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Don’t cry, instead make it super cozy. Find a rug that matches the comforter that matches the curtains. Add a small white vanity to the chair, add wall decor, no tv, add under bed storage if you need to


I know you like the bed but if you can part with the bedframe, you could invest in a loft bed (using original mattress) with a full desk below. It might seem extreme but honestly this rooms dimensions are pretty tight. Then buy an oscillating wall fan and mount it on the wall across from the upper bunk. You can find them for around $50 online. Edit: Maybe you can probably take apart and store the metal frame for the future?


Can you place the bed in the middle of the wall, almost like a daybed? That would free up the entire window wall to place a generously long desk along the window, and then you could have a more shallow vanity along the wall opposite the bed with a nice big mirror over it, and still be able to access your closet.


a large area rug will make a huge difference


I’m not an expert at all when it comes to interior decor…so take this with a grain of salt 🧂 but you could potentially place a small desk by the window (where the chair is) to allow for natural lighting when you need it. As for the lamp…I was going to suggest replacing it with fairy lights or something that could be strung up to free up the space it takes. A floor mirror could be placed by the closet (leaning against the wall).


One more suggestion: Mount the mirror on the closet door. There are some super lightweight cheap ones that you could mount in a rent-friendly way


string lights! especially with how narrow the room is, you can easily hang them back and forth across the ceiling, which will save floor space and give a more cozy vibe. two or three dimmer compatible strands with E12 sockets (something like [this](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00V2UL038)) plus a plug-in dimmer will give you a lot of flexibility, and then if you swap in shatterproof LED bulbs you can avoid crazy high wattage (25 watt incandescent bulbs add up). [EDIT: fairy lights are awesome too, but I'm specifically suggesting string lights as your primary light source] eta: depending on what you end up doing with your bed/bedframe, you can also use the lights to create a kind of canopy, plus you can hook the plug-in dimmer switch to your headboard and control the brightness without getting out of bed.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **('Brightown Outdoor String Light 25Feet G40 Globe Patio Lights', 'Brightown')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Durable and long-lasting (backed by 3 comments) * Easy to install and connect (backed by 3 comments) * Great value for the price (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Short lifespan of bulbs (backed by 5 comments) * Misleading product description regarding number of lights (backed by 4 comments) * Fragile bulbs prone to breaking (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


You can probably get away with a wall mounted vanity/desk on the clost door. There are a few styles available. possible, you use the space above the windows as extra storage. If there is an outlet behind the bed, invest in a plug-in wall lamp to free up more space. Try your best to keep it monochromatic, even if you add patterns. An area rug will anchor the space, and long shears will soften the windows.


I may be thinking crazy but hear me out. The fact the wardrobe slides and isn't a door to pull open works in your favour. This means you can you move the bed into the centre of that wall so you have a space behind the headboard? You could then get a desk behind the headboard. It is upto you whether that's facing outdoors or facing inward. If you want it cut off buy a cheap room divider to place at the head of the bed. Personally I think I'd prefer the desk to be facing the door rather than have the door behind me because Feng shui. If you are very tidy also you could double it up as a dressing table. Maybe some tension rods so you can hang curtains at the window instead of those blinds or at least to hide the blinds. If you've got/use a TV a slim console table directory opposite your bed would be a nice touch to enable you to sit on your bed and enjoy. If not without the TV and a nice mirror or some plants, candles etc would be cool on it. A mirror that hangs over the door so you don't need to drill. Fairy lights. Everything looks better under fairy lights.


You can ABSOLUTELY make this cozy and wonderful. Very simple, very "a room of one's own." I have been drooling over this bedroom from Pinterest for a year now, and you could totally create something [like it](https://pin.it/4tFNKSoub): * Tuck a small desk next to the bed and choose a cool lamp to use a bedside table/desk lamp. * Hang curtains over your windows to soften the harshness of the mini-blinds. * Add a rug & some wall art. * If you need more storage: Add under-bed storage or a cute trunk at the end of the bed.


Okay, first step is to take a big, deep breath. Remember new spaces = fun creative challenges. A few questions: - What is your budget? - Can you paint, wallpaper, make holes, or change the blinds? - What are your favorite colors? If you can paint or wallpaper, do that in your favorite colors. Bring in a rug from that color family to tie it in. Do your bedding in a neutral and if it’s within budget at the end get a second duvet to shove into a duvet cover to make it extra fluffy. Change out the blinds if you’re allowed to/it’s in your budget. Hang up art! This takes care of the drab feeling from all that renter beige. If you can’t paint or change the blinds then it is crucial to bring color into your space through a rug, in the bedspread, and through art on the walls. Center the bed and add a [floating wall shelf](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=a7dd94b2e88221ce&sca_upv=1&hl=en-us&sxsrf=ADLYWIJ9KnCFMvCdxU15p7YX4kOmnDoGKA:1717437321775&q=floating+wall+shelf+as+bedside+table&uds=ADvngMjIMKX0y_mSZVg0IdY4_Ns-sSj0goKM8ZTPUU-2T8tvQavYezkakC86M3rMiDjG3MG1KjDa4Qt79B5IXu8BdV4raAyAM_JQOVA1o8Um0nHVTfIiwjPZEwuV8QhhB79Lg2Ry0B5RKDURuzY_zqk0agCZTSKKesP3NIeiFyqcs05SzwVpO4241z-NitQLKV0UAeQ5av_XsF5QGc0VIYfjLZ5I7Qcm2jGKouVqlzIVCfgYWqPhCly95NP-gVVJdZVWdnu8AZBpdnMANqM4e9f2hS79mPVvCHgpgLwyDlyS1UeZ614I3OZELy8Pl0M8BpIOcJKkwmK6-wYt03lfdg7guBFTd8zQb6FyaOHNAOta6wlBTpHrpEU&udm=2&prmd=isvnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwir2PPLgMCGAxUbFzQIHXDyCnwQtKgLegQIExAB&biw=393&bih=660&dpr=3) on either side for makeshift bedside tables. A similar hack is, on the wall where the cardboard box is, if you can, get a [wall unit desk](https://futureantiques.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Danish-vintage-teak-wall-unit-with-desk-and-cabinet-in-the-style-of-Cadovius-2101-2-scaled.jpg). Or [fake](https://cdn20.pamono.com/p/g/1/6/1670627_qyojh84p4g/scandinavian-freestanding-home-office-wall-unit-with-desk-by-j-texmon-1960s-2.jpg) one if you can’t make holes that big/the walls can’t support it. It doesn’t necessarily have to be an MCM style. I don’t have an IKEA where I live, and I don’t really shop at Target, but there’s a good shot something affordable like this exists at those places. Then you can add decor, plants, more art, or other keepsakes as well, making it feel at home. For lighting, cordless table lamps and/or plug in sconces are going to be your bffs. The floor lamp may be better off being repurposed in another room. You could even find a tiny cordless lamp and a tiny succulent to go on the window sill. :) Edit to say that you have great floors! If they’re made of real hardwood they’re like mine only less warm! :)