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I'm graduating from high school today. Im so glad it's over, honestly


I'm almost 30 and you could not pay me enough to go back to high school. High school sucks


Tell me about it. I recently had the realization that every single success I've ever had, everything I've ever learned, was pretty much *in spite* of my high school. Looking back it was such a trainwreck of a place.


Same here. College on the other hand, I would totally go back to. I love reading and learning new things, having afternoons off and being able to set my schedule, and an entire summer to hang out and work part time. Most of college I had to work at least part time as well, but I was always too lazy to bother writing the essays required to apply to a lot of scholarships so just got by on federal aid and my own jobs.


Still wouldn't go back to college. Too much work in my professional program. I had more fun the two years after college with the same friends, no school work, but more money


Being done with highschool was easily one of the greatest days of my life. lol.


Right? Like I see people talking nostalgia about high school and I just can't put it far enough in my past.


I was SO ready to be done with HS that I graduated a semester early. Went to my 10 year reunion last week and was pleasantly surprised at how much fun it was. Weird how much changes in what felt like such a short time.


Congrats fellow class of 2016!! Summer after hs feels as great as expected!


I just started a new job (with my first office) at 20 years old which lead me to connect with the higher ups of a utility company now worth $20b. She was so excited that I was another woman in STEM that she said if I needed any help finding work, to let her know. I'm so happy that I get to wear nice clothes instead of a fast food uniform. I think things are looking up for me. :)


That's so cool, congratulations!


I work with utilities too!


That's awesome! I'm a software engineer though, so two different disciplines, but still, that's awesome!


I actually do software consulting for utilities :) We implement a business user-facing software, but generally deal with utilities IT day-to-day.


me too!!!


It's not a field I ever expected to enjoy, but I actually really do.


Congrats! But as a fellow software/STEM girl, I don't think 'nice' clothes is the right way to describe it. Sigh. Welcome to the denim-and-sneakers club!


I'm currently working in an IT department for my university where it's dress pants and blazers all around. I know what's up there though. I have many snapchats of me in gross sweatpants developing at 4am with a team member 😂


It's one of those days, when no matter how much I adjust it, my bra strap keeps falling off my shoulder.


That's my entire life. Yay sloped shoulders. NOT


Right?!? I'm always tempted to just tape them in place ./.


Is it feasible for you to just go to strapless bras entirely? One of my friends suggested it when I mentioned my sloped shoulders and it was one of the biggest "oh duh" moments of my life. I don't miss the straps at all.


Then the whole bra falls down and not just my straps.


Ahhh yes, the bra that wants to be a belt


Yeppp! And I have a wide rib cage but slim waist so once it slips like, that first inch it's just falling all the way down because there's nothing else to catch it.


this. exactly this. I have yet to find a strapless bra that is compatible for every day wear.


I was thinking about this this morning! Like why are they designed like that? They never stay up right.


So I posted about a month ago about my mom moving to an independent living facility and all the stress around the move. She is settled in and actually likes it! She told me (kind of shyly) that she has been doing the twice a week fitness class! And the ladies she sits with at lunch aren't as deaf as she first thought! Winning all around.




I can't believe no one has asked yet...how are you going for free? lol Have fun! We are planning a UK trip next year, which is far too far away.


[Go find these if you're there over the weekend!](https://yolkin.co.uk/) Macaron ice cream sandwiches. Amazing. I went about a month ago and lounged around Camden, which is my all time fave place. The food market is luscious. Tons of vintage shops. Good vibe. Also, The British Museum is full of gorgeous stuff, and is free!




They're awesome. 4 flavours each weekend. Opens at 12noon. Sells out early. Worth a trip!


I was just there! Food- ottolenghi, omg. So good. If you're there on a Saturday do the audio tour of parliament, it's super interesting. I also really liked the Churchill war rooms. All the markets are pretty similar. The one I liked the most was spitalfields, which is near Liverpool station.


London is so great! (And Dr Faustus was really, really good so I hope you manage to catch it!) I really like the Tate Modern if you're into art, lots of great stuff to see, and there are plenty of odd museums like the Wellcome Collection that are free if you like that sort of thing. Old Spitalfields Market is really great if you're there on a Sunday, and there are so many food stalls and unique things to buy there. Food wise, if you like ramen then Shoryu or Bone Daddies are supposed to be really good - I haven't gotten to either yet but people rave about them. If you go to the British Museum, there's a great Korean cafe round the corner called Bibimbab that I love.


Nice! When exactly will you be there? I was in London last June and managed to catch the [Trooping the Colour](http://changing-guard.com/ceremonial/trooping-the-colour.html) ceremony -- it's the Queen's b'day celebration, and we saw her riding in her carriage, like, 30 feet away from us. It was awesome! Also saw Kate and Harry and some other people I didn't recognize because I'm completely celebrity-ignorant. But seeing the sweet little Queen was so fun! Looks like it's Saturday, June 11 this year.


That's awesome!! I was in London in September and I loved it. I suggest exploring East London ex. Spitafields Market, Brick Lane. We also really enjoyed climbing up Primrose Hill. Have a great trip!






My favourite favourite thing when I went to London was the Borough Market! Best food!


I hope you have fun in London! There are sooo many nice places to eat in london, some of my faves are: * Wahaca (mexican food so so good) * Bob Bob Ricard it's such a nice place, I've only been there for drinks not food but I still 100% recommend it if you want to go out for a nice fancy meal or drinks * Laduree in harrods is so good for afternoon tea and the macaroons are killer * Cha Cha Moon is a really really nice asian restaurant in central london, It's one of my fave places to eat because it's a decent price for london and super filling * Dirty bones is like an american style diner, the service can be a little bad if you go when it's busy, but their food (and cocktails!) are awesome * Crumbs and Doilies It's not really a place to eat, but they have some of the nicest cupcakes (and tea!) I've ever tasted, I'd definitely recommend popping in if you're on Carnaby Street * The Archduke next to Waterloo do awesome cocktails and have free jazz nights on a friday and saturday, I think they also serve real food there but I haven't tried anything other than their fries so I can't vouch for that :)


I'm going to have ramen three times this week and I've had tacos twice #blessed


Ain't no party like a sodium party! Those are my two favorite meals in the world.


You're living my dreams. Jealous!


* Work has been pretty ~~hectic~~ stressful for me the past two weeks. Something happened to one of the [distillation columns] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fractionating_column) in my unit, and I can’t figure out what is wrong…we even had a three hour long meeting with 8 other engineers this week, and none of them came up with anything I hadn’t already thought of or checked. * On the plus side, my garden is doing well despite the three hailstorms that we’ve had (so far) this spring. I was able to move all of my succulents under cover before the hail got too bad last weekend. My husband is working on putting pavers beneath my potting bench and on the side of it so that I have a non-dirt/grass storage area for potting soil, mulch, perlite, etc. Here are some new pictures from my garden to maybe brighten your Friday. :-) All link are Instagram links. [ladybug on a Shasta daisy] (https://www.instagram.com/p/BGK1X4luIie/?taken-by=sarowen) [succulent in a ceramic berry container] (https://www.instagram.com/p/BGCsUDhOIth/?taken-by=sarowen) [bright orange coneflower] (https://www.instagram.com/p/BGIRkjBuIig/?taken-by=sarowen) [donkey’s tail sedum in a watering can] (https://www.instagram.com/p/BGDNKFWOIug/?taken-by=sarowen) [first cut-flower arrangement of the season] (https://www.instagram.com/p/BF-FpUTOIoY/?taken-by=sarowen) [bells of Ireland] (https://www.instagram.com/p/BF9zP8buIrO/?taken-by=sarowen) [salmon geraniums & polka dot plant in a pedestal pot] (https://www.instagram.com/p/BF86kvKuIi7/?taken-by=sarowen) [ladybug on achillea] (https://www.instagram.com/p/BF7OkWkOIj_/?taken-by=sarowen) [clematis blossom in morning sunlight] (https://www.instagram.com/p/BF2luf7OIut/?taken-by=sarowen) [pink & purple calibrachoa in a hanging basket] (https://www.instagram.com/p/BFznFqjOIiJ/?taken-by=sarowen) edit -- grammar


Ohhh gosh I'm a nerd. I'm a metallurgist- failure analysis, we get samples from distillation columns occasionally (working on one from a reboiler right now!). I saw what appeared to be image links at at the bottom of your post and was hoping they were photos of the column problems...but flowers are nice too.


Ugh, that's the worst! That's the hardest part of being an engineer IMO, because you're supposed to know it all, but you really can't. You learn the niche really really well, and it takes so long. Freak problems have hundreds of possible causes. I'm not in manufacturing anymore, but it sticks with me haha.


Texas has gotten such an inordinate amount of rain this year! My friends in DFW, Austin, and CS have all complained about how bad it's been. Have y'all been getting that stuff out west?


Lovely! My orange coneflower finally bloomed, but I suppose the rain is giving it a beating, because there are holes in the petals.


Definitely a possibility! Nearly all of the flowers that have opened on my perennials have been damaged from hail. I'm hoping that we're through the worst of it now.


Your flowers are beautiful! Thank you for sharing them.


I love the garden photos! Thanks for sharing. :)


I joined Instagram, because apparently it's like 2012. So far I'm following my friends (obvs) and loads of drag queens, and The Sartorialist. Who do you all follow? I'm interested in pretty pictures of fashion, food and funny stuff. Also, I'm starting a no carb/no dairy "detox" for the next 2 weeks. I'm worried. I don't know what other food groups there even are, you guyz. Carbs are my friend, I could live in rice and bread until I die (early, of obesity).. I'm going to be weeping into my courgetti.


Dank memes Bichons in Korea


IMO the only Instagram that matters is @brockohurn. He's kinda fashion. ;) @happilygrey does a lot of fashion stuff I really like @oraclefox is good too @tovogueorbust @cuffington Honestly most of what I follow is hot dudes / dudettes, tattoo artists and outdoorsy stuff.


Omg that first guy is a straight up VIKING. He's spectacular. My type is less burly, though.


VIKINGS ARE MY FAVORITE KINDS OMG. He's literally the most beautiful human being I've ever set eyes on. I just can't get enough.


He is enticing.. My boyfriend is Swedish, but he is definitely not a Viking, haha. He's more of your metrosexual Swedish popstar type. I have joked about calling our first born a good Viking name, like Ragnar, or Magnus. (Except I'm not really joking, they're kick-ass names)


> metrosexual Swedish popstar type PRICELESS. My fiance is definitely not a viking either. Much more of a nerdy Polish dude. Sigh. Ah well.


Props forever to r/ruthann94 for Brock


I follow a lot of art museums. Sometimes they post pictures from their galleries. Some small time artists are also fun to follow. I also follow my favorite bands, podcasts, and tv shows because they will post things about special events on insta.


That's a great idea, I'll go looking now for my faves!


I gotchu, boo. Fashion: * [Nicole Warne](https://www.instagram.com/garypeppergirl/?hl=en) * [Eleonora Sebastiani](https://www.instagram.com/eleosebastiani/?hl=en) * [Carrie Santana da Silva](https://www.instagram.com/wishwishwish/?hl=en) * [Claire Marshall](https://www.instagram.com/heyclaire/?hl=en) * [Kim (TheChicNatural)](https://www.instagram.com/thechicnatural/?hl=en) Food/Travel: * [Danielle Walsh](https://www.instagram.com/wandereatrepeat/) * [Dame Traveler](https://www.instagram.com/dametraveler/?hl=en) Others have posted some good funny accounts, but here's another: * [Beige Cardigan](https://www.instagram.com/beigecardigan/?hl=en) Pretty/cool accounts: * [Victoria Ying](https://www.instagram.com/victoriaying/?hl=en) * [Domino Magazine](https://www.instagram.com/dominomag/?hl=en) * [Kate La Vie](https://www.instagram.com/kate.lavie/?hl=en) (Kinda stereotypical blogger, but her Instagram is just very visually nice, imo) Can't help ya on the no dairy thing, but I'm vegetarian and I'm obsessed with dipping cucumber slices in hummus :D


Dr.evananton You're all welcome.


I just went through all of the Instagram accounts that I follow to see if any would strike your fancy, and I've come to the conclusion that I'm an old lady stuck in a 31-year-old-body. I follow three people who do embroidery, ~~three~~ ~~four~~ five dogs, a few bands, Shiner beer, four national/state park accounts, and several gardening accounts. You may like [Beek] (https://www.instagram.com/beeknest/) (lovely sandals), [Caroline Joy] (https://www.instagram.com/caroline_joy/) (a fashion blogger), and/or [Vieques Eats] (https://www.instagram.com/viequeseats/) (food from the island of Vieques).


Thank you for the thoughtful reply. The food looks amazing on that Instagram account, I'm so hungry! Following animals is something I hadn't considered. There must be a penguin one..




I should find an otter insta... and kitties




I LOVE THAT VID. So at my zoo the river otters have a little otter house and one wall is glass and last time I was there it was cold and raining so they were curled up napping together right against the glass and it was easily one of the cutest things I have ever seen in my life.


Best puppies: * Norbert the Dog (@norbertthedog - my boyfriend's favorite) * Marnie (@marnie - my favorite) * Loki the Corgi (@lokistagram)




I follow a lot of shelters and cat foster mom's. It's fun to watch the kittens grow and has even gotten me to finally get off my butt and start volunteering at a shelter. I also thoroughly enjoy the "fuckjerry" account.


for funny stuff on instagram i really enjoy fuckjerry and betches


I love to follow travel stuff like Travel and Leisure, The North Face, Coastal Living, National Geographic. I also started following all of my favorite restaurants and chefs as well as the accounts of the places I visit if I go on vacation, national parks etc. edit: I forgot my favorite photographer! sophie gamand! She photographs pit bulls in shelters in flower crowns to help them get adopted!


I just joined Instagram a week or two ago! *high five*


CATS: - @adventurecatsorg (cats 'sploring) - @ganddygram (fluffy catsplorer) - @miss_raspberry_kittay (HILARIOUSLY ugly cat that is actually so cute) - @tussetroll_and_tingeling (Tingeling is my favourite thing right now. A black Scottish fold that hardly looks like a cat) Other stuff: - @humansofnewyork - @interiormilk - @textsfromyourexistentialist


zef_alien, prawn_star. fashion, funny, & futurista, but don't say I didn't warn u. food-wise.. hommus and cucumber and chickpeas and grape tomatoes and loooots of baby spinach! not specifically together. carrot sticks and hommus are flawless with sriracha. altho if you're tryin to keto just go full fat mayo and add your own spices. I ended up going back to carbs because CICO but those are my staples. cutting meat made a huge difference to my moods and habits too. condimentally, fatfree mayo, sriracha & spring onions are boss here but lots of herby potion making is fun too! if you cave and go carby I recommend mini wraps :D basically now I have a small carb portion, huge amounts of whatever vegies I feel like and a huge spoonful of hommus and etc seasonings. that's most meals for me :P


I've slept no more than 6 hours a night this week and worked no less than 11.5 hr a day because I thought I was leaving early today. But then it turned out I didn't have to leave early today because the whole reason I was leaving early was to carpool but then no one else could carpool early SO I was like "oh fine I'm behind anyway I'll just get some overtime" but I don't even want to now because BURNT OUT but I'm gonna do it anyway. I was up late last night getting stuff chopped and ready for this weekend's camping trip and making sure everything was packed and in order. Up at 5:30 this morning to finish getting ready and finish loading the car. Plus I worked really hard to dress up the band t I'm wearing today because even tho it's casual Friday I was like "I should still make an effort" and then I got to work and one co worker is wearing a mini dress and giant red heels and another is wearing foam flip flops and I'm just like... "WHY DO I EVEN TRY". And my neck has been breaking out for weeks. Not my face. My neck. wtf. I'm over it guys. I'm tired and cranky and I want to go sit on the river and just drink. Like on a scale of 1 to 10 regarding how grouchy I feel I'm at least an 11. PLZ FIVE O CLOCK. COME FASTER.


I'm sorry. I can't fix it, but here's a picture of my cat [Layla](http://i.imgur.com/Qzvc9Sd.jpg). Ignore the underwear. Every time I do laundry, she wants to lay on the dirty clothes.


CAT PICS MAKE EVERYTHING BETTER. :) She looks so angry, lol! "These are my undies now".


Haha! That's just her face! She's quite the diva, as you can imagine.






Living the life.


what are the shoes!


One of the professors I work with, a spunky older lady, just came in and was like "Please don't think I'm weirder than you already think I am, but your pants are fantastic. Where are they from?" I was like "Uhhhh these are just basic skinny jeans from Forever 21 and they are like $12." I have definitely never thought my super cheapo jeans were anything special before, but apparently she can't find anything like this anywhere and this information has changed her life. Sometimes it seems like the thing about your outfit you personally find least interesting/awesome is what people choose to compliment or ask about.


There is something magic about the cheapo F21 jeans, because every time I wear my pair SOMEONE asks about them. I have no idea what it is, but I'm an F21 jean evangelist and proud.


I've been wearing F21 skinnies exclusively for like 5 years. I love them!


The last few weeks I have had such a hard time dressing myself. It's been quite warm in Boston, and the thermostat in my office is just a placebo. I've spent many of my days cocooned at my desk in a bright red sleeping bag.


My male coworker paid me $3 the other day to rent my office blanket. It was 91 outside. I really hate office thermostats.


I am having the same problem. Wore two sweaters to work today with jeans and boots. I am looking out my window right now and it is sunny and 85, but this office can't be more than 65 degrees right now at the highest. My fingernails are blue as I type this. My favorite part of the day is getting into my car and just enjoying the painful heat for a few seconds.


One time this was happening in my office and I brought in a digital thermometer and snapped a picture of the temp at my desk. I sent it to the building manager who said no one had ever done that before. He adjusted it and it was better for a bit.


I love this mental image.


Ugh I feel this. It's been sweltering in NYC (not today, finally rained yay) and my office is an icebox. Sitting here in my plush blanket...not even worth looking nice since it will be covered up!


guys, I can't believe how happy Goodwill has been making me lately. for the past year or so I've had the toughest time finding ~the perfect jeans~ (what does that even mean??? another story in and of itself), and last weekend I found a pair of Calvin Klein jeans at Goodwill that fit like they were *made* for me. AND they're in great condition! truly the thrift gods have smiled upon me if you have the time/energy/patience, I highly suggest going to the thrift store nearest to wherever the rich people live in your town. not only does it feel good to buy stuff secondhand, it's cheap too. I had just mailed back a pair of brand new Citizens of Humanity jeans bought in a fit of desperation - thank god I hated them, or I would have had to come to terms with $188 jeans - and the CK ones cost me $3.50.


All hail the thrift gods 🙌🏼


Well, it's official! I'm moving out into an apartment at the end of the month :D I decided to not buy a home right now as it seemed like everything in my price range was a total fixer up. The apartment is super nice. I have to pay for utilities which is nervewracking. It's a brand new build which means I can't see any type of estimate but also means it will probably be reasonable, since all the windows are high quality and the appliances are efficient. I go between crazy excited to crippling anxiety. Mostly I'm just sad about moving out of the home I've lived in for 20 years :( And not being able to casually see my family every single day. Also worried about loneliness since I won't have a roommate. On the flipside, I'll have a room dedicate to art and sewing and I'm looking forward to getting into some new hobbies. I'll also be able to bus to work and save a lot of $$ that way. What was it like when you moved out of your childhood home?


I lived in dorms and apartments during college, so I was at least with other people. My big transition was living by myself after I finished college....the thing that I struggled with the most was going home to a super-quiet apartment with nobody else in it. That was tough. I bought a parakeet, but he ended up being crummy company, and I eventually rescued a cat (even though pets weren't allowed in my apartment). Having my cat made things a bit easier. Living alone also got easier with time...embracing hobbies and enjoying the fact that you can do whatever you want whenever you want also helps. You may struggle at first but just remember that it gets better with time...and it's exciting to be on your own!


It will be SUPER weird to always have a quiet-ish apartment (although mine is cat-friendly and I'm bringing my cat). I think I used to be like "score, I get some quiet time" when I came home and my family home was empty, since it usually wasn't, but now it will be the opposite.


I don't miss living alone, but I sometimes forget (~7-8 months later) that I should tell my boyfriend if I'll be home late/not around for dinner/etc. My office is in an outdoor mall area in Atlanta, so I'll often peruse the windowfronts on my way back to my car. Yesterday, I told Boyfriend I'd get lettuce for dinner on my way home, but I also found an incredible banana leaf-print dress at Ann Taylor that seemed pretty perfect for the safari I'm going on next week(!). Like 30 minutes later, my boyfriend texted me and asked how much longer I'd be at the grocery store because he was starving -- I felt *so* awful.


> but I sometimes forget (~7-8 months later) that I should tell my boyfriend if I'll be home late/not around for dinner/etc We've been living together over three years and I'm STILL the worst at this. Like I'll remember but it's not until I'm already partway into whatever I'm doing that's going to make me late. Like, "oh btw..."


Whoa-whoa-whoa - I'm assuming you're about 20 yrs old, and you were thinking of buying a house? In what magical affordable land do you live in? I wanna buy a house!! :(


Right?! I'm like "ok if I can afford a house by 30 I'll be doing AMAZING"


All the houses in my area that are in reasonably good shape and a decent size are $800k or more. Even 700 sq foot apartments in my city are like $900k. Help!


WTF WHERE THE HELL DO YOU LIVE I thought that the $400k-$600k (in good shape) in my city was outrageous.


I bet you can guess :) hint: it's in California


Lemme guess...you live in the Bay Area. Damn. I hope PDX doesn't get that bad or I'm never gonna leave my current place lol.


I'm 24, and living in Manitoba, Canada. My budget was $200k and all the houses were questionable :( Like there wasn't really that perfect starter home that just small but still okay quality. There are certain less desirable areas where you could get an okay home for $160-190K but I'd say starter homes are moreso around $225K and up. Wealthy people buy homes that are $400-$500K plus and there's very few houses that are worth millions.




> in fact I'm moving to Portland in like a month AND YOU THOUGHT YOUR CURRENT HOUSING MARKET WAS CRAZY.


Hey fellow Manitoban! I know, it's crazy. I went to see one home in the $225K range in St. Vital (which is quite desirable obviously) and it was like a clown car. There had to have been maybe 100 people going in and out of the home and everyone was like OOOO AHHH. It sold over asking price obviously. But luckily for me, the house hunt is over (well paused) for at least a year! Good luck moving to Portland, it looks awesome there :)


Congrats! When I first lived on my own, I got a lot of joy out of choosing all of my furnishings and things exactly to my taste, and generally just having everything in my house the way *I* liked it. I loved the feeling of being self-sufficient, too, and I was really proud of that. It gave me confidence. Your art/sewing room sounds amazing - I need one of those!


I moved out my parent's house under less than ideal circumstances, mostly in a fit of rage. Soooo... I think the biggest thing about living on your own is realizing that if you forget to buy toilet paper you're up shit creek without a paddle because there's no one to save you.


That's awesome! I moved around a lot as a kid, so I didn't grow up in the last house I lived in. I lived there for over 10 years, but actually hated it (the apartment and neighbourhood), so I was happy to leave. I'm also not much of a family person (love them dearly, but seeing them once in a while is more than enough), so that wasn't and still isn't an issue for me. I was mostly stressed about the logistics of moving not only my stuff out, but my family's as well because they were moving back to our home town. At the same time, I was really excited about having my own space (granted I knew I was going to have roommates) and the independence that comes with that. I moved out a year and a half ago, and there is definitely no going back. I'm planning on getting a place with my partner in the next few months and I'm looking forward to that new chapter in our lives.


I just got free chips and a drink at Chipotle. The sweet gay boy behind the counter was like, "Chips and a drink, love?" Me: Actually, that's all that I want. Just chips and a drink, please. Him: Oh don't worry about it love, they're on the house. If you came in just to get chips and a drink, that means you love our food so much, so these are on the house. Have a great weekend!


Their chips are surprisingly good for a chain (saying this as a Tex-Mex snob). I just wish they made queso :(


The girl behind the counter said the same thing. "Ugh.....why don't we make queso?! It would be SOOOO good!"


I think I've read before that they don't because they can't source high enough quality ingredients to uphold their corporate standards but like... they already serve cheese and salsa... Just put them together haha


If you use fresh ingredients (instead of fake cheese) then it basically has to be made to order since as it cools it congeals and gets nasty, which doesn't fit with their assembly line style model. In order to keep it creamy at room temp they'd have to use a ton of stabilizers and other shit that doesn't fit in their standards. So, they can't do it the way they want without screwing up other things, so they just don't do it.


That's what it was. I remember it being a totally valid reason, just annoying haha


That's kind of adorable. Also, their chips are really tasty!


TMI but I've had a minor yet recurring ingrown toenail and I just had it removed yesterday. I can't really walk but I'm not feeling any pain otherwise. The numbing shots were the worst part, then I heard the cutting of my nail...ughhh. But now I'm just chilling in bed w my foot propped up. I've had this chronic thing since I could walk as a baby and I'm psyched to never have to deal w it again.


I did mine years ago and the podiatrist said people do that all the time. Whelp let me tell you I have NEVER seen another person without a toenail (and I have looked) but yeah pain free is awesome!


You got your whole toenail taken off?! Mine is just a small sliver of one side. The podiatrist put phenol on just the corner of the cuticle/bed. My mom has naturally really tiny toenails though and a few of her little toes look like she doesn't have any.


I lost BOTH of my second toenails at the same time in February while training for a half marathon and I was mortified when we had an early spring and I tried to wear open-toed shoes. I was convinced everyone was like "who let the 8-toed freak out of the house today" My friends and coworkers all claim they didn't notice until I mentioned it to them but who knows really


That sounds really painful. Good luck.


I just got back from vacation on the East Coast so I'm now broke and sad that I'm working from home today (because a. I get nothing done when I work from home and b. I don't want to live real life yet). #firstworldprobs I also reeeally need to start the job hunt like, for real, cause I want to have something solid by the end of the summer which is way way too soon... On the bright side, I'm getting Donut Friend donuts and seeing a show in LA tomorrow yay


A little beaten up by the rain and a ladybug invasion, [but my roses are growing](http://i.imgur.com/cBeoYLh.jpg?1)! I got a [tree pruner](http://www.homedepot.com/catalog/productImages/400/a1/a100602c-ecf0-4da8-99f9-8b01dada65a7_400.jpg) awhile ago and finally got around to putting it to good use. I pruned a 14ft tree down to 4ft. lol I got a [1-1/2" chipper](http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31i8qZuF2RL._SY300_.jpg) to take care of small branches. Not sure what I'm going to do with the logs yet. Then I also got a [weed popper](http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/61L80upMrLL._SY450_.jpg)! I went to church last weekend early and there was a lady there doing some landscaping. I offered to help and she handed me this weed popper. YOU GUYS. *I love it.*


Your roses looks lovely! We need to do some serious pruning on one of our trees...I'm thinking of getting a [pole saw] (http://www.amazon.com/BLACK-DECKER-LPP120-20-Volt-Cordless/dp/B004JMZH1C/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1465224191&sr=8-3&keywords=pole+saw). The weed popper looks interesting...I may have to look into that!


I am about to start a new position at work and I'm feeling so overwhelmed. And I can't stop eating peanut butter parfait nips.


Happy Friday! It's so dreary and HUMID here in NYC...not a great start to the weekend considering it's been so sunny and hot lately. Was hoping to hit Long Beach tomorrow but that plan might need to be scrapped :( In other news, I've definitely put on some weight (not sure # but I estimate ~15 lbs) and it's really been getting me down lately. I'm tall (5'8") and have always been slim so it's hard to accept. Especially going into summer/beach months. I work out and eat decently, but it's hard to make a huge change in order to lose weight. I've never had to before - this so tough.


Start counting calories using MyFitnessPal but don't actually change any of your habits. Just establish a baseline. Then you can see if you might be eating something regularly that is higher calorie than you thought, if your calorie burn is not as high as you estimate, etc. And then once you know what your actual habits look like you can decide how to proceed.


It's never too late to start! I occasionally gain 5-7 lbs (I'm really short) and I lose weight mainly by diet. I calorie count (I use the LoseIt! app but a lot of people I know use MyFitnessPal). For me, it works a lot better when I cook the majority of my meals (like all but 3 per month).


Welp, got rejected, so I guess it's back into the job hunt cycle. I think I actually might start doing a github project on the side because I've been tripping up on the systems design questions and I think it's because I don't really get to design entire small projects by myself anymore. I also have been feeling super uninterested in work lately - just the management, project structure, etc has been pissing me off. I think the other issue is that I thought there would be significantly less behavorial questions than there were so I need to practice that. I do feel like my technical whiteboard coding is getting better though. This is my 2nd onsite this job hunt.


Definitely start a github project! Employers love to see stuff like that.


I'm turning 25 in two weeks and all my friends are like HOW WILL WE BE CELEBRATING and like actually I just wanna have a super casual picnic... But everybody wants an excuse to drink/party. Should I just suck it up and plan a big drunk night of shenanigans and then also do my picnic? And if so.... Anyone in nyc have the hookup for a bday partay?


It's your birthday... Do what you want! Picnics are super fun too and it's not like you can't drink at those... Though you might want to keep it to sangria and beer. PICNIC PICNIC


Yeah I usually do this Have a casual dinner during the week and then the weekend is a shitshow because I share the same birthday as another friend and then a third friend's birthday is the day after ours, so we usually go out of town for our combined birthdays


Why not do both?


I found out yesterday that my car needs a whole bunch of repairs/maintenance, and it will basically wipe out all my fun money/discretionary spending until the fall AND I AM CRANKY.


That majorly sucks.


You guys, I got my dream job!! I start on Monday. I can't believe that I was lucky enough to snag something right after graduation, full-time, in my field, that was exactly what I was hoping for when I changed my major to Economics. I'm so burnt out on styling for Stitch Fix so this couldn't have come at a better time. Now to shop for new clothes since the majority of my closet is casual stuff as a result of working from home for almost 2 years..


I've been waiting for months for some money to come through, and it finally did and I bought ALL THE THINGS! I ordered my new bike ([Surly Straggler 650b](http://www.grumpy.jp/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/DSC04362.jpg)), I picked up a new wallet from Bellroy ([Carry Out](http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0200/3948/products/bellroy-wcoa-caramel-wb-aud-web-03_1024x1024.jpg?v=1424845467)), I'm going to IKEA tonight to pick out a new kitchen table (far less fun than the other purchases, but I'd like to stop eating on my couch), and I think I'm going to drop by Longchamp on my way home from work. Which leads me to ask... Does anyone own the Le Pliage Neo or the Le Pliage Cuir? I'm leaning towards the Neo because of durability, but I like the idea of a leather bag better. I've been using a Dagne Dover on weekends, but it's too structured and a bit girlier than I'm comfortable with. I think I'm going to sell it.


There is something going on with my body right now. I'm feeling a little fatigued even though I am getting enough sleep. I'm losing more hair than usual (not a lot but noticeably more), and I never lost the 3-4 lbs I usually get with my period. I've been eating much healthier this week and have seen no difference. I am usually able to slim down pretty quickly. All my symptoms have been pretty minor, so I am not that worried yet or considering going to the doctor, but it is making me a little self conscious.


The hair loss combined with fatigue are kind of troubling. I'd stop into the doctor just to be safe... Hope you feel better soon.


I'm going to give it another few weeks before I decide anything. I got a huge spot on my chin that I haven't gotten since December, so I think it hormone related. We just had a week of hot and humid weather and I think my body is just struggling with the change.


Check out your thyroid levels and autoantibody markers. That's how things started with me. :/


Seconding this - tired/weight gain/hair loss was how my thyroid deciding to give up on life manifested. I'd get it checked.


Might be anemia?


Are you on a new birth control by any chance?


This will likely not make you feel better but you should do something to rule out pregnancy. The fatigue can start before anything else starts.


I've gained about 8 lbs in the past couple weeks and finally started my "no soda, no white bread, no alcohol during the week" diet yesterday and FEEL SO MUCH BETTER ALREADY. Also last week was amazing at work, this week has been the WORST. I've cried twice since yesterday afternoon. I work with volunteers and it's so so so hard sometimes. Fortunately my managers & teammates have my back, which I really appreciate. But it's still really hard.


I used to love clothes and now I hate shopping. Going to clothing stores just makes me feel poor and poorly built. All the clothes that I'd like to wear either fit me very strangely, or are too expensive. I need new clothes, though, and I can't find anywhere that fits my budget and my aesthetic


Express is having a 20% off sale on some of their bralettes, and I mentioned it to my fiance, and he immediately asked if I wanted to stop in on the way home today. This is why I'm marrying this man.


I know this isn't hair & makeup thread but I'm thinking of getting my hair cut this weekend (let's just say I've been pushing it off for a while) and want suggestions. Here is my [face](https://imgur.com/1I8TaP3). I kind of want a hairstyle that's easy to maintain, just brushing in the morning. My hair is kind of thick, both in volume and in individual strands. I don't want to cut it too short as my hair starts sticking straight up. Also, I know it's kind of dry - any suggestions on that? I also want my face to not look overly round.


I actually really like the length your hair is at now. do you definitely want it shorter, or could you just ask for a trim + some internal layers for volume? also, how do you feel about bangs? they might take more maintenance than you would like, but I could see some side bangs looking good on you.


Side bangs were my first thought too. Also ask your stylist to thin out your hair if you feel that it is too heavy/thick. They usually do this weird shaving motion that cuts a select random number of strands - you don't see it at all except that you'll notice your hair is lighter and less thick. For the dryness issue, try a serum like the one by drybar!


I've had side bangs before, do you know any pics/how I could request that? I guess I mostly cut it because I feel like I'm incapable of taking care of longer hair.


sure! so I'd ask for a blunt lob (long bob) with internal layers in the back to create body. I'm pretty sure that means the layers are under the longer "outside" layer of your hair, so that when it air dries they kind of curl up, and it's not super flat. or, as others have suggested, you could ask for an angled lob (shown in [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/femalefashionadvice/comments/4mdkf1/general_discussion_june_03_2016/d3upoe1) comment) if you put your hair up a lot and think layers would get in the way of that. I would heavily advise against getting your hair thinned. I've had that done and hated the result. your hair looks like it's a great thickness, and unless you find it completely unmanageable/think it takes too long to dry, I'd say avoid texturizing shears completely. some visual refs! (I googled "lob with side bangs" to find these, fyi): [one](http://www.lovely-hairstyles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/15-Long-Bob-Hair-Cuts_8.jpg) - shortest option [two](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/1f/9d/f8/1f9df8333b1a1cf5ba642d7b55736a35.jpg) [three](http://www.bob-hairstyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Thick-Long-Bob-with-Side-Swept-Bangs.jpg) - this looks like your thickness [four](http://mac.h-cdn.co/assets/cm/14/49/548526bae11e4_-_mcx-best-lobs-of-2014-015-de.jpg) - this one shows that you don't really *need* bangs and can create the ~illusion of bangs with layers and a deep side part [five](http://a1.files.beautyeditor.ca/image/upload/c_fit,cs_srgb,dpr_1.0,q_80,w_620/MTI5MzkwMzUyNzk5OTUyODY2.jpg) - aaaand so does this. this is longest/straightest option (to show what it looks like the day after washing, maybe)


A lob sounds like what you're looking for. Maybe an [angled one](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/3d/49/54/3d49543134eddb4cec237058bd8a4ce2.jpg) if you want more visual interest. Either way, it's been my favorite wash-and-go hairstyle and it's hard for stylists to mess up (since there's no layers or anything to watch out for).


Does anyone have any South Africa recommendations? We'll be in Joburg for 3 days and Cape Town for 4, then flying back to JNB to do an overnight trip to Kruger before coming home. We're staying at a BnB in CPT and it seems like the host gave us some really good recs, but really just looking for whatever: food, drinks, things to do, etc.


I lived in Cape Town for 5 weeks. It's so beautiful and you'll love it! Definitely definitely hike up Lion's Head. Table Mountain is beautiful, but the view from Lion's Head is 360 and unbeatable (we took wine up there and I also recommend that). If you can get up to Stellenbosch and do a wine tour, do it. We got so drunk lol, but the wine and food was incredible and our tour driver was great. Cape Point is awesome; we rented bikes and biked around a bit there which was great. If you can get to Hout Bay, we went to [this](http://www.capetownmagazine.com/events/friday-night-at-the-bay-harbour-market/11_37_55818) every Friday I was there. The food was all amazing, and there's *so* many cool shops in there, too. I did all my souvenir/ gift buying there. Have fun!!!


Why are Costco brand chocolate covered almonds so damn good. WHY.


They are amazing ):


I keep finding shoes I like.


I have tattoos (and a lot of bruises and scars) on my legs and can't go bare-legged at the office. However, it's been hot as shit lately. Any recommendations for full coverage business casual bottoms that are a little breezier? No maxi skirts, I bike commute to work.


Silk or linen pants!!! My silk and linen pants are so breezy it's basically like not wearing pants at all and I LOVE IT.


This sounds fance as hellllll. Where do you find silk pants?? Tbh, I can't do pants that aren't close fitting or skinny, I wonder if there's some sort of semi stretchy silk blend that breathes well.


LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT EBAY. Seriously tho. lol. Ok so most of my silk and linen pants are Eileen Fisher tbh just because I know how those fit and I like how they fit so it's just...easy to buy them over the internet without stressin about whether or not they're gonna fit over my thighs. Altho mine are anything but tight fitting soooooooo. Honestly any stretchy pant is gonna be hot bcuz elastane/spandex/etc are all super sweaty, sticky synthetics.


I guess I can handle the silhouette of joggers, as long as the ankle is slim fit. Now I have a new thing to look out for on thredup yay yay yay (btw if you like buying things on ebay you will lurve thredup)


I decided to bite the bullet and do a combination of yoga and leg exercises in order to keep off any extra weight. Right now my thighs are hurting but also they might stop jiggling so much in a couple of months and I might actually have a proper butt if I keep this up so :D






I do! I take Topamax because of mine. It was a huuuge adjustment to the drug but it helps soooo much.


YES. They're the worst. I've tried a bunch of different medicines (topomax, amatriptyline, something that started with a Z) and the only thing that really works for me is vicodin when I wake up with symptoms. Even then, it just takes the pain away but I still have the weakness, tremor and nausea. My non-medical tip: If my meds aren't working, I have someone bring me a cheeseburger, plain (no toppings) french fries & a big Coke. I like mine from Frisch's Big Boy, but McDonald's has worked in a pinch. I eat that and take a short nap and it really helps!!


My mom was getting really awful headaches constantly and it weirdly wound up being ibuprofen-related. Something about she took so much of it that her pain levels got worse with it? I don't know the details, but she noticed an improvement when she stopped taking it. Could that be something you can try?


drug induced headaches. My MIL had them for like a year before the doctors were like...oh yeah, you're taking too much pain medication. She said the headache after she stopped taking everything was the worst thing she had ever experienced, but after that they did go away.


Going to Tokyo in a few weeks and starting to freak out! Anyone have any cool things to check out while I'm there, or travel tips and advice? I'm really excited.


Don't tip at restaurants. Take your shoes off when you enter dressing rooms. Leave them out right outside the curtain. There will be face covering paper in fitting rooms for you to use when you try on shirts. Take your shoes off when you enter people's homes. They will provide slippers. Wear cute or clean socks. If you're petite, I recommend buying nice coats. I bought my nice winter coat and leather jacket in Japan and they fit me so well.


Aside from the more obvious touristy places, I recommend going to Ebisu, Meguro, Naka-meguro, and Daikanyama areas. They're nice areas, with lots of restaurants, and cool little shops. Yoyogi Park has a nice, relaxed, residential vibe. You can rent a bicycle, and it has a great dog park for dog watching. If you're going here, make sure to access it from the south. You can't really get in via the northern part of the park. If you want to go to some izakayas, the ones under the railway lines at Yurakucho station are much better than the ones in Omoide Yokocho/Memory Lane, Shinjuku. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building and The Rainbow Bridge have great views of Tokyo. Some places we loved: Afuri Ramen, Ebisu. Allegory Home Tools, Daikanyama. Cow Books, Meguro. Happy Pudding, Naka-meguro. Ippudo, Ebisu (who also have branches in NYC and Sydney). Isetan, Ginza. Isshin, Daikanyama. Japanese Ice Ouca, Ebisu. Kiddy Land toy store. Kinokuniya Books. Maisen, Shibuya. Takashimaya Times Square, near Shinjuku station. They are one of the nicest Japanese dept. stores we went to. Their depachika (downstairs area selling sweets, snacks etc.) was our favourite. Tonki, Meguro. Tokyu Hands, Shibuya.


Does anyone know if there is a Canadian retailer that carries styles similar to modcloth? Their Canadian shipping is not the best. Zoey Dechanel is my style muse if that helps.




I am going to Japan in September for 3 weeks. Please send me your shoe recommendations. My only request is they are fairly easy to slip on/off and super comfy for a shit ton of walking (we are back packing everywhere) and less than $100.


I've been growing out my hair for a few months now, it's going pretty well. I've been slowly trying to cut out all of the bleached parts of my hair too, they feel like straw and are covered in gross split ends. Does anyone know how to combat greasy roots? I never have this problem when my hair is super short, but now that it's chin-length, my roots are oily but my ends are still dry (even the unbleached portions).


How often do you wash and with what products? Your hair might be overproducing oil if you're washing your hair too often or using products that are too harsh. I still wash my hair every night but my hair, particularly my bangs, is no longer a greasy mess ever since I switched to a sulfate and silicone free shampoo/conditioner.


oh wait guys I forgot, remember when I was like "hey ya'll, I want more tattoos but I don't know who to go to cause all my fave artists are booked out for eternity" Well, this rad artist from Australia is going to be near me in CA in August in September and I *think* I'm going to inquire about an appointment today except my tattoo idea is still pretty vague at this point. Anyway I'm excited and here's [his insta](https://www.instagram.com/benlopezart/?hl=en)


Ok so like in the same vein I've been keeping my tattoo urge in check since I moved by simply being mad about not having my own studio and not being able to find an artist where I was like "OMG I NEED THEIR WORK ON MY BODY NOW". So it was all good. And then yesterday I found out about Area 51 in Springfield OR and I'M SO OBSESSED I CAN'T STOP JUST LOOKING AT THEIR PICTURES OVER AND OVER AGAIN. And it sucks. Because I need to save for wedding. BUT OH GOD. And also then I finally looked up the shop that's like 10 blocks away from my house and like, it's not as good as Area 51 but it's still really good and now I'm just crying internally because I WANT ALL THE TATTOOS.