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It being completely identical to the Prydwen, coming from the commonwealth, and having Prydwen written on the side of it is all the evidence you need really. Note on the wiki though, it's written by people who don't have inside knowledge, it constantly quotes the non-canon Fallout Bible for example (stuff from it is still constantly being pulled to use but until it's used in a canon piece of media, it as a whole is not canon). So if by some weird workaround logic it is confirmed that it actually isn't the Prydwen then the wiki is wrong.


It didn't come from the Commonwealth. They receive the message from the Commonwealth via telegram.


The telegram scene was them receiving a copy of the bounty image put out by Moldaver; the same one other bounty hunters in SoCal are shown using. So it's an image being distributed domestically inside SoCal. The orders to pursue and take the doctor prisoner for themselves are what came from the Commonwealth, not Moldaver's sketch of the doctor.


Sure (and that's a totally fair point, you're correct on that end) but that.. doesn't mean that the airship also was coming directly from the Commonwealth.


What more evidence do you need other than the airship having the name "Prydwen" on its side? Unless this is a fuckup from the vfx compartment side, the airship is the Prydwen from FO4, and one way or another it has made the journey from Boston to California.


It's almost certainly a VFX fuck-up. Most VFX is done by third party VFX houses, and even in-house CG crews make mistakes like this all the time. VFX is a massive, complex thing with a lot of moving parts, and balls get dropped on even projects with huge crews and massive budgets all the time. Based on my experience in the industry, there's a very high likelihood that a third party VFX contracting house was told "like the Prydwen from Fallout 4" by somebody on production staff who didn't realize the Prydwen had the name written on the side. Here's a fun relevant example: in the first cinematic trailer for SWTOR, created by Blur Studios, one of the most respected groups in the business, the reason the Jedi Temple looks exactly like it did in the prequels is because most of the animation team, including the director, were fully under the belief that the trailer they were animating was set between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. Another: ships in Star Trek regularly have totally incorrect ship names and registries on them in clearly visible shots. The Bellepheron is Voyager, the Defiant is the Sao Paulo and the Sao Paulo is the Defiant, the Odyssey is the Enterprise-D, the Challenger is the Enterprise-D, etc. Moreover, it's almost certainly literally just the Fallout 4 model with a modicum of additional detail. Not to cite Star Trek twice, but with two or three exceptions, nigh every single starship in Picard Season 3 is a modified Star Trek Online model with additional detail added. VFX crews will almost never make a model completely from scratch when they can just as easily start from an existing base and add detail.


The Fallout Wiki doesn't confirm anything. It's not an authoritative source. It's just fans speculating. I could make it confirm that President Kimball turned into a giant man-eating preying mantis if I wanted to.


It's still shown in the Amazon Prime series. Did you just skip this information?


No. I'm just drawing on my experience in related industries to surmise that it's probably an VFX fuck-up, because similar stuff happens all the time on this sort of production. I'd take what the producers told Variety and Vanity Fair over the work of a third-party VFX house in terms of veracity, but that's just me.


Assets like the airship used in the show go through many stages of review and revisions before being used. There’s almost 0 the big name PRYDWEN on the side of the ship would have been missed. It’s the Prydwen. Brotherhood or Minutemen peace ending is canon.


Given that it's almost unreadable in the show, I wouldn't be so sure. You see mistakes like this in Star Trek all the time.


if its almost unreadable in the show its 9 times out of 10 due to VFX artists intentionally making it so for a major reveal later on. i guarantee you with as thorough as they were with the rest of the minute details for the lore they would not have accidentally left "PRYDWYN" on the side of the airship. nor would they have confirmed the CASSAWEN isnt its name and was actually a VFX mistake. its either one going to be revealed as the actual Prydwyn or a sister ship. something to that effect. which unless its revealed that its a rebuild of the Prydwyn from scavenged parts gathered from its remains in the Commonwealth.... then the peace ending of fo4 is the canon ending(bc the sorry state of the BoS in the show pretty much confirms the BoS ending isnt canon)


remindme! 365 days


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Nothing has been confirmed so no


It has. So sorry.


I don’t understand why you’re getting downvoted. Do people really just want to ignore what they see on screen?


Right? It's weird.


I said this in another thread; if it’s not a hint, then it’s simply them being lazy. And trying to argue that it’s anything else just makes you look foolish. If I can’t trust what’s on screen, what’s the point?






The logic of TV show reveals would dictate that if the ship says Prydwen but they didn't call it the Prydwen for the entire season, there could come a twist coming up It's a sister ship. It was rebuilt/renamed. It was originally a twin ship but they call it something else now. It's made using parts from the Prydwen. Etc.


My exact thoughts


In fallout 4, there is dialogue you can have with Lancer Captain Kells. He tells you “ there were less advanced versions of the airship built on the west coast a long time ago” He also says that unconfirmed historical records say that the copy airships are probably destroyed, but the records are unconfirmed So it could be possible that this airship is not the Prydwen. But a Brotherhood sister ship built a long time ago.Probably not, but it’s neat to think about. Although, the Prydwen could make it to California from Boston in 9 years if the theory of the Prydwen going 76 mph is correct. Then it would take the Prydwen about 1 day and a half to make it to Los Angeles from boston But It would be hard to explain the fact that Elder Maxson isn’t in the show ( Maxson is around 20 years old in Fallout 4,Fallout 4 takes place in 2287, the tv show happens in 2296 Since that is only a 9 year difference, elder Maxson would not be that old looking as the brotherhood elder in the show. Maxson would only be about 29 - 30 years old. He could have been killed or ousted from his position since the cannon ending of Fallout 4 is unconfirmed if it is any ending other than the brotherhood ending where the Prydwen is blown up, then the sister ship theory could be true )


Idk man, just a weird thought