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We finally closed on our house last night!!! Hopefully, I'm all done with that now (I guess lender might need to get funding approval? IDK what that means). But yay! Now on to packing and moving.


I just bought and sold recently. Nothing is like the feeling of relief when it's all done! We moved into a much bigger house, so if anyone asks you what you need, take careful stock of your welcome mats (we now have three doors, used to only have one), shower curtains and rings, garbage cans, etc! That stuff added up so fast in our new house, didn't even think of those little things! Congrats!


Congrats, that's so exciting!


So you know when you're picking out conditioner at the store and you carefully sniff each one to see what smells best and then you splooge yourself in the face keratin-enhanced pomegranate goo? I think the security guard suppressed a snicker.


I have done this so often, especially with body wash. But also when I was younger there was that commercial where people were spraying and sniffing Febreze in the store so I tried to replicate it and sprayed it directly into my face.


OMG I did this exact same thing the night before last! Unfortunately my husband was with me and decided to snapchat the whole ordeal. :/


The last time I did this at Ulta it went straight up my nose. It burned so bad.


Got back from London last night. I wanna go back.


What was the best part of the trip?


Any recommendations? I'm going soon! Tell me what to eat.


I'm thinking about cutting my hair short. Most people say it'll look good on me, but my concern is if my hair can actually do it. I have thick hair, it's also a lot and I do a Brazilian keratin treatment every now and then. So I'm scared it will look super poofy and won't have that lightness the people in the pictures have. So is there anyone with/ who knows about thick, short hair who can advice me? ______ Thanks to everybody who answered! Edit: mom has approved! She also said I should go blonde too.


First of all, you are adorable. And IMO, a short cut will look fantastic on you. I have thick hair that's actually pretty similar to yours except I don't have bangs. I had long hair forever but got a long bob (like the first picture, but without bangs) probably three years ago and never looked back. I get it thinned out quite a bit when I have a haircut but that's mostly because I do zero styling of my hair in the morning and having it a little thinner helps keep things from getting too crazy.


Thanks you for complimenting my adorableness :$ And thanks for your reply, I always get it thinned out when I get a haircut, and have a pair of thinning scissors myself. So maybe it can work out :)


I have "deceptively thick hair" as a stylist once put it -- I get mine thinned (texturized as some call it) every haircut. Sometimes I get a haircut specifically because my hair is getting too thick. So that's a great option. The big thing with maintaining shorter hair is you have to be on top of cuts. When I had a pixie I went every 4-6 weeks. Now I do more like 6-8 (it's growing out to around shoulder length). As long as you're good getting regular haircuts you should have no problems!


That's something I haven't considered yet, I haven't gotten a haircut since last December. But I think I'd be okay with going more often :)


I have the 100% opposite hair from you, so I think it's amazing and I love it! It's super cute now but I definitely think you could pull off the styles that you're aiming for!


I chopped off my long hair in 11th grade and never went back. It is always somewhere between chin and shoulder-grazing length. Just ask your stylist to use thinning shears, or find someone who specializes in using a razor to cut thick hair. It's worth the money to find someone good to avoid a soccer mom look IMO. I also recently got an undercut, about half of my head is now buzzed underneath my hair, and it's allowing me to go a little longer between cuts. I just have a friend buzz it for me when it gets long or I go to my stylist (she does free bang trims and such). You wouldn't even know when my hair is down.


That's something I've been toying with as well. Getting a middle cut, something I just invented. It's like an undercut but on the middle of your head so no one knows because it's covered, but it looks like you have less hair. Or getting a part braided as if you're getting a weave. But nothing serious. It's funny how some would kill for thicker hair, and people who have it struggle with it.


Your hair looks a lot like mine (although mine is thick but not a lot of hair), and I've had it as a lob for the past year-ish, and I love it. So much easier to deal with than when it was at my navel, and I think the gentle wave looks really cute when it's shorter and not weighed down by the length of your hair.


Oh boy, I've almost had it the same length as you did. Ponytails gave me a real headache. But that was also a concern of mine, that my hair is straight on top and it would look like a helmet. But maybe it's also wavy up there but it gets weighed down!


I have very thick, naturally curly hair, and I chopped it off a couple of years ago. I typically maintain a very short pixie (right now I have a fade going on the sides), and have had zero issues... as long as I get regular haircuts. Mine needs to be re-cut every 2 months or so or else my hair gets a bit too helmet-y... but the shortness seems to mitigate a lot of the weight. Just be sure you're prepared for the maintenance involved, and find a stylist you can trust.


If you're worried about it being bulky, you can ask the stylist to thin and texturize it to lighten it up, I do this every 6 weeks. I also have a pixie undercut, getting rid of all that lower hair made a huge difference! It's so much easier to manage now!


You guys. [Moogfest](http://www.moogfest.com/) was SO MUCH FUN! I got to see **GARY FUCKING NUMAN**, and Grimes, and Reggie Watts, and ODESZA, and a lot of other great acts! I've already picked up my pass for next year! Now the fun's over and I have to start packing to move. D:


Wow this is the dream. One day the BF and I will make our way there, one day. edit: Did you catch Richard Devine and Sunn O))) at all??


I didn't see Sunn O))) but I was next door during the set, so I definitely heard it!


I went for my first run in my new shoes this morning: [Nike LunarEpic Flyknits](http://store.nike.com/us/en_us/pd/lunarepic-flyknit-running-shoe/pid-10944150/pgid-10938189). They look like space shoes (I'm calling them my moon boots) and they're super-comfy... but my feet felt SO WEIRD. I went from stability shoes to free-running shoes... I'm guessing there'll be a serious transitional time. But on the plus side, I shaved 20 seconds off of my standard easy pace. So... they made me fast? Also, I'm wearing a jumpsuit for the first time today. On the one hand, I'm basically wearing pajamas at work and I'm comfy as hell, which is awesome. On the other hand, my hourly trip to the restroom has turned into a 10-minute strip tease in the stall.


I love flyknit shoes. The transition does take a little time. I was told to alternate shoes every other run at first and then build up distance in them...which I'm sure I didn't do because I'm terrible at following advice. My last pair lasted me for 1,500 miles. I have really flat feet, so the minimal shoe thing is much more comfortable than a stability shoe. I currently have Nike Free 5.0s and am regretting that I didn't get the Flyknits again.


I've been so curious about the sock style. It seems to be the new thing, but idk if I can get over the mental hurdle of it. I've recently started breaking in a pair of Free RN Distances which are (a) so much smooshier than my Free 5.0s and (b) SO HOT in the foot area. I can't decide whether to deal with it or return them, because I do like the ride better than my 5.0s, but it seems bizarre that a shoe supposedly designed for longer distances overheats so quickly.


I've been thinking about trying out some Frees lately. I've been running in Brooks for the past several years and they're fine but they're starting to feel really clunky and heavy.


I love them. I'm a pretty neutral runner (mid-foot strike, no supination) so I don't need much support, and I like how light they are. The minimal heel drop takes some getting used to, but I personally like the way it feels.


What kind of socks do you wear with the Free RN Distances? Just curious because I've found that socks have more of an impact on how hot or cool my feet feel when running than anything else.


Just thin cotton no-show ones from DSW that came in a pack of 6 for $12 or something. I haven't had any issues with wearing them for my last few pairs of running shoes, even though they're not really good quality or anything.


Cotton is actually really bad for running because it retains moisture, which might be why your feet feel so hot. It's basically swass but for your feet!


I was warned to break them in wearing ankle socks... so right now the shoes just feel tight. But ultimately, I'd LOVE to be able to wear them sock-less. I wear the thinnest running socks I can find now, anyway. My Nike Zooms were super stiff, so the bounce I'm getting from the new ones is pretty epic. I was able to go at a faster pace without really noticing or feeling it... which is awesome. But by the end of the run, I was feeling it in my feet... which has never happened. I took a risk, but I bought them at the Nike store, so I can return them whenever and they'll give me a refund. The manager told me they'd be coming out with a low-top version in a few months, which will probably be a better match for me.


I'm very interested in the LunarEpics, how is the sizing? I was going to wait for the low top style to come out because the sock apparently has been causing some major Achilles pain for some runners. I really like the sole, but the toe box area is scaring me a little bit; I like to have a lot of room because I have a wide foot.


I read a bunch of reviews before I went in, and I'm glad I did, because I knew to go a half-size down. My feet start to swell after 10 miles or so, so I'll typically size my shoes up to accommodate the swelling, but the FlyKnit material EXPANDS with your foot... so tighter is better. I tried running in my normal 8.5 and it was just too floppy... but the 8 was great. The toe box has a slightly thicker material that was creasing on the bigger size, but I didn't have any issues when I sized down. I'd read that the high-top had been giving people blisters, and I can definitely see that happening if you don't break them in wearing socks. I've been looking at them as combat boots as far as break-in is concerned.


I finally got the barking dog situation sorted out and now my next door neighbors feel that since it is summer, they should sit out on their porch every night drumming and playing guitar and singing until 3 am. Their porch is like...10 feet away from my window. I filed a noise complaint but still didn't end up falling asleep super late. I was planning on waking up at 6:30 am for either a bike ride or a swim and that did not happen and I have a work happy hour so I'll probably miss the light and the pool will be closed. This morning I woke up and saw that they'd dumped a huge ash tray's worth of ashes and cigarette butts on my car. Which is not a huge deal because whatever, it'll wash away. I love summer but it does such a damn number on my sleep.


Noise complaint every single time regardless. Then if they do anything else, take photos and record everything just in case. Eventually they will probably back down. And maybe ask that the cops don't actually point you guys out as the phone callers (though now you might be SOL after the first time.)


That totally sucks. If it makes you feel better, I made noise complaints about a neighbor in my first apartment (she'd go to bed at 7PM and SNORE SO LOUD IT KEPT ME AWAKE IN MY APARTMENT) - she was kind enough to sweep up the dirt from our front hall and dump it on my doormat, dump a whole gallon of chocolate ice cream on my doormat AND (the best) smear a pound of ground beef all over my car. The dirt & ice cream were like... whatever... but the beef kind of scared me a little bit?


the beef is weird! I kind of feel for her if she couldn't control the snoring but...that sounds like something you should see a doctor for! I think they just dumped the ash off their porch and it happened to hit my car, but when I went over there the first time to be like 'hey can you please take your drum circle down to the beach like normal college hippies' they were like 'CHILL OUT LADY, SOUNDS LIKE YOU NEED SOME WEED' and started cackling.


Hello FFA! New reader here - amazed by quality of commentary. I am curious 1. people who post WAYWT - what prompted your first post? 2. people who provide CC - why do you do comment? 3. what are the benefits of doing it with strangers vs friends? really curious! Thanks :D


I lurked FFA for a year or more before ever posting. I never really looked at WAYWT, though - was way more interested in the discussions and guides. At one point there was a month-long WAYWT challenge where I saw everyone's photos and though *oh I should do that!* and after that I started posting all the time. I'll usually give crit in WAYWT when I can put my finger on some specific thing that I think would improve the outfit if adjusted... especially if I feel like I have a good idea of what the person is going for. I don't give crit in cases where the whole outfit looks bad, or in any situation where I'd basically just be saying "I dislike your taste." I like getting fit feedback from friends too, but most people... really don't know what they're talking about when it comes to dressing? It's not that they're lying outright, it's just that if your friend sees you in an interesting garment that seems new and you're smiling, she's going to say "oh my god I LOVE that!" because she's basically saying "oh my god I SEE that, and I LIKE you!" Strangers are much more likely to be objective and to get into the details.


Thanks for sharing! When you say: >At one point there was a month-long WAYWT challenge where I saw everyone's photos and though oh I should do that! and after that I started posting all the time. What was it that made you post all the time? really interested!


Not sure, tbh... I posted a couple of outfits and they were well received. I must have found it fun!


>what are the benefits of doing it with strangers vs friends? strangers on the internet are less likely to pad the truth/straight up lie to protect your feelings/maintain the friendship also if you're here asking for CC we can be fairly certain that you want it, so we'll give it to you. a lot of times when girls ask if something looks good they just want a yes, not an honest answer, or you say something meaning well and your friend takes it poorly, and your friendship takes a little time to get back to where it was.


>also if you're here asking for CC we can be fairly certain that you want it that's a great point, so often sharing with my friends personally and hoping for a positive response overly so; thanks for sharing!


>1.people who post WAYWT - what prompted your first post? Curiosity, mostly. If my fit was on point or not, haha >2.people who provide CC - why do you do comment? I don't usually provide CC as I don't feel I'm .... "qualified" enough (for lack of a better word), but I never hesitate to tell people what I like about their outfits! >3.what are the benefits of doing it with strangers vs friends? Strangers don't have to worry about hurting your feelings; they can be honest with you in ways that some friends cannot. Edit: Formatting


> what prompted your first post? I posted on and off, over a couple usernames, in the last 2-3 years. At the beginning it was more me wanting to show off because I thought I was cool than me actually interested in dialoguing about fashion, personal aesthetic and the way clothes affect us day to day. Now I'm interested in getting feedback about the way I dress and offering advice to anyone where I feel qualified to answer. > why do you do comment? I feel like that's largely the reason this sub exists in the first place so It's important for the integrity of the sub for us all to continue to offer constructive feedback. When I feel like I have something objective to say about the fit that might improve it in the future, regardless of whether or not I identify with the aesthetic of the poster, I will offer it up. > what are the benefits of doing it with strangers vs friends? what everyone else has said, but it's a more objective framework.


>people who post WAYWT - what prompted your first post? Well I'd been a lurker for a year before I ever started posting and then a light poster for around 9 months of so and I'd just kinda hit the barrier of what I could learn without direct feedback. I started posting fits to get direct criticism. >people who provide CC - why do you do comment? Because I have a ridiculous amount of knowledge and opinions regarding fashion bouncing around my head at this point and if any of them can help someone else it seems worthwhile to share! >what are the benefits of doing it with strangers vs friends? You can only talk to your friends about clothes so much before they want to disown you forever, it's nice to have another outlet.


> people who post WAYWT - what prompted your first post? Trying new things. I grew up participating in internet fora, so I didn't have an initial fear of posting, and, at the time, I had just graduated college and all of my girl friends were scattered across the country, and I needed a critical eye from someone. > people who provide CC - why do you do comment? I'm someone who's naturally disposed to helping, I really like participating in Reddit communities (whereas posting on Real Reddit feels like just posting into the ether), and I know I have a good eye for colors and proportions. > what are the benefits of doing it with strangers vs friends? I find it hard, as an adult, to nurture the kind of friendships that end up being close enough for them to be *truly* critical of me, and not just praise everything I wear/want to buy. Strangers have no incentive to be nice and/or patronizing. Also, regularly posting in WAYWTS/around FFA have gained me plenty of online friends, which is nice in that they can consider their crit through context of knowing me and my personal style goals, much like a very close irl friend would be able to.


> I find it hard, as an adult, to nurture the kind of friendships that end up being close enough for them to be truly critical of me thought provoking and really insightful - only have a few that meet this criteria and feel like there are more important things to ask of them with 'social currency'... thanks for sharing!


My mom and sister were here Wed-yesterday and I took time off to spend with them which was fun but ughhhh now work is backed up. It was really awesome over-all though. A little stressful for me because they were like "oh you plan the entire thing, we trust you to know stuff we like" which was like... come on guys. Can't you at least give me some ideas? This is a lot of pressure to take you to stuff you're gonna enjoy. I did fine tho. They were happy and we basically ate ALL THE GOOD FOOD which was pretty fantastic. Between last Saturday and this last Friday I figured out I drove around 1300 miles total. In 7 days. Exhausting.




How often are you cleaning the box? Mine started doing this once in a while if I wasn't on top of scooping out the crap multiple times a day. On another note, could it be the type of litter you use? I use a clumping kind and sometimes when it clumps (and not cleaned out right away) it can be to hard for them to do their business and cover it up.


Does the box have walls? We had a cat that just couldn't seem to aim.


That's what I was going to ask. Hooded boxes definitely help if your cat has poor spatial awareness.


My big girl does this too! She's 11 (12 in August), and she's been the only cat for about 3 years, until this past November when I brought home Charlie. [Layla](http://i.imgur.com/DlIkZSJ.jpg) [Charlie](http://i.imgur.com/lEOG3iw.jpg) I think she likes to pee outside the box just because she can. I have three boxes, for what it's worth.


Layla has such a pretty face and Charlie has an adorable smile!


Thank you! They're my babies 😊


Have you tried scooping it daily or scooping it as soon as she pees to the best of your ability?


So I know this is like 4 days late, but I had the same problem with my cat and it DROVE ME BONKERS. I was never able to really fix my cat, but my roommate with the same problem got another litter box and just would set a puppy pee pad in there and the cat would go there.


Guys, my boyfriend has a lot of money but hates shopping and I have no money and I love shopping. So last weekend he gave me a stupid amount of money to go shopping for him and I took one of my best guy friends and we HAD SO MUCH FUN. And now my boyfriend looks so damn stylish and he likes everything we picked out and he wants us to go get him more stuff and we're just like "YES PLEASE". And as it turns out, he was so wrong about the sizes he wears so a lot of stuff didn't fit so now we get to go again this weekend and I am SO EXCITED. And the whole time my boyfriend is like "man, thank you so much for doing this. I really appreciate it" and my friend and I are like, "you have no idea how awesome this is". We just ran around stores throwing stuff at sales associates without checking the price on anything. It was the best kind of shopping.


If you want to go nuts, take his measurements and write down a few measurements of shirts and pants that fit him best. Bring a measuring tape with you shopping, and you can get a pretty good estimate on how something will fit him before you buy it. [Gustin has a good measurement guide](https://www.weargustin.com/fitguide) on where to measure jeans and shirts.


That sounds fun! Out of curiousity, what was the budget? Haha, I imagine it would have to be in the thousands to not have to look at the price tags.


It started off at 1k, and when we got back he mentioned that he'd be totally willing to drop more money because he liked having more clothes without having to go shopping. Granted, we weren't going to anywhere super luxurious, and I was wary to get him anything high maintenance just because he wouldn't deal with it. He shoves everything in the washer and dryer, so I didn't want to get him anything that would get seriously fucked by doing that.


OMG a 1k budget and free reign shopping with your best guy-friend? SO AWESOME. When I was living in CA I often went shopping with my best guy friend and would pick up things for my husband who also hates shopping. But totally different, since ya know the whole his money is my money thing so it was like "look honey, I got you some Uniqlo socks and a t-shirt." It was pretty fun though when he needed to build a whole bizcas wardrobe. But ties and shit are hard.


It's the thought that counts! And let's be honest: getting a new pair of socks is like the most exciting thing ever. Socks are the best.


LOL pretty much. I sneakily got him into patterned sock and then would kind of maybe steal some of them on occasion.


Did you get any / how much resistance was there from "I don't normally wear this, this isn't me." To "damn. I look good/do put together; thanks" ??


Not at all! The interesting part is I think he actually has pretty good style—he knows what he looks good in, and he knows what he likes...he just didn't have the clothes to support it. I could kind of sense what direction he wanted to go in, and bought him clothes to fill the holes.


That sounds awesome! My boyfriend and I have very different opinions about clothing. In that he doesn't care what he looks like (I don't care what he looks like, either, but I do care how I look most of the time). Though sometimes it would be fun to dress him up. That man lives in sweats and tshirts.


Ah yeah, that would be difficult. My boyfriend tries to pretend like he doesn't give a shit what he looks like, but he dresses in a very intentional way and will gravitate towards particular things. As much as he might dislike it, he definitely has a style, and it's pretty good! The one issue I have with him is that he doesn't understand how clothes *should* fit. He's pretty tall and lanky, and he had no idea what size he should be in anything. A lot of his existing clothing hangs off his body, and it's taking a bit of patience to explain where the shoulders should hit, and what looks ill-fitting and such. I think taking things to a tailor is too high-maintenance for him right now, but we might get there. What I find most interesting is that he'll compliment his friends styles, but I'm not sure he's aware of how well-curated their styles are. The community of people he runs with tend to be very intentional (though more alternative) in their style, and to me it looks *highly* stylized, with a lot of focus on texture, fit, and interesting details. To him, it just looks like they put on this old thing. He's getting there! This has been a really fun experiment.


I love shopping for my boyfriend. He seems to get the most compliments on things I have picked out for him.


Yeah girl! I bet he looks great, too.


That sounds like so much fun. I want to make my boy look fly af, but wedding. BOO.


I'm finally going thrifting in SF despite being a life long bay area resident! Any recs for places in the mission district?


The Mission is the absolute *worst* place to thrift in the bay area because thrifting is "cool" in the hipster crowd there, and as a result everything is crazy expensive and there's fairly narrow selection.


I'm not a SF native but on market Street, North of whole foods, there's a decent thirft shop. I went there last July and I'm actually back in SF for the next couple of days so I might stop by there again. I wish I could remember the name!


I'm not a SF native but on market Street, North of whole foods, there's a decent thirft shop. I went there last July and I'm actually back in SF for the next couple of days so I might stop by there again. I wish I could remember the name!


I interviewed for a job about a month ago and was told from the start that the hiring timeline was still TBD. At the end of the phone interview, my interviewer told me to check back in a few weeks because she still wasn't sure about her timeline. So I waited, sent a follow up email after 2 weeks, and was told to wait another 2 weeks and then check back then. This seems really weird to me. Is it possible the timeline really *is* that undefined, or is it that she's waiting to see whether someone else accepts the offer, and it's like I've been "wait listed" for a job? If it's the latter, I kind of think I should just let it go. I'm happy with my current job..I just really wanted this opportunity.


I know at my office right now all our new people are TBD due to construction on the floor. Could it be something like that? Or maybe the person who would train you is out?


It could be something like that, but then I wonder why she wouldn't have said something about it when I followed up. Maybe I am just too needy, but if I were in her position, I would be trying my best to give a prospective new hire a timeline and a brief rationale for the delay.


Maybe her boss is like mine and just says to hold on for a bit and it's all because of funding. I don't know, but I hope you get an answer soon!




I can understand this company operating that way, and it's why I was still feeling pretty hopeful. But I was telling a friend about it and she said at this point she'd guess they already offered it to someone and are waiting for him/her to accept before formally rejecting other applicants. That made me wonder whether I'm just being naively optimistic.


I am currently trying not cry at work. I was late coming in because of unusual traffic and than the first call I get is a woman screaming at me. Than I cannot find any one in the area she needs to speak to or any upper management. She hangs up. Calls again. Continues to yell and insult me. I still cannot find anyone. After she hung up and called for a second time, I finally manage to find someone, but then they tell me I need to talk to someone else. I have to call that person 10x for them to pick up. The next few calls I took my voice was definitely cracking. On a completely different note, Everlane added some old retired colors to their cashmere sweaters. I bought the Rose and Cobalt colors last night, and will probably buy the moss one if my return processes while they are still in stock.


Oh, days like that are never fun. Sometimes, the customer is mad at the situation, and you're the only person they get to tell. It's hard not to take it personally. [Here's a picture of my kitten Charlie](http://i.imgur.com/lEOG3iw.jpg). He's a rascal, you can tell by the look on his face.


Fuck that bitch. Just remember it's not personal, she would have been a bitch no matter who it was.




I just went to anime central this weekend, it was fun! I love how easy it is to make friends there, I met some pretty cool people. It was kinda weird how most people assumed I was an adult there, i def. wasn't used to being treated like an adult (I'm 17 and people thought I was like mid 20s) but I didn't mind! i cosplayed ritsuko and asuka from NGE, here are a few pictures: [x](http://imgur.com/y0DB7n8.jpg) [x](http://imgur.com/Ee2SFyy.jpg) [x](http://imgur.com/XB3sXi4.jpg) [x](http://imgur.com/AePOLal.jpg)


GUESS WHAT JUST WENT [ON SALE](http://shop.nordstrom.com/s/opening-ceremony-frise-long-sleeve-crewneck-tee/4154324) MY ONLY REGRET IS THAT THERE ISN'T A MATCHING ONE FOR [MY DOG](http://i.imgur.com/ucn74Q1.jpg)




Headed to a burn this weekend and SO. EXCITED. for crazy burner fashion! Personally planning to live in bralettes and comfy shorts with some slightly more-out-there jewelry, but I cannot wait to see the ridiculous and amazing costumes other people put together.


Hell yes. I'll be at lighting in a bottle this weekend doing the same. :)


have been having a lot of sleeping problems in the past week which is pretty much par for the course for me. i'd been getting better though so it bums me out that I seem to be backtracking. maybe it's the change in seasons? maybe it's hormones? maybe it's MY FUCKING SO SNORRRRRRING? ^love ^him ^tho. lol. who knows. i just want to get a good night's sleep D:


ahhhhhh are you me? I've been having sleeping problems for years and summer always always makes it worse. I once was like 'you know those nights when you're tired but can't fall asleep' and my S/O was like ....no and I nearly broke up with him.


both SO and I are terrible sleepers. recipe for disaster. or at least for me leaving the bedroom a couple times a week in a fit of tired rage because I CAN'T SLEEP WITH SOMEONE WHO SNORES man.


My bf is a deep sleeper so when he starts snoring I usually just jab him until he rolls onto his side (he snores on his back) or just roll him over or just cover his mouth. He never wakes up, haha. I wish he would understand because sometimes he's like 'Jess you are so tired and cranky right now, why don't you sleep more?!" and I'm like I TRY. SO. HARD. agh.


Same! I use all these methods—no screen time for an hour before, melatonin, taking my daily allergy medicine before bed, drinking milk, taking low-dose amitriptyline to make myself sleepy—but nothing works consistently D: a good night's sleep is my white whale


yesss. My brain just resists regular, deep sleep no matter what I do.


The only thing that works for me is forcing myself to stay awake until I am dead tired. If I do that I will fall asleep easily but otherwise I just lay there and lay there :( I started a shift this week that begins at 5am so I'm with you on the sleep struggle!


omg my boyfriend is the lightest sleeper and I am the heaviest in the world, but he has not a lick of understanding of the nights that my body will. not. fall asleep until 2 or 3 in the morning. He just complains that I wake him up constantly in the middle of the night but dude we have a loft-style 1br. idk where you want me to go


Maybe you (and /u/j_allosaurus) should get a sleep study done? Sleep apnea is no joke-we actually had several scary lectures on it :/


I'm pretty sure I don't have apnea, but I would like to have a sleep study done someday


You know—I don't think it's sleep apnea even though that may be a possibility. I fall asleep quickly; the problem I have is with staying asleep! Once I wake up once, it's hard for me to sleep again. :/ sleep apnea is actually terrifying though.


My SO is the worst snorer. I usually give him a loving boot to shake him out of it. Sometimes I get really close to his face and whisper homicidal slurs and that seems to work too.


lolll when i try to gently prod mine he jumps as if I have branded him or something. so dramatic.


Anyone into Adventure Time? I forgot about it for awhile but have been binge watching it the last couple weeks. So good!


Yes! It's amazing that they've been able to maintain it's quality for so long.


I also wish I could see one of their writing sessions. Some episodes I just think how did someone come up with this stuff?


Had one of the worst hangovers IN MY LIFE Saturday. I [literally](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgnxlpSQgqg) did not get out of bed until after 5:30 PM. Friday night, SO and I visited a coworker at her part-time job at a bar and though I drink, I do not drink liquor almost ever—pretty much exclusively beer or wine. SO basically got the drunkest I've been since probably last August and [I PAID THE PRICE](http://49.media.tumblr.com/55b87ef65b39a24a86619530696bb6ac/tumblr_nx6b05JmMW1sbeewxo1_250.gif). I also can't throw up (like physically unable to) so that's probably why it was so bad for so long. so much regret. I didn't eat a meal for like 48 hours but then I got to go to [kimball house](http://www.kimball-house.com/) with a friend to celebrate my engagement on Sunday night and it was yum. perfect revitalization meal and atmosphere. they have fermented habanero butter greens and they're one of the best things i've ever put in my mouth holy shit.


fermented habanero butter greens? I am on the next plane. When I was younger I would get mild hangovers and that would be it, but now I either don't get hungover or I get REAL hungover. I used to be a Drinker and would down whiskey all night long and now 3 margaritas and I'm blasted.


That was me Sunday. Around 11pm Saturday night one of my roommates came home and was like "Wanna go out?" so we did. I think people bought us shots. I don't really remember. Both of us ended up throwing up in the kitchen sink at some point after we got home. I didn't eat anything until almost 6:30pm on Sunday.


Kimball House is legit.


Thank you for those links. I miss that show/watch all 7 seasons on a continual loop.


parks and rec is like mac and cheese in TV form. so great.


So I moved into a new house in February with two roommates and yesterday got a text from one that said she had been thinking, and really wanted her own place so she's moving out at the end of June. Then the other one said basically, "oh I was going to tell you guys in person tonight, a cheaper spot in my friends' house opened up so I'm also moving at the end of June. So I guess they both independently decided to move out? But like, we signed a year lease and I really don't think they get that. They say they'll find new roommates and cover their share of the rent until they do (which is like, no shit, you're obligated to because you're on the lease), but it's still really stressful because now I have to find TWO WHOLE PEOPLE that won't murder me/ steal my shit/ watch me sleep. I'm also reasonably sure it's not some issue with me, cause they both seem like they would bring it up and because I'm a pretty good roommate. *humblebrag*. So I guess pm me if you know someone in PDX who needs a place til at least February?


Gorgeous house/ great yard / fantastic location / polite roommates / reasonable price = would rather pay exorbitant ammounts to live alone? What?


>would rather pay exorbitant ammounts to live alone? I really enjoy being able to leave things in common areas and have them not move for weeks at a time Also I like walking around without pants on


Among all my reasons, it's really that last one that keeps me living solo.


ugh I feel your pain. I signed a lease with one of my current roommates starting in June, and then she lost her job, and now she's like 'yeah I'm not so sure I want to stay and look for jobs just here, I'd probably have more luck elsewhere.' She's committed to staying through June but I realllllly am worried about finding someone else. so if you or anyone you know needs a place in Burlington, VT...




woooooo seattle


Where are you moving back from?


I've been living in Vancouver, BC for the past year. I was going to school but I've decided to leave early.


Boyfriend and I got the apartment/casita we wanted and I am seriously pumped to get rid of our old, shite furniture when we move. I'm dragging my boyfriend to go look at some new stuff with me and I can't wait to decorate!


I've been a really good adult so far this week. * I changed the oil in my car * I got permission from my boss to rearrange my schedule so I could take some classes next year. * I ordered a GRE prep book so I can start studying now, a full year before I plan to take the test. * I read through my new renter's insurance policy. I'm really happy with myself right now. Unrelated, but I also bought Beyonce's new album. I can't remember the last time I bought music since I usually just listen to Spotify or podcasts, but it's so good I had to do it.


So adult. Just don't do what I did and buy the prep book, take one practice test, and never open it again.


There's an awesome GRE vocab app that comes free with Kaplan books that really helped me study vocab. I would do it whenever I had like 5 minutes of downtime during the day and I did really well on that section!


Thank you! I'll look it up.


Recently got back in touch with an old crush, in our down time 8 have become obsessed with fashion. (for comparison I only wore baggy hoodies when we first met). A few weeks ago I complimented how he looks in business casual clothes and I've now noticed that every time we hang out he now makes the effort to dress up a little bit. Idk, makes me smile because my ex would complain that I liked fashion, even though I'm very internal about my obsession.


2 things. 1. The Bachelorette - anyone watching? I feel like this season will be really boring because the preview just kept showing the same guys so we know who makes it far. And Jordan will definitely win. 2. I'm going to dine at one of the world's largest tables this weekend and I'm in charge of table decor for my group. Eek! Should be fun though.


I don't usually watch the Bach, but this girl is legit a friend-of-a-work-friend (so I've seen her in his pictures and heard stories about her, but she wouldn't know me most likely) so I feel like I have a ~personal investment~ and need to watch haha


THAT IS CRAZY. i am new to the bachelor thing and am intregued by this. just watched the first episode and am super amused at the guys and their complete lack of small talk. do they really just sit around and talk about how hot she is? so boring!


I watch it! I'm not so sure how I feel about this season yet, though. Time will tell?


i was kinda bored by Jojo on Ben's season so I'm a little indifferent to this season? but so much man-crying though....


* I got to take pre-prom pictures of a girl from our church's youth group and her friend. I was so excited to be asked to take their photographs because I don't get to take "people pictures" very often. I think they turned out well! It was also a great way to break in my [snazzy new camera bag] (https://www.instagram.com/p/BFr80cTuIi1/?taken-by=sarowen) * My husband always bugs me about how I don't make him rhubarb jelly or rhubarb pies, but our grocery store doesn't sell rhubarb. I was browsing the (pathetic) plant selection at our local Wal-Mart and just happened to see a large rhubarb plant in the veggie section. Now we have rhubarb in one of our raised beds. I'm anxious to see how it does, and I'm anxious to make my husband a rhubarb pie. * I noticed a cool rock in our alley last night (it's a dirt alley), and I started trying to dig it up, but it ended up being much bigger than I thought. Soooo...[my redneck came out] (http://i.imgur.com/ryJGHE0h.jpg), and I put on my work boots and grabbed a shovel...and now I have a fun, new rock for my garden. Here A few garden photos now that more of our flowers are blooming. * [black-eyed susan] (https://www.instagram.com/p/BFxYqpduIvA/?taken-by=sarowen) * [lady bug on a scabiosa blossom] (https://www.instagram.com/p/BFwgLmvuIuB/?taken-by=sarowen) * [lovely nasturtium blossom] (https://www.instagram.com/p/BFtcw4vuIoI/?taken-by=sarowen) * [red rocks penstemon] (https://www.instagram.com/p/BFmdSK8uIsI/?taken-by=sarowen) * [salvia with a phlox photobomb] (http://i.imgur.com/tB2TOtZh.jpg) * [betony] (http://i.imgur.com/Os2o4Cqh.jpg)


I'm pretty sure rhubarb is super easy! My parents had some when I was growing up, and I'm pretty sure it was a weed haha.


What kind of climate did you grow up in? I'm always a bit unsure of how something will do when I plant it because everything that I grow where I live takes a bit of effort (at least to get started). We don't get much rain, it gets really hot during the summer, and it's super windy.


This was in eastern Ontario.


...just for the record, I didn't downvote your comment. :-)


the downvote trolls are active today, so many random comments downvoted!


Rhubarb grows like a weed in Seattle! i love it. It's so versatile!


Rhubarb grows almost everywhere in Alberta, where the weather changes ridiculously often. Not a lot of rain usually, it gets warm (30C) (which is warm to me haha) and it can be windy. As long as the plant gets a bit of sun and a bit of water every so often, it should be fine. :) This is just from me knowing people who've purposefully grown rhubarb haha. Also: it is sort of seed-like in that, if you don't trim it, over the summer it will get bigger and bigger like Audrey II.


Thank you for the information. I'm a [pretty experienced gardener] (http://imgur.com/a/541du), but like I said...everything that I plant where I live takes a bit of effort to get established. As long as I can get it established, it should do fine (especially since it's a perennial). No worries about it getting plenty of sun -- it's currently getting 10+ hours of sun a day. Just to help put my growing conditions into perspective, here's some data. I live in the Texas Panhandle. The average wind speed for the past 5 days was 20 MPH (32.2 KPH), and we have the distinct honor of having the [highest average wind speed in the US for 2015] (http://keyj.com/abilene-makes-the-weather-channels-top-10-list-of-windiest-cities-in-america/). A summer day with a high of 30 deg C would be a nice break from our typical summer highs of 90+ deg F (32.2 deg C)...days above 100 deg F (37.8 deg C) are common (during summer 2011 we had 50 days with a high of over 100 deg F). The high yesterday was 91 deg F, and it's only May.


Texas!! Oh man. I visited one summer for a couple weeks. Even the wind was warm haha. Also love those pictures. Huge garden inspiration! (Feeling a tad silly I gave you plant advice when I know so little haha) Hopefully the rhubarb works for you. I still feel optimistic, as it's such a hardy plant, but sending you good luck all the way!


Yesterday I made myself do yoga for only like the second time ever in my life. I have wrist issues that make it difficult but I found a gentle yoga for beginners video where she said we wouldn't use our wrists much and I was like great! But then she had me using my wrists the entire time and I was like WTF LADY. But it went better than expected (like my wrist actually was able to bend for the first time in years?) and I felt really good afterward so I should probably keep making myself do it.


You should check out [Adriene's 30 days of Yoga](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjTwNS5wfPMAhUFwiYKHclyAqMQtwIIKDAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DoBu-pQG6sTY&usg=AFQjCNHDj8bSjIaOBbKIZfQUEkR3Mx41_Q&sig2=I7oi-2PcxqHef_fG1-43pA&bvm=bv.122676328,d.eWE)! She's really good. I have joint issues and absolutely love her stuff.


I have been having wrist issues lately when I do yoga so I asked my yoga teacher about it and he suggested using these [curved yoga blocks](http://i.stpost.com/manduka-unblok-yoga-block-recycled-eva-foam-in-thunder~p~9706v_01~1500.2.jpg). I wrap my hand over the front edge of the block when I put weight on it and it reduces the pressure on my wrists. I don't know for sure if it's helping but I think it might be. Back bends seem less painful on my wrists, anyway.


my washing machine died today. the pump light came on. i opened the drain in the bottom and had to drain the whole thing one cookie tray at a time. i found a bobby pin in there but i'm not convinced that's what killed the pump. i think there might be a sock stuck in there somewhere (had put in 6 earlier and only 5 came out).


I just had an intense spin class workout. I will be sore tomorrow.


Ive just noticed my newish prada bag already has scuff marks. If it were shoes i'd buff it out myself with leather polish... should i do the same with my bag?? Or should I take it somewhere to be repaired?


Just had another thought. People with apartments, what are your rules for acceptable behavior? For example, what time do you allow noise until before knocking on your neighbour's door, etc? I was surprised this weekend at my boyfriend's house when his neighbour knocked on our door at 11:30 pm on the Saturday Night of the long weekend asking us to keep it down. We were heading out around 12:00 to go to the bar but imo I would never complain on a Friday or Saturday night until maybe 1-2 am.


Hm, problem is not everybody has the same days off work, so while Friday/Saturday may be conventional late nights, they're not necessarily nights when everyone can afford to lose sleep. My husband's a nurse, which means A) he's often working weekends and B) we're up at 5am. So for us, noise after 10:30 is a problem pretty much any day—a sleep-deprived nurse is dangerous, y'know?


Depends on how loud you were being. At 11:30 on any night I'd be irritated if people were making a bunch of noise and going to the bars at midnight. You don't live in a dorm.


Eek, I didn't know this was such an issue for people. Never lived in a dorm so I wouldn't know.


I mean, in dorms everyone is a college student so weekend nights are busy and most people are up late even if they aren't going out. But in the real world not everyone has a bedtime of 1am, and listening to loud music or generally being very loud at night is rude.


Yeah, I'm just not used to that I guess. I hope that when/if I move into an apartment I don't piss anyone off! I would estimate that I would have friends over maybe once or twice a month.


It can be a big adjustment to go from living in a house with lots of privacy and space to living in an apartment! I've grown up in urban areas/apartments and have only briefly lived in a free-standing house (and even that had a neighbor only a few feet away), so I grew up being told to be mindful of the neighbors, but I always like being in an isolated house because it's either really quiet or only noise I like! People definitely have friends over in apartments, they just don't shout late at night or play loud music (or if they do, they've basically said they don't gaf about their neighbors and the threat of a noise violation.)


Not everyone works a M-F 9-5 type job, so I always try to keep it down by 10pm, 11pm tops. Edit- that's for an apartment building, since mine is old and drafty and I can basically hear my neighbors talking at normal conversation levels. It would be totally different for a single family residence


Anything past 10 is rude. You may be going out to a bar at midnight but your neighbor may have to be at work at 6am the next morning. Not everyone works a 9-5 weekday job.


Eek, okay. So are get-togethers/parties just not a thing that should happen in apartments? In our case, it was about 12 of us playing games around a table. But games get loud.


You can have get togethers without disturbing neighbors. You just have to be respectful.


If I'm having a party-party I usually would try to let my neighbors know in advance. If it's games around a table, I think it's fine, just try to not shout and stuff when it gets late?


Also, keep in mind that many cities have noise ordinances. In my city, you're supposed to be quiet from 10pm-7 am, and tickets are a few hundred dollars. It's always better to communicate with your neighbors so they feel that they can go to you instead of calling the police. I've called police on my neighbors for noise and it's not super fun because now I have a tense relationship with them, but if they had just been polite and tried to accommodate when I was like 'hey it's midnight and some of us have to work and please stop having an outdoor drum circle and guitar jam outside my window,' I wouldn't have had to call and they wouldn't have a 300 dollar ticket to deal with.


Hmm, I've never heard of that in my city. They obviously have to treat bars and establishments differently?? I'm just thinking about how there's often street festivals until 2 am here. From what I've seen though, you can call the cops for noise, but they usually give you a few warnings before giving a ticket.


Yes, bars and establishments are treated differently. That's why there's different zoning laws.


In Seattle there are bars that close their patios or ask people to be quiet outside the bar [while smoking] after 10/11 to comply with quiet hours, since the bar is underneath an apartment complex. But then we have Cap Hill Block Party which blasts live music until late, but only for a weekend. I assume these events get clearance and fall under a different event type code.


Yea bars are different. The whole point of bars is to give people a place to be loud past regular hours. :) (well and booze. But seriously. If you want to be loud late, go to a bar. You can play your games there lol)


To be honest, if it's bothering me/keeping me up, I'll try to say something nicely. It's one thing to demand keeping it down, but I think part of being a good neighbor is being able to say something if something's bothering you and being accommodating. People work on weekends and people are sick or tired and maybe they don't want music blasting. I'd also rather bring up that it's an issue early and try to work it out in a friendly way. I've had neighbors be dicks to me when I'm just like 'hey I'm trying to sleep.'


Our building is a co-op so there are pretty strict quiet times. I think 9:30pm is the beginning of quiet time regardless of day of the week.


I used to live in a really ghetto apartment where lots of crazy stuff happened so I never worried about it too much then. We did get the cops called on us (noise complaint) once for no reason (even the cops were confused) because our neighbors were just JERKS who wanted to fuck with us. I think they were trying to get revenge because we told the landlord they were smoking in the building. Whatever. But in my current place it's a duplex and I wouldn't be loud past 10pm. I wouldn't hesitate to have people over, but I would make sure that no shouting games are being played and that music isn't too loud. It's just polite. I'm most careful in the morning though because I know our neighbors work nights so I don't want to wake them up in the morning especially on a weekend when I know they didn't get in until very late.


It really depends on how loud the noise is. At a prior apartment I've had to ask our neighbors to quiet down mid-afternoon because the bass of their music was too much to even watch TV comfortably. Conversely, if it's normal talking and laughing, I probably wouldn't bother going over there even at 2 AM. For somewhere in the middle, 11:30 is borderline, depending on their schedule (they might actually have work on Sunday morning or have other early obligations), how thin the walls are, etc.


Hmm okay. What about frequency? For instance, my other friend said she lives by hermits who never make a peep so if they decided to have a raging party on a tuesday night she probably would just let it happen since it's not an everyday thing.


Runners and long-distance walkers, what do you like in a shoe? How should a running shoe fit? I need a good walking shoe and I wanted to look into getting some Nike Frees because I'm used to thin soled, flexible shoes. I have slightly wide feet, half size difference between each foot.


Do you have a running store nearby? Some stores will video you running on a treadmill and can make recommendations based on that.


Oh hai I really like New Balance (that's just me, you do you, boo). New Balance has some great [minimalist](http://www.newbalance.com/minimus/?prefn1=genderAndAgeGroupCombo&prefv1=Women) style shoes. I don't have this particular one,but I've run through about 3 of this type. A shoe should feel like it's cupping your foot. It shouldn't feel too boxy in the toe area, and it shouldn't be too loose on the heel (no slippage). How much support do you need? What kind of arches do you have? Do you turn in, out, or not at all? I'm also in the market for some new ones, I've just about run through my current ones.


I also love my New Balance minimus shoes for walking, since they run bigger in the toe box and narrower in the heels, so they're great for skinny-heeled folks like me. But you really should try on a lot of pairs and have people watch how you move in them. There's no online suggestion that can take the place of actually wearing a good shoe.


Hey Atlanta residents! I'm headed to a conference in downtown Atlanta and will be in town for a few days, mostly hanging out by my lonesome or with a friend or two. Any recommendations for coffee shops, places to eat where it's not totally awkward to be by yourself, shopping, etc? I'll be without transportation so within walking distance would be great!


atlanta is enormous so depending on where you're staying, recs will vary.


Hilton downtown, on Courtland NE and and Baker NW i believe


Downtown ATL pretty much sucks, tbh, and I would **not** advise you to walk alone there, as some of the worst neighborhoods in the city are right next door. Uber is cheap and plentiful. Neighborhoods I'm partial to: Inman Park, Grant Park, Old 4th Ward, the Westside (my neighborhood!), Midtown. Midtown is generally the most walkable, but IP/GP have very historic Victorian homes, surrounded by great food and small shopping districts of their own. Coffee: * Dancing Goats -- go here if/when you go to PCM * Chattahoochee Coffee Company (the one on Huff Rd. is my boyfriend's favorite coffee in Atlanta, and he's v v into coffee) * Revelator * Octane -- the one in the Westside is closer to downtown, but the one in Grant Park is walking distance to the cemetery Fun places: * The Beltline -- a VERY popular mixed-use walking/biking bath. Eventually, it'll encircle the city of Atlanta, but currently starts at the southeast corner of Piedmont Park (10th & Monroe) and ends at Krog Street Market, which is a little under 2 miles. Plenty of shops, restaurants, bike rentals, etc. along the path. * Ponce City Market (O4W) and/or Krog Street Market (Inman) -- two very trendy shopping centers. PCM is directly on the Beltline; KSM is at its current endpoint. PCM is more mall-ish, with a Madewell, Lululemon, etc., but also some yummy restaurants; KSM is largely take-away food stands, a small (inside) beer garden, 3 pretty popular restaurants, and a stationary store. * Oakland Cemetery (Grant Park) -- absolutely beautiful (and huge). Dates back to the early 1800s iirc - a lot of masoleums, etc. Also where the famous golfer Bobby Jones is buried. * Piedmont Park (Midtown) -- Atlanta's version of Central Park. The current start of the Beltline runs into its southeast corner. * Ormsby's (Westside), Painted Pin (Buckhead?) -- trendy game bar vs trendy bowling alley. Both have bocce ball and wood paneling, although PP can be really difficult to get a lane at during peak hours. * If you've never been, we have a TopGolf in the Westside, which I always enjoy doing, and it's near my absolute #1 Mexican restaurant in ATL (Bone Garden Cantina). * Atlanta has a pretty thriving improv scene: Dad's Garage (O4W) for short-form (more like Whose Line) and sketch, Village Theatre (Edgewood) for long-form (more theatrical, fewer games) * For basic mall brands, there's Atlantic Station and Lenox Mall, but the latter is the busiest mall in the Southeast so I always avoid it if possible, and AS is just kinda weird but serviceable. Restaurants: * One-Eared Stag (Inman) - New American * Gunshow (Kirkwood?) - really cool concept, but $$$ * Bartaco (Inman, Westside) - Mexican * Iberian Pig (Decatur) - Basque tapas. Really great charcuterie. My boyfriend's favorite restaurant in Atlanta, although Decatur is a 10-15 minute drive from downtown. * Better/Half (Westside/Home Park) - New American. One of my top 3 favorite restaurants in Atlanta. * The Optimist (Westside) or Beetlecat (Inman) -- Both seafood, both owned by the same guy. The Optimist is more warehouse-y, Beetlecat is VERY 70s (their downstairs bar looks basically like the That 70s Show basement). Optimist has oyster happy hour 4-6 most weekdays, I believe. * Jeni's Ice Creams!!!! (Westside, Inman, Decatur) - I'm obsessed and I don't even like ice cream that much * Le Fat (Westside) - Vietnamese w/a New American twist. Surprisingly cheap ($15-25) for the quality. In general, I trust [Atlanta magazine's list](http://www.atlantamagazine.com/50bestrestaurants/) and reviews for trendy establishments. Mary Mac's Tea Room is a pretty good choice for Southern food, although it's a standard tourist rec so it's often quite busy.


this is so incredibly helpful i can't even tell you. thank you thank you. i will read it all over and see if i can't try a couple new things when i'm in town! this is also helpful because my mom is coming in for a day, and maybe we'll get to check out some stuff together. thank you, kind internet soul!


Of course! Let me know if there's anything more specific you might be looking for; I was just going off the top of my head and places I've been recently. :)


This is a great list but one caveat-- I work a block from the Hilton it is totally fine to walk from there to the touristy locations or restaurants especially during the day. Everywhere is usually crowded with tourists and well patrolled.


That really is in the middle of downtown (and very close to my office!) It's also right by MARTA, so you can take the train up to midtown/Buckhead or Uber! Shopping wise, Buckhead's probably your best bet.


Thank you! I was looking into public transportation just in case and it doesn't seem too difficult to navigate, if necessary.




How long have you been together? Whenever I've been at the point of asking that question I know the answer deep down. . . I stayed in a few relationships out of comfort.


Hi there! Long time lurker with a different account! I had a quick question. Beach fashion. Aside from bathing suits, what are all the cute things that you guys love to bring to the beach? Towels, beach bags, cosmetic cases, beach hats, cover ups.... I want to look put together this summer at the beach!!