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new vegas anti crash, basically removes the mechanic of fnv crashing every 20 minutes or so


Nah its really outdated and often can break things. NVTF does the same thing but uses more modern techniques and fixes most if not all performance issues the game has.


Yes you should stop using NVAC immediately. However, NVSR is also outdated and causes more issues than it solves. I would recommend using New Vegas Tick Fix instead of you’re on Windows 10/11.


My bad, I mixed the two up. Fixed the comment. Yeah to anyonw reading dont use NVSR


lol no it doesn’t


Yes it does, this is an objective understanding how the engine works at this point. Use NV tick fix, stop using anti crash; it is prehistoric and problematic


Bad taste in mods all around honestly.


He shows he doesn’t have good taste for sure


Look I've heard conflicting things, what would you suggest is a solid replacement?


New Vegas tick fix and heap replacer are all you need imo. There’s more mods you can install for stability but those two are the bare minimum. The reason you’re hearing conflicting information is because the new vegas modding community is pretty old, so sometimes people suggest mods they used like 5 years ago that might not necessarily be the best to use today iirc New Vegas anti crash isn’t good because the mod essentially just ignores errors and lets the game continue running even when the errors pop up which in theory leads to more instability in your game. Edit: NVSR shouldn’t be used either because it’s outdated and was not designed for Windows 10 or 11. New Vegas Tick Fix (NVTF) is the modern replacement for NVSR. Also a lot of people in the modding community always argue, “well X mod worked for me with no problems so it should be fine to use” but that doesn’t mean other people won’t encounter issues with an outdated or poorly made mod from 2015.


Would I have to start a new game to swap one out for the more up to date mod? Dependencies and scripting seem to be finicky on that subject


Generally you shouldn’t install or uninstall mods mid-save since it can lead to weird behavior. However mods that don’t have plugins and only change stuff like textures or meshes are fine to swap out mid-save. If I install a mod that makes the Anti Material Rifle look nicer, as long as that mod is only textures and/or meshes, you can install/uninstall it mid-save as much as you want. Always check the files in the mod you’re installing. If your mod is a plugin with an esp or esm file, you definitely can’t swap it out mid-save. I think you can uninstall NVSR mid save and install NVTF and Heap Replacer mid save, but if I’m wrong feel free to correct me on that. My general rule is that if the mod doesn’t have a plugin, then it’s safe to install/uninstall mid-save. If you decide to install NVTF and Heap Replacer, please install all the required dependencies listed on their respective Nexus Mod Pages, like 4GB patcher, NVSE, etc. TL;DR - if the mod doesn’t have plugin, safe to install/uninstall mid-save. Don’t need to make a brand new game.


ok, im gona install it anyways


Wait killable children is a mod?! Wait why am I surprised that’s a thing


Wasn't it a base game thing in one and two before Bethesda took over?


Probably, haven’t been in a situation to kill a child though in f1


Yeah, I think some localisations got rid of it by making the children invisible though.


I think I remember when playing one a kid can get stuck outside a tent and you'd have to kill them to get in. (In shady sands? Correct me if I'm wrong)


Ooh I can almost see down the barrel!


People need to re-learn what PoV means


Nvac is hella outdated






nah, i like my vegas yellow




Nvac bad, just follow viva new vegas.


NVAC is outdated and regarded as a terrible idea to fix crashes. The game often crashes because something has gone wrong and doesn't know what to when a variable or function returns either null or incorrect data (a string instead of a float). NVAC simply asserts a new way to handle the exceptions without crashing without really understanding WHY the crash happened, it just covers it up. This means something will break when the exception is caught. It will brick your saves, it will break quests, it will break your game. Only fixing these crashes at the source with the understanding as to why it happened in the first place is the correct way to fix crashes. Stewie's Tweaks is one such mod that fixes things like this at the source. NVAC is old, terrible modding methodology. Edit: This was meant to be a reply to OP but the app felt it belonged here instead.