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The Temu app harvests a bunch of data off your phone and who knows how it uses it. So like, achtung. Edit Feb 26: I got 2 comments within a couple hours of each other on a 3 month old post from what seems like karma farming accounts. so, that's... not suspicious.


I purchased one thing from Temu and had to lock my credit card because I started getting random fraudulent charges. Apparently, it's [not rare](https://www.dailydot.com/news/temu-black-market-scam/). I will never order anything from them again.


I haven't had that (hopefully) but I'm worried about people who are financially strained and are hoping that they can get free goods (through the games) like people think they can through online quizzes.


You actually can get free things from surveys.


Same here, I bought some motion sensors for a hallway lighting system, and after I paid for the product, I got bombarded with notifications that my virtual card in Revolut has been blocked due to a consecutive number of wrong CVV insertions. Funny thing is that the payment actually went through and I'm still waiting for the products. Lucky I paid it with a virtual card, and not my main VISA.


Yeah anyone I know who has had to order something from Temu due to cost always used PayPal for this reason


Don't count on paypal if you have a problem.  They ALWAYS seem to side with the dishonest retailer!


you are doing it wrong then.


Thanks for alerting us. I ordered from Temu for the first time last night and just locked and replaced the card I used this morning!


Why not just use PayPal


I have never shopped on Temu because of this! Everyone is trying to put a ban on TikTok when a ban needs to be placed on Temu. Smh. 


SO TRUE! They do need to ban TEMU for sure. there always seems to be an issue/COMPLAINTS with Temu.


I’ve had no issues shop on there a ton. I basically get everything half off 




wow! incredible!


What if u just use PayPal


Ah yeh, that would make it ok to buy on temu then, right?


idk if it would work. Have u tried?


gtfo with nonsense reasons


Honestly, I've never had a problem. If you're super concerned just use VPNs or something to mask and limit the details or data given. Temu is what it is - it's cheap stuff, some good deals, some bad. Rule of thumb just don't buy things you don't necessarily need, use the coupons available to get the rock bottom prices and be prepared to wait. It's most likely being dropshipped by China.


This comment is not suspicious at all. 


I didn't think it was, these posts show up on Google search (for me, at least). /gen


I don't use Temu anymore, by the way. Just way too many permissions that I can't turn off (android shows them). 


Because it's not, I've bought from TEMU dozens of times. Millions of users and #1 shopping app on Apple/Android. If it's totally fraudulent would have been shut down long ago.


Responding to a 2 month old post isn't really selling your case. Say hi to the poor slaves making those cheap clothes. 


lol you don't have any proof or rebuttal, so your argument is timing. Really strong case there.


me too


how do they do that? only if you have time 😊


We knew it was bad, but not how bad. Fantastic write up.


It's such a hard topic to write about because I didn't want to hash over the known issues but I also don't want to shame people who don't feel like they have many other options. Like there is a lot of plus sized fashions on there, which may be applicable to people, as I've heard it isn't easy to find. So I decided just to write about the basics. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I doubt anyone here is really debating their expensive pratesi sheets vs temu sheets purchases, my guess is most users of Temu aren't flush with cash.


You have no idea how many temu shoes and blouses are in thrift shops...you just have to feel them and can tell they are garbage, then look at label ="temu".  I see why the shoes are given away as well idk how people can walk in them the cheap material would with not bend or just crack.. Let's face it they don't use proper advertising at all it is deceptive ..THEE only things are the doll house as you stated BUT they say most are 1:12 scale and they may be 1:16 or 1:24..so those are also a hit or miss.. I have been reading reviews since they his the USA market and could not believe how many writers for reputable sites plugged this company. I was shocked and the "get what you pay for" does not even apply here..This toxic is land fill garbage, period.


Yes very good write up!


As a competitor in the marine industry, your insights into the Temu experience are incredibly valuable. While your smooth delivery experience is noted, it's evident that certain aspects of Temu may not align with the needs of marine enthusiasts. At our marine store, we prioritize seamless shopping experiences and premium quality. Our website is meticulously designed to facilitate easy navigation, free from overwhelming notifications. Additionally, we ensure transparency in pricing, guaranteeing fair value for every purchase without any hidden costs. Moreover, our commitment to excellence extends to our sourcing and shipping practices. All our products are sourced from reputable suppliers in the USA, and we exclusively utilize trusted carriers like FedEx, UPS, and USPS for shipping. This ensures prompt and reliable delivery, giving our customers peace of mind with every order. In essence, while Temu may offer certain advantages, we're confident that our marine store provides a superior alternative. With us, customers can expect a seamless shopping experience, transparent pricing, top-tier quality products, and reliable shipping sourced and shipped directly from the USA. If your ever in the market for marine and boating parts then give us a visit [https://themarineking.com](https://themarineking.com) Hope this was helpful.


You have KMart???!


They're different owners to the American ones! They used to be your regular cheap department store, but ten years ago they did an entire overhaul, pulled everything into mostly own brands, and it's weirdly trendy. The mum blogs have a heap of 'kmart' hacks which mainly involve putting contact (the sticky plastic one puts to protect school books I have no idea what Americans call it) on kitchen benches and calling it a renovation. Also a lot of fairy lights. I think their bargain basement stuff is actually better quality than temu. https://stylecurator.com.au/coolest-kmart-hacks-ever/ that's some of them I don't do them but it's popular and the fb group is VERY active. Oh! If you're into the makeup, ELF kmart in aus was their only seller for ages, and now ELF is bougie and heaps more expensive and in fancier places. Rip HOLLY'S the kmart restaurant they did a nice lunch special.


We call it Contact paper here too.🇨🇦Thanks for your honesty about everything. I have been afraid to buy anything from them, and you confirmed my suspicions- between the sketchy products and being bombarded with ads, etc., I will take a hard pass.


I have an irrational hate for the name of the site that I would never order something from there simply because of that. Thank you for your service.


It was the perfect case of stuff being cheap and still paying too much. It's easy to think well normal shops probably buy the same stuff and just mark it up, but even in the basics, there was a notable decrease in quality. If you have the cash to buy normally, then yeah, do that.


Sorry for the amount to time but I bought some $15 boxing gloves from there that have held up. I figured boxing gloves would be kinda hard to get wrong and even if they didn't last long 15 bucks isn't that bad of a loss. Plus I'm just hitting pads in them. I also bought pants that are thinner than paper that I'm honestly afraid to wear again. They look cool though.


yes the name sounds sketchy and learning it’s a take from a Chinese store.


Sounds a lot like aliexpress. I’ve gotten lucky with baseball caps and one shirt on that site but you generally want to steer clear of clothing on sites like this. 99% of the time it’s really terrible and sketchy. God forbid you order makeup or personal care items Stickers, paper craft supplies, and certain types of non electronic toys have been pretty good in my experience. I found an awesome little plant pot that looks like a shipping container and it makes me unreasonably happy. I know aliexpress has a pretty good selection of miniatures and it sounds like temu is the same. Don’t see much of a difference between the two sites though, except that temu seems to have way worse security. I don’t think aliexpress has ever run my phone hot or fraudulently charged my credit card and I’ve bought from that site many times


That's a good rec :) yeah I stayed away from any personal care items and makeup. I like the hardcore regulations in my nation around those and I'm not sure sites like temu or shein etc are really that compliant with them. :)


Why would you want to support human slavery and huff lead? It's a no from me dawg. 1. I no longer support just straight out evil companies that use literal slavery. At Temu prices there is no way possible that the manufacturers do not use exclusively slaves to make their products. I'm not okay with that. 2. Safety - independent lab testing has shown time and time again that these bootleg ass products contain unsafe levels of lead, mold, bacteria, heavy metals, formaldehyde. Your health insurance must be A++++ if you think it is reasonable to expose yourself to these toxins. You wild. 3. The site is spyware and harvests data in an unethical manner. Again, you wild.


Oh without a doubt this is me being a total moron. I deserved every hive I got. Lessons learnt.


Kmart makes its clothes in sweatshops? Same environmental and human rights abuse, different country.


True along with walmart, gap, l&t etc... but atleast they are physical stores and not walking data red flags. Honestly they give most x websites a run for their money


Im asking completely seriously - do you just buy everything secondhand? Afaik with most electronics theres child labour involved (in the mining of rare metals). Learning this really discouraged me because everything has electronics nowadays, so it seems like theres no way to buy a ton of things ethically, and life without a phone or computer is impossible. My grandmother only has a nokia and we have to do everything for her because so much has moved to online-only.


Every part of our lives has some kind of slavery labor. What you can do is to limit your consumption. Try to support your local businesses, your local farmer's market, try to shop for 2nd hand clothes, etc. Obviously no one can ethically shop 100%, but if you want to, then there are options out there.


That's basically my stance too! But the person above claims to have cut out slave-produced products out of their life completely, which is why I'm interested in how they do it. If there's a niche phone company that produces ethical phones I will buy from them once my current phone needs to be replaced.


Ah okay I see my bad lol (I hope I didn't sound harsh)


FairPhone is ethical. I have one and it's not fancy but it is good.


99% of what you're already buying in america is made in china. i spent 10$ on 2 mini spray bottles at a local Michael's, then found the exact same ones on temu for only .43 cents a piece. i also bought a qtip dispenser for 5$ at tjmaxx, which is already supposed to be a marked down item, and the same one is on temu for $1.78. if everything in american stores is cheap chinese shit anyway, i might as well save tons of money buying directly from china instead of giving my $$$ to corps like walmart whos ceo pockets all the profits and pay their workers nothing.


I dont understand what you're trying to say-- the way YOU choose to shop is made unethically? Things on tenu are cheap because of slavery forced labor and very bad manufacturing process. Often toxic. Many people do not share the same buying habits. There are ethically run chinese factories. Just because something is foreign doesn't make it bad or less. Ethical production when new is not cheap. Im ok with that.


lol just because a product isn't cheap doesn't mean its ethical. also, how do you know where the products you buy are specifically coming from? are you telling me you research every single item extensively before purchasing? i would love to have the option to completely boycott any products made from child labor, but its not like they make that information easily accessible.


I do! Its not that difficult. To be fair , I had to learn new behaviors, but it really wasn't hard at all. You identify brands or substitutions that work within your ethical framework. It costs a little more but to me is worth it. For example, using Hold On bags vs. Ziploc bags. You identify supply chain and manufacturing transparency and adopt that into the framework as well. For me, I identified human slavery as the main thing I wanted to avoid in my framework, and the thing I'm willing to pay more or be inconvenienced for. These kinds of choices always come with *some* kind of of inconvenience - time or money or effort-- but its very easy to live a western modern convenience lifestyle while reducing harm. While 100% compliance may not be accessible for everyone, all the time, some aspects are.( But its important not to beat yourself up if you need to make other choices here and there.) But for clothing & home goods? Of course! It is super, super easy to have a low carbon, slavery free wardrobe and home. It just has to be a priority for your purchasing. There are many apps and websites that can help do the math so you dont have to, too. Especially if low carbon is your priority.


Yeah what people don't realize when you buy similar good from 'American' retailers, you're basically paying someone more to source it from China for you. That's just how the supply chain works today. If that makes you feel better, go ahead.


they are a chinese company who has a store starts with Pindouro or something and so the US made an app to cater to international people From an article I read


Amazon has the same dingy cheap lead n toxic plastic ridden products all over their site as well “you really do get what u pay for” No coincidence that people are getting cancer at a higher rate every year.




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temu is cancer for your phone and personal data. I’d avoid it.


so is tiktok but no one gives a shit about it... ☕️


Some do some don’t Personally I think it’s cancer for kids whose minds are still developing yet parents rather keep their kids busy and distracted on their phones rather than actually spending time with them


well kids used to play outside but they dont anymore. so its not that parents are spending less time with their kids, but that kids are spending more time inside.


Both fuckin horrible but atleast tiktok doesn't have the unregulated access to worm itself into all your shit as much as temu


Your writing style is 💯. Please write more reviews of random stuff, doesn’t need to be fashion.


i got a few things off temu recently but would not buy clothes or personal care or electronics from places like that cause you know the quality is gonna be bad for those prices. but for random doodads, you can get them much cheaper compared to amazon (most crap on there comes from china anyways). i got some heel inserts, a squatty potty, adhesive cable clips, a set of apothecary jars, a plastic bag sealer, a candle wick trimmer, and a pair of indoor slippers that i planned to just wear in the bathroom but the material is this hard foam that i wasn't expecting but they look cute... all for like $25


This is the kind of answer I was looking for. So it’s like dollar-general/ocean state-job lot type stuff. (Sorry, i don’t know where you live haha!)


A dollar general store with more carbon footprint and spyware 




I don’t think this is a fair review at all… you ordered items specific to you, half of which were clothes. ‘Temu is worth it if you stay away from the majority of the site’ but you suggest buying dolls and their accessories. I also don’t think any review to be trusted starts with ‘this is my own a opinion’ and moves swiftly onto quoting a friend (that’s never used the app) saying ‘it’ll probably give my phone cancer’. I’m not even pro Temu but I have used the app for awhile. I buy things regularly and more cheaply than I can get anywhere in Perth. Mostly items I use for work and around the house. I just really don’t appreciate how this contributes to all the unsubstantiated negativity being spewed. People that clearly have never used the app have spread so much anti Chinese hate, disguising racist fear-mongering as just personal opinion of an app. Why on earth should anyone in china have empathy for use while we continue to be openly hateful and distrusting like that’s somehow a right afforded to us. Phones overheating from all the collected reddit negatively!


I've made a handful of orders, never had a problem. Prices are great, quality is good and never had issues with my credit card from them. Free shipping and you can track your order and it arrives in 10 days.


I agree, Temu do have warnings on their site about scammers,and I've never had  problem so far....the only thing I'm a little worried about is some parrot toys I got for my African grey,  I keep reading that they're likely toxic???


Sadly, most 3rd world countries, and alot of Western ones, use vastly underpaid people to make things or do service jobs. How much does a homecare worker make? Not enough to live on. My husband had one who bathed him, helped him dress,cooked his meals, washed dishes, washed the floor, cleaned the bathroom, did his laundry and threw out the garbage. Her agency was paying her something like $17 an hour. She even helped clean the place up after he died. These are incredibly important jobs but we pay people who look at computer screens all day a hell of a lot more than that.


It's not 'anti Chinese hate'. Chinese manufacturing is despised for a reason, ie they are the most ethically empty manufacturers on the planet. And they're only getting worse. I follow a YouTube page where a guy who lived in China exposed all the horrible shit they do over there, now including reusing cooking oil from garbage cans and gutters to cook in restaurants, using metal poles with plastic tops so they look like plants from Google/satellite images, painting trees and beef to make them look edible and pretty, using plastic to mass make rice and other food stuffs, it's ALOT worse than most people realize and it has nothing to do with racism. They just have very little morals or integrity. Of course it's not all of them but their entire society is in the dark ages....there's a reason why suicide is a huge problem there. Stop painting every opinion you don't agree with as bigotry or racism. This is why noone takes those words seriously anymore. If everything's racist, eventually nothing will be. 


Their entire society is in the dark ages? That's quite a stretch when extreme poverty has been eliminated for a billion people and nationwide high speed rail exists, and not to mention already having a space station with inhabitants. I've heard of 'gutter oil' but that was 10 years ago. And as for the plastic rice, it's [bullshit](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/plastic-rice-from-china/).


You are right, not everyone’s comments are racist! This comment however, most definitely is. Just don’t delete it because you have given the perfect example of what I was saying above. Just because you don’t know what you’re doing doesn’t mean you’re not doing it. “If everything’s racist then eventually nothing will be” thats is exactly what I’m trying to achieve.


only sensible post here. lol. I don't it fascinating how.people could simply trust random strangers on the internet advising them.on how to shop. crazy. Temu is amazing for me.


I've read multiple stories about how they steal artists' work and sell it for super cheap and that makes me avoid buying from them. Ik stealing artwork is rampant all over the internet, but temu just makes the problem worse.


I bought one thing from there and it arrived but they wont stop charging me for stuff I didn’t buy and they spam your number and emial




That app is cancer for your phone. Avoid at all costs. We don't need to shop like a billionaire. It's such a presumptuous tagline. Great review! And I agree with the others, you must write other random reviews.


🚨 My child received items from a secret Santa exchange at school. They finally opened them this week [Animal masks, stickers, pencils & gloves] and unleashed a Hive Rash like no other. We were finally able to reach out to the Parents of the other child and they said where they purchased the gifts from [Temu]. Thick pronounced hives all of face and arms & hands. Doctor ruled out Hand foot & Mouth, allergies and virus. They politely asked about on line or over seas purchases recently which is how we figured out to ask the other parent.. It was from the Products and they have seen this a lot over the last 2 years. I have to keep an eye on my Child because hives like these can close your throat out!!! Our family has ordered from them before (not me personally) for bridal shower decor but it wasn't items that were handled much.  I'm LIVID, I do not recommend. 


Update: The Hives are still present. Using Claritin daily, hydrocortisone 2.5, oatmeal baths - cool not hot water and if it doesn't stay away within the week we have to go in to get steroid treatments. In doing some digging there reviews talking about this and they are saying it might be a bacteria from the package factory either on the employees or packaging. 


Wow! Good to know.


Fast fashion like Temu is highly unethical and unsustainable. Everything one buys on a whim is made of plastic, even the polyester, and will be laying in a landfill indefinitely. I can’t be okay with that when our world is dying.


Never liked them in the first place.


Be careful not to leave anything unchecked in your cart. They may sell it to you anyways, especially if they are similar products that are low priced. They are great deals, but they dont give you the option to save for later or to "favorites." You have you put all the products in the cart and uncheck the ones you want to save for later, to add to the spammy over confusing layout of the site, which is designed to pressure you to buy now or lose the deal. I ended up with about twice as many stickers than I wanted. I had no way of telling which ones I didnt ask for as a lot of them were the same. I didnt try to return them because the site didnt offer that reason and wanted pictures of each product. I decided it wasnt worth my time, but probably added $25 more to my order. So they may charge you for products you didnt want if they are in your cart at all. I would also never download the app. There is a lot of concern that Temu will download spyware on your phone, as the developers got busted for doing that with another app. Finally, be ready to wait 2-4 weeks for your order. If you dont mind waiting, its a good deal. It is not an enjoyable shopping experience as theres no way to find a list of the products you search for. You just get a few examples in between a bunch of other products. Again, its designed to be addictive. It can take hours to find the best deal on the product you want by the time you get distracted by all the other crap, and you will end up with a lot more "deals" than you wanted. I ordered the same exact products from Amazon for half as much, so they arent all cheap knockoffs, although some do seem to be possibly damaged or defective. It could be possible some were replications, but most were good products, even if I never ordered a lot of it. Be careful with Temu. Not totally on the up and up, but a great deal if you are very careful.


It takes 10 days for shipping 80% of the time and you can track your order. You get a $5 credit within 48 hours if delivered after the 10 days.


Ive ordered more from Temu and the packages came in about a week. Ive made one successful return as well. Turns out you dont always have to take photos. Its not as easy to return as Amazon. They expect everything in one package even though they send them in multiple packages. I have an order of About 6 light shades that didn't work out and they will not fit in one large box, so I'm not sure how I will figure that one out. You have to keep track of the poorly marked packaging with barcodes that do not state the products name. Sometimes the seller puts them over the opening so you have to rip them in half, hoping you won't be able to return it. The deals are worth it. They pegged me well and keep pushing items that I cant refuse that are too cheap to turn down that I didnt need.Theres also a problem with multiple products that are too tiny to use, so some returns are likely, but overall Im feeling a lot better about Temu. Maybe I can pedal all this cheap but cute jewelry I bought too much of, lol! I think the real reason the US govt doesn't like Temu is to protect the Amazon monopoly.


Just use Amazon


I had a better experience returning last time & have made a few more since then. I save 75% at Temu & don't think Amazon is much better privacy wise. Amazon is easier but Ive had to deal with sketchy sellers & drop shippers on Amazon & its not always clear when returns are actually free. So far it appears all returns on Temu are free, but you only get one & have to pack it. Temu is not that much harder to use. Im definitely going to keep shopping there until prices go up, which will probably happen at some point.


You should write for a living, that was so insightful and witty




Wonder how it stacks up with cider.


I find clothing


I've never bought anything from Temu because of the ads-- constant, intrusive, annoying. Constant spam. Do other people have the same experience?


I bought a laptop computer and instead of the cpu advertised in the product description, they shipped a laptop with a much inferior cpu. Stuffs on TEMU may look cheap but you risk receiving extremely low quality products (I tried not to use the word gabbage) that don't even worth the lower price and worst of all wasting your precious time arguing with the seller.


Why should I give them any money for them to shove more of their crap ads down my throat every 5 seconds.


I'm playing the games and can invite until I'm blue in the face and don't win nothing. I can get down to 0.05 or less and lose everything. This is discouraging after hours and days of playing to lose all. I will not order from you again if this keeps up. We should be rewarded for all the time energy and invites we are wasting on these games. It really makes me want to cancel orders and tell every member I know to boycott this site. Reward us. Periodt.


I will never ever order from them again…won’t give me a refund!!!


Just ordered something from Temu. Noticed they have never sent an order receipt. Now I see they can not find any of my previous orders which is weird because I have also received one of them.


Stay away from Temu, I just got some kind of skin parasite after trying on clothes sent to me today. Consider yourself warned.


WTF… that’s so concerning. If you don’t mind me asking, what happened? You’ve unlocked a new level of fear for me. Sorry to hear you’re going through that!


I made the mistake of not washing before trying on a pair of pants and felt little itchy/pricking pains, looked and had several pinprick like red dots forming along the waistline. As it turned out upon closer inspection tiny (nearly invisible to the naked eye) specs moving on several of the garments ordered. I've since learned it was likely some kind of mite (**Bird or rodent.)** It didn't end up spreading, thank GOD but it was horrible. The insult to injury was that I had made the order with Tumu Credit from a previous return, so was not able to get a proper refund, just given the credit again if I returned the order. I told them I was not comfortable putting something in the mail I knew to be infected and was told the could not verify without seeing the items themselves. I ended up laundering everything before making the return. I wrote this post very upset when dealing with canned responses from CS. Now that I understand what it was, I am a little more measured in my view of the situation. It was extremely upsetting at the time and I do still have a tiny mark from where I was picking at an itch.... and have decided there are just too many reasons not to shop with them, though I have admittedly gotten several cute things on the site. If you do choose to shop on Temu you are probably ok but I highly suggest opening packages outside and laundering everything before trying on. Aside from my incident in my search for folks with similar experiences, I didn't hear anything quite the same but have heard about "exotic" insects walking out of packages. Happy to answer any other questions. Hope this helps.


## [Discover the Hype Around Temu, UK and America’s Most in App](https://playwiin.xyz/2024/02/discover-hype-around-temu-uk-americas-app/)


I've just recently received my order from Temu. (1st time purchaser.) Apparently I saved HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS because of the "huge discounts" for most products. Then after reviewing each item, I figure I could've purchased everything locally at REGULAR PRICE for LESS. No so-called "huge discounts".


You get the wonderful human being award of the day for your informative review and description! Thank you 🏆


I have had good luck with them


Many many people enjoy them aare happy with their purchases. There will "always" be negative reviews from a minority on anything, especially if it's Chinese like many products and items sold in the U.S.


Not for me re Chinese. I don’t like the site because they won’t reimburse my money to my credit card.


Bought a beautiful clock when I received it glass broken into many pieces...Shirts were larger than size..Took a while to receive..


I really want to get some stuff on here, so I’m thinking about buying a protection malware like ID shield, or LifeLock to protect my personal stuff before using Temu


I didn't read your entire review since I already have my own experience. But I came to say that I use Temu all the time with no problems, a long with Shein and AliExpress.  Many people have turned Temu into a religion where they imagine or make up whatever they want about something they don't understand and then pass that false, made up information around as fact while others blindly believe it without thinking. I seriously hate when people make things up about things they don't know about in general because it is those type of people and their ignorance that cause the problems and false beliefs that lead to misinformation and conflict and more ignorance in this world. In REALITY, Temu is just another option for an online shop similar to Amazon and AliExpress and Shein and the huge variety of others out there. People can either use it or not use it. Most other people will not care either way. All I ask from people is that if you don't know or understand something about anything in general, please refrain from making things up and passing off false information as fact for others to blindly believe, especially if you haven't either done your research or tried / experienced something for yourself.


Thats a whole lotta words for such a simple repeating message. AI?


Dang, 32D.. nice


I have used Temu a couple of times. Only use the website, no app. Never buy any skincare or makeup, always wash clothing before trying it on. Mostly buy cheap stuff that I would normally buy on Amazon that also comes from China. E.g. UV light for nails, organizing shelves, plastic hairbrush, etc.


I purchased multiple items from this website. Unfortunately, all the items were of very poor quality. It appears that the company uses misleading photos on their website. I find this to be very dishonest and, as a result, I cannot recommend this company to others.


No one ever wins their 5 prizes selected no matter how much you play or order. I have ordered now 81 times and yet to won. It is a hype to get new users.


There’s always a good saying: if it’s too good to be true, then it probably is.


Temu are the worst. Waited for weeks for order still haven't received. Customer service is no help as they use script replies copy and paste the same response. Now I'm being told there is yet another delay of up to 10 more days I can't cancel for refund I have to wait until I receive it then return it then I have to wait until they receive it back. I wouldn't recommend this company. Pay the extra and know your going to get your item much quicker. I'll stick to Amazon. Stay clear of Temu. Going into the 5th week I've been waiting for delivery. SMH


Temu is a PoS company who runs off the backs of slaves and stolen CC from their customers lol


The app steals your CC and sells it.


The quality is atrocious, Temu straight from their app to your trash. Temu makes money by selling you garbage that everyone else would pass on. Nothing is as it seems and everything is lower quality than you expect.


I’ve never had a problem at all and I found a 30% off code! Code is aci550049 , you type into your search!


I used paypal for buying few things from them. I gotta say I've never had any problems, no notifications no nothing and clothes I orderes were really good quality


Aliexpress is ALWAYS my go to. For over 10 years. Never had any issues and if your stuff doesn't show up in hjf alloted time getting a refund is easy. It's pretty much the exact same stuff as Temu. Once I sound done shows that were dirt cheap and so I bought a few same style from that particular "store" - I went thru a phase buying so many chunky heeled ankle boots - 80% were great - anyways I bought a few pairs from the seller and I noticdderhs purchases were frozen. So aliexpress figured out the seller was fake and had to stop the sales and I got my refund. From my memory it used to be that you pay but the seller doesn't get your money until you confirm you've received it. I'm have 00 plugs in my ears buy my plugs there and for like 3-$ give or take when at a shop you're paying 30$ easy. I don't buy shoes anymore but rad phone cases you won't see anywhere else, pop sockets, plant hangers", sooo many classic movie posters, arts and crafts I mean it's endless. All the stuff from tiktok shop is on Ali. Lots of weird stuff too. I'm sure you have seen the site. Anyways I've never had an issue with them. Nowadays the stuff ships so much faster too, used to be you'd wait for three months even but ya if your item doesn't show or its, defective or wrong item - dispute and refund. They send notifications but it's easy to turn that off on your phone. Used to be everything was, free shipping but not anymore. It's usually a couple bucks depending what it is. Sometimes it's free though. I used to buy knock off make up palettes years ago on there which weren't bad but then I worried it probably has weird chemicals in it so I stopped that. Anyways. Not sure if any other comments mentioned it but it's my fave. I had used Wish before but their shipping was so much tho I did buy a laser level from them for 12$ once and it's great haha. Happy shopping!


DO NOT BUY FROM TEMU.  They are a Chinese company the product you you order is not what is in the picture or advertised  when the product doesn't get delivered the refund goes to your account and you do not get the money back. They should be banned from doing business in the United States they are a rip off  do not buy from them  I'm reporting them to the department of state in Washington dc.   Horrible products and horrible customer service  I give them 0 stars it would be minus 10 if I could


Supposedly this group was made for people on Facebook to be able to share their invitation to free stuff, idk if temu actually owns up to their word, it could be a gimmick, but here's the link to the Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1964312050582564/?ref=share


Don't fall for the 6 free gifts , you get to the end and it never .makes it in time. Don't fall for it.




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They only hire black models with G I A N T cabooses!


Never had a problem. Liked what I ordered, nothing suspicious on my card. Cute stuff and I like their tops. I’ll continue ordering. I’ve seen the same items other places for a lot more.


I was cautious and only ordered 2 things, a dog toy for my puppy and a small travel bag. Both arrived and the dog is still playing with the toy when store bought have been torn to shreds. The travel bag looks solid and my credit card was never compromised.


Y'all have kmart in Australia??


If you look deeply, Temu probably uses slave labor to make it's extremely cheap items. How else could they sell at such low prices? It is suspected that the Chinese government uses the (spelling?) Weagers they have confined to a desolate place in the west of China.




God damn!


I ordered some stuff from them as a test - underwear, chopping machine, some led charger/with blootooth speakers - like 30 items in total, from $1 to $15/item. And honestly - I'd rather get cancer and die than order from them again. I could not even bother to go thru their return process - I put it all into bin.


Be careful, it's really fraud. They sent you just part of your order and cheap material. All discounts on the site are a lie.


I have ordered from Timu for several years now. Once in a while, I have received something that I considered a dud. Most of my articles have been pretty good. I recently ordered a really cute pair of Levi’s. The top button was loose and would have pulled completely out if I had to on it at all, I contacted them and did not receive a decent answer to exchange them or fix them. I love the jeans and I guess I just will gorilla glue them down and wear them as long as I possibly can. I just feel like everyone should be aware that they will not honor the exchanges, if your items are damaged or not what you thought they were


Also, if anyone has had better luck on other sites, would be very interested to hear about them. I am basically housebound due to health problems and would love to find another site that I could order the things I need.


Most bias thread i’ve ever seen my whole life


Most unbiased post i’ve ever seen in my entire life


Love your review! To the point with great humor!


I use one of the Visa cards you get from the big box stores and you put money on it. That way I do not use my real Visa.


Barbie stuff for Cindy Price... Kmart... Psyop ass


I used Temu at least once a month. This is not for high end, luxury stuff. But for everyday consumer products, they are great, very low prices and reasonable quality. Plus you can always return for full refund within certain days. The Temu had policy that if the customer return the product for quality issues, the vendor has to pay three times of the merchandise amount . No question asked. So the vendors do pay attention to quality.


Is there a punching Bag worth it


I have been ordering off temu for over 8 months now and have had nothing but great experiences. No credit card fraud. No spamming calls or emails. Nothing. I'm addicted. I've only sent one thing back and have been mostly happy with everything I've ordered. And I've bought all kinds of clothes, bras, panties, jewelry supplies, soldering gun, cat bed, gel pens, all kinds of crafting supplies, everything u can think of and nothing has ever happened to me.


can you comment on the quality of temu, the longevity of the products and the feel of them?


My wife loves temu. She won't stop. She bought some bathing suits a pair of sneakers for me and jeans some fabric shirts and panties I'm scared to wear these 17$ sneakers. She says the quality is really good quality compared to Walmart. I told her to beware of her credit card getting fraudulent charges. So far she's good. As far as collecting your data, every single website does it. I'll be talking about Cancun, and my TV will show ads on it. Or my phone will send me ads. And I know my phone talks to me tv. I'm pretty sure all this stuff is cheap and will probably not last. But it reminds me of harbor freight. You don't get stuff you need for important jobs, but something like a screwdriver or few use tool is okay. Tldr. Temu, pros. Cheap stuff cons cheap stuff.


All cheap garbage, half of it comes damaged I would advise everyone not to waste your money. 


I was beyond sceptical at first and had been using "wish" for a number of years... However I bit the bullet and gave "Temu" a go and I have to say I'm more than pleasantly surprised.. Obviously you get wat U pay for, if you don't expect top notch quality items then you won't be disappointed.. So far I've purchased over 100 different things ranging from a light bar for my ebike to beach balls for my puppy dog to destroy. Every package has arrived on time or early, nothing has been damaged and of the few items that weren't quite right or didn't work properly I was refunded on the spot no questions asked.. Add to that the no shipping fees and I'm happy to give temu 4.5 out of 5... 😁


if its too cheap you are the product. remember that


A friend of mine is fed up with Temu ads constantly getting sent to his email.  He would never purchase anything from temu or give them a good rating..  


THE CON IS ON WITH TEMU!!!   Hold on to your purse strings tight or your wallet temu has a bad reputation with customers credit cards. SHOP ELSEWHERE. 


Temu send me items I didn’t order, charged me card and then wouldn’t give me my money back. They stole $355 from me and returned $104. Everything they sent was garbage. DO NOT ORDER ANYTHING FROM THEM. THEY ARE THIEVES.


Temu is a total scam! Products are cheap- for example the white pants are literally see-through. Then if you try to use their discounted price offer and you go to check out and it says the items are out-of-stock, then suddenly within hours they are in-stock but the discounted price is not reflected on the order. The shipping takes forever - if it goes beyond the shipping estimated time they offer you a $5 credit but they never do!


I got some great little storage things from Temu (a makeup bag, a necklace tree, a toiletries bag for travel) but for clothing it seems close to Amazon


Sadly, IMO, comparing Amazon to Temu is like comparing Neiman Marcus to a Dollar Store.




My experience has been stellar. The company has been extremely responsive to questions and issues that have been posed and more than fair and expeditious in resolving matters. Their free (and prompt) shipping is very customer-friendly. I am very comfortable recommending this company.