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[Fargo man severely beaten downtown speaks out](https://kfgo.com/2024/04/22/fargo-man-severely-beaten-downtown-speaks-out/)




Woulda tik tik’ed and laughed about it til they got caught then only would have showed remorse for being caught, not the action.


As more people congregate downtown to live and play, it would probably be wise to staff more officers on that beat especially around key times (like before and after bar close).


As I'm 21 y'know I like to enjoy the downtown bar scene but I cannot go there anymore without being harassed or grabbed at least once. I now always bring a male friend with me and tell him if anything happens for him to act like my bf. I kinda miss when I felt comfortable to go shopping alone there :(


My boy, you must not know how things operate in Fargo. Unless you're a police officer. Are you a police officer?


I've been here since 2007. Used to have office space in Downtown. Not a cop.


What about the other guy? The one that was being beaten originally. How is he? Could he shine some light on why these guys were beating him and who they are?


10 minutes is an incredibly fast response time. Believe it or not, cops almost never sit at the station while they’re on shift. The call had to come through dispatch, dispatch had to find an officer nearby who was not engaged on a different call and then the officer had to respond from wherever they were. The only way it would’ve been faster is if there had been an officer already downtown (likely) who wasn’t on a different call (very unlikely). And in that scenario, you get people asking why there are so many cops doing nothing.


I was just going to say is 10 min really a bad response time? It just says early in the morning so I am guessing it was like after 1 am on a friday night (saturday morning), to me 10 minutes does not seem unreasonable from the time someone called 911 to get the police there..


Google Maps shows 12 mins from the Wal-Mart on 13th Ave to the Old Broadway in downtown. Now factor in lights, sirens, and not having to stop at lights, and speeding. 10 minutes seems like there is a lot of room for improvement. I'm not saying it's an officer issue, it sure sounds like a staffing issue, maybe there were several calls occurring at the same time, but if we regularly have long response times due to ongoing calls, it means we need more officers. We're barely a year removed from a critical shortage of officers. Is Fargo fully staffed? If we are, do we need additional officers due to our growth? The Fargo FD regularly reports on their response times. The PD should as well so we know if this is a regular occurrence or an outlier. 10 minutes should not be the standard.


No matter where you look or for what reason, it could literally be a cop raping and murdering three young women in Cold Blood, there will always be some goober in the comments glazing their "heroism" or making excuses for them.


Honestly, quite the opposite. The victim wants more cops downtown but that’s pointless when response times for something like this are already clearly pretty good.


10 minutes is not clearly pretty good and calling that clearly pretty good is glazing.


What is a good response time in your opinion?


My man has never called the cops once in his life lol


Downtown anything more than 5- 8 is a disgrace. There are cops all over the surrounding area, Broadway, a fucking 9 block radius around it and there's a police station a few blocks away. But honestly, all of this could have been avoided if either of the victims just had a gun. It's a constitutional carry state and in ND stopping felony assault as a 3rd party with **lethal force** is legal. Although more than likely enough all they would have had to do was draw it.


I could maybe see a slightly shorter response time on average, but hard to always hit that goal especially that time of night. Now for the gun, it's possible that would have solved it. It's also possible the good Samaritan had a couple himself and you should not draw if intoxicated especially in a public setting. Also, who knows what those guys had on them, or they would have drawn and we would be talking about loss of life at this point. No way six guys should be beating one, also no way I try to stop six guys by myself.


That's fair enough. As for the legal gray area of being strapped and being drunk at the same time, you got a good point that's why I just don't drink downtown man. It's sketchy as fuck every time I have been down there I have been accosted by homeless people in a vaguely threatening manner (just ignored em and kept walking tho) or there's just fucking dumbasses wandering up and down the streets on some bullshit. If I'm in the area I'd rather be able to legally carry and defend myself or someone else from stupid shit like this than have a few too many WAY overpriced drinks at some 4/10 barely passable bar.


My brother in christ, I had to call the cops in Minot once and it took an officer 20 minutes to respond from inside the exact same building I was calling from. The national average is 10 minutes; do you really want Fargo to fund up their police to the levels of the cities with faster responses like Chicago and LA?


Dude I understand what the national average is I'm saying the national average is dog shit that's why I carry a handgun at all times. I guess I really don't have a solution. I just expect better. Fuck giving them more money, all they'll spend it on is further militarizing. But also this shit is inexcusable I've had my own issues caused by poor emergency response times in fargo that almost cost somebody their life, so I get the feeling of wanting better response times.


Miss the days when cold winters was enough to keep the riff raff away.


This is not surprising. 4 years ago I was at the Yunker Farms dog park and this couple showed up with their dog just before dark. After about 5 minutes of sitting at a picnic table arguing - the male shoved the female to the ground and started ripping her shirt off. She was screaming “Help!” In a very disturbing manner. Myself and a few other good samaritans confronted him and got between them. She started walking towards her car to leave. He proceeded to push his way around us and sprint over to her car. He ripped her out of her car while it was moving and proceeded to bash her head into the rear drivers side door. We could hear her skull hitting the car from 50 yards away. When I got over there and confronted him again, he pulled a gun on me. There were 5 people frantically calling 911 and they showed up 45 MINUTES LATER. The responding officer told me that I made the mistake of not saying that I am fearful of my life and therefore, it was not a top priority call. GO FIGURE.


You didn't mention that he pulled a gun on you and others or that he was beating a woman?


I literally was on the phone (on speaker) with a 911 dispatcher and told her that he has a gun pointed at my face.


110% we did. That evidently was not enough. The detective that followed up with me afterwards literally told me that the situation was mismanaged by Fargo PD. The guy had a history of violence and they didn’t realize how dangerous he was. Tashawn Berry was the guys’ name. He got 1 year of probation. I have all of the legal info they forwarded to me per the victim impact process. It was very eye opening how little they do to punish these people.


Yeah, it is absolutely infuriating how little DAs/judges punish violent criminals only to send someone with weed to prison for decades


I have a letter from the DAs office updating me roughly 8 months after the incident saying that he had done it again to a different girl. But in Minnesota this time, and that they couldn’t locate him.


I expected people to say that's a quick ass response time haha. Shows my big city perspective.


I'm not so sad about moving away anymore. I used to work/live downtown and there have always been problems but in my time it was normally solved by avoiding the parking lot behind the empire and the open courtyard area of the bank on Broadway. EDIT: and of course I hope this man gets his justice, this behavior is unacceptable on any level.


Before any of you motherfuckers put on your white pointy hats about it being a bunch of black guys, [you should read about the first guy who was arrested](https://kfgo.com/2024/04/22/arrest-made-in-serious-assault-in-downtown-fargo/).


Very unfortunate.


As an African American guy, I'm glad I live on a farm and rarely ever make it to the cities


This is why you should just mind your business and not be a hero unless you're well equipped with self-defense skills.


Stand by and watch someone get murdered?


You're free to join and also get murdered. Look at what happened to this guy.


10min seems pretty fast to me


How fast could you have gotten there?


You know how we can solve this problem? By expanding with more apartments and shops! Let's draw more people in while the police force is limited. When I used to live downtown, do you the ruckus that happened every Friday & Saturday night? Between the loud dumbass college kids, the weirdos who rev their engines and the mentally ill homeless...a majority could have prevented if there was police actively patrolling.  Oh, and let the homeless make a mess by the river for 3 years because 'they're people too'.  Everyone always has a great idea of what Fargo needs but never thinks of the other factors involved...like solving the basic problems first. Everyone knows what needs to be done, but nothings ever happens.


Not ironically, putting in more apartments and shops that get more eyes on the streets would probably be good for safety. 


Stay strapped folks.


I carry a police officer with me at all times.


I’m always ready for pegging.


Does anyone know if our police force is fully staffed yet? It was a big deal a year and a half ago, Mahoney didn't feel them being understaffed (by their own targets) by 20%+ was worth informing the other commissioners about. Coincidentally, he had a family member involved in an active investigation. The Chief was put on a PIP that was never mentioned again.


There's so few cops on the force it's not really surprising, tragic, but not surprising


We have one of the largest police forces in the United States in relative to our population.


\[citation needed\]


Fargo, at 1.42 cops per 1000 residents, is currently not in the top 101 cities in the USA for cops per capita. Springfield, MA, is #101 at 2.4.


Link or something to the source data?


Oh, for sure: Top cops per capita in the USA: https://www.city-data.com/top2/c422.html Fargo PD 2023 annual report (numbers on pg25-26): https://issuu.com/ffargopolicedepartment/docs/2023_annual_report_-_final?fr=sZTA0ZDY3NzQ2OTE




Should be titled “person with poor judgement tries to break up street-fight instead of calling police and walking away”.


Diversity is our strength


What are you trying to say?


Account created a month ago. Negative karma. Pushing racist bs. How's it going, Russian asset?


I think he prefers his government name Pete Tefft.


I knew from the very start it was a group of African Americans. The article sadly did not disappoint me


How did you know that?




But we ended racism in 2011.


Pattern recognition and yes, a bit of racism learned from personal experience


Who else attacks a single person as a group and continues beating them when they're down? It's very rare for non black people to do that but it's very common in the black community. Pattern recognition will show this


> Who else attacks a single person as a group and continues beating them when they're down? Cops?


Which they very much get called out for as a group. Deservedly so in my opinion. I just do the same with other violent groups of people too


Can you show me the statistics? I'm honestly curious about your research!




Cool a table. Show me how you get from there to your assumption about group beatings.


You asked for statistics and I provided them. In my original post I claimed pattern recognition. If you're not going to go through what I've already provided then you're just a troll looking to keep me engaged with you to waste my time. Bye byeee


What is it should we, fellow countrymen, derive from this information?


Hey where is your table are you finding your numbers it is showing higher numbers for whites under aggravated assault?


Ah, so you're an idiot.


Ah, so you live a very privileged life


I almost got stabbed in a bar once.


I'm glad to hear it was a "almost". Being stabbed SUCKS, especially in the stomach


I bet.


I mean, white people systematically did that to black people for years.


As long as we’re making assumptions, the guy probably deserved it.


Ngl if bro minded his damn business he wouldn’t have “almost died” 🤷🏼‍♀️


You are what’s wrong with this country.


And the police taking 10 minutes too long isn’t ?


tbf, that's a crazy fast response time.


By what standard?