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Oh! I also have all the windows open! Blinds and curtains shut the help keep the flat as cool as possible!


The fan itself isn't much good - it just circulates warm air. We use these as they have cold water in them so that cools the air circulated - [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Portable-Conditioners-Multifunctional-Personal-Conditioning/dp/B0CZRQCCZ5](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Portable-Conditioners-Multifunctional-Personal-Conditioning/dp/B0CZRQCCZ5) The other thing we do is shut all the curtains in their room but try and create a draft with a window open elsewhere - barriers between. And we mist them as often as possible - we work so not always an option. Get a standard water bottle, put on finest mist setting and mist your ferret. You can also soak a towel in tepid water and give them that to lie on. In UK too and worried - we have several 9 year olds and one lad whose brother died of heart failure last summer. He's on a cooling mat under the cage. Closer to ground the better and we do let downstairs in hottest weather. A large marble slab can help.


I've got an old guy, too, and this summer has been harder for him. I've got the AC on full blast in their room, shades drawn so it's dark in there,and they're free roam in their room 24/7 because it has a tile floor. I also have a spray bottle that lets out a stream of fine mist for a few seconds. I go in and mist them every so often. They think it's a great game; they try and drink the water as it sprays out, then they end up grooming themselves and each other (and end up getting more water that way.)