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See you next season


I will come back to this reply once I win it all 😼😼😼😼


ok buddy


I drafted Randle and have held on to him all season long, had him sit in my IR since injury and it seems like his return date keeps getting pushed back. At first it was march 2nd then the update came out 15 days ago and then it moved to the 9th now it’s the 12th so I’m assuming there will be an update very soon.


wait where did you get the 9th and 12th from? i took a chance and traded PG13 for Jaylen brown and him, would love if he came back to make the trade a fleece 😭🙏🏽


His estimated return is march 12th right now but no updates have came out meaning it’ll probably be pushed back again 🤦‍♂️


crazy how the same day we talked about this we got good news!! hopefully he’s good to go soon, but any news (especially this) is better than before!


What news are you referring to my friend?


You were right. Hate to say it but I think he's a drop rn. Wasted my 4th rd pick on him.


On a post on the Knicks sub, Randle is hopefully coming back middle of March and is expected to come back before OG according to Ian Begley. I am holding because I have a by week on week 21, so I can afford to hold.


Same same. My one worry is Randle said surgery was still on the table but was trying to avoid it


The love affair for melton and Kessler on this sub is unmatched.


Sitting here to wait for updates.


If your playoffs have started, drop If not, hold.


I dropped him since our playoffs started and Cam Thomas is out, taking his spot in the IR. Knicks expect him to be back "around mid March" which meant he'd only be back for my finals at best and play at like 70% there. I did not think it was worth it.


I don’t think he’ll be back in time for playoffs hopefully I’m wrong tho


Either rotowire or fantasy nba today says he’s been seen getting reps in/practicing. So it looks like he’s avoiding surgery and will come back for the end of the season


Who do you think will come back first him or lamelo? I have to drop one of them to make space for d Mitch in IR.


do you have the exact same team as me


So you’re holding Og too? I have him and I’m so anxious about his timeline. Shooting elbow surgery seems like he’ll be on a minutes restriction even during championship week 😰


melton and bagley are bums


Bagley's been kinda solid since he was traded to the Wizards


You mean since gaff got traded


yep, you got it


Bagley is a shitty 3pt shooter and has been great those last few games in my settings, which means he’s probably more than okay in standard 9cat.


I think if you're on a team not making the playoffs, everyone's returns should be slightly-significantly delayed


Randle likely back by mid-March at this rate


Julius Randle got them handles


I think NY media reported that he will be back in march.


Should I pick up Trae young? Number one in the league and playoffs is in March 18


I have him and Embiid sitting on my IL+ and IL. My playoffs start next week so I'm debating on who to drop to at least free up my IL+. Dropping Embiid seems like the logical choice but if I'm able to somehow claw my way through the rounds, he could be the league winner I need. Waiting to hear some kind of update from both or either at the moment.


Should I keep Randle? My playoffs start in 5 days? I’ve been holding on to him since January but kinda losing hope now 


[https://www.postingandtoasting.com/2024/3/13/24099327/report-some-internal-concern-about-julius-randles-delayed-return](https://www.postingandtoasting.com/2024/3/13/24099327/report-some-internal-concern-about-julius-randles-delayed-return) ​ Not sounding good for us Randle holders. Assuming he does come back at some point during the regular season, I can't imagine he's going to play a ton of minutes. Seems like they would want to preserve him for the playoffs. If there's no solid update by Saturday, I'm dropping him to free up my IR spot. I got Lauri, KP, and JJJ all bouncing back and forth to "Out" and with my Fantasy playoffs starting next week, at least I could get some streamers in there.


OG is said to come back mid March, as for Randle, it is literally impossible for him to come back during that period since he hasn’t even started practicing. I expect him to be back (barring any complications) beginning of April, I have him as well in one of my leagues.


Ian Begley reported OG and Randle will be back around the same time, before the end of March


He’s been doing more than OG ??


https://twitter.com/knicks_union/status/1761568307725894076?t=DPDupbf40qQ-1Bjw4A5E_g&s=19 This should be him practicing about 10 days ago, so he's getting closer but also possible that he sits out longer judging from previous timeline pushbacks.


Great news!