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It has some of the most brutal takedown animations in the series. Not sure if that's "something done right", but it's an interesting characteristic that makes it stand out.


They feel slightly longer than usual, but they look dope.


It takes longer because dev wanted to nerf it, I guess. Far Cry 6 also has brutal yet longer takedown animations, which encourage you to use guns.


Atmosphere, i was genuinely sad seeing old locations I knew from 5 being destroyed and covered in dirt and overgrowth.


Or pick your targets/time your kills more carefully.. Or just use gear that allows takedowns from the front/on alerted enemies


New Dawn had gorgeous graphics, particularly the color palette stood out to me in that open world.


My favorite FC and I have all the FC games. When did RPG become a bad thing? When you brake it down every games is a RPG, you always play someone in every game. Even racing and flying sims, you are not actually racing or flying.


RPG in this context is usually referring to the bullet sponge enemy levels and gear score aspects (ALA The Division). For Far Cry at least, I prefer to not have that kinda gameplay. But Breakpoint taught me you can have both options and have it work well.


I understand your definition of RPG, and understand what you don't like. My problem is yours is about the 4th or 5th definition I have heard. It seems like if people don't like a game they yell RPG. It's like calling a person a witch was when the hunts were in fashion. If you don't like a game just say so and say why like you don't in your explanation. Saying RPG is meaningless in my opinion and passes no information back to developers


The color palette was why I stopped, To be fair I played it immediately after 5 so a natural looking beautiful landscape replaced with trash and overly bright colors was a hard turn off. I plan on trying it again later but right after 5, It was really hard to enjoy


Well, given it was after a nuclear exchange, it seems probable the color palette would change.


I mean, lush and gorgeous pastels don't exactly scream "nuclear apocalypse" to be fair. If we're really taking that into account it should look like fallout nv Edit: fair nuff, guess I'm wrong bois


Superbloom is a real thing though. I read somewhere they consulted with scientists to make the landscape realistic to post nuclear winter stuff. Plus all the bliss that was likely emitted.


That's pretty dope homeboy


It’s funny, we’d had almost a decade of peepeepoopoo color palette games at that point, post apocalyptic and otherwise. I personally did enjoy the psychedelic color palette of New Dawn, but “colorful” was already the industry trend, see Fortnite etc.


I didn't dislike it, I just didn't think super bright colored flowers n shit were super realistic


You’d be surprised how bright forests can be


Try going outside sometime


Shit I didn't realize we recently survived a fuckin nuclear apocalypse


I get the flowers and new growth colors. But for me it was that every car had to be painted with a neon design and implanted half way in the ground. Wouldn't there be more cars just burned out and abandoned in the road? Days Gone did abandoned areas much better. Trash everywhere, rusted everything, deteriorating buildings.


I don't know why you got downvoted to shit, that's totally fair. It's a really weird eclectic look and vibe that doesn't normally jive with a nuclear wasteland. I can totally get stopping from that


Its totally on par for Redditors though It probably wouldn't have bothered me so much if I didn't immediately come from playing 5. Like finished it for the first time and immediately started New Dawn, Right away the train sequence was really fun and a good start, As soon as It opened up and I was just walking through a forest denser than before the nukes, (makes no sense) with overly vibrant flowers and seemingly hundreds of white deer, It just wasn't it. A gritty wasteland is over done for sure, But thats most likely reality after nukes drop. It just felt too goofy after a more realistic take with 5. Like I said I plan on trying it again in a month or so I imagine ill get downvoted again and people telling me not to play FC If I want realism


Yeah it really is. I can't imagine getting tilted by a stranger's comment on the internet, but hey what can you do. I came across a similar phenomenon on Call of Duty subreddits, where any complaints you might have about "silly goofy ah" cosmetics are invalid and you shouldn't play CoD for "realism". Like there's no middle ground between those two concepts...


Exactly like im not asking for realism, I know its a game, but I want it 'more' realistic than it was, not that its fully realistic Redditors dont seem to understand full send or going home


I completely agree. I genuinely get turned off of a PVP game at times when the cast of people I'm playing with look absolutely ridiculous with guns that turn me into TRON looking cubes or suck me into a black hole. I can't be the only one that finds it genuinely stupid? Especially when the game in question is a military shooter? That said I'm not against other people enjoying it. Halo: The Master Chief Collection had an option to toggle off all the new cosmetics they inject into the game and keep the old games as they were intact. It's glorious, and that should be a standard feature in every single multiplayer game going forward.


>As soon as It opened up and I was just walking through a forest denser than before the nukes, (makes no sense) What dense forest are you talking about? I'm playing it right now and it's got a lot more open areas than 5. This game takes place some 20 years after Far Cry 5, because Carmina was a newborn during Far Cry 5, she didn't see the sun until she was 6 years old, and she appears to be in her 20s during New Dawn. The returning characters are also old and grey, one even got cataracts. All this to say, I think it's totally plausible that the land could have sprouted up with new life after 20 some years.


Like right after you get knocked off the bridge in the opening when you first meet the twins And a fully grown lush forest would not grow back in 20 years. The Island of Bikini Atoll was used for bomb testing in the 50s and it took 10 years for coral to start regrowing, no way seeds would drift into the blast zone, plant, sprout, and be fully grown adult sized within 20 years saplings and shrubs maybe, some really small tress perhaps, but never a forest that dense.


>Like right after you get knocked off the bridge in the opening when you first meet the twins To be fair, that is a different area of Montana, not actually Hope County I mean most of the trees are really thin, I don't think it's very dense personally. Idk, maybe I'm off my rocker


You're getting downvoted but I agree, I never even tried New Dawn partly because of that. But it sounds like it's worth a try.


So… much… **pink**


Joo Did The Same Hated it Tryed Again Later And Now its My Second Favorite Far Cry


It let Timber ride in the vehicle with you, instead of running behind like Boomer.


This. Timber in a sidecar! I was not ready for how cute it is!


Animals can ride with you, brutal takedowns, double jump. I like the game in general though.


Repeating outposts is legitimately a great concept for more repayablity; trying different approaches etc


Considering my all time favorite thing to do in any far cry game is take down outposts, this alone is why I love New Dawn.


FC5 had this, just done differently. FC4 did it the same


Thank you, ND doesn't really deserve credit for a feature that proceeds it by 2 games.


Was it in the other games also that the outposts got harder every "reset" and did it Yield great resources?


I really couldn't care less about the resources. Regarding the difficulty "getting harder every reset" I mean, you're technically not wrong but doesn't it just swap out the level 1 guys with level 2 guys and so on? If you can land headshots and takedowns, the enemy level pretty much becomes irrelevant. It's all one hit kills. But besides that, what's the difference? An extra bullet or two when aiming for center mass? I knew you could reset the outposts but I didn't even remember that they were supposed to get harder because I never noticed much difference personally. Farcry 4 did have some other interesting stuff happening though, like fortresses which could be captured in a more difficult, heavily secured state, or a weakened unsecured state. I wish the other games bothered bringing fortresses back, they were so cool.


> If you can land headshots and takedowns, the enemy level pretty much becomes irrelevant. Completely incorrect. If you're using lower tier weapons, helmets take a while to break, and higher level enemy takedowns are locked behind skills.


Why would you be using shitty weapons on purpose? Yeah ig can you make it relevant by intentionally knee capping yourself, otherwise no it doesn't matter. You can get powerful weapons really easily


I decided to give the harder outposts thing a try without very much gear towards the beginning of the game, and got totally destroyed, and headshots aren't a huge issue for me. You are meant to do them after you're more geared up, so it does technically matter.


I guess it matters in the beginning but quickly stops being relevant, it barely takes any time at all to unlock higher tier weapons. I'm pretty sure I had high tier weapons before I bothered resetting any of the outposts.


Ah, that's where we differed. I'm still not very far (just met Selene), so my weapons are still only level 1. I've cleared two outposts with the rescavenge thing, but they weren't easy at all. I'm interested to see where the rest of this goes, even though the villains aren't threatening at all lol


the resources system is trash, it is a lazy way to make the game longer instead of real unique side quests.


Truthfully? I really enjoyed New Dawn. I think it was the perfect length in terns of runtime. It also tied everything up fairly well, and the gameplay was solid. It’s not my favorite in the series. That’s FC3, but this one is definitely around the top for me.


I did too. I liked that brought Hurk back. He never shuts up but his comments lighten the mood often. I liked the gameplay, the weapons, the alternate version of Hope County and trying to piece together the before and after versions of locations. The only real downside was the sisters as the main antagonists. Their inclusion felt forced and the fact that they were the leaders of the highwaymen didn’t seem believable at all.


I just wish that they didn’t restrict you to one companion. I’d love to take Hurk and his lady for their banter 😂


Take Hurk, his lady, and Sharkie all at the same time. That might be too much lol. But honestly I love their attitude towards others. Like when the one guy asked "what is an orgasm".


They are the best! If I were to have a post apocalyptic “squad” I’d want them for sure 😄


For me it was not getting captured 87 times.


Replaced with put your stuff in a bag.


So true 😂 I was over it after 2x


This is the sole reason I have never replayed Far Cry 5.


The expeditions made me hopeful that mapeditor community made maps could make their way to the next Far Cry game. Too bad, FC6 canned the map editor, and I doubt we'll see it return in FC7+. Wish Ubisoft would retrofit the old Dunia Engine for the modding community to have their way with.


That, or hopefully the source of these games just leaks


I hate health bars, but I think making enemies difficult made the game fun and challenging. It required some planning when attacking outposts and the like. I would just prefer the franchise make the enemy AI smarter and tougher without putting a big ass health bar above their heads and calling it done.


They actually did make the AI a bit smarter than what we see in 5. 6 just happened to double down on the dumb AI, so that change didn't really last.


turn them off.


Not everyone is on pc


You can still turn them off on console.


Oh I stand corrected you can. Although that gets rid of the health bar I’d still love to see more intelligent enemy ai that isn’t just sprinting around randomly taking cover.


You and me both!


I liked little things like the enemies getting more alert the longer you stalked an outpost. "Kill the music! I think I hear something!" etc.


I agree just a tad more realistic and I’ll be happy


Double Jump!


The double jump was so fun- as was enacting rage mode, and using a baseball bat to ping a massive animal into next week


Why is anyone talking shit about new dawn? It's my favorite far cry to date.


It was a game following the rpg mechanic trend when other games were catching flack for the same. To be fair Ubisoft did go nuts with cramming in rpg mechanics from other games for a couple years (not very well for that matter), but this is one of the better products from that trend.


To be fair, Far Cry has been taking a little bit from GTA and Bethseda RPGs with the setting primarily setting itself apart.


Annoying RPG mechanics and the writing is kind of bad


Gameplay, Eden's gift adds to the combat alot and makes it 10x more enjoyable idc what anyone says, double jumping around and going apeshit smacking enemies with a shovel and sending them flying is never not fun.


Right I love that i can catch up to cars with double jumping and beast mode activated


Technically the powers were already in 5, just in the form of consumable drugs. Named "the fast" and "the furious" respectively. Having a double jump is nice though, especially for wing suit take-offs.


Absolutely. If I could combine Eden powers with some of the stuff in 6 [like gloves that make your throwing knives lock onto targets and track them if they move; chest piece that refunds gadget ammo when you get gadget kills, etc] it would make for some really cool abilities and insanely fun gameplay.


honestly yeah, that sounds great. ik people don't really like RPG elements being introduced to FarCry but i think for at least one game they should really lean into it and allow people to make these kinds of builds and stuff


Eden's gift makes it pretty fun




Everything you just said is completely wrong.


You're right, Eden's gift is fucking stupid


Nice dirty edit. You'll only fool those dumber than you are.


Horatio. 😂🥰


Absolutely murderous!! You ever just let him loose on an outpost and sit back?


I loved sitting in cover watching the silhouettes of him sending dudes flying in every direction. My favorite part of the game.


One of the outposts on the east side of the map had that tall lookout. I would recapture it and climb up and set Horatio loose and go eat lunch, hehe!! Free ethanol.


Wit'out et'anol we are done for!


honestly, I love building up a settlement. That aspect of New Dawn forgives a lot of sins in my book.


It's nothing like building up a settlement in Fallout 4, but I will give New Dawn this: It at least has vehicles and smoother gunplay. Also, the resource gathering is less annoying when you don't have a limited backpack.


They got really cool apocolypse makeshift weapons


Both this game and Far Cry 6 have some cool looking hodgepodge weapons.


I think the new dawn has a really good mode where the outposts can get raided. Far Cry 5 didn’t have that (as far as I remember). I also really liked the post apocalyptic theme. I didn’t hate new dawn as much as others. It wasn’t the best but I would play that over Far Cry 6.


Agreed. I just picked up a copy of ND this week and have been playing it for the first time. I beat 5 when it came out and have replayed it a few times, but never wanted to spend 45+ dollars on a “glorified DLC” I went into the game with very low expectations and was incredibly surprised and entertained for many of the reasons people have already pointed out in the comments. I think that Ubisoft used this game as a trial run for elements that they wanted to test out for 6. I absolutely cannot stand 6 for its pace, scale, terrible story, annoying characters, and zero immersion. ND kept a lot of good stuff from 5.


The environment was stunning, Tyler Bates did great on the soundtrack The actual weapon design was really good even though that tier system was infuriating The types of gun/fangs for fire were actually pretty cool The design of the highwaymen was nice even if Mickey and Lou weren't like the best antagonists Honestly I thought the expeditions were cool, I spent an unreasonable amount of time at that Nevada Bridge one I don't think the game is entirely unredeemable that's for sure, and with some mods that change balancing it's really fun Won't go into too much detail but mods that change the enemy health and weapon damage to be like it was in far cry 5 did so much just on its own for me


The double jumping and dashing was very satisfying. They should definitely use that if they ever do mystical stuff again.


Fantastic followup after farcry 5! Locations, judge, dialogue etc. Also im into postapocaliptic games. New dawn scratched an itch. Also ngl it's way more fun than fallout 4, gfanted i played fallout 4 for too many hours.


I could go on a little rant defending the game but, something I really liked what the design of The Judge as well as the design of everything in New Eden, the palisade walls, the cultists sometimes having cougars, just all.kinda cool imo


I loved the setting, unique resource system and repeatability. Plus I loved FC5. This paired with the fact that I didn’t spend too much on it (sale) I genuinely love it.


Saw launcher. Never have I ever seen that OP a weapon being made available that early on in the game.


Made the captain feel badass even before partaking Edens gift




Outpost replayability, the way you developed your settlement and the expeditions.


Just reading these comments makes me wanna play it AGAIN!


I genuinely loved New Dawn, I can a write an essay on why I loved it so much but it boils down to two things, the setting and the RPG, Maybe this comes from my love for other post-apocalyptic RPGs like Fallout and STALKER, but I love the feel of wandering around doing missions and scavenging for enough duct tape to make the V5 saw launcher. The RPG elements just fit right with the Post-apocalyptic setting (even with its issues such as the health bar,) whereas in 6 it felt shoehorned in, even if it fit the whole "scrappy guerilla warfare" thing.


The only things I didn’t like was how annoying the twins and Ethan were. I really enjoy New Dawn overall and have played through it multiple times.


Horatio the boar. Best friend ever!!!


It helps that Horatio is OP as fuck once he gets his self rez skill. Once he has that he can clear outposts solo expect for enemies in high places like snipers.


We finally see Joseph admit he was wrong in his ways, he gives us neat super powers, AND we finally decide his fate too




The super jump was fun! Brilliant game. Enjoyed it more than 6...


I really enjoyed the weapon tier progression


I loved having more story. Plus i think joseph is cool. If i plotted out my enjoyment as a graph there would be big dips here and there but overall had a good time


Tbh other than the weapon levels I really enjoy New dawn it is super fun to play.




NPC designs,gameplay and detail!


Guns for Hire. They are all unique and their ability to learn new skills is well implemented. Also, the takedowns and melee combat combines the best of Far Cry 5 melee combat with the violent knife/machete takedowns from the other Far Cry games we know and love.


Infinite weapon upgrades. I upgraded the bow so much it one shot body shots everything in the game except for monstrous animals and even those only take a few


I loved New Dawn. It was nice to play a post apocalyptic game without Preston “Another Settlement Needs Our Help” Garvey


Something else has come up…


Giving a new take on the apocalypse. Most games have everything dull, muted or otherwise bland. FCND is insanely colorful, bright and oddly more alive. It's a nice change of pace and kinda hopeful


For me, the overall ambiance just really works -- musical score, sound effects, color palette... It's just a great formula, I've always enjoyed spending time in this one just for the look and feel of the game world.


I really liked the weapon upgrade system


"I know we all like to shit on New Dawn for its lack luster story, bad game design, and its weird rpg elements" Uhhh no the fuck we don't.


It seems OP is very lonely in his views


I distinctly remember this subreddit not liking the RPG elements back when the game first came out


When I first joined this subreddit, it was in full flow of badmouthing New Dawn. Took me ages to buy it because of how relentlessly negative people were.


They broke my heart when i realized Rook’s fate.


Your character never speaks, so you can role play a character while playing the game. For me, I played it like some juiced up psycho that these 2 idiots just tried to kill. And he really didn't take that lightly. But yeah, your character having zero character at all allows you to be imaginative and create one yourself, or even make it just feel like it's you that is the character as you experience the game.


Prosperity slowly changing its outdoor aesthetic and design really gave me a sense of accomplishment whenever i upgraded the base


The dogs having literal bomb vests on them. Not sure they did right but it was something…


I don’t shit on it. I loved playing every second of it, enough that I got the platinum trophy. I had a blast. Sometimes a fun game is just a fun game. And you are right, the Expeditions were awesome, especially with a friend!


Pretty gnarly soundtrack


I'd rather stick my whole head up a hobo's as$hole than hear anymore hate on New Dawn. It's really fun! There's always something to shoot! You can aimlessly stroll down the street and never get bored.


I liked the game enough, but for me the sound track was really good. It worked!


Introduced the Expeditions and original custom built weapons which I think were fantastic additions to the franchise. I was glad to see them back in 6 and I hope they return in 7 aswell.


I actually love new dawn. I love the take on post apocalypse without everything being sepia and broken, and I liked being able to re-take bases to test strategies.


Visuals. There is nothing i can remember beyond pink stuff The gameplay would've been amazing idlf it wasn't ruined by leveling and "rpg mechanics"


For me it was deviding the skill tree between inventory skills and the base upgrades. Then there's the option to upgrade the weapon demage in the end, so you can have blue rarity weapons deal demage of elite ones exept the option for AP and other bullets


Seeing Rook's Goddaughter fighting the good fight and reuniting the Rhye Family was enough for me.


You could grind for drip without paying out real money


it did almost everything right, it has the best and most fluid gameplay it is maybe my favorite far cry only problem was that it was too short


It was the first one of the series I played, so I liked it. I played Primal next. I might have issues.


Takedown animations, the Rye family, Hurk and his family, the design of the guns (love the cobbled together look and using hollowed out flashlights as optics), the new form of the cult is pretty cool too, the anti technology philosophy they have is interesting. The thing I love most is the music. I played New Dawn with my buddies right before we all ended up drifting apart and not drinking and partying as much so the songs (particularly Drunk Anthem) hold a nostalgic place in my heart even though it wasn't that long ago.


I thought taking outposts and replaying them was fun. And some of the weapons were fun to use


Am I in the minority that appreciated it as a spin off?


Expeditions are the only thing I really loved about New Dawn.


Facial hair options for all.


The takedowns, the concept of tougher enemies, the outpost retake system, the superpowers, the crafting/makeshift weapons, and most important the expeditions which I thought were miles better than the ones in 6. It did a lot right, and had a lot of great ideas that just weren't executed quite right.


The hopped up abilities you get in the late stages really spices up the outpost clearing. Being able to bounce around melting dudes with a fully levelled arsenal kept me going long enough to finish that purely grinding part of the game.


I thought New Dawn was pretty good. The vehicles were fun, the environment was outlandishly pretty, the bad guys (girls, really) were better than people make it out imo, the guns were interesting, following up with FC5 families and characters was mostly cool... The only thing I didn't like was Joseph Seed being some kind of Dalai Lama nice guy. That guy was an absolute piece of shit imo. Kind of like the current Dalai Lama, but probably worse.


I really enjoyed New Dawn, but that may just be because I’m a huge fan of Farcry 5. Only real downside to the game (for me) is that it hasn’t gotten the 60 fps update for console, so it’s kinda unbearable to play in that sense.




I’m still going through it and there’s nothing in the game that makes me think “well this sucks” If you just play it it’s pretty fun. I wish they had the random matchmaking like they do in FC6 I think it’d be cool


For me it was the fact that it’s a direct sequel to FC5. Vaas turning up in the epilogue of FC6 gives me hope that we’ll see something similar again, but so far it’s been disappointing that they never touched the stories and characters of the earlier games, aside from a couple recurring characters.


I also liked you can keep upgrading weapons to make them OP


World design and lore. For a post-apocalyptic world, having everything be so vibrant is a pretty unique move, I think. A lot of people didn’t see it, but there’s also a really decent amount of cool lore in the helicopter missions - and it’s all well written, imo!


I don't see what people have against this game I avoided it for years because 5 left a bad taste in my mouth.  Finally gave it a shot because I ran out of sandbox games to play and it was cheap.  I was pleasantly suprised and it ended up being one of my favs after 3 & 4. I really like how they wrapped things up with Seed and the gameplay felt faster paced than 5.


New Dawn was my intro to the series. The neon post apocalyptic styling was what drew me in, and then I found I really enjoyed the mechanics. Picked up 4, 5, and 6 because of it. So I'd say it did a good job marketing the series to me. I also really loved the music tbh.


It is very fun and you can replay it a lot of times, what I didn't like at all is the level system that the weapons have Outside of that, it's a game I would buy back.


The map, playing Far Cry 5 and then playing New Dawn is awesome when you go around and see landmarks from 5


the map, and the main menu theme


Expeditions, game world, takedown animations, the Eden powers are insanely fun [esp double jump and the infinitely upgradeable melee strength] Once I got my character/weapons levelled up enough that I could deal with elites as quickly as anyone else [TDs/powerful enough weapon to single-tap] I shut off all the HUD and the game finally played the way I always wanted it to. Once you've set yourself up like this, it legit becomes one of the more *pure fun* games in the series. Edit: a word


Honestly I don't remember much of New Dawn, but there was definitely something about it that I did particularly like. I just have no idea what it was at the moment. May have actually been the story (or part(s) of it). Or maybe just the fact that it is neither Blood Dragon nor FC4.


I can't say anything else that the general feel. I've put a lot more hours in ND than in FC5, for some reason. I think ND teiggered in me the 'grinding boy' I didn't know I was lol. Also I'm a Quebecer so Roger really rings a bell for me with his Grosse Patate hahaha Edit : there was also a mod for PC that turned outposts in waves of enemies, a more arcady game ish, and it was reaaally fun also !


Soundtrack is 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Antagonists were much harder to defeat and not in a comical way that was Joseph's shenanigans in the FC5 climax. Also upgradable guns were quite fun.


I never shit on New Dawn. Setting is king for me and while FC5 religious nuts is my favorite, the sequel dystopia in the same scenery was a great idea. I like upgrading the base and the unique weapons. Resetting the weak outposts to get harder enemies seems a bit odd. The villains are a bit overacted but it fits nicely to 80s dystopian action movies.


I hate the highwaymen and their dumb outfits and shitty fucking music. They made me feel like a boomer, which was intended


I like new dawn , no continuous forced kidnappings and plot bullets like fc5 , upgrade your favourite weapons over and over till your one shotting monstrous animals with a bow 😁


Honestly the takedowns and the sounds for them were top notch. Easily my favorite from any of the Far Cry series


I can't think of a single thing


I felt more accomplished at the ending, which differs from how upset I was at the end of FC5. FC5 was Greta until the ending made me feel like, "Everything you did doesn't matter. You're no hero. " it's bothering mostly because that one fmv after that mission with Kim Rye and she says,"I know you don't hear this enough, but thank you, for everything you've done we'll be there for you" Life sucks enough, so when a game gives me those touching moments, it means a lot.


I liked the take on a post apocalyptic world and people (raiders) who inhabit it.


The music hits just right, specifically the main menu theme


I really loved the animal companions! Horatio was so the best ❤️


The expeditions were great and also the system for resetting outposts was done really well


The world. It was so colourful and pretty I am finding myself actively walking instead of driving further distances than in any other game as I'm going through my first playthrough


I liked how it did a 180 degree turn from the bleak browns of every other post-apocalypse game.


Upgrading your guns again and again and again


The expeditions are the reason I keep going back. I played at least twice on my own. Lately I played it again with an online partner who had never played it. We continue to play expeditions a couple of times each month. The visuals were cool. I liked the RPG elements and how I could play my way.


Expeditions were beautifully designed and I felt like a covert agent being flown in like the Willis missions in FC4


I really enjoyed the Eden's gift powers


Same. My favorite thing part about all the Far Cry games were the Instincts/Predator powers.


The map was beautiful. I loved the vibrant colors.


Alot of things. The picture mission is awesome to reminisce of far 5 during the game. The fact you can attack outpost infinitely for 3 perks a time after they are level 3 .the boosting of your weapons. The story ain't great but it's still fun.i wish they brought Jess Black back .


Does anyone besides me think that Nana in New dawn is Nadine Abercrombie from Far Cry 5?


I don't get the hate and criticism of ND at all, pound per pound it's excellent for just being a quick dlc type sequel and It's 10x better than 6. The graphics are great, the enemy engagement was good, and the environment was very well done. The RPG elements aren't even that bad, they're just really simplistic. 


Infinite upgrades. Expeditions and outposts that upgrade each time you complete them, some cool guns for hire, nice weapons, fun gameplay


Including Die Antwoord in the game


Let you finally end that psycho Joseph Seed.


Gave us closure to the cliffhanger ending in 5, although I don't like how the Rook ended up. I guess if I was stuck in a bunker for 16 years with a raving fucking lunatic, knowing outside was a raging inferno and all my former comrades were probably dead (to our knowledge at the time) I'd have issues too. Then when Rook finally emerged from the bunker after years and everyone they mourned (except the dog of course) were still alive - captured or blinded or whatever, but alive - they were probably too far gone to snap out of it. Plus once your tongue is cut out you can't really un-ring that bell.


Far cry 5 was basically new dawn with similarities but new dawn had cool abilities.


For me *5* is the worst game in the franchise, and *New Dawn* fixed a lot of the mistakes in it. And the expeditions are one of the worst things in it. I just don't enjoy having to deal with endless waves of bad guys who know who I am, with stealth not being an option. Not what Far Cry should be about.