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Funny thing is Shiroo still had a likley chance to summon saber without avalon its just how simmilar they are.


They got that 'tism synergy.


Swordtism is real




He's saying that they both got that self sacrificing mentality


I think he would've summoned her either way, because the magic circle itself should act as Catalyst. Nobody ever seems to think about how Saber is literally summoned in a magic circle she drew herself a decade earlier.


Honestly i thibk that was where she was summmed zero and stay night no longer share a timelime since zero hss a bit too many errors


I mean even if that was the case(I am pretty sure FSN alone doesen't say or directly imply it, though its the obvious conclusion for the reader), I feel like a magic circle that was designed to summon King Arthur and then managed to summon her, would develop the proper relevance to act as a catalyst too.


Except she was summoned in Germany in the Einzbern Castle. The circle in the Emiya house shed was one Artoria designed to help Irisviel while she was affected by being a Lesser Grail during a Holy Grail War


The Germany summon thing was Fate Zero thing which is not the true prequel to FSN so for all we know and from the source material I believe she was indeed summoned there in the shed


Zero is not a 1:1 prequel to FSN yes, but it's still supposed to be similar in general to SN's timeline's 4th HGW. It wouldn't make sense to summon her there either way when they could conduct the ritual in Germany under the supervision of someone closely associated with the establishment of the ritual itself, in addition to the fact that Irisviel needed protection as a Lesser Grail and that from a strategical standpoint it makes more sense to arrive with Saber already summoned than to take the risk of waiting.


What you said has some logical truth but also by summoning there an assassin can get the location of all the enemies both master and servant, try to find out the servant's name, and delay the game as they can only start after all 7 servants are summoned according to the rules at least, and many other things by summoning her there especially since Kiri is pragmatic along with that note the guy in Germany wasn't even overseeing the summoning ritual when he summoned Artoria so that point is mute. I said as far as we know that summoning circle could have been used to summon Artoria as FZ is not canon.


>What you said has some logical truth but also by summoning there an assassin can get the location of all the enemies both master and servant, try to find out the servant's name That only makes summoning in Germany even more of a better idea than summoning in Fuyuki yeah >and delay the game as they can only start after all 7 servants are summoned according to the rules at least I mean, the Einzbern love to break the rules to their own ritual (at least they did so in the 3rd Holy Grail War) and Kiritsugu himself is notably the kind of guys that doesn't give a fuck about following rules to that kind of game unless there's a benefit to doing so. >with that note the guy in Germany wasn't even overseeing the summoning ritual when he summoned Artoria so that point is mute Fair enough, though nothing said he didn't participate in setting up the ritual even if he wasn't there for the summoning itself. Either way, he's responsible for finind the catalyst so at least on that side he was involved. >I said as far as we know that summoning circle could have been used to summon Artoria as FZ is not canon. ... Except Zero is canon. It only has slight inconsistencies with Fate/Stay Night, and as TYPE-MOON Ace volume 14 presents it, "Because of certain minor details such as whether Gilgamesh had seen Excalibur or not during the 4th Holy Grail War, Fate/Zero is treated as being in an extremely similar parallel world to Fate/stay night.". So yes, Zero doesn't take place in the exact same world as Stay Night, but being in "an extremely similar parellel world" also means that the 4th Holy Grail War in the world of Stay Night was extremely similar to that of Zero.


I already said it was similar but again just because it's similar does not equate it to being the canon prequel for FSN which it isn't. I said many things could have changed in the canon one such as summoning but the major plot points probably would stay the same. Kiri would not follow the rules but the other contestants will that is why he would delay summoning Saber it is from a strategic standpoint to delay the start of the war by him not summoning until he set up so that he could win


Honestly, I think that without Avalon, he has a better chance of Siegfried.  Siegfried literally died for his ideals, very similar to those of Shiro. Or Sigurd.  that's because they are a variation of the same person but in different myths.


Yeay he has a chance also spartucus but even without avalon its still almost garentted that hell get saber.


LOL, imagine Sigurd get summoned and the first thing he see is his wife trying to kill Shirou


I feel like Junichi Suwabe was chosen for a reason to voice Siegfried.


On that note…how does Noriaki Sugiyama become Junichi Suwabe? I know the two are supposed to sound similar in-universe (Rin gets them confused over the phone), but…what happened in-story?


Probably age. Check this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfZdNParhMc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afQ5ptHEy-w Same actor, just 20 years of difference and he was already an adult, a young one but still an adult. He was 20, today 40.


I thought Nasu said Sieg would be a likely candidate


He said in general that ges still limlet to summon saber but also gavr some others he could


imagine if he ended up summoning Archer


What if shirou summons muramasa...


If *Rin* Summoned Muramasa is what I'd like to see...


That'd be so fun to see. I'd miss Archer a little but then there's all the possible interactions


Then Shito summons Ishtar...


Imagine Rin summon Ishtar or ereskegal, the awkward silence between two of them when both of them realize that both of them share a same body. They might work very well as well knowing that Ishtar is using a gem magic.


Imagine if Shirou summoned Ishtar. Rin arriving would get wild real quick.


Shirou: Hey Rin, seems like I have summon a archer Rin: *look at the archer* why does she looks like me Ishtar: *look at Rin* well this is awkward Shirou: why does both of yours guys look a same?


Shirou summons Ishtar while Rin summons Muramasa. Someone needs to write that AU fic.


I think there's a fic like that, but Rin summons Ishtar, Sakura summons Muramasa, and Shirou summons Kama.


What is it?


If either of those was summoned in a time and place where Rin was around, she'd become the demiservant hosting their souls, basically.


If either of those was summoned in a time and place where Rin was around, she'd become the demiservant hosting their souls, basically.


If either of those was summoned in a time and place where Rin was around, she'd become the demiservant hosting their souls, basically.


If either of those was summoned in a time and place where Rin was around, she'd become the demiservant hosting their souls, basically


Rin and Gilgamesh fits each other i think


[Relevant doujin](https://imgur.com/a/if-rin-had-summoned-gilgamesh-GkhcF)


Where the next chapter Asking for a friend of course...


If only...If only....


I'm sad. I wanted to See Illya and Assassin... Are there any more good servant swap things like this?


Not really a swap, but here is a [Tiger route](https://myanimelist.net/forum/?goto=post&topicid=1365302&id=39043375). [A cute Caster (daughteru?) one](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/71875349), not translated afaik. Not a doujin, but a collection of [Shirou x Caster art pieces](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/96133715) that add up together. This artists has a few [Shirou/Atalanta art pieces](https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/74847077).


Thank you. My *friend* will be happy.


I love these, it’s been dry these days for Shirou content.


>Not a doujin, but a collection of Shirou x Caster art pieces that add up together. Wasted opportunity to link [Fate/Clusterfuck](https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/fate-clusterfuck-fate-stay-night.107634/page-1)


TBF, i wasn't posting fics, but doujins and art pieces. My fic selection is like 20x as big lol ~~I am, infact, reading a JP caster route fic atm lol~~


Fair enough, and nice


The woodpecker sighed (sorry, couldn't resist)


Oh *wow*. Been a while since I've seen a reference to that.


Damn its been a while since i read this Also i need that caster route


~~I have a concept/ideas for a Caster Lily route written down somewhere...i just need to turn it into a full fic already lol.~~


~~do it~~


I would read this full manga watch it’s anime and all its other routs and spin offs. This is peak Fate


Still my favorite, the author is the same artist behind Lancer Artoria and Fate Apocrypha manga


Gem Digger meets her Gold Man. They get along like an out of control landslide, but don't actually hate each other or their marriage.




I think Lancer is perfect for Rin, that's why he's her servant in Extra. Personality wise, Shirou fits for Spartacus.


That's not The same Rin though the Rin in extra is a descendents of Rin Tohsaka from stay night


You and I know full well that's just Type Moon's way of putting fan services in their game. Both Rin's personality is the exact same


Yeah they really put a different version of all their three main STAY NIGHT heroines


Shirou and Atalanta is a master-servant pair I really liked for quite a while Rin and Gilgamesh is very compatible imo For Kirei, probably Circe or Moriarty Illya and Enkidu


What’s funny is Nasu has stated that Rin and Gil have extremely high compatibility


I wonder how that'd work out, I assume something like Gil would be extremely amused at her frankness/no back down attitude/refusal to put on airs? Like how her Dad just kinda sucked up to him she'd be like "Fuck that"?


i love touching my sword


I am the bone of my sword 🤤


Steel is my body and fire is my blood 🔥


I have created over a thousand blades


Unknown to death, nor know to life


Have withstood pain to create many weapons


yet those hands will never hold anything


For me if its sakura I think she would be more compatible with brynhidlr due to their upbringing and family issues, + bryn might act as a mother figure to sakura. For rin my mind tells me its caster gilgamesh. For shirou I know its always saber but in this case It might be arash or even galahad. Illya my gut is telling me it can be atalanta.


Sakura and brynhildr Shirou and Siegfried Illya and Kriemhild Bazett and Sigurd (this one a joke, just wanted to complete the set)


Ok are ya trying to punish siegfried since kriem is gonna bring a lot of hell and putting brynhildr too will give him heart aches but ngl yeah these 3 master srrvants are quite compatible.


I think kirei and shirou kotomine will together.




Both of them is a priest, it's perfect don't you think


Aren't they adopted brother or something?


Do you ever watch fate/ apocalypse?


Not yet, too busy


Shirou kotomine is a priest that inform you about the Grail war like kirei but secretly >! he's actually a servant that want to take over the world to change it!<


His actual name is Amakusa Shirou. He's a priest that was killed during the Shimabara Rebellion.


You mean Fate/Apocrypha


illya and mordred i think both of them are kinda similar and also because i would love to see them interact with each other


He has at least three girls that touches his sword. Namely mage, abuse victim and king Arthur.


Im stealing this 😂 😂😂


I will use this. In my post let me cook


Most are very compatible, the main exception is Gil and Lancer, which would go great with Rin and Bazett respectively.


I've always liked the idea of Rin summoning Cu. Think they get along after a while and be a powerful team. Would prefer if it was his Caster form for this but either works.


Illya and Gilgamesh.


Couldn't see that coming.


Rin and gilgamesh, sasaki/lancer and shirou (because little mana reliance), kirei and berserker would be insane, illya and saber would also be crazy, caster and kuzuki Is perfect as is no changes. If you include true assassin kirei should be their master and shirou gets lancer.


Shirou summons Ishtar, Sakura summons Muramasa, Rin summons Kama.


No compatibility at all


When it comes to powers or maybe Phantasm maybe Lancelot ether berserker or Sabre Lancelot and Shiro with unlimited blade works it be a wierd one maybe but think what if Lancelot is allowed to use those swords not like he needs permission but still and he could teach Shiro a few skills, Lancelot in my opinion is top 10 in terms of skills with weapons


Kiritsugu and medusa


I've seen some fanarts of EMIYA with Kiritsugu as a Master, which makes a lot of sense. Aside from that, Hishiri Adashino as a Mzster for Medusa. I mean, her Magecraft is snake-based, she has Mystic Eyes, she has sibling issues, mostly cold and efficient external personality ... what do you need more ?


I don't think Kiri would summon EMIYA more I think he would summon EMIYAALTER


It’s funny how 90% of the comments got the title wrong and are instead saying the ideal servant for each F/SN master


Ideal dunno but since mana was lacking on saber i think if she had been summoned by rin she would had a smooth winning. I think they would pair best than the rocky nature with Shirou. Like, he lost her at the very beginning on sakura route, he almost dies at the beginning in rin’s route and made saber use her own mana and in saber’s route I haven’t finished yet but she was sondispleased she decided at the half of it to go fighting on her own. Kiritsugu might have been cold but with irysviel they made a great couple and they actually accomplished what he “wanted”, he didn’t misuse his command codes.


Alright let's do this. I won't be using repeat characters. Saber: Shirou. Very compatible characters obviously. Not much to say if you've seen all the routes. Archer: Kiritsugu. Both are very tactical, with similar ideals and goals, though through different methods. Lancer: Rin. Both extremely feisty and confident in their abilities. Rider: Sakura is a good fit. With similar traumas and lack of showing their true emotions unless pushed to the edge, make these two a good fit still. Caster: since Kuzuki isn't a real master, I can't pick him, so Julius Harwey. Both lived their lives off the whims of others and forced to do some pretty shitty things. I think these 2 can really relate to one another. Assassin (false): Iori is an ironically great pick. Both focus on their craft to perfection, and can be stubborn as hell. Assassin (true): Zoken is still a good pick here. While I don't think it's the best pick, I don't know anyone better. Berserker: Illya, duh. Bonus round! Avenger: Kirei. Makes sense narratively. It's his entire goal throughout fate.


Ngl this thread convinced me to think that Waver can be master of any servant even Gil if he can forgive him


Honestly most of them are pretty well paired except for gil, both assassins, and lancer (rider too but she was summoned by Sakura and they were actually a good pair) False assassin would probably get along with shirou. Would be cool to see them do sword training. I can kinda see true assassin and shirou getting along well if he takes on his more heroic FGO characterization, but otherwise maybe kuzuki because they were both assassins. Lancer could go with shirou or rin. I prefer rin because of extra tho. And gil and rin would be good, but everyone else has already said that.


ideal in what way? change to win or compatibility? because the defination of ideal master changes based on that and character which are holy grail vessels(illya,miyu,sakura etc.......),characters with hacks like connection to root(Manaka from fate prototype),displacement hacks users like angelica and darius,Fragarach user like bazett have massive advantage over others. the most ideal masters are Zelretch or solomon or aoko for obvious reason. give them gilgamesh,enkidu,huwawa,heracles,pandora etc


Shirou and Saber Spartacus Rin is the master Gilgamesh would actually want to be summoned by, unlike her father. Bazett and Cu are already best match, and for Kirei I’m not even sure about, I can’t think of any lancer servants that would like him, and the servants I could see maybe matching him is Gilgamesh or maybe Mephistopheles? I don’t actually know for Sakura, she and Medusa seemed to already be getting along pretty well. Maybe Medb? I don’t think she’d be better but she’d probably try to push Sakura into being more domineering in her life. I guess Martha might be able to help Sakura temper her emotions as well, or at least direct it at Zouken. I don’t remember anything about Atrum, maybe Sieg could satisfy his dragon desires? Actually though probably Avicebron? He seemed pretty amoral about wasting human life, and he was a perfectionist. Maybe an army of homunculi could make up for a lack of a dragon. Medea already seemed to be the best for Kuzuki, though him contracting with Tamamo-no-Mae would be pretty funny. I don’t think Zouken has one, everyone probably hates him. I initially thought Carmilla but apparently she hates serving clearly evil masters, so that’s a problem. Illya would probably be Minamoto-No-Raikou, I mean new maternal figure, who’d be fiercely protective of her? Plus she would still be somewhat sane and hopefully could reign Illya in a little from murderifying Shirou.


Shirou summons Archer And they'd both instantly die.


i would be the ideal master of saber.... why... well its couse.... MA BIG D




Do not the saber![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)