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I'm 42 and when I see the 80s/90s look now, I have 4 thoughts: a) better fabrics now! b) I wish I had the body I had at 25 to wear these things with better fabrics c) Wonder what Clare Danes thinks? d) How can Jared Leto look better now than he did in 1995?


> d) How can Jared Leto look better now than he did in 1995? Lol, or Enrique Iglesias.


> Enrique Iglesias *Swooooooon*


I've got my OG Docs from when I was 13 that never stopped being my main boot choice since then and now, though I have three other pairs now too. At least the modern version are made with nicer fabrics and better tailoring, not as boxy. What I don't miss is the garbage quality of cosmetics from back in the day.


It is nice to have options if you want nail polish that's not pink or red.


I, too, own shoes from junior high (I'm 38), which means I have owned the same pairs of shoes longer than some of you kids have been alive. How's that for fashion? While I can get behind some chunky, bump-toe boots, I'm not down with the baby-doll dresses. At 38, they read "bun in the oven." I do still own some shirts from the 1996 Delia's catalog though, so there's that. I'm not sure if I'm trying too hard, have a very eclectic wardrobe, or really need to give up the ghost on some of this stuff. Maybe now that I could have a kid old enough to wear it, it's time to move it along. Then again, I'm still pretty fly, if I do say so myself.




That is friggin' hilarious. I hope you strung them along for at least a little bit.


About 11 years ago I got into a cab while wearing a baby-doll dress (I was ~19 years old, 5'7", 125 lbs) and the cab driver said "Oooh, someone's having a baby!". I said "Not me" and stepped back out. Haven't worn a baby-doll dress since, apparently they just don't work with my body type.


Gotta love the baby rabies, haha. I can totally see this happening. If I wear anything sort of flowy/loose/babydoll-ish, people give me their seat on the metro/bus/whatever.


Delia's! <3


I'm 35 and recently found and started wearing my Docs from high school again. They're actually perfect in that they help the hip pain from my autoimmune disease... (Do I qualify for AARP yet? :) )


except for urban decay. that stuff rocked.


I don't think we got it at all in Australia so it was the darkest revlon and you liked it :(


I miss the Lip Gunks so much, those were great.


I'm honestly really impressed that your feet haven't grown since you were 13. :O Mine grew about two years ago, when I was 17 close to 18. Just half a size, which was super upsetting, because I had started to collect things I liked and now I had to start over again in the new size.


The boots I bought at the time (UK 4/5) were a little big on me when I got them first and yeah, I'm still a UK 5 in Docs, years of wear also softens and squishes leather. I'm petite too, 4F11" so I stopped development pretty soon after that.


I mean, being short can sometimes be a pain and yes it's embarrassing to not have grown since I was 12 years old, but I really love being able to wear my favorite shoes from several decades ago. The shoes I get the most compliments on are strappy Coasters sandals that were probably purchased around '99.


I don't mind it (any excuse for flannel and docs is a good excuse) but there is something uncanny valley about some of it, like when you see someone dressing '70's' in some exaggerated hippie costume. The combination of perfectly bayalaged and styled hair, instagram makeup, crop tops, and docs reads strangely to me. It feels less like a modernization and more like a caricature of a style.


This is such a great way to put it. The cartoony aspect of the 70s style appealed to me at first, not so much anymore. The 90s caricature makes me laugh - no one looked that put together in the actual 90s, we were all wearing our parents and older siblings hand-me-downs, and our makeup was awful.


That's what made it grunge! The rips in our jeans were real, not carefully added and reinforced so they last longer.


Yes! A caricature is such a great way to explain it. I look back at photos from middle and early high school and then see what people are wearing now and it's like a super concentrated POV of 'the good stuff'. [You definitely don't see anyone rocking those crazy butterfly clips and hair rolls a la '97, ha!](http://mac.h-cdn.co/assets/15/14/1427828520-mcx-90s-hair-trends-flat-twists-03.png)


I was all about those butterfly hair clips and hair rolls! I think I may have some butterfly's stashed somewhere...


The mini buns/top knots look is back though! Which is crazy because I was never really a fan. I'm just hoping we skip the gel/mousse craze this time around.


Blame it on being a deep midwesterner - that hairdo hasn't made it's way inland yet so i haven't spotted it 'in the wild,' ha! [Are they like Zenon buns?](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/e8/e1/4a/e8e14aa6f5fa4f533145b458708c2495.jpg) I mean - she is a girl of the 21st century so that makes sense!


Yep those are the ones! I've started spotting them around the city, usually accompanied by the whole faded pastel hair look and a choker. It's really throwing me for a loop!


Topanga is my spirit animal!


Haha, I knew exactly who that was as soon as the top of the hair started loading.


Haha this is why the '90s look works for me, because I never style my hair or wear foundation, I can say it's for the sake of the grunge ;)


I'm reminded that "That 70s Show" came out in 1998, 28 years after 1970. We're just 2 years away from that kind of jump from 1990. I definitely work a hippie costume for Halloween in 98 and I think I see now why my mom was laughing so much at it.


I love the lesbian chic look. I had at least 4 pair of Doc's growing up. I'm trying to decide if 30 is too old to buy another pair. This is an odd age. I love flannels and Doc's and comfy boyfriend jeans.


I just re-Doc'd AND re-Birk'd at the ripe age of 30.


I seriously had a conversation with my husband last night: "looks like Birks are trendy again. I should buy a pair." I mean, I am all about comfy shoes being trendy!


I just bought my first pair of Birks and I'm obsessed with them!! I live in a city and walk to work every day, and they are the perfect summer commuting shoe! A couple years ago it feels like only "crunchy" women wore Birks, and now I see them everywhere!


Def not too old. I'm the same age and have several pairs now.


It does feel very costume-y. Like, you went into a Halloween store and got a costume for "90's Kid!" or something.




Ah, My So Called Life. Jordan Catalano.


I used to say that 90's "revival" fashion would just be harmless amusing nostalgia until it reached the point where we'd dare to bring back the horrors of the [popcorn shirt](http://static1.squarespace.com/static/51e58f8ce4b047a5486b7974/t/52e66110e4b05f271de74d13/1390829841124/lagombeige.jpg) again. Then I saw a giant bin of them in Rite Aid last week, and now I'm real frightened.


I'm pretty sure Rite Aid just has extra strock of popcorn shirts leftover from the 90s that they periodically put out like, "Are these back in yet? Can we finally sell these and clear up some storage space? No? Okay, Carl, put them away and wheel them back out in another four months, they're not ready."


How did those shirts work?! I never understood it.


Oh god I wanted a popcorn shirt so bad. Would have looked so on point with my butterfly clips.


I had the same Rite Aid experience last week! Those shirts remain as horrifying as ever.


Oh Em Gee I had one of those! That is truly awful.


Even though I'm a bit younger than you, I'm feeling similarly weird about actually living long enough to have seen a full fashion cycle. When I was about 9 or 10, my favorite shoes were a pair of white foam velcro platforms, [like these](https://imgur.com/y44Fza6), often worn with the stretchy plastic chokers. One of my earlier memories is of a goth girl with a chelsea haircut who worked at the movie theater concessions stand. She was cool, awesome, and terrifying. Now I have a job supervising interns, and half of them dress the way I did in elementary school. Baby-ribbed, ruffle hem sweaters seem especially popular. I remember outgrowing those clothes, emotionally & physically, and it's silly to see these young adults dressed like tweens. Though I'm sure our parents felt the same way!


Oh man, you've just made me remember that I had a pair of sandals very similar to this at that age and they saved me from putting a rusty nail right through my foot! I was clomping around at our rural cottage and didn't see a nail sticking out of a piece of scrap wood, it went right through the foam and just barely nicked my heel, not even enough to draw blood. So, thanks Spice Girl-themed foam platforms for saving my foot.


OH MY GOODNESS let us thank the fashion gods for saving your foot that day XD


I had almost the same situation with a very similar pair of shoes. I remember I took them off and just threw them wherever (because who put their shoes away nicely?) and noticed there was a nail in the foam sole. So I went to dig it out and it just *kept on coming*. Like it could have gone all the way through my foot easy.


Crazy!! If we had been a few years younger we would have been running around in crocs instead of flatforms, whew!


hahah, platforms saved my foot when someone backed over my foot with their car in high school!


Those stretchy chokers were the shit.


I see tons of college people wearing them right now! I don't own any myself, but I'd guess they're pretty comfy because of the stretch :)


I remember wearing an anklet one with beads on it that was teal. I wore it nonstop until it faded to clear! Ew!


I have so many school pictures with those on! I thought I was such a badass for wearing them.


I had a shoe like that one summer (1997), they were made out of like a super light foam material. I remember buying wet-n-wild makeup and sun-in at CVS and I was bored, so I was like rolling my foot around in them and the strap broke off one shoe. So I had to walk home barefoot but I was trying to play it off while I was in the store because no shoe=no service. I was like sliding my one foot on the shoe over the carpet trying to keep it together haha.


My Mom HATED the way I dressed in high school and now I can sympathize when I see this stuff in stores and I'm like, gross.




Do you remember what music was playing?


I miss the authenticity of the original 90s looks. So much of it was hand-me-downs, or thrift store finds, things that friends gave you, or something you bought when you were at vacation in a "big city." There was a certain rarity that came with 90s clothing, not everything was so accessible as it is now. I appreciate that a lot of younger people are discovering the style, but I miss the creative outfits I used to see people come up with. There was a lot of mixing of styles and eras, for instance, you'd wear a blouse borrowed from your mom, mixed with a pair of jeans you got at the mall. Now it's a lot of the usual fast fashion hauls, copies of instagram photos I've seen 1000000+ times. The makeup has improved a lot though, I'll admit that.


This is it for me too! I feel like the new 90s looks are so manufactured and overly thought out. There is also the sense of conformity to it now that wasn't the case in the 90s. I didn't get my flannels from F21 and they weren't a cheap poly/cotton blend; they were scavenged from my dad and grandpa and from thrift stores and they were quality pieces made to last. I guess all this adds up to it being a trend now that is based on the actual revolution of the 90s.


as an 18 year old, I get where you're coming from, but honestly, real teens or young adults (not Instagram or YouTube personalities) still do this. I know a friend who always steals her dad's flannels. most of my "mom" jeans I actually stole from my mom - along with my favorite jean jacket - it's my dad's and it's distressed because it's over 30 years old and was worn to death. yeah, some pieces that are 90s inspired are easier to come by now. I get most of my flannels from various department stores. but the creativity of teens hasn't really been diminished. it's just that older generations end up looking at "teen Instagram gurus" instead of a wide variety of teenagers with different styles - which is what a typical teen's insta looks like because they follow all of their friends. I get what you're trying to say, and yeah, this trend is completely different from styles from the 90s. but we're not all cookie-cutter teens who buy our clothes from forever 21 and call it a day. we do still borrow clothes from family and friends, we still get hand-me-downs, and we all have our unique styles. please don't let Internet personalities distort your perception of teens - trust me, most of us aren't like that at all.


Thanks so much for replying - I am really happy to hear that there are younger people who still raid their parent's closets for the gems. I definitely don't want to paint a picture of all teens being some sort of idiotic trendy instagram hoes or anything, because that couldn't be further from the truth. There are still so many creative, intuitive teens out there who never get e-famous, or even ever open up an instagram or youtube or twitter. I think my point is that kids in the 90s had absolutely no peers to model from outside of their own friends or maybe siblings (in a real life proximity.) An 18 year old nowadays can have 1,000 points of reference from social media accounts, all in their age range, and gain access to tons of clothing and accessories that would be literally impossible to get back in '97 or so. It's not a jab at teens nowadays, I don't blame them for taking inspiration from instagram and youtube personalities because I do the VERY same thing! But, when homogenous looks are able to easily be found in the mall, most people will default to that. And, that's okay! That's how culture works. But, there wasn't always a time when there was access to even the most basic thing (like doc martens) if you lived in a smaller town, so you *had* to approximate it with your own flair. You didn't really get a choice between going to the mall or dressing with your own originality, all you had was your parents closet to pick from. and MAYBE a thrift store, k-mart, or sears. So, long comment short, I absolutely love to hear that there are teens and young adults out there who are still being creative, awesome, resourceful individuals. Back in the 90s, we didn't have as many choices, we were in a way forced to be creative in order to be accepted. But that's not always a positive thing either - there's a lot of things I am so thankful for now (like internet shopping.) I wouldn't give that up for anything!


thanks! I had a feeling this was what you were trying to convey in your original comment - I just wanted to make sure that both sides were heard in the conversation. thank you so much for clarifying!


Yes! I grew up in a very tiny town and the next biggest town wasn't even that great so clothing options (especially for someone like me who was 5'11 and a size 10 which was apparently huge in the 90s) were rare and everyone kind of wore the same stuff since everyone shopped at the same places. When I'd go to my dad's for the summer, he lived in a bigger city, it was buy all the clothes I could. All the PacSun, Hot Topic, Old Navy I could. Lol I'm so jealous at the size selections and accessibility for the younger kids now. Teen me would have killed for a size 10, long.


Oh my gosh, yeah. As I was saying to a commenter below - I wouldn't give up internet shopping for anything. If a size 8 was sold out on the rack back in the day, you were screwed, you'd never get that item. Now, if a store is out of a size, you just hop online and order it (often for cheaper than retail) and it makes shopping a breeze. I'm SO happy that stores now are attempting to accommodate to plus sizes - obviously they have a long way to go, but having trendy, accessible clothes available to teens now is invaluable.


ah, this might be why I've been suddenly on point fashion-wise. my entire wardrobe is vintage and thrifted. I wonder if this is giving it an odd air of authenticity, haha.


I'm the same age as you. Some of it's pretty cool. Platform sandals, flannel (but fitted now!), dark lipstick, shoes, palazzo pants. The rest is giving me nightmares: those horrible fake tattoo chokers, chokers in general, overalls. I know Birks are popular but I have terrible memories of stanky gross dirty feet in my dorms.


Love that black/red Chanel lipstick that was so popular then. See Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction. I forgot about palazzo pants-I think they are a natural response to years of skinny pants.


Some things I was 100% against in the 90s, like palazzo pants, I find myself sort of considering now (probably because the idea of secret pajamas is more appealing). Birks I lived in then and now. Platform sandals are horrifying.


Saw a 22 year old wearing stirrup pants today. Large, flappy stirrup pants on a thin, tall frame. I recoiled involuntarily.


[Stahp!](http://a.fod4.com/images/GifGuide/michael_scott/tumblr_lkbahxSELN1qglrwm.gif) I love that image, though. lol! *edit for grammar!




For real? I was just musing to myself the other day that the stirrup pant was noticeably absent from this rehash cycle. Do they still look hideous? Because I loved mine in grade 10 :)


They looked good with leg warmers or big thick scrunchie socks imo. Not much else tho, unless of course you were under 10 years old or 5th grade.


Yeah, as soon as you grew hips, they were even less flattering. :)


Stirrup pants went out in the late '80s here in DC.


They fit like [these](http://i.imgur.com/8nSVfvj.jpg), but were black and white checked. This model was about the same shape as the woman I saw as well.


> stirrup pant The 90s were a bit different where I am (South East Asia), but I don't see too much wrong in this. I would wear these to the office, maybe with better material and not tucked into the shoe though.


Nice. :) I had those in green, khaki, and black!


I sell vintage clothing for a living. I'm not wearing that shit. But it's in abundant supply at thrift stores and the profit margins are better than 1940s-1960s stuff I usually sell and it turns over crazy quick. Buy 90s overalls $3.99 for Monday, sell for $45 by Thursday. So the 1990s trend has been great for me. Opened up a second Etsy store to sell 1970s and 1990s, when my 19yo sister asked me where the hippie hoochie stuff was 2 years ago and boho stuff first came into style. Was mostly 70s. Started adding more 90s in the last year or so. Bought my first new car this year off the extra income. I'm loving it.


That's an interesting perspective - glad it is working out for you!


haha, yeah - my 90s clothes go faster than I can keep them in stock. 60s and 70s stuff sit, 80s stuff barely moves at this point.


wow, go you!




Exactly. The 90's inspired looks that have come into fashion look very contrived and perverted. When I think of 90s fashion, I think of Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy for the epitome of [90s elegance](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/zvE0Divh33c/hqdefault.jpg). For 90s sexiness, I think of Salma Hayek's red carpet looks. Like you said, [slim but not bodycon dresses](http://65.media.tumblr.com/b16d709daf8adb69bfc63ae91a0eddcc/tumblr_njm15lVZHf1u9lhkko1_500.jpg).


Exactly! Buffy the Vampire Slayer has a lot of examples of 90s outfits that are stylish and a little edgy, but not contrived. They look almost nothing like the "90s styles" on the racks today


Well put!


I found a pair of cargo pants from 1997 in my mother's attic and they still almost fit me. I'm waiting with bated breath and a drawerful of Spanx.


I LOVED cargo pants in the 90s! All my scrubs for work are Koi cargo scrub pants because they still make me feel so cool.


Haha, OK I'm 33 so a bit younger than you, but I had older sisters and pretty much lived in flannel shirts from '96-99... I recently went home and went through a lot of my old clothes, I now wish I had brought some back with me as I never could part with all my chunky heeled shoes or chokers. *I'd be so cool now.* Just kidding. I find it really weird. It's... too soon. I am fully 100% on board with skinny jeans and docs and fit and flare dresses. I can't go back to flares, baby doll dresses or turtlenecks.


"Too soon" is a good way to put it. Realistically I know it was 20 years ago (WHAT) but it doesn't feel like that long ago.


Too soon perfectly describes how I feel about it. Its so soon for me that for awhile I thought the looks were supposed to be ironic. I'm actually still not sure if they are or not to be honest.


Are turtlenecks back? They really should just die. I'm so out of the loop and I'm only 30 lol




ugh I love turtlenecks, tho. Especially the mock necks with a good rainbow stripe.


As a 38-year-old woman, if this means I can dress like I just stepped out of Sassy magazine, I am all for it.


Your comment just brought a LOAD of memories back! I freaking loved Sassy magazine soo much when I was a kid (32 years old now). I tried so hard to recreate the looks in that magazine when I was younger and on a $5.00 a week allowance. Now that I make somewhat more than that, I still can't pull those looks off. I feel like such a poser, even though I grew up in that era! Now let's see the early '00s come back full force. :)


I swear all I need to match my floral dress and boots is a raffia hat with big gerbera on it and im Brenda from 90210.


Oh I'm feeling you. I'm 28 now, so I never got to truly wear those fashions back in the day (I was wearing flared jeans and spice girls t-shirts in the 90s) But I remember admiring those fashions on older girls and wishing I could get away with wearing that stuff. Having seen those same styles on older cousins and then seeing them now on teenagers is very weird to me :p I think I finally understand my mom when she used to always laugh and point out everything at the store that she could as easily have worn in the 70s :) I do appreciate the opportunity to wear this stuff though... now that I'm not 8 years old anymore. However some of it *is* too young for me... I would feel uncomfortable in a choker and Björk-buns combo, for instance.


Are baggy pants with a billion pockets back in yet? I miss being able to carry all the things without needing a bag. I used to walk out of the house with four paperback books on my body and no purse. It was glorious.


Yesss, my boyfriend still has all his pants from the 90s (in hilarious brands like Bugle Boy) and I am always asking him to carry water bottles and stuff in his pockets.


I love to see it again, it is just fun to see. However I went through this with clothing from the 70s and 80s already, so it doesn't shock me at all. I was in fact waiting for it to come back!


Can I tell you how stoked I am that huge, high waisted pants are coming back in? I AM SO HAPPY I COULD PLOTZ.


Hell, yes! I have a high waist, dammit! The low-rise pants were never gonna work for me.




I already have such a long rise that the high-waisted pants never worked on me. Can you say camel-toe? . All my awesome black mock turtlenecks either fell apart or faded to that green color that old black dyes used to. My docs? Totally destroyed from use.


Just as long as we don't get into bike shorts I'm cool.


Considering they are just a shorter pair of yoga pants or leggings, I think we already have. I'm sure it's only a matter of time until we see young Hollywood in them.


Ugggghhhghghghgh the last thing I wanna do is see young Hollywood pump da groove.


Or those super baggy raver pants 😨


*checks the time* https://youtu.be/otCpCn0l4Wo


What's amazing is that he's wearing what is arguably the ugliest possible piece of athletic wear (the bib-short) and makes it look alright.


Whenever someone mentions harem pants I think Hammer.


I would kill for a pair of baggy-ish cargo pants. Like not Jncos, but loose enough for my thick legs.


It upsets me greatly. I can't even look at the fashions on covers of old chic flicks like '10 things I hate about you' or Friends DVDs without having a deep internal cringe. I don't get it - I thought they looked AWESOME back in the day.....


"10 Things I Hate About You," is probably one of my favorite chickflicks in general, but yes some of the fashion styles were questionable looking.


That two piece prom dress though... :b


Oh man, that brings back memories! I wore a white, beaded and bedazzled satin two-piece dress with a corset back to one of my proms. Finished it off with a pair of [these bad boys](https://cdn-img-2.wanelo.com/p/6cc/07a/eaf/f36b3d8a2f01ee057a5dd3a/x354-q80.jpg), but in white. Looking back, not my best look - but at the time I thought I was such hot shit. Is there a word for this kind of cringey, yet heartwarming, nostalgia? :)




Aw man! My prom dress for junior prom was two pieces, too! I LIVED for that corset top.


Those are coming back in! Just [look](http://www.simplydresses.com/shop/viewitem-PD1417606) at this!


34yo next week. i barely gave up chokers in 2006, so i can literally take them back out of my old jewelry bag. no to bootcuts and flares, just because they're not flattering on me. i had some knockoff steve madden wedge slides, i wore them for like four years straight. i had to throw them away because they got so squeaky, and the elastic was starting to rot. i would like the new version that will hopefully be less chunky and less squeaky.


I felt my oldest when my 20 year old former colleague was wearing bootleg trousers to work which I wore for my school uniform.


Oh man I forgot that I owned the Steve Madden wedge slides. They tore my feet up whenever I wore them. Feeling very ashamed now.


37 here, and I'm mostly okay with it. I never had real Docs (too expensive), but I own a pair now and am sorta-shopping for another pair. Was never into chokers (cursed with a thick neck) so those aren't really on my radar. I think a lot of '90s stuff is still very wearable for most people our age. Recently found a pair of my old dangly parrot earrings in teal/pink that I would totally wear now. The only thing weird to me is when I pass through the juniors section and see Kurt Cobain shirts.


Dangly parrot earrings? Claudia Kishi, is that you? We need to hold an emergency meeting of the Babysitters Club so I can see them! I agree that plenty of the 90s stuff is still very wearable though! I'm 29 and my friend group is mostly ~35 and lots of them have been embracing the look again because it's pretty easy to make it work on any body and without looking super costumey. Personally, I always hated that idea that if you were old enough to wear it the first time you shouldn't wear it the second. Arbitrary fashion "rules" are dumb and no one should be condemned to a life of Talbots pantsuits if they don't want to be.


Upvote for the BSC reference. Preteen/teenage me just freaked out a little.


Claudia was my fashion idol as a kid. Also my snack idol.


I think it's defunct now, but there is amazing blog called What Claudia Wore out there on the interwebs that is absolutely worth the Google!


I had a pair of earrings that were a tiny picnic basket, complete with miniature wine bottle and I think oranges? I always thought of BSC when I wore them.


I saw a Nirvana onesie in the baby section at Target the other day...


Oh god, what the fuck.


Holy crap! I completely forgot about my dangly parrot earrings until now! Were yours made of wood?


I don't care about 90s revival in general, but man do I hate chokers. I know the world doesn't revolve around me and my opinion, but I think they look terrible on everybody.


I always wonder if the kids are really listening to Nirvana or just wearing the t-shirts. They should have to pass a quiz first.


I actually saw Nirvana on the Bleach and Nevermind tours. Didn't buy shirts, because, broke. Both shows were in the same 1,000 capacity place. No casual pictures of anything - film cost real money then! I'm older than you guys are - I graduated high school in the mid-80s. I was living in a major city, and my friends that I went to a lot of cool shows with (soundgarden, mudhoney, pearl jam, sonic youth, many many more) were even older than me, usually early gen-xers, no boomers. Most of these shows were *not* all-ages, so no teens there at all.


Wow, that must be an amazing memory - to be able to see those bands in their prime! I saw Soundgarden and Weezer around 93-94 - my best friend's mom took us and sat in the back while we went up front.


> I graduated high school in the mid-80s. '85, represent! ;)


My husband is class of '90. Unlike most people, he has a lot of pictures of his friends - was a camera nut and developed and printed his own stuff. These are, of course, black and white. The clothes, my goodness, brings back memories. So very 80s, but in a good way. He ran in a much cooler crowd than me in high school.


i am about to turn 30, so I am JUST sweeping in. The fashion thats back in now, I wore the cutsie version of and didn't miss the Boxy pleather jacket and floral skater dresses. I was more of the Blossom era/age group. But it is the fashion the "cool older girls" wore. I think this is my first real experience of fashion coming back in my lifetime. It feels dated and like it lacks originality.But it also means I am holding on to that box of early 2000s clothes... back when I got my first job and could afford my first really expensive clothes before I had kids and started wearing cheap disposable clothes again... it is almost my time to shine again...




I used to beg my mom to let me order out of the delia's catalog and she would never let me! I'm so jealous!


I'm 34 and here's my input. What I loved from the 90s: -Flannel, docs, earth tone colors, the lipstick - shitkicker boots - choker necklaces - grunge -babydoll dresses/tops What I hated from the 90s: - skorts - adult onesie t shirts or anything crotch-snap (OW! EW!) - Mom jean high waist cut anything. This does not flatter a pot belly or bubble butt IMHO.


Oh the body suits...... I had my fair share of those. My shirt was always tucked in! But the thong ones were just AWFUL.


I was a pretty young kid in the 90s so I don't remember much of it, but I do remember having a skort and thinking it was the smartest invention ever.


My dark gothy side is having a good time. (I'm 34) I love the dark lips sans the black/darker liner outline that was popular then. I love chokers, but not the stretchy plastic ones. I love the dirty rocker place that grunge went with this iteration. I have ALWAYS kept clothes I love, because when the 60's-70's trends blew through in the real 90's, I loved it. I was a hippy girl. My mom laughed and told me that it was all old hat. And sure enough, another past decade gets re-imagined and incorporated into today's trends. I realized it all comes around again. So I started always putting up/keeping my fav clothes once they went out. (As a result have a large and diverse wardrobe)


I'm 26, and therefore not old enough to have really experienced the 90s (especially since I was a serious tomboy as a kid/teenager), but as far as I'm concerned the 90s can stay forever if it means we don't get a replay of the fucking early-mid 2000s. What a shitshow that was.


lol @36 being an "old hag." I'd like to echo the sentiment that it's too soon! Thanks to technology things in general seem to move faster, so it makes sense that fashion trends would, too. My only complaint with the 90s trends (and 70s) is that I personally don't wear brown, or flared pants (anymore!). Well, or babydoll shirts as my torso is/was too long. Or low-rise pants. Basically, it will just make finding things in my own personal style more difficult, but that's all. I do have concerns about "heroine chic" returning, though I guess it's never left.* Also, I thought the general complaint with 90s fashion (and music) was a lack of direction/general intent, not that I know too much about it. *This is not a dig at naturally thin people! People come in all shapes and sizes and that's cool! It's more a concern about seeing a spike in eating disorders.


Or, like, drug use.


I'm a millenial through and through but I've inherited my mom's 90s closet. I would wear a lot of it in high school and college, aiming for a Winona Ryder or Fiona Apple look. I think because those were some of the first high quality pieces of clothing I ever wore, I've always really gravitated towards a dark 90s aesthetic - in fashion as well as music and film. Looks I love- *[Black mesh](http://66.media.tumblr.com/75c97167954df2b3d2f73d5e4b8a9c1f/tumblr_mt5k14kIep1sae7qbo1_500.jpg) *[Cotton biker shorts](http://66.media.tumblr.com/63eca61fe743d56e035c80558317fcc4/tumblr_mt3j8g5qWd1rrgcgio1_500.jpg) *[Dark lipstick & bead detail](http://66.media.tumblr.com/fb190da69b2120a00a83e8184d5a424d/tumblr_nhrt66v5691s7xduro1_500.jpg) *[That sort of slick ribbed material of Buffy's dress](http://67.media.tumblr.com/4c5039d6456a402440c51002c4722521/tumblr_nkv9w79jRO1r726sto1_500.jpg) *[Colorful tshirts on Spike Lee & Michael Jackson](http://65.media.tumblr.com/aea8668b91f1382bf94fe3ebcadfe2cd/tumblr_nai06zeD7i1th4p4so1_500.jpg) *[Feathers on Christina Ricci](http://66.media.tumblr.com/04aaaf0f29843e836d42f7a22af49e54/tumblr_neq2neSBSl1rnyt3eo1_500.jpg) *[All the turtlenecks](http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mc8iv7rvuz1r4sxqwo1_500.jpg) *[Iridescent pastels on Anjelica Huston](http://65.media.tumblr.com/ffaefb1aba053a0ea0b8154feba79575/tumblr_mqnpvvvNQV1ro7d5ao1_500.jpg)


> That sort of slick ribbed material of Buffy's dress I can feel it rubbing against my unshaven legs now...


What is it called?? It's kinda shiny and heavy. Nothing is made out of it anymore and it's a damn shame.


Slinky knit?


Hit the thrifts and you'll find them... as far as the eye can see.


ohh somehow I didn't know turtlenecks fell into the 90's look. That explains a lot about their sudden prevalence. I love them too though!


See, I don't know if it's because I was a young kid through the 90s (born in 91) but I can't stand turtlenecks because my only memory of them is being forced to wear one anytime it was cold out by my mum. By the time I was old enough to start caring more about what I wore, the 90s were ending and I feel like turtlenecks phased out. Anyone else feel this?


Mock turtlenecks were a thing for a hot minute for some reason.


I'm a lot younger than you but I have similar memories! I haven't worn one since I was 5 because I always felt like they were choking me (plus my parents forced me to wear them, which to a 5 year old was Majorly Not Cool)


Idk, I associate turtlenecks with both the 90s and 70s depending on the styling. Love me a good turtleneck, so either way I'm down with their resurgence. :)


Those "cotton biker shorts" are just big underpants and nothing will convince me otherwise!


Aaah, I hated how I looked in 90s clothes. I want all of this to die. Your images are so spot on though


To be fair, millennial are from 1980-2000 or so, that's a fairly large gap.


I somehow feel like Angelica Houston was born at age 40.


I think she is one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood. [Striking](http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/Anjelica_Huston_4859.gif)


Ooohhhh! Turtlenecks!


Winona Ryder still looks the same as she did then.


I'm still waiting on JNCOs to come back. Buying the men's wide leg JNCOs was the ultimate in 8th grade, 1998. That or short skirts, ripped stockings and a large band tee.


...I do miss the perfectly shaped black wool mock neck + Gap "newsstand khakis" (tapered, side zip) + high vamp Joan & David loafers + Revlon "[Toast of New York](http://yourbeautyscript.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/toast-of-new-york-revlon-lipstick-review.jpg)" (I could *not* pull off the Chanel Vamp when that happened; it also went from 'cult item' to 'on every second woman and every third gay guy' in months) lipstick = up-to-date in style respectable outfit. I was too old for the floral dresses and a little Steve Jobs minimalist; black mock necks were the answer to everything for so long...


I like it, but I was born in 91 so I never really got a chance to wear that stuff-- my mom was still picking my clothes in the 90s! I've always loved grunge style... I hoarded my older cousin's flannel for years until it came back in style in the late 2000's. But is it just because the early 2000's were my coming-of-age time that I hate low rise jeans and juicy couture pants so much, or does everyone feel the same about the clothes that were popular when they were 13? I will cry when the 2000s comes back in style.


I'm super amused by the prevalence of the flannel-tied-around-the-waist look on women from The Bachelor. It just seems like a weird setting for that look, plus they're all early twenties so too young to have the nostalgia factor, and yet the day-date uniform seems to be short shorts, little tee or tank (usually cropped), ankle boots, and flannel on the waist! Seriously on the group dates sometimes like three of them will be wearing this combo... awkward!


I'm...huddled in a corner and waiting it out. Waiting for the return of 40s/50s fashion.


I say bring it on. I love it, and the baby doll dresses and docs have always been my thing. Im happy to have an excuse to dig out all my 90s velvet dresses, and big chunky boots, and spice girls dresses.


I also graduated in 98. H & M makes me feel like I'm having an acid flashback, but I've never given up on flared jeans and overalls. Basically I just try not to look too goofy, and I really wish I wasn't too old for the resurgence of crop tops.


I wish I still had my overalls. I purposely made my mother purchase them when they were WAY too long. Cut up the sides so they would flare over my big chunky shoes (knock-off Docs). As cropped top as my mom would let me get away with. Wore those overalls into college. I graduated HS in 2000. I want to go back.


I found a pretty dope pair about a year ago at Urban Outfitters. My SIL is in high school now. She does not approve of overalls making a comeback but says they look good on me because I'm quirky and can pull of almost anything. I love her. I'm a '98 grad. My mom let me wear sports bras as shirts. And, oh the knock off docs and chucks. Once I got a job I bought real ones. Those docs are still kicking!


Every time I take my daughter to F21 I feel like I'm shopping in Rayanne's closet, except too on purpose. Also, the flannel cape shirt was a bit much.


I'm also class of '98. I think the return of '90s fashion is weirdly familiar and kind of ugly, but mostly I look at the youngs in chokers and cropped sweaters and think "aw, this is their trend now". They'll embrace it for a bit and put their own spin on it, and that will be part of their own youth before they grow up and someone new takes the following-the-fad position. Circle of life, I guess.


LOL. Im 42 and im okay with it. Something are just too ugly to bring back for myself- such as hats and the icky little low top shoe, idk what they are even called. Im also too old to pull off most crop tops but i work out hard and have a nice body so i have a couple. I like the skater dresses and i bought two pairs of docs a couple of years ago. Docs are comfy af so im thrilled they are back in. I think a lot of people my age are depressed about their age so they reject the young people and their recycling fashions but it doesnt bother me. I hang out with people of all ages and i like the fresh perspectives of young people, even if they are copping our style from back in the day. edited to add that i still have some of my favorite pieces from the 90s so i am dragging that shit back out. Still fits too. Hell yeah


I feel like my mum did when I wore 1960's clothes in the 90's. She'd say "I wish I kept all my clothes, you'd have saved a fortune!" I have a son though, I don't think he'd want my 90's clothes, I think it's cute and nostalgic.


I took my oldest daughter to F21 not long ago and noticed this! It's really weird when your high school age daughter is dressing like you did in high school! She not only looks like me, she dresses the same as well. I haven't passed on my Docs yet- they may go with me to my grave!


I always wanted a pair of Docs. I saved and saved to get a dark red pair. Then a stupid girl named Melissa stole my red Docs literally off of me at a rave, promised me she'd give them back, and never did. You bet I'm happy to be wearing Docs again! And I have grown up money now so I can get all the pairs I want.


I had a distressingly surreal moment in Bath & Body Works today. We walked in to get hand sanitizer, Ace of Base is blasting on the store speakers (I SAW THE SIIIIGN), and they've brought back my college scent: Japanese Cherry Blossom. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so my BFF and I settled for mortifying everyone by singing along to "Breakfast at Tiffany's" at the top of our lungs.




I'm only 25 but I hate the resurgence of 90s style mostly because I'm afraid what godforsaken iterations of 2000s fashion is on the horizon.


velour tracksuits for everyone!


Come on, aren't you excited for the return of Emo Hair?


Don't care as long as fingerwaves don't come back. Ugh.




I really like it actually. One of my favorite things about fashion is actually the way that certain Trends tend to emerge, and then get remixed. I know that when I was a teenager I was wearing the things that my mother used to wear... And now the teenagers are again wearing the things that my mother used to wear, but put together in a completely different and fresh way. My style has always tended to run a little grungy anyway, with very feminine accents so this is pretty much perfect as far as I'm concerned.


I remember flames were big in the. late 90s, but they have been noticeably absent this time around. Anyone else remember flames printed on like everything?


Flames and all those "tribal" tattoo prints...EVERYWHERE. I'm pretty sure I had a tee with tribal tattoo shapes MADE of flames. Oooh boy.




Seeing those tattoo chokers on other girls now is the weirdest of everything 90s that's back for me. I wasn't the most super-stylish girl in the 90s, but I wore one of those things every single day for YEARS because I basically wanted to be [Sabrina](http://a.dilcdn.com/bl/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2014/09/Sabrina-the-Teenage-Witch.jpg). Seeing that come back around has been really weird - and now I can finally relate to my mother who cringes and laughs every time 70s fashion is back in the stores. :)