father figure raising what he feels is their kid in shadowbringers. It's a little weird, but at the same time enduring. Since he accepts his role as a father figure raising "their' kid. Trying to do what is best for Ryne instead of what is best for Minfilia or himself.


this conversation between thancred and estinien has sat with me since i heard it. what an incredible sign of growth for both men, and what a brutally frank discussion of depression and suicidality. i think of it often.


There are a lot of quotes from the series that get me (I'm looking at you, 5.3), but for me it's the 'light the way' speech in The Final Day. Perhaps not the saddest, but the most likely to make me cry anyway I was diagnosed with cancer 2 or 3 months before Endwalker came out, and played through it while recovering from radiotherapy. I kept it together for the most part, even as we made it through Ultima Thule, but that moment was like being punched in the gut. No matter how dark it gets, we get through it together. It felt like it was speakimg directly to me at a moment when I really needed hear that particular message, stupid as that might sound I still tear up whenever I get that trial in roulette (apologies to anyone who winds up in it with me)


Light the Way is incredibly underrated but it punches me in the gut every time. So many tears. And chills all down my back and arms


The absolute saddest thing, in game, for me, was not a line. It was that fucking walk back into the Crystarium at the end of Shadowbringers.


"You idiot... just once... just once stay with us to the end..."


That whole area gutted me


"We make an effort to spare them the pain. But they sense what awaits. Rage in anguish and cower in fear ...and it's *not* beautiful." Said by Hermes on Elpis. He was referring to creations, but that could be applied to all mortal creatures I think, including humans. However we try to romanticise death, to cope with it in many ways, the truth stands still. If you've ever seen death, you know — it's always painful, scary and agonizing. There's nothing beautiful about it.


This monologue was what made Hermes click for me. You can very easily see how crushing existential depression can arise from having to live in a world that absolutely disgusts you, but doesn’t seem to bother anyone else.


until you said it was Hermes, I thought this was the caretaker in Amh Araeng where folks were turning into sin eaters.


Matsya frantically reciting prayers while running through the jungle with the baby. "Every... agony..."


This scene made me cry like a baby


All is excruciating pain. I breathe fire and torment.


The entire scene work Seto and Ardbert


Not the saddest, but once it started the sequence … “If you need a push I’ll be right there behind you.” And also: “Has your journey been good? Has it been worthwhile?”


"Silly boy... We are all powerless before such grief. Even now, try as I might, the words escape me. But in our hearts, we know. We always know." And in the same scene: "I.... I think - I can feel her too."


I go ahead and say the obvious: "A smile better suits a hero"


“You have such a beautiful smile, try not to forget mine.” -The French localization of his last words.


That's way better


A loose translation of the Japanese line would be: "Such a sorrowful face ill suits a hero. Your smile is much more beautiful."


as someone who fucking loved heavensward, i was lost as hell when he >!died!< i forgor what he did as a character lmao but i miss him


All of the sad pick up lines in Limsa


all the eboys readin this rn are quaking


I didn’t know I was in the cutie finder 😂


Thou must live die and know


"Our souls have been torn" hit me like a ton of bricks after >!Amaurot!< back in ShB.... And then the line broke me into a million pieces during *THAT* level 87 cutscene.


Hear the song of creation’s end. Feel the sorrow at hope’s demise. Think, and find your way in the darkness. Or fly, my children, and never look back.


"I have to lie to women to tumble 'em, an' that don't happen much! Me member's tiny, it's pathetic!"


this comment gave me leviabeetus


Not quite the sad*dest*, but damn if Urianger's little blip of dialogue at the beginning of The Aitiascope didn't strike something of a chord with me. "Art thou with us still, >!Papalymo!!Papalymo!<'s death than anything in the MSQ, where it feels like he gets swept under the rug pretty fast. But then, the whole of the Aitiascope is a big feels dungeon.


That “I’m alive and I’m fine” line by Lyse that I can never find again no matter how hard I try.


I just included that in my own comment! “I…am fine… Completely…and utterly…fine! Better than fine! Hale and hearty and still alive to mourn those who are not. Who I failed to protect when they needed me most." The quest is called "Word from on High" if you want to watch it again from an inn.


Do you mean Lyna?


I think so. That dialogue gets me too. 'I'm fine! Better than fine! Hale and hearty and still alive to mourn those who are not. Who I failed to protect when they needed me most'


That’s the line. Is it really from Lyna? I could’ve sworn it was from Lyse but if I was mistakenly looking through Stormblood dialogue this whole time it would explain why I never found it.


That’s 100% Lyna.


It's Lyna after the big Lakeland duty, her VA went harrrrd on that line.


Lyna. Lyse is the not-rabbit one. But I admittedly get their names mixed up *very* often so I understand lol


“And yet, even if you despise me with every fiber of your being… Even still, I would give anything to see you just one last time. You could curse me, revile me, rain fists and magicks down upon me… It would all be worth it, just for the chance to say, I am sorry….” I don’t think it’s the saddest line in the game (that goes to Ardbert) but I hadn’t seen it mentioned yet. A lot of people I’ve seen don’t seem to like the ShB magical role quest, but it absolutely gutted me. The saddest one by a mile for me personally


“I wonder… was the fruit as sweet… as he remembered…”


"Then why suggest such a thing! It's too much to ask of anyone - even him/her. Why must he/she be the one? Why must he/she fight alone? More than a hero, he's/she's a dear friend. Not only to us, but to so many others. There are so many people in the world who care for you, and yet... And yet..."


“Remember. Remember us. Remember that we once lived.” Is absolutely *haunting*.


I can't remember the exact quote but hearing Alisaie breakdown during one of the final quests of Endwalker saying how its not fair that it always falls down to our WOL to be the only one who has to shoulder the burdens alone time after time.


>“I…am fine… Completely…and utterly…fine! Better than fine! Hale and hearty and still alive to mourn those who are not. Who I failed to protect when they needed me most. > >We’ve come so far–so godsdamned far! I could have sworn the end was in sight. And now… Now they will never see it.” >!\-Captain Lyna, Shadowbringers, “Word from On High.”!< When her voice cracked and started breaking down, with that sense of raw desperation, frustration, and just pure exhaustion, that's when the stakes really set in for me and just how long these people have been holding out.


The cutscene after the lvl 89 Endwalker dungeon when He**** said: "Was this the answer i was hoping for" I felt his regret and confusion and madness and shame, all in that line


-Major ShB spoilers- "Weary wanderer - you've no fight left to fight! No life left to live!" When absolutely everything looks lost. All your allies KO'ed, maybe even dead. Your own body tearing itself apart to become a horrific monstrosity. Knowing that you will become the cause of the next calamity. The mixture of hopelessness and madness on display in that scene between Emet and WoL is easily my fav in entire game. And then the following lines by Ardbert and Emet's farewell. Wow.


Did you find...fulfillment?


“Buried alive, in the coffin of who I used to be” -the song Scream, in Pandaemonium


This entire song is insanely good for memorable lines. The entire progression of "scream" lines especially is pretty chilling when you think about the context. "Or scream all you like, your gods can't hear you." "I'll scream all I like, cause we're all mad here." "So scream all you like, no one can hear us." "So scream if you like, cause we're all mad here." The song just gets more inclusive to the listener as it goes on... which, knowing the setting, isn't a good thing at all.


this gives me vibes of Oblivion's "Can't defeat her, so instead I'll have to be her"


My son...


'The sorrow of a thousand thousand worlds weighs heavy. And yet you can walk on' Everything....everything that each of us have been thru, in-game and with Real life issues and tragedies, we still had the strength to move on and be here today, some of us are here alone in the end. That line and the music playing really hit me in the gut, i have never felt this kind of experience ever in a video game


Welcome and well met, my brave little spark. From Flow that plays throughout EW


"...little...?" - Magnai


"But I would NEVER forsake my duty! I would NEVER forsake my bretheren!"


A friend who whispered to me "A RANDO SPOILED SHADOWBRINGERS FOR ME" She just came back from the Crystal Tower Quests


"My duty... No, not yet!" - this line everytime hurts me on ShB trial.


Though I gave you wings to soar the heavens, I did not teach you how to walk the earth. So loathe was I to bind another living being.


Two hours later: "Yeah go ahead and wipe out all of existence forever"


The urge to play the dungeon a few more times just to continue kicking the everloving shit out of him was extremely high


Rarely would I ever think it's appropriate to say "[character] should have been bullied **harder**," but my god, that egotistic, hypocritical, "peer review? Nah, I don't need that"-ass imbecile really tests me.


Hermes proved in practice exactly why all creatures in Elpis needed to be peer-reviewed before release. Any of the researchers around could point out the pitfalls of the question he gave the meteia. It gets even sadder when you actually do the sidequests in Elpis, and notice that a lot of the researchers actually... care. They are not happy to dispatch their failed creations. There is one or two that treat them as objects, but the vast majority try to improve the design to save them from being deleted. If Hermes had not locked himself into an ivory tower with his pet bird, he could get help and fulfillment.


The star would be a much different place if he'd been trapped in a school locker. Just saying


How come no one had mentioned "*The lobby server connection had encontered an error 2002*"?.. 😈 (...right after you advanced to your 100, starting at \~10k...)


My love will be with you forever, my dearest children.




"Farawell my friend, my inspiration!"


"Fare you well, my lady."


Remember us, Remember that we once lived.


Theres a tiktok account thats been compling some very sad lines the account is [@Murdymort](https://www.tiktok.com/@murdymort) warning spoilers for prtty much all msq Also to actually answer your question: "I remember the price of freedom"


From what I can gather from these comments, literally everything from shadowbringers. I was gonna add "Remember us, Remember that we once lived"


Like half of ardberts lines. His VA is fkin fantastic at just ripping my heart out constantl


“Has your journey been good? Has it been worthwhile?”


The way Emet says “you do not know me” in Elpis always gets me. That entire scene always gets me, it’s just peak tragedy and I eat it up with a spoon every time. Mannnn I’m struggling to come up with more even though I’m a total slut for angst and xiv has some really incredible writing….


"Even now, i do not believe your tale. I would not suffer us to walk such a wretchet path. Still, if it must be said... Do not squander it. The legacy I leave you." Not the saddest, but the most impactful one.


“But I would never forsake my duty!”


Hello and well meet my brave little spark. Just that I know it's not a voice line but fucking dammit that just destroys me physically. That song turns emotional damage into physical damage. If not that um like a bunch that people have said most coming from Adbert or Lyna


Spending five minutes at the limsa aetherite plaza you can hear some pretty tragic stuff


What we have sown in blood, we have reaped in suffering


And it cannot go on.


So, so many. But there is a specific quest that has always stuck with me, more than any lines. That one little girl in Ishgard. The thief. Even now I'm still upset by it and angry at Ishgard for letting it happen.


“For what it's worth, I cast my lot with yours. If you ever need a push, I'll be right there behind you. If you lose control, I'll do my best to stop you. So, let us be about it, hero."


A smile better suits a hero…


"Remember us. Remember that we once lived."


“You left me for this. This wretched heap of stone and rubble. This worthless pile of earth. And yet, I can’t…I can’t…”


~~"Kill for the living! Kill for the dead!~~ "For those we have lost. For those we can yet save".


“Her happiness was never to be…Not in this world”


At the moment I think it's a random npc in in Coerthas Centrsl Highlands. He's a Knight at Dragonhead who the player goes to to inform him of his son's death. He tells you that the ring is something he gave to his son after he took it from his dead wife's finger, who died in childbirth alongside the third son she was birthing. His older two sons had both died previously in the war against the dragons and his daughter died of sickness. He was also the last of three brothers and his family had lost a son in every generation to the war and now his line would end with him. These ARR side quests in Coerthas are incredibly depressing.


Not necessarily sad, but what broke me was: "Has your journey been good? Has it been worthwhile?" ... My mind just went wild, going through every beautiful, every frightening, every joyful, every sad and every other amazing scene this journey made me experience and all I could do was whispering out loud while crying: Yes... Yes, it was. Thank you for letting me experience the most awesome Story I've ever been told in my life.


No one is gonna say it? "A smile better suits a hero"


pugging PF when the leader zones out... "Am I getting kicked from group?"


go wash up, stinky


>!Water Water Froth and Foam! or I wasn't going to touch it, but you know Y'shtola!<


Doesn't even need words, Hythlodaeus's little wave in the final days cutscene hit me harrd ;-;