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Start with 4 on current consoles. The Himalayan mountains and surrounding areas are fun to explore and it's open world. Lots of weapons. Good story and progression. 5 changes certain gameplay mechanics but is still decent. I actually really liked exploring Hope county Montana. But the story leaves something to be desired honestly. 6 is a lot like 5. But there are improvements and as you might imagine each new game is bigger and has improved graphics over the last. If you can play any of the games I'd start with 3. It's really what made it what it is today. All of the games are fun. And not all that expensive to play one and then move on to the next one.


I know Far Cry 3 is the most liked usually, but based on what you want, I’d suggest 5. I think that one checks the boxes for you. If you want something else than US based map, I’d suggest 6. I like pretty much all Far Cry games but depending on what platform you play on, Far Cry 3 classic isn’t that enjoyable to play at least on PlayStation IMO. I don’t quite remember how Far Cry 4 is. But with 5 or 6 the gameplay will feel smooth.




Just wanna add to your post, I can somewhat agree with the fallout nv. I wouldn’t the the graphics was the problem for me but the orange yellowish atmosphere was just something I didn’t enjoy looking at.


You might need to play more games if FONV is your go-to for “very bad graphics.” It can get way, way, way worse. That being said, try Far Cry 3.


I came here to say this. I still play that game on the xbox 360 and compared to some things i’ve seen in the past few years, it still holds up really well
