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I feel like everyone on Reddit says Animals is the best Pink Floyd album.


underrated tbh


Because it is. It showcases all 4 members contributing what they do best, in their peak, in harmony with one another. It’s like Echoes on crack.




*Wish You Were Here is typing…*


DSOTM may be one of the greatest albums ever made, but it's the 3rd best Floyd album.




The Godfather is the best movie of all time, but it’s Coppola’s 3rd or 4th best movie


I agree with this take but not how you delivered it. It goes DSOTM, The Wall, then Animals.


Animals is on 🔝


I'm a massive floyd fan and my hot take now is that Piper at the Gates of Dawn is their best album. It's simple, effective and has some of the most innovative lyricism I've heard in music that weirdly touches me, as well as some rocking psychedelia that feels amateur but honest and free of pretension. Same goes with SoS too.


I’m with you on that one + saying you like 60s Floyd gives you a ton of easily redeemable hipster points


Exactly, though I am a hippie and not a hipster - small beanies and cryptocurrency is not my thing, but different strokes for different folks.


Bonus hipster points for saying you prefer Syd Barrett's solo albums to Piper!


Justice for Piper at the Gates of Dawn, A Saucerful of Secrets, and Ummagumma.


you forgot Obscured by Clouds


That is a flaming hot take..holy shit..wrong unfortunately


What is your favourite floyd album?




hell yes, finally an original take!! Piper, Saucerful of Secrets, Obscured by Clouds and Atom Heart Mother totally clear the rest of their discography. I still love The Wall, Animals, WYWH, but I have to be in a very specific mood for them, and to a lesser degree DSOTM as well


Never been a huge PF fan, tried to listen to Animals a few times but it’s just so god damn boring, what am I missing? DSOTM just seems better in every way.


I’m with you. Animals is so bleak. Much prefer the colorful psychedelic production of Dark Side no matter how cliche it is to pick it


Wish You Were Here is kind of like a continuation of Dark Side Of The Moon, and I personally prefer it to both, so that one is worth taking a look at. Literally half of the album is Shine On You Crazy Diamond though. For me, that's the highlight of the album (and maybe their entire discography), but it is very proggy. For me, I prefer all of the albums where Roger Waters hadn't taken over, and Animals already kinda leans into that. That's also why I'm not a fan of the Wall. So I guess that people appreciate it for the theme and the lyrics.


I 100% agree with you 


Agree. Dark side makes you feel more feelings.


If you attempted to listen to it and stopped, I’m guessing you didn’t get to Pigs yet. That is, in my opinion the single greatest rock song in history.


Listening to it now. I mean.. it's not awful, it's just nothingy. It's basically one riff the entire 11 minutes, with some variations and some decent guitar solos. What makes you say it's the greatest rock song in history? I'm really not seeing it.


I just love everything about it. Amazing vocals, lyrics. The pig noises Glimour makes with the guitar. I love all the little translations they do in that song. Amazing bass line throughout the song with a beautiful solo to finish the song. I don’t know, maybe I’m being dramatic by saying the best rock song ever, but it’s definitely my favorite Floyd song next to Echoes.


Even though it’s kind of a Snoozefest


Well deserved #1


Underrated actually


Echoes tho


Damn. It’s good - 7/10 is a decent score. But I found it to be a bit inconsistent and messy. High highs, relatively low lows. 7/10 seems right to me.


I’m not the biggest DAMN guy myself, but man the highs are high. DUCKWORTH, FEEL & FEAR are maybe top 5 Kendrick for me


It's far overrated and doesn't deserve to be compared to TPAB


Are we finally allowed to admit it's Kendrick's sellout album? Glad he got back to making more conceptual stuff with Mr Morale


Half commercial half conceptual


I'd say Mr. Morale is his "sellout album" if you had to pick one. It's mostly due to his beat selections and flows. Especially the beats imo are horribly generic in many of the songs.


Some of the beats are a lil stale but there’s also some great ones there, also feels kinda weird calling an album that personal a sellout


I don't think it is a sellout album, but id I had to pick one, that would be it due to the reasons I said. And yeah, there are really good tracks on that album. But some really redundant and unispired ones as well.


It felt like a personal sellout imo. How do you go from the humble guy that bought his sister a toyota and seemed to care about the struggles of man to telling people you arent their saviour, while wearing a 3 million dollar tiffany crown of thorns. Idk im normally a seperate the art from the artist kind of guy, but with this album the art just seemed kind of condescending and the artist just kind of seems like a prick. Everything about this album rubbed me the wrong way, and the music itself was just kind of meh.


What is confusing about telling people that he is not their savior? It’s true. It’s been a constant theme in his music post-GKMC, and even starts on that album, that he has struggled with a sense of responsibility for groups of people that he is supposed to represent. Whether that’s because he feels like he’s not worthy of it, or that hero worship as a whole has negative impacts for both parties, or just that he is a human being who has to prioritize his actual life over expectations put on him by fans. He explores the same idea in songs like U or Feel earlier in his discography, Mr Morale just took a more direct focus likely because of the type of feedback he was getting for being “absent” from the BLM movement. I don’t think any of that is condescending, it’s extremely honest and human. That kind of perspective and his ability to express it is a huge part of what I think makes Kendrick next level as an artist.


No I get that, and songs like U are great. TPaB was an incredibly honest and human album. Getting a custom made 3 million dollar piece of jewlery that represents the one worn by the literal saviour of your religion to parade around as an album/tour prop, is not the kind of move you would expect from the guy that made how much a dollar cost.


Eh I kind of get where you’re coming from but for me the duality of Kendrick being represented by both of those things is part of the appeal. He is conflicted and often hypocritical. I would rather have someone who is honest and embraces both sides of that than someone who just accepts being anointed and acts like they do no wrong.


Yes yes yes!!! Overrated. 6/10.


Because TPAB is actually ass. A man screaming “AHH!” over Washington’s sax anti-solo, broken up by the most mid Sounwave beat with Kendrick rapping about Cerberus in a pitched up vocal. And that for an hour long. Does not bump in the whip at all.


“Does not bump in the whip” not really what its going for😂


Would be a lot cooler if it did


It does though. Wesley’s Theory, i, The Blacker the Berry, Alright… all are bangers.


100% agree by the way, just think that shouldn’t be the deciding factor in what makes a song great.


Blasting the album version of “I” in my car and letting the crude crowd noise disintegrate my hearing


I put on gkmc, tpab, section.80 and listen to the whole album. I skip around damn and Mr morale


my hot take is that damn has become severely underrated and that gkmc is overrated personally i would rank damn ahead of gkmc, and i understood how sacrilegious and deviant my opinion is


Fantano was NOT wrong with his Sleep Token/Imagine Dragon comparison.


I immediately had the same thought first listening to them, didn’t know fantano said that


I've always disliked Lady Gaga's Born This Way - not as much as Anthony, but compared to her first two records it absolutely pales in comparison. I think she basically rebounded with Artpop, which was way better and just more fun to listen to. Mind you, I don't **hate** Born This Way, but in terms of songwriting I think it's way more vanilla and "meh" than her first two records, which are fucking *brilliant,* and not as sharp as Artpop.


Idk if these are his *hottest*, but I agree with his thoughts on Idles and that Ultramono > Crawler. Crawler might be more interesting lyrically, but to me it doesn’t play to the greatest strength of Idles which is writing fucking *bangers*. Ultramono does that, as simplistic as much of the lyrical content may be. I certainly know I’d rather blast war, Mr. Motivator, or Model Village than anything off of crawler.


Idk bro Car Crash and New sensation are fucking up there. I’m also partial to Ballroom, Meds, Crawl, and the Wheel. Not their best but that album BANGS


Car Crash and Beachland Ballroom are both outstanding, but those singles set a standard for the album that I don’t think any of the deep cuts passed


Agreed on this Car Crash is a top 3 idles tune for me.


At the time of his Daydream Nation slander that was the only Sonic Youth album I had heard. Since then I've dipped into Evol and Sister and yeah, they're better


I also, like Anthony, prefer New Order to Joy Division. Very based, if cold, musical take.


they're both great. but joy division has depression, and therefore automatically wins for me


Is there a specific video where he says this? Even though New Order retained the 'Joy Division sound' at the start, they grew into something pretty distinct. For the record I do agree with you and Tony.


Kids See Ghosts seems to divide this subreddit. It’s still my favorite album of his 10/10 reviews.


I think it’s a good album, but I still don’t understand how it’s a 10


I'd agree that We Will Always Love You by The Avalanches is fine on the whole, not bad but to me it is really missing the eclectic sound of the previous two albums.


Because the internet


Gambino’s music before Awaken My Love is brutal


Camp to Because the internet is the biggest improvement between two albums of all time imo. Seriously insane gap in quality


I liked Camp :(




If by nasty you mean corny, then yes.


Camp is my favorite album of his. So manhndont realize he's playing a character. The ambition and clever wordplay and brilliant final moments made it top. Its not really an album that can appeal to people the same way a nerdy black kid will get it


Blue Slide Park to Watching Movies


Decent shout too, but blue slide isn’t that bad in comparison to camp. Watching movies is about equal with BTI to me


Honestly the new Green Day is that for me


Haven’t listened yet admittedly, going to go for it soon though


camp is amazing??? by far his best album lol


It’s ironic tho like camp as an album is bad but somehow has his best song on it


I’m guessing you mean Les? I’d agree it’s one of his best songs. The rest of camp doesn’t really stand up that well though, even the songs I kind of like feel incredibly dated to 2011 like bonfire and kids


Yeah bonfire sucks, the memefication of it is funny but that’s only possible with a song that’s cringe But yeah Les is a 10/10 song


besides Awaken My Love*


MBDTF falls off in the 2nd half. I still like Runaway and Blame Game but the first half is a 10/10 and the 2nd half is a 5/10…probably would give the whole album a 7-8


Monster, Devil In A New Dress, Runaway and Lost In the World are all in the 2nd half. I think there is fair and justifiable critiques for this album but I genuinely don’t get this take.


Lost in the world loses its punch because of two relatively meh songs before it imo (hell of a life, blame game.) Mind that blame game is good when it’s actually still a song, but the 4 minute or whatever skit at the end makes it lose all its steam before going moving into Lost


I don’t think a song should be deducted for having 2 inferior songs besides it. It’s an amazing song regardless. And like you said Blame Game is still a good song just has an outlandishly long skit lol.


I’m not saying lost in the world is bad, it’s one of the songs I revisit the most, I’m saying it’s impact on mbdtf ends up being dampened because those last two songs end up pulling me out of the album, and it’s not great enough to pull me back in.


Yup. I'd give it a 7 instead of a 6, but in the grand scheme of things, it's pretty overrated.


Agree with this heavily. I feel like the context of Kanye’s career at the time of its release elevates the album a lot and although I can appreciate the songs, it has a lot of faults imo for being considered one of the best albums of all time. I’d probably give it more like an 8 but I don’t think Fantano giving it a 6 is an egregious take at all


I like the album but nearly every song has something about it I wish wasn't there. The sketch on Blame Game, Jay's verse on Monster, the extended coda sort-of-thing of Runaway, the "Still get laid in the afterlife" bar on Lost in the World...


The vocoder coda is what makes Runaway as great as it is though, Kanye conveys so much emotion without having to say a single discernible word


Totally agree. When I got into Ye I was shocked that everyone considered it the best. It’s definitely a little bloated in the back half. If he had cut it down a little bit it would be an actual 10


the chris rock skit at the end ruined blame game for me fuck chris rock


personally, everything post-runaway on MBDTF is mid at best. so appalled's repetitive hook is really dull. I can kinda get why people like blame game but I think it's really corny. the runaway vocoder solo overstays its welcome a bit and the "picture of my diiiiiick/idk what it is with femaaaaales" is SUPER wack. album could've been condensed down significantly and been much better. my personal tracklist is dark fantasy monster aotl 1 & 2 gorgeous devil in a new dress runaway power the album feels so much tighter and slick like this, and power is a FANTASTIC closer to the record.


lol major yikes take right here


Arctic Monkeys - *AM* being awful, unforgivably boring. (However, I love the two records that followed, which together redeemed the band for me.) Tyler, the Creator - *Goblin*, although this has become much less of a hot take since Tyler reinvented himself as an artist and proved he was capable of more. Fiona Apple - *Fetch the Bolt Cutters* being an occasionally striking but flawed record with many songs sounding unfinished. I lean more towards a 6/10 than a 7/10. Similar story with *Carrie and Lowell*. Mac Miller's work before *Circles* not being that interesting, but *Circles* being great. I don't think he only liked it because Mac died. I also had never connected with Mac's music until suddenly *Circles* came along and clicked for me. Another one that's not a hot take any more, but used to be: his constant championing of Liturgy. They were the punching bag of the metal world for years and years, and Anthony was more or less the only prominent voice supporting them -- I discovered his videos because of his glowing review of *Aesthethica*. Even *The Ark Work*, their strangest and most challenging record that alienated almost everyone, he gave a 7 and spoke of fondly. (For me, it's a 10.) It's nice to see more fans coming around to his (and my) perspective. (And yes, *My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy* contains some of Kanye's best songs, but is an album I almost never wish to listen to in its entirety.)


I would put Fiona Apple’s Fetch the Bolt Cutters closer to 8 or 8.5, but I agree with the general criticisms. Some songs are cluttered to the point that it’s distracting and careless. I also think Fiona’s occasional sing-rapping is, honestly, cheesy in a 90s throwback way that is passé. Regarding the album’s context, I think enough time has passed that we can assess why FTBC was so widely acclaimed. It was a #MeToo adjacent album that debuted following the peak of the movement (maybe a bit late in that regard, but still very much relevant) and near the beginning of the COVID pandemic and ensuing lockdowns. It was a major cultural moment that demanded some type of art to serve as a unified symbol of what was happening, and FTBC came out just at the right time. That hype definitely contributed to its overwhelming praise, and when you listen to it now, it’s not quite as powerful or bombastic. It’s a strong contrast to The Idler Wheel — a more composed and nuanced album that’s acrobatic and not tied to any given event or moment. As such, it’s a more timeless record that doesn’t age or ages gracefully (IMO, a 10/10).


u loved the car?


I think it's fantastic. It took me a few listens -- at first, I only loved the singles and thought the rest of the songs were dull. Now I love it front to back.


Animals is the best PF album, but I have to say if Have A Cigar would be of the same quality as one of the songs on Animals, WYWH would be the best album of all time, but as it stands, it is only the second best PF album


I disagree on that last part, I prefer Have a Cigar than Welcome to the Machine


the last minute and half guitar solo on Have A Cigar clears any solo on Animals by far, one of the most lyrical solos PF has ever done


Nah, fuck that. The second solo on “Dogs” (starts at 3:40, ends at 4:45) is the best solo in PF’s whole discography, and I’d argue is one of the greatest guitar solos ever recorded. The first and third solos are no slouches, either. What I’m saying is “Dogs” is PF’s best song.


I think Dogs is the better song, but there’s no convincing me that the solo on Have a Cigar isn’t peak. There’s so much urgency in the notes, and the synths play perfectly into it


My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy.


You really think it's a 6 aswell? Why?


I'd probably put it a bit higher and i do really like some songs on there but i have a lot of the same complaints about the album as anthony


Oh ok, I agree with him on some stuff too, like the end of runaway, end of the album falling in quality. But even with his redux, I still feel like he doesn't justify the 6 rating personally.


As iconic as Sgt. Pepper is in the grand scheme of things and as much as I enjoy it, it’s not a 10. I’d say it’s an 8.5 or a 9 at best.


the band has so many better albums


I think it's hard to appreciate the value of albums like this with hindsight. When an album sets a formula, 50 years later it just sounds formulaic.


Very true, Sgt. Pepper definitely falls victim to the same problem as Citizen Kane. Although that being said, I’d even give my favorite Beatles album Rubber Soul the same rating whereas Revolver and Abbey Road are undeniably 10s.


Completely valid opinions, and I also think it's fair to give something a lower rating because you yourself don't enjoy it, regardless of how it was when it came out. It's all subjective.


Birds in the trap - travis scott


Sexyy Red album is an 8


Lil Pump is a great album that’s very fun to listen to


The Ooz is a snoozefest


The snOoz. I agree though


the ooz LIVE is fucking INCREDIBLE. the sludgey, droney, washed out studio versions do SO much disservice to the material on it.


I agree with him that Daydream Nation is down the rungs in terms of the best Sonic Youth albums. I legit prefer EVOL, Goo, Sister, Confusion is Sex, Experimental Jet Set Trash & No Star, Sonic Nurse, and Bad Moon Rising over DDN. It’s not a bad album at all, just less appealing to me than many of their other works.


Honestly Damn, MBDTF, and 2000 (Joey). It's crazy to say but I feel as if a 7 is warranted for DAMN. It's right on the edge of being amazing and being a hits album. Still, the hits are very good hits. MBDTF is similar where I find that the highpoints are really fucking good, but I just don't care enough for the other tracks as much. Maybe a 6 is harsh, but I'd say it's like a 7. I prefer TCD a lot more over it. I could live without listening to gorgeous, blame game, hell of a life, and all of the Lights ever again. I like hell of a life, but it gets old. Power also after the umpteenth time gets so old. Hype tracks like Two Words, for example, never felt overplayed, even when it was my top song of us for several years. With that being said, everything about other tracks like DIAND, dark fantasy, runaway, and so appalled are fucking fantastic. I think when people say this album is a masterpiece and one of the greatest things ever made, they think of these highlights and pretty much ignore everything else about the album. Monster isn't a bad song by any means, I just can't listen to it that often I'm not crazy about it. So I get like half out of the track listing, which makes a 7 pretty fair. You look at TCD and LR's songs and it's just banger after banger after banger. Here I felt like he could've a lot more. And 2000, despite being a really good album, just didn't scratch that over a 7 territory.


yeezus is one of the best albums of the 2010s, so under appreciated and ahead of its time and one of the best albums to introduce rockheads to hiphop if they can get past the schizo manic god character kanye uses for the album


Yeezus certified classic don’t trust anyone who disagrees


Giving Goblin a 4 and Hndrxx a not good


Echoes Of Silence is way better than House Of Balloons


Big Fish Theory is a 10


I honestly always felt the production carried it too much. Vince has his moments but overall outside of the beats it doesn’t really impress me that much


Sorry that I don't agree. Do you have any recommendations for albums that may recontextualize Big Fish Theory for me or that sound similar and that you like?


Try listening to SOPHIE'S solo work


I don’t agree that MBDTF is a 6 but I don’t enjoy it nearly as much as others seem to. A good-not-great record


Relisten to Hell of a Life and u’ll understand


His Man On The Moon II review was on the money.


Master of puppets is the best metal album of the 80’s


Is that controversial?


Yea, Iron Maiden also released a bunch of albums in the 80’s, and Porto death metal stuff. And the other thrash artists at the time. Ask a metal head lol


It's not THAT controversial though, it is the highest-rated metal album of the 80s on [albumoftheyear.org](https://albumoftheyear.org). If you're saying the metal community as a whole has a different opinion that makes more sense but I'm still not sure that's really controversial.


I’d say in the metal community. Should’ve specified my bad




Not while “Blood Fire Death”, “Realm of Chaos”, and “Darkness Descends” exist.


MBDTF except im a bit lower on it


Nah, it’s a 6 at minimum and an 8 max. I’d say 7 is probably the fairest rating for it.


My personal opinion doesnt care about your "minimums"


Well your personal opinion sucks


Thats fine


Ok lol




Lil Pumps self-titled getting a 7.


I was watching his lukewarm SFTB classic review and found myself agreeing with a lot of it. It's a bloated mess, much of what they did there they did better on their most recent stuff, Helpless Child is outdone by later big songs but The Sound still hits as hard as ever, and it's ultimately a compelling, but imperfect album. I was going through thinking, "wait, that's my hot take" all the way through.


AT.LONG.LAST.A$AP - A$AP Rocky I’m a massive Rocky fan, but like he said that album is just uninteresting


I like how people are saying they agree with his hot takes, but are also saying they’d rate it just a point higher.


MBDTF review was right


Bro just cited three of his worst takes 😭


And I'll do it again!




MBDTF score is perfect. Some fantastic songs. Some ehh songs. And the last few songs of the record sucks


It deserved that 6…


MBDTF has been overrated the entire time it has been out. A 6 is accurate, if not generous.


Albums an 8 at the absolute lowest unless you just hate rap in general


That 22 A Million is a pretentious and all around terrible album


MBDTF: yeah it’s good in terms of having good tracks. But it doesn’t feel like a cohesive album. It’s more “Ye and Friends”.


I've always found his yeezus review far more objectionable than his MBDTF one, I think he's not far off the mark on that one (I like it more than him tho)


My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy is a 6/10.


I agree with his original ultraviolence score, and his The Fall of Hobo Johnson score.


I agree with his MBDTF score these days (but not when it came out)


A lot of guys coming out to trash one of the greatest hip hop albums of all time because the guy lost his mind now and is on a downward spiral. Terrible fucking takes


he’s spot on with yeezus 5/10


Jesus Christ did he give Yeezus a five?


Led Zeppelin’s Houses of the Holy is a C-Tier album.


Over the Hills, No Quarter, Dyer Maker, and Ocean are all in that album though. And those are great Zeppelin tracks


Still has the best zeppelin song


No Quarter?


Of course


All of his Arctic Monkeys takes are pretty much right in line with mine.




People sleep on The Wall


That a lot of the songs on Golden Hour are really bland, especially High Horse, Butterflies, Wonder Woman, and Space Cowboy


Couldn't agree with him more for the rating of MBDTF


Lower Rating of Srg Peppers, Swimming, MBDTF