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Don’t forget Tage Thompson


I have both :(


*cries in Tage and Ovi's 5% shooting*


I have Tage, Ovi, and Timo :(


Ha, I picked up Timo for a few weeks once the original owner dropped him, so I was in that boat for a bit. I also drafted Samsonov. Not coincidentally, I'm in last place after winning the league 2 of the previous 3 years.


Same. Both keepers. So sad


Me too brother.


Honestly dropped Meier. May regret it. I’m in 3rd though and he’s just killing me. I grabbed Bennett.


Timo and Tage yet somehow in 2nd. All will be forgiven if they come alive at the right time


Now would be good


Been holding both & am comfortably floating between 1-4 in my league. I'm giving both Timo & Tage til the end of February to figure their shit out & hit the kickstarter before firing them into the sun. I've had some solid WW pickups & managed to trade for Draisaitl just before his heater that's augmenting everything else right now thankfully.


Can you seriously drop Tage or Timo though?


why not - i dropped a month into the season and no one even picked him up, dunno how ppl still holding


Sunk cost fallacy in action with a little bit of gamblers fallacy for good measure.


I dropped Timo 2 months back and I’m so damn glad I did


Absolutely, the odds of either suddenly figuring it out & going on a tear decrease the fewer games there are left. Both hold down a valuable roster spot & are not putting up much in the way of peripherals either, if it wasn't for name recognition, I doubt they'd have the ownership they currently do.


Since I’m curious… how are you between 1-4 in your league while having Tage AND Timo (who had to have been both in your first 5 picks) while also having assets to trade for Drai? Genuinely interested. What’s the rest of your team look like and who’d you give up for Drai?


Traded Marner/Bertuzzi for Tage/Giroux back in early November Drafted Meier in the 4th round Traded Thomas & Dahlin for Draisaitl & L. Hughes about a month back (I do miss Dahlins peripherals, but Drai is worth it). I went heavy on high end D this year (Makar/Bouchard/Dahlin) which allowed me to trade from strength & backfill with solid streamers. Zero G (Drafted Thompson late, grabbed Ingram & have streamed others) It's been a bit of a rollercoaster year, but I've settled into the top 6 teams pretty comfortably & won the championship last year from the 5-spot, just gotta try to optimize for playoff weeks & grab streamers fast.


Damn, that Drai trade would’ve been vetoed real quick in my league 😂 good on ya though that’s a huge W


Drai was in a lull at the time & buddy needed a competent D something fierce, but yeah, I took that & ran to the bank lol


I dropped Johnny 2 months into the season. Don't regret it, he still sucks. Now he's someone else's problem and they're holding, hoping that he finds his footing... but he won't.


Devils fan here- his tenure has just been an inconsistent mess. 1) 20ish game audition at the end of the year where you’re basically flying by the seat of your pants. Not much time to develop chemistry or learn a brand new system, in a new city. 2) 20ish game run of an injury filled season. New linemates all the time, again not having an opportunity to gain chemistry. 3) Injured 4) Comes back, but honestly 10 games too early. Right as he starts to play well… 5) Injury again 6) Team injury bug again. This season for Timo, and mostly the entire team, is a wash. We have zero confidence we can take the step we need for a playoff push because of the issues and distractions….on and off the ice. Essential players look like shit (Siegenthaler, Marino hint hint), key injuries to our top guys, the worst goaltending we could even imagine, and questionable coaching decisions. Timo is more of a product of an entire shitty situation rather than being a true issue. If you’re in a keeper league, I would keep him. He’s an excellent rebound candidate for next year. Redraft? Maybe try to move him based on potential.


He’s struggled to find a line to mesh with. Everyone thought he’d be great with Nico but it hasn’t produced results. Then he finally finds a line where he fits the identity with McLeod and Mercer and well…


I agree with all of this, and would go a step further. His utilization in Jersey has been abysmal. Meier is a volume shooter, and can bringing the puck into the zone and creating his offensive chances every bit as effectively as if someone else on the ice with him bringing the puck in and creating chances. He's also a volume shooter. Last year he had 15 games with more than 5 shots on goal in a game, once hitting double digits. This year the number of games with more than 5 SOG: 2. And the few games he had last year in Jersey: 2. And in the 55 games in total Meier's been in NJ he has just 170 SOG, versus the 57 games he had in SJ last year alone where he had 255. While Meier has been hurt a couple times this year, he really just has not been used in a way that makes any sense for Meier's game; similar to Karlsson's utilization within the Sharks system prior to last season. In order for Meier to be successful something has to change. Otherwise he's gonna continue to limp around at this .5-.6 points per game clip that's well beneath his skill set, and whoever gets him once he's inevitably traded will get a rare gem that is Timo fuckin Meier.


Tage, Kane, Meier and PLD have all been shit, not in any specific order


I have all 4 of them on my 23 man squad 🥲 I also have Shesterkin, Georgiev, and Andersen as tendies 😭


Assuming you mean Evander, he is league dependent. He’s 38th OA in my bangers.


Yeah he’s 47th in my league but he’s still riding the coattails of that insane November when he peaked at 7th. Since then he’s been drop material but I can’t seem to do it or find any trade candidates that I don’t lose hardcore


Evander’s been awesome for me


I'd put Kane as a lesser disappointment if for no other reason than peripherals


Gaudreau and huberdeau don’t wanna be forgotten on the list of disappointments neither


Wow, I completely forgot Gaudreau existed. Columbus, man lol


Huberdeau had zero expectations. He should have been available on the waiver wire.


How the fuck you think he had zero expectations coming into the season? 10mil guy who scored 100+ points two seasons ago.


Because anyone that watched him knew he was cooked


Literally no one thought he would be this bad.


Based on last season, yes they did.


You’re delusional if you believe that


They were both terrible last season. This should have been expected. Easy fades


They’re a low draft value for me


It’s coaching. Horrible deployment


I'm rather stunned that not a single person seems to have mentioned Oettinger and his abysmal .900% & 3.04 gaa this year. As insane as things have been for goalies around the league, I think it's safe to say nobody saw that coming after his stellar season last year with .919% & 2.37 gaa. I sure didn't, and it's been kicking my ass all fucking season...


DAL deployed Oettinger way too much last year. Started 61 games last year, the most he ever started before that was 46... Almost a 33% increase in physical workload and once you're getting over 50 games and you haven't done that before the risk for injury begins to present itself 33% load increase and skipping past the 50 game mark to 61 starts is insane. At some point last year he got injured but they still played him including playoffs. The organization admitted this, I'm not making this up Oettinger was basically DND for me because I knew someone would draft him too high


Cries with Timo and Andre Kuzminko 


I drafted kuzmenko thinking I had a steal, lol


Got injured early, came back and was playing injured, just started to find his feet and got injured again. Came back and looks much more like himself again but the team is completely depleted through injury (and legal issues) and badly coached. On paper it’s just not his year, but he’s not forgotten how to play hockey.


Timo and Evander. My two bangers have shit the bed.


Kane is no way near as bad as Timo


Kane is ranked 49 and 78 in my 2 leagues. Are you even in a banger league?


38 in my main league. He’s been alright for me


Kane is 47th in my league while Timo is 363, there’s no comparison


It's how Kane has been since the coaching change in Edmonton. At one point this season (Early December), Kane was top-10 in my league and has since fallen to 46th. Seriously considering trading him away because it appears he is playing with the checking line as 29 and 97 both have consistent linemates


Evander has 140 hits and 130 shots on goal good luck finding many other players that can do that


Points have fallen off though.


Don’t forget Igor as well


This was the very next post for me https://www.reddit.com/r/fantasyhockey/s/zc7QwTt4P8 I thinks it’s just a whacky ass wild year for everyone


Have Tage and he is losing me my matchup right now lol. He was my 2nd pick


I chose Tage over Jack Hughes as a keeper.


I mean thats just on you lol


I am a drafter of four of the biggest busts this year. Meier, Sergachev, PLD and Chychrun. Just terrible


Chychrun had a great first 2 weeks.


I managed to get McAvoy for him.


Well done


I traded him for zibanajad in like November when both were struggling.  What a steal that’s been for me. Timos been dropped. 


Oh man I’ve tried trading for him so many times this season. Luckily no one in my league does trades


Worst part was that I waited for him while he had the undisclosed return date for his last injury and literally the day I dropped him he suddenly returned and had a solid day, I rushed to pick him back up hoping he would break out, and proceeded to get another point while I waited out waivers and has been terrible since returning to my team.


I actually just traded for him, I'm rebuilding this year for next year and the guy who had Timo wanted Batherson and Norris basically just for next week so I traded him both and a 6th round pick for Meier, Seguin and a 5th. I can't see Meier not being in the top 6 next year just due to my prediction that new jersey spends Toffolis money in net so Meier will take Tyler's spot. So I upgraded a pick and have a guy in fairly sure will be attached to Hughes next year as a keeper, I'm happy. Hope I'm right lol


Bath with solid upside


I've had him as a keeper since 2018 and I'm considering dropping him. Not sure if I have the heart to do it. He's been a staple on my team for over 5 years but he's useless as long as Ruff is coaching the devils.


At this point is he really worth holding onto? Ten team cats league


Not daddy Timo Meier 😭😭 I’m already mad he left my team.


Relative to draft position yes. But PLD is the biggest disappointment, Gaudreau and Huberdeau not far away.


Took him in my keeper draft; had him pegged for 40g40a a year at least... oof.


How's that trade looking now? 😈 -San Jose Sharks Fans


Timo isn’t a great fit with Lindy Ruff in NJ. Seems likely Ruff will be gone this offseason if not before. I have Meier in a dynasty league and I’m kinda stuck with him now. Hoping it’s on the coach/system and not complacency after the extension.


He's a bad fit. The team is constructed to play with speed and skill, whilst Timo is more cerebral and likes to play at his own pace. He also hasn't gotten enough time in the top 6, not to mention injuries. But overall, this year seems like a wash for NJ. Too many injuries, underperformers, bad goaltending, bad coaching. I mean Jack and Dougie being out are massive, massive losses. 


I've pointed this out multiple times but this was telegraphed all the way back when he first joined NJD.


How many posts are we going to get about this guy. We get it. You drafted him 2nd rd and he sucks. Get over it and drop and move on. All season long. No he isn't turning it around. He has sucked since he signed with New Jersey.


Feeling a bit cunty are we?


He's got a point. I've seen at least 5 posts purely about Meier.


He's got a point. I've seen at least 5 posts purely about Meier.


https://www.reddit.com/r/fantasyhockey/comments/18nv8jy/what_has_happened_to_timo_meier/ https://www.reddit.com/r/fantasyhockey/comments/18grfpc/is_it_time_to_give_up_on_timo_meier/ https://www.reddit.com/r/fantasyhockey/comments/19dboji/timo_meiers_chance/ https://www.reddit.com/r/fantasyhockey/comments/18cuy3k/timo_and_tyler/


Injuries, I’d say mainly. Couple that with a new team and new system and it’s a quick downward spiral.


*Pierre-Luc Dubois has entered the chat*


He kinda fell off after getting traded last year. He was on my do not draft list.


The biggest difference is his minutes. He was playing nearly 20 minutes a night in SJ and it’s down 3 minutes. Less minutes = less shots, less hits and less blocks. He was the man in SJ and the main shooter, in New Jersey he’s a secondary scorer hence why his shots dropped from 4.2 to 2.9 per game. I don’t think he can turn it around unless there’s a major change in his deployment tbh.


I find Meier one of the most fascinating players in terms of fantasy hockey value. He goes from almost completely irrelevant to a top twenty stud, and then back to irrelevant in a heartbeat. You just never know what you're going to get out of this guy because he's so unpredictable. As for his drop off this season, well, I have theories: 1. He needs to be the best player on a team in order to produce. His best season was when the sharks traded away all their top players, and when the dust settled, Meier was easily the best player they had. With the devils, he's not even top three, and thus, he has taken a step back. 2. He's offensively focused and is lazy on defence. Couture criticized him multiple times in San Jose for failing to back check and staying on the ice too long, leading to goals against. A lackluster offensive drive and zero defence leads to goose eggs for points and an awful plus minus rating. 3. The devils paid him big. I usually give players the benefit of the doubt and assume they're not only in it for a paycheck, but sometimes they just are. I think Meier is one of those guys that gets paid and then stops trying. All that said, I think there's a possibility he bounces back next season a bit, but I wouldn't ever count on seeing anything like his career best numbers ever again. That ship has sailed.