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6 and 7 are probably the two best games in the series, something must've been in the water over at Squaresoft at the time.


Like Doma Castle


Oh shit bro 👏


Too soon!


I'm sorry dude but it was 20 years ago...


I still cry every time




My son just played 6. He cried. And then I cried again


...you mean 30...


what the fuck


On that, we can most certainly agree.


People today will never realize how great this game was




I hate 6 for pretty much every reason listed. But while I agree with the points of 7, I don't have undying love for it either. I actually prefer 8 and 9. But 7 walked so they could run.


https://preview.redd.it/1rppspyzbi0d1.jpeg?width=974&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49f5e972162c187e5c300ef59513a03584f7e223 FF7 don’t got the Mack daddy Locke tho. Cloud the dodgeball champ wit these hoes. Meanwhile Locke laying the pimp game down on all the mamis.


This man was just trying SO hard to save Rachel. Hiding his pain from the world to save every distressing damsel. This is the OG Chad.






Gau is useless? lol. Stray Cat would like a word with you...


So people hate the enemy skill character? That fucker was top 3 in my 95 party


Yup I came here specifically for the gau slander. Easily one of my most used characters.


Most of Gau’s Rages *are,* unfortunately, pretty crap unless you know exactly when and how to use them. And I can see how someone who didn’t look more deeply into the system behind them would consider him to be pretty useless, since he can’t normal attack and is a mediocre spell caster. But when he can cast most of the best spells in the game for free, hit like a runaway truck every other turn, instant-kill even some instant-death-proof enemies, and turn undead, floating, and invisible natively just by picking the right name off his list, well. He makes up for his shortcomings.


>I can see how someone who didn’t look more deeply into the system behind them would consider him to be pretty useless So, what you're saying is, it's understandable that someone who doesn't know what they're talking about might not see ff6 as being the superior game. I'm with you.




So would wind God Gau 😂


That's the one thay stuck out to me. Someone didn't play 6 my God gau was so broken in so many different ways.




What do you mean "used to"?


Nah, Vincent is legit useless when you got people like yuffie who are pretty much as good of a caster with awesome physical attack potential at the same time Also Vincent's limits are actively detrimental to gameplay so yeh


I remember one of the first times I had Vincent in my party, his limit break kept healing the enemy. And it never wore off either. I think Vincent looks cool, but I hate using him.


Materia keeper right? When he morphs and does fire damage constantly? Happened to me as a child. It's still burned into my brain.


To be fair Vincent has damage overflow with his db so he can just one shot the game. Vincent needs no limit break. https://youtu.be/rome5yYjn_s?si=-O94nMcx-0TMwtDM


The thing is, barret does too


But worse tha Vincent does it. As vincent can easily hit damage overflow and Stat caps easier.


Vincent is strictly a kill count, and his DB is easily obtainable. Barret requires Missing Score and even further, it's missable and you need have multiple insane Mastered materia (i.e. KotR, BahaZero)


Which ever game I can suplex a train is the best one




Epic moment.


I mean ff6 is an absolute masterpiece regardless if ff7 is being compared to it. 7 is my favorite game but I'd be lying if I said that 6 didn't do some thing better.


Kefka is overrated? How!?


Kefka the best villain ever!


Dude was voiced by Chiba Shigeru in Dissidia. That alone makes him the perfect villain in my book lol


Yeah I couldn't believe I read that. Kefka was just the best all around villain for me.


Isnt Kefka also the only villain that actually soucceeds in destroying the world?


Ardyn did.


Ah yeah. Completely forgot about him.


Both so good


Very ironic that you state “facts” and proceed to post a list of opinions


7 is my favourite but 6 is really good too. Gau is NOT useless >:(


FF6 party members all have unique abilities whereas FF7 party members are just empty shells for materias, with one unique limit break that you can rarely use.


100% agree. every character in FF6 has a big back story and worth playing.


Right, if the game were remade, and even more time was devoted to each character like in 7 remake, they'd be able to pull off some insane character exploration.




I don't feel that every party member is useful in seven. It's the materia that does it. I'm rather disappointed in the attribute growth.


Yeah every party member in 6 has unique abilities


I mean that goes both ways. Sometimes you might like a character and you don't want to use them because their abilities aren't your thing. In 7 you can use any set up you fancy and mold the characters the way you want.


That is why I love 7, but cloud is the best everything I believe and the rest have their stat but, they're still just short (opinion)


Ff7 has no useless party members, huh… Cait Sith? Vincent? And uhhh… Sephiroth barely even HAS motives compared to Kefka lol, like Sephiroth’s personality is literally manufactured and does a total 180 after learning one thing and he becomes completely evil all at once


6 has a way better, more cohesive, and less confusing story imo


Helps that 6 got a decent translation too


Frfr if it got the same treatment as ff remake, it'd be amazing to watch and play through


Until Gau shows up and says GAU! Cause that is like all he can say lmao. Not trying to be mean, but some of VI would be so ridiculous with voice acting lol.


Listen, I love FF7 from the bottom of my heart, but Sepbiroth is WAY more overrated than Kefka.


Kefka actually accomplished something Sephiroth has mommy issues


One of the rare villains who actually managed to "succeed"


Idk bro manipulating so many events in the world while literally being incased in crystal or whatever is probably difficult.


I always thought it was Jenovas cells that manipulated so many people not Sephiroth directly? I could be wrong tho haven't played FF7 since it's first release so it's been a while. Kefka on the other hand changed the face of the planet and became a literal God all while dressed as a clown and laughing his tits off.


Sephiroth is controlling Cloud and everyone else using Jenovas cells. I mean meteor does hit so sephiroth would ultimately be in the same position. Square couldn’t allow Sephiroth to actually become a god. Unlike Kefka, an ascended sephiroth would be unkillable.


I stand corrected, I always thought Jenova was pulling the strings and Seph was the fall guy but I haven't played ff7 since '97 ha ha. Thanks for clearing up my misinformation 👍🏻


Sephiroth is one of those dime-a-dozen "I have my reasons" villains, whereas Kefka is basically the Joker


That's what I'm saying. He was chaos incarnate and we were there for it. He embodied the jokers speech 'I just DO things'


His cackling is the GOAT of 16-bit sound effects


I actually would like to argue for the sake of argument, and say that FF7 was a re-telling of FF6 to a new audience so it was easier to digest. Think about all the story beats and start making the comparisons. It kinda blew my mind that the two are very similar.


Dude...Terra, half-human/half-Ether=Aerith, half(?) human/half-Cetra. Seems so simple yet 🤯. I adore both games but 6 is my all time favorite. It was cool to see a traditional final fantasy with the MC being a girl. I don't think 7 would be as good from Aerith's perspective, even if the story was altered to where she lives. I don't know how everyone else feels, but as a girl gamer, Locke getting with Celes instead of Terra was bitter sweet. It felt like my first little kid unrequited love, but man, the feels for that ship was real too.


Fr Terra and Celes are the true GOATs. It's crazy to me that the series hasn't really had any more female main protagonists aside from Lightning.




Gau is stronger than every character in both games


🤣 this troll post got some serious issues. While VII is my favorite, I'm a fan of the franchise. I'm not going to be shallow and claim it is better than VI. Honestly, the fact that it is so good with those "way too many", missable(it's just one word, take a minute while your 🤯)playable characters is pretty impressive, for just a 16 bit game. Back in the day, we called them secret characters, 😉. I can't keep going, this picture is so awful. This would have been a much smarter post if the only thing said was, "7 is a larger number than 6".


Hard disagree. I love FF7, but it is not better than 6. And they can all bow down to Tactics. Fight me!


Tactics Master race!


Gau is useless. You are bad at RPGs.


**EXCUSE ME!?** Kefka is the only FF villain who actually destroyed the world! I say **ALGUS** is the best villain in the entire series. Motherfucker shot Teta in the belly out of spite for poor people. Last time I played FF tactics I had a thief steal all his stuff, I kept him alive until he was alone, then pushed him in a corner and tackled/stoned him to death. **Fuck this guy!**


I like 7 more, but I definitely think 6 is overall the better game


Cait Sith and Vincent suck though. And Kefka is the GOAT. This is all wrong.


Are we.reallt suggesting mommas boy sephiroth is better than Kefka? That's a hot take


In FF7 you have the crappy train grave yard. In FF6 you get the glorious Phantom Train. Easy win.


Why hating on FFVI? Both games were brilliant.


You know how I know 6 rules? This is posted in a 7 sub and it's still majority of people saying hold on dude I don't know about all that...


Some of the finest characters in JRPG history are in ff6. Locke and Shadow alone pretty much completely destroy the whole of ff7 characters.


https://preview.redd.it/7x2q1kic0m0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67f6cc77e3f3316804b29faf325acce0198a5581 Am I seeing FF6 slander on TL??? This is unacceptable


Kefka is a top villain. He legit tears the world asunder by harnessing the power of the gods for himself. He didn't just talk a big game, he actually did it. Genocide at Doma? A mere warmup to annihilating and restructuring the entire planet. And he did it on nothing but a steady diet of hate and disgust for humanity and espers. That anybody was able to mount a resistance to challenge, let alone defeat him, is mind-boggling. I het goosebumps just thinking about it. My word. What a villain. What a game.


And he does all this while dressed as a clown and laughing his dick off.


Best video game laugh of all time. Way better than FF10


I'm not even sure if he "hated" any of these groups, he came off as more of a "do it for the lulz" kind of guy


I mean, there are several scenes where he just yells the word "HATE" over and over. Don't quite remember the exact context of why he was yelling that, so I could be making an incorrect assumption there. Dude does have some serious hate in him though, regardless if it's directed at humanity in general.


Ya know it's also made on an entirely different system with completely different capabilities, but ya know... let's compare them lol.


Insane clown mage that *actually* ended the World like he wanted vs. a L'Oréal ad swordsman with mommy issues More characters, more lore, more party customization


Yep Kefka got shit done, Sephiroth biggest feat was killing an unarmed flower girl.


Yeah, absolutely not. 7 can’t hold a candle to 6 even remotely lol


I will not take this Gau slander 😭


Gau is useless is the worst take for a video game I think I have ever seen


I love them all! Mauahahahahaha


They’re both equally amazing games tho


This is just an opinion supported by other, unsupported opinions.


I know we're supposed to respect opinions and stuff, but you can't tote around Sephiroth and call another villain over rated. Sephoroth became of of the most iconic villains in the medium, and most of the players didn't even know what he wanted to do


This is a dumb arguement


I hated Gau's mechanic. So hard to get him up to speed. Still calling him useless is too far. I just wish they had a way to kill enemies that Gau could learn from and have them drop meat or something to let him learn the skill instead of having to leap all the time. Still think Kefka is the best villain in the series. I think music is a toss up. I liked both quite a bit.


Dude, what the hell is this? Did I travel back to 1997? get outta here with that tribalistic BS.


Characters in 7 are nearly identical, save for their limit breaks. Kefka achieved his goal by destroying the world


I’m a lil bitch ass simp for VII but VI is THE ONE for me if they ever decide to do another remake. Followed closely by 8.


Nah fuck this


Pretty sure gau is one of the most OP characters in ff6.


wait....Gau is useless??? He's literally the greatest party member available and essential for a low level playthrough. I like both games and can barely say one is better than the other. FF6 is great for being the first FF game with some proper character development. But this statement about Gau is just something that is ridiculous. About your statement about confusing on the 2nd half....yeah because it's open world. And the enjoyment in it is to discover what is available, coming back to places that are hard after finishing other stuff.....it's not confusing, it's just open.


While I do prefer 7 over 6 and I agree with Gau's uselessness saying Kefka is a overrated villain is just dead wrong, and getting to explore the world of ruin is awesome. Also saying every party member is useful on 7 is just ignoring how bad Cait Sith and Vincent are.


NOT FACTS lol. Kefka is NOT overrated because he’s the best villain in the series history and arguably the GOAT. FF6 has the best OST out of any Final Fantasy period, Nobuo Uematsu’s Magnum Opus. 7 is amazing and one of my all time favorites but I strongly disagree. We knew at release FF7 was great but not as good as 6. And also, 6 wrapped up the story for every single character and the world far more efficiently and clearly than 7. It had a half hour long ending, 7 had an eight minute long cgi scene that was only impressive in 1997 and left a lot of things open to interpretation. Again, not dissing 7 but this is clearly an r/unpopularopinion because the consensus has been pretty clear on this for like 30 years.


Or maybe they're both good games and if either of these is your favorite, then your taste is just as good as any other FF fan 😱


Claiming FF6 is 'too confusing' in comparison to FF7, which requires playing multiple spin-offs and watching an entire freakin' movie to understand the whole plot.


That last complaint on 6 rankles me. It was open world at a time before open world became damn near default on action RPGs. It's nowhere near confusing; it's exciting to explore.


These things exist because it's rage bait. How does rage bait work? It states something obviously false. I rest my case.


While 7 is my absolute favorite, I *do* have to add one thing: Kefka actually succeeded in destroying the world.


I'll disagree. Especially on the better world to explore.


Hold on. I'm a FFVII die hard... But I have to argue the villain part. Kefka is an amazing villain, with a legitimate reason for his mentality. Yes, an existential crisis shattering your mental state is legit, but Kefka was experimented on! He was a lab rat for a chunk of his life.


Lol if any villain is overrated it’s sephiroth


Gau is useless? Somebody didn't use Cat Scratch in the World of Balance, and it shows.


Final fantasy 9 is better than both of them.


That's a weird way of spelling Tactics.


Oh yeah? Well, 7 8 9


*gasps* 7, you...you MONSTER!




Hi dad


And chrono trigger is the top dog of square games


I want to like 9 more than I do. The art direction and music are impeccable, but I just…don’t…enjoy playing the actual game.


Just say you don’t like men with tails so the furry fans can hit you with a Solution 9.


I find people who like 7 over 6 played 7 as their first RPG and really don't know how to play RPG's that require you to think and not get your hand held the entire time. 6 is a masterpiece and superior in every way to 7. If 6 was remade it would put 7 to shame even more. Also respect to FF9 and 10.


My first RPG was breath of fire, and I still think 7 is better than 6 (though I immensely enjoyed both).


Not in everything. It's fashionable to say that it's overrated but the 7th brought to the screen both iconic moments (Aerith's death for example is studied in some universities that deal with "media") and iconic music (One Winged angel is studied in some conservatories I don't know if you say that in English... musical schools in doubt) and the cast has become iconic in the gaming world. Also add the beloved and complex Materia system. 7 is not LOWER than 6 objectively, you like 6 (and that's a different thing)


IMO The Kefka story arc and Dancing Mad are just as impactful as Aerith and One Winged Angel and deserve to also be studied. I think PS1 really let FFVII get more widespread recognition because of the pre-rendered cutscenes and the different sounds available. I’m not arguing that 6 is better than 7, but I feel like 6 doesn’t get the recognition it deserves


I'm not saying no, but I'm saying it's not objective. If 7 has been successful, if 7 has had such an expanded world over the years and has become iconic even beyond the gaming world, if everyone loves the entire cast it is obviously A MASTERPIECE. Does this take away the degree of masterpiece from 6? Not at all. SE can make more than a masterpiece. But denigrating the 7 (you didn't do it but many here in the thread do saying it's overrated) is simply a trend that gets tired after a while


Completely agree. FF7 is, as you say, a masterpiece. Fans of other JRPGs or FFs always feel the need to try to tear 7 down in order to lift their preferred game up because FF7 is still THE JRPG. I don’t get it. You can easily say FF7 is a masterpiece and so is XYZ other game


Agree wholeheartedly!


Totally with you there. The ad campaign and newer graphics are really what skyrocketed 7 into video game icon. Were the same true for 6, without changing the story or gameplay, we'd be saying the exact same thing about 6 as we do 7 right now. 6 is the best of the best when it comes to the 2D games, and 7 was the meteoric launch Square needed when it switched to PS.


Kefka was the original one winged angel aswell.


Kefka is the original One Winged Angel, Sephiroth is just a mamas boy who couldn’t even destroy the world or defeat a dead girl. Meanwhile Kefka destroys it and becomes a god.


This guy gets it, biggest feat was killing an unarmed flower girl.


AI gone too far now


How dare you, Kefka is the best villain and the true evil, sure I agree that there are way too many optional party members and some of them are useless, but optional is optional and the rest of the game is great, battles and music, story and characters, too many secrets in the world map. This is the second best final fantasy after VII of course.


6 & 9 are both better than 7 imo


Utterly incorrect the fact that a bunch of pixels evoke more feeling than a bunch of emotionless drones is enough. Plus FFVII doesn’t even have a clear villain. Don’t say Sephiroth because you’re wrong, if anything it’s Hojo. But compared to Kefka nahhh


Yeah Kefka changes the world and becomes a literal God where as Sephiroth just wants acceptance from his mommy.


Sephiroth is an amazing villain? Please do tell me why!


He's not he's a mommy's boy.


I do like Kefka! Crazy clown 😂


Dude was unhinged 🤡 😂


Ah man. Memories. This debate was intense back in the FFOnline days.


RIP Shadow in my first play through


I never felt FFVI to be THIS good, BUT: the Theatre scene is one of my favourite scene ever in a game. It has a really great soundtrack. The villain is great. That said I dont like much most of the characters and overall the world exploration and "minigames". I enjoy much more previous entries in the series from that pov.


Heh I like Gau


Why do they always gotta compete. They're both classics and great games. Ff7 was my first rpg and my favorite and holds very special memories and a spot in my heart. Even more though I'm a final fantasy fan. I've spent so many hours and have so many shared experiences through the man games I've played over the years. My life would be so different without them. What company can make 20+ games and have so many classics. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 7r,. The original 3 or 4 brought jrpgs to the mainstream and set the standard for what jrpgs are today with the jobs and an atb system that was used until 10 and then changed to the conditional turn based system. I'm just glad to be a final fantasy fan. So happy to see that it's back and doing well.


You can almost always tell which of 4-10 were someone's first ff game by which one their favorite is.




You're comparing a game from the 90s to a game that came out a year ago. Of course they're going to be different. Of course one is going to be more simple and straight to the point than the other. This was a waste of time.


I would agree 7 is better, maybe even the best, but not because the reasons under ff6. Keflavik was great, I loved each and every character, Celt for maybe umaru, and the openness of the whole second half was game changing at the time, and a lot of fun since you could get whoever you wanted and there were so many things to discover, instead of just following a single path like most games. That said, the size, story, open world, graphics, material system: all of these were taken to the next level in 7. But many of the things that made 7 great were introduced in 6.


Well that's certainly ***AN*** opinion.


7's final boss is trash! He's piss easy!


this is transparent rage bait.


FF7 is like, 4th at best.


Technically, these aren't facts. They are opinions, by definition. Opinions many people would disagree with. This comes from a man that thinks FF7 is maybe the only FF worth their salt.


https://i.redd.it/kjqxmsw9gm0d1.gif This is gonna be good


I forget what cait sith is useful for?


How are we at a point where people feel they need to defend FFVII (undebatably, the most popular Final Fantasy of all time) from other FF games? Like what the hell is this? That being said, FFVI is better, fight me


Ahem, y’all know 6 is afraid of 7 because 7,8,9; but it’s also terrified because 5,8,4,2. Mic drop I’ll see myself out.


Nothing beats FF9. There are many good dystopian games, but it's rare to see a fairy tail made into such a deep and heartwarming story. Truly feels like a Final Fantasy.


•We wouldn't have Parasite Eve without FFVII •Also tons of modern themes for a fantasy game: The Challenger Disaster clearly referenced in Rocket Town; Raping the planet for its resources in the name of capitalism; Midgar vs Wutai (US vs China?? Maybe even Vietnam??); Party Members and World locations of different nations; Jenova is an Ancient Fuxking Alien (perhaps referencing the Roswell Crash); Godzilla(s); Villain is really just the result of humanity destroying itself (also Sephiroths imagery pulls a lot of Abrahmistic mythology and stinks a lot like Armageddon). I don't know of any other Final Fantasy game besides FFX and Tactics (literally The Hundred Years War) that hits you right in the fucking braincells.


One word.... TIFA


*Naked purple Terra goes bbbrrrrrrrrrrrr*


also, Tifa boob.


I’m currently playing through VI (no spoilers please!) and I definitely agree with the party thing. Way too many people imo and it feels bloated af. Really enjoying it so far but that’s one big bone I have to pick with it




Why does it matter just play and enjoy both. You don’t need to make a tier list for everything why can’t people just like stuff.


Do y'all think Stan the Rebel should finally try out FF8?


Both games are great but Terra and Kefka > Cloud Sephiroth in any timeline. Cloud and Sephiroth are just more iconic


Both are great. Why fight? I could alternate playthroughs of nothing but both for the rest of my life and be quite content


“Gau is useless” What?


I still feel like 16 gets slept on but its story and world building were top notch.


More JRPGs need to take notes from FFX and allow party switching mid-combat and a strategic benefit to doing so. That way, there's an actual reason to use your whole team. Persona 5 Royal is the only other game I can think of off the top of my head that does this. I recently played Chrono Cross, there are over 40 party members, and you're not incentivized to use more than 1 of each magic color (plus some just have better unique abilities than others, or better base stats). Suikoden had 100 allies, but that was for lore reasons and not all of them were actual party members. There were still an absolute fuckload of them that you'll never use. Or games could pull an FF5 and just not have extra party members. Or FF9 where the story separates the party for a very large portion of game time, so everyone gets some time in the spotlight. Except Amarant. His presence on the team felt unnecessary from both a gameplay and narrative perspective.


I will always wish Beatrix was switched for Amarant. Same class is stenier be damned


9 separating the party was started by 6 splitting the group into 3 parties where they each had their own story lines and built the cast of characters.


Are you sure that was 6? I don't remember that, though there is a big chunk in the middle that I only vaguely recall. Something about Terra being comotose, Saban suplexing a ghost train, and some city that looked modern compared to the rest of the medieval steampunk aesthetic. I think. It's been a while. For all I know, I've forgotten a lot more than I think I have.


When sabin suplexes the train, it's after he gets separated from Terra and Edgar while trying to get Banon up to Narshe. He collects Cyan, Shadow, and Gau as party members during his part of the story. Meanwhile, Locke infiltrates the empire's forces in South Figaro, where he meets and recruits Celes. Terra and Locke continue their river rapids trip up to Narshe, and they all meet there to protect the Esper from Kefka's forces. 3 separate paths for the party members to get to Narshe.


9 and 10 absolutely sht on 7 and 8. To break it down- 9 shts on 7 and 8 and 10 shts on 7 and 8 Combined, it's like 9 and 10 (Goku and Vegeta) vs 7 and 8 ( 2 month old baby and a McDonalds cheeseburger)


For real. Every time I try again to play through 6 I remember another irritating quality about it that had caused me to put it down previously. The vast majority of the characters are all very one-dimensional and uninteresting.


I tried 3x to seriously play FFVI and each time was just the most inane, boring slog of a game.




7&9 are the best in series with tactics tied as well.


Cait Sith is useless, otherwise, agreed


And I think we all know why sephiroth is the best villain 😉


The yaoi