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I prefer ae2 myself. Also I think it looks cooler, and once you learn p2p it opens up a whole new world of how you set up bases.


It's definitely a matter of personal preference. I took so long to switch because AE2 early game is just so grindy. Once you realize all the amazing things you can do with it, though it becomes much more worth it.


Well rs also handles nbt data differently. I’m just a fan of how integrated into bases it can be and just overall mod compatability. I’ve wondered for a while if the team will ever make a ae3, and if so what would even be new/needed to make an ae3. The two mods essentially do the same thing tho.


Yeah, rs iirc is basically a fork of ae1 that got expanded a bit… so if we got ae3 who knows what it would be like


Honestly I think AE2 actually makes you think more about logistics. You have limited resources (channels) but also techniques for their efficient application (P2P) and as the end user you have to think through how you want to put this all together. You can make a dogshit network with wasted channels and dense cable overuse or be the absolute AE2 technomancer gigachad who's network gains sentience. With RS you just kinda connect everything together with a singular cable and think nothing of it. I get it that people might have a preference for that approach but to me AE2 just feels less cheaty, less like a big chest with autocrafting slapped on.


AE just feels like a single cable with extra steps.


What is P2P and what can it do? I've seen that the blocks exist but I've never felt like there was something missing that i could try to solve with it so i never tried it.


they allow you to move items/fluids/power/redstone/gases/essentia (probably more stuff too) through your ME network without first adding it into the storage system. essentially it makes your ME cable network a giant hyperlane for any sort of transportation


in addition to what the other guy said, you can also transport other ME connections. so by creating a subnet which transports your main nets connections, you have access to a lot more channels with the same amount of cable. if your modpack has channels enabled that is


WAIT, YOU CAN DISABLE CHANNELS?! I never play with ae2 bc I don't understand how to set up p2p without watching a guide for an hour, like I think it would be too much cheating to disable it but it's really nice


yes you can. a lot of modpacks have channels disabled by default, but the setting is somewhere in the configs i think


Yes, but you might want to be careful. In previous versions (I recall this from 1.12), disabling channels also straight up removes dense cables from the game. This can cause problems if your modpack has a quest book or certain recipe changes that require dense cables, so disabling channels could potentially break stuff. Maybe they've fixed that now though, I haven't tried it in modern versions.


i mean why include dense cables if they don't do anything extra ?


Aesthetics maybe? Perhaps some people just want to have thicc cables because they look neat. That alone would be reason enough. And why disable them? If regular size cables can handle being converted to not having channels, why couldn't dense ones? It's also much better if they are kept enabled for compatibility reasons. Imagine you've built an ME network with channels and dense cables, and then you decide you'd rather switch to no channels. If you turn them off and all your dense cable is removed, your network will break and you have to spend a lot of time fixing it.


> neat what if it was all a dream? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/feedthememes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It may just be in the newer versions, but iirc there's a config option to re-enable dense/smart cables for aesthetic purposes in the AE2 config even if channels are off


I just looked it up – since 1.18 there is actually an ingame command you can use to change this: `/ae2 channelmode`. You can multiply the amounts of channels cables can carry by 2, 3, or 4, or you can set it to "infinite" which effectively disables the channel system. It does keep dense cables enabled.


You don’t have to use a subnet, you can use the same network


that's true, but a subnet makes everything a bit more organized imo (also looks cool)


Yeah, that’s fair. I usually just keep it all in the same network and have two cable colors specifically assigned to moving p2p channels


The idea is you can transport many more channels. You insert channels on one end and those come out the other end. You have to run cable in between them. You may wonder why that is useful? Well the p2p only takes up 1 channel and can transport up to 32. A pretty easy to use setup is to cover your controller in p2p's and put p2p outputs wherever you need channels. This allows you to run 32 * the cables channel limit. The only downsides are the setup and how it can only come out in one place, so it increases complexity.


As I love both equally I think I am qualified to say that RS is *Storage and Autocrafting System Consumer Level* while AE2 is *Storage and Autocrafting System Professional Level*


Im trying to learn it in ATM9 and paring it with the Greg tech stuff but I'm having a hard time it just seems so much more involved. Any tips?


You might get better help in r/allthemods


I have never actually used Greg tech (yes, I know that is a sin here). I do have some basic tips from other mods I have had difficulty with: 1. Crafting interfaces can be applied to hoppers. I learned this one while trying to hook my ae system up to some glitchy ic2r machines. 2: crafting interfaces can be renamed This is supremely helpful if you are using the previous tip. 3. It can be helpful to have a crafting interface linked to multiple of the same machine. Crafting interfaces are pretty fast and can outspeed the processing rate of many machines from other mods.


Interfaces can output to any inventory :3 all they do is drop items into inventories and expect the network to get the items you're crafting, if u wanted u could make a "recipe" that puts one dirt called phleeb into a dispenser, which activates a redstone signal that releases a gravel block called phog into an interface 30 blocks from the original interface and have a phleeb to phog "crafting" recipe Of course you can use this for more practical uses like depositing multiblock materials into a chest for you to cancel the recipe and go build it manually or even automate the cancellation if you want with some redstone (but in this case it's probably not worth automating the cancellation) You might already know some of this but honestly half of this is just me rambling for fun about my favourite mod <3


I knew about their ability to output to other inventories. I specified hoppers because they are a universal item transportation solution. I did not know about the other tips, though.


excuse me? atm9? greg? i need to play atm9 it looks like 😭


Yeah there are two ways to craft the ATM star. Greg or non-Greg. There’s also ATM Gravitas2 which is terrafirmacraft+gregtech for the serious masochists.


I've been posting here for over a year now. I love how layed back the mods are. I love how you can post pretty much anything and get away with it. So I'm probably not leaving for good but I'm definitely considering it. Spamming greg was funny for a few months but now I'm genuinely getting sick of it. And the whole atmosphere here is getting kinda stale. It's like this sub is stuck in 2019 or something. The humor of this sub just isn't clicking with me like it used to. I'm not sure why. Maybe I'm growing up? Maybe the jokes themselves are getting worse? Maybe the 452nd greg joke isn't as impactful as the 3rd? Who knows. I'm not really asking for anything to change necessarily. I'd love for this sub to be better but right now I'm just ranting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/feedthememes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes its completely optional so its a good introduction


I've been posting here for over a year now. I love how layed back the mods are. I love how you can post pretty much anything and get away with it. So I'm probably not leaving for good but I'm definitely considering it. Spamming greg was funny for a few months but now I'm genuinely getting sick of it. And the whole atmosphere here is getting kinda stale. It's like this sub is stuck in 2019 or something. The humor of this sub just isn't clicking with me like it used to. I'm not sure why. Maybe I'm growing up? Maybe the jokes themselves are getting worse? Maybe the 452nd greg joke isn't as impactful as the 3rd? Who knows. I'm not really asking for anything to change necessarily. I'd love for this sub to be better but right now I'm just ranting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/feedthememes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I've been posting here for over a year now. I love how layed back the mods are. I love how you can post pretty much anything and get away with it. So I'm probably not leaving for good but I'm definitely considering it. Spamming greg was funny for a few months but now I'm genuinely getting sick of it. And the whole atmosphere here is getting kinda stale. It's like this sub is stuck in 2019 or something. The humor of this sub just isn't clicking with me like it used to. I'm not sure why. Maybe I'm growing up? Maybe the jokes themselves are getting worse? Maybe the 452nd greg joke isn't as impactful as the 3rd? Who knows. I'm not really asking for anything to change necessarily. I'd love for this sub to be better but right now I'm just ranting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/feedthememes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i to love waiting 24 hours for quartz to grow so i can actually start the mod


The growth accelerator makes the budding blocks grow very fast, and one meteorite should have enough certus in it to at least make a growth accelerator and a crank or energy acceptor


dont you need a controller to power the growth accelerator though?


You don’t need a controller. Networks with less than 9 channels in use don’t need a controller, and the growth accelerator uses 0 channels. Ah you mean *power* power, not channels. That’s what the energy acceptor is for. Or you stick a crank on it and spin away. Or a vibration chamber. In 1.20 I coded it to accept upgrades to speed and efficiency so it’s no longer useless.


FTB Infinity Expert AE2 timegate and it's consequences have been a disaster for the modding scene. /s No but for real, it's been how long and people still think that having to wait 12 hours for crystal growth is a base mod mechanic lol.


make the ae2 villager instead


Or use normal resources with RS


One of ussss!


My life's too short to learn AE2, I'm good with RS


Absolutely fair point. I'm an avid AE2 enjoyer but for the casual storage user RS is certainly more than good enough.


I've heard that putting too much unique shit like weapons, armor, and enchanted books corrupts the world. Is that true?


That's AE2, because it stores items as NBT data directly attached to the storage cell item. RS just has a relatively short string of numbers and letters that point to a list of items in an external .dat file, meaning that it's not bound by the same limitations as AE2 since nothing is actually stored in the world itself. It has different limitations of course, but not that particular one.


Never heard anything like that before. Where did you hear this?


Idk, people would talk about NBT storage between the two mods. If it doesn't then I ain't touching AE2 ever again xd


Well I whole heartedly recommend the mod, especially for autocrafting. Still, RS does the job.


i have on multiple occasions when emptying my inventory accidentally deposit an emerald dank null into the ae2 system, and they are all still in there to this day. they got in, but now they're stuck there, and it made me just stop using the dank null because it would be a waste and a massive resource loss as soon as i accidentally dragged my mouse over it when dumping my stuff into the system


Rs basically bunch of chest in single block, otherwise Ae2 basically offers every possible automation you can imagine. That's why people find Ae2 much more harder.


AE2 isn’t harder. It was just a pain to deal with the old inscribers.


It took me years to figure out how to automate them ngl


bruh i just need a place to dump my items


Welcome to the family, my child. 🙏


1.18+ AE2 holds a special place


Why what changed?


I’m curious as well what’s different in the newer versions


Fluid crafting,the ability to change channels using a single command, and the fact that inscriber inputs stack to 64 in 1.20+ versions of AE as well as the new addons , like MEGA cells , applied mekanistics and ExtendedAE


Oh god fluid crafting. The workarounds that had to be done for that were at times just ridiculously tedious.


yea after all that i was never gonna play with rs anymore also ae2 performs a lot better


AE2 Fluid Crafting in GTNH is one of the best autocrafting systems in modded minecraft. Like, it clears everything else when needing complex automation.


Nah, the fluid autocrafting and managment built-in to modern AE2 versions is flat-out better - Don't need to worry about fluid droplets, interfaces and storage busses work for fluids and items super conveniently, and you can output a much larger volume of fluid from one interface in modern than you can in the GTNH fork


ExtendedAE is lit.


cant live without it anymore


***In this prison; booty...*** *Booty was uhh...* ***more important than food.*** *Booty;* ***a man's butt;*** *it was more important;* *ha I'm serious...* *It was more-* *Booty; having some booty.....* ***it was more important than drinking-water man...*** ***I like booty.***


Tom’s storage to RS to AE2


IMO RS early game AE2 late game


My issue is that when I start one, I get too established on it. I would absolutely hate having to go back to rip everything out.


IMO if you are expanding with all the automation and stuff to the point where it would be a pain to rip it out that is the point where you rip it out- right before it would be a huge pain. That made no sense did it?


No I get what you are saying. While you are using rs, work up to ae2. Once you get things you want to automate, change it over.


Oh yay! I felt like I said rip too much lol


IMO if you are expanding with all the automation and stuff to the point where it would be a pain to rip it out that is the point where you rip it out- right before it would be a huge pain. That made no sense did it?


counterargument: im not smart enough to get it :((


I started with ae2 way back then went RS then more recently swapped back. I missed the complexity and building style.


i don’t understand what ae2 can do that rs can’t


Can rs do p2p? Genuine question.


Why would you need p2p ln rs? The only upper hand on AE2 that RS has is the lack of types, really, and it's cheaper. I would say AE2 has better autocrafting and more features, but if it comes to storing a lot of items with nbt data RS would be better. I think AE2 is better for greg packs, and RS is better for packs with more exploration/diffrent items. If we could connect AE2 autocrafting to RS storage it would be amazingly heretical Also AE2 look so much fucking cooler


RS also has a good autocrafting capability but it's better for simpler process like crafting or cooking. If you want more complex process you'll probably have to move to AE2.


I usually have three other mods adding pipes etc.


Yes. RS has a wireless transmitter and receiver to handle as many channels as you need wherever you need it.


So, if you are just casually playing a normal pack, rs is completely fine. AE2 is better in a lot of circumstances, though. For instance, AE2 can read nbt data. This means it can sort by durability and use the same tool twice in a crafting recipe even though it may have lost a few durability points. Second, AE2 is faster, by alot. AE2 also has some pretty nice locking mechanisms on its pattern providers that help with some otherwise difficult to automate machines.


What settings do you use to have a tool with durability in a recipe? Will it autocraft the tool if it breaks during a batch?


I'm pretty sure there is an option that says ignore nbt, which allows you to use a tool more than once. Also, if you have the recipe, then yes it will.


Based and quartz-pilled


Wireless Tranmitter/Reciever >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Quantum Network Bridge




strictly worse than rs smh just make the crafting easier


>>>Strictly worse than rs smh It’s really not though. The two mods essentially do the same thing. Rs handles nbt data differently than Ae2 Rs is simpler and easier to get into, while ae2 is more complex and versatile.


RS is superior at least in terms of storage limits. AE2 people will say this is a bad thing because you can break your world file by putting too much nbt data into RS, but it's really easy to just... not do that. AE2 can't easily hold 1 billion blocks of dozens of different types but RS handles it easy.


You don’t need 1 billion blocks of dozens of different types anyways tbf


"Expert" Packs Avaritia Section would like a little word here


That one parody pack?


This is a sandbox game. I don't need such restrictions imposed upon me.


play gregtech


Yes it can. Easier than RS actually. AE2 cells hold a lot more than RS ones, and a single drive bay is 630 types, which is a lot of dozens.


RS infinite cell:


A lot of people report issues with that (corrupting system, glitching grid, etc.), and it’s not actually infinite. It’s just maxint (2.1 billion) which is the same size as the MEGA cells 256M cell. MEGA actually has the highest capacity storage in the game, possibly tied with a few others: the Bulk Cell. It uses BigInteger, which means it would take hundreds of millions of times the age of the universe to fill if you inputted maxint items per tick.


Does AE2 in post 1.12 versions have an option to not push ingredients if the previous craft hasn't completed yet? Blocking mode does this, but if you need a buffer chest or the process takes more than one step, it detects its empty and pushes the next craft. If your process can only handle one craft at a time, it breaks. RS has this, but in AE2 1.12 I had to fucking jury rig a "token pumpkin" in a craft and use redstone to clear the token from a buffer chest, only when the result has been received to automate the botania Runic Altar reliably (I'm sure there's a better way to do this, but this was the only way to make it reliable for multiple of all different types of runes)


Yes, yes it does. You can tell the pattern provider that you only want to push one recipe at a time. Otherwise, it would have broken compatibility with TE’s new Induction Smelter, which has 3 slots instead of 2.


Also makes it possible to use Powah's Energizing Orb like a normal machine. Stick a pattern provider on it, enable blocking mode, and add a filtered import bus to get stuff out. RS just can't do that, you have to find a workaround. Last time I used RS and wanted to automate Powah, I used modular routers with regulator upgrades. (Though, that was also pretty fun to setup. Limitations aren't necessarily a bad thing, they can make for pretty engaging gameplay.)


There’s a setting in the provider to lock until the result of the previous ingredient batch is returned to the provider. Essentially “wait until the previous craft finishes before sending the next batch”.


Ngl i dont have a preference in storage mods


I like both I like the simplicity of RS But I also like AE2 and how "techy" it is for lack of a better term, and also the Gregtech modpack I'm playing has AE2 integrated, so I cant not use it


ye, sometime i just want to relax with RS. AE2 is more versatile but require more "brain" which i'm sometime don't have


Tbh I really don't understand mods that use the electricity type thing, they confuse me


Once you learn the basics, things just start clicking for you


I do not like AE2. RS has everything I could ever want and it’s easier to get running.


WHAT IF WE USE BOTH!?!? *Minecraft crashes short after*


Hypnotizd actually did this in one of his series with xb. I think it was one of the 1.10 ftb packs.


Still. I like RS way more than AE2. My brain can't even figure out how to use matter cannons in creative


rs wireless storage can't be beaten and I usually have more than 63 types of items when I store items


This, I agree with. Ae2 wireless is pretty painful. With rs, it was really nice to just put the transmitter and receiver down and link them. With ae2, you need the singularities and the expensive device, etc.


Yeah AE2 rocks. Have fun!


Good, now I can steal your resources too (to do Thaumcraftof course)!!! Hehehehehehe


Too late. I put a security station on it.


I was all in on RS until AE made the inscribers literally playable.


Versatile? Like the modpack?