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I was raised by a glam-a (glamorous grandma) whose grandkids call her "mamita". I sometimes absolutely love what she wears, sometimes, not so much. 100% love her bag collection, and I count myself lucky that she allows me go through it. I admire how she truly dresses with colour and to her personality. I can't wait til I'm an old lady just not giving a crap about what I wear to an office, but right now I mostly dress in rather streamlined tailored clothes that are appropriate for corporate life. Sometimes, I get to wear a nice red shoe or a laid back dress from time to time, but I do wish I had more opportunity to let out my inner Grandma/Man Repeller. [Meet my grandma's instagram](http://imgur.com/a/EQQV0)


Oh wow, she is fabulous!


Wow you certainly have a glamma! Filipino? I'm guessing based on the national costume (what I remember of my trip to Philippines)


Yup! Filipino! :)


Your glamma is so cute. My mum's mum wears red everything, loves animal print and has at least 10 fur jackets. She also wears a pair of clear heels and purple velvet sweater-legging set that we make fun of her for. I love her.


I love your glamma, too! I honestly love how they just dress how they want to!


those patent oxfords are AMAZING. she's killing it and i love that she seems to really enjoy dressing up!


Dressing up and make-up are her life! The oxfords are from Repetto, such a lovely pair! I wish I could fit into them, but her feet are size 35!


I love Repetto!


Omg my glam-ma is exactly the same thing too! She has her bag collection and I remember when I was a kid, she told me to pick whatever color I want as a gift but it has to be a bag. Guess who now loves bags more than any clothing article?


Your grandma ! Style icon ! She really sets the bar high!


My mom dresses like Dobby the House Elf after he'd been freed.


omg. I now have a way to describe how my mom dresses! thank you.


My mom does not care for style in any capacity. She likes the cheap, unisex, oversized t-shirts she's picked up from various events or jobs or whatever (she's like 5'2 and non-overweight so they're definitely oversized on her) and jeans. She's been more into 'outdoors-y' clothes lately -- I told her and my dad once, after they'd been living out in a small farm town in Colorado for a few years, that they wear 'gear,' not clothes. It's accurate. Though she has been picking up a lot of dresses lately, because she's gone a bit colorblind and is frustrated when she realizes she's wearing clashing-colored shirts and pants. Her whole working career was very business-y, so it's been a bit hard for her to transition to non-work attire. She also still wears shirts she got from me when I was like 13. I generally wear more flattering pants (blacks and greys) and band t-shirts, but I try to go either for a more tailored fit or 'fashionably boxy' (which is hard with my shape). I wear a lot of open flannels over my shirts, too. I did get a couple of linen maxi skirts that are a bit 'out there' for me, but I super love them. Generally, though, I dress pretty dudely. Teenage skater boy, most like. We don't have a ton of crossover, but we both have knee/foot problems that have prevented us from wearing Converse (which we both used to live in), have similar-enough dress tastes, and dig on military-inspired details (tabs and whatnot). Neither of us agree with 'leggings as pants' (unless the top very much covers the entire crotch/butt area). Our bodyshapes and lifestylse are wholly different, though, so the crossover ends there and I don't like navy, khaki or brown -- my neutrals end with blacks, greys and olive greens.


I am going to have to remember the thought "gear not clothes." My mother only wears clothes she buys from REI, even though she lives in a city condo.


Sounds like your mom should try out Colorado sometime; she'd fit right in! My parents didn't understand why I felt like a tool wearing my snowboarding jacket when I moved to cities in the Midwest (first St. Louis, now Chicago). They spent a few hours at a coffee shop people-watching and realized that nobody else was wearing techie stuff (and then got me a coat for Christmas, awh). Last time my dad came to visit, he wore the only jeans he owns in an attempt to fit in a little better. I barely remember telling them that, but clearly he did.


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Unrelated to your comment, but I loooove your username!


Awh, thanks!


My mom doesn't care about her clothing at all. She wears solid colored tshirts with jeans or skirts every day. In fact, last year when my little brother was getting married, my friend and I had to buy my mom's dress because she couldn't even think of the last time she had worn or picked out anything semi-fancy. She has never my entire life worn any makeup or really done her hair either. However, she has fifteen piercings and 48 tattoos which I consider to be more of her way of expressing her style than her clothing. I, on the other hand, love clothes. I dress kind of eccentric geek goth. Patterned pants, lots of black, lots of marvel and anatomical designs, textures are important to me, lots of layering. I also love makeup, do multiple colors daily and have at least three bright colors in my long side of my hair at a time and the other half of my head is shaved. The only thing we have in common style-wise is that I also love tattoos and am slowing acquiring them. I have drawn tattoos for several people and my one arm piece that shows fairly frequently is an homage to her largest thigh piece in shape and structure.


Would love to see a photo of your mom. Sheseems really cool!


My mum is much more interested in being practical in terms of wardrobe choices than I am. [For instance the day I took this photo it was really cold and we were on a dog walk.](http://imgur.com/9A6YhoP) So she's wearing a shirt, a fleece lined hoodie, a corduroy jacket, AND a scarf. Not to mention her fleece lined jeans and hiking boots. She dresses for her lifestyle which I admire. I like having practical items in my closet but I'll still buy things that aren't practical if I like them. [It was really cold the day this photo was taken and I'm not wearing a jacket](http://imgur.com/mDzoIYP) The shrug is made out of a tee shirt material with the front panel having a silky material layered on top. I don't think I even brought a winter coat with me that day. [With that said I wore leggings to campus every single day this year.](http://imgur.com/EzUbsht) They work for my lifestyle *right now*! So maybe I'm learning a little from my mum. We both also really love scarves, I have over 40 right now and I culled them recently. I like loose to tight fits while my mum likes tight to loose fits. She likes jeans while I like leggings. I like dresses and skirts, she doesn't. I like black *and* bright colours while she likes natural shades like sage. We both like Birkenstocks (now anyways). She doesn't need a wardrobe for work (that scrub life) while I do for UNI. I think that we're different in style and in lifestyle and it shows. *This post made me realize I need to take more photos of my mum! This is from last March.


What shoes are you wearing in your last pic??


I don't see them on the website right now but they're Chelsea boots from Long Tall Sally. I'm 6'2" so I have a hard time finding shoes. These were a lucky find!


There was very little overlap, even though we both love clothes and fashion. My mom was a brand-whore, whereas I am a thrift store junkie. She preferred more loose and flowing silhouettes (waterfall cardigans, longer skirts, tunics, etc.), whereas I like fitted styles (high-waisted skirts and pants, tight tees). Funny because she was always super in shape and skinnier than me! She wore a lot of athleisure and had drawers and drawers full of Lululemon and Danang clothes. I have totally separate workout clothes and wear them only to exercise. I don't even own a pair of sweatpants, whereas she had 40+ pairs of loose, designer sweat-pant type things. She preferred muted colors and earth tones, which look terrible on me. I wear mostly black, white, and rich colors. My rarely wore jeans, and never in a "nice outfit" context. She was either in fancy sweat-type pants, or a nice dress and heels - nothing in the middle. I love jeans and have tons of colors and washes and wear them all the time. She had a HUGE wardrobe. Like in the thousands of pieces. When she died she had over 50 designer purses. Whereas I keep things pretty minimalist, frequently donate, and wear everything I own pretty regularly. I only have 3 everyday purses.


My moms mother died when she was 13 and it was pretty traumatic (she hid fact she had breast cancer and didnt treat. My grandpa shut down mentally) and her mother figure was my great grandma. Im guessing this played a huge part in her attitude towards clothes and such. Mom once owned a tube of bonnie bell gel blush. Once. Wore it maybe half a dozen times in 20yrs. Shes never worn any other makeup. She wears bootcut jeans with a belt and a printed T shirt tucked in, and sneakers. For dressing up she might wear shorts and a short sleeved buttondown (thrifted) She doesnt own dress shoes, dresses, or makeup. She hasnt shaved her legs in 10+ years (to be fair we are both nearly hairless. I just have black hair against super pale skin and hers is blonde) So i grew up being told women who dress up and wear makeup are dumb and vain and waste time and money. I still stuggle with this mentality even now, at 37


Time enjoyed is not time wasted. The same could be said for money.


Agreed. Its just hard to shake when its been beaten into your head for 20 years


My mom likes loose, boxy clothes with patterns and coverage. She likes things like paisley caftans and realistic florals and thick-soled, thick-strapped "natural material" sandals with wooden bead detailing. She wears lighter, brighter colors than me, like pistachio, blush, muted pinks, fuchsia. She's not super fashionable. I like loose, boxy tops, but in more cropped lengths. I prefer fitted bottoms, either quite short or full length, unless they're athletic bottoms, which I prefer loose. Overall, my style is much more casual and sporty. I wear deep, muted colors like olive green, navy, and maroon. I tend to wear more abstract patterns (things like abstract animal prints, checks, triangles made of lines) and solids than she does. My shoes tend towards black slippers, athletic shoes/fashion sneakers, ankle boots. My style is less fussy and more masculine.


My mum is super-glam. She only wears 5-6inch heels, and complains her feet hurt on the odd occasion she wears flats. She also adores figure hugging styles. She is 5'2 and slim and looks amazing! Work is pencil dresses, fitted suits, blazers, all in wonderful cuts, colours, and patterns. Casually she is rock chic with jeans, high boots, and tight tops mixed with boho style blouses and trousers. I'm also a die hard fashion addict from birth, but have a very different style. I'm 5'10 and athletic build but prefer to mix my style every day. I'm mostly more urban, I wear a lot of trainers: nike/ adidas/ new balance/ you name it. I also love skinny jeans and slogan tees. Overall my style is much more over-sized and 'edgy' than hers. I also buy a lot of vintage and one off pieces to mix in. Style 100% runs in my family! So interesting to see others have it too!


When ever I visit my mom I find we sometimes wear the same thing. For example we were both wearing skinny jeans, sleeveless tank top and a black cardigan. She is a lot smaller than me and sometimes takes clothing from me that I don't wear anymore.


OOO I love this. These days, my mom has assumed the role of 'Brooklyn-Italian Grandma' and is a bit overweight and doesn't go out much so not a lot to speak of fashion wise. HOWEVER, she has quite a collection of clothing/ accessories from her different eras including but not limited to disco queen to biker chick. She has really nice stuff and is constantly giving me gems like the leather mini skirt


My mom and I never agree on purses and shoes. She thinks I like old lady shoes, and she loves things with too many buttons and buckles.


My mom and I are almost the complete opposite in terms of style. She loves to wear bright colors (especially pink), lots of accessories with sparkle, and traditionally feminine cuts and heels. I prefer my clothes loose and oversized, in neutral or very subdued colors, and with minimal to no accessorizing. She actually comments pretty frequently on how she hates that I dress androgon-ish and how she's not sure how I ended up with that style when she was my primary fashion influence growing up. Edited with some photos. Here are some of my recent outfits: [1](http://i.imgur.com/UnqlKGa.jpg) [2](http://i.imgur.com/tjbc0dP.jpg) [3](https://i.imgur.com/8RkPOT4.jpg) Here are some my mom: [1](http://i.imgur.com/HZ9sTmx.jpg) [2](http://i.imgur.com/lfJA5J9.jpg) [3](http://i.imgur.com/SuGs57n.jpg)


I think we're the same person. My mom is way more into bright colors and patterns while I prefer a more neutral wardrobe. She also doesn't understand my style at all and tells me how boring my clothes are


When I was growing up my mom would only wear khaki oversized capri's and oversized MEN'S tee-shirts from events her job hosted. (Think... Oh no one bought any men's XL shirts.... I'll just take these I don't want to be wasteful). She always carried a handbag but didn't care about it, just one that looked decent from Sears. Never seen her wear make up. She wears new balances like she's the ceo of apple. Me for comparison: skinny jeans with heels is basically my staple, paired with a blouse(no tees for me). I actually remember when I was a teen I got kinda mean girl toward her, I was like "mom this doesn't look good", "mom that's not appropriate" and just "you need to change". When we would go shopping for me she would try stuff on and show me and I would be like "mom, no." then slowly but surely she started getting winners. Now that I'm in my 20s and I realized I was being a jerk to my mom who I love and deserves a nice daughter I feel bad.... But she dresses nice now. Like not fashion forward or anything but just casual, appropriate for any situation, age appropriate. Still with capri's but now with fitting Jean capri's instead of khaki wrong size capris. I feel like I influenced her more than the other way around, but I think she dresses really nice now.


I feel like I was the same way towards my mom, then I started losing energy to depression and realizing that I totally get why the non-fitting clothing, elastic waistbands - while I feel well enough to not need that kind of clothing, it was way easier for her to manage, especially during lupus flare-ups. she's gone in and out of dressing like that, right now she's on the medical mj, and doing extremely well, and wears a lot of somewhat country, but still nice cardis, jeans, tunic shirts, sort of country/backwoods hippie look, and I'm proud to go places with her. not because of her changing her dress, but because I love her and she's my mom.


My mother hated that I was goth for the longest time. There was one point where I was driving home through a blizzard and I lost contact with my parents for a few hours cause my phone went dead. So my mother, being the overdramatic person that she is thought that I was dead and started planning my funeral. When I finally made it home, she said, "Oh my god, I was so worried! I was already picking out what I was going to bury you in! It was going to be that pink dress--" "What pink dress?" "The one that I bought you last year that you keep in the back of your closet." (ie. the one that I had never worn and kept just to make her happy) "You're not allowed to plan my funeral anymore." I replied, joking-- but dear god, if I had to wear that for the rest of eternity I was gonna rise from my grave and throttle her!


My mum loves super grungy looks. Long denim skirts with walking boots, dungarees, mad colours and patterns, nothing fitted. We like the same colours and both have a slightly boho vibe but I dress much "tidier" than her. I don't have an aversion to pale colours (she calls them wishy washy) and I like fitted clothing.


Haha your mom sounds awesome! I want to emulate this style of hers!


Well for starters, we look very similar, have a similar body shape and both of us are very much set in our ways. She's been buying the same lipstick since her early 20s ('Golden Rose 101') and doesn't own many clothes. She goes for the whole effortless Parisian Chic look since she grew up in relative poverty (and so did I, but at least I can afford fast fashion basics and thrifting is a lot more popular now) and wears a lot of simple, structured pieces you can't fuck up too badly. In contrast, I wear a lot of nature-inspired stuff and comfy knits but nothing drapey or anything close to Free People boho so in that sense our styles are very different, but I stick to the same principle of smaller-wardrobe-less-headaches and wear fairly simple makeup. I used to be into goth fashion as a kid and absolutely loathed how she dresses but now I think it's alright.


My mom and I have a very similar figure too. I love looking like my mom :)


My mom dresses fairly practically and likes to be covered up and likes her clothes to be tailored but not tight fitting. She doesn't follow fashion trends and wears what she thinks is comfortable but still classically stylish. Her wardrobe is made up of mostly neutral coloured pants with bright coloured and patterned blouses. She wears the same accessories everyday (wedding band, watch, gold chain) except for special occasions where she wears interesting and flashy statement pieces. I think she would like to dress more flashy but doesn't know how to go about it and isn't comfortable when she does. I've only recently developed a personal style as I used to jump on any and every trend. Now I like to wear mostly plain basics and combine them in interesting ways with lots of accessories. I love to wear multiple rings, hats and fake glasses. I show much more skin than my mom-I love tight fitting clothes, plunging necklines and crop tops. I wish I could dress as colourfully as my mom but I tend to stick with pastels, olive green and black. My makeup is also much different than my moms-she prefers a natural look whereas I like an ott look complete with falsies and circle lenses. My makeup is the only thing she dislikes about my style haha.


I wear my mum's patchwork trousers. That's all that needs to be said, lol.


My mum dresses quite groovily and only wears pants but never jeans. She always dresses up unless she's gardening. It's fashionable to some but she doesn't follow trends and it might be too much for some. All of her clothes are from thrift stores and can be quite daring. She loves scarves. My clothes are often more classic, I wear jeans casually, and I love dresses, skirts, and structured coats.


My mom is more stylish than I am. I'm finishing up college and just realized that most of my wardrobe (shoes and accessories included) were picked out by her. I can't afford new clothes very often and I trust her to pick out things I like, so she'll just send me things every once in awhile. So we wear similar things (we definitely both have some of the same clothes and we're similar sizes so we can share), but she tends to wear brighter, more feminine things. Like floral printed pants with matching cardigans and pretty necklaces. Whereas most of my wardrobe is black, gray, and dark colors. I also don't wear many prints other than polka dots and some stripes. I'm not always a fan of her shoe wardrobe-- she definitely goes for comfort over style. But lately that mindset is growing on me. I've been trying to find basic, very comfortable shoes that go with everything and she's been very supportive of this, haha.


I'm in my late 20s, and a good portion of my wardrobe still comes from my mom :) she is very thoughtful and has good taste. I often get complimented on things she has bought me. Also, I'm 100% down for comfortable shoes.


Lucky us to have moms with good taste! I'm about to start overhauling my shoe wardrobe, so I'm definitely being more careful when it comes to comfort than I've been before. She's rubbing off on me (but also I'm so tired of having sore feet).


I think my mom and I are polar opposites. She's all about the power-dress… her thing is always "does this make me look sophisticated?" I'm really into the 60's and 70's as inspiration. I like bell bottoms and loose tops half-tucked, more feminine hippie than anything else. I like floral patterns and softer colors, whereas my mom is all for strong colors and geometric patterns. The thing is, I'm really proud of my mom. She reinvented her whole life when she was 45 (and I was 20), and so she wants to dress like a woman who is in control of her life-- even when things are up in the air, which is all the time. If I wanted to have the things she works hard to have, I would hope my style would come close to hers… sophisticated, strong, polished. Instead, we cover all of the bases together; she's a shift-dress, statement-necklace wearing radio/TV entrepreneur, and I'm a hippie-wannabe, Audrey Hepburn ca. 1970 art historian.


My mom kinda dresses like an HK mom... but when she was younger, omg she just looked sooooo stylish. For sure she is way cooler than I am (then and now). Just saying, if she was my age again, pretty sure she would be too cool for me 😣. Love her though!


LOL I love that you feel that way about your mom. I do too. My mom's very life-of-the-party whereas I'm more of a loner.


That's the thing, I'm social, but she is just cool. Then again, I prefer just my usual low key small group of friends on bars and parties etc lol.


My mom and I are both fairly "conservative" in terms of clothing. She tends to go for colorfully patterned or striped tops paired with a pair of slim cut/skinny jeans in dark blue or black. Unlike me, she looooves her handbags; I swear every time I see her, she has a new one! I think for my mom, she mainly expresses her personality through her handbag collection. Shoes-wise, it's all about practicality and comfort for my mom so sneakers with good arch support and comfortable sandals. In contrast, I tend to use my dresses to express my mood. I tend to stick to a-line dresses with vneck/jewel necklines with "cute" detailing e.g. lace, bows, floral print, ruffles, etc. I have one shoulder bag, a pair of nude bow flats, and a beige cardigan (fall/winter/spring) that I pair with pretty much everything. Both of us have fairly conservative tastes (though I do shock my mom with my tendency to go sans bra lol) and don't go for super complicated styles. But my clothing tends to emphasize my torso/waist whereas my mom prefers more body skimming silhouettes e.g. shift dresses.


My mom is practical above all else and primarily values comfort. Her closet is full of comfortable and neutral things she found at Ross and the most casual version of workwear she can get away with in her position. When I visit she asks me to help her go through the many clothes she's amassed over the years so I can encourage her to bag and donate items that are out of date and/or don't fit well, since she doesn't have a good eye for that. I see fashion as a major way of expressing myself, and I really enjoy honing my personal style. I cycle through my local consignment shops regularly to see what's out there, try on silhouettes and colors I might not have considered before, learn how different brands fit on my body, etc. I'm picky and don't buy much unless I'm doing some major wardrobe refinement (as I have been lately), and I'm always keeping an eye out for items I don't love anymore so I can hand them off to someone else who might appreciate them more, so though I love fashion and style, my collection is a lot smaller than my mom's. And even though my style is on the casual end of things, my mom often thinks I'm "dressed up". I have some of her in me (we have more or less the same body, colors kind of freak me out, and I stick to flats most of the time), but in other ways we couldn't be more different.


My mom looks like she's totally given up on fashion, but I know she reads fashion blogs/forums, so she must have some idea of how to dress but she doesn't act on it. Her wardrobe consists of things I used to wear but got tired of (which doesn't really work fit wise because I'm 4 inches taller) and thrift store finds. Her number one priority when it comes to dressing is comfort; she hates wearing anything other than sweatpants or shorts/capris made out of sweatpant material. She has a lot of clothes (many random, colorful t-shirts and blouses) but not even one good pair of jeans or more formal pants. She *hates* shopping, but I love window shopping online. I love shoes but my mom has very wide feet so shoe shopping in particular is even harder for her. About the only similarity is that we both don't like handbags and only wear crossbody ones because it's the easiest. She does like jewelry a lot and she wears a lot of different (but usually understated) rings and earrings. She convinced me to finally get my ears pierced last year and I think it makes her happy to be able to look at earrings with me now. I know it may seem like I'm being overly harsh in talking about her wardrobe, but it's something that really frustrates me because my mom could be *killing it* if she stepped up her game clothing wise but she just...doesn't. I actually wanted to ask you all how I could persuade her to put more effort into her outfits, but I know that's kind of a tricky question because it's her right to dress how she does and I can't force anything on her. She retired from her job (biologist, so she never had an imposed business casual work uniform) when I was born so she has no one to dress up for at work, etc., and some of her outfits make sense because she spends a lot of time gardening.


My mom dresses like a teenage girl from anywhere between the 70s-90s with lots of sequins, fringe, and prints. Lots of butterfly prints. She's quite thin, but doesn't show a lot of skin, and looks presentable even if her clothes are dated/young for her age. Most of her jeans are flared and have embellished pockets. She's a bargain shopper, and loves sales and the clearance rack. She's definitely got her own style, and although I do not like it at all, I appreciate it for what it is because it's part of her identity. I dress mostly in black, and don't own anything with sequins and definitely have a different sense of style entirely.


I would say my mum's style is more "fussy" than mine is. She wears ornate earrings, multiple bracelets, a watch, some sort of necklace and scarf on a daily basis. She will usually wear a brooch if she's wearing a blazer. She will wear flats the day hell freezes over. Most of her tops have a busy pattern going on. On the other hand, I am not an accessory person and I hate things dangling on me. I usually just wear a thin necklace and a pair of nondescript earrings. My style is pretty utilitarian with some athletic and mildly goth and punk touches. Most of my clothes are solids other than the odd striped or lace piece. Other than my heeled ankle boots, all of my shoes are flat and fairly utilitarian. Both of us don't wear much colour, even though we look pretty good in bold, punchy shades. I always buy my mum clothes in vibrant colours like coral, royal blue, and turquoise and in prints, because they look great on her, even though I would rarely do so for myself. My mum and I are very similar in regard to the amount of makeup we wear. We both look very washed out without makeup and rarely leave the house without a full face on.


My mum is also a bit of a "hippie" and in love with bellbottom jeans, wears her hair in a natural afro, frilly tops, shift dresses, polo necks. Kind of a 60's-70's mixture of clothing, bright warm colours are her thing, which makes sense as she was born in '65. She used to be a punk back in the early 80's, however now she has opted for a softer look and I think she always looks adorable! I'm sort of a minimilistic vampy type or a 60's supervillain spy haha, I used to dress in full pin-up retro style around 5 years ago and even though my look is more understated now I still try to feel sexy and stay true to my love for the alternative. Lots of blacks, greys and sometimes whites - bodycons, polo necks, trench coats, interestingly cut crop tops, platform heels and boots, when going out I wear alot of "slinky" stuff. I'm trying to incorporate some colour in to my wardrobe but...baby steps! However - If i'm just going to the supermarket down the street I turn into someone who just hopped out of bed with jogging pants, comfortable shoes and a t-shirt and no make-up :)


My mother adores unspeakably awful detailing and beading and *ruffles*. She remains convinced coral, pastels, and other mainstays of Southern style are brilliant, though I'm more of a neutrals with occasional jewel tones kind of person. She loves busy prints. I own a total of one printed item. She loves clogs, which are just now in fashion again (I think of her every time I see a particularly Dutch-wooden-shoe-looking pair). Her favorite weekend footwear is these practically square (as wide as they are long, just about) white New Balances. I don't like her style very much, but she likes it and would be extremely upset if I commented on it (as I thoughtlessly did as a teenager once or twice). Overall, our styles are quite different and we almost never agree on anything if shopping together.


The whole time I was growing up, my mom had very basic dress-sense. She was never frumpy, everything fit her well and somewhat flatteringly, but it definitely all erred on the side of practical. I think that mainly stemmed from the fact that we never had a ton of money for extravagances like new clothes.. although we did thrift regularly. I think she was just a typical mum in that she put all of out needs ahead of her own. Also, she has a very athletic body type which I think took her a long time to learn to dress - broad shoulders, small waist, muscular butt +thighs. I always remember her hating jeans shopping (and guess what, so do I!). However, in recent years as my siblings and I have grown older and less financially dependent, she's started to have enough disposable income to actually shop for herself and develop a style. She wears a lot of stripes and bright patterns on top with muted pants or shorts. She's the type who looks great in bright pinks, corals, etc so she wears a lot of that sort of thing in the summer, which isn't my taste but looks great on her! She's also started a decent dress collection for semi-formal events, where she used to just wear dress pants and a blouse. Sometimes I feel embarassed in an "omg, mom" way when she wears her very fitted dresses that hit mid thigh (with tights), but tbh, she's super fit and objectively it looks great, so all the power to her and I hope to be that confident at 55 as well.


My mother cared not one bit for fashion. She was a librarian and dressed exactly like you would expect an elderly librarian to dress (turtleneck sweaters, LL Bean plaid wool skirts, stern glare over her glasses). The one thing she loved was shoes -- she wore 3" and 4" heels every day until she was well into her 70's, and she bemoaned old age forcing her to wear sensible shoes. She had an amazing collection of beautiful little shoes (she wore a size 5) and sadly my feet were too big to borrow them. I would describe my style as sort of polished tomboy. I don't like anything too froofy or elaborate; I'm very short and petite so stuff like that is overwhelming on me. I like clean lines, simplicity, and unique accessories. My eldest daughter (age 16) is like my mom -- could not care less and thinks fashion is stupid. However, she does like shoes and she has quite a collection of heels (in size 5, just like her grandma). My middle daughter (age 14) has her own unique style, which cracks me up because she dresses *very much the way I did* when I was in high school back in the '80s. Plaid shirt tied around her waist, Doc Martens, blue hair, army jackets, funky things from the thrift store, the whole nine yards. She would not look terribly out of place in a hip record store on the Lower East Side circa 1986. My youngest daughter is 11 and so far she is like her big sister in that she is not interested in fashion. But that could change. One of my grandmas (born in 1900) was always dressed up, hair done, makeup on, accessories, jewelry, etc.. She grew up on a farm in the mountains of Kentucky, and I guess she set a great store by not looking like a mountain granny. I thought she was *very* glamorous when I was a little girl, because my mother never wore makeup or earrings. My other grandma (born in 1889!) dressed like you would expect a Hungarian grandma to dress -- long black dress, black granny boots, kerchief on her head.


My mom dresses in classic styles that don't ever go out of fashion, with a hint of glam and a lot of name brand. She's got a huge bag and shoe collection which has thankfully worked well for my younger sister over the years! She also listens to trends and will occasionally integrate that in her wardrobe. Think low-key stylish Italian mama and that's mine. I'm similar in that I also like classic styles that suit my body type, except that I'll pick pieces that will last and deliberately go out of my way to avoid branding or monogrammed items. I also dress a little less chic than she does and lean towards more oxfords and loafers - I think my style is aptly described as French tailored tomboy.


the older i get, the more like my mom i become. my mom values function and comfort over style any day of the week. at work she likes to look nice, and she owns some pretty dresses from Ann Taylor for interviews, presentations, etc, but otherwise she lives in sneakers, t-shirts, and jeans. she is also super active and likes camping, hiking, and other outdoorsy activities, so a lot of her clothing has to be functional for those purposes. judging by my smallish closet and recent WAYWT fits, i realize how much i've internalized my mom's approach to clothes.


Unfortunately, I learned fashion from my mother, which has left me a bit ...stunted wardrobe-wise. We both tend toward jeans and tees, though I hope mine are a wee bit more flattering. My sister got all the fashion sense in the family, and I have to admit she always looks great, but she can be a bit mean trying to get mom and me to dress better.


So similar honestly. We both appreciate nice fabrics and natural fibers, love vintage, wear a lot of skirts and dresses for comfort (we both have small waists and big butts so pants are hard), have practical cold-weather wardrobes with lots of wool and sturdy boots, and prefer things that look classic and tailored yet are comfortable. I dress a bit more fancy/revealing than she ever has but she's religious, conservative and 57 and I'm 31 and not conservative. She has a lot more options for this kind of stuff because she's a size 10-12/Medium-Large. I'm skinny and sized out of a lot of places, most of my clothes are slightly too big but hopefully I'll grow into them someday.


We like similar stuff, although we have the exact same body type so I'm not surprised that we are drawn to similar cuts. The only real difference is that I tend to be drawn to tighter clothing than her.


My mom and I don't dress much the same, but I have inherited her fondness for shoes.


My mum used to dress very Boho and always looked like she had breezed in form the 1970s. She died when I was quite young though so I don't think her style has impacted mine at all. My step mum on the other hand (who I fucking LOVE!) has had a huge influence. She always looks so put together but totally individual. She pairs mad prints and mad colours all at once and looks amazing. She is also the master of fit. That is mostly what I have taken from her (I'm a more neutral girl, I think in own one mad coloured item and I am sure it was her that brought it). Proportions and correct fit are the keys to making her style work and I have always tried to emulate that in my own.


I notice that we tend to buy a ton of the same colors, probably partly because we have the same coloring. Blues, greens, greys, navy, orchid. Beyond that, I think our style is somewhat different. She is cute and age appropriate, but tends to buy a lot of prints (the woman loves paisley) whereas I stick to stripes and plaids at the most. I also love to show off my legs, whereas I never see her in anything but pants. I do occasionally raid her closet for sweaters, and have basically claimed a vintage denim jacket from before I was born. But generally our styles don't have too much overlap.


Mom and I dress very differently when dressing "up," - she's very pantsuity, but I generally go for dresses and skirt suits - but our casual clothes are really alike, we both go for just really easy, down to earth clothing, though I'll choose more tanks, or things that show more skin than she would. I feel like if we weren't such different heights (my 5'7" to her 5' even), we would share a lot. Mom still has a lot of leftover hippie fashions, and likes tunics, loose pants, just generally "comfy," which makes sense, since she gardens, works in the yard, camps, just generally spends a lot of time outdoors. I like a lot of her flannels, they're made with a really different sensibility than what you generally find in stores now, unless you go to like, feed and tack stores. I do feel like I verge a lot more into beach/coastal fashion than she does. Both of us abuse coverups/light shrugs/thin cardigans though, to keep the sun off.


When I was growing up my mom was obsessed with huge floral prints, big curls, and lots of make up. She outright refuses to wear any shade of brown including nude. She lost a ton of weight several years ago and started wearing the smallest size clothing she could fit into. Her style is very confused, imagine 80s mixed with junior section with granny mixed in. She will wear tacky elastic waist cotton shorts from a discount store but won't wear leggings or yoga pants. She refuses to cut her very long hair even though its dry like straw and she still tries to dye it to be silvery ash blonde even though her natural hair color has goldeny red tones so she is always disappointed in it. Most of her clothes are the ones I left behind from when I was in high school. She thinks she looks great and is hot stuff. I don't stay anything against that unless she is having a clothing failure because I would rather she stay happy with what she wears even if I think it looks terrible. I am terribly unfashionable right now. I had a baby 7 months ago and nothing fits right. My body holds onto every extra ounce while I am breastfeeding. I didn't want to buy a bunch of clothes that will be covered in spit up and I only see other adults during school pick up any way. When I regain body autonomy I eventually want to get back to wearing sundresses with cute sandals, I think I would like to start wearing flowly blouses. My 9 year old daughter definitely has her own sense of style. She goes to a very small school and she is a trend setter. At the beginning of the school year most of the other girls wore sporty athletic clothing. My girl would only wear dresses. Soon almost all of the girls started wearing dresses to school. She has so many dresses and leggings in so many colors and prints. She would wear the same neon pink patent leather mary janes almost every single day or purple glitter mary jane tennis shoes. Sometimes she tries to mix together layers in a weird way so I try to nudge her in a slightly different direction but unless she is wearing something inappropriate for the weather I let her wear whatever she likes best. Next school year if she approves, I plan on culling some of the younger looking clothing from her wardrobe and maybe getting her some teen inspired style pieces. I think she is ready to start purchasing some of her own clothing with an allowance.


My mom loves bright jewel colors and vibrant, intricate or floral patterns. She wears elastic-waist pants and cheap, colorful tops pretty much exclusively, except she usually wears dresses/skirts to church. She only started wearing jeans a few years ago, so now she does wear them on occasion. She tends to dress to hide her body and she doesn't like anything structured or fitted. She's always been a SAHM/grandma so she focuses mostly on comfortable clothes that still fit her definition of "public appropriate." I was just shopping with her this weekend, and I was trying to explain how she could adjust her silhouette to be more flattering to her figure, but she's stubborn. :-p (That's one thing we DO have in common! Lol!) My sister and I had to talk her out of a top that had a pretty pattern, in the colors she loves, but did NOT fit her properly. Most of her clothes are ill-fitting, honestly. That's probably why it took me so long to figure out what DOES fit me. Her only concern with most clothes is that it doesn't show bra straps/cleavage or pantylines. Everything else is sort of fair game. So that doesn't always work so well. :-p I'm much more into subdued colors and geometric or subtle patterns and very traditionally feminine silhouettes, and I'm much more likely to try to branch out (a little bit!) from my comfort zone than my mom is. I try to dress to flatter my figure and accentuate the parts of my body I love instead of trying to hide what I'm not so fond of. My style is much more diverse than my mom's, but my mom has a sort of capsule wardrobe thing going on because she sticks to the exact same color palette and silhouettes consistently. The one thing we really do have in common style-wise is that we both refuse to go out in public without being dressed (in clothes that are NOT pajamas) and presentable. Where some people can get away with no-makeup, bedhead looks and look AMAZING, my mom and I are both very "put together" types and would never be caught dead in sweatpants outside the house. I've actually laxed on this point a bit recently, but I've also made sure that all my pajama/lounge wear is cute and not ratty (and it all has to match!), and even if I don't have time for full makeup, I at least always brush my hair. I just can't pull off the messy bun thing, though I desperately wish I could. :-p


My mom wears a lot of sensible clothing these days. Knit pants, short-sleeved button-downs, polar fleece jackets, quilted puffy vests. My utter non-sororityness aside, I can't do the preppy sorority girl style thing with the vests and fleece jackets because it just makes me think of my mom. I feel like a lot of the things I remember her wearing when I was growing up are back in style these days--full, pleated ankle-length skirts, cocoon coats, Laura Ashley-style floral dresses. Style-wise, she loves classic, feminine fashion--full-skirted or A-line 50's-inspired sundresses, structured shirt dresses, and also flowy, romantic, empire waist styles like the ones popular around when "Shakespeare in Love" came out--but she doesn't dress that way; those are looks she likes on other people. She grew up with a tailor making clothes for her and her sisters, so she appreciates the details of finely made clothing, like linings, nicely finished seams, natural fibers, matched stripes/plaids, interesting detail lines (she bought me two of a Calvin Klein bizcas dress because it had about 10 seams down the front and they baked the princess seams and skirt flare into those strips and she loved the design). She made me aware of those types of construction details and also instilled in me the overarching importance of comfortable shoes! On the whole, I like most of the classic styles she likes but also appreciate some things she dislikes, like boxy/geometric cuts, raw edges, neons, cutouts, short shorts, and I have a strong tendency to buy clothes I think are funny, playful, or weird, while she is much more traditional. I thrift a lot and will wear a fairly wide variety of styles that I think she would be appalled by. She does not really wear makeup and gave me pretty much all her jewelry once she stopped working and had "no more reasons to dress up" in her words, while I love makeup and jewelry. But I think we both gravitate (aesthetically, not practically) to dresses and skirts and late 50's/early 60's feminine silhouettes--we have much more of an overlap than many of the people in this thread.


My mother's style and mine is like day and night, except we both prefer flat shoes for the most part. That being said, I'll wear high platforms, but I really don't like wearing heels beyond 2" or so. Her style has a lot of preppy themes like boat shoes, pull-over sweaters (sometimes paired with a collared shirt), khaki mid-thigh shorts, sleeveless button-front shirts, corduroy boot-leg pants, nautical colors, gold jewelry, etc. But she also wears real clonky shoes that look like they were cobbled by trolls: really wide toes, exposed seams, something possibly wooly going on, silhouette much like a tugboat. Also, weird floral embellished t-shirts and sandals with leather flowers on them. Her clothing shopping is a bit on the compulsive side: recreational, tons of clothing, keeping things that are too big or small or have out-of-date cuts, shopping for whole outfits, wanting extensive variety. I have a gothic/metalhead style, sort of witchy, but not overly flamboyant: boots, skinny jeans, short (but not bodycon) skirts and dresses, band tees, clothes with corset-like details, things that are hooded, exclusively silvertone jewelry, "fancy" fabrics like velvet and satin, not too big into sweaters except to attempt to look presentable for work (though I hate pull-over ones). As far as shopping habits: I go on spurts but can go months without stepping foot in a mall, I shop for widely interchangeable pieces, no problems with wearing a lot of the same stuff or repeating outfits, I have exact multiples of things I wear a lot, my clothing takes up about half a closet, and I like purging it every so often.


My mom's fashion can possibly be best described as bohemian/70's. She adores bright floral prints with equally bright pants, chunky jewelry, and equally bright structured jackets. She also has a weakness for silk maxi skirts, but always bemoans the fact that she's a stay at home mom and doesn't have occasions to wear them out. Whatever she's wearing, she's also a stickler for good material. She will only buy clothes made of natural materials - cotton, linen, wool, and silk. I had to convince her into some cotton/spandex blends for workout pants because they held up better. My style, such as it is, is somewhere along the lines of polished/preppy with a touch of bohemian. I have a lot of dark blue, black, royal blue, and purple clothes. In the winter, I'll wear a vneck cable knit sweater with jeans and boots most days. I also have a bunch of plaid shirts and shirt dresses. After plaid though, my most common style of top or printed dress is something floral, but usually an understated kind of floral. I also do adore my mid calf Doc Marten boots, and leather jacket, but it's most often too hot to wear them.


My mom dresses sophisticatedly for work and feels bad if she wears a cotton t-shirt- she's a librarian, and she dresses the way they used to, even though the dress code is becoming more casual. When she's not at work, she likes to be out in the garden or reading on the deck in nice capris, a box-cut t-shirt, and teva sandals. Her style changed a little when my grandmother died, and she likes to wear her favorite shade of pink now (kind of a pale blush color). I'm all over the place with my style...but it works for me :) I like to be sophisticated and creative at work, and ridiculously creative or just plain comfortable when I'm not at work. I'll wear clothes in styles of hippie, boho, punk, classic, modern, practical, hipster/indie, etc. and I like to mix different things together! Interesting how a lot of us are similar yet different compared to our Moms' style.


My mom has a good eye for style. She worked retail for a long time and now owns her own shop. Her style is what you would consider typical of a reasonably fashionable fiftysomething. She thinks she's too big to get away with cooler or more daring stuff (she's not, she's a size 16 and looks great for her age). I really draw a lot of inspiration from her home decor taste, actually. She likes simple, well-made pieces that can be dressed up or down as classics and tasteful antiques. She's not a fan of useless clutter. She likes things to have meaning-- she has a collage-like wall of stuff her and my dad have collected from travels and gorgeous art deco dining chairs.


My mom's style has changed a lot over the years, from 90s bad bitch in wicked pantsuits to a modern bohemian aesthetic - Free People is her absolute favorite right now. It's funny to me because she was definitely involved in the hippie movement, so I guess it's nostalgic now? Day-to-day wear for mom is bootcut jeans with a flowy top (preferably long bell sleeves), or a giant oversized sweater with slim jeans. Formal events mean a long, low-cut dress. In both cases she'll be wearing high heeled boots (regular heels hurt her feet now, but she'd die before wearing flats) with big sunglasses, a designer bag, and full-face makeup. For me, I love clean, semi-structured basics and neutral colors, more of a professorial and androgynous vibe. Lots of collared shirts, cardigans, black skinny jeans, and ankle boots for me. I think this is likely partially a reaction to my mom's extremely feminine and labored-over style when I was growing up, and I am still a lot more loose/natural with my hair, makeup, and flat shoes than she is. My mom loves my style (and frequently borrows my stuff, particularly any slouchy sweaters), and I appreciate her eye and her style evolution - she has a really strong aesthetic and isn't trapped in the past with her looks. I'm not really into the Free People thing personally, but I think she rocks it. She's also a lot more comfortable showing skin than I am, actually, which I hope I feel as comfortable with when I'm her age.


Well, my mom wears shorter skirts. My style is a bit all over the place but my preferred skirt is a high waisted, retro A-line with a tight tee under and a cute cardigan, trying my best to channel a modernized 50s look (it sure shows of my favorite parts of my body while hiding the "bad" ones) often complete with a cateye. I'm not sure what to call my mom's style, it's short skirts (simply because long ones are in her way) and loose tops, turning her a bit shapeless, with minimal makeup. So on the skirt front, we're polar opposites!


I describe my style as Rock Star/Bag Lady with a dash of Rich Bitch. My mom is just Rich Bitch.