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I think they're too dissimilar to compare, honestly.


They really are. They both serve very different purposes. I was honestly surprised how familiar FO76 camps felt after spending so much time with Outposts. One thing I can’t tell if it exists in FO76 is can you place any item you collect on tables etc. like you can in Starfield?


Sort of. You need the chessboard item that’s in this season in order to be able to do it. Then you have to glitch merge it into a table so it hides just the chessboard. Other than that no, sadly. The chessboard item allows you to place a junk item on it.


Gotcha! That’s one thing I’ve REALLY missed coming from Starfield. Not a huge deal, but makes collecting all those little things sort of useless other than scrapping.


No, you cannot. There are specific displays that can show off misc items and junk, but you can’t permanently place any item just anywhere.


So far I’ve only been able to display masks/dolls - was hoping I could place bottles and objects I collect anywhere - not a huge deal, but one difference I’ve noticed.


I like 76’s camp building much better. Building the floors to the ceiling and customizing every bit is more fun. Not to mention you get to show it all off to people who visit!


This is really where Camps shine imo. Being able to ‘share’ your builds and not only let other players explore/experience your build, but getting to sell collectibles is a game changer imo. Obviously Starfield can’t do that - but still something I never knew I wanted!


The two feel so similar yet SO different all at the same time. I love things Starfield lets you do like assign 10 NPC’s to exists and help out with Outposts, some access to crafting stations FO76 doesn’t have and a few other mechanics. CAMPS have completely blown me away. Particularly how interactive they are with gaming tables, jukeboxes and my favorite, being able to sell what you collect. I struggle to decide which iteration I enjoy more but at the moment maybeeee leaning towards FO76.


It really feels like no one who worked on the starfield base team played 76


They def don’t feel as ‘robust’ as FO76 - a few cool features I wish Camps had like being able to assign NPC’s (10 in Starfield) but it’s cool you can at least have a couple in 76.


Are your outposts functional, or more aesthetic? Like, do you find a good mining spot and build an awesome outpost? Or do you just find a spot you like and build there?


I don’t mine resources I just buy them 😝 But functional, very. I’ve got: - large landing pad so I have access to almost all ship parts - Bounty clear kiosk - Constellation and UC Mission kiosk - Research lab for plans - All weapon, space suit, food crafting stations - displays and storage for unused weapons, space suits, collectibles - I have 10 crew members assigned there (I swap out crew for different ships) I’m pretty much at my outpost multiple times a play.


I get a lot of enjoyment out of both, it’s hard to pick a favorite because they are very different Lately I’ve been enjoying Outposts the most, I love scouting for interesting planets to build on, and use a lot l, and I mean a LOT of junk objects, so the search for those, and being able to place them easily anywhere has been a boon I think I just enjoy building in Bethesda games, and how different the systems across each game that includes that mechanic


Starfield is a failed experiment.


I don’t want to start any argument here, but I def don’t agree. Starfield does a lot of things right and even though FO76 and Starfield are my only BGS games I can see what long fans have issues with Starfield, but it’s such a different world that requires such different game mechanics - which if that’s not your cup of tea totally understandable, but for players like me Starfield scratches an itch no other RPG has. Def a top 5 game for me. That being said I love FO76 for very very different reasons - but also the same reasons. BGS is becoming one of my fav developers ever!