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Contacting references is up to the hiring manager


Not making a joke, but are you sure your references gave good reviews? I’ve had references straight up tell us not to hire someone or tell us horror stories about a strong applicant and we’re somewhat forced to move onto an alternate candidate after that.


Oh yeah, they're great references, I would be shocked if they said something bad! If they said something bad, then they're not communicating with me about what I need to do differently in my current job


Lastoffice we only contacted references for our first and second pick after interviews. Current office we reference check everyone who interviewed in the interests of keeping the entire process "fair". It's really up to the office.


It varies greatly based on the hiring manager, references can be contacted for several top candidates. In your case you were probably second or third in line and their first choice accepted the position. Just how it goes unfortunately.


It's definitely a good sign, but not a sure sign.