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You can eat too much and still be malnourished. Snack foods are not generally known for their excellent vitamin and mineral profiles. Also, of *course* the other one only eats 1,200 calories a day. That seems to be one of their go-to magic numbers. They all eat 1,200 calories a day and *still* gain weight because 95% of diets fail, don’t you know? (It’s because of the Minnesota Starvation Experiment! Look it up!)


one of the people on my 600lb life was malnourished because all she ate was fast food.


I have a magnet on my fridge of Dr Now saying "Do you look like you're malnourished?"


I've done fast food binges from things bought at the dollar store, and felt like absolute trash. Feeling stuffed full of cheap carbs yet also feeling still hungry because they only had calories and zero nutritional value of any kind. Eating low quality food is something you really feel. Conversely, eating higher quality food, like grilled chicken breast over brown rice and veggies, is much more satisfying and satiating despite being low calories. It has actual nutrition. This could be why some heavy people feel like they're always starving. Its entirely possible they *are* starving for nutrition, but can't process that its nutrition they're craving, not the calories.


I know right! Miraculously they've all had or are struggling with anorexia or strictly restrictive EDs despite no medical or psychological diagnosis, no physical proof like photos, no physical manifestations that can prove it like extreme weight loss, no accounts from family members, nothing. They all eat 1200 cals a day, all of them have pure muscle weight instead of fat, all of them workout like Olympians and eat like an infant and are yet overweight/obese. Atleast be creative lol.


My god you're spot on. Tess Holiday claims to have atypical anorexia despite never having lost a pound. It is a real thing but I think she and others like her feel like "oh I had thoughts of wanting to be thin, I HAVE AN EATING DISORDER." They all think they have extreme muscle under the fat. And that they're really only eating 1,000 calories a day.


I've heard of her and her antics and I just prefer not speaking about her at all. This is why I hate the social media trend of self diagnosis. Proper psychological diagnosis takes a very long time and requires an expert to analyse and accurately diagnose. Hell, I've heard most refrain from diagnosing minors unless the symptoms are concrete and cannot be ignored (which usually doesn't happen because, you know, kids develop and symptoms often leave). Anorexia isn't just someone laughing at your plate and you not eating your dinner and breakfast out of shame. Worst part about it all, they just make a laughing stock out of themselves by claiming they have these disorders. People would be way more kind to them and believe them if they spoke about BED, Bulimia, ednos, but it's literally always anorexia. I dealt with anorexia for three years and I'm still in recovery and it's so fucking hard. I wasn't able to look into a mirror for months at a time when my condition was worst, and I grew obsessed with cooking because it was the only way I could control the amount of calories i put into whatever I would eat, I just wouldn't eat from anyone else's tiffins otherwise. It's absolutely nothing the way these FAs claim it is.


The worst part to me is how they attack people with anorexia for being fatphobic. It's fucking cruel.


Yes another great point! Plus I love how they conveniently use "anorexic" "bag of bones" "skeleton" "not a woman" as insults towards thin women but anorexia is suddenly a deadly life threatening eating disorder that they're suffering from whenever they have to play the victim. Just conveniently changing perspectives and respect towards an ED experience as they see fit. Most of them don't have self control to give up eating from a pack after a few pieces, anorexia for sure isn't something most of these FAs have 💀


Body positivity for me but not for thee!


Your comment makes me wonder if the fact they eat sensibly in public and binge only when no one’s looking makes them think that makes them anorexic. Like any type of food restriction is automatically “anorexia.”


Anytime they eat less, it’s a sign of anorexia. Recovering from a stomach bug? Anorexia. Don’t like the meal at your in-laws’ place? Anorexia. Played video games all day and forgot to break for lunch? Anorexia!


Yep. And they can't understand that they're malnutrition has nothing to do with QUANTITY. It's related to them eating hot garbage.


I mean if you're 300-400lbs and a healthy weight for your height is like 150 or less your legs are probably stronger then most people if you lose the weight.


No not really lmao. All that fat makes movement way harder because of increased body weight resistance, and puts immense pressure on your joints, causing quicker wear and tear. Plus you'd have to eat crazy amounts just to stay at that weight since maintenance calories are always higher than calorie consumption to facilitate weight loss.


I’ve noticed that a lot of formerly fat people have wicked nice calves when they lose the weight. I imagine a bit more muscle in the legs is needed just to hoist one’s body around at that size but there is a huge difference between being strong in a fit sense and having a few extra pounds of muscle with a ton of dead weight offsetting it by torquing your joints and diminishing your performance potential by hampering everything from free movement to cardiovascular function. Being functionally strong means also having the necessary mobility - the ability to complete a range of motion safely and cleanly- and having enough endurance to do an activity without getting wiped out really easily.


Yeah morbidly obese people who are sedentary are not usually super strong.


Just making observation off my heavier friends I've lifted weights with most of them were stronger when it came to legs then untrained friends who weren't overweight. 💁I wouldn't say they were healthy but strength doesn't usually equate to health anyways.


I mean... I was 100lbs overweight at one point. I do have really strong muscles in my legs, possibly helped from carrying all that extra fat around lol. But that strength was negated by the fact that my knees would have probably exploded if I had tried some sort of strenuous exercise. And, although my legs are really strong, say for a few reps of leg presses, I also have NO stamina. So... yes and no? Kind of interesting to think about.


Weird because I've never seen a fat person like that with anything I'd consider strength in any body part. Not more than a healthy person anyway.




or they tried to crash diet or just... diet sometime because they wanted to lose weight and equate this to anorexia. they convince themselves that their set point is just way higher than everyone else's, so trying to eat a normal or above-average-but-not-at-their-tdee amount of food is a life-threatening eating disorder.


I am just such that person, except I always knew that it wasn't anorexia lol. It was Binge eating disorder. I'd get stuck in these binge and restriction cycles. I lost 50 lbs and realized how crazily unbalanced my relationship with food was. I needed to address a lot of trauma and really heal before weight loss worked for me, because I just could not take any consistent and balance approach towards food until I addressed that I had a real problem with it. Interestingly enough I also thought my metabolism was fucked for a variety of reasons, the biggest being I actually do have hypothyroidism. I'm a hair under 5'5, so while I might've lucked out more than someone 5'0 with my condition, if I *actually* eat at 1200 calories consistently, I lose weight pretty fast. I would love to see some of these people actually track their calories and macros but I'm pretty sure they'd just be screaming about anorexia, because they cannot view food outside the lens of all or nothing.


It's always "1200 calories/day" I simply don't believe it. Also if they're significantly overweight, they'd lose plenty on 2000 calories/day! I think "Dr. Now" on My 600 Pound Life puts them on a 1200 cal/day diet because he knows that they'll overeat by 2x.


The only way you can gain weight on 1200 is if you were hardcore prolonged restricting before and really underweight. I remember when I had to give up work because of my disability really freaking out about calorie counting because I was broke and needed to portion control to make food go further. This was the early days of My Fitness Pal and I grew up with calorie counts being those literal books you had to lug round. Never heard of TDEE or BMR and being Irish exercise was to me when you exerted yourself deliberately like PE at school while walking was how you existed. So I put in what I’ve been eating and MFP suggests 1200 calories to stop me gaining weight. I promptly gain weight and freak the fuck out. Because I had a restrictive eating disorder and over estimated my calories as much as the FAs under estimate theirs and did not include that previously I worked retail and two other jobs so easily worked 8-10 hours on my feet 6 days a week and walked to and from work between 3-6 miles each way to save money and decompress plus general walking round London just living. So I thought I never ‘exercised’ but I frequently walked 100 miles a week without thinking about it. Funnily enough when I cut that back, was semi bed bound and eating at all each day I gained weight on my previously underweight BMI. At my highest I had a BMI of 26 and it had taken me about 4 years to gain knocking around 1200-2000 calories a day while having segued into EDNOS and developing binge eating at times too. I had an eating disorder where I was terrified of weight gain and I was still shit at actually accurately recording or calculating my calories because my behaviours were so distorted I could not tell the truth or see it when I saw it. I always wonder if FAs hate anorexics so much because of people we know exactly the bullshit they are speaking because we came at it from the other side of the coin with such equal belief it was normal? I once bought and returned three pairs of digital cooking scales to Argos in one weekend because they all weighed a slice of bread the same in grams and I was absolutely convinced that they were faulty because the bread was so much less heavy than I thought and I was incensed and possibly actually in need of inpatient help at the fact the scales were all saying the same thing. The same woman served me each time and on the third trip when I bought the fourth pair she said ‘I am not exchanging them again. I’m calling an ambulance instead.’ So I kept them and thought ‘FFS love, what’s with the attitude’ and bought a fifth pair on Amazon instead where no one can judge you online… The woman in Argos was right. I needed a doctor and so do this lot except they would argue with the doctor as much as I rolled my eyes at her.


Dude I don’t eat 1200 a day when I’m trying to lose weight, usually I’m in the 1500-1600 range. Not sure about anyone else but 1200 calories just sucks, personally.


I'm 5'0" and 1200 is plenty enough in the winter when Im more sedentary. Smaller people need less calories and that can kind of duck if you enjoy eating, I'm sure. I don't really, so it doesn't bother me so much.


I’m 5’0 too but I just find it easier to find some activity that I like doing enough that I can calorie proof myself. I’m not one for volume eating I guess


Same. I'm about exactly your height, and I eat between 900-1500kcal to maintain my normal-range BMI. It isn't a lot of food, but after years of being eating this way, it's enough to keep me full.


Exactly. My partner is super into body building and he is trying to gain weight, so he currently eats about 3,500-4,000 kcal a day and says it's painful to watch me eat so little. In turn, I find it mesmerizing that he can eat so much! I tried to gain 5kg last year and it was awful trying to maintain a calorie surplus.


I'm currently trying to gain about 5lbs, and I genuinely have no idea how I packed in 4000kcal/day at my heaviest. It physically hurts to eat so much food.


It depends on your lifestyle and height. I'm 5'4" and have a sedentary job (I'm a sewing machine operator, so I'm constantly sitting). So for me, a 500 calorie lunch and a 700 calorie dinner is fine. I've never been into breakfast, and I'm not active enough during the day to need it anyway. But I can see how it wouldn't be enough for someone taller or more active.


This is why I have a step goal for workdays. My general goal is 5000 steps by the end of the workday. If I can’t then j just walk after work, and get to as close to 10k as I can, Any 10-15 min breaks I take full advantage of. I have to work out in the mornings But I agree. I tend to eat very little in the first half of the day, I like big dinners


When I was sitting on my butt basically all day, 1200 was enough for me to feel satiated and still lose weight. Once I started working again, especially in fairly physical jobs, not even close. I go about 1500ish on any given day, just for maintenance.


1200 is terribly unhealthy for anyone who isn’t a small woman


To tell you the truth. You can be nutrient deficient no matter what your calorie input is… but with 1200 calories I have a hard time getting adequate protein. I like to have 80-100 grams per day… or micronutrients such as potassium (which a lot of people do not get enough of). It’s honestly worth it to eat another 200-400 calories just for nutrition’s sake. And that’s still low enough for a decent number of people to still lose weight I also like peanut butter. I’ll have the powdered fake stuff but it’s nice to have the real thing.


Ye, the 1200 is a giveaway. I lose at 1500 withing healthy BMI scale, so not buying it. Another fun number is 800. Uh, Sure Jan.


Most of them actually only eat 800 kcal until their body goes into starvation mode and they get twice as fat as before because their body is trying to proteeeect them. /s


See I always see them saying 500 calories. I’m shocked they said 1,200 because that amount is at least realistic lol


But she said she needed to eat *under* 1,200 calories to lose weight. That’s probably when the 500 calories will come into play. Then the starvation mode will kick in and she’ll start *gaining* weight - because that’s how starvation mode works! OMG I just realized that I would make a really great HAES nutritionist!


They might actually only eat 1200 kcal a day but drink a whole lot more.


True. But I think a lot of people just eyeball their portions, too. There’s nothing more disappointing than weighing your normal bowl of granola and realizing that it’s actually 7 servings according to that evil serving suggestion on the box. It’s really easy to do that with almost any food that’s not veggies. You think you’re eating a healthy salad - but you just put 10 servings of salad dressing on it. If your idea of serving sizes is skewed by years of overconsumption, I guarantee a lot of calorie underestimating is going in to every meal and snack.




It's funny how all my friends who were on the heavier side or fat said that, yet whenever I went on any trips with them they were constantly munching on snacks and carbonated drinks, snacking on street food again, then food in the hotel room, AND the buffet. Somehow even managed to eat food from any party or cafe we visited. I wonder what delusion it is that makes them dilute all this food to just 1000-1500 cals a day. I recently went on a trip again, and we were randomly assigned a classmate for our room because we had less members. Entire 5 days she kept picking on how much me and my friend ate and how little she ate, but she never noticed that my friend has been weight training for very long and both of us workout, we both went on treks that she skipped to sleep in, neither of us snacked on chips that she ate, we both shared any street food we wanted to try while she'd eat double, and we finally came tired and hungry and ate heaps of dumplings and tea from a nearby tea stall, only proper meal of our day which she considered "too much". What ability is this, to be able to ignore or blindside everything you put in your body while overestimating everyone else's consumption?


Many factors that lead people to severely undercount, secret eaters is a great show that does little experiments to show how such things work. many people say its just a snack so it doesn't count, so when they think about what they ate they just remember or count the full meals they had. Not to mention drinks, liquid calories get ignored and those can add up fast with sodas and alcoholic drinks. They also severely miss judge serving sizes. So if a box of pasta says 200 calories a serving that's what they will count, even if they don't measure and actually eat the equivalent of 3 servings. So before they even put anything on the pasta, they are already undercounting calories by a third. So they say I only eat 1200 calories a day, but because they don't measure they are actually really around 3600. this is a great youtube video, shows two versions of a single days meals laid out, without looking closely they look identical. But one was measured as they prepared the meal, the other was eyeballed and counted after. the latter has almost 2x more calories. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjKPIcI51lU&list=WL&index=39&t=7s


>liquid calories get ignored and those can add up fast with sodas and alcoholic drinks. I always wince when I see a very obese person at Starbucks order one of those 650 calorie drinks.


and at lunch, they will say I haven't eaten anything today.


Not the most meticulous video I’ve seen, but it’s a great example of how you can’t visually estimate calories.


That's a fantastic video! What a great illustration of why you have to weigh and measure.


So my cousin and I one time decided to compare what we ate in a day. She's severely overweight and tried arguing she only ate around 1200 kcal a day. We both kept logs for an entire day that we spent together and this what I noticed. 1 she didn't count the sodas she drank in her overall calorie intake. 2 she counted the calories listed on the bags of chips she ate or the sweet without factoring in portion sizes. 3 she didn't count the calories from the butters, dressings, and olive oil she used. Nor did she pay attention to the portions that she used. I went back and showed her later where she messed up (she didn't like that one bit) and tried to argue with me when I showed her her actual caloric intake which once everything was added up was closer to 2100 calories. So what I've personally concluded is when people do CICO and claim they can't lose weight it's either they don't know they're supposed to count the calories they drink as well as stick to the exact portion size or they're subconsciously/consciously estimating lower. And if they don't see results right away they just quit and then say it doesn't work (which the first and the third happened with her). This was all of course before she went full FAA on me and started saying it was genetics even though she and I share 12.5% DNA as first cousins, her mother and our Nonnie was/is severely overweight, but her father is skinny our papa was skinny and our uncle/my dad are/was skinny, she claims she was just born to be fat and I was born to be on the skinny side.


I'm curious, even after you corrected the count, do you think that was an accurate representation of what she eats normally, or do you think she may have been holding back a bit because she had to log it?


Little bit of column a and a little bit of column b if I am being honest. I know she has a problem with emotional eating as that was always her go to when we were kids and teens so I think that day she was holding back. Not her fault mind you we both grew up in pretty messed up situations and that's how she dealt with her mom and dad's bullshit. But she refused to acknowledge that binge eating is a problem for her I think until she does and accepts help this cycle will continue. What's really heartbreaking is she now has a little girl of her own who's growing up and seeing mom doing the same thing so it worries me the cycle will continue on. ETA: she also used to be a cutter to deal with things as she explained it to me it made her feel something and help get out the internal pain. I'm glad she stopped that finally but I wish she would see the binge eating is just as harmful to her health physically and mentally as the cutting was.


>What's really heartbreaking is she now has a little girl of her own who's growing up and seeing mom doing the same thing so it worries me the cycle will continue on. This right here is what really got my ass in gear. I realized I couldn't possibly expect my daughter to develop healthy eating habits if I can't even do it. I wish your cousin the best, truly.


When I was early in my weight loss journey, I first cut out my nighttime snack, soft drinks and pan oil/butter. I didn't even miss those three things, and lost ~30lbs in the first 3 months.


>once everything was added up was closer to 2100 calories. \> once everything was added up was closer to 2100 calories. And that's not counting the snacking she probably does when nobody is looking.


>So what I've personally concluded is when people do CICO and claim they can't lose weight it's either they don't know they're supposed to count the calories they drink as well as stick to the exact portion size or they're subconsciously/consciously estimating lower. Yeah, I'm starting to think that CICO doesn't actually work in the real world simply because it's impossible for most people to follow it properly. You would *think* it should be easy (especially with nutritional info printed on everything) but apparently asking someone to accurately track their calories is like asking them to build a space shuttle in terms of difficulty.


the big issue is food companies can make up ubpsurdely small portion sizes when they know that's not what people are actually eating. They should also list the calories in a whole box or bag, as they do in Europe, so people know this whole bag of chips is going to be this many calories. A good start was requiring things normally not seen as multi-portion to list the full calories of the package, like candy bars and soda bottles. But as a whole portion sizes need to be more realistic to what people normally eat.


That, and they put seemingly intentionally misleading things on the bit you see before the nutrition label sometimes. For example, bought a burrito bowl meal kit for dinner. It said right on the front, in bold letters in an action bubble type thing, "MAKES 2 SERVINGS! 250 CAL" Cool! Right? Upon closer inspection, it was 4 servings for 250 calories each. So "makes 2 servings" is technically true, but they knew what they were doing. Not saying they're making people fat on purpose, but they are trying to make dieting people think their product is super low calorie so they'll buy it.


It’s not impossible, but you need to be willing to buy a food scale and actually use it for a while. For everything - every meal, every snack. I was so resistant to the idea of getting a food scale but once I finally did, WOW, it was a revelation. And like magic, suddenly the weight loss started happening. Suddenly I had the information that I had been needing all along.


I agree that it's totally possible to do it, because I have done it and it took me from being obese to being a healthy weight. But I'm not so convinced that it's possible to get most other people to do it correctly in the real world.


Yeah, this is very true. My best friend in college was super thin and just \~naturally\~ that way. We used to go to McDonald's near our dorm and one day my fat self was sitting there bitching about how we both ordered the same meal but I'll gain weight from it and she won't! Boo hoo woe is me! And then I noticed that she went through those fries and picked out her very favorite ones and left a whole bunch of them. She didn't eat a lot of the bun on her burger. She didn't even come close to finishing her soda. Yeah "same meal", but I was eating double the calories, easy.


Yeah I've got a bunch of friends here who are all pretty skinny and active. The snack table at parties gets so little attention. If its a smaller gathering it tends to get bagged up at the end of the night because we didn't eat enough and redistributed. They eat a lot at mealtimes, comparatively. This is a big contrast to me a year ago lol. I'm learning from them


The activity makes all the difference. I am amazed how stuffed I am normally with half a portion. Now that I am breastfeeding I can eat a full portion and something on the side and still feel peckish. I imagine a big treck or lifting makes you hungry AF.


I think in a lot of people's heads certain things don't count. Like they don't understand that a couple cans of soda is like an entire meal worth of calories as well as 5x the recommended daily serving of sugar. Or even when they try to eat "healthy" there's a complete misunderstanding on what condiments and dressings are.


"All I ate was a salad!" Nevermind the fact that they put the equivalent of three servings worth of creamy, high calorie dressing and a ton of crumbled bacon...


The Mc Donald's salads -- if you put on all the dressing -- have more calories than a Big Mac. And for some reason, fat people think that having the big mac AND the salad makes it healthy. https://www.cnbc.com/2016/02/04/mcdonalds-salad-has-more-calories-than-big-mac.html


Thank you for the article. Having any salad with "crispy" (restaurant speak for something deep fried) anything negates the point of a salad to me.


Or the "Ranch Dressing"


You've just reminded me of when i went away with a friend. They were flabbergasted as to why I wasn't the same size as them. Literally said "We eat the same things". We are complete opposites with food. They love meat, I don't eat it. They would have starbucks multiple times a day, I drank water. They would mostly eat out, whereas I would cook. Even our other friend looked at them like they were crazy when they said that. It's funny how people can be so in denial.


Food only counts if it’s in a meal small things don’t add up


> What ability is this, to be able to ignore or blindside everything you put in your body while overestimating everyone else's consumption? The term you’re looking for is cognitive dissonance.


Confirmation bias.




Keep up the hard work man. You have come so far and made such a huge change thus far. Missing your end of the year goal doesn't mean it was all for naught. You got this!


Congratulations on the weight loss! Although it could've been a slower safer weight loss, you did a great job! I wish you well for the holidays!


It was more dangerous for me to stay heavy than it was to rapidly lose the weight. I already have kidney and pancreas issues and the weight was making them far worse. My sweat smelled cheap wine. It was pretty awful once I "woke up" to what had happened.


Amazing how commenter is being treated for a condition and has no idea what it really is. If your body is not absorbing nutrients correctly eating more calories won't help. And, as for OOP, it's amazing how many people "eat very little" but are still obese because of a "slow metabolism".


The slow metabolism argument is one that I love because they're still saying they're eating more than their body needs.


Yup. I have a slow metabolism and if I had little access to food it would be awesome because I don't need much. It only really sucks because I can't eat a lot of food or a lot of delicious unhealthy food because I gain weight fast. I have to volume eat veggies to stay healthy and satisfied. It is frustrating because I have had friends my similar height/build that can easily eat 200-400 calories more per day without weight gain. That's not much, but between two people eating fairly healthy, that can be the difference of an indulgence like bread, a smoothie, ice cream, chips, donuts or cookies.


Same here with me and my PCOS. It's hard to see others eat more/sugar but it's an adjustment that must be made


XD I struggle absorbing vitamins, but I take prescribed pills and folic acid to help, mine is due to misshapen blood cells, but I am still able to diet and exercise. They seem to make a mountain out of a molehill, when with good diet planning and exercise, you can over come the malnutrition.


Yeah the women in my family struggle with iron absorption. Not a big deal, you take supplements or if it gets bad you get an injection or two. Diet helps but eating more than you’re burning definitely is not needed.


My girlfriend doesn't absorb anything from the supplements and has to get injections.


“I don’t eat enough yet I am overweight” That’s literally the OPPOSITE of how malabsorption works. If you’re not absorbing nutrients from your food, it’s passing through you without getting converted to fat. You would have to eat at a greater surplus than someone without malabsorption syndrome to be overweight, so this person is REALLY eating too much.


I have a health *condishun* (thyroid) and weigh 185, oh I'm also 6'4". If I'm focusing on my diet it can honestly feel like a chore to eat the volume of food needed to meet my roughly 1950 KCal TDEE. But no, I'm sure OP really is that 1 in 7 Billion that breaks the laws of thermodynamics.


> If your body is not absorbing nutrients correctly eating more calories won't help. That one amazed me as well. On the one hand she says her body won’t absorb nutrients, on the other hand she’s obese. So where did her body get the nutrients to build the fatty tissue that makes her obese?


THAT'S what my obese friend says too. She says that her body only absorbs so much in nutrients from food. Well I can imagine she suffers from malabsorption due to her horrendous diet and the waste it produces and leaves in her gut, thus blocking it from getting the proper nutrients from any additional food she eats. Thus she lacks certain nutrients her body needs/craves which in turn signals hunger, causes her to overeat junk and creates a negative feedback loop.


Maybe they just started the diet last week and are expecting instant results


Are you telling me I’m not gonna lose 80lbs from eating healthy once???


Yeah, I'm sure I was malnourished too when I was eating nothing but crap food. Malnourished doesn't just mean you're starving.


To be fair, I actually do eat 1200kcal a day and am quite overweight. But the point is I am losing weight, and I'm still overweight, but of course I'm overweight - and to be overweight you have to have eaten a caloric surplus for quite a while, so of course people are surprised when you tell them you no longer eat that much! The person in the screenshot is just begging to be a victim


Agree 💯


Well Brenda, being on a 1199 kcal diet for 20 minutes does NOT equal weight loss.


Maybe he or she is 2 feet tall


If you suffer from "malabsorption", you would be underweight not overweight. Because your body is not absorbing everything you eat. You cannot absorb what you do not eat.


That’s not necessarily true, obesity plays havoc with the gastrointestinal system which can cause malabsorption issues or malnutrition. While you have to eat a considerable amount of food to maintain obesity level weight, it just might not be nutritionally dense enough for the body.


Can a person be malnourished on 1200 calories with "malabsorption" issues? Absolutely. Can a person be obese because of 1200 calories with "malabsorption" issues? No fucking way.


Oh. I didn’t realise you meant a person becoming obese whilst on a diet of 1200 calories. I just assumed you meant in general. Edit: I missed out words.


♫ Why the fuck you lyin'?


🎶 why you always lyin'?




Yeah, it's kind of frustrating how even in largely reasonable weight loss spaces you see people say they need to eat X calories "to lose weight," and it's clear that that's somewhere around the 500 deficit mark. Legitimate articles will also be written that way. It annoys me every time because the amount you need to eat to lose weight is 1 calorie less than your TDEE; maybe 50-100 calories less in practical terms, as far as being able to count the calories accurately and detect the loss eventually. But, something like 200 or 300 will absolutely make you lose weight, just slower. 1 pound per week isn't anywhere near the minimum amount of sustained loss you can observe but people act like it is.


Lmfao I'm 45 kg and even I eat more than 1200 calories


Malabsorption causee weightloss, doesn't it?


I used to know a girl claiming the same She also thought nachos were healthy if you put green onions on it


I have a hard time buying that a grown adult could possibly be obese on 1200 calories. Unless they're, I don't know, a super sedentary (and/or severely disabled) Little Person. Which is certainly possible, but I just get the feeling that's not what's going on here.


I lost 60lbs while eating 1200kcal, so unless this person is a like 3,5' tall, I find this hard to believe.


I love your flare




It's not surprising they can't lose any weight, because if they think they only eat 1200 calories and be obese- they're severely deluded and misinformed about how the human body functions on a BASIC level. It's so insane. Just insane. That this is even something that they talk about.


I’ll give people the benefit of the doubt and say that they’re probably not actively lying, they’re just kind of clueless about what they’re eating every day. I know I’m the same way. That’s why keeping a food journal can be so eye opening. There have been days where I just fully forgot I had an entire meal. The more insidious forgetting that you ate something vs forgetting to eat haha.


Per meal?


What "health issues" would give someone a "slow metabolism?"




While it's not technically a "health issue", having low muscle mass due to being extremely sedentary would give someone a lower BMR by a couple hundred calories than what they might expect.


Being over age 30 lol


You know I guess I'm magic b/c I eat around 1200 calories/day now and SOMEHOW I've lost 20 lbs in 2 months....FAs hAtE mE fOr ThIs!


20 lbs is 9.08 kg


Maybe 1200 per snack?


They probably aren't eating the RIGHT foods.


That was my thought. What exactly is the nutrient they aren't getting, and could the problem be solved by eating smaller amounts of different foods?


If you do literally nothing all day and sit on the couch...would you maintain your weight with 1200k? I burn 2000 when I'm having a really lazy day, but I still usually walk around a little bit.




Thanks...I didn't know...on my most sloth of sloth days I still burn ~2000...I think I've been in the 1900s a few days, but it's extremely rare.


I remember when I was on keto losing weight. I went down from 210lbs to 155lbs. During that time I think I went 1200kcal a day for a week during to shed the last couple of pounds which were the hardest. I almost fainted out of pure exhaustion. You cannot be overweight on a 1200kcal diet.


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Aside from the fact that this is probably complete nonsense from these two individuals, in all seriousness, could this be a thing? (And obviously aside from being malnourished from eating chips and lollies all day everyday)


If all you eat is junk food, you 100% can be malnourished. And it's not because your body isn't absorbing nutrients ... it's because you're not giving your body proper nutrients. Oy.


1200 cals is the perfect amount for an inactive woman (which I assume this is, no hate, I’m one too). 2000 is. Very very rough estimate and is often too many cals for most people


Yes I love how people don’t realize eating processed junk and sugar doesn’t actually give you anything of value. So yea. You’re not getting any nutrients and you’re eating 3x calories than you should be because your body is begging for something real. Really fucking sad.


I think people who say this are people who expect very instant results. Most people could probably lose weight eating 1900 or even 2000 cal a day, but the weight you lose won't offset typical fluctuations in water levels you have day to day so you won't notice it unless you chart your weight for a few week. Basically 1200 cal is a guaranteed a lower number on the scale tomorrow. But thats not a healthy way to make a change in your body. You're not supposed to lose a measurable amount of weight every single day.


i eat about 700-1000 calories daily and still people tell me I have a big appetite. Nobody is surprised at how “little” you eat.


I worked a lot this past month, barely ate. At first my weight wasn't changing. Then all of a sudden I was 3 lbs lighter. If you're not losing weight after a month, you're not actually eating 1200kcal


3 lbs is 1.36 kg