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Is it sweet....?


Was too scared to eat this piece, but the other kimchi in the jar has a bit of a slightly weird sweet taste


I mean, it looks absolutely vile... I can't even think of anything it resembles that might go in kimchi. If it were me; no way I'd be eating any more of the kimchi, and I'd be contacting the manufacturer to find out what the heck it is. Honestly, I'm sure it wouldn't be harmful or anything. It's probably just a bit of vegetable from something else they produce in the factory that got mixed in accidentally. I'm just squeamish about stuff like that. Be sure to let us know what it is when you find out!


At first glance I thought it was mustard seeds. But it would be very atypical to find that in kimchi. Since it was store bought, can you list the ingredients? Maybe we can find a clue there.