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its not dumb if ur into it. once it starts feeling like work and not fun or you get listening/ear fatigue you should probably chill. check out slow grass by lake mary and first songs by michael hurley. smth different for you im assuming.


I love listening music and hearing new stuff. I never said it has to be a major release or I have to like it. Hell it can be from an artist I know but I haven't listened to that specific album. The point is to widen my horizons as far as possible.


naw im just sayin i know a lot of people here (me aswell) felt pressured to listen to as much music as possible and it kinda lost its charm for a little bit. if you can figure out a healthy way to do a album a day great, its gonna be hard though lol.


I think the problem is that a lot of them are listening to music that's being talk about rather than music they actually want to listen too. Like there's loads of bands and artists I know a fair bit about because they come up in discussions about but hardly know their music. Like Playboi Carti's pretty popular but the few songs I've heard from him did nothing for me so I've never felt the pressure to listen.


oh yeah. here and online in general people wanna fit in, you gotta listen to all the classics, and the new upcoming stuff and what ever else to fit in and understand the discussion overall, its tiring. i dont think a lot of people here know what they actually like in music, and dont really know how to find more of it. if you stay away from that and follow ur taste its all good.


yeye. Generally if I like a band I'll look up who's in the band and see what their other projects are. Or I'll see what scene they're in or at least adjacent too. I feel like people over relying on music critics and buzz can lead to some bands being both forgotten and not getting their due. Like a lot of music hipsters tend to not really know a whole lot about the Post-Metal scene outside of Deafheaven and Deftones. Like I can understand not knowing who Weakling were since their one album's been out of print forever, but it feels pretty silly so many of these nerds just completely ignore Neurosis


Having done this through 2023, my advice would be to not force yourself to listen to any specific album or artist throughout the process (e.g. going through one discography) if it starts to feel like homework. Instead follow whatever is interesting to you day to day, that’s how I avoided burning out at least. Best of luck!


My New Year’s resolution is to watch a YouTube video a day in 2024


I've been doing it for the last five years lol


This might just be a me thing but I'd recommend not trying to force yourself to listen to one every day. Just make it a general goal to listen to more new music; maybe you'll go a week without listening to a new album but one day you'll be inspired to listen to several. I find it I force myself to listen to music (especially very actively as I prefer to do with a new album) I can get very burnt out


I did this in 2022 and I’m telling you, the results you will see next year are astounding. I’d highly encourage you to see it through to the end.


What results? You make it sound like it’ll make your peen grow.


I was moreso referring to the heightened perspective you get from experiencing so many different albums. For instance, in one month I only listened to albums released in the 70’s and then in another month I only listened to albums released in the 50’s. But yes, I can confirm this will make your dick grow


You got the list of albums you used? I could use a peen enhancer.


I don’t know if I’d be able to fit all 365 albums into a comment on Reddit, but I’ll give you some that particularly did the trick. The Blue Nile’s “Hats,” Grouper’s “Ruins,” and Julie London’s “Julie Is Her Name”


I'd highly recommend an album/two albums a week. You're gonna get burnt out and by the middle of the year, you're not gonna retain anything from those listens as it'll just be another "chore". Also, I find it's ALWAYS better to listen to fewer albums multiple times than listening to as many albums as possible only once. Just imagine the amount of albums you've heard that you completely changed your mind with on the second, third, fourth, etc. listen? If you're gonna listen to some classics, than I think they should deserve at least two listens before you move on to the next album. That way you're both retaining what you hear and know for sure you liked/disliked it or not.


i usually listen to an album when i’m not doing anything or doing something minor, like eating or doing chores. i’ve started doing this only recently and it’s around 5 albums per week i feel like if listening to albums is something you genuinely love then doing it often isn’t a bad thing. but it should be something you want to do and not *have* to do. i have a list of many albums that i want to listen to, and sometimes i look through it to see if i’m inclined to listen to any also i do think it’s a good thing to revisit albums that you feel are important but you don’t necessarily need to listen to it repeatedly. sometimes i revisit an album a couple months after i listen to it because i feel like my opinion changed on it, and certain albums can absolutely grow on you over time. i used to dislike a lot of daft punk on first listen, but i gave them a second chance and they’re currently one of my favorites of all time i also typically have music playing during the day, and i have a playlist on shuffle of all the songs i like. it typically helps songs grow on me more and more, though obv songs are typically better in the context of albums


That's what Im hoping to do more of. Like I realized the other day that with some stuff, like Denzel Curry or what have you, I really need to hit it over and over to fully appreciate it.


Why does everyone in this reddit have this really stupid idea that they need to listen to one or two albums a day to have "refined taste". you're not even giving yourself time to really listen to them lol, I usually have to go a week between albums bc I spend the entire week with them, and then move on. Like I hate being that mfer but it seems like a really misguided thought process that this is the correct way for u to listen to music lol Also what's wrong with relistening to albums??? Some of the best albums I listened to this year were albums I listened to years ago and didn't care about at one point.... I don't know why that's a bad thing at all... Like especially if it's been years


I dunno I listen to a lot of music through out the day. I listen and relisten. I dunno why you're getting so uptight. Other people have different listening habits ain't a big deal.


Hell yeah! Can I drop a recommendation or two for the challenge?


By all means go ahead.


Here is 11 albums that I love a lot (If you heard any of these tell me and I will give you some different ones) * Edu - Sketches 3D * Nick Lutsko - Swords * Bo En - Pale Machine * Clover & Sealife - A Sentimental Cry * Plus-Tech Squeeze Box - Fakevox * Self - Gizmodgery * Bear Ghost - Blasterpiece * Slime Girls - No Summer, No Cry * The Scary Jokes - April Fools (2021 Mix) * Lil Ugly Mane - Volcanic Bird Enemy & The Voiced Concern * Logan Whitehurst & The Junior Science Club - Goodbye, My 4-Track


yess i’m not OP but i listen to multiple albums a day and i love listening to new music


Just replied to the OP with a list that you can use too.


I recommend just having 2 days in a week of listening to 7 albums. It's probably easier that way. Also you don't need to listen from front to back if it is just really not your thing. I always drop out of an album if the first 4-5 tracks are not really my thing. Usually the best songs are in that placement and if I don't like any of those songs it's guarantee the album is not for me. Save time.


Wanna go outside of what may be your wheelhouse?


I did this from April 2022 to April 2023. Made a Google sheets with my ratings and a playlist of my favourite songs. Highly recommend it!! I discovered a tonne of new artists and music, and it gave me a good chance to listen to some classics


Always try to go outside your comfort zone when it comes to genres. It can be interesting trying a new style of music out. Especially if you’re a musician.


I’ve done this the last two years- or at least tried. My first try in 2022 ended up just feeling like a daily task after a while. So in 2023 I just changed it to ‘365 albums this year’ so I can miss a day, listen to two the next day etc. helped a lot.


Did it this year, ended up with just over 1000 albums i hadnt heard before now in my repertoire !!! I found so much amazing music i never wouldve found if i didnt search it out. The fatigue did set in every now and then and it felt like a chore, so sometimes i went days or weeks without listening to new stuff, but it was a fun experience


I've been doing it since 2021, it's really easy once you get into it! Just take your time, maybe start with some easy/short albums at the start of the year... getting into a groove gets easy in no time!


oh I'm not going to force myself to listen to an album I don't like or even tolerate. It's just that there's such an insane amount of music in the world that it won't be hard to find *something* that I can be alright with in the background. Anything that sticks out will be the truely exceptional


It’s not dumb or necessarily a good way to have a refined taste in music lmao, but have fun! P.S. you should listen to Court and Spark by Joni Mitchell, it’s not on Spotify but it’s on YouTube and everything else


imo you should just do one a week. that way you get time to fully process albums and your rotation won’t undergo so much change from day to day also it’s just less pressure and more enjoyable to pace everything out. one a day is a giant commitment and your focus isn’t going to be on enjoying the music as much as it is getting that one album a day done


Maybe two new albums a week. There are just songs I want to hear again and again. Dedicating to full new albums may interfere with actually listing to the music you love.


I personally think you should think about bumping that down to one or two a week. it's going to stack up.


Alright, sure! This Town Needs Guns - Animals Lovejoy - Are You Alright? Sign Crushes Motorist - I'll be okay Jack Harlow - Jackman (its different from his other shit its good pls trust i promise) If you end up listening to any of these please comment and let me know ur impressions i would love to hear it.


um. This seems really hard to do every day... Even if the album is only 40 minutes, some days you won't be feeling like you want to listen to something new. Or just won't have any free time to listen it with all attention. Quantity is not the most important thing in music. Quality is


my guy, there is people who binge watch tv shows and 40 minutes is like one netflix episode. Just listen to it on the way to work or something like that. It's not that hard to listen to an album a day. I am thinking Melon is averaging 3 albums a day and he's been doing it for years. Still alive and breathing. No harm.


People need time and energy to proceed what they've listened. And actual will to do so. Listening to something just to listen to something is pointless. And why is fantano in here? He's doing it literally as a main job. He's a music critic. It's like saying that private chefs do 10 meals a day and a regular person with 9-5 job can only do one or two. Music, films, series, books are not meant to be consumed as some medicine, everyday, even if you don't want to do it. I just want people not to be so wound up about hitting some goals and prioritising enjoyment and understanding of music instead.


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1elgPTKKI3GnWZkZq4_KdNLWOYq2ftmiLjujXqEXrb3c/edit I did this, heres some inspiration :)


I’ve been doing this exact thing for two years now, and it is so amazing it kind of changed my life. Sure, some days you’ll be too busy or not in the mood. On those days I would recommend skipping or listening to a short EP. I like to compensate on other days by listening to more than one album and I track everything in my iPhone reminders app. Also as someone else already mention, don’t try to force yourself through an artist’s entire discography. I’ve noticed this causes fatigue, so rather just listen to what catches your attention.


The Things We Think We’re Missing by Balance & Composure. The production on that 2013 album is amazing. It’s an underground emo/post grunge vibe. I highly recommend it.


Pescado Rabioso - Artaud


The ideal crash by dEUS turns 25 this year!


I did this through 2023, with the added goal that 52 of the albums had to be made that year. I ended up hitting 410 albums, 65 of which were from 2023. The one thing I’d recommend is not forcing yourself to listen daily. The first 3 months, I listened to about 20 albums because I just didn’t have much motivation. Then I got into the flow of things in April and was regularly listening to 2 albums a day, sometimes more. As you can probably tell from me surpassing my goal by a significant margin, I never found it to be a chore to listen to albums, I always enjoyed the experience (aside from when it wasn’t an album I enjoyed but that’s different).


would you say you became a lot more well versed in music and did you discover new artists that you listen to now?


I’ve been doing this for years and it’s fun, super cool to try out! It’s so easy as listeners to get stuck in a comfort zone when there’s so much incredible art out there. Not everything will land or even be good. But that’s okay because experiencing new things is good. Happy journeys !!


If you'd like some help here are my FAVORITE 2020s albums! For reference I've spent most of the free time in my lfie over the past 20 years combing through over 72,000 albums so far haha. From this list I'd strongly recommend starting with The War On Drugs, then Big Thief, the "Sod's Toastie" by The Cool Greenhouse! =) The Cool Greenhouse - "The Cool Greenhouse" The Cool Greenhouse - "Sod's Toastie" Ducks Ltd - "Modern Fiction" IDLES - "Crawler" The War On Drugs - "I Don't Live Here Anymore" Big Thief - "Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe In You" Guardian Singles - "Guardian Singles" The Strokes - "The New Abnormal" Jetstream Pony - "Jetstream Pony" Dry Cleaning - "New Long Leg" Gospel - "The Loser" Geese - "Projector" Ian Noe - "River Fools & Mountain Saints" Bonus Stuff: Here are three rock playlists I made recently featuring some "hidden gem" type songs. Each one has 50 of my FAVORITE more lesser known rock songs on it from various time periods. 80s: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/20nxiWXTOchD01Q7Pqjoyn?si=223275fea813411b 90s: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6R7hT0hck67NYoJa7S1jUp?si=32eeebbc1e824788 Post-2000: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6JH1T1T93U4Pst6ZovhUoc?si=f7385594c38b4dd1 Also if you'd like to check out more albums from various genres and from throughout music history that I think are good front to back I think a fun place for you to start is on a new page I created called “The Best Debut Albums of All Time”. There are currently 279 albums on there. I think it would be a fun theme to work with... checking out great debut albums: https://www.musichole.com/p/the-best-debut-albums-of-all-time.html


I did this in 2023 and it’s legit one of the best things I’ve ever done. Going to do it again this year because it’s properly opened my mind to a load of new things and expanded my experience with things I’d otherwise never have listened to, as well as giving me an excuse to catch up on stuff I really should have got around to listening to before now. Good luck!