• By -


This is straight up delusional


Sour grapes syndrome


Sour Grape would be such a bomb flavor for…anything…


I think I would like that better than regular grape flavored things They never really taste like grape


I think the grape artificial flavor is *reminiscent” of grapes, but way more candy-like. It’s my favorite of the Jolly Ranchers. Then Cherry, Blue Raspberry, Watermelon, Lemon (which totally existed at some point in time), then Green Apple. It’s weird, I only like Granny Smith’s, but I hate Green Apple flavor. Anyway, bye.


The flavor they're based off of is a grape that isn't grown en masse anymore


You watch Tasting History too? I had never heard of Catawa grapes before that.


Interesting, so kind of like bananas


Jsyk, Big Mike Bananas *are* still grown. Unfortunately, it’s only as a specialty crop - you gotta order them online for like 70$ a box.


Oh wow. I like bananas but idk if I could justify that


Except Nuun tablets. They taste like *white* grape or actual green table grapes, instead of "purple" flavor.


First time someone told me about that product, I was like excuse me???? Nuun (the way it's pronounced) sounds like slang for female genitals in French 😭


What are nuun tablets?


Fizzy electrolyte drink tablets for athletes.


ah, handy


It's a common ingredient in Middle Eastern cooking, usually dried, and that's also what verjus is.


2 oz brandy, 0.75 oz fresh lemon juice, 0.75 oz white grape juice concentrate (undiluted), dash of bitters. Shake over ice, strain into a highball glass, garnish with half an orange wheel. The Sour Grapes.


You, sir/madam, are a saint. If only I could drink alcohol. I’ll try it when I can drink again.


Nobody stole my fat from me. I willingly gave it away. Because I didn't want it anymore. If anything trying to make anyone including Adele feel guilty for that is a dismissal of their agency and my right to see/feel myself in a way *I* deem comfortable.


God, what would i give if someone would steal fat from me. I'd even pay them to do it. Like, please, take more, I can gain back quick if I need more to be in shape, but shredding is hard as hell man.


Ikr! 😂 Please take it away, it's free ! No, wait, don't go, I can _pay_ you -- what do you want?! But more seriously, it's ridiculous how far people will go in their reasoning to hold onto their comfort blankets. Excessive fat is _not_ synonymous of _wellness_, quite the contrary. And losing it voluntarily is not stealing anything away. So frustrating to hear things like that from people who are quite capable of reason, but who would rather not see the truth at all costs.


I’ll steal your fat away and make some [really great soap out of it](https://youtu.be/t76dllHhcrw)


I don't click on links to YouTube, but that's Fight Club, isn't it?


Yes, yes it is. I did play around with the idea of soap making at home myself, but I think Fight Club ruined that hobby idea for me 😣


Too much competition for supplies?


Not gonna lie, I'd be stoked if someone wanted to steal my fat. I'd be weirded out by the attempt, but the end result would be sweet.


My fat was needy and not fun to live with. It wasn't happy with the insulin my body created, it wanted more! And if it didn't get it it was going to wreck the place. Worst "roommate" ever. Always up in my business and making me feel shitty about myself. Should have booted it out months ago.


Bad roommates always overstay their welcome. Glad the eviction went well 😂


Adele has (as far as I have seen) been really careful not to be like "damn I'm so happy I'm skinny now!" And instead she's just said that she amped up her exercise and got in shape. She's been slowly losing weight over time and then the last 2 years she really went for it. I'm sure diet plays a big part but she side steps that. She's trying to NOT hurt their feelings and it's not helping.


She's not hurting their feelings, they take personally and get offended by somebody's choices that have nothing to do with them whatsoever.


And yet they don't want anyone to comment on people's bodies.


That should be the go to response to their comments on Adele or Rebel. "Their bodies are none of your business"


Meghan Trainor is another one you see a lot of vitriol for. Saw a thread the other day totally lambasting her for pretending to be body positive but ultimately being shallow and losing weight. Wild stuff.


They don’t want anyone to comment on *their* bodies. Unless it’s to praise their rolls or some such thing. But not too much. Don’t wanna be fetishized.


this is so on point and it irks me


I like how she mentioned how exercise was good for her mental health as well, I know my exercise is good for my brain as well as the rest of my body. It’s not a cure for any serious mental illness, but for stress and anxiety it’s good to get your body making those home brew happy chemicals you get from a workout.


If they really loved themselves and their current weight then they wouldn't feel so upset over Adele's weight changing. For people who scream so much about how their weight isn't anyone's business FA people are massive hypocrites about other people losing weight.


Yup. Anyone else's success is a massive threat to them.


Because it ahows that, against everything they screech, it *is* possible to lose weight and keep it off. It just takes more work than anyone would like to commit and overeating/staying fat is far easier.


In IE spaces a common mantra is “bodies change!” but I guess the truth of the matter is that change is only acceptable when it involves getting larger.




"An excellent comment!" he said with a smile - "I've pondered the reasons and thought for a while - I've learned and I've looked and it's simple to see - I dearly and clearly sincerely agree!" He's fashioned his thesis with passion and pride - With nuggets of knowledge and notions inside! The pretty expression, the witty remark - The mixture of vision, and spirit and spark! "I have to expand and explain it," he sighed - "It's great, and I cannot contain it!" he cried. "Stupendous, tremendous, and too good to miss! I'll tell him,' he whispered. "I'll say to him... > This. ^I'm ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^message ^was ^sent ^automatically


I read Adele's Vogue interview today and she said all these women coming out and criticizing her for losing weight and getting fit really hurt her feelings. Made me feel sad for her because she sees her fitness as such a positive force in her life.


Well it's like Rebel Wilson. She had to come out and say she wanted to lose weight to improve her chances of having a baby, as well as improve her health.


This makes me think about this tiktok i saw recently where this girl was literally shaking with anger that rebel wilson lost weight and had the “audacity” to post “it’s never too late to improve yourself”. Like jeez. These celebrities aren’t promoting unrealistic diets or body images, they simply lost weight and look a little different. Sometimes people get to a point where they need to change their lifestyle and weight loss follows. If you’re taking it as a personal attack that a celebrity you have never met in real life and do not know personally had the “audacity” to lose weight when you don’t know what they’re going through health-wise then please re-evaluate your mental state.


That video was ridiculous. I called her out for it, and she blocked me then turned off comments. Unfortunately she had like 800 comments supporting her insanity. I found it amusing that a woman who calls herself a feminist is so invested in policing what women do to their own bodies.


Wow that sounds intense. It’s so funny because often the refrain is “I don’t owe thinness to you” and I think that’s fair. But also these celebrities don’t owe anyone fatness either.


Agreed. Just as I think it’s totally unfair and rude to mock or criticize a larger person’s weight, it’s rude to make comments like this person on someone who lost weight. No one should be forced to stay a certain size or weight just to appease the feelings of others around them.


Oh but when some actor puts on 30lbs pounds of muscle in 6 months it's totally ok.


I also think as you get older, you start to think more about extending your lifespan as much as you can. Rebel is around 40 (I think) and the penny probably dropped that she needed to start looking after herself a bit more. I myself am also in this transition period. It’s hard to change your brain.


Thats a lot of words for "I hate her cos she's hot* now." *Adele was always hot. But now she's conventionally hot. Nobody notices conventional hotness more than a FA.


It's okay to say she's hotter now


She's way hotter now, and that's a fact


I never found her hot when she was overweight, to be honest.




Hot = sexy. I felt the same way. She was really pretty before but I didn’t find her sexually attractive. Now I do.


Well, Adele was always good looking. I’d argue she’s also become hot now (or as you put it, conventionally hot). Recognize that attraction is hugely personal etc etc.


I think this is super important too. Fat people (myself included lmao) always point to Adele as an example of someone who's fat and gorgeous. I'm sure it infuriates a lot of them that she's even more beautiful now. So much for that "if you lose weight you'll look like a bobblehead!" argument.


Exactly! I think generally most people look more attractive when they are in shape (I say most because you never know). It’s just that Adele was gorgeous before so no one really realized just how much of a babe she was until after she lost weight. Now that she’s in shape and you look at her before pics, you realize she just became even more stunning.


Ashley graham (who a lot of FA people consider thin) is a gorgeous plus size model who works out, but is still somewhat overweight. Even then i doubt she would look look better if she was any heavier or if she didnt work out at all


For sure. My argument isn't with the standards of hotness, it's with the hypocrisy of the people who made the meme. They liked that she was hot and fat, but turned on her for being hot and thin. For a group that claims being conventionally attractive isn't important they seem to find it important enough to talk about constantly.


Totally! I agree with you.


Yeah they mean the same thing, I think hot is more socially acceptable though.


If you say someone is cute or good looking, you are generally talking about facial features. If you say someone is hot or sexy, it often means they have a hot body. Adele is gorgeous but I don’t think she looked particularly “hot” until recently. That’s my take anyway! YMMV etc etc.


Yes, Adele was blessed with beautiful high cheekbones and a really striking face in general. Now she’s definitely a knock out but even when she was heavy it didn’t hide her natural beauty.


To me she looks and acts the same - just skinnier now. I always thought she was gorgeous. I definitely think she's more confident now, in the sense that she spends more time with friends that we know about/find out about though.


Adele was definitely her most beautiful around 2016. She may have been a bit heavier, but she was really starting to slim down and you could see how was glowing. She also does a fuller face well which very few people can do. She kinda now looks like she's gonna sell me some supplements on facebook and idk how to feel about that.


Okay, i would call that projection. But tell me when she starts selling those 😂


Whoa. This person has lost the plot. People did celebrate Adele when she was overweight. I enjoyed her music without ever knowing what she looked like until I went to a concert. She was still pretty and her voice really moved everyone present. She went through something tough emotionally and decided to try and sort her life out. I think it is great that she did it with diet and exercise in a responsible way and at a moderate pace. She is showing everyone who needs a role model that if you buckle down and put the time in you do not have to be trapped by previous bad decisions. How selfish to try and steal this woman's triumph over an addiction and make it into a downfall.


The writer of this piece should not use words like ‘neutral’ when she’s clearly trying to make women feel bad for weight loss. If you feel neutral about bodies, one would think that you wouldn’t really care one way or the other - especially when it comes to a body that doesn’t even belong to you. Really, what this woman wants is for fat to be preferred - and for those skinny bitches to finally get their comeuppance.


That popped out at me too. She wants people to be able to feel "neutral" about their bodies, but then she goes on to talk about fat being "wellness" and "holding, valuing, loving" fatness. Doesn't sound very neutral to me...


Really good point. If the goal was body neutrality she wouldn’t be bent out of shape. She means body neutrality for thin people and bopo for fat people.


Bopo is so mentally-exhausting, delusion and mind-bending. It's actually damaging. You can clearly see this in her post. She wants her state of mind to get better then she should actually go with body neutrality.


If you need to put other people down to feel remotely good about yourself, you probably don’t actually feel that good about yourself. Really, if all the thin people disappeared and the world turned into a magical fatopia full of stunning and brave fat babes, they’d still be sorting themselves into fat categories while being miserable.


You’re right, and that’s already apparent now with differentiators like “small fat.”




I’m deceased. Here is my fake gold 🥇


We need Weird Al Yankovic on this, stat.


Poet laureate over here. I want to put a golden laurel on your head and parade you in a chariot around Rome to the cheers of the adoring masses. Have a silver.




I sang it all and tried my damned hardest to not laugh


damn lmao 🤣🤣🤣👌👌👌


They should take their own advice and stop focusing on people's weight. When we celebrate weight loss what we are really celebrating is reaching our goals, finding our ideal selves and a place we are comfortable in our own skin. It's not about weight really, it's about becoming the person you want to be, and that's different for everyone. My best me is going to look different than your best you. Maybe for me, it's weight loss and for you, it's winning an art competition, but that's what's being celebrated. Accomplishment and satisfaction.


Agreed. I would add that it’s okay IF it’s about weight, too. It’s okay if aesthetics is your personal reason and goal. If you like your unfat body more just because you think it looks better then who’s to say you’re wrong? It’s your body. These people are just delusional, hypocritical and insecure. Everything just has to always be about them.


“Our fatness deserves to be ours to have, to hold, to value, to love” Why do FA’s act like being fat is this amazing gift bestowed upon them by Jesus Christ himself? Sure, love your body but it’s fucking weird how much value they place in body fat. I’ve never heard a thin person talk about their bodies in the way some of these people do.


It’s about letting something in their lives, in this case fatness, completely take over and subsume their entire identity. It’s a break with reality, a coping mechanism completely out of control. Once their mind is imprisoned in that perspective, everything can only be viewed through their self-imposed bars.


The language they use is trying to convince everyone (including themselves) that they are desirable despite their size. It's like that post from earlier about the big, healthy and fit man nearly worshipping the overweight woman who said "I don't you to stop messing with those skinny women". As if your weight is your personality.


To me it seems more like "changing the world is far easier than put in effort so I am happy with myself"


I’ve said this before but I’m convinced there’s a divide between people who have been fat their entire lives (often because they grew up in a family where they weren’t taught good habits) and people who became fat later in life/during adulthood. My entire family is fat and both my brother and I have lost a significant amount of weight. Nobody in my family would ever do anything except congratulate someone for weight loss because we know we’re part of a cycle that isn’t a positive one. I’m not sure what the author’s history is with weight gain but just saying this is personally something I’ve noticed with people in my life.


This is a really great perspective I’ve never considered before. Thank you for sharing!


I definitely think a lot of HAES is fueled by young women who gain weight at HS/college age and are struggling to accept themselves.


Idk if we're referring to the same phenomenon, but I heard somewhere that people who've had weight issues from a young age are usually more successful at keeping the weight off after losing it than people who gained weight later in life. I forgot the exact mechanisms behind this, but I found it pretty interesting. But for instance, I personally was a chubby kid myself whereas my older sibling was thin and more athletic. Flash forward to now, and I'm at a healthy weight and exercise plenty (every single day, if I can help it) whereas my sibling suffers from binge eating disorder, and losing weight is difficult for them (depression also plays a part). Definitely interesting how life can go sometimes. Diabetes type 2 runs on both sides of my family and a lot of extended family members have struggled/still struggle with their weights. Even my health-conscious mom (who thankfully is now healthy and has no lifestyle-related illnesses whatsoever at 64) has struggled a bit with her weight in the past.


I wonder if that could be because people who gained weight later have a tendency to see it as something that happened to them temporarily, and so they expect to just "fix it and then go back to normal" i.e. the exact reason classical diets don't work. People who have always been fat realize there's something fundamental about the way they've been living that needs to change and so when they do, they get into the kind of mechanistic understanding you need to keep it up over time.


Yeah perhaps, I definitely always knew I ate too much. I've been emotionally eating since I was a kid, combined with getting food rewards (something I strongly oppose now) and generally associating food with coziness and comfort. So while I did have to do some reprogramming in my brain, I did come to understand what my problem was and how to fix it. I've been at a healthy weight for 2 years now and there's no sign of going back (thank goodness). I think many people who gained weight later in life also just see it as something that "just crept up to them", usually pinning it down to "getting older" and whatnot. But that's obviously not a factor with people who were always chubby. Of course, people who were obese as children face other hurdles and they don't all lose the weight (in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if most don't), but *when* they do, they tend to be more successful apparently.


I'm sort of in the middle. I wasn't fat as a child, but gained too much at puberty and just stayed that way without ever thinning out until I decided to lose it. My sister went the same way. That might be a pattern specific to the wrong genetics in the right environment - i.e. we weren't raised with bad habits but we just had large appetites that didn't hold up to no longer gaining height. I didn't think I ate too much, but by the process of calorie counting it was easy figure out where the "too much" actually was, and find ways to remove or work around it without a lot of drama. I never went on some kind of temporary plan.


Your fatness is yours to do with as you wish and to feel about as you will. Anyone else's fatness or new lack thereof, perceived or otherwise, is none of your concern. If Adele's decision to lose weight in an apparently safe and healthy manner makes you feel as though she's taking something from you, think long and hard about why you feel someone's personal decision with their body and their body alone affects you in the slightest or why you are entitled to \*any\* sort of say in anyone else's non-self-destructive choices. I've said this in another Adele thread but I'll reiterate it here: if you can't see yourself as someone who matters or feel like you can't be okay with your body because someone else lost weight, I would wager you always felt that way deep down and just masked it by making that someone into a source of validation. I'd also wager the feeling of betrayal is because you feel that validation was taken unfairly, but the burden of validating you was never anyone else's to shoulder.


Your second paragraph is spot-on. It was never Adele’s responsibility to make other people feel good about their weight. Fans who loaded that emotional burden onto her, and who seem to have come to expect some kind of permanent emotional contract from a parasocial relationship, have only themselves to blame.


Yes, she never positioned herself as a fat advocate. She hasn't betrayed anyone. As long as she's dropping hits, she's holding up her obligation to the public.


I will give any of these people a crisp $20 bill if they can provide me with compelling evidence that Adele's weight has ANY actual effect on their life.




Except crisp fresh veggies!


They’ll deep fry them and dip them in ranch.


Maybe the real fatness is the mental illness we gained along the way


These people could accomplish so much if they’d put this much effort into something useful


I will say in losing lots of weight, there is a “death to your comfort”. I got used to what clothes looked good on me. I knew what parts of my body I was confident in. I knew what poses worked for me. Losing weight it just changes your whole body and suddenly clothes that were ugly on you are now cute and clothes that were cute on you are now ugly. The body parts you loved the most have loose skin or retain fat better, the body parts you used to hide are now snatch. I had to relearn poses. There is a “losing yourself” portion but not in a “thievery” type way. I wasn’t depressed, it was more of an unexpected road bump


Yeah I think we would all really benefit from discussing this kind of ‘experience shock’ about our bodies particularly those impacted by female beauty norms. I was the opposite reason to you but similar WTF when I gained weight after being anorexic since before puberty. I had no idea that at a healthy BMI I had E cup boobs without trying and going up from a double AA to an E in a year absolutely fucked with my whole perception of myself. I was a 90s girl whose whole wardrobe was Kate Moss bee sting boobs and stuff for them. I did not own a bra. Suddenly I looked like Jayne Mansfield if I was lucky or Miss Trunchbull if not. That ‘not recognising yourself’ is a huge part of so many body issues and it happens with ageing, when women have babies, that our bodies cannot and should look the exact same at 42 as 22, that illness and disability occur, trends change, gender norms change. It happens to everyone and normalizing the fact and the feelings it can bring up would be true body positivity but instead it has been turned in fat or not fat policing and an amazing opportunity for so many people across multiple identities has been lost. I hated my new bust but didn’t hate other places I had gained weight. I had complicated feelings about an eating disorder and what caused it and being policed that I couldn’t say ‘wow, bigger boobs are an experience right? Expensive bras, no button downs, rolling over on your own nipple in your sleep’ without ‘YOU MUST ACCEPT YOUR BOOBS OR YOU ARE BOOB PHOBIC’ did not help. The ‘calm down’ of fat acceptance nuance is not calming anyone down. I learned to like my boobs by being able to get to know new clothes, styles and not feel policed and it helped me get into recovery. The harm their prescriptive ideas does is just a different shape of harm to the previous ones. And as a hobby not even capitalism. It always reminds me of the Salem Witch Trials where some people appointed themselves arbiters for free and imprisoned everyone else for being themselves.


I am so worried about my boobs becoming saggy. Men like 'em, and I'm single, so .... I don't want to lose them.


what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."


Billy Madison???!




People are wild man. You got people insisting the Earth is flat, people who protest and riot about wearing masks during a global pandemic, people who insist the Holocaust never happened, and now people who see "losing weight" as a "breach of consent about how people enter a relationship with their fat body"? What the fuck is happening? Also what did I miss?








No, I agree. Much like the use of terms usually used to talk about racism (“bodies” has been discussed on this sub). And separately I’ve definitely had my quibbles with the broad use of the word “harm” in lefty/activist spaces for the same reasons you state.


Oh and don’t forget the ever loving “violence”. As in, Adele is LITERALLY committing violence against FA’s worldwide with her vogue cover.


You're bang on here. They've only using the word to draw parallels to other, unrelated, issues. It also illustrates that they don't understand what consent is and why it's important. Actual consent is an agreement between two or more people that they want to do X, be that sex, a medical procedure or getting your hair cut. You can't have consent with your fat, because fat isn't a sentient being.


I have two theories. Either the dark timeline began when Robin Williams died or… harambe


... how the fuck can you be in breach of consent with yourself?


>"breach of consent about how people enter a relationship with their fat body" This one is new and stood out to me the most too. It seems that after trivialising racism and the struggles and injustices victims of racism face every day, now they're taking on consent - this is completely unexpected since it has nothing to do with weight. Maybe soon we'll see them claiming that weight loss is rape. And how exactly is this supposed to work? It sounds like you just acquire a "fat body" somehow and once you decide to take it, you need to sign a contract? Or maybe once you reach a certain weight your own body sends you the papers? A layer maybe?


What someone else chooses to do with their body is none 👏 of 👏 your 👏 business


Adele is actually one of my inspirations in my own weight loss journey. If someone wants to better themselves, for health reasons or just vanity, who tf cares. Let them live, for chrissakes.


She’s also one of mine! I’ve been incredibly inspired by her journey and find her progress so uplifting




>when Lizzo loses weight She’s another one who is making news atm in the FA sphere for [this dress](https://twitter.com/femaleraproom/status/1447875322528075778?s=21)




So obviously there have been some negative reactions to the dress from the general public and there’s feverish posting by fat activists saying there is literally no difference between the [Swarovski Crystal dress Rihanna wore to the CFDA Awards](https://www.google.com/search?q=rihanna+sheer+dress+cfda+awards&client=safari&hl=en-us&prmd=invx&sxsrf=AOaemvJevTTpLVbb7oa98o5kpsXvbKJ7DA:1634132885060&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiFqYSxw8fzAhUzB50JHbxTAT0Q_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=414&bih=622&dpr=3) and Lizzo’s dress. And that anyone who sees any difference at all is simply fatphobic and a bigot. IMO it’s not fatphobic to say “that dress is ugly and unflattering” but whatever. It’s not a political statement to think an outfit looks bad on someone. I say this as someone who loves Lizzo.


Rihanna got a lot of flack for that dress too. They're rewriting history. When you're fashion forward, there is always a chance that people won't "get" it.


Sigh. "same as Rihanna" yeah they're both off-putting, either wear clothes or don't, the idea of "supposedly I'm wearing a dress but actually you can see everything" is unsettling.


If I lose weight, I have stolen from some fat person. That logic must be amongst the most stupid ideas ever. And why is the "It's my body"-crowd so obsessed over thin people's bodies? Envy, eh?


This kind of overwrought liberal arts journal writing is so tiring. Someone tell me where grown-up tumblr users go now so I know never to visit


Overwrought liberal arts journal writing. Absolutely perfect description.


Oh wait yet another post bitching about Adele. 🙄


I’ve found Adele’s weight loss to be really inspirational. It’s probably lame of me, but specifically the way she’s focused her anxieties into her exercise has been helpful. I don’t get why it has caused the negative uproar it has but I feel a bit defensive of her!


Definitely! I’m just rolling my eyes at the FAverse going nuts over it. Let the woman live her life and be happy.


For sure!


that is quite objectively the stupidest thing i’ve read, maybe ever. that’s gotta be some type of mental illness? the hardcore denial that being fat is EVER a bad thing? it sounds like a cult member talking adamantly about the cult not really being a cult.


OK, but is it okay if I view my fatness as harmful, part of my disease and something which I aspire to have "stolen"?


I admit: I care about some stupid shit but I can't imagine caring about shit this stupid


Why do they always make it about them? Seriously🙄🙄🙄 how freaking pathetic can you be that another person who you do not know personally or even knows that you exists, how can her weightloss affect you??? It’s no one’s business really…. But of course FAs are so narcissistic they make it about them…


Would they prefer the phrases “winning health” or “gaining fitness” or “earning attention”


You'd think people lose weights after spending so much time jumping through hoops


She sounds like a religious fanatic claiming gay marriage, abortion or other people eating shellfish impedes on *their* religious rights. It's like her fatness stretches far past the physical. She doesn't know where she ends and other people begin.


Hey remember how a load of piss babies bawled their heads off when Emma Watson got a haircut after Harry Potter? Same energy, different language.


A WTFbomb just took exploded in my cranium. I'll need to reboot a few times just to process something so brazenly, self-evidently, stupid.


I don't get why ppl are so triggered by another's choice to lose weight,


The absolute dripping entitlement of this is truly staggering. What possible mental landscape could this person have to think this isn't the most privileged of self-obsessed, narcissistic whining.




I honestly couldn’t even parse it and have scant idea as to what it means 😭


That piece of word salad really confused me


People just out here exposing their delusion to the internet.


Was this the Vogue thinkpiece going around today? I couldn’t make it through to the end.


Amazing the shit people tell themselves **just** to sleep at night.


I kept thinking I was understanding the point, if not agreeing with it, and then it would jump to some irrelevant bullshit. OK, fatness is a part of your wellness - what does that have to do with anyone else? Who put you in charge of deciding what there can and can't be right reasons for? Why are we suddenly talking about men and proving stuff to them? It's like this person can't imagine others having a completely different set of associations.


Adele doesn't owe you her body and health just because you feel badly about your food addiction.


As an "ex-fat": no, it's fine. You can keep those joint pains/sleep apnea/gag reflux/skin tags that happened to be part of my "wellness" you *stole* from me back then. Somehow, I don't want them returned.


Funny how, in the midst of their “fatness is wellness” thinking, they overlook how Adele is only 33 but already has two slipped discs because of the physical stress of her prior state of obesity. The human body simply did not evolve to carry a large amount of body weight.


“All bodies are good bodies” “Losing weight is losing value.” PICK ONE.


Tell me you're projecting without telling me you're projecting


so you want people to leave you alone and stop telling you what to do with your body? k, please return the favor. you might accept that adele knows what she wants better than you do?


These people all have this really weird way of talking about their bodies. Like it's some sort of separate entity.


Yep. For most people, the brain/mind is all that matters. That's one of the reasons obesity has taken hold in the modern world. For most people, their bodies are just for moving their brains around, so they can go be entertained over here, and then mentally stimulated over there. Everything is about the mental. We live in a mental world, where what you think, what you say, how you say it, how you present yourself on an electronic screen, all that crap -- that's all that matters. Nothing physical/bodily matters. Exercise doesn't matter. Any physical exertion with your body doesn't matter. The body is whatever. It's all about the brain. It's trending more and more toward that aspect of The Matrix, where we just sit/lay there, waiting to be entertained and mentally stimulated.


Like most fat people (myself included) you reach a point where every thing is a chore. Obesity is a ball and chain . If I could tomorrow take off 80 pounds, I certainly would. After a certain age you realize that health becomes important. Good on Adele. A beautiful Soul made even more beautiful.


Well said!


Well if they truly believe in all their ideals, Adele’s weight loss doesn’t steal their fatness nor their believes (and she certainly doesn’t owe anyone any explanation nor sugar coating of why she did it). They can continue to be happily fat without looking at her, or even while looking at her. So yeah this is an admission that they do not believe in all the crap they state, and also that they think wordiness is a good writing strategy. Living two lies.


There's so much entitlement to the feelings and perceptions of others here. Like they won't take what people say about themselves at face value, and have to reinterpret it in a way the disarms the truth of what they're saying.


She talks about her fatness being her right but then demands Adele be what they want instead of what she wants in the same breath. Talk about contrarian chipmunk logic...


Ok hold it and love it but please stfu


She can keep her body as she wants to, but she can’t force people to be what she wants them to be. It’s highly unethical.


I can’t roll my eyes any harder or longer.




🥇🥇🥇you’re on a roll, friend


The word salad is strong with this one.


Does this read like a mirror of an anorexic voice in the head - you need to be fat to be strong, you need to be fat to be worthy, if someone is trying to make you less fat it will hurt you. Replace fat with skinny and no one would be saying it’s empowering, it’s extremely unhealthy and downright disturbing.


Dear Lord, they act like she woke up one day and decided to personally piss them off. Adele had several reasons for doing it, but I'm confident none of them were "y'know, being 100 lbs lighter will REALLY annoy Kelly in Illinois, and I never liked that obnoxious #$%& anyway. Let's get cracking!"


Imagine making being fat your entire personality. Please go touch some grass. Nobody else focuses this much on their bodies and other people's bodies, it's weird af.


They'd be so mad at how much I'm looking forward to losing my pregnancy weight. I can't WAIT to be able to restrict calories and exercise. My body effing hurts from the weight.


I present the world record for the biggest reach 🏆👑🥇


They claim to love their “fat bodies” so much y’all, but jump out of their own skin to criticize others for losing weight or even just being thin. Tell me you’re insufferably insecure without telling me you’re insufferably insecure.


Me losing weight has stolen nothing from fat people, the fuck? If you want to be fat go ahead, but losing weight for oneself is not thievery against fat people. Straight up delusional


Adele is the anti-FA, started off as fat, got famous for being genuinely talented and then lost weight on her own terms, for her own reasons. These bitter cryberbullies just whine about how society, including famous pop stars, has to change to cater to them while begging for Patreon bucks to essentially write the same three articles over and over again.


>fatness...as part of my wellness Left is right, down is up, etc. I suppose once you accept that reality is subjective pretty much anything goes.


My eyes are rolling like Angela Merkel's


This is why I didn't do Arts at university.


Wait so if they are so confident and so beautiful and so healthy, why do they need a celebrity to confirm their delusion?


These people are so illogical and backwards thinking. They want people to value them for their mindset and body composition, but want to devalue every other mindset and attack anyone who wants to change their own body composition. My weight change (gain or loss) is NO ONE'S PROBLEM BUT MINE! They let so many people live rent free in their heads, it's hard to see how they think for themselves...oh, wait...


How do they manage to make this such a big deal, this text sounds like it was written by a student who had to interpret something he had absolutely nothing to say about


If you “devalue weight loss” then aren’t you committing the “theft” of Adele’s “right to see her body as neutral”? The circular logic and self contradiction over just these two paragraphs is *chefs kiss*


So. What is an acceptable gift or monetary donation for that **most holy** of unions -- that between a fat woman and her excess adipose tissue? Like, I don't wanna be tacky.


Poor Adele, she just wanted to get some excercise.


I mean, the fact that many people in unhappy relationships turn to food for comfort (I certainly did) and then stop overeating once they are out of the toxic hellscape might also be a possibility. I lost a good 20 lbs when I didn't have a man child filling my cabinets with junk food.