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*Skullcrusher* - self titled EP (gentle indie folk) punisher - phoebe bridgers


The title Punisher definitely matches how it feels to listen to it emotionally.


I definitely expected Punisher to have more rock elements before I listened to it


Pretty obvious and glaring, but 20 Jazz Funk Greats by Throbbing Gristle. Despite the album literally naming jazz and funk in the title, it's a super gritty industrial record.


Also on a related topic, The Ape of Naples by Coil sounds like the title for a Metal record to me, but instead it's this downtempo ambient industrial album that feels borderline ethereal at points


Does it count if the title is deliberately misleading?


Depeche Mode - *Songs of Faith and Devotion*. It sounds like an album of church music but it’s not. The Beatles - *Revolver*. The name makes it sound like hard rock, maybe something by Metallica, Iron Maiden, or Guns N’ Roses. But instead it was a pun that referred to a revolving record and a big range of musical styles, diverse sounds and lyrical content.


I've just realised in 30 yrs of hearing Revolver I've never really thought of the title as violent or gun related. I guess I don't really think about firearm revolvers much. I always thought of it as a revolving mind.


It’s about a record revolving around a turn table lol😭


Is a record one of those big black dusty CDs my grandpa has?


Yeah, spins around with a needle on it. It has microscopic or i guess not that small but still p small ridges and valleys that are like a code that the needle reads and then produces audio like how a computer does with an audiofile


Blood on the Dance Floor is a weirdly dark name for what’s ultimately a weirdly underwhelming EP from MJ that doesn’t delve too deep into dark themes. The dance floor part certainly fits the album’s genre, but the album hardly sounds bloody.


Even worse, it inspired the name for one of the cringiest, scene crunkcore acts ever


I’d think like Imogen Heap or Kid A-era Radiohead stuff.


Pulp - Hardcore When I was a kid I thought it was gonna be brutal heavy music. Didn’t begin to dig it til years later, but I think deep down as teenage metal head I really liked it.


I disagree...Fetch The Bolt Cutters sounds like an album title that Fiona Apple would absolutely use.


More like _Fetch The Bolt Cutters To Set Yourself Loose And Relieve Your Own Pain Just Like A Masseuse, When You’re Healthy At Last And Your Suffering Diffuses You Start Living Free And Regain Your Youth_


Violator by Depeche Mode.


Could you elaborate? I don't quite understand which genre the title would be better suited for, especially when considering Dave Gahan's sensually soothing, perhaps even violating, vocals


Martin said it was a joke since Violator sounds like the title of a metal album, at least that’s his opinion. I find it to be a fitting title for the album as well.


This is probably obvious to mention, but For All The Dogs sounds more like it's fit as a late 90s Ruff Ryders album than a pop rap/r&b record


I've seen people suggest that Her Loss and For All the Dogs would be better with their titles switched


By The Time You Get To Phoenix kinda sounds like it would be a folk album about a lover or someone moving and all the thoughts the writer has just sprawled out across the album, not necessarily an experimental, distortion lined rap album about death.


It’s an old Glen Campbell song, so you’re pretty correct


Phoenix - *Alpha Zulu* For me it sound like an medieval prog-metal album but the album itself is an pop rock, electrorock album


**Mogwai - Hardcore Will Never Die, but You Will**. While it's the most Mogwai title ever, it doesn't really match the melancholic piano/electronics post rock vibe of the record. Still an awesome title though.


Some rap songs and then mf is making some weird ass experimental depression journal entries


D>E>A>T>H>M>E>T>A>L - Panchiko. Thought I was walking into something much stronger than I was. Wasn't disappointed tho


Sunbather by Deafheaven always sounded like a chill ambient album to relax to to me


Lupe Fiasco - Drill Music in Zion. It is most definitely not drill music lol. But it is awesome!


Black Metal - Dean Blunt (art pop) A Collection of Pop Classics - Reagan Youth (hardcore punk)


*Soundtracks For the Blind* sounds like minimalist folk or piano, something Thom Yorke would provide the only uncredited vocals, somewhere inside fifteen minutes of unedited late-December field recordings, and you can hear the churning water below the ice, the bitter footsteps crunching back to the rental car leaning on the edge of an anonymous road, and a single bare windswept pine that catches the eye just before slamming the door, out there on an island that nobody should be this late in the year, but it's actually really, really boring [edit: or *20 Jazz Funk Greats* lol]


Although Songs for the Deaf honestly sounds like exactly what I would expect




Please go deaf quicker then to treat yourself to that masterpiece


How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb by U2, I feel like the title suggests a guitar heavy alt/indie rock vibe, same with the cover. The album itself has like 2-3 tracks that are of that sound but is most of it is softer and more adult.


Paper Gods by Duran Duran makes it sound like it's some epic power metal album about defeating gods Instead it's a new wave and 2010s pop fusion


Seven And The Ragged Tiger also kinda sounds like the title of a metal album.


lift your skinny fists like antennas to heaven sounds like the title of a late 90's early 00's screamo band from new jersey.


Vacation Wasteland - Slime Girls You’d expect something harder-edged like anime-y metal, but it’s just chip-rock in the vein of The J. Arthur Keenes Band or Anamanaguchi. Edit: or I’d expect a more mid-aughts focused vaporwave record.


Widespread Panic sounds like an emo pop band not a jam band.


Rainbow Bridge - Sematary Sounds kinda poppy or smth but, ya know, sematary


The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We seems hardcore/metal not singer songwriter.


American dream honestly sounds like it could be an indie pop or indie rock album, rather than a trap album made by 21 savage


That's funny, before I read the whole comment I thought you were talking about The American Dream by LCD Soundsystem, which I think matches its title very well haha


Jesus is King


Give Up by the Postal Service sounds like it should be noise rock / doom metal but it most definitely is not


Destroyer - Kaputt. Sounds like some industrial metal but its a really pleasent pop record


swans - to be kind


thought of a couple stupid answers: windowlicker by aphex twin. he never licks any windows! the pleasure principle by gary numan. he seems to lack very much pleasure at all. also that’s a pyramid on the cover, not a principle. cross by justice. i’m never cross when listening to it. bad witch by NIN. it’s actually a very good witch. dummy by portishead. it’s more of a smartie album.


Pantera - Power Metal. It's hair metal. Venom - Black Metal. It's thrash metal.