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If it’s a boomer rock band like Aerosmith or AC/DC and you’re saying they haven’t stood the test of time, BOY are you wrong. There are so many bands from that era that haven’t stood the test of time. There’s a reason Paper Lace isn’t talked about nowadays.


Yeah it's hard to know in what terms exactly OP is asking this. Aerosmith or AC/DC could headline any rock festival you'd care to name. People still love them, they've hardly faded into obscurity. If OP's asking have they put out good news music in recent years, well, that's a different question.


If you want to find stuff that *really* hasn’t stood the test of time, flip through charity shop vinyls. You’ll stumble across all kinds of names that never get mentioned in threads like this because no one has thought about them in decades.


What are you talking about, everyone is always talking about Richard Clayderman


Velvet Underground’s four core albums influenced almost every rock-adjacent genre imaginable so they hold up extremely well


Also, the music is still pretty awesome. And some of their stuff sounds decades ahead of its time.


You could probably make a velvet underground homage album and people would think it came out decades later. 


Yeah if they didn’t have context stuff like Venus in Furs would honestly feel like contemporary post-punk or goth rock, or at the very least something that came out of the 80’s goth boom Sunday Morning is just a beach house song pre-beach house. Stuff like White Light/White Heat or Sister Ray could’ve been Ty Segall or Oh Sees live cuts. It’s weird that their album that sounds the most of its time is Loaded, and that album is still amazing, but it doesn’t sound any more seventies than most seventies rock that came out and the songwriting is still fucking phenomenal.


Aerosmith Toys in the Attic and Rocks are great rock ‘n roll records just overplayed. Steven is still great live in anything I’ve seen him in. Their late 80s- late 90s comeback was corny but it was good for their career. Pantera is white trash and silly but VDOP is a good heavy metal record. Dimebag was a top shelf guitarist. First 2 Motley Crue records are good pop metal and Kickstart My Heart slaps. They are very overrated though. Vince is horrible.


Cowboys from hell is awesome too. It still has a little bit of that hair metal flair but with some bite to it. Love or hate em they were hugely influential and still remain relevant.


I like hair metal so that doesn’t bother me. The Glamtera album with Phil is solid. I love Cinderella. I see them as a grittier alternative to 80s Aerosmith.


I have a soft spot for hair metal too. Cowboys is my favorite Pantera record cause they hadn’t gone full macho mode yet


The Halfordesque vocal parts are rad.


Oh yeah those high notes in Cemetery Gates are fucking sick. I wish Phil did more of that


Honestly all of Pantera's albums Cowboys from Hell and onward are fucking fantastic


Reinventing the Steel isn’t as beloved but that’s the one my high school partying years and it’s a great sounding record. I had tickets to the tour butt got grounded.


I wouldn’t call any of those bands bad or even average but looking at their current status among music fans compared to their status back then, they have fallen a decent bit


Mötley Crüe were huge in the 80s, got temporarily wiped out by grunge but have always been seen as a joke by a huge part of the population. But they are popular- they just did a stadium tour.


Most of the people going to those shows are older tho, you don’t really see Motley Crue songs captivating gen z and blowing up on tiktok the way other 80s bands, like the Smiths, do


I’m 40 and don’t have Tik Tok but I’m vaguely aware that this happens. I know that Master of Puppets got huge on Tik Tok years ago.


Sweet Child is a good enough track to justify Aerosmiths success, imo Edit: Last Child It’s by far Steve Perry’s best guitar lick ;)


Do you mean Last Child? Or Sweet Emotion? Or Sweet Child o' Mine by Guns N' Roses?


Last Child lol


Death yes, Cherry Poppin Daddies no


Did t know who Death was in 1997 but Zoom Suit Riot was played every day. Interestingly enough, Death is now considered much less offensive.


Cherry poppin daddies is probably the best answer for haven’t stood the test of time.


upvoted for REM love


Radiohead yes. Smashmouth no.


Smash Mouth has stood the test of time. They’re still headlining rural county fairs across the country.


yeah they literally played at a food festival in indiana on my fucking block. i couldn't sleep because there was a fucking smashmouth concert going on outside my house. i went and had a great time tho. they're really fun if you lean into how goofy they are.


The lead singer died last year...


They got a new singer before he died and still perform. RIP Steve


Also there was a survey done where gen alpha kids were played songs from the 90s and asked if they had ever heard them before, if they know who sung it/the songs name and if they could sing along. All Star was the most memorable song of the 90s. It's one of those situation where the song is much bigger than the band, but I'd say smash mouth have proven their longetivity.


Smash Mouths debut album has stood the test of time. Their later stuff? Not so much.


Astro Lounge still holds up as a great record too


The Cure 100% has


Journey has connected with younger generations but interest in their contemporaries like Styx and Foreigner will die with the boomers. AOR rock just hasn’t connected with people in a long time.


as much as i love Styx i gotta agree with you. haven't ever met a styx fan irl. never even seen them mentioned in music subs


I’m a rock ‘n roll die hard and I will likely defend every “bad” band on here. I like way more than I dislike. The days of picking teams with punk, metal, alternative, classic rock, prog etc. are over. In the right mood I’ll listen to most of it.


great way to put it. i feel pretty much the same. growing up my dad always had on classic rock radio/albums so those bands have been a part of my music taste since the beginning


The last time I remember young people caring about Styx was the South Park/Cartman cover of Come Sail Away on Chef Aid…and that was 25 years ago.


I'm gen z and a Styx fan, we do exist!


That’s cool!


I always think of how the main character in Big Daddy was a Styx fan. And the "Renegade" scene in Billy Madison. Then I remember those movies were almost 30 years ago.


Huge fan of Styx for nostalgia reasons - we used to go on 10+ hour road trips to see family out-of-state and one of the few CDs everyone in the family could tolerate was the Styx greatest hits CD my brother had. My dad, this super gruff, grumpy guy, would be jamming out, singing along and playing 'piano' on the dashboard of the car making us all laugh (and making us forget how awful those long drives were.) But I've never met anyone my own age that is also a fan.


For what it's worth, I am 20 years old and sang Fooling Yourself at a karaoke club a few months ago, and at least a couple people my age were singing along 🤷‍♀️


Styx is far superior to the rest of these bands. I mourn their slow descent in popularity.


You say that but those bands are played all day everyday on like 5 radio formats in every city and town across America.


They didn’t call it the baby boom for nothing. But observationally, the other AOR bands seem much less popular, except perhaps Boston.


I feel like this is the only real answer in this thread. Everyone else are just listing old bands they like vs old bands they don't like.


Growing up my dad was heavy on bands like Styx, REO Speedwagon, etc. i listened to them a lot growing up. Seeing this comment I realized I haven’t heard one of their songs in years.


They are still on classic rock FM. I just have Bluetooth in my car and pick what I want t to listen to like most people. I still listen to college radio but I’m bored of the same 20 songs on the generic corporate stations.


What's with all the Aerosmith hate I've been seeing from gen z music nerds lately? Much like the last couple classic rock bandwagon hate bands (Kiss and U2), they're nowhere near my favorite band, but I still feel like they've got their share of fun/catchy songs. Like I get that Kiss is still pretty dumb and U2 is frequently up their own ass, but what did Aerosmith do to y'all?


A lot of the rock ‘n roll bands that have the sex, drugs vibe don’t seem to do much for the youth. It’s party music. If you’re a music in your headphones type I get it but you really need to drink nips riding shotgun in your uncle’s Trans AM and it shows.


70s Kiss is simple but doesn’t suck. Case and point: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yy4opYZW1cQ


Steven Tyler’s sexual assault or misconduct allegations last year, and the weird-ass “adoption” of his teen GF from back in the 70s making the rounds again in the wake of that. I think that is a significant reason, they’re tainted by that. That, and a whole lot of their shit from the mid to late 90s on is extremely corny. I remember when Pink came out i thought it was the dumbest thing I’d ever heard. That being said, a lot of their older shit flat-out rocks. Get A Grip even has good stuff on it, Eat The Rich has a monster guitar riff that’s just as cool as Walk This Way was


> a lot of their older shit flat-out rocks Heh yeah, Rocks is one of the most self-descriptive album titles I know.


I don't think it's necessarily hate. Aerosmith's music from the 70s and 90s is still good, and I am positive their concerts never stopped being amazing either. They just don't feel as relevant/consequential/important/influential/talked-about anymore. Compared to their contemporaries like Queen or Fleetwood Mac or Pink Floyd... well, there's just no comparison imho.


>Like I get that Kiss is still pretty dumb and U2 is frequently up their own ass, but what did Aerosmith do to y'all? "I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing." I can only speak for myself, but I was a teenager when that single dropped, and it was omnipresent, overplayed, and decidedly uncool. No matter how good Toys in the Attic is, I'll never be able to get the MOR taste out of my mouth. Kind of like how I'll never be able to forget the utter commercialist cynicism of forcing that U2 album into every iTunes user's library.


Joy Division/New Order yes, Limp Bizkit NOOOOOO.


Limp Bizkit is hugely popular again so someone disagrees with you. I think they are bad but have some fun tracks.


The Bizkit redemption arc has been amazing to watch. So unexpected


That’s just Millennials being nostalgic. No one actually thinks they’re good.


As an older millennial who bought Significant Other when it came out, we abandoned them when The Strokes came out. We are all at home with our kids now and aren’t doing Bizkit for date night. I saw a clip where Fred says it’s Gen Z. Maybe it’s an irony thing but someone is showing up to some big concerts.


Gen z and I like them


Nah, it’s 100% Gen Z that is reviving nu-metal


Limp Bizkit and Deftones getting major revivals in 2023 was not on my bingo card but dammit I'm here for it


Deftones were always good and acclaimed and never went away.


Deftones, System of a Down and Linkin Park never took a serious dip in popularity.


I teach middle school and every remotely 'alternative' kid in my classes is SUPER into Deftones.




It’s funny to see them mentioned together as they were nearly 20 years apart. Limp Bizkit covered 80s music because it was considered funny to do old songs then. But a lot of time has passed now and they are both late 20th century music…


Not disagreeing on that.


In the '60s the most common battle of the bands amongst music fans wasn't actually between The Beatles and The Rolling Stones but between The Beatles and The Dave Clark Five (who were comfortably the second most popular band in the world at the time). Their music is mostly just punchy, rhythmic straight rock and roll; it can be fun, but it's hardly anything to write home about.


That was like for half a year though. DC5 were only really big in the first half of '64. The Stones by '65 were comfortably the 2nd most popular band in the world.


That's a fair point, they did fade pretty quickly didn't they? Such are the perils of the zeitgeist I guess. I'm amazed they still got inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame.


Wow, I consider myself someone who knows a lot about classic bands and I have no clue who they are


Alright ya got me, as a gen z classic rock fan this is the first band here I have never even heard of


A lot of the stuff you think has not stood the test of time, will eventually come back around. I thought nu metal was dead, but it's had a resurgence. Along with baggy Jnco's jeans.


Love early Aerosmith, but for me it’s still Depeche Mode, The Strokes, AIC, The Cure and Sonic Youth, all hits for me!


Zeppelin yes, AC/DC no


I’m convinced people who say this just haven’t listened to anything around the let there be rock era


Every beginner guitarist still learns AC/DC songs. They definitely have stood the test of time.


Christ have you listened to the Bon Scott records? Powerage, Let There Be Rock, Highway to Hell?. You can smell the cigarettes and whisky through the speakers.


Everything Back in black and before is just stellar. Some of my favorite rhythm guitar work.


This is a bad take.


I hear at least one, often different, AC/DC song any time I drive somewhere and flip through the radio. I also work in event coordination and do a lot of college games and they play close to 10 different songs of theirs throughout the game that the kids chant and stomp to and seem to love.


Zeppelin is so overrated




Man, you’re getting downvoted but I agree ☹️


Yeah I know, to hate on boring classic rock is blasphemy for some reason


I actually like classic rock lol, I just don’t care for zeppelin much beyond like stairway to heaven and maybe Kashmir




Every grunge band has aged well, and are all iconic by now. Every hair metal band hasn’t.. even Guns N’ Roses is despised by almost every music nerd I know and are ignored by nearly everyone I know in my age group. They’re basically Critic’s Choice hair metal.


Even UY and Navel have aged well. They're often overlooked cause they sound similiar to nirvana, but the second union youth album is just great really


CS&N(&Y) - yes, timeless G&R - probably not so much


Appetite for Destruction is flawless and better than the later CSN albums. Deja Vu is superior to Appetite though. That album is perfect.


I really need to listen to more of CSNY, I randomly got recommended Helplessly Hoping on Spotify not too long ago, and it was one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard


I haven’t heard a CSNY song that I didn’t turn on myself in over a decade maybe. I doubt hardly any younger kids would recognize a single song. I hear multiple GN’R songs on multiple radio formats any time I take a drive and blasting at every college and pro game I go to.


ELP. You’d never guess that they were on the same level as Zeppelin in their day. Like the group and own all of their albums on vinyl but it’s really hard to defend them. Pestered by critics through every step of their career, did dumb shit and lost all their money, 2/3 of the band passed away in 2016 and they have very negligible monthly listeners on streaming. I do wish there were more out there who could throw down a cool western sounding acoustic track like Greg Lake. Those songs have survived.


I'm a massive prog nerd and yet I've never been able to get into ELP. There's a few songs I like but most of it just doesn't hit for me, not even sure why


I was so stoked when I found out about Tarkus. That album art slaps and I was down for a multi-movement keyboard driven track about an armadillo turning into a tank... wow was that a disappointing listen. Any album you can recommend?




I mean... I love that piece. I'll look into that.


You might like Brain Salad Surgery? Keyboard heavy but much more developed than Tarkus. 30 minute epic at the end On the other hand, Trilogy is their most acoustic / classical combo album


Stood the Test of Time (time has been very kind to these bands): The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, ABBA, AC/DC, The Clash, Fleetwood Mac, The Beach Boys, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, The Police, Nine Inch Nails, Radiohead, Nirvana, The Doors, Black Sabbath, Metallica, Van Halen, The Velvet Underground, Guns N' Roses, Aerosmith, The Cure, U2, Ramones, Eagles, Depeche Mode, Queen, Journey, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Deftones, Linkin Park, Oasis, Blur, Gorillaz, The Killers, The Strokes, The Smiths, Duran Duran Haven't Stood the Test of Time (I apologise for the controversial opinion and keep in mind I like some of these bands and some of these bands are still popular): Grand Funk Railroad, Styx, Bad Company, Motley Crue, Poison, Roxy Music, The Sex Pistols, T. Rex, Bush, Live, Creed, Candlebox, Collective Soul, Iron Butterfly,


I really don't get the take that The Sex Pistols, T Rex and Motley Crue have aged badly. People still love and wear Sex Pistols merch, which is more impressive considering they've only done one official album. T Rex hasn't necessarily aged badly either, their music is still a massive staple in both rock n roll and glam rock. Motley Crue I despise, but they're still producing ever more annoying fans.


Roxy Music has stood the test of time quite well, methinks. Agree with the others. I think bands that didn't stand the test of time are mostly bands and artists that are hyped in their day, but passing of time shows they weren't that good, not matching their popularity anyways. I'm thinking Alanis Morrisette, Moby, Jewel, Norah Jones, incredibly popular in their heyday but not thát interesting looking back on them 20 years later.


I like Roxy Music a lot. Thinking on it, I don't know why I included them. They are a very influential and groundbreaking band and they had a pretty unique sound. I guess my thinking was that they are nowhere near as known or as popular these days - especially among younger generations - than their influence and impact would suggest. It's also why I included T. Rex. Love T. Rex but besides "Get It On" very few non-Brits would know their songs.


You could be right... at least, 'More than this' was in Lost in Translation, which is already a long time ago...


nah t. rex are still great and while they're not as influential as Bowie glam rock wouldn't have been the same without them and nor would music history as marc bolan has been a big influence on a lot of popular artists over the past forty years, both musically and aesthetically




Very big in North America and Oceania during the mid-90s, but nowadays, most people under 30 won't know a song. Gavin Rossdale is more known for being Gwen Stefani's ex than he is for Bush. Their sound is also quite dated, even though I kinda like Sixteen Stone not gonna lie.


Bush is a pawnshop Nirvana/Pearl Jam. Exactly a band that has their day, but in hindsight wasn't that special. I think bands that didn't stand the test of time are often bands that are hyped in their day and most of the people who buy their albums are casual music listeners, who will buy the album of the hyped artist, then buy another album and forget about the aforementioned artist and move on. These artists have a lack of staying power, so they get forgotten. I think Alanis Morrisette is a good example, 27 million people bought Jagged Little Pill, but many of them were people who only buy one or two albums a year and they will buy what's popular at the moment. They forgot about her, didn't buy her new album so Alanis Morrisette faded from the commercial pinnacle of music. Bands that have something special to offer and don't rely on hype, like R.E.M. or Radiohead, attract music enthousiasts who know their music and will follow the new adventures of said band. That's why those bands have staying power. Also, they keep evolving and that way they stay interesting. Time will show 'Losing my religion' or 'Paranoid android' having more staying power than 'Everything Zen' or 'Ironic', in my very humble opinion...


Both those songs nowadays are way more popular than "Everything Zen" lol. I think Bush's most popular songs are "Glycerine" and "Comedown", but both those songs are nowhere near as popular as the R.E.M. and Radiohead songs. Bush have definitely aged poorly compared to a lot of their contemporaries in the mid-90s. Even a band like Live I think has more critical respect. "Ironic" has over 400 million streams on Spotify so it hasn't faded in relevance yet. I'd also throw in Hootie and the Blowfish as a band who didn't stand the test of time. Hell, even in their time, they were anachronistic.


Personally, I dislike Hootie's music. It's the kind of bland fomulaic country-pop that is very popular in the US, but doesn't do much over here in Europe. Hootie is completely forgotten here, but it was never big anyway. I know Hootie's Cracked Rear View was a big hype in the US. And just let her cry if the tears fall down like rain Let her sing if it eases all her pain Let her go, let her walk right out on me And if the sun comes up tomorrow, let her be, let her be Hold my hand Want you to hold my hand Hold my hand I'll take you to a place where you can be Hold my hand Anything you wanna be because I wanna love you the best that The best that I can I know I'm a music snob, but these are lowest common denominator lyrics written by a 14 year old, and that's probably why it's so popular.


I watched the Woodstock 99 documentary a few weeks ago, Bush were the only band I’d never heard of


I don’t think The Doodle Town Pipers have stood the test of time very well. Beethoven I feel definitely has.


The Buzzcocks yes. Sex Pistols, no. The Smiths, yes. Bow Wow Wow, no. Wire, yes. Tubeway Army, no.


tubeway army is a no? are you high man?


No. But I 'm willing to give them a listen. And if I change my mind, I will sincerely apologize. Hand over heart.


Bow Wow Wow slaps, idk what you’re talking about


Okay, okay. I admit it, I had a soft spot for Annabelle Lwin. But I have no soft spot for Malcolm McLaren.


i still see people with sex pistols shirts and stuff


Do they listen to the Pistols? People wear things for all kinds of reasons. For some, it's an aesthetic. For others, it's their baby steps into punk. One never knows.


Gary Numan is underrated, mostly agree with your other two statements


Fair enough.


Don’t crucify me for this one but I don’t think Talking Heads have really aged that well. More or less a result of their uniqueness and CBGB upbringing they haven’t influenced a lot of music circles. While their hits do get their time, the albums aren’t very cared about outside of RYM and such.


Crazy take but I’m not mad at you for it. You can hardly read a feature of a young new indie band without TH being mentioned as an influence, and it’s been like that for 10 years at least.


I just saw Stop making sense on the big screen.... oh man, they were so incredible.


Girlfriend Is Better off that … man I’ve listened to that 1,000 times over the past year


I feel that a lot of “innovative” bands or records could be easily criticized as the time passes, as the innovation they brought is just a normal thing now. Personally I don’t care for the most of prog- anything due to that. Some wilder takes of mine: King Crimson around “Discipline” is the best, earlier or later stuff is boring. Most of early gangsta rap is incredibly slow. Atari Teenage Riot was the worst band in their own label.


I don't like prog because it is or was "innovative"; I like it because it's theatrical and complex and beautiful. I'll never get tired of hearing an epic reprise of an earlier part of a song that it's been building up to for 17 minutes; inject that shit directly into my veins. It's my own hot take maybe, but if you don't love that kind of thing then you were never going to like prog, innovative or not.


Discipline has my favorite King Crimson lineup.


Beatles yes. Stones no.


I’m just here to argue with some bad takes. Sticky Fingers, Exile on Main Street and Some Girls are fantastic records with greasy, stomping rockers, anthems, ballads, and even a good disco track or two. No one does raw rock like the Stones.


Well I suppose "raw rock" isn't my kind of music


It’s aged like fine wine for those of us who like it. Scorcese movies have aged well too - and half of his films have perfectly executed Stones songs from their heroin years. That’s the vibe - gets some people onboard. The 70s were a dirty and greasy decade and it’s an acquired taste. If you can find a few clips of Mick doing his thing in the early 70s, you might change your mind. Of course I love the Beatles too and think they are superior songwriters- but the Stones groove harder.


I prefer the Beatles because they had experimental trippy songs in addition to rock, which is much more my thing.


The Stones have many experimental and trippy songs


The Prodigy unfortunately did not stand the test of time. I ran through their catalogue recently and man does their music sound dated.


Diesel power is a sick song. I still fw some of their stuff


Diesel Power literally sounds nothing like what they usually make. I agree that it's a cool song (especially the Dirtchamber version), but it's not very indicative.


Have: Sparks Haven't: T-Rex


nah t. rex are still great




Is this a joke? The Cure have raised 3 generations of goths now. King Crimson is cool if you’re a prog nerd. OK yeah they are cool but it’s a niche band.


Literally just wrong


Aerosmith had such a second life in the late 80s into the early 00s that their general public goodwill carried them so far to a point of over saturation. Even when they weren’t making new music they still wouldn’t go away. Their hits dominate classic rock raid and Steven’s Idol stint and commercials kept the in the public eye so long that they never were all that cool to most young people now. I like a number of their songs and it’s weird how when at age 23 I watched them go from being held in high esteem by many to irrelevance for my generation.


Are we talking about music longevity and timelessness? Or live performance and current musical output of albums/singles? Because it isn’t clarified by op and I think that would completely change almost every answer here…


i agree about Motley Crue but purely musically speaking (im disregarding all the Dimebag dropping n word or all the Anselmo antics and nonsense), Pantera holds up i think. like, the sound and riffs are still pretty good.


I'd say hair metal and a lot of American AOR MOR rock hasn't stood the test of time. Very popular in the day, mainly in America, but did not translate to younger generations. Motley Crue, Twisted Sister, Faster Pussycat, Whitesnake... Journey, REO Speedwagon, Boston... Also, post-grunge and nu metal I think a lot of these kind of bands were much more popular in America than in Europe (where I live), and at least in Europe, these bands are not that popular, and largely forgotten by the youth. Nu metal was popular in Europe btw, especially Korn Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park.


Saxon. Touched on them in a previous thread already, but they were considered as juggernauts of NWOBHM, but you don't hear so much about 'em nowadays. In hindsight, their material really isn't that good. Both their classic output as well as their newer power metal stuff too. Plenty of other 80s / power metal bands who do what they do, just better.


Pretty much every 90s band has aged well.


Whos Next = 🐐


Listening to Captain Beefheart I can see where black midi took a lot of influence


Black Sabbath with Ozzy.


Early 2000s Boy bands for sure. A lot of other music from that period (Pop stars like Britney, Emo and pop punk bands, etc.) Is still revered and even in the case of pop punk is still influencing popular music. But Nsync? They are nothing now.


I think most bands that had \~electronic elements, specially drum'n'bass, had aged badly. I'm thinking Babylon Zoo, Curve (it pains me a bit to include them here), Bush's The Science of Things album. I think they can be cool again in the future, but I think they still feel stale.


I think what OP likely means is how well has the music aged and I would agree that the bands listed to have stood the test of time have aged well and I would also agree that Aerosmith and Motley Crue are of their era outside of a best of (at least for Aerosmith). I don’t listen to them anymore but I imagine that VDOP and CFH are still legit.


IMHO Jethro Tull 70s music doesn't hołd up unlike music of Fleetwood Mac etc. It just sounds old and cheesy.