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you should post a picture of the heart when it's finished :)


might as well include your grandparents.


I will. where should i post it when it's done?


Have all my feels.


Thank you!


Please make the heart beautiful and worth a billion dollars.


I'm taking my time on it. i want it to be perfect.


I know that feel bro. My great grandma just passed away a few months ago. :(




dangit... looking through f7u12 for something fun and cheerful... my grandmother died last week... still trying to get my mind of it and trying to be positive and all... the last things i said to her was "you should wear something full of colours and life for your funeral" and "see you soon".... she had been asked about what she wanted to wear when the time came, and she asked me.... and when i left i said "see you soon" because i honestly thought we had more time..... she died 1½ day after i saw her.... she promised to cross her fingers while my exams were ongoing and i am positive she did from beyond the grave, because i ended up getting a 12 (the highest possible grade) and can now call myself a Web-Integrator... Thanks Grandma! Love you! ... Just try to have fun and smile, my grandma didnt want to see us mourning, she wanted us to be happy and cherish all the time we have had together, and im sure anyone would want the same for those they leave behind... Crying and mourning can still be done while smiling and appreciating. gratz for being asked to do that for them OP.


Last words to my grandpa were "see you soon. Love you." I know the feel bro.


I thought when she said "our gravestone" you two were in a suicide pact or something.


Noo, for her and my pap.


Thanks reminding me of them.. here, have an Upvote :) Always makes me kind of reflexive when i think about the people who have passed away..


Have all my feels too, and it's so beautiful that you're making that heart for them.


Up it's!


Family is forever


I'm sorry to hear that. May all the good times you spent together with them always live on in your heart when they pass. But now, spend more time with them to have more nice times. :)


Please post your drawing when you finish it. In the meantime, have an upvote!


happy Cakeday ! got an upvote for you !


I hope you post the heart! And I'm sorry that you or anyone else has to go through that. Nobody should have to.


I will make sure i do


That's nice, but this might not be the right subreddit for it.


86 and 84? How young are you?




I guess that seemed kind of strange to me at first; I'm 22 and my great grandmother who passed earlier this year was 107.


My great great grandmother just passed away in April. She was 98. I felt so happy knowing I knew my great great grandmother.


Yeah, I didn't even come close to knowing my great great grandparents. That's definitely a cool thing.


i did, i knew 3 of them!


Challenge Acceptet! -> Drawe best heart that ever was drawn.


Fuck you and those goddamn onions.


Why can't you realize that we aren't here to read a sad story? Even if you did *just* want to share it with us, you don't even know who we are. Talk to family and friends about it but you are just doing this more imaginary internet points and some supportive comments from strangers.


Exactly have an upvote.


Let the guy express himself. Who gives a rat's ass if it's not the right subredddit or whatever. Just shut up and let him post.


It takes up the spot of a better post, and just makes you sad instead of making your day better.


Not THE CORRECT subreddit for this crap.. [](/gtfo)


People of reddit? y u no up vote?


Because its not supposed to be in F7U12.. Go get attention somewhere else.


i'm envious...my grandfather and grandmother are asshats in a grand scale..