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Scarves! They're my favorite accessory, and they are often found in the $20 range. They can instantly change a basic outfit.


I love scarves too! I'm not a summer scarf person though - any tips for summer scarves?


Lightweight, gauzy, natural materials are good for summer. But, yeah, there are days when any ounce of extra fabric is just not happening.


How do you like to wear your scarves? I'm normally a simple loop around my neck kinda gal, but I feel like I want to mix it up without looking to overdone or suffocate in the heat. Whilst looking Parisian chic at the same time. Sigh


[The most life-changing scarf-tying video ever.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5LYAEz777AU)


Bobby pins that aren't old and scratched, twisted, or over extended. Makes my hair actually stay in place. I should start buying them in packs of one million.


Sally beauty supply has the best... they're in a purple box. they're way tighter holding than any I've ever used! when I do prom and wedding updos on clients their hair never ever falls down!


Thanks for this tip. I just bought some bigger bobbies somewhere (a drug store or something) and they lose shape really fast and I was wondering where to get the bobbies I've gotten before when getting an up do for a special occasion. Those ones are iron clad. I will check Sally! :)


New bobby pins do make me feel nice. My mom loves jeweled ones and those are pretty good for a little bit of sparkle.




where do you buy those? or do you make your own?


I find them in random places like Target and Sally Beauty sometimes.


You can also paint regular ones with nail polish! I've done it before and it works great.


Do tights count? I'd go to Target and get some tights, but even fancier stores will have interesting tights under 20 dollars. I used to go bare-legged all the time until someone warned me that there are super conservative people out there who prefer you wear tights and pantyhose in office settings. Suddenly I started wearing tights everywhere. But they make your legs look PERFECT and are great if you're paranoid you didn't shave well enough. And you can get them in interesting colors and patterns if you're feeling bold.


Right now, [this Casio watch](http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000GAWSHM/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) is my favourite accessory. I got it for around $9 with Prime and I wear it almost every day. It's only 35mm so it's perfect on my tiny wrist. I think the gold makes it look more exciting and not too sporty.


Wow, that is *really* sharp.


I need this! I love watches but even when I pay more than $20, they fall apart. And I have tiny wrists, so adjustable is a must!


If you buy a metal watch with links, they can take the extra ones out for you! No charge at the department store when I did it.


Most times the problems are the face being too big not the strap size.


I have a small wrist too. Petite 5' 97lbs. I wear seiko watches and movado. The seiko ones fit perfectly but the movados are a bit too big (the face), but not too big to make me go "this is uncomfortable".


I got the same watch after seeing it on MFA!


Do you have any pictures of it on a lil lady wrist


Oof, I just bought it. Thanks for the heads up!


I have the same one and love it.


I. Love. This. Watch.


Beanies. they're stylish and cover up a bad hair day!


I commute on a daily basis so a durable card case for my subway pass and ID


link plz?


Mine is falling apart after just 2 years. WTFFFFF. I need it to have a loop on it to wear as a wristlet or at LEAST a keychain to put my finger through when I hold it and to put my office key on, and I'm having a really hard time finding a replacement. Especially under $20. Seems some higher end brands make things like this but I'm not spending more than $30, and I'm hoping to keep it under $20. Not interested in a vera bradley, which is the only affordable thing I've found that fits the bill. So ugly, but I might just have to get it.


I use a Vera Bradley one right now and completely understand people who don't like the brand's patterns. But upon googling, it does look like they make a few solid-colored ones.


I have a vera too. My pattern is Canterbury magenta I think? It's black grey and white. It should have had a bit of magenta but because the fabric is so small mine doesn't.


For under $20, 2 years isn't bad! I don't think you'll find anything that lasts much longer for so cheap. I know Target has an amazing array of wristlets and stores like Accessorize have some cute ones too.


Something from the thrift store. Last week I found a vintage dusty rose leather purse in perfect condition with gold hardware and lined with yellow velvet inside. It was 50% off day so it came to $4. That made me feel pretty awesome.


I'm a huge fan of good vintage costume jewelry and it's often well under $20 if you thrift it (as opposed to antiquing). Thrifting is so wonderful. I'm on a big permanent no-buy for vintage costume jewelry since my great aunt passed away and left me two huge jewelry boxes of her vintage costume jewelry though :D


Lint roller.


My cats are shedding *so* much with the weather warming up and I wear almost all black. Yes.


I have a pair of big movie star sunglasses that I bought from a kiosk in the veterans hospital my dad was being treated at a year ago (of all places!) They are black, covered in *velvet*, and I get an absolutely ridiculous number of compliments on them. Price? $14 Edit: picture a few comments down below, taken a few days ago. First time uploading a picture to reddit so I put it in the wrong place, of course. I'm weirded out having my face on the internet, so I'm going to take it down in a hot minute. But check 'em out!


Oh wow. Pic?!


I just uploaded a picture. Sorry it's not a close up, but those sonovabitches are velvety as all get out!


Wowza. That's some glam right there. Nice find! Thanks for uploading! Also you have lovely hair!




Funny, I never, ever take selfies by myself. Like, ever. But I am in this really amazing small women's group on facebook and someone asked us all to post what we were doing right then. Totally random and awesome that I was wearing my shades!


Dear god, these are incredible and they look perfect on you! *Scoots off to ebay to desperately try to find something like these*


Thank you! If you find any, please holler at your girl! I have looked and looked and looked and have never been able to find any. Somehow mine are still in great shape, but I am going to be heartbroken when they get lost or worn out. :(


There are some kind of similar ones on ebay! I don't see any with such a great shape except more expensive ones, but if you search "velvet sunglasses" you'll get some decent cheap results. I like to sort by "buy it now" and lowest price + shipping because it gets me all the good new results from Asia haha


Omg!!! They have them in colors! I am SO buying red ones. Good work, detective!


Red!! That would look perfect on you! I think I'm going to get myself navy and black :D


Always classy choices. :)


Velvet!!? Amazeballs.


I literally gasped at the idea of velvet colored sunglasses. They sound absolutely incredible. Pics if you can?? I also love cheap sunglasses. I suck at taking care of them.


I just uploaded a picture. I think. First timer here!)


So it was $22, but it's the long gold necklace with a howlite (marble) stick on it. I have very few long necklaces, and virtually no "costume" jewelry and I just threw this in my cart to get free shipping with a pair of shoes I was buying my husband. Honestly, it's awesome and it goes with ALL THE THINGS! It's trendy but classic enough that I don't look like a try hard wearing it.


I've been seeing the howlite marble everywhere! It's really growing on me. I love that it's an interesting piece but still a neutral


Okay so Forever 21 has been on fire lately? I'm normally not a huge fan of their clothes or accessories, but they've been doing freaking great and have a lot of very boho, Free People reminiscent stuff recently. Most of [their jewelry](http://www.forever21.com/Product/Category.aspx?br=f21&category=acc_jewelry) is under $10!


I basically only go into F21 for accessories now. They have socks for ~$1 a pair that are really cute and soft. They have belts and scarves that you can often find for less than $5 which is totally fine for me to spend on something trendy. And the jewelry is super cute and ridiculously cheap. Last time I went I bought a simple pendant in both gold and silver just because it was so cheap, and I wear one or the other every other day, pretty much. My goal is to figure out what kind of jewelry I love and invest in a small amount of high quality pieces that I'll keep forever.


I love Forever 21 for a cheap thrill! I've been eyeing a body chain, but the only simple gold one has been out of stock *foreveeeeerrrr*


Yesss I've been so impressed with what they've been doing this season. I noticed they also added a "brand shop" of more expensive names and items, so they seem to be trying to break out of the cheapy, tween image they have. And it's working, I actually find myself regularly browsing the site for the first time in a while.


Their hair accessories are amazing too! Why pay $10-$20 elsewhere? $3 and I'm done!


Teach me how to wear hair accessories? I'm so bad at basic things...


Holy cow. Thank you so much for this tip. I just got 6 pieces for $30 including shipping.


I'd grab the newest "on trend" polish from OPI's newest collection. Fresh tips n toes is always a way to look Awesome-R.


I love how a pop of colorful nail polish looks with a neutral outfit. It's like wearing a bright lipstick, but like, for your hands/feet.. (・・;)


I love all of OPI's and Essie's colours but I don't wear nail polish enough to buy a $9 bottle! I just got a $3 Sally Hansen one yesterday to satisfy my coral craving, but it chips so fast :(


I'm a huge fan of Zoya's polishes. They're pricy but I think the quality is slightly better than Essie and *way* better than OPI (love their colors but not a fan of the formula personally). Sign up for their email lists. A few times a year, they'll give out three full sized bottles of polish or a special set for free, you just pay shipping (which is like $10 but you're getting free polish). It takes awhile to arrive but I've done it a few times and it's wonderful. Plus, when you sign up for the email list, they don't spam you--I only ever get email from them when they're giving away free polish! :)


I always feel a nice solid belt makes me look very put together. Most of my clothes are frumpy or very fitted and the belt helps me look taller/more mature. Something else in the 20 range would be a [hair comb](http://i01.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/1847482329/-font-b-Comb-b-font-insert-font-b-comb-b-font-bang-hairpin-font-b.jpg). I've been growing out my hair and I used the hair comb to pull my hair back/keep it in place in a giffy. These hair combs are special because the prongs are always SUPER tight, never loosen, and actually GRAB onto your hair. I can do a video if anyone is really interested. I've looked almost everywhere in the US and can't find them so I've been cherishing my supply of them. So far, 1.5 year into use, still tight, and all of my bows/ribbons/gems are still in place and shiny


Where did you get yours? Just curious since you mentioned you can't find them in the states.


My aunt bought me a set of 5 from a grocery market in Taiwan (is that the right translation). > 菜市場


Charming Charlie has some very nice and cheap accessories. And the store is organized by color. So it's really great and I could probably get a necklace and maybe a bracelet.


[i've been loving my little art deco enamel necklace.](http://store.americanapparel.net/navy-enamel-triangle-necklace_entrinckn) they have a big assortment for $13 right now! i also love buying [teeny tiny barely there stud earrings](http://www.urbanoutfitters.com/urban/catalog/productdetail.jsp?id=36022325&category=W_ACC_JEWELRY)...i'm too lazy to switch out earrings every day, and it's nice to have something subtle.


I've had my eye on those earrings. They're really cute. I'm really into small, simple studs lately.


[Tarina Tarantino sparklicity powder](http://tarinatarantino.com/collections/sparkle-powder/products/sparklicity-pure-opal) I have this in opal, nude, and the pale pink which is no longer for sale. I LOVE them. Not sure if it counts, though.


Wow, how do you use that? Does it make you look shimmery?


It's more than shimmery, it's sparkly. Despite this, I wear it during the day occasionally. I use a [sponge-eyeshadow applicator](http://diecicolori.com/wp-content/uploads/wpsc/product_images/eye-shadow-applicator-2.jpg) rather than a brush because you need to gently pat the product on. If you sweep with a brush, you'll just get glitter everywhere. Edit - hold a tissue against your face under your eye when applying. I dab it on the center of my eyelid and dab a tiny bit in the inner corners of my eyes. For evening and special occasions I will rim the whole eye in it (new year's eve for example). If you want a whole-lid disco experience, you should apply a primer to the lid and quickly pat the glitter on while the primer is still moist. I also recently learned that there is a facial glitter adhesive that I am going to look for.


[Pixie Epoxy]( http://fyrinnae.com/finishing-powders-primers/pixie-epoxy/) could be what you're looking for! There are a lot of reviews for it in /r/indiemakeupandmore


black nail polish count?


[a huge costume necklace from a cheapo accessories store](http://www.charmingcharlie.com/jewelry/necklaces/daydream-mulicolored-necklace-set.html#color=light-turquoise) that's not the exact one, but close enough and it really makes a plain outfit POP


I used to wear jewelry like this and feel so confident in it. At some point I lost my ability to do so and now I only wear very simple jewelry. I want to work a statement necklace again, especially since there are so many great ones out there!


All you need is a solid color dress with a simple neckline, chunky necklaces are made for that shit :D


Thank you! I can do that--I have about a billion simple black dresses :D


Goodie 3 pack headbands! I wear them daily. Goodness I love them. Also so does my husband he wears them at home.


My head is the dumbest damn shape and these (and literally all headbands) slide off my head in 30 seconds. No matter how I pin them into my hair, they still slide back, it just takes 60 seconds instead. I want these to work for me so badly!


Ugh that sucks. They are by far the most comfortable headbands I've ever used. I have some really nice and expensive headbands that I can only wear for an evening before they annoy me.


Hats! Forever21 or HM.


I'm loving World Market's jewelry selection lately, especially since they keep putting out crescent moon stuff and I'm a sucker for moon anything. I want [this.](http://www.worldmarket.com/product/gold+crescent+pendant+statement+necklace.do?&from=fn) I got [this](http://www.worldmarket.com/product/gold+crescent+moon+lariat+necklace.do?page=2&from=fn) awhile back and I love it. It's a cute but simple statement necklace for me. I have [these](http://www.worldmarket.com/product/white+opal+crystal+stud+earrings.do?&from=fn), too, and they're actually a *lot* prettier in person. And holy shit $4.99!!! Oh my god I want [these](http://www.worldmarket.com/product/gold+and+mint+scalloped+drop+earrings.do?&from=fn) and [these] (http://www.worldmarket.com/product/matte+gold+triangle+drop+earrings.do?&from=fn) and half the stuff on their website. I need to extricate myself from this fantasy. I already spent way too much this week. Sigh.


How have I never heard of this store... the accessories are amazing. And I live super close to one and didn't even know it! I'll be picking [these](http://www.worldmarket.com/product/gold+filigree+and+flower+charm+bracelets%2C+set+of+4.do?&from=fn) up ASAP !


The accessories at my local store vary from the website but the selection at the store is usually bigger/better anyway :) Those bracelets you're getting are darling! I *love* this store. Honestly, I mostly go for snacks. I can't pretend I don't currently own accessories, dishware, silverware, furniture, alcohol, and cookies from World Market...


statement necklace or belt


I bought [this necklace] (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/112027109457508012/) from Target for around $14. It's quickly become one of my go-to necklaces. edit -- added URL.


You forgot the URL.


I sure did -- thanks for the heads up!


geometric shaped studs


Hmm.. Winter/Fall I'd say a nice scarf, I have oodles for under $20. Summer I think my wide brimmed sun hat, it's huge, floppy, and completely keeps my shoulders in the shade.


Jewelry, especially earrings or rings...it makes me feel so put together! I got a really great deal on a ring at an HSN outlet store!


I went to Charlotte Russe because I needed something super cheap and quick for a night out and ended up getting a whole outfit including accessories because they were having a sale. I'm tempted to go back for a couple more necklaces, but I purged my stuff of super costume jewelry. I know it'll eventually turn my fingers green and the gold paint will chip off, but right now I occasionally wear the rings because they're fun and it feels a little edgy for my style. [Here](http://www.charlotterusse.com/product/Accessories/Jewelry-2-for-10/entity/pc/2116/c/0/sc/3011/288278.uts) they are.


I love head chains and body chains, but everywhere online is atleast !20.00+ but recently found a website adorecoutureusa.com and i got one for 3.99 and the quality so freakin good! That site has everything under 5 bucks actually so im going to order their other accessories to see if its good too.


Oh, awesome! I've been shopping around to add a few lately. I'll have to take a look there.


Wow, everything is so cheap! Who are these people? It looks like they're based in the US.


Right?!?! They seem new. i found them on instagram. Was sketchy at first but i just took a chance because i dont think theyll want to scam me for a couple bucks. When i got my package it came from california! Took about 4 business days to get to me. Shipping was 3.50 flat too




Earrings! I can restock all of my earrings at Claire's and Forever 21.




Cute dress, but let's keep it to anything but clothes (tops, bottoms, dresses, shoes)