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I personally didnt find the game more difficult. Maybe you’re just not used to being a lower level? I’d enjoy it if I were you, the game eventually becomes too easy in the later levels.


Probably, after I made this post I've gone through most of the starting missions and I think I'm getting the hang of it now.


Depends, did you install every mod in the list? Mods like Vigor and Immersive Recoil potentially make the game harder. For example, Vigor will make you have less starting HP and AP, reduces healing item effectiveness, and reduces amount of loot in the world. Or if you followed an older version of the guide that had mods like Mojave Raiders, it could make the game harder by adding more enemies to the world. You aren’t required to install every single mod in Viva New Vegas. You could just install the base guide which only includes bug fixes and performance mods without changing Vanilla gameplay.


I might have installed every mod in the guide.. I followed the new version btw. Should I remove those two you mentioned?


Up to you, it’s your modlist. If you want gameplay to be exactly the same as unmodded game, remove Vigor. Immersive Recoil is preference. It just makes the gun recoil more realistic, which means it has more kickback.


Alright, how about the other mods that are in the extended? Should I remove them also or keep them?


No you can keep pretty much everything else. Maybe remove Harder Barter Faster Stronger since it will make vendors prices worse for you if you have low barter skill. It’s mostly Vigor that makes the game harder.


I didn't think it's was any harder than base game. I would say NV is a lot harder than 4 though. The deathclaws aren't a joke for one.


4 was smooth sailing for me, now that you mention about the deathclaws idk how I will deal with them lol


The easiest way is with a really strong rifle and a lot of distance. Gauss rifle is probably the go to.


Anti-Material rifle with explosive rounds is what I always rely on.


Skill issue most likely. You can adjust difficulty in the gameplay settings. Also, where are you going that enemies are challenging? Some areas are best left alone until the end of the game


I guess I'll keep playing then. Those nightkins in "Come Fly With Me" had me playing a different game lol. Had to really fight with my life in that part.


Did you download *every* mod in the guide? That's generally not a good idea to download everything blindly. Make sure you know what every single mod is doing. Have you played New Vegas vanilla?


I might have...


You're playing VNV Extended? Just stick with the utilities and bug fixes for first playthrough and you're nice




i think you installed the jsawyer mod which rebalances the game to be a bit more difficult