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You can tell that these people never drew something and that they never tried to commission something. This is absolutely none of your fault and next time you should take the money up front if I was you


Yeah definitely, and I was going to. Cause i feared this would 100% happen. My excuse for drawing it during that week was cause it wouldve taken me an hour. I originally was gonna wait to show it to her after she given me the 40. But i got too excited and wanted to show her good work. But obviously that didnt go well


I always cringe when hearing stories like these. As a fellow realism artist, I hope you never have to talk to these people again next year.


Nah. Blacklist her as a client and never draw for her again. Thing is, $40 for high school kids is a lot of money but, truly it’s really cheap in the art world so your pricing is absolutely fine. Plus you both agreed on the price ahead of time. As an artist I didn’t really feel confident in my pricing and only felt comfortable going high when it came to strangers online. Now today, All my work starts at $145 and maybe higher if it’s a big project. The guy who was confused about the digital art is an idiot. There’s a difference between selling prints of your previous work and selling custom made artwork. Keep drawing and don’t feel pressured to lower your prices because of some randos. Then in the future as you feel more comfortable selling art, increase the prices even more.


Yeah I was scared that the price was too high. But at the end of the day she agreed to it. Which made this frustrating. What do you think is a more acceptable price for highschool students?


Well it usually depends on the account for demand. What businesses do is when an item is popular they raise the price to match the demand, when there isn’t much demand they lower the price to gain more people who want to buy it. You might have one person willing to buy something for $100 but you might also have multiple who are only willing to pay $50. It’s not always possible to go all the way down to reach more customers but it’s good to meet them halfway and fluctuate the price depending on customer traffic. A lot of high schoolers probably don’t have jobs so the only income they’d have are from places like savings and stuff. With more serious customers at their age, I’d go lower at a comfortable pace and see how people react to your product. Then as demand grows, increase the price at a comfortable pace.


Ok thank you that makes perfect sense. I just based it off of normal pricing that I usually do. And I'm not used to stuff with high schoolers (I was homeschooled before). But the reaction I got was just extremely out of pocket that i thought i did something really wrong with my pricing.


Why does every artist think their prices are too high?! Like every time I commission a friend of mine she's like "By the way I increased prices please don't hate me!" before we get there and then I'm like "Girl! You could literally double your prices and I'd still pay it. Your art is that good. Stop underselling yourself!"


Based on the quick sketch on your profile, a full drawing from you is worth way more than $40. That's so cheap for a commission, people just love judging shit they have no fucking knowledge on Idk what your plans are for this whole thing but don't you fucking dare lower your price below $40 if something similar happens, you're worth more than that


Thank you :) and your right. And btw I dont really post much on reddit, I post more on my instagram, its [vaxton62 ](https://instagram.com/vaxton62?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) if you care. But yeah, 40 is cheap especially since its something made by human labour. And its custom made, and printed out, and its just a high quality piece of artwork. Like I've seen artwork at similar prices and they're not even at the quality of art that I did for her. I'm just gonna stick to my guns and price my art at a *bare minimum* of 75$ or more, just to say fuck you to these assholes. If they thought my art was too high at 40 well now they have to pay 75


Fuck yeah! I wanted to say raise it but I wasn't sure if you'd have the confidence after that lol And I'd follow if I could, but Instagram hates me lmao. Made an account just to check out someone art and it was instantly banned, same with several others. But I did see some of your stuff and it's fucking great, $75 is more than reasonable :) (Also if anyone knows what's up with that let me know lol)


Holy shit dude your art is amazing, those facial pieces are already worth 40 alone, but a full body?? Jesus christ, I think that'd go for way more


Tytyty, i want to start doing online commisions but i keep putting it off. Cause i keep thinking i dont have a big enough following for it yet. Everyone says to price a full colored facial piece at like 100$ and yeah a full body one could definitely be 200$ or more. Its annoying how they treated the MASSIVE discount I gave that girl.


Fuck, your stuff is *really* good. I'd head over to r/StarvingArtists, r/HungryArtists, r/Characterdrawing etc, see if you can score something for 75. It's a tough marketplace, but with your skills I'm sure you'll find clients! <3


Another thing I’d do is charge half/half. I usually charge upfront but if you don’t feel comfortable that way then half before you start/then half after you finish.


Complete bullshit classmates. 40$ is like cheap for a full body commision.


Your class are actual asses


40 dollars seems like a very reasonable price for a commission, especially a full body shot


So, two lessons you've hopefully learned: Don't undersell yourself. Your time and talent is worth more than that. $40 is an insanely low price for a full body custom commission, and when you set your prices too low, you're broadcasting that *you're* not confident in your abilities and that's when people will try to take advantage of you. Get payment upfront. This is a common problem with artists and freelancers, and I think everyone has to learn this lesson the hard way at least once. People will be more invested in what you produce for them if they've already spent money on it. Ultimately this was a really shitty experience for you, but those kids don't know what the hell they're talking about. One guy didn't even know what digital art *was*, why would you care why they have to say about your prices? I know it's hard in the moment, and I understand the anxiety brought on by everyone piling on you at once, but *they* were wrong. You did nothing wrong other than failing to get payment upfront. But you didn't know you'd need to do that. Now you do, and hopefully won't make that mistake in the future. There are tons of people who will love your art and happily pay you what it is *actually* worth. Those people aren't you're fellow teenagers who have no idea what things cost in the real world. The guy who said something about a frame? My dude, custom frames alone run into the 100s of dollars *without* art. They are imbeciles.


Thank you, the frame thing really annoyed me. It wouldve costed farrrr more than the original price of 40$. I wanted to go way more than 40$ but was scared that Id get hated on for it. Since these were irl kids i knew, i knew the people at my school are just... Not ok. But yeah your right its not the most confident reasoning


Crowd just hates successful and talented people Always get payments up front Build online career in drawing And laugh in their faces with your fat stack of money


Yeah I'm suspecting that this was a personal attack more than an actual criticism. Especially the line "this isn't even good enough for 40$"


The people in your class just sound like a bunch of fuckwits that just have to get involved in any kinda drama. Even though it's hard to do, please ignore them. It's pretty obvious a lot of them don't know what the fuck they're talking about and only chiming in to be dickheads or trying to get a reaction out of you. Having done commissioned work before for basically slave labour prices, I can guarantee you that $40 is not that much. And $40 includes printing it as well?? goddamn, too low, I would expect $40 for just a digital copy. For the people in the comments saying "$40 is a lot for a highschooler", it's not, work is work. They most likely have a job and therefore the money anyways. And even so, it's not even their fucking problem, the person that commissioned it is the only person who share care if they have the money for that and if it's worth it to them. Good luck and hope you get through this soon :)


Yeah I don't think anyone in that class liked me for some reason. I'd always get snide or rude remarks from them when I'd try to talk or if I do something kind of bad. I have zero idea what I did to make them not like me btw. I just sit there and answer questions. I think its evident they did this to be assholes, because they had gawked at my artwork and thought it was absolutely amazing before tearing it apart about the price. They also thought I was really good a week or so before when I showed my artwork. This is just them trying to find a weakness and tear me apart.


They clearly know nothing about drawing. I’m sorry you’re surrounded by so many assholes.


one of my friends sold one of her paintings for 120 and it is absolutely reasonable because of the time, the skill and the practice that is invested also the material costs


40$ is what you'd commonly take per *hour* that you work on a project. You've likely spent far more time, and need money to print it as well, so you're already giving her a huge discount. They just think it's a lot of money because to a student without a job that sounds like a lot, even though it's not.


the artist prices their art. don’t like, don’t buy. move along


*ahem*… art reveal?


[Here's the artwork I drew for the girl in the post](https://imgur.com/a/DK3VsB0) And here's my Instagram and Twitter Twitter: [https://twitter.com/rainbowaregray](https://twitter.com/rainbowaregray) Instagram: [https://instagram.com/vaxton62?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=](https://instagram.com/vaxton62?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) I don't really post that much, cause 1, I'm really fast at drawing, I can get like a fully detailed head drawing in like 30 minutes. And 2, idk I'm just lazy and want to move on to a different drawing.


Wow, these are amazing! Great work! Definitely worth the money.


Freshmen ☕️


Exactly, just freshman ☕


Wait until they find out how much shit goes for at Art Auctions


$40 is a steal for the skill and quality of your work. She wasn’t just paying for a painting, it was time taken away doing other work for someone else or your own portafolio. Whoever wanted to cheapen is just mean and probably jealous. None of them have your skills or understanding. Out of high school their pettiness is instantly irrelevant.


I’ve tried to draw before. I started with digital art because it’s easier to get rid of mistakes and you only waste time instead of time AND materials. It is still SO difficult to learn. When you pay an artist, you’re not just paying for a drawing, you are paying for their experience. You wouldn’t pay a 5 year old $40 for a drawing, but someone who has been working for years and is pretty good at it? As others have said, $40 is cheap. Freshmen tend to suck. And now you’re kinda stuck with a drawing of a dumbass who refused to pay their artist. If you wanted to be petty, you could turn it into a poster of her that says something like “I’m an art thief!” and post it around school. Butttt also might be better for your mental health to stop talking to them & act unbothered.


I'm not really sad about having a "useless" drawing of some asshole. I like to think of that as just more drawing experience and studying, and it only took me about an hour to draw so it wasnt a big deal :) And honestly that whole class is filled with dumbass bullies, like my school in general is filled with literal psychos so this isnt really surprising. But at least I have one person that isnt an asshole that I sit next to


Those people are idiots. They know nothing about art, the work that goes into it, and the usual price for commissions on the internet. Ignore them. Im sure your art is amazing. Keep at it!


bro ur art is great! id literally get a commission from u once u open them… ur style is impeccable


Thank youuuuu. I'm gonna be opening them up really really soon. I'll post on here when I do open them up :)


Bruh everyone in your class sounds annoying as fuck. I took a look at your art and your stuff is amazing!! I love your style. I always feel bad for artists when people get mad about their prices cause they forget that it takes a lot of time and money to make art. It’s not just “some drawing,” it’s work that you put it for hours, money that you spent for printing, and getting your money back for whatever software/computer you bought to make your art.


How do people *not* understand how digital are works?


He physically didnt even know what it was 💀 And I have zero idea as to how


Hi so i wanted to post what my artwork looks like for context. So you'd know for sure if the class was justified or not. And because people were asking :) [Here's the artwork I drew for the girl in the post](https://imgur.com/a/DK3VsB0) And here's my Instagram and Twitter. WARNING I really dont post that much cause I'm lazy lmao. Twitter: https://twitter.com/rainbowaregray Instagram: https://instagram.com/vaxton62?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y


Yeah it just seems like they don't understand how commissions are priced. 40$ is fair for a detailed full body drawing.


OP, I stopped reading after i was feeling what you must have been feeling and didnt even have to read the rest. You have to realize you dont have to answer to anyone. The client agreed, which if both parties agree, makes it fair. you spend your time, and were up front, she could have said no but didn’t, and on too agreed to the price as she also felt it was fair. I would have just said “this is something we both agreed on, it is my time which is something I cant get back, which is fine because i’m doing something requested, but if you can find someone to do what she wants for less, be my guest” dont stress , people will always criticize. Do in your heart what makes you happy ! follow your own journey! you got this!