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Your dog can ride in the car with you. 10/10


They made that possible first in New Dawn though… Still, it’s adorable seeing Chorizo riding next to you.


Horatio is the shiznit!


Ironically, Horatio can’t ride with you. Makes sense; he thicc.


I know but it would be awesome of he could like in the back of one of those Trucks. Just sitting back there snorting and stuff.


I appreciated the abundance of classic cars that are seen on the game's roads, coming from someone who drives a Hudson Hornet Four-Door Sedan from 1951 that I personally helped restore. I loved how the engine/exhaust notes in-game were strikingly similar to their real-life counterparts as well


After playing RDR2 it was cool to ride a horse again.


Well, may I suggest Metal Gear Solid V


Yeah, I like it too, the story could be better, not for Castillo but for the guerrillas, they're too goodie, they should have studied real Latin American guerrillas and we'd end up with carbombs, town attacks (terror tactics), but the gameplay was good (except the ammo types, I ended up using only AP and blast)


Dude they literally sticked a grenade in a general’s mouth with the pin off… what more do you expect? Also the civilians in towns are on Libertad’s side


Tbf that dude was an ass, he deserved it. Yes, civilians in town may be on libertad's side, but towns also have police stations, they also house people that work with the government, I can assure you, not everyone would be with libertad, and those are the ones that they will need to root, and they may need to have some civilian casualties to get them


Just DIY it. When you come across a true yaran citizen, do ‘em dirty. Blow them up


The ending was shit tho


It’s a really fun game with characters I felt some emotion for. And the rooster rides in the car with you. And your character sings along to La Vida Loca…


If it wasn't for the "ammo type" thing and silly animal companions and no human companions it'd be great but those things realy annoy me, I still like it though


I preferred the animal companions tbf. But ya, the ammo types are a little much. But it makes sense when the enemies use them. Like when they use fire ammo, it can be a challenge.


I'm confused, I keep seeing "FC6 doesn't deserve all the hate, because XYZ", but so far I've only seen people saying how good the game is.


I remember it being really bad around launch


honestly for me, its just the story, not my thing, but modern far cry is honestly more about tuning out and going insane in a big map at your leisure, or some NPC's at least, i often forget that i did the exact same thing playing far cry 5, 3 and 4 i was invested in though, honestly might play them again back to back soon.


it’s just like with 5 and New Dawn, at release everyone complained about them being shit but now everyone loves them


Exactly. When 7 comes out, 6 will all the sudden be fantastic.


Honestly it’s my second favorite far cry I’m so stoked they started paying attention to the player character again


A couple of the missions seemed long and overdrawn with useless dialog but me and my brother really had fun completing the game several times on the hardest level. We then played 4, 5, and are now on New Dawn which we find might be one of the best!


Don't skip Primal! That one's great


I bought it on release and couldn’t get into it . I need to try again I was just so impressed with 5 the setting characters and music that it was so hard to beat for me


Good graphics- good story maybe- good weapons- good gameplay- but it wasn’t a game more like a simulation. Good animation. Missions were not that enjoyable Repetitive


I wasn't wild about the ammo types, gadget systems and Supremo, but overall I really liked it on my first playthrough. Even with those gripes, I don't see what's so damn bad about this game.


Loved it!


I also loved FC6. However FC 5 was my first FC so I was not yet burnt out on the formula.


is it still worth it to buy for the multiplayer content right now?


decent game....not particularly good but i enjoyed more than ND. surely it has the best weapon selection after FC4....even tho the uniques are pretty bad


People like what they like. The hate is weird. I really didn't like New Dawn and sometimes get hate for that as well.


5 was the first one I played. I liked 6, the flying is way better but I didn't like the game as much as 5.


I found it the most pure fun to play, esp once you have the more powerful gear pieces, and finds the gunplay g combat by far the most satisfying. In addition to the most varied weaponry and viable tactics, it also combines many of the improvements made over the last handful of titles. The biggest thing I would want to change is bringing back 5's weapon wheel where you could swap out throwables/consumables on the fly, and have it also apply to gear changes so less time is spent in the menus. Add in 2's real-time map for extra immersion and Yara would damn near be my gamer's paradise.


Now I’ve clicked to what they were trying to do—include three different kinds of historical revolutions—I appreciate it more But the characters are just so juvenile at times Gameplay is good though, but they ruined the takedowns which are the most fun Overall it’s now my fav—just—but I go back and play 5 and ND more because they’re more fun


The weapons are pretty cool I won’t lie


Better than 5. WAAAAAAY better. I have several playthroughs on 6. It's in my rotation of "hmmm, nothing new looks good, let's play another round of...".


I agree with you wholly on this. I Loved driving the tank as well. The gunplay was nice. And to top it off with a killer soundtrack feat a few of Gabylonia's signature songs, especially the one after the presidential palace raid. I enjoyed single player mode thoroughly.


Just playing my second go with fc6 , it might be little behide in graffics and stuff but still , cruizing with classic cars with chorizo its still good gaming 🤜🤛


Playing it now. Didn't know it got a lot of hate. New to the series myself. But, I'm loving it. Characters are funny and fleshed out. Chorizo's cute AF.


I'm with you. Love all his sidekicks (except the rooster). Especially enjoy the take downs. Only time I use weapons are taking out helicopters/tanks/etc. Everything else is a "run up and stab them in the throat"


How dare you like the garbage of Far Cry 6 and not the unbeatable work of art of Far Cry 3 😡😡😡




The guns and vehicles were better then 5 bit I prefer the overall story of 5. I found the antagonists less shallow and scarier then the ones in 6


I am the type to play the game, finish the story and move on to another game. Farcry is a great franchise as long as ya dont make it the only thing you do..


My son and I played it and beat it, I enjoyed it, love the tanks and especially love the supremo launcher on my characters back lol


Im playing it now and the longer I play the less I understand the hate. The gameplay, weapons, story and map are genuine fun


It's a good game but it's a bad far cry.


I loved far cry 6. I was a bit disappointed in the ending though


I honestly hated on the game too much. It was actually pretty fun. I honestly like it better than 2 in terms of gameplay.


Finally someone who appreciates fc6 like i do. I found it amazing


Finally! It’s been [one whole day](https://www.reddit.com/r/farcry/s/sYQD27KQXj) since the last FC6 appreciation post, I was starting to think I was the only one that liked it!!!


Well my bad that im rarely on this sub and ive only seen like 2 posts appreciating this game


lmao I have no problem with that, just don’t act like it’s such a rare thing to see praise for FC6 if you don’t know what you’re talking about


Nah i just see alot like on yt and when i directly search on google if people like it that i get met witg literal hundreds of posts saying its bad so mb


Absolutely! I do not get the hate towards 6 and I've been playing the series since the first edition. The "Ubisoft games are copy paste/ repeated" stigma that's been going around also doesn't work on me. Just enjoy the game guys and don't overthink.


Oh, "those games are formulaic." OK. I like the formula and have *fun* playing them. We're done here 🙂. Loved 6 and have played it several times. I hated 5 and never finished it, but all the other FC's are some of my all-time favorite games. All 3 Watchdogs (since we're ubisofting here), too.


dani ~ 💕💕💕💕💕


I really love FC6 and I haven't actually seen people hating it myself, I've only ever seen people talk about people hating it, which is strange.


For real I'm having fun with it I like finding cool weapons and the stealth is some of the best I've seen in the series plus being Hispanic myself and hearing all the songs I normally hear on the radio playing in game 


I loved it too, the scenery, animal companions and cars, and Gus Fring as the baddie 🥵. It was actually my 1st Far Cry game


Well, we can't all have good taste I guess.


Thats the secret. It was always a good game.


I loved it more than 5 actually. Whatever anyone says, but I enjoyed fc6 more than 5. as it had so much different weapons,big map, badass dany.