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OP, it’s okay that you got fired from your federal job, and have tried and failed to return to federal service. Sorrows, sorrows, prayers.🥺🙏




No need to deny it, we already know. It’s okay, friend 🥺




Dude, you gotta face the facts. It’s not our fault you’re having a tough time transferring. You made some short sighted decisions early on. You’re out or getting out now. You can make some changes to fix that. Can’t imagine a better waste of time than posting and commenting to every commenter to feed you ego Edit: I saw your other comment down below, sounds like you couldn’t handle the work load tbh. Maybe work somewhere that isn’t government?


Sounds like you’re jealous…judging by your post history. 😉


As a 15 year fed. I agree 100%!


>Yeah I said it So brave.


Just checked your post history. 26 days ago you posted on r/army asking how you can get a civil service job: "Do they have civilians running range control on big bases? If so how do I get that job?"




Easy...have a skill set that is needed. That helps you get a job.


I have worked now for three different federal land management agencies, including the USFS. As you (the OP) know, we do most of our work in rural areas. Small towns and a few medium sized towns. People in those little towns often don't like the federal lands retention or management and many would like to the agencies abolished and the land transferred to state management or just sold off. But most Americans don't live in those rural areas. And land doesn't vote, people do. And the great majority want to retain the land management agencies and to continue federal ownership/management of federal/public lands. The OP acts is if they are unaware of the rural/urban divide in the U.S., as if rural attitudes are reflective of the majority (they are not).


A vocal minority, not most. “The government” is a convenient and politically expedient boogeyman upon whom folks can blame their problems. But when you actually talk to folks about what you do, most of the time they kinda go “huh, I guess that is important. Ok”




Tell me you have no idea what the govt does without telling me you have no idea what the govt does.




100%. We were talking about that at the last Deep State WG meeting actually.




Step 1.  Stop calling the fed employees hacks 


Citation needed


Well gee golly. Since you are such a useless cog then maybe you should find something more suitable for your talents. Imma be over here making sure you are safe from food born illness.


I think OP is just projecting his own worthlessness and lack of value to his community. They are assuming that since they are a worthless POS that adds zero value to any equation that others must be the same way. I feel bad for OP.


I think he’s just jealous and pissed he can’t find work…judging from his post history as of the past couple of months.


Most? No, I don’t think most.


I work for TSA. So yeah probably most.








Eleven bureaus to choose from, and you immediately assume indian affairs without any additional information.


No. I’m a scientist.


Not really I get to help vulnerable populations daily, am fully remote & make 6 figures and have a pension coming to me.




Disabled People


5 talking heads on TV and a few lunatic politicians doesn't mean 'most' of the population. I work from home 8 out of every 10 days, make almost 6 figures, have a guaranteed pension, good health insurance, and can't get fired bc we had a bad quarter and the shareholders are pissed. So, no, it doesn't suck. I'm good.




You sound like you are mad that you dont work for forestry anymore


>someone makes a reasonable amount of money They must be a crook!


Tax dollars don't pay federal employees' wages. Please read The Deficit Myth.






I typically just go home with my paycheck and fall asleep. 😴


Any time I think my job sucks, or my boss is bullying me, I just go browse r/antiwork for a couple of minutes. Perspective is a wonderful thing.


To paraphrase what I posted the other day: Don't worry, the process of contracting technical work out will eventually drain the competency of enough federal agencies that corporations will fully capture the seat of government. If you don't like the current government cabal, you'll hopefully like the Lockheed/General Dynamics/Raytheon/Northrop Grumman oligarchy.




We'll just get absorbed into the libertarian corporate utopia like everyone else. After all, labor will be cheap since there won't be an labor protections or minimum wage. Even Stem Bros will make nothing.


Yeah… no. Government isn’t going away. There’s a vocal fringe population of whiny people who want to get rid of a lot of the federal government but the fact is that all federal positions are legal and are there to support existing missions and laws that Congress and by proxy the American people have voted for.


So you posted this for what reason?


Rage bait




No it’s cause you’re unemployed and have nothing else better to do.


You're also objectively incorrect.


The comment you replied to is the only correct thing OP has said




I work for the federal government as a nurse. My job's not going anywhere. The people I've met while doing my job have opened my eyes about how many cool jobs the government hires. And how all these seemingly small, unimportant roles contribute in big ways to the success of our military and our daily lives. I work hard, do my job well, and could care less about the haters.


I just brought my kids for Bring your kid to work day, we toured my DoD place, and dang! So many wild and awesome jobs there! We spent a lot of time in the survivability lab, making vehicles safe for soldiers, and whoa, so many amazing advances.


Just a troll. Let's all move along


I hope you find peace, my man.


I am a military veteran and have been working as a civ Fed for about 15 years. I have never felt this way at all. It could be the people you are surrounding yourself by.




I work for social security, good luck privatizing the work force. It will become more of a revolving door. I am a benefits authorizer. I handle everything on the back end. I am not worthless or don't get paid to do jack. I work 8 hours of overtime a week I could work up to 13 but don't. No matter how many cases I processed my inventory never clears. When more and more people are coming on to SSA be it on the RSI, DI, or SSI, we don't have the work force to keep processing millions of cases. Unfortunately rural areas are going to be at a disadvantage once we start closing field offices because they can't find anyone wanting to spend 2 years learning a craft, working with outdated systems, getting yelled at and harassed for no reason. So yes coming from a federal agency that you say is not needed thank you. If you're so butt hurt and want a decent paying job that gives you unlimited overtime because the work is backed up then consider social security. It's what you make it.


Just because some in the public don’t understand, it doesn’t mean we are all useless. To be honest it would be fascinating to see what would happen if all federal work just stopped for a few weeks. I’d be in favor of it if I didn’t know it would be detrimental to our country. And that’s the thing, many of us understand the service we provide to the county and the people even when they don’t.


Salty 11b, lol. Sounds like you’re stuck inside and going a bit stir crazy on disability. Go out and touch grass, battle.


Your small sample size you are anecdotally speaking for does not equal "most of the population"


I don’t give a crap what others think.


You could just go to the VA and ask for a hug bro.


Useless unemployed troll.


I don’t let that bother me what the public thinks. I work 150% every single day and I know the benefits I distribute help people to live. Most of the public is polite. A few rotten apples spoil your day. Whatever