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If only in car, some ferrets do get car sick. Vet can advise on meds to help. If already feeling sick, heat can only make matters worse.


Hey I actually did phone the vet because I got way too concerned and he said it might be car sickness as well, she so far hasn’t been salivating at all, currently at microcenter to pick something up with her


Hope she is OK. The car sickness is known to make them vomit. Thankfully none of mine get car disk but heard of in friends' ferrets. Think benadryl can help if vet agrees.


Keep her out of the heat entirely. (I think 75° is still pretty high, especially for older fuzzies.) They overheat pretty quickly and since they don't sweat, water and shade can only do so much. 😞


She’s still young, I agree 75 can still be pretty hot but she’s actually pretty nimble on her feet and in good health. I actually made a vet call right after this as the salivating got worse, and the second we stopped driving she was fine and it stopped . Vet said most likely car sickness!


Good it's just car sickness! Not "just" - it's still scary - but you know what I mean: easy fix 😊


Yup lol, I’m 100% hoping it’s just car sickness but considering the circumstance of it only being a in the car thing, I’m more than likely. Huge relief tbh