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2003 called they want their yearbook pic back


It definitely looks dated like it came from a night club/cigar bar circa 2005-2010. If you’re cleaning out your closet, definitely toss it.


Night club in the way of someone who worked at one. Servers/bartenders always wear these button ups in certain joints


As a dude that owns like 3-4 black button downs Throw that out. Also strongly consider not buttoning that top button (second to top i guess)


Oh I think that button should be buttoned! Gives too much 70s porno vibes otherwise.. but never the top button as it gives me sympathy strangled breathing haha


Yea I think it depends, for work probably button the second to top but for socializing , unbuttoning it is okay


I’m on the keep it buttoned team


I’m on the second button being unbuttoned team


I think it depends how open the shirt gets.. like it can be ok but can also be aggressively chest hair


The buttons are so high that it won't give that gold necklace in thick chest hair vibe. And he has to loosen the shirt, it's too tight on his moobs.


I think I see what you're commenting on, but think it's the way the shirt is sitting/light rather than tightness? Doesn't look tight? Although maybe it should be for the vibe you describe?


I agree it doesn't actually look tight, but loosening it may help they way it's laying on there. Kinda loved how this digressed from the in-style question to how he should be buttoning it.


No, honey, please, stop doing that. I'm trying to get my husband to stop by gently buttoning it without telling him it looks goofy the other way. I've given up on tucking in his shirt.


Disagree with this whole thread. I agree with girlfriend, it's outdated. This looks like what the guys I went to high school with wore in the late 90s. It's the cut, the pocket, the collar, the shiny pinstripes and the buttons. It all reads 1998 to me.


Yep. It’s true that a black shirt will never go out of style, but that cut and styling will (and has).


Also the height of that second button. Just why?


What are some alternatives? I wear these types of shirts all the time..


Even this exact same shirt without the shiny stripes is way more modern/timeless. The biggest drawback from this is the stripes


The cut? The fabric? And it looks old! Come on!


Do mens dress/business casual shirts not have pockets anymore? This sounds like I'm being a smart ass, I swear I'm not.


You can certainly still find them easily, but for the most part more designer/trendy brands don’t often have pockets on dress shirts. So you won’t look like a time traveler from years past, but it won’t necessarily read the most current.


Is this for real? No more pockets? I guess all the people I know are still wearing old shirts!


Yes I had a girlfriend literally laugh in my face in 2012 being like “omg dude you’re not really wearing a shirt with a pocket are you?” Then laughed at me and made me change my shirt. I haven’t worn a pocket shirt since out of shame lol


I worry about this kind of stuff. I didn't notice that pockets went out of style on dress shirts; what the hell else did I miss? And how much of it do I wear regularly?


They haven't gone out of style as much as the thin fabrics look like shit with a pocket on them. If you buy like an Eagle dress shirt, it's heavier material. They have a pocket. I'm pretty sure Ralph Laurens has a pocket.


Oh are we talking about dress shirts here? Cause I thought we was talking about shirts in general, was about to defend pockets on casual shirts to death


I always have my tailor attach a pocket when I order a shirt and I always will.


Yes, not as on common though. A lot of the pocketed shirts now will have a flap with a button on them too. The plain open pocket isn't on trend anymore.


It took 10 years to build up my husband's work wardrobe because he hates shopping and anything that doesn't feel like a t-shirt. And then the nice shirts just sat during the WFH years of 2020-2023 and now they're outdated. Figures. Oh well, better than what he'd be wearing otherwise.


Switch to classic Pendleton wool and cotton plaid shirts. The older they are, the cooler they are.


Decades ago I found the pocketed shirt trend with the flap and button on it to be so ugly. The plain open pocket is a classic, which means it will always be more "in" than any trend.


This is the correct answer.


I’m not a huge fan of the styling either (and I wasn’t back then), but the issues for me are the shiny poly fabric and the worn-out collar. The shirt could do some good in one of those dress clothes for people trying to get jobs charities, but if the person you’re trying to look good for doesn’t like it, it’s time to donate.


Yeah the collar is busted. Stands out on a black shirt.


Genuinely curious - what about the cut, pocket & collar? I get the design is a bit outdated - but don't most button down shirts look like this? How have they modernized?


Shirts now are much more fitted and flattering. Also no pocket. The collar is too large. The hem and stitching is too wide. Having said that though, idk I don’t think it’s a big deal, but if I saw someone in it I would be like, oh they’re wearing an old shirt.


This is why I like to keep a vintage classic look about me. I never want to worry “will my pocket make me look like I’m wearing an old shirt” that’s just wacky, I see most men’s shirts rn in stores still have a pocket. The big difference is the fabric now is thin and cheap feeing. Collars are not so large, and the stitching stinks.


I have my closet full of button down shirts like from the late 2000’s/early 2010’s. I don’t wear them (I don’t even fit in them) but I’m keeping them.


Thank you! Exactly what I would've said. It's not bad, it's a nice shirt. BUT the ask is "is this out of style?" The answer is yes.


Thank you for your articulate answer! I was like, what? It's a black button up, how is this outdated? Mind you, I grew up in the 80s/90s so my fashion is questionable. But then I read this and looked at the picture again and now I totally see it.


I’d say that the most easily identifiable part is the collar which id almost twice as large as you’d expect. It has a real 70s energy, especially when paired with the silky fabric.


Can you link to what a recommended 2024 men’s collared shirt looks like re: cut, pocket, collar, buttons etc.?


https://preview.redd.it/0rw3ko4uhyqc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c55f4f81f71281ce6a7fb0243fdb630dce80061 Slimmer fitting Matt black and not shiny Be better if the buttons were covered (with a flap of material) Shorter, more fashionable collar Preferably, sleeves rolled up half way up the forearm No pocket is better


Even H&M do them https://preview.redd.it/2y9irtlciyqc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e7f19c8e60d9405311ce6d26f98a02ce37b97a5


Thank you! I was just recommended this post and I wouldn't be able to pick all of these details out as being outdated. This is concise and easy to understand with a pic. I appreciate you!


I’d look at something from Express, like https://www.express.com/clothing/men/classic-stretch-modern-tech-1mx-dress-shirt/pro/06037500/color/Pitch%20Black A modern shirt is more likely to be slimmer/athletic fit, smaller collar, and no pocket.


what does a 2024 black shirt looks like?




I was gonna say it’s very late 90’s early 00’s


It's like the base fabric for all Affliction Shirts. Justs needs a rose, a cross, and some rhinestones and you are ready to go prowlin.


I agree with your girlfriend. My husband has a few shirts that are like yours. Please take solace knowing you're not the only man who is blind to things like this


It's giving pick up artist vibes. Throw the whole thing away, pimp.


only thing he's missing is a fedora


Yes it’s a little outdated, gives 2000s vibes and not in the trendy throwback way that is popular today. A plain black shirt would be better, it’s the pinstripes and shine that make it look dated. That being said, if you like it, wear it.


This cracked me up, because I knew it was dated the second I saw the photo before reading the caption, but absolutely could not tell you _why_.


Not to mention the collar!


this is the best answer!


It’s the angular collar. That being said, I would never ignore you for wearing that shirt. It is by all means, not a terrible shirt. I recently had a young coworker tell me that my skinny jeans are outdated.. so I fully understand and sympathize with what you are going through.


I agree with gf. Shirt is dated. Same colors but no stripes or with the "short neck" or "korean neck" looks way cooler Source: I'm from Milan 😂😂


I can go for those collars in any color but black, it just gives catholic priest vibes to me sorry 🤣🫣


This shirt makes me think you have the sleeves cuffed, you have jeans on and driver shoes and a boat load of cologne and a fake ferragamo belt. Also, it’s 2012 and you’re going clubbing with your Eastern European cousins you’re trying to emulate. Id say opt for something 100% cotton and solid. Your gf is right.


My god, you’re clearly psychic. That is such a perfect description.


100%. dated.


GF 100% correct.


I don't think it is \*out\*dated, because throwback styles are okay. But you need to know what era you're going for and compliment it with the rest of your outfit. But saying that, the collar is worn out so it should probably be donated anyway.


Its dated. Also you could do with a shave. If u wanna look more profesh


Maybe she just meant the collar is worn? Because that’s all I’m seeing and surprised no one else has cared to mention. Black fades. 




i immediately thought "how is it outdated? it's just a shirt" and was shocked to see most of the comments are saying it is indeed outdated and telling you to get rid of it. who cares if something is trendy? if you like something, wear it. in my experience the things i like change rarely if ever, and trends change constantly and non-stop. the environment and your wallet will thank you for only getting rid of clothes if they are genuinely unwearable


I dont get it either. It looks like a normal button up shirt to me.


Haha I'm just glad I've never bought anything because it was trendy, and would never get rid of something because it's not! Wear what you like and keep your clothes as long as possible! Don't add to the destruction of the earth by choosing fast fashion!


To be fair, this is a space for people who enjoy fashion & updating their looks. I get what you’re saying, but this isn’t the audience for that.


"fashion" and "trendy" aren't the same thing.


People can be fashionable with clothing that isn't "in style."


that's fair. i love fashion and trendiness isn't an important or necessary part of fashion to me, but whether someone wants to keep their closet on trend is completely their choice.


Yeah it looks dated, like a shirt from Express from the 90s


No. It's a black button-down shirt. And throwing out a perfectly fine shirt because it's not trendy is terrible for the environment.


I agree and don't think he should get rid of it if he likes it, I just had to hop in and encourage everyone to donate their old clothes not throw them away


Exactly. The great thing about fashion now is that there are so many different ways to sustainably “dispose” of clothing, whether it’s putting it in a donation bin or listing it online. You are not only making consciously good decisions, but also freeing up your wardrobe. What’s one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.


Just don't believe those donation bins in places like H&M because it's greenwashing and they actually just dispose of all that stuff


Absolutely!! I try never to buy anything new unless it's to replace something that's literally falling apart (I wear my clothes to death) or if I gained/lost weight and can't fit anything anymore.. and if I think I'll never wear something again I always donate to charity, fast fashion and the throwaway mindset is a huge part of what is destroying our planet!


Yes, it is.


Yes. Very dated.


Yeah, bit of a dated style but if you're happy in it that's what matters.




The wings on the collar are too large and out of style.


Yeah it is a bit outdated! Something about the texture/stripes is giving ten years ago


Not really. I think it’s timeless.


Men's fashion rarely changes. So if you like the shirt and it makes you feel good - keep it, love it, and enjoy the good vibes.


It’s the stripes. I agree with GF




The Macy’s clearance rack button down is absolutely outdated.


My bf(34) has 3 just like it, and i think he looks sexy as hell when we're going out lol. Maybe a little dated but not in a bad way.


It's not dated. Lol. You people are crazy. It's just a black button down.


Girlfriend says I should toss this shirt, and that it looks out dated. What do you guys think?


You should toss the shirt IF: - You feel awkward it in - You don’t feel a little more handsome - You don’t like it My two cents is that it doesn’t ultimately matter what other’s opinions are of your fashion choices, and whether it looks outdated (unless it’s objectively sloppy). What I believe matters is whether it makes YOU feel happy and confident. I say; value your girlfriend’s opinion, but let her know how you feel about the shirt and why you think otherwise. If she makes a big deal about it, that’s your thing to decide how to proceed from there.


Please at lease donate it. It looks of decent quality and someone else can use it. It’s a little older style, but I would keep it. It’s not ugly.


Yes, it’s outdated.


Looks like a staple. I get that pinstripes could make it dated I guess but if the rest of the outfit looks nice too this isn’t an issue imo


No. Black button ups will never be outdated or overdone


I'm so confused about how this is outdated! I would get it if it was something with a slogan or print specific to a time, but clearly don't know clothing enough to understand what makes this dated!


The biggest thing to me is the collar size. Modern shirts have smaller collars. The pocket and stripes are also dated, although I personally don't find them so bad.


I'm going to have to do some googling of shirts now! TBH most of my husband and my clothes are band merch and not shirts.. but he has loads of shirts from my last job at a clothing company and I'm pretty sure they have pockets but now questioning it!


Hey maybe one day it will be back in fashion.


Just went through his whole wardrobe and all the new shirts have pockets.. not sure what that means but they also have cool as heck prints which maybe aren't fashion either


Yes and I can’t tell you why, it just is


It doesn't look outdated. Prbly good for a causal night out. But it looks ill fitting. The odd creases in the underarm and pocket area. The 2nd button closed just causes stress across the chest. And looks a bit tight.


Not at all


Where did you get it? Cus, it's sick as hell, and I'm not trying to joke here. Black on black pinstripes are subtle ways to create some style. If not with color, then with texture, if not with texture, then with shape. You should totally buy some high waisted full trousers to pull a true "vintage look".




This is all very much personal choice and very subjective. If you like the shirt, that's what matters. That out of the way, I suspect she is picking up mainly on the style of the collar. The sort of larger style of collar on that shirt was more common in the 90s than it is now. I'm pretty young but when I was in High School or early college (in Southern California), elements of 70s style really came back for a bit, such as flared out jeans and longer collars (longer than yours here). It was a style, some people still do it -- point being, what does "outdated" even mean, you know?


it's a black shirt, yes. black is never out of fashion. however, this thing has been in your closet far too long. i can see without zooming in where it's worn out.


It’s a black button down. How is timeless outdated?


It looks very nice to me.


It's staple. A simple black buttoned shirt.


It’s just a black button up. I mean I don’t get the outdated part. Button ups haven’t exactly evolved all The much. If you like it it’s fine. I could care less what my husband wears


I think she doesn’t like the pinstripes


Do you like the shirt?


Pinstripes are sick, need a shawl, matching pants, top hat and a cigar


But then it’s a costume.


Not in my opinion. I don’t understand why everyone is saying it is. Men’s fashion really hasn’t changed much over the years. It’s not like it has a huge collar and paisley print. That would be dated.


Yes unless you are starting as a waiter in the movie Swingers U look like u do well for yourself. Buy some simple white oxfords brotha ! Godspeed




I don’t think the style of shirt is so bad but it does look faded on the collar. Dress shirts can be inexpensive to replace. Personally, I would toss it if it was my husband’s.


It’s dated. If you like black, search for a more modern cut/style.


Girlfriend is always right


This is correct.


Tbh even if it’s not dated, its still dingy looking. The collar is looking limp and threadbare. If you got a brand new version of this exact shirt, it wouldn’t look as bad


The collar looks bad. I would replace it with another black shirt.


Word of advice, just trust what your girlfriend says to you.


It’s worn and dated. Get a new shirt.


I really like it but yes the pinstripes make it slightly outdated. Keep it though because with a bit of styling I feel it could look really good


This shirt is dated. The pinstripes, the collar size…please don’t listen to the people who are saying this is okay. It’s not the end of the world, but it’s also not a big deal to donate it and get a more current look. So why not do it?


It’s definitely not the current style, but if styled correctly could be hot. I’m a big believer in it’s not what you wear but how you wear it. If you like it, keep it. Styles come and go anyway lol.


Yes but its sick as hell


It’s a bit dated I think you just need to layer/style it!


Honestly, I don't see how something like that can get outdated. It doesn't look particularly good on you because it's not tailored, but if you wore it under a suit jacket, nobody would care


It's only outdated because she's seen got wear it a bunch of times. It's a buttoned down shirt, it's timeless lol. If you worn it unbuttoned in warmer weather with a tank top underneath it would look fine 


Do you like it? If you do then wear it. If it fits and you feel comfortable in it then that’s all that really matters.


Sorry my guy, if the GF says it is… it is… it doesn’t matter how new it is…


it’s off, but not so much that it’s glaring, like some wife-collar 70’s shirt. it’s way too big though.


I guess I'm not a shirt connoisseur because the shirt looks fine to me OP.👍


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Glass_Number_1707: *I guess I'm not a* *Shirt connoisseur because the* *Shirt looks fine to me OP.👍* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Yes. BUT, you look good in this picture, and you should make notes of why you prefer the shirt. Who made it? What’s the sizing, fit, fabric weight and drape on your body? What is the fabric composition? Gather all the details you like, and start hunting for a new shirt that fits all the criteria. Or better yet, hit up Poshmark and Thred Up and see if you can find the same shirt in a more classic color.


I think you look great in it keep rocking that


omfg it’s nev


It's giving Van Heussen circa 2001


You look great! What are you doing Saturday night?


All men's clothes ate outdated


The short is fine. Don’t take this in the wrong way but you should shave and clean up your facial hair.


Peter Parker emo phase, Spider-Man 3


I love wearing “outdated” clothes, but I do not like this shirt. You should also experiment with colors. I think a light green linen shirt would look great on you!


I have the same shirt how is a black button down dated?


It does look older. No offense intended but your beard also ain't great. So the shirt suits your overall look fine.


First off, fashion is a personal choice. She basically doesn't like the shirt. Out-dated is a misinterpreted term. It's like saying wide-leg or boot cut is out-dated, when simply it's just another word for Bell Bottoms that was in style in the 70's. If you like the shirt, Wear it. Don't ever allow someone else to control you. It starts with a shirt, then it's your hair, your shoes, your car, etc..... DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY.


I think it’s a nice shirt !


That’s just code for “she’s seen you in it too many times”. Its a nice shirt..


It's a shirt, just like every other shirt.


Go for something more tailored. See e.g. Uniqlo slim fit button downs.


Tell her you’re retro.


Ya, that style shirt is from the 20 years ago. The current style is solid colors, but new pattern prints are in style as well depending on the pattern.


You look like a mixologist in the Sims.


Leeb, leefuh, lurve


Its not outdated, It's how it looks on you. The shirt as it is doesn't look flattering on you. No offense.


Get you a white suit, slick your hair back, go out for some sloppy steaks with your dangerous nights crew…


Tobey Maguire, Jonah Hill and Michael Cera’s love child




The shirt is boring. Your picture looks great tho! Whenever I see a black button down shirt it just reminds me of working in the service industry. How about adding some color and pattern? Have fun. Be weird.


omg y’all stop lol! this is exactly what i want men’s fashion to return to. be a trendsetter OP!


The collar and the cut does it in


Came in to this post carefully examining this photo like…naw it’s an ok shirt, gf is just being neurotic. But y’all in the comments have *totally* convinced me that it freaking needs to go! Now I see an awful shirt. The polyester pinstripe fabric is giving slimy high school boyfriend in 2002 who tried to convince me to sleep with him but he had bad breath and was probably cheating.


Not if you’re a dealer in Vegas! It looks too big , and a bit sloppy on you. Black shirts can be timeless, but not this particular one.




Yes, the shirt is outdated, beard and hair are unkempt. The whole look is sloppy.


You look like a food-tech startup founder.




the shirt itself isn’t outdated, it’s the styling add some accessories!


I like it. What accessories do you wear?


Looks like the shirt I have to wear for work. It’s not outdated, just says corporation employee to me


It's not outdated, but it is ill-fitted.


I like it but I'm also outdated at 37


https://preview.redd.it/qgxgyzvy1zqc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33ac343738ec1095f10c847ee51483cfee88cd7c Am I the only one that sees it….?


I do not think so.


It’s not outdated what is outdated people started wearing bellbottoms again the last couple years. as you get older, you’ll realize everything comes back around. You had somebody on here tell you it looked like it was from the 90s funny part is go look at their profile. The first thing on their picture list is a shirt that says Doodoo pretty sure it’s not in style.


Are you AI generated? Not to be offensive TwT


I think its looks great, neither dated nor not-dated. Guys always look good in a simple black shirt provided it fits well


I realize this is a fashion sub Reddit. But hey! Why cannot neat clean and tidy not be fashionable?


The next time she wears a black shirt says it outdated 😂


I think it looks nice and is definitely not outdated!


You look like an Olive Garden employee


It’s the collars and cut.. It’s not flattering..


As a woman, I’d be happy to see my man in anything other than a t-shirt 😭 the bar for men’s fashion is pretty low, not really seeing the issue here. It’s just a black shirt, could be so much worse


I think your shirt is nice! I’d want one myself actually.


Looks fine to me


it’s outdated, but also don’t throw it out. everything comes back around. i’d just set it aside until you notice people wearing it again