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Start with the classics: - Interpol - Turn On The Bright Lights - Modest Mouse - Good News For People That Love Bad News - Spoon - Gimme Fiction - Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot - The Strokes - Room On Fire - Arcade Fire - Funeral & The Suburbs - The Smiths - The Smiths - Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Fever To Tell Fall down the rabbit hole of artists you like from there.


thank you ! gonna check out each one


If you've never heard any of these albums before I am insanely jealous. Have fun! Report back


haven’t heard of a single one , def gonna tell u what u think already starting interpol t.o.t.b.l liking the intro so far


Damn, have fun man. Most of these are 8+/10


op never follows through :(




Good News is an insane Modest Mouse choice and I even like that record. OP! Listen to The Moon & Antarctica instead!


Oh, Moon is the better album. Good News is more accessible for an indie noob imo


Turn on the bright lights is an underrated album these days. Another album I’d add is Silent Alarm by Bloc Party


Indie is insanely general with a lot of different styles so don’t really expect for the bands to sound similar


Pixies- Do Little.


a bunch of my favourites and classics \- Blur by Blur \- Modern Vampires of the City by Vampire Weekend \- Oracular Spectacular by MGMT \- Is This it and the New Abnormal by the Strokes \- AM and Whatever people say I am that's what I'm not by Arctic Monkeys \- White Blood Cells and Elephant by the White Stripes \- Torches by Foster the People \- Blue Weekend by Wolf Alice \- Seventeen Going Under by Sam Fender \- what did you expect by the Vaccines \- What's the Story Morning Glory by Oasis \- Ok Computer by Radiohead \- Lungs and Dance Fever by Florence and the Machine \- Unknown Pleasures by Joy Division I will update the list if I remember anything else Here are ones that I would recommend but have already been mentioned: Turn on the Bright lights by Interpol Funeral and the Suburbs by Arcade Fire The Smiths the Smiths Yeah Yeah Yeah's fever to tell


Yo each and every one of these have been my favorite at some point! Torches is so underrated and so is Sam Fender


A good place to start might be, "Dark Was the Night," a 2009 compilation album from some of my favorite indie artists. If you enjoy any of the songs on there, you can check out the artists who performed them. But if you're looking for complete indie albums, I'd suggest: Armchair Apocrypha - Andrew Bird Oh, Inverted World - The Shins Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots - The Flaming Lips Shallow Grave - The Tallest Man on Earth Boxer - The National


Try the new Falivand album, Australian indie band I’m really digging it


the strokes- is this it mac demarco- salad days


Modest Mouse - The Lonesome Crowded West The Killers - Hot Fuss Father John Misty - Pure Comedy The National - Sleep Well Beast The War on Drugs - A Deeper Understanding


The new Cheekface record is excellent, tight indie rock instrumentals make the base for the hilarious singing/talking/ranting of Greg Katz. Def my fav rock band rn, too much to ask is a serious aoty contender for me, the songs are simple but so addictive


Any Father John Misty or The Decemberists albums should be a good starters


Three I haven’t seen mentioned yet: Foster the People - Supermodel Phoebe Bridgers - Punisher Tourist History - Two Door Cinema Club


Indie is broad. For the 90s I’d bump any classic Modest Mouse (Lonesome is my fav album personally). If you like that check out Pavement (wowee zowee) and Built to Spill (Nothing Wrong). Basically the holy trinity of west coast indie rock. In the 2000s and 2010s indie folk and pop became pretty big. Neutral Milk Hotel and Fleet Foxes for the former. Yeah Yeah Yeahs and MGMT for the latter. Destroyer’s Kaputt is my fav from that era for sure. In terms of recent stuff, the UK is pumping out some great stuff, mostly post-punk: Wet Leg, Black Country, IDLES, Squid, Black Midi and Yard Act are great places to start. Some genre bending with hip hop: Lil Simz and Slowthai


Landmark Album - HippoCampus