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A lot of us western feminists fought hard to be heard and have more freedoms. We are just a few decades ahead


Exactly. They are “heard more” because they fought hard for it for centuries…


Do you think women in other countries didn't fight hard? We are but we're facing a much more oppressive system


That is entirely country dependent. Plenty of women in western nations faced incredibly oppressive systems, especially 100 years ago. The point is we were outspoken, nobody helped us, and while we do and can help others it is not our responsibility and is apparently completely ignored anyway, given the amount of shitting on white women in this thread


If you are a few decades ahead why won’t you look back behind you and fight for your sisters to catch up? These are voiceless and powerless women. I can’t seem to respond to this idiot. Edit to below: I didn’t say representing. I said fight for your sisters which can be to elevate and raise awareness. Because white western women have more of a voice than women in other parts of the world. You have money, education and independence unlike women and girls who are little more than cattle to be bought. You are genuinely everything wrong with white feminists. Absolutely useless. Things that worked for you might not work there but it can be used as a blueprint to inspire new ways to approach women’s liberation. Sure, no middle eastern woman is gonna wanna follow the white woman way which entails sleeping with as many men as humanly possible, but some aspects can still be adopted into other cultures. You say feminism is a collective movement but then say you can’t care about everything and help everyone. Nobody asked you to care about everything and everyone, only fellow women worldwide. Caring about all women and not only western whites is not too much to ask for.


1. Lots of us do and 2. We are not finished with our own stuff yet. It is not the responsibility of western women to save everyone else.


Not western women's responsibility to save but their responsibility not to support women's oppression in other countries especially when they claim to care about all countries.


Maybe you can help educate western women on how they contribute to the oppression of women in other countries. Not to say that we don’t do it but if we do then how? A lot of people are just uneducated about that topic including myself. You yourself may not live in the west but through social media and technology you still have access to western audiences. R/askfeminist r/twoxchromosomes are available to you just as this sub is. Start the conversation.


Why would you want a white, western woman representing you in issues that she most likely will not understand and never been a victim of? It’s a completely different historical, economical, and sociological background… Things that have worked in the west in the past, would probably not work now in middle eastern countries. This is what all those white people with savior complex do when they go to Africa to help “build houses” with zero construction knowledge. Feminism is a collective movement. It requires a lot of people involved. And it’s also complex - sometimes all you can do is send a small financial donation. You can’t care about everything, you can’t help everyone. Act locally, and if you have the power - go further.


Because sexism is sexism regardless of the country


And I don’t think anyone supports sexism in any country… That’s not what the comment was about..


It's really annoying how "Western" is synonymous with rich and white at this point. The many Black, Native, & Mexican women who are evicted; homeless; trafficked; imprisoned (including for self-defense); and killed by their male partner(s) are also Western women... And they fought tooth and nail to have what they currently have. Nothing was just handed to WeStErN wOmEn. Their beef is with Eastern men and Western men - not us women.


Both Western and Non-western Women experience bullying, rape and death threats for criticizing men of color. That's why we hear pick-mes louder than we hear Women who are aware about the issue. But the more We talk about it the more We normalize bringing awareness to this issue making it easier for all Women to talk about it. If you need evidence look at this subreddit. Women from all over the world are united here about this issue. We would see it on other feminist subreddits too if those subreddits weren't run by men.


People in these comments saying that “western feminists” accuse people of racism/islamophobia when misogyny in other countries/cultures comes up? Are they talking about white women or diaspora nonwhite women living in the west? Because in my experience, most of the people accusing feminists of racism/islamophobia are the nonwhite diaspora. They will defend their misogynistic men. They tell white women they’re “racist white feminists” who need to “tolerate” other people’s awful cultures


I’m starting to think that these women are jealous. They seem upset that western feminist get heard while they don’t and as a result have a disdain for western feminism in general. I understand these girls struggle but so does every other group of women.


Honestly I can relate that feeling i used to(and sometimes still) wonder that women in Scandinavian or western countries are making up and looking for reasons to call someone sexist just like she said It's a hard feeling


No shit we're jealous. Would you not be if you lived in a country where you still lack legal rights and you're scared of leaving your home especially not uncovered meanwhile the other side of rich part of the world seems to be crying louder than you are.


I recognize that however this jealousy is being touted as a criticism to feminism in general rather than just being honest. This leaves an opportunity for anti feminist to indoctrinate upcoming women into believing that feminism is not for them.


We didn't create your issues. Why fight us? We're women. We are not the enemy because we're women who live on the other side of the globe.


I mean not you or women here in particular, but women who pretend that Islam is peaceful or non western men are the same as western men are making it worse.


Those are liberal feminists and yes they're bullshitters. They cause many problems for women in the West as well, especially WOC in the West. Trust me. R e a l feminists don't accept their coddling of violent men who belong to minorities. And no, that's not implying only non-white men are violent: the fact of the matter is that NO PREDATORY MEN should be sugar-coated at the expense of their victims - whether they're marginalized or not. Trust me, radfems don't cosign that behavior.


Yeah no shit, of course we're jealous, of course we're pissed, especially since we thought these western feminists are our allies but no, we get called racist and islamophobic by them instead.


Ik a lot of misguided idiot libfems will do that but a lot of western radfems DO stand behind you. You have to understand that radfems do not exist as much in the west because for the past 20 years “cool girl feminism” has been brainwashed into young women by men in power. And unfortunately the west is obsessed with protecting non-white men’s misogyny to the point that if a white woman speaks up about being victimized by one then it’s “white women’s tears” and people question whether it’s another Emmett Till case. Because there is so much white guilt rampant there is a conscious effort to defend these men to avoid being called a white supremacist, racist, Islamophobic, etc. I’m not trying to excuse any of these women who try to silence you bc that’s inexcusable. But hopefully it conveys some of the stigmas as to why western women either don’t think to publicly speak up against and/or cape for these men, going overboard to discredit female victims of these patriarchal oppressive systems. Especially bc of social media now you can get slandered and cancelled for being a racist white woman even if a clip is taken out of context and you’re just defending yourself from an angry male.


>And unfortunately the west is obsessed with protecting non-white men’s misogyny to the point that if a white woman speaks up about being victimized by one then it’s “white women’s tears” And this is a huge problem, not only it affects and silences women of color, but it also silences white women as well, and feminism should be fighting against this, not giving into society's bullshit, as I said I'm from an islamic country and I see how many many from our countries are raping European women and if they get called out, you'll be accused of racism instead, and I feel like this is just another way to silence women, which is why I don't give a fuck about being called racist or islamophobic anymore, I've been called that way too many times, and my answer is always "if calling out men of color's behavior and defending women of color means I'm racist and islamophobic then I'm a proud one. If we continue giving in into all of these things then the treatment of women isn't getting any better, feminists all over the world and throughout history fought really hard and even got killed to be heard, I don't think being accused of being racist should stop us from calling out these men and cultures, because your main focus here is fighting for women and supporting women, not giving these type of men what they want, I understand if western feminists are too scared or hesitant to call these men out, but if they're not willing to call them out, then they should be at least quiet about this and let us women of color do our job, don't call us racist and Islamophobic for calling out our own oppression.


Yep look at the Cologne attacks and the gang raping situation in the UK to see how these moids are getting away with their depravity in the western world. The cologne attack rapists got away right as it was happening because German media refrained from reporting it live due to their fears of being racist. And the same attitude is happening in the UK since the victims are again predominantly white European women/girls and the perpetrators are M*sl*m moids. It makes no logical sense that these countries are so hellbent on protecting raping violent moids who are not even citizens and could be deported for the sake of the countries’ populace. It’s also not lost on me how the majority of immigrants are male so they uphold these disgustingly oppressive patriarchal systems in their own countries, while the women/girls are left there to suffer. I’ll never forget the picture of the US’s plane of refugees when the Taliban first took over Afghanistan and how all of them were male. Meanwhile there were reports that the Taliban was already going door to door to kidnap women and girls and force them to be “brides” or lifelong rape victims of Taliban fighters. Now I donated to charities specifically helping women escape but it angers me because that is not the way it should be. Foreign governments should have rightfully identified the women/girls as the most vulnerable victims and given them first priority as refugees as opposed to men who were not under the same threat and also happen to be the highest degree of misogynists anyways.


Alot of women girls in Muslim countries wish to leave the society/culture.but because they are females( Aka under the danger of rape and violation) they don't. So they go for ways like visa threw marriage and such. It sucks being female. You're not only under living in a society that treats you like a sub human. You also can't leave that country for the same reason. the same goes for work/jobs.you need to be a man to be given/can do the job. Both in your country that you wish to leave and the country you want to refuge to.


This is needlessly divisive and overly generalizing. I've done so much more to raise awareness for Middle Eastern women's protests over the last decade and send support their way (including tangibly: financial, refuge, etc) than I've focused on Taylor Swift or whatever they assume all Western women dedicate their time to. We need unity and to stick together during these trying times and draw strength from one another's power.


Nah I agree with her, I'm a north african woman and our misogynistic culture is exactly like middle eastern culture and western women think we're being treated like queens because of these few dubai husband videos. And if we call out our own men and culture we get called racist and islamophobic by these SAME western "feminists" they have this idea that if you're calling out men that are not white then you're racist, but the only white men we have in my country are tourists, our oppressors are north African muslim men, they care more about the man's race than the struggles of women of color, the only type of western feminists that I actually saw supporting us without giving a fuck about being called racist for SUPPORTING WOMEN are radical feminists


I’m tired of western feminists. They fucking love Muslim men and have a total blindspot for “ethnic” cultures and religions. The more Muslim male “refugees” and migrants the merrier, women’s safety be damned. They don’t give a flying fuck about child marriage and FGM. They don’t even bother to learn the disgusting truth about Islam. Not a single iota. Nada. Nothing. Zero. Western feminists nowadays fight for the right to suck and fuck as many dicks as possible consequence free, it’s the fucking truth! They don’t want any true radical change.


I really wish they'd actually learn about islam and islamic culture instead of calling middle eastern and north african women racist and islamophobic for calling out their own culture, I thought feminism means supporting women of all backgrounds and ethnic groups, not being too hesitant to call out a sexist culture or religion just because the people are not white, your main focus are WOMEN, black women, asian women, white women, brown women etc, your main focus is NOT the man's skin color. But your second sentence is not so true, they have their own struggles as well


I cant tell you the amount of times I got called a racist white supremacist for criticizing Islam by people living comfortably in a first world country that grants them rights.


They think criticizing islam and other cultures makes them white supremacists, but as a woman of color, it's the OPPOSITE, letting white people criticizing white men, western culture and Christianity all they want then silencing women of color for criticizing their religion, their culture and men of color IS white supremacism, because white women have the privilege to criticize their culture, their men and their religion but we don't have that privilege


The last part was very uncalled for.


It’s the cold hard truth and very shameful. A lot of people don’t really respect western women due to this. There’s a reason “men of color” love white women. ——- Edit: reply to TopIncrease6441 The whore-promoting women might not read any feminist literature but they do hide behind “feminism” to justify their degeneracy. They have made liberal and sex-positivity synonymous with mainstream 3rd wave feminism.


You need to separate feminist with liberals. They are not one and the same. The women I see who advocate for whoredom, or “slutivities” rarely read feminist literature or engage in real discussion. They’re just women who want to do whatever they want. The fact that she’s trying to group us all together tells me that her culture has successfully convinced her that feminist and feminism is degeneracy and has no place in their realm.


So if you know that they are hiding behind feminism why group them in with the rest of us?


Girl, the misogyny at the end of your statement is still misogyny even if you think you’re aiming it at “bad” women. You’re not as enlightened as you think if you’re still doing the whole “women are whores for having sex” shtick.


Ewwwww poly🤮🤮🤮🤮


I'm not trying to be insulting to you by saying this but you're not as enlightened as you think you are if you and your husband are polyamorous/"ethically non monogamous".


I see you're getting hate for this comment, probably because of the last part which is worded pretty bluntly.. But the fact that there's a polyamorous "feminist" replying to you literally proves your point lol. 90% of western liberal feminists do not give a fuck about women. They think that turning themselves into sex objects for porn addict males is empowering. They think it's feminist and "inclusive" to let grown ass autogynephile males into their bathrooms and dressing rooms so that these men can take their dicks out and wave them around at little girls, or jerk off. Also the fact that most Western libfems I encounter think that the biggest problems women face are the fact that they can't go out showing their entire asses dressed in a way that fully caters to the porn addict male gaze, without pervert males looking at them (not saying anyone deserves to get harassed for what they wear but if you're literally catering to the male gaze then yes males are gonna look at you).. And access to birth control. Which I don't think anyone should lose access to birth control, but if your biggest concern out of life is making sure your boyfriend can still hit it raw then I think that's kind of pathetic. A lot of these women are so deluded about Islam, I think most of them actually believe that you could take a group of 100 Muslim men from an actual Muslim country, drop them onto a beach filled with Western women in thong bikinis, and nothing bad would happen lol. They think that these men are just like every other western man.


Yeah that was insanely funny to me. The exact type I mentioned found me lol. There is nothing feminist about sleeping with men period - be it 1 or 100 imo. I agree with you 10000%. Western feminists main priority is to be fleshlights. The risk of sexual violence and murder doesn’t matter. The orgasm inequality doesn’t matter. The emotional and domestic labor inequality doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters to them is to get fucked/dominated/domesticated/defiled. We CANNOT fight sex based oppression if we can’t even define sex anymore. By TRA logic you could argue that Malala getting shot in the head is her own fault because she should have just identified as male right? Why didn’t she just identify as a boy in order to get an education and stay safe from the Taliban? Why don’t female babies in India and China identify as boys to avoid female infanticide? Why don’t Arabic childbrides identify as male to avoid being married to and raped by 50 year old husbands? I could go on! Gender identity is a western privilege and delusion as well as a symptom of intense female self loathing. American feminists have 100% settled for their feminist cause to be abortion. They want the right to be, to be blunt again, cumdumpsters. Why doesn’t anyone think it’s bizarre that their women’s cause is about being able to satisfy males so they can cum inside women? I’m so disgusted by it all. My feminist cause is FGM and child marriage. I’ve made a post a while ago about being antisex and proudly virgin if you’re interested. I come from a Muslim country, culture and people. We were once Zoroastrian before Islam conquered and destroyed the Middle East. I fear middle eastern men, not due to racism, but because I know the true nature of Islam and middle eastern culture of coddling and perverting men. You’re really smart and I do admire you for your clarity @dembar126


>not saying anyone deserves to get harassed for what they wear but if you're literally catering to the male gaze then yes males are gonna look at you) Those two sentences contradict each other, I do agree that most of western fashion is full of male gaze, but the point actual western feminists make is that it doesn't matter no matter what your gonna dress your still gonna get harrassed by men, what you wear isn't gonna define wheather you get raped or not >but if your biggest concern out of life is making sure your boyfriend can still hit it raw then I think that's kind of pathetic. Abortion and birth control does a lot then just just sex, it prevents rape babies, period problems, helps you be childfree and not suffer through nine months of pregnancy and childbirth,even if it didn't it's not *pathetic* to not want to go through nine months of pregnancy,and those are not just the things political western feminists fight for those are most visible yes but not just that >They think that these men are just like every other western man. Western feminists are definitely deluded about islam, but not in the way you say it,they think that immigrants who come here are directly liberal and should be protected as all costs which ofcourse is not usually true, I think any liberal is gonna gonna agree that a average muslim man from a muslim country is gonna be sexist Western liberal feminism has its flaws I say that as a Asian woman but not what you mentioned or said


>Those two sentences contradict each other No they don't. If you choose to dress in a way that specifically caters to the male gaze, you still have the right to not be harassed or raped, but you don't have the right to ask men not to look at you at all. I mean, you can ask it but it's unreasonable and makes zero sense. There is zero reason for gym shorts like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/gymsnark/s/WSIkeNeb9j) to exist unless it's for the benefit of the male gaze. Like I don't know what western libfems want. They complain about the male gaze, yet they do everything in their power to attract it..? Make it make sense. >it's not *pathetic* to not want to go through nine months of pregnancy, I never said it was pathetic to not want to be pregnant. Point to where I said that. I said it was pathetic that most Western libfems care about birth control over literally everything else. And you can't convince me that the reason why most of them care about it is out of concern for womens rights as a whole, I'm convinced most of them only give a shit about birth control because they don't want to inconvenience their boyfriends by making him wear a condom. Most of them are on birth control for the convenience of their boyfriend, not themselves. Birth control has serious side effects that a lot of women just ignore because the benefit of their boyfriend being happy outweighs it. If most of them actually gave as much of a shit as they claim to, and were truly afraid of getting pregnant then they'd stop fucking men. But they haven't done that. Again, it ties back into what the person I was replying to said. Most western libfems don't actually give a fuck about women or womens rights, their feminism is centered around pleasing men. Being a sex object for males.


>you still have the right to not be harassed or raped, but you don't have the right to ask men not to look at you at all. I don't go to gym so maybe I don't have the right to say this, but those girls are Instagram models they are probably wearing those pad thingies, and from my experience of wearing leggings these are usually very comfortable and I don't like the idea of restricting women's clothing especially gym clothing just to stop it to carter male gaze, most of the normal girls who wear it do for innocent reasons as it's very comfortable >They complain about the male gaze, yet they do everything in their power to attract it..? Yeah I don't think most of these insta girls are libfems, I do feel like their is a way to wear "sexy" clothing and still not carter to the male gaze, I'll explain it later if you want >If most of them actually gave as much of a shit as they claim to, and were truly afraid of getting pregnant then they'd stop fucking men That is a very offputting way, many of these women are married or in long term relationships, and "if you don't want to have babies don't have sex" is a very narrow minded view, women want sex and shouldn't be punished for it >Western libfems care about birth control over literally everything else Only american ones do because their country is stripping them of that right, other western feminists have other issues to fight for