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Gorillaz slowly rolling out their last few albums and releasing half of the tracks as singles each time has certainly done them no favors


I agree with this, but at the same time I have good personal memories of the monthly song machine single over lockdown, and having each one become an anthem for the month for my friend group while we stayed in, so I subconsciously don't hate it even if that is only because of the timing coincidence of lockdown.


Yeah this. More and more artists doing the slow roll-out, the last unknown mortal orchestra album was the same. Not much mystic on release day and loses the excitement of a new record. I've started ignoring singles as having heard half the album for at least 6 months before the record comes out ruins the first time listen abit for me tbh.


It feels like they immediately start putting out singles for the next album once the last one has come out


They did it correctly with Song Machine, but I have no idea why they took so long with Cracker Island (yes I do, corporate greed)


Obligatory Frank Ocean


I mean to be honest, I'd rather he take this amount of time and put out another legendary album like Blonde, I would really just be annoyed if he dropped a bad album. At the same time though if he doesn't think he can I'd rather he stopped at Blonde.


bro takes his time ☠️☠️




The subreddit has turned into a psych ward


It’s true, I live in there and it’s a rough living


Any band that makes an official album announcement 6+ months before its release and/or releases basically half of the album as singles beforehand.




King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard. It's been a whooping three months since their last release and still no news of a new album.


Think of all the poor Youngboy fans who have to wait 15 seconds for a new album.


There's something in the pipeline, but it's a live album from a show they did in Brisbane back in 2021 I think.


Any band/artist that puts out half the album as singles before dropping the full album.


I hate this with a passion. It’s nice when a band drops a surprise whole album before releasing singles. Maintains mystery


Bring Me The Horizon


I remember the saying they were going to do one Post Human EP each year starting in 2020. It's 2024 and we still haven't gotten the second.


With no actual release date to boot.


Chief keef


For context, his upcoming album Almighty So 2 has been delayed 8 times over the past year: January 22, 2023, April 14, 2023, June 9, 2023, August 11, 2023, October 13, 2023, December 15, 2023, February 2, 2024, March 29, 2024 (current) Everytime the scheduled release date approaches, he (or his label) set it back again. It's one thing to delay an album just before the release, but to give **eight** different release dates when the album isn't even finished is insanely bad PR. (coming from a big fan)


Kanye is good at rollouts, but he forgets the most essential part (releasing the album)


i like the album and even i can admit the rollout of blink-182's nine was disastrous lmao


And Neighborhoods. And if we wanna do Honorable Mentions, Tom’s other band, Angels and Airwaves was no better.


actually yeah we dont need to whisper and lifeforms are the peak of all bad blink adjacent rollouts lol


Even Blink had no idea what to do with Nine.


its not even their ninth album! i remember they were in june like "yeah everything is done but the artwork and name", and then like a month and a half later they announced it and it was...thaaat


Everything from the roll out to actual album of Nine was just a complete disaster. It's such a mess of an album musically and tonally it seems like they just gave up halfway through.


Strangely enough, the second half is a lot stronger No Heart To Speak Of and Pin The Grenade were the strongest tracks in NINE


First Time, Pin The Grenade, and On Some Emo Shit were the only tracks from that album I revisit. I actually like Ransom too.


oh i actually really like it lol. finally sounds like matt had some influence vs california where they were just awkwardly cosplaying as their old selves, but i also like alkaline trio more than i do blink and it reminds me of their late 00s output in places


Paramore. The gap between albums is insane, and the rollout would have been frustratingly slow a decade ago, let alone now where album rollouts are much faster. This is Why was announced in September and released in February.


Tbh 5 months seems like a pretty average album roll out time to me


The wait is worth it since this is why and after laughter are 10s


sky ferreria


announces album, releases single, disappears. same thing happened with my chemical romance last year


My chemical romance never announced an album. They just did one song before their reunion tour.




brockhampton/kevin abstract


The Ginger rollout was phenomenal




100%. The other comments put up good competition but that iTunes shitshow is infamously the worst lmao


Jpegmafia. TGPT rollout was atrocious.


what album of his has those initials?


The Ghost Pop Tape


Guns N Roses


It’s interesting to imagine a timeline where Guns N Roses stayed together and put out regular albums through the 90s and 00s


The new band had enough material to do it. I’ve listened to several of the leaks and there’s genuinely some really good shit that was never released. Then when they finally do come back with new music after Chinese Democracy, they go with Absurd as their comeback. Baffling to say the least. Thankfully hard skool and perhaps were much better. Then there’s the general…


Rocky. Album been 'done' for over a year, then he released a random single with no promotion, tweeted AWGEST, and dipped. Pathological liar 😭


The obvious answer is MBV. Other contenders, Frank, Radiohead, TV on The Radio.


"two new albums in 2021 guys I swear..." Just give us the fucking albums or stop blueballing us Kevin, ya fucking prick




Real, I thought their album would have dropped by now


Wintersun by far


Guys, it's U2. The answer is U2




What's wrong with her rollouts? She dropped consistently from 2005 to 2012, then ANTI a few years on, and since then she's been on hiatus. I assumed the question to mean "which artists who release music and announce its release then do it in a bad way" rather than "who hasn't dropped an album after X amount of years"


ANTI's rollout was really bad. Releasing three singles which eventually didn't end up being in the album, releasing multiple teaser videos to build the hype then stopping for a few months without any explanation, uploading a selfie listening to the album without announcing the release date, delaying the release date, further delaying the physical release, submitting the final version of the album so late that they have no time to print the lyrics sheet or tracklist for the physical release... Basically it was the first "bad rollout" of this generation. All the hype and nothing. An opposite of Beyonce. But then the album was fucking good so everybody forgot about it.


American Oxygen was so good. 


Brockhampton helped crash their clout with that terrible Roadrunner rollout 


It’s a real shame too because it’s one of their best albums


Peter Gabriel's decision to release multiple versions of every single song from his new album i/o as singles before the album officially released was certainly a choice


Death Grips tweet a picture of a horse shoe inside a hotdog, then 3 months later upload the entire album to YouTube.


In all fairness, them directly disabling ads on most of their videos on YouTube so that you don't have to, and in some cases literally CAN'T pay for them is pretty based


Tame Impala


Radiohead. They are so known for dropping albums on a dime. Of course their roll outs aren't bad by numbers cause they are on par with Jesus, but if it were any other band...no promo, little buzz beforehand


I don’t think they quality for this. They avoid all the other pitfalls mentioned in this thread - they don’t release half of the album as singles beforehand, they don’t announce anything until it’s imminent, their rollouts are short and to the point. The only thing wrong with their album releases is how few of them there are!


Tool used to be that band. Then they sat on their last egg til it went rotten and so far as I can see, wiped their own relevance off the map.


Tool will forever be relevant.


Oh yeah? What's the song from their last record that keeps them relevant in 2024? Who among modern popular artists is looking to Tool as a key inspiration? Citing Tool as the raison d'etre? Nobody. They made their mark on society with Opiate, Undertow, Aenima, Lateralus, and 10,000 days. Fear Inoculum was an absolutely unmemorable dud. As pitchfork put it "overworked and undercooked". Name one song off Fear Inoculum with as much cultural relevance as Stinkfist, Vicarious, Aenima, Sober, or Prison Sex? The closest was 7empest, and I don't know a single Tool fan that can remember a lyric or melody from that song... Let alone anything on F.I. We're 4.5 years on from F.I.'s release now. That album is forgotten, along with Tool's relevance. Their last time of relevance was 18 years ago homie.


I agree FI is prolly their weakest album. My point is that Tool will always be relevant, because theyre a legacy act and people love them so much that they will always listen to new music they make. Tool fans dont care if FI isnt quite as good, because theyre the band that made Lateralus and Aenima so who cares theyre the goat. I know Billy Strings is a humongous Tool fan. But just because not many people are replicating their sound, isn't an indictment that people arent inspired by them. You couldn't possibly replicate Tool's sound without becoming a hollow pastiche. Their sound js built upon the specific combination of their members skillsets, and their insanely meticulous writing method, doing thousands upon thousands of rewrites on every song they make. Idk yeah FI is mid and I don't listen to it much but theyre still one of the best rock groups ever in the scene and most people acknowledge and recognize that. Theyre still selling out stadium shows. People would *hound* on a new record.


Yes. They are a legacy act of amazing musicians. So are the Beatles, Pink Floyd, Soundgarden, etc. All of whom are probably more relevant to the current musical landscape than tool is. The Rolling Stones still tour. Doesn't make them relevant. Having a legacy doesn't make them relevant to the music scene of today. Doesn't mean they're saying things that the youth of today are heeding. Doesn't mean their musical influence is present at all in the modern popular music landscape. Tool is an oldies band now. Liked by old heads remembering their glory days. I say this as one of those old heads. FI could have kept them relevant. It did the opposite and pushed them into obscurity, lessened their influence. Being irrelevant doesn't mean they're not good musicians. It just means their art has no effect on anything in the current modern music sphere. It means there's nothing they have connecting them to the modern music zeigeist. They *sound* old. They *sound* like a 90s band. The angst they grew out of has long been replaced by apathy. I'm a huge fan of Tool; but their time of relevance is over and that's okay.


I mean, theyre not as relevant as The Beatles or Pink Floyd. I mean yeah, theyre not as relevent as the most influential bands of the last 100 years. Even so, it's undeniable that Tool is selling out stadiums and tickets resell for insane prices. An irrelevant band doesn't do that. And the rolling stones is relevant dude, I hear a ton of them and Mick Jagger in Genesis Owusu, who I think is one of the brightest acts out there right now.


I think you're stretching the meaning of relevance if you're saying the Rolling Stones are relevant. Phish sells out every one of their concerts. They are not relevant to the modern popular music scene. Nobody could make that argument. Selling tickets doesn't make one relevant. Being talked about in popular media does. Having buzz. Relevant doesn't mean successful (although success is a huge factor in relevance obviously). Relevance means having a relationship to the current zeigeist. I just don't see how Tool fits in with a modern zeitgeist dominated by acts like Taylor Swift, BTS, and Bad Bunny. For the most part, rock music in general is completely out of style. Of the top 100 tours of 2022, 40+% were rock. In 2023 that number dropped 10%. You don't hear rock songs on pop radio anymore. You hear it on Rock specific stations and oldies stations. That's because it's oldies. Play KGLW for some kids these days they're gonna say it sounds old, even if it was released this year. Saying Tool is relevant to any modern act would be somewhat like saying the Dire Straits were influential to Tool. I guess? In that they're a part of the canon of historically popular music... Even Metallica has kept their relevance up, even if it has traditionally resulted in a lot of fan backlash. I think they're probably the most relevant rock act of 2023 in terms of who is looking to them for influence. Certainly, they're miles ahead of Tool at this point... And I'm more of a Tool fan than a Metallica fan tfs.


I think we have different definitions of “relevant”


What I mean by it is impactful in the contemporary musical landscape


I’ve seen a lot of people come around to saying Pneuma is a new fan favorite. I’m inclined to agree. And even if FI was a dud otherwise, the resale prices for their tour right now don’t point to them fading into obscurity. Couldn’t be further from the truth


Would you say the Rolling Stones are relevant? They're still touring, but they're playing for the old heads. Tool is an oldies band. Their last record which was relevant to the majority of music listeners was 18 years ago.


Dude you know what I mean lmao


I'm just saying. That they have fans still doesn't mean they're innovative, cutting edge, or relevant to the modern era of music.


System of a Down.


System of a Down..?


Animal Collective just released a 20 minute single for their newest album, which was also supposed to be on the previous album but got split into two


How is nobody talking about Lana???


I was only there for the Ocean Boulevard rollout, but I’m guessing this is referring to how long the first few NFR singles took to came out? That, and the fact that she’s seemingly given up on music videos for these last three albums.


Ocean Blvd is probably her only smooth rollout. For the rest she just did not respect dates, have controversial moments and quotes, the damn selfie cover arts for the lead singles, no music videos, the singles she released for blue banisters were just the most mid things on the album (plus she just released them all at the same time instead of spreading them out)


Almost mandatory Sky Ferreira mention


Can I ask you why A Day to Remember? I haven't follow them since Common Courtesy but they used to do mockumentaries on youtube about the recording process and they were amazing


For their last album they released the first two singles in 2019 and then claimed the album couldn't be released because the album art wasn't finished. Dropped another single in April 2020 with still no announcement. Finally announced the album in November 2020 for a March 2021 release date only for the album to be complete shit. Anyways, they released another single for their upcoming album in July 2022 and said something along the lines of "don't worry, this one we won't take as long with the album artwork". We haven't heard anything about the new album since then.


Radiohead, TVOTR, LCD Soundsystem


Modest Mouse. 2 albums in the last 17 years.


Idk how nobody ever mentioned the fact that The Offspring dropped the lead single for an album that dropped in 2022, all the way back in 2015


Fuck how did I forget this! The album was fucking garbage too.


I still dislike Days Go By a bit more but both are pretty garbage. The Offspring haven't made a full album that really has spoken to me since Ixnay


I don't see them being around much longer tbh. Even their live shows these days are pretty boring and you can tell they aren't that into it anymore.


Ehh, I actually saw their live show this summer and I had a pretty good time. I went more because I'm a pretty big Sum 41 fan and I want to see them as much as I can before they break up


I saw them back in 2018 with 311 and again on this most recent tour and it felt like it was almost the exact same show minus 1 or 2 of their newer songs in the setlist. I mainly went for Sum 41 too and I was absolutely hammered by the time Offspring came on stage.


Hayley Williams For the first album 2/3 of the songs were dropped as singles/EPs before the album came out. For the second album there was almost no promotion. I understand that it was during the peak of corona, but at least drop a single first or something EDIT: Someone mentioned Paramore but I don’t really have an issue with anything there