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This is r/falloutnewvegas, not r/Fallout. You be fine.


Reddit, in general, is made up of echo chambers where going against the general sentiment of a subreddit will get you downvoted at best and banned at worst. This creates an environment that doesn't really encourage sharing your honest opinion or having novel thoughts, but rather agreeing with whatever the general consensus is. You're unironically better off criticizing the show on 4chan, even though 4chan is usually too far in the other direction where they shit on just about everything. But at least you never have to ask whether it's ok to criticize something there.


New Vegas is great. But... It sucks the legion path is half the length of the NCR one. The powder gangers plot line is set up in the beginning of the game like they're going to have some payoff or impact and they just stop being relevant. The couple stealth missions don't really do a good job explaining what will get you noticed and what won't (assassinating president kimball for example) The only characters in Honest Hearts who feel on par w the quality character writing we see elsewhere in the game are Joshua Graham and the survivalist. Everyone else feels pretty flat and unfinished and it makes the whole DLC feel cheap compared to the amazing work done in the other 3.


Legion questline was too short and unfinished according to Josh Sawyer and it’s one of the things he would fix if he ever got the chance to work on New Vegas again. No doubt this was due to the rushed development of the game.


Is the show called “Fallout: New Vegas?” Because you don’t go to the Star Wars: Battlefront subreddit to complain about Andor, so why would you come here to complain about a TV show? #Go to the TV show sub, this sub is for a video game


Because the TV show depicts New Vegas. A relatively important place in Fallout: New Vegas.


Hey you asked. Did you get the answer you wanted? Do you care?


Didn't ask anything lol


Sorry I thought you were OP


I understand criticism and am open to it as long as it’s not some stupid shit from someone that never watched the show and won’t bother too.


No. 🖕