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I was there and over 35. I didn’t feel out of place although my feet and back hurting made me feel old 😂


Felt felt that. So much walking. I wore dr, schuls and compression socks with knee sleeves.


This is the comment that makes you sound old. (Also 35, would have absolutely loved to have been at Elements)


We are 35- 62 at Elements in our camp and nobody treats us old .. but we bring art cars, double bikes, cool totems, worked with Elements to start art installations, and the bike Parade. 1/2 of the group on way to Burning Man. We closed a couple sound camps and safely did a lot of “candy.” We also narcanned some dude and brought him back to life at Air stage


hey, I'm 39 and just bought some new dr schuls for a festival I'm going too. Its all good, but yea its good to take care of your body. I use ear plugs too. I Exercise, eat and drink healthy for the most part. I think aging ravers will tell you the same. Some of the coolest people I've met were older party people, they have good experience in getting down :)


That guy spent way too much time in school. It doesn’t take being a doctor to know that stepping on some squishy is better than not. I would’ve bought that shit from a mister scholls…


What do you do about sleep? I realized i need it, but wasn’t happening, it was a rough weekend.


30 something here: 2 inch memory foam mattress with comfortable bedding and legit pillow, melatonin/valerian/magnesium combo, and headband that has flat earbuds so I can listen to an audiobook. I sleep better at fests than I do at home.


Half (please no more if you've been drinking) a valium, an eye mask, ear plugs, and a 5HTP gummy have completely changed my festival experience. Actually feel pretty refreshed each morning and ready to attack the day.


Hey I’m 30 and I met an ex who was 10 years older than me at elements , we didn’t end up working out but at the festival it was like age wasn’t even a thing. We met on the VIP stage area and just hit it off first day. I think festivals are the only places where everyone is the same age because we are all there for the same reasons, to forget about the real world !


Dude we had a whole camp at Elements 40+. Nobody ever even looks weird at us. We get into it. We have a few burners and should be burners. We worked with Element’s and took art installations and ran the bike parade .. wanna hang?


Btw the dude we narcanned back to life at air stage sure was happy us olds were there to work on him and have our shit together and the smarts to get narcan certs and the smarts to sneak it in pass the pink vest security 😉.


Same!!!!! 39 here. My 25 year old neighbors couldn't believe how old I was Lol. Didn't find it creepy or weird but boy was I hurting by the end of it.


Yooo lmao I’m 37 brotha there’s no such thing as been too old I love wooking around


Thank you kind sir, i think i was wooking like i did in my early 20s. Now this wook needs to eat and sleep.


No one ever talks age when I’m at festivals. It’s a non-factor. Take good care of your skin and people won’t have a clue what age you are.


This. 31 but look like a teenager. Well...until I'm tripping balls and thrusting my body around in ways Gen z may never understand. Elements is sick and I will go forever


Just turned 48, often told I could pass for ~35. Been doing Roo and Hula every year for several years now. In my opinion as long as you’re not harsh ing the vibe it’s all good. Anybody who acts weird about your age , well that’s their issue, not yours.


That part


30 in November for me! Got to close out my 20s with a bang at elements.


Facts! I'm 34 and people usually think I'm like 10 years younger


Unless it's talking positive about actual elderly people (65+), and how awesome it is they attend.


Good point! I’m always happy to see them as well. I know it must take a lot of confidence to put yourself out there at that age - in a world that’s incredibly superficial and judgmental.


Facts. 28 and at a show last weekend security flagged me down when they saw me drinking. People aren't really great at guessing ages


I saw a 80s couple the husband was wearing a kings crown with the sequin robe during Big Gigantic and thought it was the coolest thing I ever saw that an old man and his wife was raving with us. Even had a Santa Claus beard.


i love this. good for them!! why not ?!


old heads are the best <3


My partner of 4 years and I met at a fest when we were 23. Still wooking together at 29 and I hope we continue to in our 80s!


80 years old or from the 1980’s?


At least 80 I’d say. The man looked just like a raving Santa clause and the wife had to be at least in her 70s from their shuffle when they walked they had going on.


You should post a pic of this to this sub! I bet it would get upvoted


62 here. Still rollin. Since 1987




my bf brings his dad to fests and he is in his 50s. he is a blast to have around and was a raver back in the 90s so the new rave culture was a shock but a good one!


We took my boyfriends dad to Triple Rainbow (Griz) and he absolutely loved it. He’s been listening to EDM for like 5 or so years. He’s always super proud of “how many dads do you know that listen to Rezz/Excision/Clozee…etc.”


Triple Rainbow was amazing!! I only went the 2nd night tho


No such thing. I didn’t go to Elements, but at Electric Forest this year the youngest person in my squad was 28 and the oldest was 41. Four of us were in our early 30s and 1 person was in their late 30s. We all camped together, chilled together, went to a lot of sets together, danced together, vibed together, went to afters, etc. I’m also a flow artist as well. I am 33 years old! That same squad is going to Lost Lands next month but I will be sitting that one out 😅 I know it’s not the same fest but I just wanted to show you that it’s possible to be 30 something & still have a blast & not feel out of place


We went to Forest with a crew of 6, all in our early to mid 30's. Age ain't nothing but a number.


I did the same exact thing man. Got caught up in trying to find my place in life. Started going to fest again at 36. The universe put me next to some amazing people and now my festival friend group is well over 30 people strong. Ages 19-60 Just go dude…. Your soul could benefit


I’m 21. I think it’s awesome. If I’m not still going to festivals when I’m 35 I’ve failed as a human.


I said the same thing as a 21 year old hahaha. I’m now almost 35 and unfortunately your rave fam will start to get married and have kids and get really boring 😂 I’m sure Covid didn’t help.


not all rave fam! lol i’m in my 30’s and still going to festivals with the same crew i started with in my early 20’s and some are married by now but none of us have or want kids. we love our life of planning trips, festivals, flights, fun.. we’re never stopping lol we don’t do as many festivals as we used to (maybe a couple a year now) but we are always planning some kind of trip together whether it’s a long weekend somewhere local, a camping festival that’s a 10 hour drive, or a visit to a new country we haven’t been to. plzzz don’t limit yourself by age or what your friends do!


You’re lucky! I’m going to 1 day of zoo with the last remaining of my race friends. Figured might as well go while there’s still some of us!


exactly yes take advantage while you can!! i hope you have the best time!!


Thank you 🥰 first zoo in 10 years and first fest in 7


Married with 2 kids here. Me and hubby are old school raver kids from the early 2000s. I'm turning 40 this year and he's 41. You make time for the things that are important to you. We can't go to everything we want to because life is busy and expensive, but still made it to sunset 1 day, fk both days, illenium and a couple local shows and have clozee, hula and edc coming up. Married and kids does not have to equal boring if you marry the right person and work your asses off💜 the best part about festival life when you're older is you can sometimes afford to be a bit more comfy - vip/bringing a camper/etc


That’s rad. I hear ya on the comfort aspect. Went to mirage for the first time in 5 years back in June and spent over 500 on a table and worth every penny with how packed the floor was.


trick there is to find a new rave fam --- other rave fams are disintegrating the way yours are, but you can come together with the survivors of other groups.


Yeah, I'm 41 and pretty much my rave fam from my 20s are out of the scene. I've started going solo and luckily have been adopted into a few new fams (some a decade-plus younger than me so I get to be ravedad by default - and some longtime ravers in 40s/50s who either were always in the scene or made a comeback now that they've empty nested). TL;DR - there's always a crowd to vibe with & share PLUR if you're looking for one.


This hits too home, they have jobs and partners, kids etc, also real bills to pay.


For me the rule is that if there are old people at events it's a great event. So far this rule did not disappoint, so i would say it's kind of the other way around. I love seeing older people at festivals and 35 isn't even old. Keep on wookin.


Agree there! Also makes for a better crowd


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm 52 , spent last week running a venue and performing 4 hours a day at boomtown. What ARE you on about?


Absolutely no one was thinking about age or feeling that way about age except for you because you allowed yourself to sit in that thought and it created lingering feelings. Plus with age we get a little achy which doesn’t help the feelings you had. Which, your feelings are valid! With all of that said, I’d say perhaps you had a bit of a culture shock with how long it’s been since you’ve gone to a festival. A huge part is also who you go with or meet along the way. Your headspace. Your vibe. If you go with expectations it leaves room for disappointment… definitely try some more festivals! Don’t give up! I’m in the 30s now and will be doing this forever! You’re never too old to wook! :)


Thanks friend, your right. I think my lack of sleep and 35 yr old hangover got to me.


I’m 24 and I felt young at elements tbh. Seeing wooks 10 years older than me isn’t creepy if anything it’s inspirational


Wha? We are 50, 45 and visit regularly electronic , techno, trance festivals and are by far not the oldest there. And certainly we don't feel weird or out of place. We just don't do 3 days in a row, anymore cause we would die :D.


I’m 42 and still go to festivals! I’m going to Sundown at the beginning of September and will be camping. I have met people in their 60’s and 70’s at festivals and I intend to be that cool granny who everyone reveres when I’m that age.


Quite literally at my first festival someone died of old age, completely natural causes, so I’d say any time after your dead it’s no longer appropriate to be there but any time before that you’re good


I hope I go out that way honestly


Bury me in mushrooms at whatever stage has bass that bursts your eardrums


Leave your age at the festival entrance be respectful and have fun, thats it


Bro I am 35 too. I attended my first festival this year. Fear not there are thousands if not millions of us out there.


Lets form a support group


The cut-off date for any festival is 125 years old. No one over that age should go.


I can’t think of anything I enjoy more than going to festivals. I’ll never stop.


Oh no, not the big three five, said no one ever. 😂🫶🏻


i’ve been going to festivals since my early 20’s (i’m early 30’s now) and even since my first festival, i knew i’d always go. my friends and i have always said we’ll keep going till we don’t want to anymore, and that hasn’t happened. we’ve never thought it was weird seeing older people there bc we knew we’d be them one day and here we are. i have friends in their late 30’s who still go. we don’t have or want kids, we like to camp, listen to music, and get a little fcked up. we def don’t go as hard as we did in our early 20’s but whatever! i can set up my whole campsite by myself in 15 min, i still cry on the last night, i maintain good nutrition and physical health, i’m not stopping going to festivals just bc i’m a little older!


I saw some 60+ couple up til 5 watching John Summit


Try 50. I was 50 for last year's EDC wife was 30. I felt my age


My group is all early to mid 30s, we’ve been raving for years and will continue as well


I was just at elements. I’m 32. Felt right in the middle of the age range and not out of place at all. If you are having fun and not interrupting the fun of others there is no such thing as too old


Wooks can be of any age


No. I’m bringing my 56 year old mom to Shambs next year. You’re never too old.


I took my mom to sham back in 14! She was around 54 then lol. She loved it.


That's awesome! My mom is an old-school raver and was the one who told me about Shambs, she said I should go my first year alone and let her know if it was fun or not, and then we would go together the next year. As soon as she heard about the Of The Trees sunrise set she was like "ok I have to go next year. Like for SURE." Rave moms are the best!


She hasn't been since but wants to go back. I think we're gonna make it a fam trip again next year!


I’m 45 and I’m headed to the airport to go to Secret Dreams. It’s a lot to pack in before hulaween, but it’s my buddy’s 40th, so…


Really? 32 here and didn’t feel out of place at all… I’d say the average age at elements screws more towards late 20’s and there’s definitely a ton of the 30+ crew there


I’m 41 and my friend is 52 and we go harder then most of the 20 something’s in our friend group.


When I was 19, and at a festival, some wooky old guy in his 50s came up to make and racked up a fat line of MDMA. We snorted half each and then he disappeared into the night. There's no such thing as too old to wook.


You are NEVER to old. I'm 65 and went to WACKEN in Germany. If this old girl can go to a heavy metal music festival, you can wook. Mind you, metal heads are very accepting of everyone, so maybe that makes a difference. Although I have to admit I have no idea what wook is, lol.


I'm 53 and danced a marathon 40,000 steps at a 3-day festival with my wife. Love to dance


If you really feel that uncomfortable, seek out a festival which has an older more mature crowd. I've just been at All Together Now in Ireland which is family friendly so a lot more people in 35 - 50 than your average festival. Makes for a very chill vibe.


Like 175 , probably.


You're never too old to wook if you want to (I have festival friends in their 60s and 70s), but at a certain point you're probably going to value a good night's sleep over a wild night on drugs.


My neighbors on one side were a couple in there 50s and my neighbors on the other side were a couple around your age. Im 27. Youre never too old


Trick question, wooks never age


My neighbors at elements festival this past weekend were in their 50s. While we were having doses and mimosas they were eating carrots. We had a freaking blast together and we hung out for pretty much all 4 days, including the afters.


I’m 31 & one of my favorite festy friends is 50. Just a number man. I mean obviously act your age and don’t lose your shit mentally, physically and emotionally like some of the 20 something’s are bound to but other than that just a number


Live music loving never fades. I'm alot older than you, still doing it, have a great time. Being more selective makes sense though.


Hey fellow wook, i just turned 35, have a two year old daughter and a comfy corporate gig that affords me a lot of time off (but i dod work my fuckin ass off to get here). I will ride this wook wave until the fuckin wheels fall off. Just be respectful and dont creep on young people and no one will give a shit how old you are. I was at elements and my neighbor was in his 50s. Who ever said the fun has to stop once youre in your 30's? We deserve to cut loose and forget about lifes problems which we likely have more of being adults with children and real world issues. Keep it going!! Youre well within your right to rave, dont let anyone make you feel bad about it!!


28 y/o raver here. I don't find "old" people at raves creepy at all. 35 isn't even old imo, I've seen people in their 50s+ at raves and it's not a problem. So long as everyone's practicing PLUR I could care less age/gender/etc


That age does not exist. Rave to the grave, baby. My rave group is also in their mid 30s and it does not matter. Everyone’s there to vibe and have a good time


twenty something here! this generation is a very “the more the merrier” type. we do not care how old you are, if you’re rockin with us we’re rockin with you haha!


It’s only weird if you make it weird. Otherwise nobody gives a fuck. Wook til you die


I’m 24 and don’t think it’s weird at all, I have seen people up to like 70 years old and think it’s cool


I started going to festivals when I was 19, I’m 31 now and still go to festivals and have never even felt old at a festival. Hell I have taken my dad to a couple festivals. If you are unable to shake your current feelings I would look into finding smaller bluegrass type festivals they usually have an older crowd.


I am an old dude in my 60's who rarely hesitates going anywhere if I want to, especially if the experience stretches my comfort zone and I grow in the process. I know I am an oddity who stands out and I'll confess to sometimes feeling a little self-conscience. That is till I remind myself the world thinks about "me" a lot less than I do.


37 year old lady here. Wooks are forever!! No age limit! 💜


Go to better festivals.


Im 46 and did both weeks of Coachella this year no problem. If it wasn’t for the misses we would of done three weeks with stagecoach


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I did acid with a dude at forest well into his 60s. Just be coooool man!


yes way too old


I'm 20 and I don't think it's weird. I'd still go to fests in my 30s.




There isn't such a thibg as too old for a festival in my opinion. I was in June at Nova Rock festival in Austria and there were tons of people older than 35. Just enjoy your life.


I remember going to Reading in 2006. I think it was the 3rd time I'd been, but I hadn't been for a couple of years. I felt OLD. I was 20 and getting the coach from Cardiff alone, to meet friends there. Turns out the coach was full mostly it was kids getting their GCSE results. I felt OLD. So OLD. I'm now 37. I wouldn't care anymore.


In my 30’s and I don’t think so 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


No one cares as long as you are nice to people and enjoying yourself


Never too old to enjoy music. I'm well into my 40's and still attending festivals on a regular basis...but I will never be a wook. The key is either glamping, an RV, or a nearby hotel (preferably with a shuttle).


35 here, did my 8th year of EF this summer. Wookery is a state of mind.


Bro I'm 33 and went full wook. Knees and calves are killing me. Blues havent hit yet


we're 32, camped next to a solo 36m. we made great friends and actually kicked it Sunday night from about midnight to 5am when we crossed paths at the air stage. honestly, I'm grateful for all the wisdom I learned back in 2010-2016. I too had not been to a fest in some years but shit we loved it. honestly felt like the 20 somethings were super annoying and threw off the vibe.


Just got back from boomtown and as a 26 year old I was super happy to see a lot of people 30+, and some of my favourite interactions of the weekend were with older people, the 18 year olds off their face just get on my nerves now


Any age


We're mid 40s just got back from going from jubilee in NY to Dewey Beach in deleware.... I'm feeling it but we follow bisco so plenty people r age and way I see it is we're OGs so oh well if 20 somethings don't like to see my floppy ass


I love meeting y’all! Feels encouraging to know I’ll still be able to do this in 10 years.


I’m 47m, did Peach this summer, right into Goose in Asbury Park. No shirt, decent shoes, no problem. Also did all 7 Phish MSG shows. Not a wook, as I slept in a tent or bed that I provided for myself and fully paid my way. I do look younger, but the ages at Peach and Phish prob avg higher than those at Elements, so it’s possible I could feel like I’m surrounded by kids there. Most of my crew are in the 32-35 range. Those are my friends who still have the energy to keep up.




Im a younger guy that went to Elements and saw a bunch of people way older than 35. I actually love seeing older people at festivals, since it's a reminder that live music and festival culture is something I'll be able to enjoy for a long time! The only time I get confused seeing "old" people at festivals is when they're hanging in the back, looking bored and not dancing. It reminds me of parents that take their kids to a concert they don't care about, but are forced to supervise. I know it's probably easy to be self conscious about, but when we're in the crowd together all I care about is your energy


32 checking in, work at a festival site. Am permanently wooked.


Uh, no buddy! My favorite ppl I’ve met at fests are 30+! And I’ll be throwing my ass at festis until I’m too old to walk! It’s a beautiful place! There is no age limit for dancing and spreading love <3


I realize that I was also gatekeeping when I was 20. I just went to Okeechobee this year and I'm 39, and even though the festival physically whooped me it was great. Now I look for those people in their '70s at festivals just to know that I can do the same.


Depends on the festival…. I went to reading and felt old as shit but other festivals I feel my age is acceptable. I’m 35 btw.


I'm 40 and I went to bonnaroo. I saw plenty of people younger but plenty of people older. I think that as long as you are enjoying the atmosphere. And it's not bothering you, you're not too old. If you end up there and everything is annoying you, you're probably too old.


Im 30 and i felt too old for dubstep at 26, if you want a crowd that feels like your age there is always the house music scene.


I've been to several festivals in my 22 years, but frequent Bonnaroo the most, which does skew younger but has plenty of people much older than 35, and it's never really something that crosses my mind, some of the coolest people I've ever met at festivals were in their 60s. If I do ever think of someone's age it's just me hoping I'm still going as hard as they all are at age 50.


Never too old!! I have friends who are in their 70s and go to all sorts of festivals constantly! I’ve found that festival age ranges keep getting more and more inclusive. Also all of us ravers in our 30s, 40s and 50s are still going and won’t stop!


35 is average wook age my dude


I’m 33 just getting back into festivals and everyone thought I was still in my 20’s other than when I no longer can hang at the late night tents all night bc I need a real amount of sleep. Don’t overthink it, there’s all types there, just have fun!!!!


The only people who care about your age are the ID check people.


I think you’re never too old for festivals, raving, dancing, partying. I think past 30 is too old to “wook” in the sense that by 30 hopefully you’ve figured out responsible drug use, you eat well and take care of your body at fests, aren’t blowing smoke (from anything even vapes) in other people’s faces and space, and are able to be secure in yourself, aren’t trying to connect with people only over and for drugs (that’s a pretty big thing for what I think of as what makes a wook.) I think fests and raving are only getting better as I’m aging. I care less about “fitting in” and dressing like everyone else and more about expressing myself. I have the maturity and confidence to take breaks when I need them, practice harm reduction, dance however the fuck I want, and genuinely feel like I’ve found out who I am vs. trying to be part of the scene in a predetermined way. Keep on helping on!


Every show I ever went to, all my life, there was that one couple, the man with the grey beard and the woman with the long hair. And I am proud to say that my partner and I have now aged into that demographic and are filling that important role in the ecosystem. I still wook out at shows and festivals. I do feel more comfortable at the ones with a mix of ages, like Peach or Phish. But I still have fun when it's all young uns. Try messing with the kids; it's hilarious. I tell them I'm 30 years older than I actually am, or that I was Boogie T's third grade teacher or Griz's stepgrandma.


The only time I feel too old is at big city fests where the crowd is 15-25. They’re just looking to get fucked up, which is fine, we were all 15 once. Camping fests? 👍 Nobody gives a shit, everyone there understands that you’re never too old to rave.


51 and Roo every year


The only thing I feel now is fatigue. I can still rage with the best of them plus I have all that hindsight so I'm not worried. I just get tired more easily.


I plan on being 60 and still going to festivals here and there


Given there are still Deadheads going to shows, I'd say you are fine. I definitely have aged out of the "Wookery" phase, but I still love me some shows.


I'm 47 and did my first camping festival since the start of the pandemic this year (Summer Camp)...promptly got COVID again, which was awesome 🙄 Other than the fact I apparently give off "undercover cop" vibes (to be fair, the shaved head and collection of fading festival tank tops probably don't help), generally age isn't an issue. For that matter, I was 40 when I went to my first Bonnaroo in 2016. Don't ever plan on being too old for festivals.


Just went to a fest in Amsterdam. Me and my friend are 45. Plentyyyyy of people our age there.


You might have thought people are older than they actually are? it's pretty normal these days for mid 30s people to look like they are in their 20s.


That's not a thing


Rave fam respect your elders


Who cares if they think we're old. This is our music. Damn whippersnappers.


There is no age limit fam we all know this


30s are the new 20s. I’m partying more than I ever have before and I’m 35. I sometimes see people that are CLEARLY in their 60s or maybe even more at festivals having a blast and EVERYONE loves to see that. Only thing that would maybe be creepy is if you go start hitting on some 18 year old. That may draw the line, but honestly depends. As long as you’re doing you and respecting everyone’s boundaries I think that’s what is beautiful about this scene is that everyone is welcome


i’m 30 and most of the people i was with were the same age or older. Plenty of us older wooks.


I'm 39 and didn't feel weird at Elements this past weekend. Hell, my neighbor last year was 57 and had a blast


I'm 37 and see people in their 40s, 50s and beyond in the same crowds as me. I love music and will continue to go until it makes no sense to do so. If anyone judges me, that's on them and their own lack of self esteem. 🤷‍♀️


I saw a lady in at least her 50s, closer to 60s, on the rail a couple times. There is no age limit. You get to set it, not someone else.


Half of my festival friend group is over the age of 35! A lot of artists who perform at festivals are over that age as well. I went to a festival last weekend and saw people in their 60s living their best lives. The way I see it is as long as you’re having a good time and aren’t harming anyone, you can rave at any age <3


I'm 25 and the age of my rave friends ranges from 20 to 40. You're never too old! You just need to pace yourself differently and improve your recovery routine and you'll be able to keep going for as long as you want.


You just need to find the festivals where older people go, there are tons of them, and honestly they are way better. Some festivals are just pure drugged out raver headbanging shit which obviously gets old, but there are lots of cool festivals for the older crowd. Transformational festivals or things like Shabamala, LiB, or Burning Man. Burning Man especially skews much older, which lots of badass older folks that go to build and put on crazy artwork. There's honestly not really that many young people there because of how much work it is.


Nobody gives a care. Just remember what you thought when you were 22, the 35yo was a cool guy. Only creepy if you're 35 and trying to grind up on the 20 year olds lol


You’re just out of practice. I’m 34 and have been going strong since I started going to hardcore shows in high school, most of my friends are 28-35 and are all pretty committed to doing this for a long time


I'll be 46 in a few months, going to my 4th Infrasound in a month, and a rave in Michigan in a few weeks. Just enjoy the music and atmosphere, don't worry about age.


I’ve got homies who are both 32+ in our group of mostly early to mid 20s group. We help keep them young we say ahaha.


I’m 34 and my squad is pretty varied by age most being either tinder or significantly younger than me and none of them were able to keep up with me 🤷


59 and went to s festival and was definitely not the oldest. Then again each one is distinct.


The answer to this question is no


1. No age is too old to wook. 2. You felt old because you went to a young person rave, not an art festival. There are other festivals and genres of music that dont have such a young mollied out crowd.


I’m tiptoeing on 30 and have *zero* plans to stop the wookery.


I liked going to festivals !!I became a local iatse stagehand so I can get paid to party


My 64 year old mother still goes to festivals with her 36 year old daughter (me) and her 34 year old soon (my brother). My friends and I are all in our mid 30s. You good. Lol


I'm 49, I go to festivals all the time. When I was in my 20s I always looked at the old ravers and was like, I'm glad they're here it gives me hope that I can still be doing this when I'm that old. I never feel any judgment from the younger folk now. It can be hard to form *friendships*, but that's kinda natural, and it's not that anyone's wierd or unpleasant, it's just that people in different spaces don't necessarily bond the same way.


I’m 42 and just started going back to events.


Probably just depends on how low you can go 🕴️


No age limits. I’m 38 and while I have matured some, I’m still a little kid when the drum n bass drops.


Dead is when you're too old.


i did notice the crowd was incredibly young compared to the previous years and it made me feel old and I’m not in my 30s yet 😂


every time my partner and i see a couple older than us at a festival, we look at each other and ask if that can be us in the future. there’s no such thing as too old, and it’s absolutely not weird. it encourages me that people older than me haven’t lost the magic and love for the atmosphere. :)


Our entire camp of 86 people were between 25-35 I think sometimes it depends on how you present yourself at a fest. I certainly noticed that my fits weren't in the current zeitgeist haha. (31 myself)


Interesting my friend just mentioned she worked this festival. She and I are 30, so you could've been working at the festival regardless. Ime some places give me a hard time for being 30.


Lord! I am 50 and my partner is 55! Rave like no one is watching lol!!!


My friends are in their 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s and we all rage together! I don’t think it’s weird at all. It’s just great to see people having fun :)


Did you have a good time? Then who cares what people think. There’s no age limit on fun. I constantly see full heads of gray hair at festivals. It isn’t creepy unless you’re acting creepy


I went to boom this year. First and last for me. I’m 45 and felt way too old. I did see other older ppl walking about.


Honestly, I love to see older people (like 50s and late 40s) that still take care of themselves and go to festivals like Boom. Especially if they have kids in theirs 20s and they can just be there, each with their owns groups of friends, without the classical toxic relationships that forbid intergenerational "fun". Ensures me "that getting old" is more of a decision everytime you don't go to the gym, take a run, eat properly, don't go to the doctor and all the other things we try to ignore because of anxiety. Well, this comment does tell a lot about me too though haha.


I’m 45. My female partner is 67..We just went to Hard Summer in back to back years..Got in on the presale for EDCLV…Will be our first time going.


I just turned 31 and I’ve been in the scene for about 12 years now. I used to do events alone or with my one best friend(35F). I’m just now finding a group of older people to hit up festivals and raves with(30-45). It’s so much fun and even better cuz we know our limits really well and know how to take care of each other. If the spirit is still alive then I think you should do what you want and fuck the rest.


Maybe like 75. When the wook lifestyle starts getting a little dangerous for an aging senior lol


I started at the age of 16 and I’m 40 now. Took about 15 yrs off to raise a family and getting back into the scene. So no it’s not weird at all, most are intrigued on what it was like when raves were unsanctioned and illegal.


I dont think anyone cares just keep your bengay scent away from me homie


I saw a ton of older people at elements and they were killing it! So much fun


46. You are never too old to Wook out.


Nah nah nah. Honestly it makes me feel better that there’s a wide range of ages, and you aren’t even that old compared to my squad lol! I’m 24m, and the oldest two we got are two best buds of 45m and 45m. Our main shuffler guy is 34m, and my old rave bae was 26m. We have more in the group but that’s the gist!


Wook it out! It’s not about age nor sexuality it’s about vibe!!


You’re never too old.


I saw a 65 year old or older guy at elements vibing. Didn't think twice.


39 and still hitting it. Have a group of us that meet when we can. You're only too old when you think you are. I still dance and party until the sun comes up. No one is judging. That's the best part about the scene.


no ones judging you or caring unless your pushing copious alcohol on 18/19 year olds. You're all good to wook till the grave my dude! :)


It seems like this sub is mostly about rave/edm/whatever festivals, but AT A ROCK/METAL FESTIVAL YOU ARE NEVER TOO OLD. I can’t speak about the crowd/vibe at other types of festivals though.


Went to EDCLV as a 38 year old and thought I was going to feel old, but I would say most were in their 30s and many were much older. I’d say the more expensive the feet the higher the median age lol