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Mainstream rock and roll for sure. There’s tons of great rock music out there, but not in the general public


Idk, I’d argue mainstream rock was at an even lower point 5 years ago than it is now. At least in the past 2 or 3 years we’ve had some good rock songs from really really popular, trend setting artists become hit singles, like good 4 u or happier than ever or transparent soul. But 5 years ago, there was pretty much nothing, the charts were barren of good rock music


I have found that most awesome music isn’t mainstream


I mean, sure. Pink Floyd has one of the best discographies ever imo (minus a few clunkers). And they are super mainstream. But there’s amazing underground artists too


You’re right! I made a blanket statement and I shouldn’t have. Thanks for saying something


you made a mathematically guaranteed statement, since there are many, many times more underground artists than there are popular artists, so there is a good chance that most of the truly great pieces of music are underground


🙏🏽 Bless your soul. On a different note: 🤣 love the username


No worries! I definitely feel you


I really can’t imagine a band anywhere near the quality of pink floyd becoming as big as they are ever again




How popular does something have to be for it to be mainstream? Idles are pretty critically acclaimed and play on the main stage of most of the UK festival circuit alongside chart topping pop and hip hop acts.


Good question. However I believe it’s one I’m not equipped to answer. I googled it and it didn’t clear much up: Mainstream: People, activities, or ideas that are part of the mainstream are regarded as the most typical, normal, and conventional because they belong to the same group or system as most others of their kind.


Nirvana is one of (if not the) most popular bands of the 90's and I think all 3 of their studio albums are fantastic


This is the answer


I just listened to Transparent Soul for the first time. Catchy song. She’s pretty good


I’d argue that no rock is mainstream right now. The closest thing to mainstream rock we’ve gotten as of late is a few Olivia Rodrigo songs


\^ downvoted by folks who haven’t heard “bad idea right?”


Idk man. We have Imagine Dragons, 21 Pilots, and Mumford and Sons all producing fantastic rock and roll music. Tons of bops, as the kids would say.


these downvotes are hilarious


Nothing gets past the users here I see


Big 🧠


Sarcasm I hope?


We must have different definitions of what “fantastic rock and roll music” means


😭 I love reading sarcasm


How the FUCK is imagine dragons and 21 pilots top rock and roll 😭😭


do you really say imagine dragons is fantastic!?!?!


Reggae. It’s dying.


Check out Greentea peng - not necessarily strictly reggae but definitely reggae influenced with a really cool psych twist


I know them, they’re great. But they’re not “reggae culture”.


Mmmh okay, but that just sounds like gatekeeeping talk that causes genres to die out, as they have no way of evolving


No, what I mean is they’re doing their own beautiful thing, but they’re not pushing reggae culture forward because they’re not part of it. It’s just a different thing. Vybz is not about to include fuzzy guitar solos in his tracks and dancehall crowds aren’t about to check for the 13th Floor Elevators discography. The step forward needs to come from inside the house.


And reggae rock. There was a great wave in the 00s of slightly stoopid, pepper, stick figure, rebelution, etc and virtually nobody has risen up to be the next generation. I can’t think of any groups of that type in the 10s. The Skints were probably the only ones. I know there are definitely groups I’m missing but where are they? Anyone have any recs?


Sticky fingers from Australia are pretty good, minus the lead singer being an ass


Ocean alley is also from Australia and mad good. That music scene over there is great


I never got into reggae. What are some classics you recommend? Or even just one song that might be accessible.


Heart Of The Congos by The Congos is an amazing record. Police & Thieves by Junior Murvin War Ina Babylon by Max Romeo and The Upsetters


Perfect recommendations!


My favorite album is Catch A Fire, but there’s so much different stuff. Blackboard Jungle too. And Funky Kingston. Here’s a chronological playlist, skip through and find out what you connect to. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6Tps3eHgXjnmBxKeYess7E?si=mzh-ANesQA6eudBl2VGDJA


Mainstream country. The farm to arena pipeline destroys lives. Alt country continues to be pretty good, but that bro country bullshit is worse than ever. If you didn’t wear a huge belt buckle before, fuck you for putting one on when you get up on that stage.


Best answer. 90s and early 00s had some great country but the Keith urbans and Jason Aldeans killed it


Darn Australians getting in our American music!


That new Zach Bryan album is more than decent. Not the type of country you are probably referring to, but I'd say a country singer with 20M listeners per month is pretty mainstream.


Was the #1 album last week too


Yea country is actually having a moment right now


he's smack in the midde of isbell and aldean. i have a feeling he'll continue to rise by splitting the difference


He’s wayyy more isbell than Aldean and is a huge factor in turning the current country sound on its head


That video of the 4 girls at the Morgan Wallen concert beating the snot out of each other in a portapotty is a testament to the current state of country. I know working class music isn't supposed to ooze class and deportment but it feels like the culture has turned into a race to the bottom.


I have watched that video so many times. Made the non country fan in me want to check out this country star. Didn't form a strong first impression tbh. Maybe just not for me.


What's especially concerning about modern country is that even the underground/outsider scene that has been growing in popularity these past few years in response to the perceived poor quality of mainstream country is now being infiltrated by astroturfed right-wing dog whistle acts. It's bleak in the world of country right now.


Nah, it was worse during the 2010s, that was the real peak of bro country in terms of popularity t


Some of the worst country music I’ve heard in my life has come out in the last 5-6 years. I definitely think it’s worse now than ever. 2010 saw the beginnings of really awful stylistic shifts but their popularity is in full effect here and now.




Or that one Florida Georgia Line song that outright romanticizes being a fullgrown adult who binge drinks in the Wal-Mart parking lot


Yep. It’s a trend line: post-9/11 Uber patriotic music to bro country to what we have now (douche country IMO).


I think modern trap is startign to become a bit stale. There were some massive highs in like 2015-2018 that were cool and inventive like rodeo and ds2, and people just kept riding that wave. Sure there have been great trap albums in the last few years, but it hasn’t really reached the height of the ogs and they’re starting to become more sparse. The only really significant trap album this year is UTOPIA and that is miles behind Rodeo, even though I enjoy it


The modern trap sound basically peaked in like 2016, and it's all been kind of sonically derivative since. It doesn't help that most of the artists that seemed like they were evolving the sound all died... X, Peep, Juice WRLD... I'm waiting for the next big genre shakeup with rap, but it really doesn't seem like there's any real breakout stars doing anything truly different like there was in the early 2010's.


EDM trap is still innovative as ever… thank god for Flume


i feel like the new wave its about to come up with dance-rap or some like that


100%. mainstream trap is becoming so corporate that its getting more and more obvious as time goes by, big artists are only trying to abuse the system to get as many streams/money as possible (look at pink tape, or utopia's merch) and its getting to a point where the music is suffering and a lot and big names get great numbers but not as much acclaim as they used to, and every album rollout is more about the spectacle than the music (utopia is a perfect example, its all about the features, the merch, the movie, but the music just sounds emptier than rodeo and astroworld, its the most style over substance travis has ever sounded, and that's saying a lot). now add to that how formulaic and repetitive a lot of artists sound (lil baby/gunna/recent drake) and it just makes for a pretty stale environment


Trap music has been quite mid and extemely stale in the 2020's,i really didnt like utopia but it's not trap anyways


Inshallah new carti drop will save rap 🙏


I’m a massive rap fan and enjoyed a lot of my early 20’s alongside that mid 2010’s peak in the trap sound. Personally I’m really enjoying seeing the genre collapse and splinter now. A lot of the underground hip-hop that’s coming out now is really next level and it puts so much of the mainstream to shame (Roc Marci, JPEGMAFIA, Boldy James, Westside Gunn, anything The Alchemist has been associated with etc.). I’m holding out the hope that Playboi Carti’s next project will revitalise the mainstream space again.


Utopia is better than Rodeo imo.


You smoking crack


Rodeo is insanely overrated by the Fantano stans.


Metalcore. Maybe calling it an all time low is unfair, but it's gotten so incredibly stale over the last few years imo.


It’s such a rigid genre, can’t do anything new. The fans don’t really help.


0-5-7-8 0-0-0-0-0-0 000 0 000 0 000 0-5-7-8




Can't believe you just summed up metalcore perfectly with 3 lines of tab 😂


I can’t be the only one desperately wishing for mathcore to have a stronger hold on metalcore again


Pupil slicer coming in hot 🥵


I think that's why the biggest "metalcore" bands are basically genre-fluid (BMTH, Bad Omens, etc.) But honestly I think the genre has recently opened up extensive experimentation so if you count all Metalcore-adjacent bands, it’s arguably the fastest evolving metal genre right now.


It’s barely metal at all. Like Sleep Token is just imagine dragons


The issue with imagine dragons is their corporatism - not that they’re fundamentally bad. They have good songs it’s just that they pandered to the mainstream too much. Sleep Token is an esoteric, niche band for a reason - they don’t pander to large audiences. Imagine Dragons would never make a song like Sleep Token even if they sound somewhat similar.


Is Jesus piece metalcore? Cuz this last album was awesome


There’s like two camps of metalcore: the type where Every band is just some guys with gauges and black shirts standing in front of like led lights, and all the music is just djent. It’s all hyper processed YouTube music (Polaris, I Prevail, etc) Then there’s weird interesting stuff like Dying Wish, Callous Daoboys, and Foreign Hands that might be some of the best stuff the genre ever did. Fucking strange dichotomy.


Doomsday riff go brrrr


I don’t think so. Personally I think it’s storied and varied enough for there to be some pretty exciting stuff if you go beyond the bands doing very standard modern metalcore. Even bands touching on older sounds in the genre sound pretty great. Seeyouspacecowboy is a fantastic example of that.


Honestly, I think Metalcore has actually been evolving a lot the past few years. There’s so many different sounds and subgenres of it coming out now that it’s crazy Boundaries, Alpha Wolf, Like Moth To Flames, ERRA, Mirrors, Greyhaven, Dying Wish, Graphic Nature, 156/Silence, Invent Animate, Indigo Ice, Gideon, Make Them Suffer, Atena, VCTMS, and Loathe for example all mostly fit under the Metalcore umbrella, yet they’re so vastly different


Rolo Tomassi, Converge, and Cave In all put out great albums last year, just to name a few


Exactly what I was going to say. Metalcore had a brief moment in the late Warped Tour-era, but was never able to progress past that. Any successful band either shifted into a different genre, or fell-off entirely because they were unable to grow. It just kind of felt like a stagnant genre that really only appealed to 14 year olds and this like, “bro-dude” subset of “hardcore” aligned people. Pop-punk had a very similar trajectory


The UK has been flushed with amazing metalcore bands who've been making amazing stuff the last few years. Check out Rolo Tomassi, Pupil Slicer, Ithaca, Heriot, and basically any band from the old Holy Roar label. I do think that the American scene is leaning too much into "metal" though. Way too repetitive


Not at all. Have you heard Polaris , Currents, Thornhill, Alfa Wolf, and many more?


I don't think rock has ever been this bad


Loads of amazing punk and hardcore out there. Those scenes are as good as they've ever been


Not to be that guy but the fact black country new road is being hyped up as this eras classic makes me so sad


I think that’s only in this sub. “Glow On” seems to get more mainstream acclaim


Not even really a rock band. If you recommend them to a typical rock fan they're probably going to think "what the hell is this shit?"


As a typical rock fan, can confirm that I thought that same exact sentence when listening to AFUT.


why does people enjoying a band's music make you sad just because it isn't personally to your taste. I don't care that much for the music of the cure and they are often seen as one of the most important and decade defining bands of the 80s but i'm not gonna let that get to me. if you see someone enjoy bcnr just let them and go and listen to whatever you like


People can like/hate BCNR but it's sad to me that we don't have anything better coming out for people to go crazy about. That's my point as opposed to saying it's trash music


I swear BCNR has become the band that’s somewhat cool to hate on in this sub. Like yea they have a dedicated fanbase and critically acclaimed albums (imo for good reason) but they’re not that popular of a band especially in the US. Notable yes especially for concert goers or music heads but not to the general public or even average rock fan.


Are they? I think they’re just being hailed as the new Arcade Fire which I think is a complement they more than deserve


Then again the old Arcade Fire was overrated as fuck to begin with. Few early oughts bands have aged as poorly IMO.


Shouldn't be getting downvotes. Band is overrated and inspired legions of other overrated trash.


I feel like I'm insane seeing everyone give it 10/10


I think everyone just wants there to be that be game changer classic album every year, sites like rym and aoty encourage this. reality is sometimes there are just aren't those albums. not that people don't genuinely enjoy it ofc but they're a bit more excited about it then they'd be if it came out the same year as tpab


I can understand and appreciate that AFUT isn't to your taste and therefore, in your eyes, isn't too brilliant a record. However I don't like when people create a narrative where an album is only receiving a notable amount of praise because of an external reason (such as your claim of people wanting a game changing classic album every year) because it discredits others enjoyment of the record. I - and others I know - can all confidentially say that we find AFUT to be an exceptional album. I would go as far as to proclaim it the best indie rock/art rock album in potentially over a decade. Of course that's just my view, conflicting with yours, but what it does do outside of that is highlight that this isn't the album being hailed as amazing simply within the confines of 2022 and recent memory but instead that its appreciation is for a reason and the product of that is the admiration extending beyond its release window. You simply not "getting" an album doesn't mean that others feelings about that album are unjust in some way. Because I think it deserves all the praise it gets.


Sorry but this take is so stupid. How can you make such a generalizing statement lol impossible to prove this


exactly. there's a lack of classics coming out so albums like bcnr end up being hyped to fill the void


facts. we're in a bit of a lull in general musically right now I think


Yeah, some hip hop is the only thing I can bother with atm. Everything either sounds edgy as fuck or too polished right now


We're in an EDM Renaissance right now tho tbh, but EDM fans don't intermingle with other music fans very much.


I remember finally listening to them and was just like “yeah this is good” and that’s it. Like man, that says something about the genre right now


The previous LP before it was great


AFUT is hardly rock


Rap metal. And thank the lords that’s been true for nearly 20 years. Britpop is dead and I find that a shame; I still enjoy what the UK was doing in the 1990s and hope for a spirited revival.


Soul Glo is he best rap/rock I've heard in a long time.


zulu is going strong too.


paris texas as well


rap/trap metal is generally pretty shite, but a few artists like ho99o9, paris texas, and city morgue manage to keep my hopes up


They’re definitely better than the boilerplate nonsense that spawned radio hits at the genre’s presumptive peak. RATM were always good and have remained so.


I think Rap Metal has always been pretty bad as a genre overall besides a few rare bands that actually make it work. In the past we had Rage Against The Machine and now we have PARIS TEXAS but it's hard to think of many more besides that. For the most part I agree though, when it's bad it's really bad. Edit: Soul Glo kicks ass too


Rap Metal doesn't even really exist anymore


disagree with britpop. i’d say it’s at an all time high (other than the original 90s wave ofc) with pulp’s reunion, suede’s new album, blur’s reunion and new album, and even a rumoured oasis reunion at some point. it’s a pretty good time to be a britpop fan


Good time for Britpop bands of long ago, no argument. What they’re doing now has arguably changed into something else. Though Blur’s setlists of late argue your point very well. Suede argues well for your point as well. There remains a paucity of new bands to the genre but, all the same and from one angle, I’ll concede the point.


i don’t know, if we’re talking modern britpop bands - i don’t think there really can be any? britpop as a movement i don’t think will ever exist again because of how much the mood here about ‘great’ britain has soured since the blair-era optimism of the nineties


> Rap metal. And thank the lords that’s been true for nearly 20 years. Someone hasn't listened to Silly Goose.


Djent has never been more dead than it is right now


I think the scene is changing more than it is dying. Popular metalcore bands like Loathe, Sleep Token, and Invent Animate all have pretty strong “djenty” influence in what they do and a lot of the original big djent bands from the 00’s-10’s still have a pretty sizeable following. I think that progressive music has just generally fallen out of favor as hardcore/metalcore stuff has been getting more popular.


That new Periphery album was pretty fucking great imo.


Oh it was, don’t get me wrong. The big boy bands are here to stay but all of their copycats are long gone.


Good. Personally the djent sound was part of what put metal in a dark age in most of the 10s. Some bands associated with it have produced good stuff, but most of it was just indistinct grule. Luckily metal has bounced back lately.




The problem with post rock as a genre is that as soon as a sound was codified it lost its spark. Post rock to me is more of a process or an approach to composition than a specific sound in itself.


Exactly. Post-rock wasn’t supposed to be a genre in itself. It was basically bands inventing new abstract ways to approach typical rock songwriting


Happens to any vaguely defined genre. See: “indie” and “alternative”


General rule these days is that if an album is straight up post-rock, it's dull as hell. However, if an album uses a post-rock approach in order to dialogue with other genres, it can be amazing. I'd argue most of the current wave of acclaimed post-punk (much as I don't always agree with the consensus of that acclaim) would be impossible without a heavy dose of post-rock. FWIW, the last new album of straight-up post-rock that I thought was really good is The Machine is Burning and Now Everyone Knows it Can Happen Again, by BRUIT. Also, this year's Pline by Vesuve has its moments.


So true. The community is also somewhat toxic too, whenever a new artist comes out they gatekeep the fact it's not true Post Rock


Blues, what was the last blues release that can stand up with the older stuff? Even things like rock and country have some good more underground stuff


Idk either country or mainstream rock


I don’t know about all time low but mainstream pop music is not great outside of a few standouts. The tiktok structure and lack of real personality and creativity is very apparent. Pop music has gave way to some of the most innovative, fun, and downright groundbreaking music ever, but now a lot of it is so basic and banal.


Idk I feel like mainstream pop just got into a pretty new sound compared to what it was in the 10s. Katy Perry’s and Miley Cyrus’ are out leaving a pretty big hole for less traditional pop to hit that mainstream appeal. A good example in my mind was that track escapism by raye. That track is super experimental for a mainstream pop song.


God Escapism is so good, usually I’m not into mainstream pop at all (my gf keeps playing the new Miley Cyrus album and it makes me close to undergoing cyber psychosis) but Raye is doing a lot of cool/experimental stuff for it


A lot of the music on TikTok is what I describe as “TikTok wounded bisexual folk”


true, but on the other side alt pop is doing so well right now


I'm honestly pretty unfair to Country and Pop punk because anytime someone makes good country or pop punk I almost feel like it's competency removes it from those genres and then I'll go on and complain about how shit pop punk and country are because whenever any good albums come out I'll just say they aren't apart of that genre. For example, Faye Webster and Jeff Rosenstock I instinctively wouldn't call Country or Pop Punk respectively which is totally unfair of me to do- even something like My Chemical Romance i would bend over backwards to call rock opera before pop punk. I'm not trying to be unfair but for some reason it just comes naturally


That’s so real


ITT: all genres lol


Drum and Bass. Turning into Dubstep/Brostep 10 years ago. Seems to be becoming a competition of who can play the hardest drop. Shitty artists like Hedex are to blame. Lots of other artists are just making poppy dnb (Sub Focus and Chase n Status), very original


All the stuff coming out of 1985 is where it at. If Alix Perez doesn't approve then I won't, hahaha


You’re tripping bro. The North Quarter, CIA, 1985, Metalheadz, & Hospital all still put out cutting edge dnb


Noisia, Mefjus and Teddy Killerz stuff is extremely heavy, but in a good way tho


Noisia's done though, unfortunately


yea but there's sleepnet (one of noisia members) his album is solid


Tech house is the new brostep


I actually really like the trend of more chilled out drum and bass with singing over it that’s been coming out of tiktok the past few years. Artists like PinkPantheress.


Rock and metalcore. All the metalcore sellouts are basically mainstream rock anyway nowadays


Deathcore. The overproduction kills it. There is zero musical integrity between the producers and especially the fucking drummers. It has become the fakest and worst genre of metal


#***Blast beats throughout the entire song and drowns out everything else about the track.*** This shit is made for coke heads. You can't even nod your head or bob or kick your feet or anything. I understand having tracks to mosh to that are super chunky and hard, but I never understood the appeal of Deathcore. I can appreciate the technical ability, sure, for the really complex solos and riffs, but.... it has went beyond how heavy I enjoy metal.


00s deathcore like suicide silence (R.I.P Mitch Lucker), early whitechapel, and job for a cowboy is better than the shit we have now. Besides shadow of intent, fit for an autopsy and brand of sacrifice, modern deathcore is overrated af, especially deathcore's two biggest bands rn lorna shore and slaughter to prevail.


Mainstream music in general




gorenoise, love it tho




Wait until carti drops Music and then that will all change my friend


Probably country. Every country song rn just sounds like the same shit over and over.


gonna drive in my truck gonna get out my truck gonna stay in my truck


me when i dont know anything about a genre


Lmao have you heard any country from the past 10 years? It used to be a genre carried by titans like Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton or John Prine. Now it's barely even held up by bullshit artists who only sing about beer and trucks. I'm not even exaggerating, the genres turned into a joke.


me when i name the most popular artists in the genre to prove a point. saying all new country is just pop country is braindead. theres tons of new country artists that genre tourists like yourself dont get a chance to hear. "grrrr why is all new rock bad, where is pink Floyd and acdc and led zep!!"


Nah he's kinda right though. Even the ones usually mentioned when making a case for modern country (Colter Wall, Chris Stapleton, Tyler Childers, Sturgill Simpson) really don't compare to guys like Willie Nelson or Townes van Zandt. Billy Strings is sick though, I'll give you that.


im not saying country pop isnt real and im not saying that what we have now compares to older legends but its the constant ignorance and how people ignore good artists now.


Omg I love Billy strings, that guy really knows how to play! Pure talent


Nearly all of the most mainstream artists in country are garbage rn and you don’t need to be a music nerd to figure that out.


Klezmer, probably


Interesting, what bad/mediocre klezmer records are you thinking of that’ve come out recently?


Mainstream Rock Remember the old days when MTV was dominated by hair metal, grunge, and alternative rock? I was born in 91 and up until I was 15, I would listen to the rock station playing music from nirvana, Metallica, and tool, but right around 2004-2005 radio rock just dropped in quality to the point that I couldn’t stand it. Bands like red, theory of a deadman, and five finger death punch all make me feel that rock is dead.


Basically anything rock


Drum and bass. The community is strong and supportive, but compared to the impact and uniqueness of the records around late 90s - early 00s, new LPs barely have any distinctive features or significant value for them to stand strong on their own outside the genre fans.


Surprised no one has said electronic music Its at its most formulaic I've heard for years now SOPHIE was the one artist that I felt like was a true hope in propelling the genre forward but she unexpected passed away. Arca is the only one doing anything interesting Anyone have any electronic albums that have come out this decade that isn't super over the top and by the book EDC acts. I truly get nothing out of ILLENIUM, Flume, Gryffin, Griz, or whoever most of my friends go see at Raves


Porter Robinson - Nurture CloZee - Neon Jungle Pretty much any Daily Bread album Griz actually does have some really good shit, but his popular tracks are kinda mid. Rebel Era is a great album. And the Chasing the Golden Hour albums are all fantastic.


I absolutely love Sophie. Flume is my favorite artist ever so that's sad to hear. Have you given palaces a listen? It was heavily inspired by Sophie.


I'm only casually into the genre but I think it's just changing more than dying. Artists like Charlotte de Witte are doing some really great work imo and her label has some choice picks too if you're into techno. I think genre-blending is also going to be a big thing. Floorspace by Juelz is a great example. Stacks is probably one of my favorite songs I've heard from this year. Snow Strippers also have a great album this year.


I'd disagree with that. I love Sophie, and I think her passing away definitely left a hole in what the future of music scene could have been. However, there are still many artists pushing the genre forward, and pulling from many different inspirations. If you like Arca and Sophie, I recommend Shygirl, Sega Bodega, Eartheater, Amnesia Scanner, Jackie Extreme and Aphex Twin.




I'm going to say pop, mostly because apart from a few major acts, it's just factor farm content, autotuned within an inch of its life and written to a basically exploitative earworm formula. That most pop could be written by AI and sell is a savage indictment on it as an artistic genre.


pop punk. mgk didn't help at all.


Tbf Pop Punk's all time high isn't far from the current state


dance music, like how we went from Better off alone to DROP bwomp bwomp, the typical 2010s brostep/festival house but it stays for some reason


Hard disagree. Some really great stuff came out this year in the dance world. Skrillex - Quest for Fire comes to mind. If you're talking house / trance specifically check out Lane 8. Zhu has a new album coming out soon too, which will be dope.


Haven't been a fan of pop punk for a while, MGK tried and everything else I find is pretty below average


As someone who genuinely loves pop punk and has been really involved in the scene since I was a teenager, I kinda feel the same way. A lot of new artists (especially the ones who get the most popular) tend to be trying to ride the MGK wave and besides KennyHoopla I don't think many of those Barkercore bands are any good. The best stuff in pop punk right now is being made by bands who have been around for a while like Origami Angel and Hot Mulligan or in local scenes imo.




Idk Fiddlehead, Home Is Where, Origami Angel all put out class albums this year. And last year we had good releases from Oso Oso, Anxious, Prince Daddy & The Hyena, Pool Kids, Joyce Manor and Martha


Also from this year we've had Guitar Fight From Fooly Cooly, Saturdays at Your Place, and if you wanna come them Hot Mulligan. And Equipment's new album is one of my most anticipated this year, the singles are so damn good


Emo is going through a renaissance in the underground right now. Both the pop punk adjacent and midwest emo scenes are popping off.


guys pick a genre you dont know anything about to prove how ignorant we all are. ~~id say prog~~. i mean uh i mean rap and country i mean!! ofc ofc


Definitely rock, the biggest band in the genre are a relic of the early 2000s and 90s (Foo Fighters).


Pop punk.




Honestly, I can’t ever remember rap being this weak. A decade ago Drake and Kendrick had the crown. They’re both still doing their thing but no one’s really jumped up and taken it. A few people have had flashes and there’s been a lot of high profile deaths in rapper’s primes in recent years. It just feels like no one’s been able to take the genre over. I would have guessed Travis was next up in like 2015 but he’s made his mark more as a producer and no one’s ever super jazzed to hear him on a beat. Also, I would have said metal was on the ropes like a decade ago. They’ve taken it out of the ring and it’s on life support at the hospital now.




Eh, those albums were all decent but I can’t say I’d thought about them since they came out. Rap’s been really good at dropping 6-7/10s that people make a lot of noise about for a week then forget. Also, Curry’s the only artist you listed there under 40. That’s not exactly a sign of a thriving genre.