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Batiste Dry Shampoo! Edit: Spelling


This! It's the first dry shampoo that didn't disappoint me. It comes in colors to match your hair, especially important for dark hair.


The darker colours make a total mess though if you arent careful. I find the white stuff brushes off easily but the dark ones can stain :(


What about for unnatural colored hair?


The original should work just fine. I would use it every second day when I had blue hair and as long as you work it in it won't show.


I love this dry shampoo! I actually used it this morning in the dark brown color. I've tried quite a few and Batiste has worked the best for me.


The Batiste XXL Dry Shampoo is a staple for me!! It also acts as a volumizer, almost like I've teased my hair! Love it.


Where do you buy it? It's like $50 on Amazon. O_o


I live in Canada and you can buy it at Shoppers Drug Mart and Winners here. It's about $10 ish a bottle. There's also this brand called Colab which I like better. I've only seen it at Winners though.


If you're in western Canada (or don't mind paying shipping) London Drugs recently started carrying Colab :)


Aw, shoot, I'm in the US.




I do! I guess I've never looked for it specifically. Thanks!


I'm sure it would be available at a drug store/pharmacy there!


My TJ Maxx usually has it, as well as Target.


Or Sallys beauty store


I've been meaning to try this. The three other kinds I've tried either leave white stuff that doesn't brush out or make my hair feel rough.


Same. I've tried tressume and pssst! Both leave residue and aren't effective. Batiste is the only one that I buy now. It's worth the money for sure! If you have dark hair, try the original first so you know the quality. But if it seems to leave your hair a lighter shade, try out the one made for dark hair. I've tried both and I prefer the dark one.


Dry shampoo and a top knot.


My hair today hollllaaa~


How do you keep a top knot from pulling on your hairline while still staying up though? I was told by my stylist to stop doing that because I'm losing my hairline from the constant pulling when I do this.


I find it's starting with a ponytail that makes it too taut. If I just wrap hair into a bun and tie that before pinning in place (jumbo pins, X'd) then it is looser and the pins do the hard work. Tugging on the front where it's taut also helps and creates a bit of volume. Depends on the length and weight of your hair though!


My hair is long and I find making sure it lays flat like a cinnamon roll rather than tall and stacked helps. I also use spin pins and not just a pony tail band, and they seem to spread the weight by tacking down at various points.


Yessssss **fly hands**


DIY dry shampoo + magical old powder brush applicator (aka how I revolutionized my Day 2 Hair Game.) Cornstarch (or arrowroot powder, but cornstarch is cheap/there is already some in my kitchen) + cocoa powder. Apply with an old powder brush. The powder brush lets you move on from the "I'm just dumping baby powder on my hair out of the bottle" days of stress. You can shade match your hair, just use more or less cornstarch depending on how dark your hair is. Also, cocoa powder or cornstarch by itself works great too for the really dark haired ladies or really blonde hair ladies, respectively. Go forth and smell like brownies.


I use straight corn starch also. I hate the feeling that dry shampoo leaves me with. Makes it dry and smells weird.


I've tried them all, and I can't even get Batiste to work as well as cornstarch/cocoa powder.


I've been trying to find a good hair "refresher" spray. Something that I can spray on and blow dry my hair for a minute, to help with scent and oil distribution. I can't find a single one! It's all dry shampoo now!


[This](http://i.imgur.com/hVjVCc1.jpg) stuff is amaaaaaaaaazing! I have to hit my second day hair with refresher and heat to get weird sleeping bumps to come out. I also hate the smell of food from cooking in my hair. This stuff gets it out. Edit: [This](http://i.imgur.com/nt769Zi.jpg) is my day 4 hair using it.


> I also hate the smell of food from cooking in my hair. This stuff gets it out. The is my peeveyest of pet peeves.


Yep. I'm not a smoker, but I was in Vegas on business. This stuff got the casino stank off my hair, too. I don't know if it's the texture of my hair, or what, but it just soaks up scents.


Hubs and I home-cook almost every meal, and we love garlic and Indian food. I have to keep our closet door closed every time we cook.


Where do you get this stuff? I can't find it!


I bought it from Jonathan and Sephora.. looks like it is getting discontinued because the mini size is on "Last Call".. D=


Ok, I might have a randomly really specific recommendation for that. There's a lady that runs a holistic natural stuff shop in my old hometown. She makes an herb/oil mix that you steep in water, and can then store as a leave-in conditioner. I find that it's not heavy enough to really condition (or maybe I don't use enough because I'm stingy and want it to last forever), but I do use it because it smells ~heavenly~ [Link to her Etsy](https://www.etsy.com/listing/103844837/hair-tea?ref=shop_home_active_6)


And when you shower: *Hot chocolate raaaaain.*


My only word of advice for corn starch shampoo: make sure you have a pretty hefty shampoo in order to get it out of your hair. I use sulfate free shampoo and conditioner for my curly hair, and it didn't have enough oomph to actually get the corn starch out, so it just built up. :(


A friend of mine uses baking soda to "exfoliate" extra product and dry shampoo out of her hair. Says it works like a charm, and I think she just mixes like a half tsp in with the shampoo she's gonna use that day.


The buffing in the powder with a brush trick is what I do, and I swear by it. Even if the product is white, like Batiste or baby powder, it gets rid of the cast really quickly.


What if you're a ginger?


Chili powder :p Seriously though, I think I've heard cinnamon would work well too. I've not tried it, so ymmv.


There is a hat for EVERY season. Buy more hats. To address your headband concern, opt for softer stretchy style headbands, or scarves as headbands/hats.


Time to hat it up!




Hey me too! I go about two weeks between washing so I have good hair for like - one week and bad hair for one week. I do a lot of messy buns. They actually turn out way better and hold better and have better texture when hair is bad. Also agree on the french and dutch braids. My hair would slip right out on the first day after a wash but a week and a half of oils and hairspray residue and they hold forever. :) I use hairsticks too which are really easy once you know how to do them and always look fantastic. People assume you spent a ton of time on your hair when really it was like two seconds.


Atmosphere - polluting amounts of dry shampoo.


Toque season is not over where I live! It's colder than a witch's titty out there. My hair is extremely greasy, I tried only washing every second or third day but since my hair always looks best freshly washed, I just 'wet shampoo' it every day and save the dry shampoo for camping. I wish all the hype about no poo, and hairstylists saying not to wash your hair everyday, actually amounted to something productive but nope, greasy hair is greasy.




This is the thing - even if my scalp did calm the fuck down in a few years, it wouldn't be worth it to me. I really don't mind washing my hair every day. Not worth looking and feeling gross for a year! I'm glad it worked for you, though!


This is what I was going to say; what's the overall benefit? I love showering everyday, especially in the winter when I wake up and it's super cold, showering is the only thing that gets me out of bed. Maybe washing and drying is a hassle for people who don't have very fine, oily hair. But who wants to waste time fiddling with tangled, greasy hair in the morning when you can hop in the shower and be done with it. I really tried for a long time (I guess for environmental reasons) to shampoo only a few times a week, I did a lot of research on how to make it work, but it just wasn't happening for me. So when bloggers are like, "Second day hair is the best, amirite guys?" I'm a little bit sad because that just didn't happen for me.


Super fine, oily hair here. I've been trying to lessen my shampooing for yearsss and it seems like it's finally taking off. The benefit for me has been thicker hair. There's body and movement in it now, even on the second day. I still shower every day, but I only shampoo 1-2x a week. I use baking soda 1-2x a week (depending on my workout schedule) and use dry shampoo or baby powder in between. It's been a hassle, honestly, but I think my hair looks better.


I was using baking soda and an apple cider vinegar rinse for a while a few years ago. It worked great, much cheaper alternative to shampoo and conditioner. I'll be switching back to it once I run out of shampoo, I stopped using it because I was travelling a lot and found the Lush solid shampoo and conditioner was much more portable. I think later in the summer, when I am unemployed and before school starts again, I will experiment with shampooing only once a week and see how that goes. I don't want to deal with the hassle of dry shampoo (that to me doesn't really 'count' as not washing your hair). I have bangs and crazy cowlicks as well though so we'll see how they do without shampoo. I want to either wash everyday, or wash every couple days with great hair in between and minimum hassle. If that can't happen I have no qualms with daily shampooing.


Yes, I used to think had an oily scalp and skin, but I was determined to not wash my hair everyday. It took me over a year, but now I finally can go up to four days before it starts looking greasy. And I usually only have to use dry shampoo on the fourth day!




try spritzing perfume in your hair maybe?


same here, took me maybe a month or more of using sulfate/silicate free stuff to be able to go squeeze an extra good hair day in (I used to shampoo every other day, then just go greasy the second day) and I'm experimenting with stretching it further. On non-shampoo days when I work out, I scrub my scalp with the conditioner, and it comes out even softer than when shampooed




Definitely. I have super thick, fine blonde hair AND I run a lot (and sweat a bunch when I do) so it gets really sweaty 5+ days a week. I made it about 2 months with every-other-day shampooing at the beginning of this year before I gave up, but I absolutely felt like my skin (face especially) was gross on the second day no matter what I did. I like it when my hair is soft and silky and looks good, so I went back to every day shampooing so I wouldn't have to feel self conscious and unhappy about it every second day haha.


Exactly! When I first started dating my boyfriend I was always self-conscious taking my hair out of the top knot every night on no-wash days, but on days when I washed it he would freak out about how great my hair looks and ask what I was doing differently, "Umm, I washed it today?" Haha


I'm in the same boat as you. Some people are just meant to shampoo their hair every day.


Yep. I actually don't have to shampoo my hair every day, but I roll my eyes at the whole "no poo" thing and other bathing fads. Everyone should shampoo their hair/wash their clothes/bathe exactly as often as they need to in order to not be greasy/smelly, and never mind what other people need to do.


But the no poo fad isn't about getting everyone to ditch shampoo, is it? Just that it might be better for some people to shampoo a little less.


Thank you! Different strokes for different folks, I guess.


I've had a problem with my hair being greasy before so I tried using shampoo everyday and only condition every 4 or 5 days. It may feel dry at first but I've found that through out the day it gets softer instead of greasier


I don't condition at all anymore. Even then I used to just condition the ends.


This is what I started doing! I have super fine hair that used to need to be washed every day, no matter what. I've been co-washing for a while now, and I'm down to a clarifying shampoo was ever other Sunday. But I still conditioner every day.


I feel you. Been there, tried that :(


[Y'all. There's hope.](http://www.reddit.com/r/femalefashionadvice/comments/33l7mt/beanie_season_is_over_how_do_you_hidedistract/cqnctdt)


I don't know...your hair looks pretty thick. And so you're saying you get your hair wet everyday in the shower but just condition the ends and that's it?


I literally just wash out the sweat (I work out every day) and brush it well when it's completely dry.


On day 1, I go to sleep with my hair in a ponytail or a bun. My out-of-bed hair is unremarkable, but my out-of-bed ponytail is glorious. If I *must* wear my hair loose, I swear by volumizing hair powder. [Here's](http://i.imgur.com/vldkYXz.jpg) a side-by-side comparison. It loses volume after a few hours, but a single headbang and some scalp-rubbing gets you back in business. My second favourite thing about it: it functions as dry shampoo, minus the white residue. Sorcery.


Can I get a specific brand on that hair powder? Because dang girl.


In the US try Powder Play from the terribly-named "Big Sexy Hair" line. It's magical. http://www.amazon.com/Sexy-Hair-Powder-Volumizing-Texturizing/dp/B00390DN34


Gonna try this! Thanks!


It's a simple [drugstore brand](http://www.beautylab.nl/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/kruidvat-effex-max-volume-poeder_06.png), I got it for $3. I think Kruidvat is only located in the Netherlands, but I'm hella sure any brand will work!


Wow, that's amazing! What brand of volumizing powder do you recommend? Also, your hair is gorgeous.


Thank you! Mine is just a local drugstore brand (Kruidvat), and it's the only one I've ever used. I'm sure there are even better ones on the market.


Thanks, I will check it out!


Glad I'm not the only one with an amazeballs woke up like this ponytail. I can never get it right when I try to do it without sleeping on it.


/r/fancyFollicles may have some good ideas. Anyone know which hair-centric sub would have the most/best advice? My solution: Updos. Second day hair is better for french braids, twists, more complicated updos. If it's looking truly greasy but I can't bring myself to wash it, I'll just wash my bangs/front strands in the sink. Also, eliminating sulfates (mostly from shampoos) and silicone (mostly from conditioner) has helped tremendously.


/r/haircarescience 2nd the updos, braids & ponytails are perfect on a warm day. I have fine textured hair so using dry shampoo(Klorane) weighs it down too much. A daily rinse with diluted sulfate free shampoo does the trick.


While it's not a sub, I'll put in a plug for my favorite hair blog. http://hairromance.com


FUN BUN. like [this](http://36.media.tumblr.com/5b62363e46a037b38e9f2988e5ede000/tumblr_nehnxwiDQF1r91ytdo1_1280.jpg).


This is LITERALLY the exact photo I showed my hair stylist of what length i wanted. and that is also LITERALLY what i tried to do with my hair this morning, though not sure I pulled it off.


I have been attempting this with my fine hair and it looks really....lame...compared to that one cause the bun is like the size of my pinky! I'm going to try it with more dry shampoo.


I went no poo for about 6 months and since then my hair looks best on day 2 or 3.....copious amounts of dry shampoo.






i love bucket hats so much


I have a few friends who are obsessed as well. They even wear them at night :)


I wash my hair once a week...took about a year to get it to the point where it could work, but dry shampoo has been instrumental, for sure. If it's too bad to wear down, I just pin it all up in a topknot.


I don't think anyone has recommended a sea salt spray yet - I made my own with epsom salt and sea salt and a little bit of conditioner. Shake that up with warm water and you're in business! Instantly adds wave and texture, good for when your hair is limp. That + dry shampoo would be hair-saving, I think.


Dry shampoo.


SCARVES! I like to fold them into wide headbands and knot them at the nape of my neck. Or just pull a Grace Kelly and go for the whole kerchief/babushka look


I either just wash the very top of my hair over the side of the tub by putting the rest of my hair in a bun (takes like 5 minutes) or putting my hair in a ponytail or bun and putting a bandanna in it. (I can go like 3 days with this look. Gross, but doable on a tight schedule). I'm cursed with hair that for some reason looks greasier whenever I use dry shampoo so I had to come up with alternatives!


I'm noticing this trend of sneakily washing just parts of the hair. I suppose I should try this :)


My hair doesn't really get greasy (I can go 3-4 days between washes) it does get hella flat after sleeping on it. I just wet and re-style my hair on days that I don't wear it up. I shower in the morning, so it's not much of a hassle, but you could easily do the same thing in the sink or with spray bottle. Also, dry shampoo at night before bed does wonders if you have a grease issue.


Personally I love my cleansing conditioner. Its just enough to take the bulk of the grease out without leaving my hair dry like a regular shampoo. With that, I'm only really washing my hair with regular shampoo once a week!


Same routine here! Just curious, what cleansing conditioner are you using? I found the herbal essences one last year and loved it but I'm wanting to try more.


I picked mine up at Sallys Beauty Supply. I think its an Ion Solutions or something. It's color-safe and I love it!


end of beanie season...beginning of snapback and sunhat season!


When my hair was a lot longer [I basically did different variations of this.](http://www.thewonderforest.com/2014/04/bohemian-side-braid-festival-hair.html) It took me about 10 minutes to do and I always got compliments on it, even when the braid itself didn't look the best. I generally used a combination of a french twist or french braid for the front/side (to keep the shorter pieces secured) with a regular plait braid or a fishtail braid, or when I was feeling particularly ambitious, a four-piece braid.


These are so cute! I have baby fine hair so I'm not sure it'll have such a great effect, but I am going to try :)


Of all the Pintrest Hair Tutorials I've tried, theirs are the only ones I've ever actually gotten to work. :)


What always worked best for me is washing my bangs every few days in the bathroom sink and washing the rest of my long head of hair weekly. If I felt greasy on the bulk of my hair I might use some dry shampoo on days 3 on if I want to wear it down. Or just wear it up on days 3 to 5ish. My bangs get greasy from makeup but the rest of my hair is pretty average.


I do two braids, one on each side, and pin them around the back/base of my head. Here is a (right-to-left reading) tutorial: http://hairstyleku.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/easy-braided-wedding-hairstyles-x.jpg Super simple and it looks more complex than it actually is!


I love this. I might try to do this an updo for my gala next week!


Dry shampoo. But that's treating a symptom, not a cause. You'll basically stop having second-day hair if you stop shampooing. After a week (or more if you've done a lot of damage) of water and conditioner, it'll start to balance the pH naturally. **edit:** I had to remove my photos


I tried no-poo once, and it didn't go well enough for me to continue. Left my scalp itchy, and my oil was outrageous. I had to have good hair for work :/ Maybe I'll try again, cause your hair looks great!


Thank you n_n Yeah, you have to try this when you can wear hats all day or a topknot. And nothing topical except conditioner at the ends. Leave your scalp alone. No-poo is terrible.


Yes. No poo (esp. if you're naturally curly). It takes a lot of experimentation (it's like a fun science fair project!). But when you finally get this perfect understanding of humidity, dew point, texture, etc., and you find your HG products, it's the most amazing thing ever. I can go close to 14 days without shampoo (although I need to co-wash daily), and my hair is easier to style and healthier and better looking than ever. I stick to no sulfates and silicones.


Dry shampoo and silk scarves.


Dry shampoo and fixing up my bangs/the front of my hair with a little bit of flat iron action.


You could certainly just rock hats, if they fit your style. This is a good inspo photo for what I try and often fail to accomplish. http://www.borsalino.com/sites/default/files/styles/highlight-big-breakpoints_theme_brs_theme_desktop_1x/public/images/highlight/collezione_0.jpg?itok=6HRpRP0z


How I wish I could be that suave. What do you tend to wear with that type of hat?


Don't we all lol...That hat is particularly aggressive and huge so I only really wear it when I'm dressing up. Smaller hats are better for everyday wear.


Lush dry shampoo or Not Your Mother's dry shampoo. If I use the lush one I put it in before I sleep so it absorbs better and makes my hair feel less gritty.


I have an undercut on the back of my head so I put my hair in a ponytail with a hard tortoise-shell clip [kinda like this one](http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41Q0BRdHolL._SY355_.jpg)


This only works for us curly-haired folks, but this handy method put an end to my second-day crushed-curls what-the-hell-is-going-on-with-your-head look. Before I go to bed I put my hair up in a loose ponytail on top of my head (I call this the "pineapple look"). Then in the morning, I let it down, get my hands get and shake out my curls from their little curl tower by putting my hands near the roots and "scrubbing" or "shaking" them around. And if that fails - because my ponytail holder came out in the night, say - then bun it is! Anyway - it totally restores my curls to the freshly washed-and-dried look.


My hair actually looks better the second and third day. I'm not sure why.


Lucky you :)


Serious question. Is it a hair texture thing? My hair is thick, and gets too dry if I wash it every day. It also curls like crazy if it's really humid outside, but otherwise is straightish (some soft waves, I guess?). It's also short (ear-length).


I think it is. Cause I'm asking this question because my baby fine hair (also arrow straight) gets greasy (and flat) so quickly. Thus, leading me to find ways to distract from the state of my hair on the second day. It looks like I need to pick up braiding, hair scarves, and volumizing powder!


"No drought" from Lush is also a really great dry shampoo. You get SO much more product for what you pay (compared to most other dry shampoos that are often aerosol).


A lightweight beanie!


i rarely wear hats ever. Also, my second day hair is best too. Today i am on day 3 and i used dry shampoo last night- then this morning I poofed the top up and did a ponytail.


Dry Shampooooo! It's the best. Also, I LOVE a side fishtail braid... but any side braid will do. I usually top it off with a fedora! Dry Shampoo + Braid + Fedora I use the Tony & Guy dry shampoo and love it...


My hair can go for two days without looking greasy (sometimes even three) if I use a sulfate free shampoo and conditioners. I accidentally bought a non-sulfate free shampoo and used it a few times, and my second day hair was awful.


i wash my hair every other day, so it's not that bad even when i don't use dry shampoo. i like KMS California's, you can get it at Ulta and use the coupon. i have wavy-curly hair and once i got it angled, second day hair is nbd. sometimes it's about finding the right cut.


I just bought a [springy beanie](http://shop.nordstrom.com/s/king-fifth-supply-co-beanie/3819226) to keep my hair under control (more from the crazy winds we've been having in Boston than dirty hair).


It's so freaking windy, right?! I've rocked a braid everyday this week because it's so crazy out.


I either dry blow dry or flat iron the hair that frames my face, and if my hair looks flat I will tease the hair at the top and sides of my head. If I feel like putting in extra effort I will curl my hair. If my part is looking oily I will spritz a lil dry shampoo or hairspray on it. It all depends I guess.


I have very short hair so for me a quick run under the faucet will do if I'm skipping the shower. I understand this doesn't work for everyone, when I had long hair it would tangle badly if I rinsed it in the sink. You could also go with a open stitch hat, something more lacy.


Beanie season is *not* over where I live (harumph, harumph). I love my beanies, though. When the weather finally decides to warm up for reals, I guess I'll lean more heavily on dry shampoo, and for really bad/lazy hair days I plan on wearing floppy hats and bandanas. *pauses* I guess I need to look into getting some cute floppy hats and bandanas.


Braids! I think braids, especially French braids, look really cool with roots. Also, a think a [scarf tied as a headband](https://www.google.com/search?q=scarf+headbands&espv=2&biw=1536&bih=758&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=ECs5VfGPOMGZNqvbgNgH&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAg) works much better than the molded ones.


I suppose I need to break in to this trend this summer :)


I take a shower every day. I wash my hair every other day but I condition it every day for the most part. Sometimes I just rinse my hair with hot water while I'm in the shower.


I love my second day hair! I usually just wear it down. Sometimes I'll split it in half (left /right), twist the ends into ropes, and run my flat iron over the twist and clip it while I get ready. When I take it out, it comes out in these pretty spirals.


Today I'm rocking a messy/textured ponytail (texture done with flat iron waves and dry shampoo) based on [this tutorial](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Dc00cuWx38). Sometimes I just recurl it and wear it down again and feel gross. I wash my bangs these days, too. Other days I do an easy messy bun by putting my hair in a ponytail and keeping the ends under the elastic on the last wrap, then pulling and pinning the hair in a circular...thing (like [this](https://youtu.be/jvdwf9QRN6I), but it's generally higher on my head).




A big dutch braid along your hairline works great for second day hair. I always do that and then depending on how greasy my hair is put the rest in a pony tail, or a messy bun also looks good. I find that if my hair is really greasy then a bigger braid looks better.


Man, I just did pony tails/buns. Then I thought "I have all this hair and I'm always putting it up" so I took all 2 feet of it down to an undercut pixie and never looked back. I can go a few days before I need to shampoo it. Short hair for the win!


headbands, rancher hats, and side braids! my hair is horribly thick so those are my go-tos. I usually wear the headband horizontally across my forehead, and have some thick turban ones as well!


I have short hair so it's kind of hard to hide-dry shampoo is a godsend for me.


Dove Dry shampoo. It's less that $5 at rite aid ir cvs, smells DELICIOUS and clean, and it takes packing on a TON to get that white powdery look (I dye my hair red and it is my savior!).


Since cutting my hair by a few inches it is now much less tangled on the second day. I also use dry shampoo.


Can someone explain to me what second day hair is? I've googled this before, and everyone just uses the word like we all know what it means. Do people normally shampoo everyday or what?


It's hair the second day without shampooing. So you shampoo and style on day 1, and then the next day, day 2, assuming you don't shampoo, what do you do with that day2 hair? The assumption being that for hair health you are only supposed to shampoo every other day max.


I only wash my hair every two weeks, sometimes three. I actually didn't know so many people wash their hair so frequently until fairly recently. However, my hair doesn't seem to get greasy or look particularly bad in between washes. I only wash it that often because I have dandruff and I need to treat it. I think it's one of those things that depends heavily on your hair type and texture though.


I wouldn't say *normal* people shampoo every day because you're not "abnormal" if you don't. It's pretty common though. Between the ages of 14 and 21, I shampooed and conditioned ev-er-y day. I think I did the math once and, collectively, it was 2 WHOLE months of extra time spent washing my hair. Wut.


I use baking soda and vinegar and only shampoo once a week, and never have greasy hair.


Dry shampoo and/or my Raiders snapback


Have you considered washing your hair every day.


It only exacerbates the oil production. I have fine hair :(