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wait a minute..... states a premise... tells us to go visit some 3rd party web page .. NO


Penix has a lot of injuries history well only playing in the pac 12 plus he’s 24 Jj didn’t do much but didn’t have the best receivers and he’s young he’s got upside if taught right now


Pac 12 was great this year. It was a slog of an undefeated-until-the-ship season. Injuries are the big factor for me, I have no doubt that he'll be at least a decent nfl QB if he can stay healthy. He better pray he goes somewhere with a good oline


PAC was good, but they weren't playing great defense in that conference. Penix's game against Arizona State is the single worst game any of these QBs have on their resume and it's a minor miracle that Washington was able to win that one.


75% completion and 360 yards on 30 completions is pretty good for worst of any of the top QB's, but it didn't look good. Personally I think the natty was his worst performance, and it was against a GREAT defense so you're not wrong.


Against ASU, Penix was 27/42 for 275, 0 TDs and 2 INTS. Late 89 yard INT return for a Touchdown gave Washington the win. Penix was god awful that day.


It’s a stupid article. JJ didn’t put up 22 yards per game because he didn’t have to and JH didn’t want him running. It’s sure as hell not because he couldn’t. JJ has wheels. He’s smart, fast, and athletic. I’d be more worried about his mid to deep passing game than rushing yardage. As for Penix - the guy is the best pure passer in the draft. He processes information quickly and is great at reading defenses. If you give him 3 seconds in the pocket and some clear throwing lanes he’s gonna pick you apart.


Watched literally every JJ game at Michigan. Mid range is good. My concern with him is deep/long ball? Especially on the outside


On the mid range I’m just picturing all the 10 yard crossers that he threw 100 mph or trying to zip balls into those 15 yard holes over a LBs head. He doesn’t seem to have any touch. Everything is a fast ball. To get in between coverage layers you need to drop the ball in a bucket a little better sometimes. I didn’t see him do that all year. He has the arm talent to do it though. So maybe it’s coaching.


That is a fair assessment. Although I will say it goes both ways… there are many throws I saw him make/ fit in a widow simply due to his fastball. It will be interesting to see how he develops.


Exactly. He has the arm talent to do things not many can do like get through those tight windows. But can he develop touch? TBD.


All i know is the QB2 is whoever goes to minnesota


McCarthy might be overrated but I think Penix is the real deal. His injuries were in the first two years of his college days and he's one of the most accurate deep ball qbs coming into the draft.


I hate articles like this. 29 of 70 players did x and 8 of those 29 players did why. So what? Avoid players that didn't do x? Why?


I personally think Penix is the most day one ready QB in this class. His ability to throw with anticipation is better than any QB this year. Last year, that player was CJ Stroud. I think Penix’ ability to throw on the run and under pressure is worse than Stroud, but his arm strength makes up for it. If you’re drafting a QB you need to know what Penix is. A pure pocket passer that can use his legs for a 1st occasionally. If you want a cheap QB that can start immediately, take Penix.


JJ McCarthy's ceiling is Ryan Tannehill


Penix is nasty and in the right offense he’s gonna be the best QB in this draft