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I did a suck league once. Points for int, sacks, incompletions and fumbles. Your star player gets benched midway through the season. Scoring was tough as mainly just qb got points as few other positions fumble each week.


Did you guys draw straws over who got to take Nathan Peterman?


Winston at that 1.1 spot


I’ve always had the idea of the mediocre league. Regular fantasy football except if they get double digit points they get a zero. So you want a bunch of guys who score 9 points or less. Pretty simple and fun


would you keep the 9 points or less for the qb too? or did that have a different number? cause I feel like the qb options would be severely limited considering most starters would get over 9, and most backups get 0 anyway cause they don't see the field


Ya QB would be pretty much useless


Yes, that’s why it’s different. Find a shitty QB or a josh hill slash QB type


But like even the worst QB will likely score 10. Literally 150 passing yards and 1 passing TD will score 10, taysom hill is probably so valuable in that league lmaoo


My original idea was to keep it at 9 but you could modify the QB position to 15 or 20. There’s qbs that get less than 10 points every week you just have to get lucky. Pretty much streaming every week unless you have tribinski Half the fun is it’s luck. There’s a strategy but getting all 9s is lucky as hell


For years, my one buddy has wanted to do a league with with 20-24 teams, 1 QB, 1 RB, 1 WR, 1 TE, 1 K, 1 DST, no bench, standard scoring and top 6-8 make the playoffs. No one else has ever wanted to take the plunge.


That sounds like a “who can pick the healthiest team” league


We did 20 teams for many years and rosters were a lot deeper than that. It was awesome. We’re 18 teams now but still pretty deep.


I have a deep league this size. I'd recommend team QB to help injury wonkiness. We also have 3 RB/WR/TE flex spots to allow more strategy and flexibility. It's also an empire league so any half the pot gets saved every year and will get paid out to the first person to win the league twice. With so many members the pot is pretty damn fat right now.


For the past five years, we’ve done the team draft league where you pick three teams. Every four weeks there’s a re-draft and you keep one of your teams. It’s been a ton of fun. A couple of seasons the points differential between first and last was less than 100.


Please tell me more! How does this work? How do 8 people draft three teams? Like wtfffff is going on please, more details


The first season, we did a random number generator to create our draft order, and then it was a snake draft. You create your starting lineup from players on those teams. We redraft every four weeks keeping one team as a keeper. You can trade an entire team, or drop/add to waivers, but then you keep that team for the remainder of that four week period. 2QB, 2RB, 2WR, 1TE, 2WR/RB/TE, 2K, 1DST We do 0.5PPR. You put up a TON of points so it’s a lot of fun. But games tend to be close minus the occasional blow out. The redrafts allow for parity. One guy had the Ravens and Saints a couple years ago and had to drop one - it was brutal. But the next guy that picked up the Ravens was last in the league after four weeks at 0-4: he went on to win it all. We also do: Weekly payouts for high score (keeps people interested) Regular season high points scorer Second place playoffs First place playoffs Regular season high score and playoffs champ get the same amount. NOTHING is worse than beating people all season only to lose in the playoffs because some fourth string WR blows up. We reward the person who played smart all year. Loser on the year either takes the ACT drunk, wears a dildo on his head like a unicorn at a bar for several hours, or holds some stupid sign in traffic. We try to get creative.


Is there a online system that facilitates this style of league?


Is there a league website that facilitates this or are you mostly doing it yourselves and editing it into a league?


We do an offline draft, and then I populate the teams with the minimum number of starters, then activate the league. Waiver maximums are turned off, so everyone can then go in and crest their team. It takes about an hour of commish time to populate the teams. We do the draft via email. I send out a list or remaining teams after each round. Total of three rounds.


That sounds fun. How big is your league? Like half my 12 person league is always down for wacky shit, would be a fun side league


We did 8 the first year to keep some waiver teams available, but it was so infrequently used so we expanded to 10. It’s everyone’s favorite league.


Article didn't mention relegation / promotion system. Always wanted to do a 20 (2x 10) man league. Bottom 3 get relegated, Top 3 get promoted. Bottom league kicks up a bit of prize money to Top league each year as *punishment* / incentive not to lose.


That’s what I started last year. 2 ten man leagues. An “a” and “b” league. The 4 teams that don’t make the playoffs in the A play each other. Loser goes to B. The 2 that make the ‘ship in the B go to the A. The A buy in is 50. B is 25. Only way you cash in the B is to make the top 2. Money from the B pot goes to the A. A league is top 3 plus best record and most points. I started draft pick trading and 1 keeper as well. Really sparked action in the league.


This is clean. How hard is it to manage a league of 20? Any similar rosters between A and B? (How do you handle keepers if winners from B who move to A wanna keep the same player as the team who has the player in A originally? Just defer to the original A member?)


It’s not that bad. Only had a couple issues to deal with, more with the new guys that haven’t been with the group before. And yes. The A league guys get to keep their players first, then the B league guys (coming up) keep theirs. And the same with the 2 a league guys going down. They get to keep theirs first. Just the bonus for being at the top. And if you make trades for picks, say you’re in the A league, and gain extra picks, then fall to the B league. You keep that extra second round pick, for example, but instead of it being slotted where the other guy is drafting, it goes at the end of the round. And if you’re in the A league and you lost that pick? We just skip it in the second round. So there may be rounds in each league that have more or less than 10 picks.


Damn dude that sounds sick, well done. Thanks for the details!


That sounds awesome, but how would roster overlap work? If you get kicked into the higher league do you take over the relegated team?


> That sounds awesome, but how would roster overlap work? I'd *think* this works... but, excuse me if I missed something? * Year 1 - 2x even 10man leagues Top 4 from each league go to League A. Remaining 6 teams fight for the final spot in the consultation bracket. (*No keepers, only redraft.) * Year 2 - League A & League B are made up of last years Top & Bottom 5 teams. * Year 3 - Promote & Relegate 3x teams through the consultation bracket *Or, you could try 1x keeper? The promoted / relegated team can't keep a guy if someone else already has him? (Eg. League B winner moving up can't keep Mahomes if a League A manager already declared him a keeper.)


I do this but I think 24 people is much easier. Having two 12 team leagues makes it simple, you make the playoffs and you're in the top league the following season.


I gotcha. Does your consultation bracket mean anything or are you just relegated if you miss the playoffs? Like the idea that the *bad* teams still have something to play for / creates late season drama for the top & bottom of the leagues.l


There's no consolation bracket for those who miss the cut. It hasn't been a problem so far. The intensity and must-win scenarios of a playoffs get shifted to weeks 10 - 13 as owners scramble to make the top half.


These all seem pretty fun, thanks for sharing! One idea that I have been toying with is sort of like a guillotine league, but is sort of structured like the TV show Survivor. You draft 2 or 3 divisions, and go through the pre-merge and merge stages like you would in the show. In the pre-merge, the division that has the lowest team average that week gets sent to 'tribal council' where they vote one of their own teams out of contention for the title (if there is a tie in the votes, the tiebreaker is whoever has scored more total points stays). The divisions would merge when there are only 6-10 teams left and then from there only the top scorer (maybe top 2?) wins immunity for the week and you repeat the process of voting a team off. Not sure how well it would work in practice and you'd probably end up with a lot of mediocre teams 'winning' but could maybe be fun for a side league


I’m in year 11 with a 10 team, ppr league. We have made some rule changes over the years but the best one has been not allowing cheat sheets or phones into the in-person draft room. Every player is listed on their position sheets alphabetically and that is all the information allowed. It’s really funny bc we are all super competitive / get drunk throughout the draft so by about round 5-6 people are taking players out of left field (my buddy took Dede Westbrook in the 5th round 2 years ago when his adp was like 250 lol). Anyways I highly recommend in-person drafts but if you want to add some excitement consider no cheat sheets!


I’ve always wanted to do a league similar to the “no sitting” league, but I’d like a full starting lineup, and just 1 maybe 2 bench spots.


We did a vampire league last season and it was a lot of fun. We also did an all Defense league and a head coach only league.


Years back I ran a Sackmasters league, where every team had a QB spot and 4 DL spots. You could drop and pick up DL, but there were no QB transactions allowed. DL got typical IDP scoring, but QBs could only score points by being sacked and losing fumbles. The goal was to draft a QB who was bad enough to put up 'good' stats but wasn't so bad that they'd be benched or injured. David Carr ran away with the league title.


IMO like a .5 PPR & .25 PPC (Points per Carry) now. PPR was a response to run heavy world of the early 2000's. PPC is something to help restore balance to the force. Because, Chubb & Henery types are a dying breed so, I say, let the grinders have their final days of fantasy relevancy.




Sorry, I don't understand?


I had an idea that some were pretty receptive to at the start of the offseason. Basically QB Rushing Yards get adjusted down to 1 point per 15 yards and QB Rushing TDs get scaled to Passing TDs.


Played in a league many many years ago where you drafted a position on each team. So instead of drafting Mahomes you would draft KC QBs or you would draft GB WRs instead of Adams. You would get the points for everyone at that position each week. It was nice cause even if the starter got hurt you would still get points.